St. William Catholic Church Chapel of the Holy Cross


St. William Catholic Church Chapel of the Holy Cross
St. William Catholic Church
929 Gunter Avenue ~ Guntersville, AL 35976
Chapel of the Holy Cross
1534 Whitesville Road ~ Albertville, AL 35950
Pastor—Rev. Tim Pfander
St. William Parish Church,
Clubs, & Organization Contact Information
Capilla de la Santa Cruz
Grupos, Organizaciones, y Información
Pastor—Rev. Tim Pfander
Oficina de Iglesia
Directora—Yolanda Nieto
Horario de Oficina
Church Office
Hours of Operation
Monday thru Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Office Manager—Laura Hodge
256-582-4245 ext. 102
[email protected]
Music coordinator
Kevin McGarrahan
St. Vincent de Paul
Tim Higgins
*for Assistance
256-582-4245 ext. 201
Mary Fritts
Ladies Sodality
Jeanette Seppamaki
Knights of Columbus
Council 12618
Paul McKinney 256-878-2376
Assembly 3328
Sean Landry
Marshall County Homeless Ministry
Janice Slaughter
Respect Life
Judith Hyatt
Alice Beck
Young at Heart
Helen Befort
Parish School of Religion
Coordinator— Debbie Klan
256-582-4245 ext. 104
[email protected]
Pre-K through 8th Grade
Children age 4 through 15. Catholic Youth Formation meets on
Sundays in Mary’s House from 9:30 am to 10:45 am. Please see
the calendar for the full schedule.
Senior Youth Catechism
High School Catechism is held each Sunday in Angel House from
9:30 am to 10:45 am. Please see the calendar for the full schedule.
Adult Formation
Interested in learning about the Catholic Faith? Classes meet on
Tuesday at 7:00 pm in Craven Hall. Please see the calendar for
the full schedule.
Couples must contact Fr. Tim at least 6 months prior to setting a
wedding date at the parish.
Please contact Fr. Tim for schedules and preparation information.
Bulletin Deadline
Monday 12:00 pm
lunes - cerrado
martes - viernes 9:00 am - 1:00 pm & 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Coro Santa Cruz: Ensayo los viernes a las 6 pm en la Capilla.
*Coordinador: Raúl Garduño, 256-558-5286
Coro Alabanza y Gloria: Ensayo los jueves a las 6 pm en el
centro. *Coordinador: Tomás Ackerman, 251-402-3626
Coro Fuego Divino: Ensayo los viernes a las 6 pm en el centro.
*Coordinador: Eredín Díaz, 256-558-6340
Preparación para la recepción de los sacramentos y para el crecimiento en la fe. Clases los viernes, sábados y domingos en el
centro. Se requiere dos años de clase para la recepción de la
Primera Comunión y para Confirmación. Para la recepción de
Comunión el/la estudiante necesita tener 7 años de edad antes
del primero de octubre. Para empezar la clase del primer año
de Confirmación, necesita tener 12 años antes del primero de
octubre. Y para la recepción de Confirmación, necesita tener 13
años antes del primero de octubre.
*Contacte: María López o Yolanda Nieto, 256-891-0550
Clases de Crecimiento. Para los jóvenes y adultos que quieren aprender más de su fe. “Cuando era niño, hablaba como
niño, pensaba y razonaba como niño. Pero cuando me hice
hombre, dejé de lado las cosas del niño” (1 Corintios 13:11).
*Coordinador: Santiago Vásquez, 256-960-7095
Cursos Pre-Matrimoniales. Dichoso quien ama de corazón
los Mandatos del Señor. Anímate a recibir la bendición de Dios
en tu matrimonio. Te esperamos.
*Contacte: Diácono Edwin y Paola Santos, 256-738-6103
Clases Pre-Bautismal. Cada segundo sábado del mes a las
11:00 de la mañana.
*Para más información contacte:
María López 256-891-0550
Preparación Quinceañeras. Son solamente tres veces al año.
