BEACON OF HOPE REJUVENATION LIFESTYLE CENTER 3534 Route 82 Millbrook, NY 12545 (917) 658-4886 (845) 677-3093 (845) 344-7434 Dear Friend: We here at Beacon of Hope Rejuvenation Lifestyle Center would like to thank you for choosing our Program and realizing the need to take control of your health. Our program is designed to help you better yourself as a whole person. It is our desire to teach you the cause of disease, its prevention, and its cure. Education is the key to good health, and our Cleansing Program is designed to provide you with a broader awareness of what constitutes good health. So, sit back and enjoy learning about your health ! What you need to bring is warm, comfortable, loose clothing for your stay and other items listed on the enclosed checklist. Upon returning this Application, Questionnaire and Disclaimer, it is important that you include a deposit of 1/3 of the total fee. We cannot guarantee any reservation without a deposit. Deposits are not refundable but can be rescheduled within a two month period. The remainder of your balance must be paid upon arrival. Please make checks payable to Jerry Jamel. There is a $28 charge for "returned" checks. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call us at any of the numbers listed above, and if we are not in, we will certainly return your call. APPLICATION Please print clearly Home Tel. No.:- - - - - - - - - - - - - Cellphone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Arriv a1 Date:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Approx. time of arrival:- - - - - How Arriving: other:- - - - - -car bus train _ _.plane Any pick ups/drop offs are an extra fee and is to be paid to the driver at the time of transport. Fees are roundtrip :, Airports: Stewart: $90. LaGuardia: $ 145. Kennedy: $ 150. Albany: $137. White Plains: $1 15. Plus tolls. Call ahead for other pick up areas. *Metro North Train Stations: $25 .00 Hudson Line: Take Metro North to last stop - Poughkeepsie. OR - Harlem Line: To Dover Plains or Tenmile River Greyhound Bus: Call 1-800-23 1-2222 or o n line to Destination : Poughkeepsie, NY Amount of Deposit Enclosed: $_ _ _ __ Make checks payable to Jerry Jamel. Check#- - - MO#- - - -- - - - - If you anticipate any changes or cancellation with your reservation, please notify us two weeks in advance. "No-shows" are non-refundable. Thank you for your consideration. Return this sheet with your deposit Beacon of Hope Welcome letter.pp! rev. 1216/2014 Welcome / "The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human body, in diet. and in cause and prevention of disease" Bienvenido "El medico del futuro no dara medicamentos, pero sera de interes sus pacientes e n el cuidado del cuerpo humano, en la dieta, yen la causa y a la prevenci6n de la enfermedad" [~ CLIENT QUESTIONNAIRE Client Information / Today' s Date:__________________ _ 1nformacl6n del Cliente Name: _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Home Telephone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (Nombre) (telefono) Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (Street address, apt. II I direccian - ca/le y apartamenta) (city, state, zip code I cuidad I est ado, zona postal) Sex I sexo : Height I M ale I Hombre _ J Female I altura:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Weight Birthdate I Mujer I peso: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Cellphone:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ St atus: Estado civil: Married Casada Single Soltera Widowed Viuda Age/ edad: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Email: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Divorced Divorciado Symptoms - Reasons for Your Visit I Reasons for your visit I fecha de nacimiento: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Separated Other_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Separad os Otro - - - - - - - - Sintomas - Razones de su vislta Razo nes por su visita: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Wh en did you first notice t he symptoms/ lCuando not6 por prlmera vez los sintomas?:_ _ _ _ _ __ Is the Condition getting progressively worse I l Where specifically is the problems(s) located I l Es la condici6n cada vez peo r? _ _yes/ si _ _ _ __ __no Do nde es especfficamente lo s problemas(s) ubicado / loca li zado?: Refer to the following page for various health