here - City of Hillsboro
here - City of Hillsboro
STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HILL Resolution No R201204 20 CITY OF HILLSBORO A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HILLSBORO TEXAS HILL COUNTY STATE OF TEXAS DECLARING THE ELECTION FOR CITY OFFICERS ON MAY 12 2012 CANCELLED DECLARING THE UNOPPOSED CANDIDATES ELECTED AND ORDERING POSTING OF NOTICE OF CANCELLATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TEXAS ELECTION CODE WHEREAS on February 7 2012 the City Council of the City of Hillsboro Texas Hill County State of Texas ordered an election to be held on Saturday May 12 2012 for the purpose of electing three Councilmembers for two year terms for Place 2 Precinct 2 Place 4 Precinct 4 and Place 6 Elected at Large and WHEREAS notice of said election was duly posted and applications for candidates to file for a place on the ballot were received by the City Secretary of the City of Hillsboro from February 4 2012 through March 5 2012 and WHEREAS applications for writein candidates as prescribed by the Texas Election Code were available through 5 00 p m on March 5 2012 and no candidates filed for Councilmember for Place 2 Place 4 or Place 6 and WHEREAS review of applications for a place on the ballot have been completed and candidates for Councilmember Place 2 Precinct 2 Councilmember Place 4 Precinct 4 Councilmember Place 6 Elected at Large are unopposed NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HILLSBORO TEXAS Section 1 The City Council of the City of Hillsboro Texas accepts the Certification of Unopposed Candidates presented by the City Secretary and dated April 3 2012 stating that all candidates for the May 12 2012 election are unopposed Section 2 An order is hereby issued declaring the City Officers Election ordered for Precinct No 2 Precinct No 4 and Precinct No 6 Elected at Large Central Polling Place at Hillsboro Junior High School Gym 210 E Walnut Hillsboro Texas 76645 on May 12 2012 cancelled 20 04 R2012 April 3 2012 Page 1 of 2 The following candidates are declared to be elected for the terms established by the Charter of the City of Hillsboro Texas Section 3 2 Precinct 2 Andy Smith Councilmember Place 4 Precinct 4 Frances Zarate Councilmember Place Councilmember Place 6 Elected Section 4 at Large Betty Birdwell Candidates shall take the oath of office and be issued a Certificate of Election at the regular meeting of the City Council scheduled for May 15 2012 A copy of this order cancelling the May 12 2012 election shall be posted on Election Day at the polling place for each precinct Section 5 ADOPTED at the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Hillsboro Texas held this 3rd day of April 2012 Edith Turner Omberg Mayor ATTEST Karen S Warren City Secretary 20 04 R2012 April 3 2012 Page 2 of 2 CERTIFICATION OF UNOPPOSED CANDIDATES CERTIFICACION DE CANDIDATOS UNICOS To Al Presiding Officer of Governing Body Presidente de la entidad governante As the authority responsible for having the official ballot prepared I hereby certify that the following candidates are unopposed for election to office for the election scheduled to be held on May 12 2012 Como autoridad a cargo de lapreparacion de la boleta de votacion official por la presente certifico que los siguientes candidatos son candidatos unicos para eleccion para un cargo en la eleccion que se llevara a cabo el mayo 12 2012 List office and names of candidates Lista de cargos y nombres de los candidatos sCargo Office s sCandidato Candidate s Councilmember Place 2 Andy Smith Councilmember Place 4 Frances Zarate Councilmember Place 6 Betty Birdwell cLANe O y Signature firma Karen S Warren Printed Name Nombre en letra de molde P OQ City Secretary Title Puesto 3 Date of Signing a 12 Fecha De Firma I eSei 0114 0 selty F SEAL col Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 2 051 053 Texas Election Code 2 07 03 ORDER OF CANCELLATION DE ORDENDE CANCELACION The City Council of the City of Hillsboro Texas hereby cancels the election scheduled official name of governing body to be held on May 12 2012 in accordance with Section a 053 of the Texas Election 2 date on which election was scheduled to be held Code The following candidates have been certified as unopposed and are hereby elected as follows El City ofHillsboro Texas por la presente cancela la eleccion que de lo contrario nombre oficial de la entidad gobernante se hubiera celebrado el Mayo 12 2012 de conformidad con la Seccion a 053 del 2 fecha en que se hubiera celebrado la eleccion Codigo de Elecciones de Texas Los siguientes candidatos han sido certificados como candidatos nicos y por la presence quedan elegidos como se haya ndicado a continuacidn Candidate Candidato Andy Office Sought Cargo al que presenta candidatura Councilmember Place 2 Precinct 2 Councilmember Place 4 Precinct 4 Councilmember Place 6 Elected at Large Smith Frances Zarate Betty Birdwell A copy of this order will be posted on Election Day at the polling place that would have been used in the election El Dia de las Elecciones se exhibird una copia de esta orden en todas las mesas electorales que se hubieran utilizado en la election Edith Turner Omberg 4114 A ayor Firma del Oficial Que Preside Secretary Secretario a t Bello 4T cP0R P d 3 Date f ao a adoption Fecha de adopcion SEAL h oc o
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