*Para más información contacte: Ramona Solís, 256-302-1385
Grupo Juvenil Reuniones Miércoles 10:00 am a 12:00 pm, y
Domingos 5:00 pm a 7:00 pm
*Contacte: Maricela Nieto, 256-572-6613
Caballeros de Colón
*Contacte: Joe Castillo, 256-744-0232
Luis Rivera, 256-630-4395
Grupos de Oración. “Eran asiduos a la enseñanza de los
Apóstoles, a la Convivencia fraterna a la fracción del pan y a
las oraciones” (Hechos 2:42). Domingos desde las 2 p.m. hasta
las 5 p.m. en la capilla.
*Coordinador 1: Baltazar Zamarripa, 256-293-2599
*Coordinador 2: Pedro González, 256-486-7890
Comité Organizador de los Eventos de la Iglesia
*Contacte: Rosalinda Vega, 256-572-1642
Respect Life
Judith Hyatt
“I would now like to say a special word to women who have had an
abortion. . . The wound in your heart may not yet have healed. Certainly what happened was and remains terribly wrong. But do not
give in to discouragement and do not lose hope. Try rather to understand what happened and face it honestly. If you have not already done so, give yourselves over with humility and
trust to repentance. The Father of mercies is ready
to give you his forgiveness and his peace in the
Sacrament of Reconciliation.”
~ Pope John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life) no. 99, March 25, 1995
For all those who stand for justice for the unborn:
that they may have the grace to speak with courage and charity;
Let us pray to the Lord:
As we near the end of the Church year, the scriptures become more urgent. Both the prophet Malachi and Jesus in the
Gospel according to Luke offer graphic pictures of a terrible future. But we are missing the message if we use these passages to
speculate about when the world will end. The troubles predicted
have already occurred, and then some. In the last century alone
we have seen devastation beyond anything the ancient prophets
could have imagined.
We weren’t given these passages to strike fear in our
hearts, but faith. The sun of justice will rise, Malachi assures us,
for those who are faithful. And Jesus promises, “By your perseverance you will secure your lives.” But it is Paul who brings
the message down to earth. The Thessalonians were so sure
that the end of the world was upon them, some of them had
stopped working! Paul states his case clearly: “If anyone was
unwilling to work, neither should that one eat.” We are not
called to worry about how things will end, but to live today
We are pilgrims on the way to heaven. Jesus is our
way. We are following the right way if Jesus
Christ can at all times share our thoughts, our
words, our actions. St. Vincent often proposed to
people as a program for their lives the simple question: “What
would Jesus Christ do, if He were in my place now?”
(McCullen, Deep Down Things, p. 736)
Consider helping those in need this holiday
season by donating to the St. Vincent de Paul
Food Pantry. Non-perishable food items can
be left in the basket located in the church
~Thank you~
Treasures from our Tradition
We are faced with strong
and disturbing readings today
that hold a certain fascination,
since they seem at first glance
to be blueprints for future
inevitable wars and hardship.
A fundamentalist interpretation focuses on this aspect.
Yet we hear them at our Sunday celebration of the Eucharist, which infuses them with
hope and optimism. Rather
than dreading the future, today’s liturgy assures us that
God is with us in all of life’s
inevitable trials, and that we
have a role in shaping the
outcome of human history.
Occasionally, some Christians
have attempted to decode
these readings for an exact
measure of the world’s end,
but they have thus far been
“Nothing lasts forever” is
a lyric from a Broadway show.
Stars fall from the sky, leaves
wither and fall, mountains
wash into the sea, human projects and governments totter
and collapse with great regularity. Today’s liturgy opposes
this idea as incomplete, reminding us that Christ has
made a permanent change in
human history, and that life in
him is life forever. Rather than
inviting us to throw in the
towel, today’s liturgy strengthens us for acts of goodness and
grace in our families, communities, and world.
