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Knights Navigator Knights of Columbus - Council 12942 St. Brendan Catholic Community - Cumming, GA Volume 7, Issue 1 Message from the Editor A Testament to what the Principle of Fraternity in the Knights of Columbus Please see page 2 and take a moment of your time and read the notes from the District Deputy Steve Roger of Virginia District 18 and Grand Knight of Council 13468 of Virginia Nick Curran. When you see one of the Sir Knights of our 4th Degree Assembly please thank them for their service to our Brother Knight. January 22, 2015 March For Life From The Georgia Bulletin Starting at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 22, a rosary for life will begin at the Cathedral of Christ the King. People are asked to pray for the protection of mothers and the unborn, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary. January 2015 Meeting Times Locations Tiempos de Reunión Lugares St Brendan Knights of Columbus Council #12942 4633 Shiloh Road Cumming, GA 30040 Council meetings are the second Monday of each month at 7:30 PM, with light refreshments served before the meeting from 6:30 pm to 7:15 pm. The last Friday of the month is a member and guest social meeting starting at 6:30 pm. Las reuniones del Consejo son el segundo Lunes de cada mes a las 7:30p.m., refrescos seran servidos antes de la reunion: 6:30 hasta las 7:15p.m. El ultimo Viernes del mes es una reunion social para los miembros y sus invitados a las 6:30p.m. Table of Contents .................................... Page Testament—Principle of Fraternity ....................................... 2 Grand Knights Corner ............................................................ 3 La Esquina del Gran Caballero .............................................. 4 Your Officers and Committee Chairs .................................... 5 A Mass for the Unborn will be celebrated by Archbish- Sus funcionarios y Presidentes de Comisión ...................... 5 op Wilton D. Gregory at 10 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Joseph Food Pantry Information ..................................... 5 Christ the King. Concelebrating at this Mass will be the Social ....................................................................................... 6 priests and deacons of the archdiocese. Baby Bottle Campaine............................................................ 7 Birthdays ................................................................................. 8 Participants will later line the sidewalk along Peachtree Knights in Action—Breakfast with Santa pictures .............. 8 Road to Lenox Square Mall, beginning at 12 p.m. All Upcoming Exemplifications ................................................... 9 are invited to “Stand for Life” in a protest of abortion Proximas Iniciaciones .......................................................... 10 and offer aid to pregnant women. Knights in Action– Christmas Parking pictures................. 11 Message from our Field Agent ............................................ 12 And men, women and youngsters are encouraged to Family and Knight of the Month .......................................... 13 join in an effort of quiet evangelization, by eating a Youth Soccer and Basketball .............................................. 14 simple meal as part of an act of prayer and penance. Futbol(Soccer) Y Basketball De Los Caballeros De Colón 15 Those who plan to participate in Stand for Life are Faith Formation Opportunities ............................................ 16 asked to contact the Archdiocese of Atlanta Respect Notes from our Last Council Meeting ................................. 17 Life Ministry at Resumen de la reunión del Consejo el 8 de Diciembre, 2014 ...................... 18 KoC Brother Knights with a Business ................................ 19 stand or call 404-920-7362. January Calendar.................................................................. 