A Very Successful Summer!


A Very Successful Summer!
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A Very Successful Summer!
La compañía de baile HYM
es un colaborador perfecto.
“Cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles – es
fácil caer en la negatividad. Es importante
tener modelos de comportamiento positivos,”
dice Burju Hurturk Pérez, quien junto con
Víctor Pérez, dirige la Compañía de Baile
Hacha y Machete (HYM.) HYM ha colaborado
con el Comité desde el 2002, cuando
comenzó nuestro programa de baile y ha
contribuido grandemente a darle forma al
programa. Burju dice que, “es bueno que
el adolescente tenga a alguien que admira
que lo empuje.” La dedicación en su trabajo
con Ritmo en Acción y Aprende Bailando en
“Desde el 2007 hemos trabajado con
Summer Discovery youth and Aimee sing together.
Summer Discovery Program
“At first I didn’t want to be here, [but] now that
the program is ending I wish that I could stay
here until school opens up!” one participant said.
In groups led by a HSTF alum and two youth
leaders, 28 rising 4th and 5th graders from the
Kennedy School in Jamaica Plain learned math,
science, literacy, visual arts, community building,
physical activity, dance and music, teamwork,
friendship, and self- and community-identity
this summer. Kennedy teacher and Summer
Discovery staff Kathyann Moody said, “It is a
wonderful experience when everyone has the
same dedication and focus for the students.”
The participants were eager to learn and
inspired to work hard to add skills to make
positive changes in their lives. The program was
funded by Boston After School & Beyond/The
Boston Opportunity Agenda, Associated Grant
Makers (AGM) and BPS Department of Extended
Learning Time, Afterschool, and Services (DELTAS).
Success Boston – Paths to College and
Careers Program
The Success Boston 2011 Summer Academy was
6 weeks of college success skills: communication,
advocacy, self-management, and resiliency. Oneon-one coaching and trips to college campuses
rounded out the program. Over 120 youth were
mentored. Not just a classroom-based program,
the summer included a trip to Community
Rowing framed around training on individual
resiliency. 100% of youth in this program are
accepted, enroll, and enter college.
Community Development Youth Team
Zumba, face-painting, literacy activities and
youth performances brought the Hyde/Jackson
community together for five Summer Nights Out.
A 22-member Community Development Youth
Team planned the series and many increased
their engagement by stepping into new roles,
such as emcee and stage manager. The teen
leaders also took field trips to ROCA, UTEC,
Zumix, Berklee College of Music, and the Theater
Offensive to learn how others are strengthening
community in Greater Boston. Feedback sessions
and team-based programming rounded out their
más de 1000 estudiantes durante
el día escolar en nuestro programa
Aprende Bailando enseñandoles
diferentes destrezas a través de
la danza.
las escuelas públicas locales es una de las
razones el Comité recibió el Premio Coming
Up Taller en el 2007 y fue seleccionado para
presentarse en la Casa Blanca. Según Brenda
Andujar-Rodríguez, Directora de Programa,
“Nuestros jóvenes están aprendiendo con
dos de los mejores profesionales del baile
Latino en el mundo [pero ellos] son humildes
y esa es una lección valiosa para los jóvenes.”
Esa es la colaboración perfecta. w
Hyde Square Task Force Music Clubhouse
The HSTF Music Clubhouse was hopping with
youth in lessons and youth dropping in each day.
The HSTF Music Clubhouse also provided formal
music education to the 28 Summer Discovery
Program students. They learned note reading,
received instrumental instruction, and composed
original music. Continuing to grow and delight
audiences, La Voz, the HSTF Music Clubhouse’s
ensemble, performed for approximately1200
people at events across the city. w
w w w. h y d e s q u a r e . o r g
Programa Descubrimientos de Verano
“¡Al principio no quería estar aquí, [pero] ahora
que el programa se está terminando ¡quisiera
quedarme hasta que empezaran las clases!”