—James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
The Marshall County Christmas Coalition was formed in 1996 to assess and coordinate
Christmas assistance programs in Marshall County and to foster cooperation among agencies, governmental entities, schools, businesses, churches and other community supporters
toward the accomplishment of these efforts. The Coalition is sponsoring over 2000 children this year and more than 800 are still in need of adoption. Please consider adopting a
child in need of a Merry Christmas. Monetary donations are welcome. Please visit the
website at or contact Kay Nolan at 256-878-1046.
Keep Christ in Christmas Car Magnets
The Knights of Columbus are selling
"Keep Christ in Christmas" magnets as a
fundraiser. It is a great way to spread an
important message as we enter the Christmas
season. The durable and attractive magnets will last for
years. The cost is $5. Magnets will be sold in the vestibule the weekend of November 23/24. Please contact
Paul McKinney at 256-878-2376 or Gerry Skaziak at 256
On Saturday, November 23, from 8:30 AM until 2:00
PM, the Benedictine Sisters of Cullman will hold a
Benefit Yard Sale. All proceeds will go toward the
construction of new Retreat Center overnight accommodations. An extensive variety of goods will be
available for purchase. A select group of unique furniture items is
available for pre-sale by appointment only. These items can be
previewed on-line at:
The event will be held, rain or shine, at Sacred Heart Monastery,
916 Convent Road, in Cullman. Contact information and other
details can be found at the link above.
Trigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Dedicación de las Basílicas de san Pedro y san Pablo Santa Cecilia
La Presentación de la Santísimo Virgen María San Clemente I San Columbano Beato Miguel Agustín Pro
Al acercarse el final del año litúrgico, la Sagrada Escritura
se hace más urgente. Tanto el profeta Malaquías como Jesús en el
Evangelio de Lucas ofrecen descripciones gráficas de un terrible
futuro. Pero estamos perdiendo el mensaje si usamos estos pasajes
para especular sobre cuándo se acabará el mundo. Los problemas
predichos, y muchos más, han ocurrido ya. Nada más en el siglo
pasado, hemos visto devastaciones peores que las que los antiguos
profetas hubieran podido imaginar.
No se nos dieron estos pasajes para llenarnos el corazón
de temor sino de fe. El sol de justicia brillará, nos asegura Malaquías, para quienes son fieles. Y Jesús promete: “Manténganse
firmes y se salvarán”. Pero es Pablo quien presenta el mensaje
más escuetamente. Los tesalonicenses estaban tan convencidos de
que el fin del mundo estaba cerca, ¡que algunos de ellos dejaron
de trabajar! Pablo les explica su condición claramente: “… si
alguien no quiere trabajar, que no coma”. No somos llamados a
preocuparnos sobre cómo terminarán las cosas, sino a vivir fielmente hoy.
“No son accidentes, estas vidas nuestras, creadas por un
Dios amoroso con una precisión magnífica. El cuidado y la
complejidad con los cuales se crea cada vida humana, –como
lo dicen Isaías y el Salmista, me tejiste en el seno de mi madre
– son la obra amorosa de Dios. Estas verdades espirituales
básicas –estas verdades humanas básicas–
ponen en gran relieve la tragedia del aborto. Apagar cualquier vida que Dios
Vamos a orar con la intercesión
especial durante el mes de noviembre
para todos nuestros seres queridos
fallecidos, especialmente aquellos
cuyos nombres han sido colocados
en nuestro altar.
este 15 de diciembre del 2013
Novena a la Virgen de Guadalupe del 6 de diciembre al 14
de diciembre a las 7:00 pm en la Capilla de la Santa Cruz
Sábado 14 de diciembre
11:00 pm comenzamos con el rezo de
santo rosario
12:00 am en adelante—Mañanitas
Horarios de Misa
Domingo 15 de diciembre
8:30 am
10:30 am Procesión
alrededor de la capilla
11:00 am—Misa Solemne
Terminando la celebración de la Santa Misa, tendremos un pequeño festival. Ven y comparte con nosotros
este gran día ya que honoraremos a
la Madre de Dios por quien se vive.
deseó, creó, amó y dio sentido es una
tragedia tremenda”.