20 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 2 V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 1 Support for the Funeral of a Deceased Brother A Testament to what the Principle of Fraternity in the Knights of Columbus Below are two write-ups regarding an Honor Guard at a Funeral Mass for John Crawford. DGK Rick Sullivan was contacted by his Council in Northern Virginia if we (St. Brendan's KofC Council) could do something to honor the death of one of their members. Our council stepped forward to help out a fellow knight. I was contacted by Thomas “Nick” Curran, the Grand Knight of Corpus Christi KofC Council 13468 in Northern Virginia. One of their council members, John Crawford, had just passed away. John was living here in Cumming with his brother. John was a long time member of Council 13468. Nick asked if we could do something for John as the Funeral Mass would be at St. Brendan's on Friday, December 19th. I suggested we would have an Honor Guard for John’s Funeral Mass. We had eleven Fourth Degree Knights step forward to be part of the Honor Guard. They were Mike Artzer, John Boehm, Chuck Bogatie, Bob Croft, Ken Douglass, Joe Fenton, Peter Manfre, Chuck Perrot, Nilton Santo, Mark Smergaliuolo and myself. We received a nice thank you note from Nick Curran: Brother Knights – I am so very grateful to you for volunteering to form an Honor Guard at Brother Knight John Crawford’s funeral on Friday. Your actions for a Brother whom you do not know from a Council you had previously never heard of exemplify's our Order’s principle of Fraternity. God bless you all. Vivat Jesus! Thomas “Nick” Curran, Jr. Grand Knight; Corpus Christi Council #13468 This was great to have our council help out our brother knights. Rick DGK We also received a nice note from their District Deputy Steve Rogers: Subject: Support for the Funeral of a Deceased Brother Worthy Deputy Grand Knight and Brother Rick, I have been following the service you performed for Brother John Crawford, a deceased member of Corpus Christi Council #13468 in South Riding, VA. Your quick and unselfish response when contacted by the Grand Knight of Council #13468 is such a testament to what the Principle of Fraternity in the Knights of Columbus is all about. In my 43 years as a member of the Knights of Columbus, I have rarely been prouder to be a Knight after hearing how your Council supported a Brother Knight so far from his home Council and the support you gave the family at a very trying time. I will be using this example in my talks with members and prospective members when I discuss what it means to be a member of the Knights of Columbus. On behalf of District 18, Virginia Knights of Columbus please accept my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for your kindness to a Brother Knight. Please pass this on to your Grand Knight and all the Brother Knights from your Council that assisted. Should you ever need assistance like this in the future, here in Virginia, please do not hesitate to contact me. Fraternally, Steve Steve Rogers, PGK, PFN District Deputy 18 Knights of Columbus; Ashburn, VA PAGE 3 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 1 Grand Knights Corner Brother Knights, Well, half of the Columbian Year 2014/2015 is half gone but there is still a lot of goings on in our council for 2015. So volunteers will be needed as you will see later on in this message! Hope all had a Great Christmas and a Wonderful New Year! December was a packed month again. We had our CAFE 107 which was hosted entirely by our council along with our Breakfast with Santa Claus. HO! HO! HO! Thanks to our Santa(s) and all the helpers making this a great event. The profits for this CAFE 107 remained with our council this month with a profit of roughly $1,000. This is the largest month thus far. We also provided our "Keep Christ in Christmas" this year by selling sweet treats from the Monastery of the Holy Spirit, Conyers, GA. We had our 1st Degree Exemplification this month and with all the great help from Doug Hoffman and his volunteers we brought six new brother knights into our council that evening along with one re-instated brother knight. This brings us up to ten new brother knights to date. This leaves just seven more new brothers to enlist. So do not stop all the recruiting that you do throughout the rest of the Columbian Year. Again I want to thank all the brother knights of our council who volunteered throughout this December. Volunteers ask some of your brothers to help you the next time. One of our brother's mother once said that a "lot of hands make little work!" January is now here and things are still moving and shaking for our council. We will have our monthly meeting on January 12th so plan to attend and in fact ask your brother next door to join you. One of our big projects will take place in January and that is our "Baby Bottle Campaign." We will be distributing baby bottles after all the Masses on January 24th and 25th. Brother Knights will be needed in the narthex after each mass to hand out the plastic baby bottles and literature associated with this project. If you can't help on the weekend, we will be needing