Uno de los participantes del Programa Descubrimientos de Verano dijo lo que pensaba durante
la ceremonia de graduación y Presentaciones de
Verano. Cada uno de los grupos, dirigidos por
un graduado del Comité y dos líderes juveniles,
e integrado por 28 estudiantes del 4to y 5to año
de la Escuela John F. Kennedy de Jamaica Plain
pasaron el verano aprendiendo matemáticas,
Éxito Boston – Programa de Capacitación
Profesional y Pre-universitaria
La Academia de Verano Éxito Boston 2011 fue un
programa de 6 semanas enfocado en destrezas
conducentes al éxito en la universidad tales como
la comunicación, la auto-valoración, la organización personal y la fortaleza interna. La atención
individual y las visitas a las universidades
redondearon el programa. El grupo de mentores
se reunió con más de 120 jóvenes este verano.
Este no es sólo un programa de aula: una de las
mejores actividades del verano fue la visita al
Club de Remo Comunitario que incluyó remar
en el Río Charles, enmarcado como un entrenamiento de fortaleza individual. Cien por ciento
de los jóvenes de este programa ingresan, se
matriculan y van a la universidad.
Equipo de Desarrollo Juvenil Comunitario
BPS teacher and Summer Discovery staff member
Hector Soto explains a bar graph.
ciencias, lectura, artes visuales, organización
comunitaria, educación física, baile y música.
También se enfocaron en el trabajo en equipo,
la amistad y la identidad personal y comunitaria.
Kathyann Moody, maestra de la Kennedy y parte
del personal del programa explica, “Siempre es
una experiencia increíble cuando todos tienen
la misma dedicación y enfoque con los estudiantes.” Ana Almeida-DoRosario, del personal
del Comité dice que, “lo más valioso del
programa fue ver las ansias de aprender de los
participantes y verlos inspirados para trabajar con
ganas para desarrollar destrezas que los ayuden
a mejorar sus vidas.” El programa recibió fondos
de Boston After School & Beyond/The Boston
Opportunity Agenda, Associated Grant Makers
(AGM), y el Departamento de Aprendizaje en
El baile Zumba, las mascaras pintadas en las
caras de los niños, las actividades literarias y las
presentaciones de los jóvenes congregaron este
verano a la comunidad de Hyde/Jackson durante
cinco Noches de Verano. Un Equipo de Desarrollo
Juvenil Comunitario de 22 personas planificó
la serie en junio y agosto y muchos jóvenes
incrementaron su participación al asumir nuevos
roles, ya sea cómo maestros de ceremonias o
directores de escenarios. Más de 100 residentes
bailaron en las cada vez más populares clases
públicas de Zumba. El grupo de líderes juveniles
también visitó ROCA en Chelsea, UTEC en
Lowell, Zumix en East Boston, y el Berklee
College of Music, y vio presentaciones de grupo
Theater Offensive para aprender como otros
grupos fortalecen sus comunidades en Boston.
Las sesiones de reflexión y programación de
equipo redondearon su experiencia.
El Club de Música del
Comité de Hyde Square
El Club de Música del Comité saltaba con la
energía de los jóvenes que tomaban clases y los
que llegaban todos los días. No sólo eso, pero
el Club de Música del Comité también ofrecía
clases formales de música a los 28 estudiantes
de primaria del Programa Descubrimientos de
Verano, en las que se integraban la lectura y la
música. Los jóvenes aprendieron a leer notas
musicales, tocar instrumentos y componer música
original. La Voz, el conjunto del Club de Música
del Comité, que sigue creciendo y deleitando
audiencias, se presentó ante cerca de 1,200
personas en eventos en toda la ciudad. w
About HSTF:
Founded in 1991, the Hyde Square
Task Force serves more than 1000
youth ages 6-21 each year from
Jamaica Plain and Roxbury through
award-winning programs in:
• Youth Leadership Development
• College Preparation & Academic
• Arts & Cultural Enrichment
• Youth-led Organizing and Community
Development Initiatives
Our mission is to develop the skills
of youth and their families so they
are empowered to enhance their
own lives and build a strong and
vibrant urban community.
Two decades of
Transforming Youth,
Transforming Community.