issues. Please check what may apply to you either currently or in the past. Vaya a la paglna siguiente para diversos problemas de sa lud. Por favor, indique lo que se apllca a usted en la actualidad o en el pasado. Page 1 of 4 I PAglna 1 de 4 !J EA L!JJJ!S'.rn.R\'. Chc<.:k only thll&C conditions thut you cu1Tcn1ly have or had in !he past (pAgc ! E11glish} ~~ ~ ~ <?.'b q_'-q;Oi Problem • Problem Problem Problem Heartburn I GERD Abs(1nt·min<led Aciw lndig0fition lnflnmmatory Aid8 I HIV W1l12L __llim:cl_!);""' Hcmt Pounds HHnl 'l'uberculosir; Hemorrhoids Ve11crClt1l lnfcct.iom; Hernia Wake Up 'l'ii·cd Weir,hl problem Alcoholimn Luct,01,m lnt.oleruncc High Blood Pt·ei<Stu•c Allorgice Lower Bowel Gas I J:'bt.nlnnce H(Jt. Moi:it. of Urn time A\11,lwimer's Digense Ulcers lnfel'tilit.y problemfl A1wmia R11domctrit1sis lnsomi;ia Appendicitis Di11,~.incm1 frritab!e befol'c u menl Al'lhdiis c>1' RA Eat when Depressed Ast.hma gat. when Nei·vous lt<.:hing of the Nairn Aul.ism Eat !.o Hcliof Fat.iguu Kidnoy Stones Bad{11chm~ Ec~t!ma Lighl·hendndnnss ]fad Brcat:h EmphyBerna Low Blood Pl'osaui•e Ble<idii\g (whol'o) gxccifisivc l"oni· Lt1mbago Excru-isivn H11nger Menstnw.tion, heavy Chei-;t Paini:- Exce1;sivo Wol'l'y Mcirntrtu<tion, skip ChilJg /Cold Skin Eye Pl'oblcms l'vl<?:ntal Disorder Cho]cr;tcrol, hiRh Motion SidtnCJsB Cold Hunds/Fcct. Glaucom11 Nauaen Conslipntiou Blindnc1rn Ncl'V()l!B DlBol'dr!'r Itching ofthe Ann,/ll< ''""' C11nctit (typo) Cravings Faint wlwtt hun1p·y Night BlindnesR Cyi;ts Fatigue (tired) Obesity Deprm;slon Feel Diabl\tcs FibroidR I J<'ibror>ik Difficulty lfrcathing Di1>m·de1·1> !~n!quent Co!dR Frequent Kidne.v Painful buw0) ont Pant.:rea.titi1> PnrkinHon'll DiHcm:ie PoliomyclitiR P1'0iitatc tl'oublu Coliti1:1 '""' FrGquenl u1·in11lion Ct'oh11's Diacac Gnllstom~a Hhoumutic P(Nci· Digustion t.oo fuat Hay Fever Sexunl issues Divurticulitis I Head11che1S I migi·ainoB Sinusitis lJC'art Di8easo Skin Prob!nnrn (lf>ifi Gulh:tonllfl G11stritii> Ulut..en lnto!eni.nce ll>H wL H. Pylol'i Your name· if hungry Foul smelHni.bowO!·· lmilll!!n!W.L Diarrhea Dif."((l!:!t.iW! shi~ky Ht!spit•atot·y pt•oblmns Angin1J. Sluggish foelini;; Athr1rorwlo1·0Bifl Sti•oaH Cormrnry Artery });,.,, Swollon Oland:; ' Health history revised 7 1114 Taking med ications? / lEsta tomando medicamentos? no _ yes/ si If yes, the name, dosage and frequency / Si la respuesta es sf, el nombre, dosls v frecuencia Name of Drug/ ""'f:orWh~Pr:bi~~(~)f ·:T P1ra qui problema(5)?.::s• • _•• · Nombr• del "rmaco ., ___ ~ ~ ·• : : List any Vi tamins, Minerals, Herbs, Supplements you are taking on the next page. Lista de las vitaminas, minerales, hierbas y suplementos que usted esta tomando en lo pagina siguiente. Eating Habits: (example: eating between meals, eat late, skip meals): Los habitos alimentarios: (por ejemplo: comer entre comidas, comer tarde, saltarse las comidas): Drinking Habits: (example: drink w ith your mea ls; type of drinks: soda, liquor, juices, water) : Habitos de Consumo: (ejemplo: beber con las comidas; el tlpo de bebldas: soda, licores, Jugos, agua): Family Medica l History I Historia medica familiar: ·J Have you ever tried alt ernative medicines (exa mple - chiropractor, naturopathic, et c.) _ no _ yes. If yes, please list and for what problem. l Ha lntentado alguna vez medicinas alternativas (por ejemplo, quiropractico, natur opathic, etc. ) es si, por favor lista y para que problem a. _ No si . SI la respuesta List any surgeries or procedures you had and wh en it wa s done . Lista de las cirugias o procedimientos que tenia y cuando se hizo. List any Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, Supplements you are toking -- Listo de las vitaminas, mineroles, hierbos y suplementos que usted est6 tomondo Name of Vitamin, etc. / Nombre de la vltamlna, etc. Frequency Frecuencla Are you currently under a doctor's care? lEsta bajo los cuidados de un medico? _ No _ Si. I For What Problem(s)? Para qull problema(5)? _ No _ Yes. If yes, for what condition(s)? Si la re spucst a es sf, para que condlclon(es)7 Please provide the name and te leph one of a person to contact in case of emergency. Proporcione el nombre y telefono de la per sona con la que contactar en ca so de emergencia. Return this entire client health questionnaire with your deposit VollH!r todo rstr cumlonarlo dr salud con su drp6slto Beacon of Hope\ CUent Questionnaire