brothers to apply the labels to the bottles on January 20th and 21st. Details will be forthcoming. Bottles will be returned to the narthex during two weekends in February and more volunteers will be needed. So you can see that there is plenty of work for a lot of volunteers in our council. GET INVOLVED and it makes for a GREAT COUNCIL! (Fish fries are just right around the corner and so is our St. Patty's dinner.) One last thing - we will be resuming our family night the last Friday of the month. Look for a message from Quentin Skinner. Vivat Jesus, Mike Artzer; GK PAGE 4 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 1 La Esquina del Gran Caballero LA ESQUINA DEL GRAN CABALLERO Bueno, ya se nos fué la mitad del Año Colomobino 2014/2015, pero todavía tenemos muchas actividades en nuestro Consejo para el 2015. Vamos a necesitar muchos voluntaries, como ustedes verán en este mensaje. Confío en que todos tuvieron una Gran Navidad y un Maravilloso Nuevo Año! Diciembre estuvo bién cargado. Tuvimos nuestro CAFÉ 107, patrocinado por nuestro Consejo y el desayuno con Santa Claus. HO! HO! HO! Gracias a nuestros Santas y a todosquienes ayudaron hacienda este gran evento. PICTURE Las utilidades del CAFÉ 107 se quedan con nuestro Consejo este mes, con una utilidad de $1,000. Esta es la mayor cantidad hasta ahora. También hicimos nuestra campaña “Mantenga a Cristo en Navidad” vendiendo pasteles dulces del Monasterio del Espírutu Santo, Conyers, GA. Hicimos una iniciación de Primer Grado este mes y con la gran ayuda de Doug Hoffman y sus voluntaries, trajimos 6 nuevos hermanos Caballeros a nuestro Consejo, además de un hermano Caballero re-instalado. Hasta la fecha tenemos 10 nuevos miembros. Nos faltan 7 más hermanos para iniciar. No paren de reclutar durante el resto del Año Colombino. De nuevo, quiero agradecer a todos los hermanos que colaboraron durante el mes de Diciembre. A los voluntaries, pregúntenle a alguien que nos ayude la próxima occasion. La madre de uno d enuestros hermanos dice: “Muchas manos hacen poco trabajo”. Ya llegó Enero y trae más actividaes para nuestro Consejo. Nuestra próxima reunión será el 12 de Enero, los esperamos, inviten su vecino con ustedes. Uno de nuestros grandes proyectos en Enero será la Campaña de los Biberones de los Niños. Se estarán distribuyendo las botellas de los niños después de todas las misas durante el 24 y 25 de Enero. Necesitamos hermanos Caballeros en el hall después de cada misa para repartirlas y los panfletos con propaganda de esta campaña. Si usted no puede ayudar ese fin de semana, necesitamos Caballeros colocandole los sellos a las botellas el 20 y 21 de Enero. Las botellas se devolverán en el hall durante dos fines de semana en Febrero y más voluntarios se necesitarán. Como pueden ver, hay bastante trabajo por hacer para bastantes voluntarios en nuestro Consejo. INVOLÚCRESE y así ayuda a que SU CONSEJO SEA GRANDE(El pescado frito y la comida de St. Patrick’s ya se acercan). Una cosa más- empezaremos la reunión social con las familias el ultimo Viernes del mes. Esperemos el mensaje de Quentin Skinner. Vivat Jesus! SK Mike Artzer, Gran Caballero K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 5 V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 1 Your Officers and Committee Chairs 2014 - 2015 Fraternal Year Sus funcionarios y Presidentes de Comisión 2014 - 2015 Hermano Officers/Mesa Chaplain/.Capellán….Father Matthew Van Smoorenburg, L.C. Associate Chaplain/Diputado de Distrito………Father Robert Presutti Supreme Knight/Caballero Supremo ........................Carl A. Anderson District Deputy/Adjunto del Distrito..................Angelo Sampona State Deputy/Diputado del Estado……….Sanford B. Hillsman Grand Knight/Gran Caballero .................................Mike Artzer Deputy Grand Knight/ Diputado Gran Caballero....Rick Sullivan Chancellor/Canciller ...........................................Doug Hoffman Warden/Guardián .......................................................Dick Flaig Financial Secretary/Secretario Financiero ..........Robert Palmer Recorder/Secretario de Actas..............................Charles Perott Treasurer/Tesorero .............................................Steve Herzog Advocate/Abogado ...............................................Chris Burgett Inside Guard/Guardia Interior ..............................Chris Baswell Inside Guard/Guardia Interior ...............................Nilton Santos Outside Guard/Guardia Exterior ..................Mike Underwood Three-Year Trustee/Fideicomisario por 3 años...Chuck Bogatie Two-Year