Sobre el Comité
de Hyde Square:
El Comité de Hyde Square, fundado
en 1991, le presta servicios anualmente
a más de 1000 jóvenes de 6 a 21 años
de edad residentes de Jamaica Plain y
Roxbury, a través de sus reconocidos
programas de:
esarrollo de Liderazgo Juvenil
• P reparación Pre-universitaria y
Apoyo Académico
• Avance Artístico y Cultural
• Iniciativas de Organización Liderada
por los Jóvenes y de Desarrollo
Nuestra misión es contribuir a la
capacitación de los jóvenes y sus
familias para que puedan mejorar
sus condiciones de vida y forjar una
comunidad urbana más sólida y
Dos décadas transformando
a nuestros jóvenes y nuestra
Newsletter design: M. Medina, [email protected]
¡Un Verano
Tiempo Adicional, Después de Clases, y Servicios
(DELTAS, por sus siglas en Inglés) del Sistema de
Escuelas Públicas de Boston.
She is Hyde Square Task Force: Cisnell Baez
Cisnell Baez is an amazing young woman. There’s
no way she wouldn’t have been. Her Hyde Square
Task Force journey began when she was only 8,
in the third grade at the JFK Elementary School
in Jamaica Plain. She participated in the Kennedy
After School Program and in summer programs
staffed by older youth from HSTF.
Her journey continued in middle school,
in the evening tutorial program at the Kennedy
which bridged her transformation into a youth
leader in the Youth Literacy Tutor (YLT) team
as a first-year high school student. After two
years as a YLT, Cisnell says, “I was very shy and I
knew I had to work on public speaking,” so she
transitioned to the Youth Community Organizers
team. There she learned to be more vocal and
how to navigate and influence often confusing
bureaucratic systems. Applying her learning, she
says, “is why I knew how to get what I needed
when I got to college.”
Cisnell was on a youth team that researched
starting a new program at HSTF. She and
others interviewed parents and worked with a
consultant, and thus the Summer Arts Program
was created. During her high school years, Cisnell
also benefitted from college preparation provided
to all HSTF youth. She visited campuses, worked
with an adult mentor, and got help with her
FASFA. She applied to Suffolk after graduation,
but didn’t get enough financial aid. So she went
to community college and kept reapplying to
Suffolk until she got enough aid. Now she is a
History major with a minor in Foundations of
Education with a goal to earn a Master’s Degree
in Higher Education Administration.
She is currently a college transitional coach
for high school students, a position which didn’t
exist at HSTF when she was in high school, and
acted as an interim coordinator for the Summer
Academy program in 2010. In that role, she
hired the coaches, and made certain 50 students
received the support they needed.
All this from someone who says, “I wasn’t
a confident person. I strive to better myself every
day because of that. I aim high. As a female of
color, I have support here at HSTF.” Yes, she does.
And she has people who recognize her talent
and help her hone it. Cisnell’s story is similar to
many of the youth HSTF works with. They learn
a type of mantra over time that Cisnell evokes,
“When I want something, there is always a way
to get that goal.” She says HSTF is her second
family. She has parents, siblings, a home in JP,
and a community at Suffolk. She says, though,
“Wherever I am, I always have HSTF’s support.
My peers – not just the adults. We take care of
each other.” w
Cisnell (top right) celebrates with
other HSTF folks.
HYM Dance Company is the Perfect Partnership
“When situations are tough – it’s easy to fall
into negativity. Positive role models are important
– we are that and we also know what we’re
doing for dance instruction!” Burju Hurturk Perez
is emphatic about how much she enjoys working
with the Ritmo en Acción dance team. HSTF has
partnered with Hacha Y Machete Style (HYM)
Dance Company since 2002, when our dance
program began. Owned and run by Burju and
Victor Perez, HYM has been an important part
of shaping the program into what it is today.
Burju and Victor are professional,
enthusiastic, and want nothing but the best for
youth. Burju says, “Having discipline, motivation,
and direction come from professionals is
important and when you’re a teenager, it’s
good to have someone to look up to who can
push you.” Working with Ritmo en Acción and
Learn Thru Dance in local public schools, their
dedicated work is one of the reasons HSTF
received the Coming Up Taller Award in 2007
and why they were selected to perform at the
HYM on stage with Ritmo en Accion.
White House. According to Brenda AndujarRodriguez, Director of Programs, “Our youth
are learning from two of the best Latin dance
professionals in the world. Although they are as
good as they are, they are humble and that is a
very valuable lesson for the youth to learn.” It’s
PHOTO: Mark Saperstein
You Are Hyde Square
Task Force: Building
our community!
¡Tú también eres el
Comité de Hyde Square!
