YEAR A — SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - JANUARY 19, 2014 Intentions January 18 –25 WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY Saturday, January 18, BVM 5:00 pm Pro Populo 5:30 pm (Surrey) Orfidio Sanchez (22 yrs) Sunday, January 19, Second Sunday in Ordinary Time World’s Migrant Day –Giornata Mondiale del Migrante 8:30 am Ottavio Lorenzeto; Giuseppe & Rosina Amoroso; Carlo Arcuri; Elisa Audia 10:00 am Ida & Carmine Bianco; Jerry Zanrosso; Rocco Melchiorre; Carmina Ciolfitto; Enza Romano; Amelia Cupelli; Defunti Famiglia Padularosa; Palma Roselli; Maria, Rosa & Angelomichele Ambrosio; Aladino Berti (1 mth); Elena & Rosario LoCastro; Francesco Giambattista; John Zabrieszach 11:30 am Antonio, Maria & Mario Bassanese; Vittorio Mauro; Grazia Cusati; Florintina Monton; Ana Odoc Suralta; Gualberto Odoc; Lewis Allen Lewis; Antonio Spartano 1:00 pm Bodas de Oro de Felicia & Jose Blanco; Bodas de Plata de Godofredo Ayala & Telma Galdamez; Elisa Palacios Lopez; America Silva de Black 6:30 pm (Coquitlam) 7:00 pm Anita Chan Monday, January 20, St Fabian & St Sebastian, Martyrs 8:00 am Salvatore Demare 6:30 pm Tuesday, January 21, St Agnes, Virgin & Martyr 8:00 am Angelo Farina 6:30 pm Wednesday, January 22, 8:00 am Maria & Paolo Scardillo 6:30 pm Thursday, January 23, 8:00 am Gino Fera 6:30 pm Friday, January 24, St Francis de Sales, Bishiop & Dr 8:00 am 6:30 pm All Souls in Purgatory Saturday, January 25, 8:30 am Giuseppe Patricelli 5:00 pm 50th Wedding Anniv of Giuseppina & Giuseppe Modicamore; Manuel Silva; Ziccardi & Romano Families; Manuel & Julia Pires Rei 5:30 pm (Surrey) Sunday, January 26, Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 am Pasquale & Carmela Puleo ; Anna Bosa 10:00 am Pro Populo 11:30 am Charles & Bik Si Liang; Carmine Sorace; 50th Wedding Anniv of Sandra & Henry Mayhew; Ulisse & Irene DiGiacomo; Michele & Emma Lazazzera; Marietta Cerminara Domenico Mastromonaco 1:00 pm 6:30 pm (Coquitlam) 7:00 pm Annunci II Domenica del T. O: Il Testo Sacro presenta Gesù come l’Agnello di Dio che toglie il peccato del mundo . Davanti questa realtà migratoria, lasciate le parole di Dio essere luce delle nazioni (Is); tutti i credeti sono convocati da Dio a costituire la Chiesa (Cor); Gesù è il Messia e Salvatore nostro. Is 49:3.5-6; Sal 39; 1Cor 1:1-3; Gv 1:29-34 _________________________________________ World’s Migrant Day –Giornata Mondiale del Migrante: L’Archidiocesi di Vancouver accoglie dei Cattolici da diversi nazioni del mondo, e la Sta Messa viene celebrata in 22 lingue. I migranti vanno in cerca di pace, sicurezza e lavoro per se stessi e le loro famiglie. Come famiglie credenti, siamo chiamati a vivere l’ospitalità e l’amore verso il prossimo. Oggi celebriamo la Giornata Mondiale del Migrante e Rifugiato. Sunday, Jan 19, 2014—Holy Rosary Cathedral at 2:30 pm. Giornata Scalabriniana: Chiediamo a tutti voi di pregare per i Missionari Scalabriniani che svolgono il loro apostolato tra i migranti e rifugiati in 32 nazioni del mondo. Che la Congregazione Scalabriniana possa continuare a servire la Chiesa e il mondo. Allora, la seconda colletta sarà in appoggio alle Missione Scalabriniane nel mondo. Preghiera per l’Unità di tutti i Cristiani: La giornata di preghiera è gia iniziata fino al 25 Gennaio. Preghiamo perché coloro che siamo stati consacrati per mezzo di un solo battesimo possiamo formare un solo ovile, sotto un solo pastore. Visita questo link www.rcav.org Vancouver: Questi sono alcuni dei servizi ecumenici durante la Settimana di Preghiera per la unità dei cristiani. Sunday, Jan. 19 First Lutheran Church 5745 Wales St. at 7 pm Wednesday, Jan. 22 St. Mark’s Roman Catholic 5935 Iona Drive at 7 pm Friday, Jan. 24 Sacred Heart Roman Catholic 525 Campbell Ave. at 7 pm. Upcoming Events: ─Mass on the World Day of the Sick: Feb 11, 2014 -OLOS at 11 am. —Le 40 ore di Adorazione al Santissimo Sacramento Sunday Collection January 12, 2014 Loose $ 1,226 Envelopes $ 6,497 Total $ 7,723 CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF BEING CHURCH! YEAR A — SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - JANUARY 19, 2014 Announcements PRAYER FOR MIGRANTS God the Father, source of life and love, we are all your children; with your providential care guide the path of all migrant people. God the Son, obedient to the will of the Father, You have called us to a holy life; may migrant people hold on to their faith in You