Trustee/Fideicomisario por 2 años........Dan Jozwiak One-Year Trustee/Fideicomisario por 1 año.........Curtis Weeks Lecturer/Lector…..............................................Quinton Skinner Committee Chairs/Presidentes de Comisión Program Chairman/Programa Presidente………...Daren Daigle Church Director/Director Actividades de la Iglesia..........Vacant Community Director/Director de Actividades de la Comunidad ……...........................................................................Joe Fenton Pro-Life Director/Provida Director.......................Charlie Matuza Council Director/Director de Actividades del Consejo .......... ………………………………………………………….Bill Hickman Family Director/Director de Actividades de la Familia............... …………………………………………………...........Scott Mackie Membership Director/Director de Membresía…..Doug Hoffman Youth Director/Director de Actividades de la Juventud ............. ……………………………………………………...Dale Gracyalny Assistant Youth Director/Assistant Director de Actividades de la Juventud……………........................................ Charlie Tullier Newsletter/Boletín informativo........................John Hausknecht Webmaster/Webmaster.....................................Geary Beaulieu St. Joseph Food Pantry Information St. Joseph Food Pantry St. Brendan’s Catholic Community Office: 770 205 7969 Hours for registration and food distribution: Sunday – 1:45 to 3:15 PM Wednesday – 5:30 to 8:30 PM Registration applications: Available in the Church Narthex For additional information contact: [email protected] Barbara Gordon – 770 888 3258 Member Benefits/Ventajas de ser miembro Fraternal Benefits Advisor/Beneficios Fraternales de los Miembros……………………………………...…….Stephen Znoj Stephen Znoj—Our councils Field Agent—Contact Infor- Stephen J. Znoj Field Agent Knights of Columbus 732 Crescent Cir Canton, GA 30115 770‐231‐2519 Life Insurance Retirement Long Term Care Disability Income PAGE 6 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 1 Knight’s Social Help celebrate the New Year by attending the January Social Social Hall Friday January 30, 2015 (6:30 PM Socializing-7:00 PM Meal) 6:00 PM Set Up (Could use some help!!!) All Knights, Wives, & Invited Guests Please try to respond if attending [email protected] Response helps us plan the meal, Thank you for providing this information. Enjoy the Winter Season with Traditional Taste of Chili Feast Green Salad, Crackers, Shredded Cheese, and Soft Drinks will be provided by the Knights For those with last names starting with A-J please bring deserts or Hors d’ oeuvres (K-Z bring yourself and guests). This is a BYOB event if you desire something besides soft drinks Fellow Knights, Wives, and Invited Guests do enjoy the winter season by socializing and joining each other for this traditional supper event. This is your chance to make a crock pot of your favorite, or a new experimental “CHILI” and share it with your fellow Knights, Wives, and Guests. Remember Chili is always better the 2nd day so make your choice and plenty knowing you can take what is left home and enjoy it again as a family meal. Electric outlets arranged on one or more tables will be available to plug in the crock pots of chili while you socialize. Now if you do not make chili remember that there is always plenty so do participate and enjoy this event. It is important, because for those who make chili, they need plenty of tasters as this is the real seasoning that makes for a wonderful dish. It does appear that this fall and early winter has been busy for the Knights. You have all worked hard to help St. Brendan celebrate the Christmas and New Year Seasons. Thank You! Thank You! K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 7 V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 1 Annual Baby Bottle Campaign On the weekend of January 24th and 25th our parish will kick-off its annual baby bottle campaign. We will need help from the brothers that week before to help label the bottles that week and at all masses to help handing them out. Will have more information at the January meeting. The campaign is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and the Respect Life Ministry. Bottles will be distributed after each Mass on January 24th and 25th. Proceeds benefits Whispering Hope, a women's resource & pregnancy center located in Forsyth County and offering peer counseling and accurate information about pregnancy options. Thank you, Charlie Matuza Email: [email protected] K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 8 V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 