¡Juntos forjamos
nuestra comunidad!
At our pre-party before the
Berklee College of Music/
Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción
(IBA) sponsored Tito Puente
Latin Music Series concert in
Mozart Park on June 30, over
40 people enjoyed food and
beverages, mingled with HSTF
youth and staff, and were treated to a performance by La Voz,
our vocal ensemble. Afterwards,
we all walked over to Mozart
to enjoy the concert by Grupo
Fantasia and performances by
Community members dance at the conce
rt in Mozart Park.
Ritmo en Acción and La Voz.
Hundreds of neighbors were at the
park well into the night and enjoyed the show. Everyone had a fantastic time!
PHOTO: Mark Saperstein
Más de 40 personas compartieron potajes y bebidas con los jóvenes y el personal del Comité, y gozaron con la presentación del grupo musical La Voz, en
nuestra pre-celebración antes del concierto en el Parque Mozart del 30 de junio.
Después fuimos al concierto del Grupo Fantasía, que fue parte de la
Serie de Música Latina Tito Puente, auspiciado por Berklee College e Inquilinos
Boricuas en Acción. Cientos de vecinos disfrutaron del espectáculo con nosotros.
JPOS Breakfast attendees
watch as youth perform
in the dance studio.
We hosted a community-wide Jamaica Plain Open Studios Kick-Off
Breakfast complete with donated pastries from local bakeries Canto
6 and Ula Café, and coffee donated by Equal Exchange and brewed by
City Feed & Supply on September 24. Youth shared their art through
energetic performances, and the first-ever JPOS bike tour departed
from our Cheverus Building (also an artist host site for JPOS) after the
breakfast. A major anonymous sponsor supported the event and over
50 people attended. Art and community are important in Jamaica Plain
and at HSTF and this event brought the two together in a new way.
El 24 de septiembre auspiciamos la inauguración de los Estudios Abiertos en Jamaica Plain con un Desayuno completo donado por Canto 6
y Ula Café y café de Equal Exchange servido por City Feed & Supply.
Los jóvenes presentaron su arte y por primera vez salió del Edificio
Cheverus (un anfitrión de los Estudios Abiertos) una gira en bicicletas de
los Estudios. Un patrocinador anónimo apoyó el evento en el que participaron más de 50 personas. El arte y la comunidad son importantes en
JP y para el Comité y este evento los juntó de forma novedosa.
Get Involved!
Steve Cohen, Caprice Taylor, Rose Tangv
ik, and Ken Tangvik chat at Tres Gatos.
Smiles, wine, and words flowed at our October 3 event at Tres Gatos, Boston’s
newest tapas restaurant located right here in JP. Our own Ken Tangvik read
from his recently released book, Don’t Mess with Tanya, and 48 people mingled,
met neighbors, and learned more about HSTF. Special thanks to Tres Gatos for
their sponsorship for this event.
Las sonrisas, el vino, y las palabras fluyeron en nuestro evento del 3 de octubre
en Tres Gatos, en el que nuestro propio Ken Tangvik leyó secciones de su reciente
libro Don’t Mess with Tanya. 48 personas se congregaron, compartieron con
sus vecinos, y descubrieron algo nuevo sobre el Comité. Le agradecemos a Tres
Gatos el auspicio de este evento.
More than 100 college-age and adult volunteers
support the success of our youth and programs
each year. Here are a few ways you can get
and committed individuals needed for special
committee to expand and deepen HSTF’s
community of friends and supporters through
communications and events.
MENTOR a college-bound youth in our Paths to
College and Careers Program, 2 hours per week,
8 hours per month during the school year
(October – June). Training provided.
ASSIST in various aspects of planning and
staffing events, supporting community outreach,
and creating a welcoming space for youth at
our Cheverus Youth Center.
For more information please call
617-524-8303 or email us at
[email protected].
To view a complete list of volunteer
opportunities, please visit our website
www.hydesquare.org and click on
“Get Involved!”
Upcoming Events
I Am Hyde Square Task Force
Yo Soy el Comité de Hyde Square
Photo Exhibit at Bella Luna
November 6 – December 31
PHOTO: Mark Saperstein
A Different Kind of Summer
at WilmerHale
Each poster highlights one youth, alum, or person
who makes HSTF amazing.
