082048/EU XXV. GP


082048/EU XXV. GP
082048/EU XXV. GP
Eingelangt am 30/10/15
General Secretariat
of the Council
Brussels, 29 October 2015
CM 4438/15
[email protected]
Appointment of H.E. Mr Pablo Ariel GRINSPUN as the Head of
Mission of the Argentine Republic to the European Union to
replace H.E. Mr Hernán Gaspar Lorenzino
With reference to the procedure agreed by exchange of letters on 3 and 9 November 1966, you are
hereby informed that the Government of the Argentine Republic intends to appoint H.E. Mr Pablo
Ariel GRINSPUN as Head of Mission of the Argentine Republic to the European Union to replace
H.E. Mr Hernán Gaspar Lorenzino.
Your tacit agreement will be assumed on 28 November 2015 unless you make specific
objections by that date.
CM 4438/15
Please find attached a copy of the note verbale sent to the European Union delegation to Argentina
by the Ministry of Foreign Relations and Worship, National Directorate for Protocol, and the
curriculum vitae of H.E. Mr Pablo Ariel GRINSPUN.
note verbale
curriculum vitae
The Ministry of Foreign Relations and Worship, National Directorate for Protocol,
presents its compliments to the European Union delegation to Argentina and is pleased to notify it
that it is the Argentinian government's intention to appoint Mr Pablo Ariel GRINSPUN as
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the European Union.
We should therefore be grateful if your Embassy would present to your Government this
request for consent to the appointment of Mr GRINSPUN.
For that purpose please find attached Mr GRINSPUN's curriculum vitae.
The Ministry of Foreign Relations and Worship, National Directorate for Protocol, takes
this opportunity to renew to the European Union delegation to Argentina the assurances of its
highest consideration.
CM 4438/15
Personal information
First name and surname: Pablo Ariel Grinspun
Place and date of birth: Buenos Aires, 18 August 1961
Civil status: Married, two children
Postgraduate diplomas and grade:
Postgraduate diploma in International Business
Ecole de Commerce Solvay. Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques économiques,
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium 1990
Degree in Economics
Faculty of Economics, University of Buenos Aires - 1985
Secondary education
National College of Buenos Aires - 1979
Professional experience
Member of the National Foreign Service
- Promotions
Current grade: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
From 1 January 2011: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
From 1 January 2007: Minister Plenipotentiary 1st class
From 1 January 2002: Minister Plenipotentiary 2nd class
From 1 January 1995: Counsellor and Consul General
1991: Entry into the National Foreign Service as Embassy First Secretary
From 1 January 1989: First Commercial Secretary (formerly Economic and Commercial Service)
From 1 January 1985: Second Commercial Secretary (formerly Economic and Commercial
From 1 January 1982: Third Commercial Secretary (formerly Economic and Commercial Service)
CM 4438/15
- Offices held
Since December 2013: Undersecretary for Latin American Economic Integration and Mercosur .
October 2012 - December 2013: National Director of Mercosur.
June 2009 - September 2012: General Director of Mercosur.
March 2006 - June 2009: Director in charge of the Institutional Affairs Directorate,
Mercosur (DIMIN).
November 2005 - June 2009: Director of Economic and Commercial Affairs, Mercosur (DIMEC).
April 2004 - November 2005: Economic and Commercial Affairs Directorate, Mercosur.
March 1998 - April 2004: Embassy of Argentina in the Republic of Chile, Economic and
Commercial Section. From March 2000: Head of the Economic and Commercial Section.
July 1996 - February 1998: Embassy of Argentina in the Republic of Paraguay, Head of the
Economic and Commercial Section.
March 1993 - June 1996: Secretariat for International Economic Relations, Undersecretariat for
American Integration, Directorate for Mercosur.
December 1992 - March 1993: Secretariat for International Economic Relations, Undersecretariat
for International Trade Relations.
August 1986 - December 1992: Economic Department of the Embassy of Argentina to the
Kingdom of Belgium (in 1992 this department changed its name to Economic and Commercial
Section). From 1988 Head of the Economic Department and from 1992 Head of the Economic and
Commercial Section.
December 1995 - July 1996: Task force on Special Export Programmes (PEEX), Directorate for
Exports, Industry and Trade Secretariat, Ministry of the Economy (formerly SECEN).
From entry (December 1982) to December 1985: Directorate for the European Economic
Community, Directorate for Multilateral Economic Negotiations, Industry and Trade Secretariat,
Ministry of the Economy.
CM 4438/15
- 'Democracia e Integración', journal 'Temas de Politica Exterior, Comercio y relaciones
Internacionales', publication of the professional association of the permanent body of the National
Foreign Service Institute, No 2 '25 Años de Democracia y politica Exterior Argentina' (25 years of
democracy and foreign policy in Argentina) (I), September 2009.
- Book: 'Crisis Argentina y Globalización. La Vigencia de Raúl Prebisch', National Foreign
Service Institute, Estudios Internacionales series. Grupo Editor Latinoamericano, 2003.
- 'Análisis del impacto del Acuerdo Unión Europea - Chile sobre las exportaciones argentinas a
Chile' (Analysis of the impact of the EU-Chile agreement on Argentinian exports to Chile),
monthly report of the Fundación Exportar, No 15, November 2003.
- 'Radiografia comercial de Chile: Un mercado abierto y con posibilidades de complementación'
(Commercial x-ray of Chile: An open market with opportunities for addition,s) journal 'Valor
F.O.B.' No 10, April 2003.
'Las Exportaciones Argentinas a Chile luego de la Devaluación del Real. Análisis y Perspectivas'
(Argentinian exports to Chile after the devaluation of the real. Analysis and prospects), 'Panorama
del Mercosur' No 2, Centro de Economia Internacional (C.E.I), March 1999.
- 'Los Controles Integrados de Frontera en el MERCOSUR' (Integrated border controls in
Mercosur), Revista de Derecho Privado and Comunitario No 11, Rubinzal-Culzoni Editores, 1996.
Also author of numerous articles in specialised media on international economic negotiations.
Decorations and distinctions
- First prize in the essay competition 'Importancia y Vigencia de las Ideas de Raúl Prebisch'
(Importance and validity of the ideas of Raúl Prebisch) organised by the National Foreign Service
Institute and the Fundación Raúl Prebisch to mark the centenary of his birth, October 2002.
- Decoration 'Caballero de la Orden de Leopoldo' (Knight of the Order of Leopold), conferred by
His Majesty King Baudouin of Belgium, for services rendered at the Embassy of Argentina to the
Kingdom of Belgium, April 1993.
CM 4438/15