1 Breakfast with Santa Pictures from Breakfast with Santa Provided by Joe Fenton Happy Birthday to all!! Feliz cumpleaños a todos!! If I have missed anyone, please e-mail birthday information to: [email protected] Si he perdido a nadie, por favor envíenos un e-mail cumpleaños: [email protected] CHARLES HENDRICKS III RICKY SHIRLEY JAMES CROMIE FELIPE ALVAREZ DEL PINO JASON NAVARRO-DIMM DUSTY M. GUNN ROBERT GRIMALDI JOSE ROMERO LUIS HERRERA SCOTT ERB MICHAEL WIGHTMAN CHRISTOPHER GRONOTTE CHRISTIAN DUMOLIN CHARLES TRACK LYLE JOHNSON PAUL KRENZER WILLIAM BRAMLETT ROBERT MORRIS JEFF THOMAS ROBERT HNATISHION 1-Jan 2-Jan 5-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan 9-Jan 10-Jan 12-Jan 12-Jan 12-Jan 16-Jan 18-Jan 19-Jan 21-Jan 22-Jan 22-Jan 23-Jan 28-Jan 28-Jan 29-Jan K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 9 V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 1 UPCOMING EXEMPLIFICATIONS Recruiting New Knights I want to first thank all of you for assisting in our recruiting efforts for the first half of our Columbian year. We have recruited 10 new knights with our overall goal of 17. We still need to focus on: "One Member, Per Month" for the rest of this Columbian year. I am still working on a few prospective candidates from our last recruitment drive, however I need your help with recruiting new knights every month. Our visibility of wearing our knights badges and shirts at mass and other Saint Brendan’s functions is very important. We need to walk the walk and talk the talk with every opportunity we have to gain additional brother knights. We need to also focus on retention and getting those knights that have not attended meetings or functions to get involved with the council. UPCOMING EXEMPLIFICATIONS FIRST DEGREE EXEMPLIFICATION Saint Monica’s Council, Duluth, GA, January 12th. Saint Benedict’s Council, Duluth, GA, February 2nd. Please get all prospective names to Douglas Hoffman as soon as possible. ([email protected]). SECOND DEGREE EXEMPLIFICATION Saint Benedict's Council, Duluth GA January 28th. Atlanta Council, Atlanta GA February 18th. Please contact Douglas Hoffman ([email protected]) if interested. THIRD DEGREE EXEMPLIFICATION Saint Monica’s Council January 24th and Saint Benedict's Council, Duluth GA April 11th. Please contact Douglas Hoffman ([email protected]) if interested. FOURTH DEGREE EXEMPLIFICATION TBD K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 10 V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 1 PRÓXIMAS INICIACIONES Reclutando Nuevos Caballeros Primero quiero agradecer a todos por sus esfuerzos reclutando durante esta primera mitad del año Colombino. Hemos reclutado 10 nuevos Caballeros y nuestra meta es 17. Tenemos que enfocarnos en “Un Miembro por Mes” por el resto del año Colombino. Todavía estoy trabajando en algunos candidatos que tenemos de la pasada campaña por membresía que hicimos, pero aún necesito de su ayuda reclutando nuevos Caballeros cada mes. Es muy importante seguir utilizando el emblema de los Caballeros de Colón y las camisetas durante las misas y demás funciones de la parroquia, esa visibilidad es necesaria. Necesitamos practicar lo que predicamos en cada oprtunidad para obtener más hermanos Caballeros. También es necesario enfocarnos en la retención y asistencia de aquellos hermanos que no han participado de los eventos y reuniones del Consejo. PRÓXIMAS INICIACIONES PRIMER GRADO En el Consejo de Santa Mónica en Duluth, GA. Enero 12. En el Consejo de San Benedict, Duluth, GA. Febrero 2. Por favor de entregarle a Doug Hoffman los nombres pronto [email protected] SEGUNDO GRADO En el Consejo de San Benedict, Duluth, GA. Enero 28. En el Consejo se Atlanta, GA. Febrero 18. Contactar a Doug Hoffman si está interesado [email protected] TERCER GRADO En el Consejo Santa Mónica en Duluth, GA. Enero 24. En el Consejo de San Benedict, Duluth, GA. Abril 11. Contactar a Doug Hoffman si está interesado [email protected] CUARTO GRADO Les informaremos después. PAGE 11 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR Knights in Action Pictures from parking for Christmas Mass Provided by Joe Fenton V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 1 PAGE 12 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 1 Message from our Field Agent Brothers, I am so proud of our organization. Our insurance program drives all of the charities that we support around the world. Thank you for choosing the Knights of Columbus for your , insurance needs. Please read below. I encourage every member to meet with me to ensure that you are taking advantage of