especially in moments of difficulties. God the Holy Spirit, fountain of all gifts, may migrant people open their hearts to You so that they may be inspired to hold on to their hope. Through the maternal intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, may we all at the end of our earthly journey be reunited in the place her Son has prepared for us. Amen _________________________________________ World’s Migrant Day: The Archdiocese of Vancouver is home to Catholics from many countries and where the Holy Mass is celebrated in 22 languages. Migrants leave their homes in search of a better life and face the difficult experience of migration in its various forms. As Christians, we are called to reach out to and pray for all migrants to emphasize the unity of the human family and the values of acceptance, hospitality and love of neighbor. Sunday, Jan 19, 2014—Holy Rosary Cathedral -2:30 pm. A cultural reception will follow in the parish hall. Scalabrinian Sunday: Please pray for the Scalabrinian Missionaries working with migrants and refugees around the world. May the Scalabrinian Congregation continue to offer their service to the Church & the World. Today’s second collection is to support this Pastoral work. Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: It has already begun and runs until 25. The theme is “Has Christ been divided? (1 Cor. 1:13). In a world marked by diversity in language and culture, we express our Christian faith in diverse ways. During this Week we are called to celebrate this diversity and be faithful to Christ’s call for the unity of his Church. Go online www.rcav.org Vancouver: These are some of the Ecumenical Services during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Sunday, Jan. 19 First Lutheran Church 5745 Wales St. at 7 pm Wednesday, Jan. 22 St. Mark’s Roman Catholic 5935 Iona Drive at 7 pm Friday, Jan. 24 Sacred Heart Roman Catholic 525 Campbell Ave. at 7 pm. Upcoming Events: ─Mass on the World Day of the Sick: Feb 11, 2014 -OLOS at 11 am. —The 40 hours of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Devotion Anuncios ORACIÓN POR LOS MIGRANTES Dios Padre, fuente de la vida y del amor, somos tus hijos; asiste el caminar de todos los migrantes. Dios Hijo, obediente a la voluntad del Padre, nos llamas a una vida santa; que los migrantes afiancen su fe en Ti, especialmente en momentos de prueba. Dios Espíritu Santo, fuente inagotable, haz que los migrantes abran su corazón a Ti y sean inspirados a conservar la esperanza. Haz, que por intercesión de la Santísima Virgen María, al terminar nuestro caminar terrenal, nos reencontremos un día en la gloria celestial. Amén. _________________________________________ Jornada Mundial del Emigrante y Refugiado 2014: La Arquidiócesis de Vancouver es hogar para muchos católicos de diversos países y en donde la Santa Misa se celebra en 22 idiomas. Los migrantes dejan su hogar en búsqueda de una vida mejor y se enfrentan a la difícil experiencia de la migración en sus diversas formas. Como cristianos, estamos llamados a orar y ayudar a todos los migrantes para enfatizar la unidad de la familia humana y el valor de la aceptación, la hospitalidad y el amor al prójimo. Domingo, Enero 19, 2014─Holy Rosary Cathedral – 2:30 pm. Habrá una recepción cultural en el salón parroquial. Domingo Scalabriniano: Recemos por todos los Misioneros Scalabrinianos que sirven a los migrantes y refugiados en más de 32 países alrededor del mundo. Recemos para que la Congregación Scalabriniana pueda seguir sirviendo a la Iglesia y al mundo. La segunda colecta de hoy será en apoyo a esta labor pastoral. Semana de Oración por la Unidad de los Cristianos: Será del 18 al 25 de enero. El tema es: ¿Cristo estuvo dividido? Oremos para que quienes fuimos consagrados por un mismo bautismo formemos un solo redil, bajo la guía de un solo pastor. Para más información, visita www.rcav.org Vancouver: Estas son las fechas de algunos Servicios Ecumenicos durante la semana de oración. Sunday, Jan. 19 First Lutheran Church 5745 Wales St. at 7 pm Wednesday, Jan. 22 St. Mark’s Roman Catholic 5935 Iona Drive at 7 pm Friday, Jan. 24 Sacred Heart Roman Catholic 525 Campbell Ave. at 7 pm Próximos Eventos: ─Misa por la Jornada Mundial del Enfermo: Feb 11, 2014 -OLOS at 11 am. —40 horas de Adoración Eucarística CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF BEING CHURCH!
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