The Knews March 2013


The Knews March 2013
Council 3537
Assembly 2328
Clarksville, TN
March 2013
Your Officers
Grand Knight
Frank Pierce 358-0215
Deputy GK
David Lindberg 552-3647
David Swalgren 358-2674
Confirmation Retreat at Immaculate Conception School
March 2013
5 Tuesday - Assembly Dinner/Meeting, 6:00 PM
8, 15, 22 Fridays - Fish Fry at 4:30 PM/Stations of the Cross at 6:00 PM
12 Tuesday - Council Officers and Directors Meeting, 6:00 PM
19 Tuesday - Council Dinner/Meeting, 6:00 PM - Trustees prepare slate
of officers
21 Thursday - KC Home Board of Directors Meeting
28 Thursday - Holy Thursday Mass and Honor Guard
From The Grand Knight
I want to congratulate our new Knights who took the first degree: Pablo
Perez, Vincent Gagliardi, Justin Oelgoetz, Peter Oelgoetz, Jack Holland,
Clinton Woody, and Gerard Ciaudio. I hope all of you will continue with
additional degrees in the near future. We must continue our growth to
be a strong Council.
FYI to those Knights who were not able to attend the last council meeting, several Knights prepared breakfast and lunch for the confirmation
retreat on February 9th. We fed about 75 youth and adult leaders.
Marty Robbins 647-7282
Carlos Salvatierra 220-0203
A J Wolfe 993-3610
Richard Meeks 645-3888
Inside Guard
Joe Valasquez 553-8941
Outside Guard
Hector Adames 552-0624
Trustee 3 Year
Harold Duvall 358-4568
Trustee 2 Year
Tony Amadeo 232-4238
Trustee 1 Year
Hal Bunjor 552-6683
Financial Secretary
Ed Wilson 552-0575
THE KNEWS - March 2013 - Page 2
From the Grand Knight continued……..We started cooking at 0630 hours and completed the mission about
1:00 PM. Many heartfelt thanks to everyone that assisted in making this a very successful event; we
also had a parish member turn in a Form 100.
As of this writing, the Fish Fry’s have been well attended and everyone has been pleased with the
meals. Brother Knights have come through once again under the leadership of the chief cooks: Dom,
Stu, & Glen. I am pleased with the turn-out of Knights that have been there for the additional duties
required to make this activity successful. I thank all of you, but we could always use extra help. The
Fish Fry’s will continue each Friday during Lent.
As usual, we will have another busy month with the Friday Fish Fry’s, the Stations of the Cross, and
providing an Honor Guard for Holy Thursday Mass and the vigil. As you can see, our work is never
Although we have had a great year in gaining new Knights, we must continue to recruit new members; most of the time you just need to ask that friend or acquaintance if he would be interested in
becoming a Knight-----JUST spread the word.
Vivat Jesus
Frank, GK, PFN
Congratulations to…..!
And Thanks to our Cooks…..!
Ed and Bobbie Wilson
Family of the Month
Diogo Tavares
Knight of the Month
Bob Sisson
Life Time Membership
Greg Orr
Scott Audet
Note: If you have any photos of the Knights in action, please email them along with a brief
description of the activity to [email protected]. Thank you!!
Vivat Jesus