your benefits as you plan for 2015. Happy New Year! Stephen Znoj 770-231-2519 Knights of Columbus Sets Insurance Record for 14th Consecutive Year Record Caps Year of Milestones for Catholic Company The Knights of Columbus recorded its 14th consecutive year of growth in insurance sales with more than $8.2 billion in new life insurance sold, exceeding more than $96 billion of life insurance in force. The record sales have led to an increase of nearly $50 billion in the last decade. “In 133 years of operation, the Knights of Columbus has helped meet the spiritual and financial needs of Catholic families while also serving the community through charitable works,” said Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. “We are pleased to have had great success on both of these fronts, which comes from our continued commitment to our founding mission of serving our neighbor consistent with Catholic social teaching. The continued growth in our insurance sales is a testament to our business model and to our close to 1,400 professional agents, who are the cornerstone of that model.” Supreme Knight Anderson explained that record-breaking results mean that the K of C has “helped its members to protect their families while simultaneously enabling the Knights to support those most in need and the many works of the Catholic Church.” This record concludes a year of milestones and accolades for the organization. In March, the Knights of Columbus was named a 2014 "World's Most Ethical Company" by the Ethisphere Institute, an independent center for research promoting best practices in corporate ethics and governance. It was one of two companies named in the “life insurance” category and one of fewer than 150 total companies worldwide to earn this distinction. In June, the Knights retained its spot on the Fortune 1000, and earned its 39th consecutive A++, Superior rating for financial strength — the highest rating available — from ratings agency AM Best. No insurer in North America is more highly rated than the Knights of Columbus. The Knights enjoys a stalwart reputation for financial security, has one of the lowest lapse rates in the industry and offers a product line designed to provide life insurance, annuities, disability income and long-term care policies to meet the needs of Catholic families. PAGE 13 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 1 Family and Knight of the Month Bill and Joan Hickman were the Knights Family of the Month for November Joe Fenton was the Knights of the Month for November Mary & Chuck Perott were the Knights Family of the Month for October K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 14 V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 1 Knights of Columbus Youth Soccer and Basketball Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest January 2015 starts out with our Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship on January 31 at the Dobbs Creek Gym 1115 Dahlonega Highway, Cumming, GA 30040. The time will be finalized by the City of Cumming Parks and Recreation, before our January council meeting. Age groups remain the same as for soccer, boys and girls ages 9 to 14 years old. Contestants will shoot 15 free throws. The winner of each gender/age group will advance to the District contest, which consists of 25 free throws. District winners will advance to State Free Throw contest. State officials will notify the District winners of the time, date, and location of the State contest. Last year, the State Free Throw Championship was held at the Georgia Tech Gym. Basketball Free Throw Entry/Score Sheet Here is the link to the registration form 20Basketball%20Free%20Throw%20Entry-Score%20Sheet%20(1).pdf All brother knights are invited to help out at the council contest at Dobbs Creek. We will have several positions if anyone wants to volunteer. Thanks, Brothers Charlie and Dale 1115 Dahlonega Hwy., Cumming, GA 30040 PAGE 15 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 1 FUTBOL(SOCCER) Y BASKETBALL DE LOS CABALLEROS DE COLÓN TORNEO DE LANZAMIENTO DEL BASKETBALL DE LOS CABALLEROS DE COLÓN Empezaremos el mes de Enero con el torneo del lanzamiento del basketball en Enero 31 en el Gimnasio Dobbs Creek 1115 Dahlonega Highway, Cumming, GA 30040. El departmento de Parques y Recreación de Cumming decidirá la hora antes de nuestra próxima reunion. Las edades serán las mismas para niñas y niños 9 a 14 años de edad. Partipantes harán 15 lanzamientos. El ganador de cada grupo avanzará al torneo del Distrito y en el harán 25 lanzamientos. Los ganadores a nivel del Distrito