~ Arzobispo J. Peter Sartain, arzobispo de Seattle,
“We are to be ‘people of life, people for life,’” The
Catholic Northwest Progress, 24 de enero de 2013
Kelley's Rainbow (El Arco Iris de Kelley) La Coalición
Contra Violencia de Marshall County
Kelley's Rainbow ofrece muchos servicios para las víctimas de
violencia doméstica y para sus familias. Si usted es víctima o conoce a alguien que es víctima, por favor, póngase en contacto con
nosotros y permítanos ayudarle.
Oficina: (256) 891-9864
Hotline (Linea directa): (256) 891-0019
o al número gratuito: (888) 582-6883
¡24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana!
Por la madrugada habré
café, chocolate, atole calientito y rica variedad de pan.
También Tendremos:
Danzas folklóricas regionales Después de la misa solemne
rica comida hecha en casa
con mucho amor para usted.
Te Invitamos para que vistas algún traje típico de tu
estado o país o vestir a tus hijos con el traje de San Juan Diego
Los Caballeros de Colón le gustarían dar las
gracias a los parroquianos y a la comunidad
para su apoyo en nuestro Colección para las
personas con la incapacidad intelectual. A
través de su generosidad, se recaudaron más de
$700 para apoyar el arco de Marshall County y las personas
con incapacidades intelectuales.
Minister’s Schedule (schedule available online at
Nov. 23-24
Ministers of Communion
5:00 pm
Kevin McGarrahan
Billie Simpson
John Bannan
Tony Sorcic
Norb Patla
Al Summers
Erin Summers
Gene Doyle
Flo Stamm
8:30 am
Shawn O’Harra
Bethany Merrill
Derry Ewing
Jack Hahn
Paul McKinney
Jake Fennimore
Amanda Lee
Kevin Young
Dale Lee
Jackie Todd
11:00 am
Kay Nolan
Nick Kirst
Lien Thu Hoang
Cindy Hammond
Kristen Skaziak
Matthew Skaziak
George Uchaker
Patrick Hammond
Joseph Snead
Rickey Hammond
Nov. 30-Dec 1
Ministers of Communion
5:00 pm
Billie Simpson
Robert Crowell
Norb Patla
Kevin McGarrahan
Jessica Doyle
Zack Summers
Sean Landry
Dewon Simpson
8:30 am
Ken Hall
Jack Hahn
Paul McKinney
Bethany Merrill
Diane Thomas
Matthew Laski
Breanna Laski
Harold Davis
Kevin Young
Jackie Todd
11:00 am
Kristen Skaziak
James Curtin
Mary Rusk
Maria Go
Nancy Curtin
Halie Uchaker
Anthony Lopez
Cindy Hammond
John Eason
Jimmy Chavez
Dec. 7-8
Ministers of Communion
5:00 pm
Kevin McGarrahan
Billie Simpson
Robert Crowell
John Bannan
Virginia Witherspoon
Al Summers
Erin Summers
Gene Doyle
Norb Patla
8:30 am
Terri Rushing
Zenaida Pua
Lupe Kirby
Grace Fennimore
Emilia Summerlin
Dale Lee
Harold Davis
William Busic
11:00 am
Gayle Eason
Maria Go
Lien Thu Hoang
Maggie Skaziak
Matthew Skaziak
Mark Etu
Jimmy Lester
Vincent Riggs
Finie Higgins
Shawn O’Harra
Chris Wallace
Eden Yutiamco
Kelley’s Rainbow Marshall County Coalition
Against Domestic Violence
Kelley’s Rainbow offers many services for victims of domestic violence and their families. If you are a victim or know someone who
is, please contact us and let us help you.
To St. William Catholic Church
Office: (256) 891-9864
Hotline (256) 891-0019
or toll free: (888) 582-6883
24 hrs. 7 days a week!!
Catholic Family Services and Project Rachel
Gadsden (256) 546-4883
(256) 536-0073
Crisis Pregnancy Center
l p?