New and Revised 1/14/14 tn1llsh.ppt Page 4 of 4 I Pflgina 4 de 4 Checklist for Your Stay La lista de verificaci6n para su visita -v Personal Loose clothing - enough for the length of your stay Pants Shirts I blouses Socks Sweater Sneakers or comfortable walking shoes change of under clothes Bathing suit (for hydrotherapy - if applicable) Robe Slippers Shower cap Pajamas Toothbrush & toothpaste Hair brush I comb Shampoo Misc. notebook for notes pen or pencil Bible Favorite reading material Prescription glasses --Sunglasses --Your medications •Your medical supplies (glucose meter, strips, adult diapers and pads, cholesterol meter/strips, etc.) Vitamins/supplements/herbs Current medical reports (Spanish) Ropa Af/oje/floja - suficiente para el tiempo de su estancia pantalones Las camisas!blusas Ca/cetines I medias Sueter Zapatas c6modo para andar el cambio de bajo ropa El traje de bano (para la hidroterapia · si aplicable) Bata Zapatillas I chancletas Garro de bano Pijama El cep1/lo de dientes & la pasta dentifnca El cepillo def pelo I peina (peinilla) Champu libro para notas pluma o el lapiz Biblia Material favorito para leer Gafas de prescripci6n Gafas de sol Sus medicinas Sus suministros medicos (metro de g/ucosa, las tiras, panales de adulto y a/mohadil/as, metro!tiras de co/estero/, Las vitaminas!suplementalhierbas Reportes medicos actuates You will be walking & possibly sweating, so bring changes of clothing Bring appropriate clothing based on time of year (summer, winter, etc.) Usted estara andando & sudando posiblemente, asi que trae cambios de ropa. Traen ropa apropiada basada en la epoca def ano (el verano, el invierno, etc.) Linens (towels and bedding) will be supplied by us Linos (foal/as y ropa de cama) sera suministrado par nosotros • = There is an extra charge if our supplies are used •=Hay un recargo si nuestros suministros son utilizados Pets are not allowed. Nose admiten animates Please do not bring your children unless they are going through the program. Por favor haga arreg/os para sus nifJos mientras usted esta pasando por fa programa. Personal \Checklist For Your Stay.xis l'CV. 10/20/14 elc.) Beacon of Hope R.L.C. Beacon of Hope Rejuvenation lifestyle Center was founded by Jerry Jamel and Anna Rodriguez-Jamel ~ l1 .. Beacon of Hope was formed in 200 I with the intention of educating people as to the health principles which are built upon biblical understanding of health. Beacon of Hope reaches out to people that are socially, physically, spiritually, chronologically, mentally and economically diverse, in the hope of making them aware of true health and teaching them to take responsibility for their own health and lifestyle. What Dthers Are Saying...... OO®@©©[fi) @fJ [}{)©~ "The entire experience was truly remarkable. The retreat was a weekend getaway that really provided me with so much insight that I would recommend anyone who wants to really feel energized to visit Beacon of Hope." (Arce/ M.) lK1®]01JW®uu@UO©[fi) ~~~® ©@[fi)~@([ "Their holistic approach to better health not only makes you a healthier person, but also educate you on how to maintain that ever so important habit of staying healthy. The atmosphere is incredibly pleasant and private." (Karl G.) '·Because of the Beacon of Hope Program, we have decided to go on the vegetarian lifestyle diet and it is going very well. Anna and Jerry have been a great and positive influence in our lives." (Jeff & Lois H.) We believe in dealing with the whole individualphysical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Therefore, our program and lectures are based on the person as a whole. We at Beacon of Hope believe in the integration of biblical counsel, medical research materials and variety of natural health principles. Using these methods to present the health message in a clear, easy-to-understand manner and in a step-by-step fashion, we believe all who participate in the program and lectures will benefit from a healthy lifestyle. Every day that you invest in your health, it will pay you back for years to come ! It is our prayer that you will be richly blessed and that God will anoint you with the wisdom and power to make changes in your life in order to achieve optimum health and to lead others into that healing place. Price List Above all else, I want things to go well with you and for your body to be healthy as your soul. 3John 2