avanzarán al torneo del Estado. Los Oficiales del Estado anunciarám a los ganadores del Distrito el sitio, la fecha y la hora de dicho torneo. El año pasado el torneo del Estado se ralizó en el Gimnasio de Georgia Tech. Forma para registrarse y para registrar los resultados Todos los hermanos Caballeros de Colón están invitados a participar y ayudar en nuestro torneo en el Gimnasio de Dobbs Creek. Tenemos varias posiciones para que nos ayuden. Gracias, Sus Hermanos Charlie y Dale 1115 Dahlonega Hwy., Cumming, GA 30040 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 16 V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 1 Faith Formation Opportunities TMIY! Week 14 - What Must I Do? Dear Brother Knights, That Man Is You! is back! The long wait is over and the spring semester is here. We are looking forward to an amazing semester where God is going to do great things. This semester will focus much more on spirituality whereas last semester was more theology. Last semester our eyes were opened to the type of culture we currently find ourselves in, the consequences of failed male leadership, theological truths that shed light on our situation, and the great battle between good and evil around the world. We understood how all of this relates specifically to the family. This semester we will learn how to transform ourselves, our families, and society through our intimate union with God. Hope you had a blessed Christmas season and New Year’s. We cannot wait to get started! This Session Contains: Story of Failed Leadership Saddest Story in the Gospel What Must I Do to Inherit Eternal Life Personal Invitation from Christ The Path of Transformation Recap of the Spring Please Join Us! Stay Up to Date: Access the TMIY App if you miss a session. That Man Is YOU! “That Man is You” honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive. 1st Session: May be over but don’t hesitate to join in anytime to the 2nd session anytime for one or more of the sessions! 2nd Session Meets each Saturday 7:00-8:30 AM January 10- April 25 (NO meeting on February 14, April 4 or April 11) Location: Social Hall Contact: Scott Mackie - [email protected] Here are a couple other faith formation opportunities. Men’s Prayer Group Men’s Nights This group provides a forum for men of the parish to gather together to share their faith and discuss their thoughts about daily life as Cath‐ olics. Learn to integrate faith and life while mee ng with others for great fellowship and prayerful reflec on Fridays 7:00‐8:00 am Loca on Spiritual Life Center Sun Room Contact: Joe Fenton‐ [email protected] These “Faith and Fellowship” evenings for men will start with Mass at 6:30 pm, and then we will have a great meal and hear a strong talk with the men of St. Brendan’s. The talks will be given by various priests. Mondays 6:30 pm ll 9:00 PM 12/15/14 and 4/20/15 Church and Social Hall Contact: Dave Fleck ‐ [email protected] K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 17 V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 1 Notes from the December 8th, 2014 Council Meeting 1. Six new brothers made their 1st Degree; 2. Charles Rizley, Jerry Frasso, Thomas Mastrangelo, Michael Daigle, Michael Garcia-Garreras, and Hector Pajares. Each new brother gave a short talk about himself. 3. Jim Kennish transferred in from Council 1168. He is a 3rd degree. 4. Honoree for the 1st Degree was Chuck Bogatie. 5. The Financial Secretary had no report. 6. The Chancellor had no report. 7. Our insurance agent gave a short talk on the insurance programs that are available. 8. Our new District Deputy gave a short talk to the new Knights and explained to them their opportunities to get involved in the council activities. 9. The Knight of the Month is Joe Fenton. 10. The Family of the Month is Joan & Bill Hickman. 11. Vin O. gave a short status on the projects that the tinkers are working on. 12. Quentin asked for more helpers for the Christmas parking duties. 13. Charlie M. gave a short talk on the "Respect For Life” activities. 14. The "Shining Armor" Award was presented to Ken Douglass. 15. The Blood Drive is scheduled for next Sunday. 16. Prayers were requested for several people. K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 18 V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 1 Resumen de la reunión del Consejo el 8 de Diciembre, 2014 1. Seis nuevos hermanos recibieron el Primer Grado: 2. Charles Rizley, Jerry Frasso, Thomas Mastrangelo, Michael Daigie, Michael Garcia-Carreras 3. Y Héctor Pajares. Cada uno de ellos informó acerca de si mismo. 