Marcelo Cippitelli - PatelinConseil correspondant CMS Bureau


Marcelo Cippitelli - PatelinConseil correspondant CMS Bureau
C’M’S’ Bureau Francis Lefebvre
Marcelo Cippitelli
Senior Associate - Lawyer
Buenos Aires Office
T +54 11 4311 1008
F +54 11 4311 8088
E [email protected]
Languages: English,
Universidad de Buenos Aires, School of Law, Buenos Aires, (Argentina)
Bar Qualifications
Admitted to the Federal Capital Bar (“Colegio Público de
Abogados de Capital Federal”), Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Admitted to the San Isidro Bar (“Colegio de Abogados de San
Isidro”) (Argentina)
“Directors and parent company liability in Argentina and Brazil” -CMS
Bureau Francis Lefebvre Mercosur, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
“Relevant legal and tax aspects for foreign investors” - Banco Regional
de Cuyo / Supervielle, Mendoza (Argentina) (2010)
”Civil and criminal responsibility of the directors of Argentinean
Corporations” - Economic Mission, French Embassy in Buenos Aires
(Argentina) (2009)
Books and Papers
Marcelo T. de Alvear 612, 1st
C1058AAH Capital Federal
Buenos Aires
BNA Primers - Bloomberg Publication on Labor Law (2011, 2012, 2013).
"Enforcement of arbitration awards in Argentina" - CMS Dispute
Resolution Newsletter, August 2009
"CMS Guide to Arbitration" – Argentinean and Brazilian Chapters, 2009
"Lawfulness of duties on Argentinean export sales to Brazil". CMS-BFL
Mercosur. Legal Newsletter, March/April 2008.
"Importance of afectio societatis for the continuation of the life of the
companies" - CMS-BFL Mercosur Legal Newsletter,
November/December 2007.