Albertville (256) 878-1300
National Hotline (800) 395-HELP (4357)
To become a member of St. William Catholic Church, please complete one of our registration forms located:
At the entrances of the church, in the parish office, on our website at or you may complete
the form below and we will mail you one. Welcome to the parish!
Place this form in the offering basket or mail to the church office at:
St. William Catholic Church, 929 Gunter Avenue, Guntersville, AL 35976
I would like to join St. William Catholic Church. Please send me a registration form.
I would like more information about becoming Catholic.
St. William Calendar of Events
Capilla de la Santa Cruz Calendario de Eventos
domingo 17 de noviembre
Sun, Nov 17, 2013
9:30 AM Music Rehearsal
9:30 AM Catecismo
Sala chica, media y grande
St. William
9:30 AM PSR Class
12:30 PM Catecismo
Sala chica, media y grande
Mary's House
3:00 PM Dance Class
Craven Hall
Mon, Nov 18, 2013
7:00 PM Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Mary's House
Tue, Nov 19, 2013
1:00 PM Renew
Angel House
7:00 PM Adult Education
Craven Hall
Wed, Nov 20, 2013
9:15 AM Scripture Study
Craven Hall
Thu, Nov 21, 2013
2:00 PM Grupo de Oración
5:00 PM Grupo de Jóvenes
Centro - Sala Grande
lunes 18 de noviembre
martes 19 de noviembre
6:00 PM Juan 23
Sala Grande
6:00 PM Coro Fuego Divino
Sala Chica
6:30 PM Rosario
miércoles 20 de noviembre
10:00 AM Grupo de Jóvenes
jueves 21 de noviembre
5:30 PM Planificación de Familia Natural
Fri, Nov 22, 2013
Centro sala chica
Sat, Nov 23, 2013
6:00 PM Ensayo del coro
Following all Masses Christ in Christmas Magnet Sale
St. William
4:30 PM Rosary
Centro - Sala Pequeña
viernes 22 de noviembre
5:00 PM Catecismo
Sala chica, mediana y grande
St. William
6:30 PM Ensayo del coro
Sun, Nov 24, 2013
Centro - Sala pequeña
Following all Masses Christ in Christmas Magnet Sale
St. William
9:30 AM Music Rehearsal
6:30 PM Grupo de Intercesiones
7:00 PM Danza guadalupana
Centro Sala Grande
St. William
9:30 AM PSR Class
Mary's House
3:00 PM Dance Class
Craven Hall
Mon, Nov 25, 2013
1:00 PM Renew
Angel House
6:30 PM Eucharistic Adoration
St. William
Wed, Nov 27, 2013
Sala chica, mediana y grande
12:00 PM XV Anos: Díaz
5:30 PM Rosario
7:00 PM Adoración
domingo 24 de noviembre
9:30 AM Catecismo
8:30 AM NO 8:30 AM MASS
10:00 AM Mass - Thanksgiving Day
Fri, Nov 29, 2013
11:00 AM Catecismo
4:30 PM Confesión
Tue, Nov 26, 2013
Thu, Nov 28, 2013
sábado 23 de noviembre
Sat, Nov 30, 2013
Sala chica, media y grande
12:30 PM Catecismo
Sala chica, media y grande
2:00 PM Grupo de Oración
4:30 PM Rosary
St. William
5:00 PM Grupo de Jóvenes
Centro - Sala Grande
Stewardship Report
Needed Each Week
Mortgage Payment per Month
Building Fund Collections Current Month
Building Fund Food Sales Current Month
Parish Debt
Poor Box
Matthew 25: “I was sick and you visited me.”