4. Jim Kennish viene como transferencia del Consejo #1168 y tiene el Tercer Grado. 5. El Primer Grado se hizo en honor de Chuck Bogatie. 6. No hubo reporte del Secretario Financiero. 7. No hubo reporte del Canciller. 8. Nuestro Agente de Seguros informó acerca de los planes de seguros disponibles. 9. Nuestro nuevo Diputado de Distrito habló a los nuevos Caballeros y les explicó las oportuni10. dades para envolverse en las actividades del Consejo. 11. Joe Fenton es el Caballero del Mes. 12. Joan & Bill Hickman son la Familia del Mes. 13. Vin O. informó acerca de los proyectos en los que están trabajando los Tinkers. 14. Quentin pidió ayuda por más voluntarios para ayudar en los parqueaderos. 15. Charlie M. habló acerca de las actividades por el “Respeto a la Vida”. 16. El premio de la “Armadura Brillante” fué presentado a Ken Douglass. 17. El próximo Domingo tendremos la Donación de Sangre. 18. Se mencionaron pedidos de oración por varias personas. PAGE 19 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 1 A list of some of your Brother Knights who have their own business. Let me know if you have your own business you would like to add, send me the information. My email address is: [email protected] Amway Legal Shield Ark Pest Control Services, LLC Lusk & Company, Inc. Chad Younger/Amway-Independent Business Owner 770-906-3000 [email protected] Jim Clare—Owner/Operator 770-844-0232 [email protected] Berkshire Hathaway Home Service Georgia Properties Realty Dan Jozwiak Cell 678-327-6621 E mail [email protected] Web Site Computer Solution Partners, LLC Eric Hoell, CEO 678-267-1989 Technical Services for small to medium sized businesses e-mail: [email protected] website: Covenant Appraisals David Ives 770-596-2847 [email protected] Ellen's condos in Hilton Head Fred Dri [email protected] listings # 22089 or 87517 eTherapyDocs Eric Hoell, CEO 678-267-1989 Online Practice Management System for Pediatric Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapists e-mail: [email protected] website: exp Realty Vin O'Reilly Associate Broker P: 678-770-6203 [email protected] HR STAR Consulting Rick Sullivan 678-576-3550 [email protected] Kids 4 Jesus Kathleen Conklin Program Success Consultant P: 877-543-7638 C: 214-732-6063 [email protected] G. Robert Wilson 770-363-4240 [email protected] William C. Lusk P.E.; Founder/Chairman 678-624-0202 [email protected] Margeson High Pressure Cleaning and Renovation Services Inc. Timothy Margeson 770-616-2829 Serving Forsyth County residents and businesses E-mail: [email protected] OliveBranch Games Tim Huff 407-414-5211 Family and Christian Board Games e-mail: [email protected] website: Paynet Systems Fred Hogan – Account Manager O: (800) 809-1989 Ext 484 Fax: 888-282-9553 [email protected] Plumb Rite Ray Sokolowsky 678-947-1627 [email protected] Six Sigma, Inc. John R. Hriczo, PE / President 770-886-1990 Super Yard Care Greg Northway 770-313-8799 Email [email protected] Vanderbilt Securities John Kovacic Financial Consultant 678-341-5515 [email protected] The Villas at Canterfield Dusty M. Gunn; Executive Director (770) 888-4929 A Retirement Community e-mail: [email protected] website: K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 20 4 We’re on the Web Knights of Columbus St. Brendan Council 12942 January 2015 Sun V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 1 Mon Tue 6 5 1st Degree on Jan 12th at Saint Monica’s See page 9 11 12 Café 107 Kitchen Help 6:30 am Breakfast/Lunch 7:30 am-3:00 pm Council Meeting Refreshments starting at 6:30 pm—7:30 pm General Business Meeting - All invited to both. 18 19 Wed 7 Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 Men's Group Meeting 7:00 am - 8:00 am@ Spiritual Life Center Sun Room Contact: Joe Fenton- [email protected] 8 9 Men's Group Meeting 7:00 am - 8:00 am@ Spiritual Life Center Sun Room 13 14 15 16 Men's Group Meeting 7:00 am - 8:00 am@ Spiritual Life Center Sun Room 20 Labeling of baby bottles 21 22 Labeling of baby bottles 10 That Man is You 7:00-8:30 am Social Hall 17 That Man is You 7:00-8:30 am Social Hall 23 24 Baby Bottle Campaign Men's Group Meeting 7:00 am - 8:00 am@ Spiritual Life Center Sun 3rd Degree on Jan 24th at Saint MonRoom ica’s See page 9 25 Baby Bottle Campaign 26 27 28 2nd Degree at Saint Benedict’s See page 9 29 30 Social 6:30 pm Socializing 7:00 pm Dinner Men's Group Meeting 7:00 am - 8:00 am@ Spiritual Life Center Sun Room 31 Free throw contest see page 14
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Knights Navigator - K/C Council 12942 Home
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