JOIN US! November 17, 6 -8:30pm at Bella Luna
for a celebration of the exhibit and for food, fun,
music and community building. The event is free
and open to the public– ARE YOU HYDE SQUARE
TASK FORCE YET? Be a part of us!
Winter Showcase
December 8, 6-8 pm
Come watch our talented youth perform!
Cheverus Building (behind the Blessed Sacrament
Church), 365 Centre Street in Jamaica Plain Victor at a field trip to Fenway Park to meet Red Sox
legal team.
Victor Pimentel spent his summer differently than most rising high school seniors in
Boston. Each morning, he reported to WilmerHale downtown to attend a class and
then work as an intern. He said, “I wanted to challenge myself. Other summers I’ve
been doing the same thing over and over and not learning anything new.” Anne
Bowie, Public Service Manager at WilmerHale, who selects the participants for the
Summer Leadership Institute (SLI), says she doesn’t look for the best students by usual
standards, but instead for youth “who are willing to take a positive risk, give up their
summer, and take a leap to experience something new.” She found them this summer
– Victor and two other HSTF youth (Bessinger Frias and Sheila Reyes) were three of
eight who were selected for the intensive experience.
WilmerHale, an international law firm with an office in Boston, provides pro bono
legal services, donates money, and receives requests for support from hundreds of
organizations each year. In 1998 they decided there was a better way to focus support,
and the Youth and Education Initiative was born. For 13 years, they have partnered
with a select group of four local organizations or schools at any given time. They
select partners through a rigorous process including visits, interviews, and discussions.
Partners benefit from four components: a multiple year partnership and unrestricted
financial support; free legal services; programs for youth; and in-kind donations.
Hyde Square Task Force was selected this year. As part of the program, 80 youth
visited WilmerHale’s offices during February and April vacations to participate in
workshops, and other programs are in the works.
Victor was taught public speaking, civil rights, writing, art, and college preparation
by certified local teachers hired by WilmerHale. Victor thought “the writing class was
great – the teacher pushed us.” The youth are supervised by Bowie, but they also report
to a supervisor, and are mentored by a lawyer in the firm. That is a lot of adult support
in one summer! Victor worked in Human Resources and said, “…it was important that
I did it right.”
Hyde Square Task Force is pleased to have been selected as a partner with
WilmerHale. Victor said, “I would tell [another youth] to do it because they are going
to learn a lot and meet a lot of people they never thought they would meet.” We thank
WilmerHale and are looking forward to more amazing experiences for our youth in the
next few years! w
Three Kings Day Celebration
January 6, 4-6 pm
Join in activities for kids!
Cheverus Building (behind the Blessed Sacrament
Church), 365 Centre Street in Jamaica Plain
Changing Together:
Stories & Conversations of
Youth and Transformation
February 7, March 6, April 3, May 1, 6:15-7:30 pm
First Tuesday of each month from February – May.
Music Clubhouse Idol
March 5, 12 and 19
Participate in or watch youth compete to become
the champion!
Cheverus Building (behind the Blessed Sacrament
Church), 365 Centre Street in Jamaica Plain
Spring Showcase
May 3, 6-8 pm
Join us to highlight our talented youth!
Cheverus Building (behind the Blessed Sacrament
Church), 365 Centre Street in Jamaica Plain
For information I para información
Hyde Square Task Force
375 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
[email protected] www.hydesquare.org
Hyde Square Task Force
375 Centre Street (Office)
PO Box 301871 (Mailing)
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Transforming Youth.
Transforming Community.
I am Hyde Square Task Force
Two billboards sat high above Jamaica Plain from September 26
– October 23 as part of our I AM HYDE SQUARE TASK FORCE |
YO SOY EL COMITE DE HYDE SQUARE campaign. Keep an eye out for
how YOU can be Hyde Square Task Force, too.
Yo soy el Comité de Hyde Square
Dos carteles adornan lo alto de Jamaica Plain desde el 26 de septiembre
al 23 de octubre como parte de nuestra campaña I AM HYDE SQUARE
tanto en nuestra página Web, a través de su correo electrónico email o
en el vecindario sobre la diferentes maneras en las que USTED también
puede ser el Comité de Hyde Square. w