Mass Intentions
Intenciones de la Misa
November 16—24, 2013
Saturday, November 16th
8:30 am St. William—Pro-Life Intentions
Sunday, November 17th
8:30 am St. William—Dave Marquart, RIP
11:00 am Chapel—St. William Parishioners
Monday, November 18th
8:30 am St. William—Beryl Witherspoon, RIP
Tuesday, November 19th
8:30 am St. William—Victor Calleja, RIP
Wednesday, November 20th
8:30 am St. William—Alton Elliott, RIP
If you or a loved one is sick or hospitalized and would like a
visit from a priest, please contact the office at (256) 5824245 or via e-mail. They will be happy to arrange a visit.
St. William Prayer List
Donna Mitchell
Rose Marie Tolley
Mike Hanley
Bev Sorcic
W. W. Williams
Sally Goerss
Rosemary Chavez
Denis Liederbach
Jackie Todd
Stuart Howell
Our homebound parishioners
Friends and Family
Tannya Jolly
Deborah St. John
Janice Sisko
Susie McEntyre
Hazel Whitaker
Connie Ledford
Karen Hurlbut
Steven Hudak
Vera Landall
Denise Aver
Summer Giglio
Sharon Cheshire
John Whalen
Linda Devers
Marilyn McCarron Hinchee
Those Recovering from Surgery
Saturday, November 23rd
8:30 am St. William—Rev. Michael Quealy, RIP
Sunday, November 24th
8:30 am St. William—Ken Hall
11:00 am St. William—St. William Parishioners
Sing praise to the Lord
with the harp, with the harp
and melodious song.
~Psalm 98:5
Vi Ray
Sally Bethune
Sherrie Bradshaw
Victor Kovac
Jimmy Curtin
Theresa Bayer
Paige Porter Hyatt
Glenda Biddle Curtis
Julius Befort
Maxwell Chandler
Maggie Miller
Terry Wainwright
Eliza Austin
Mildred Stroud
Ken Badolato
Our Soldiers Stationed Overseas
Adult Religious Education Schedule
Tuesday Nights 7:00 pm Craven Hall
Thursday, November 21st
Friday, November 22nd
Billie Kim Smith
Teresa Hawkins
Courtney Laski
Gloria & Rodolfo Rabin
Anna Caliguire
Dottie Browne-Peck
Marlene Matuszak
Jeanette Andrews
Dolores Garbowicz
Flo Powers
Carmen Collazo
Catholicism DVD The Fire of His Love (Prayer)
No Class: Thanksgiving Week
Catholic Practices and Our Vocation as Catholics
The Sacraments: Overview & Baptism
The Sacraments: Confirmation & Eucharist
All are welcome!
We will pray with special intercession during the month of November for
all our deceased loved
ones, especially those
whose names have been
placed on our altar.
Assisted and Independent Living
Bernadette Lanier *
The Dream Act, Ciudadania, Peticion Familiar (Green Card), Permiso de
Trabajo, Visa de Empleo, TPS, Audiencia de Fianza y Deportacion, Asilo, y otros
“Pusimos todos los esfuerzos en la protección y preservación de las familias”
763 Medical Center Parkway
Boaz, Alabama 35957
* Parishioner
A man wakes up after sleeping
under an ADVERTISED blanket
on an ADVERTISED mattress
and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas
bathes in an ADVERTISED shower
Your Parish in
Your Will.
For further information,
please call the Parish Office.
shaves with an ADVERTISED razor
brushes his teeth
with ADVERTISED toothpaste
washes with ADVERTISED soap
Raymond C. Ufford, MD • Rommel C. Go, MD* • Maria Rabin-Go, MD*
puts on ADVERTISED clothes
drinks a cup
Francesca Cerimele, MD* • Manfred Ramos, MD*
of ADVERTISED coffee
drives to work
in an ADVERTISED car
and then . . . .
refuses to ADVERTISE
believing it doesn’t pay.
Later if business is poor
he ADVERTISES it for sale.
Larry R. Johnston, MD • Alvin Tenchavez, MD* • Enrico Gaspar, MD*
Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It
Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers
Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin.
I am patronizing your business because of it!
Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise.
Prices begin at $1175 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes.
Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person
will reserve your cabin. Space is limited.
Thanks and God Bless,
Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785
506159 St William Church
For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931