FROM THE PASTOR`S DESK: This particular miracle story a sign of
FROM THE PASTOR`S DESK: This particular miracle story a sign of
XXIII Domingo del tiempo ordinario Our Lady of Lourdes, Mineral Wells, TX MASS SCHEDULE & MASS INTENTIONS September 5-11 Saturday - Sept. 5 4:30 P.M. - St. Francis, Graford - Vigil Mass 6:30 P.M..........................................Helen Renner † Sunday - Sept. 6 9:00 A.M. - English������������������������Elisa Guajardo † 11:30 A.M. - Spanish Wednesday September 9 7:00 A.M. - Chapel.........................Jimmy Bounds † Thursday - September 10 7:00 A.M. - Chapel.........................Gabe Gutierrez † Friday - September 11 5:30 P.M. - Chapel���������������������������Dierro Muniz † September 12-18 Saturday - September 12 4:30 P.M. - St. Francis, Graford - Vigil Mass 6:30 P.M. - Church........................Derek McHenry † 9:00 A.M. - English�������������������������Barry Campbell 76th B’day 11:30 A.M. - Spanish Wednesday September 16 7:00 A.M. - Chapel................Michael Blankenship † Thursday - September 17 7:00 A.M. - Chapel���������������������������Amaro Valley † Friday - September 18 5:30 P.M. - Chapel���������������������������Mark Renner † WE THANK OUR BULLETIN SPONSORS We thank all of our bulletin sponsors for providing our weekly bulletin at no cost to our parish. The bulletin is a great resource for any service you might need. Before you Google for a business service, please consider our bulletin sponsors first. And let them know where you saw their add. It is good for you and good for them. Thank you for your support. If you are interested in advertising your business, organization or memorial please contact the Parish Office or Thomas Miner at thomas@bartlebypress. com or 512-452-3413. COMING EVENTS Sept. 08 Sept. 08 Sept. 10 Sept. 13 Sept. 13 Sept. 13 Sept. 14 ACTS Core meeting at 6:30 p.m. ACTS Team meeting at 6:30 p.m. in Pallotti Hall OLL Finance Committee meeting at 5 p.m. Knights of Columbus Corporate Communion 9 a.m. Mass CCD classes for all grades begin after 9 a.m. Mass Baptism Class 5-7 p.m. in the Memorial Hall Carter Blood Drive in Pallotti Hall LAST WEEK'S COLLECTION Sunday Collections..............................$3,564.53 FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK: This particular miracle story a sign of the openness of Jesus to healing all people. In this healing miracle Jesus uses different techniques to cure the man, including placing spittle on the man’s tongue. Such techniques are known to have been used by other healers in ancient times, and it is remarkable that on occasion Jesus uses them too, perhaps to show that all healing is the work of God. What is my attitude to people with disabilities? We pray for those who exercise healing ministries. PALLOTTI YOUTH BREAKFAST Pallotti youth invites everybody for lighter moments, relaxation and joyful conversation. Pallotti youth will sponsor a breakfast Sunday, Sept. 6 after the 9 a.m. Mass. Please encourage our youth by your participation. • • • CHURCH OFFICE Please note, the Church office will be closed for the holiday Monday, September 7. • • • A.C.T.S. CORE There will be an A.C.T.S. Core meeting Tuesday, September 8 at 6:30 p.m. ACTS TEAM The ACTS Team will meet Tuesday, September 8 at 6:30 p.m. in Pallotti Hall. • • • CCD CCD classes are set to begin on September 13 after the 9 a.m. Mass. We have encouraged parents and grandparents to sign up children early so that classes may resume smoothly on the day classes are set to begin. You may still register your child before CCD classes resume on September 13 if you have not done so. • • • CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS COURT #250 Catholic Daughters will resume regular meetings on Monday, September 14 at 6 p.m. in Pallotti Hall. Members will pray the Rosary followed by a business meeting. Plans will be finalized for the Jamaica and CDA Membership Drive. New Circle of Love Forms will be distributed. Guests are invited to attend. 1st Sunday of Sept. Zack Amelia Elder Alee Elder FALL FESTIVAL / JAMAICA 2015 FUN....FOOD......FAMILY GATHERING !!!!) FALL FESTIVAL/JAMAICA 2015 will be Saturday, September 19, from 4.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. We ask organization coordinators to work with your groups and come up with well prepared programs to raise funds. There will be a Fall Festival/Jamaica meeting Monday Sept. 14 at 5:00 p.m. in Pallotti Hall. Coordinators please attend this meeting as there are still many details that need to be addressed before the event. If you are not available to attend, please send a representative for you. Dorothy Hall will be the Chief Coordinator, please contact her for more information. • • • MISSION AT ST. STEPHEN’S WEATHERFORD: “5 STEPS TO WINNING THE WAR WITHIN” An Extra Ordinary Mission given by John Wood. The event will at St. Stephen’s Church 1802 Bethel Road Weatherford, Texas 76086, on October 3, 2015 From 9am -1:30 pm. Please make use of this opportunity for renewal within. • • • WOMEN’S A.C.T.S. RETREAT The Women’s ACTS retreat is Oct 22-25. Retreatants will meet at 5:00 pm on Thursday at Our Lady of Lourdes to go for the retreat and return Sunday, October 25 for mass and lunch. It is an excellent opportunity to reconnect with our Lord. There are registration forms in the church foyer or contact any ACTS member or the director, Patty McCoy 817-480-7641 • • • OUR LADY OF LOURDES FOOD BANK Our food bank is still in need of your help. We ask, if you may contribute non-perishable food items such canned goods and meats or boxed food items. We thank all of those that have contributed already and we thank you in advance for your future help. ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE… 9:00 a.m. 3rd Sunday of Sept. 2nd Sunday of Sept. Sistina Gray Carlos Gray Elizabeth Gray Matthew Zarkivach Alex Veloz Felix Veloz Paige Riney WEEKLY SCHEDULE 4th Sunday of Sept. David Mallory Edwards Paige Goleman Isaac Saturday..........................6:00 P.M................................ Confessions in the Chapel Tuesday............................10:00 A.M.............................. Rosary Making Ministry in Pallotti Hall Tuesday............................6:30 P.M................................ Spanish Mass Music Practice in the Memorial Hall Wednesday.......................5:00 P.M................................ Bible Study (English) Will resume September 16, 2015 Wednesday.......................7:00 P.M................................ Bible Study in the Memorial Hall (Spanish) Friday..............................7-8 P.M.................................. Caminando con Jesús en el Memorial Hall Friday..............................7 P.M..................................... MMC Team meeting once a month Saturday..........................6:00-8:00 P.M........................ Ministerio Matrimonial Catolico meet in Pallotti Hall. September 6, 2015 Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time THE JOHN PAUL II INSTITUTE Lay ministry formation classes will be starting in September. New sites for English formation are: St. Maria Goretti, Arlington; St. Catherine, Carrollton; OLQP, Wichita Falls; and via Internet. Inquire at the parish office for more information. You may also check the diocesan website, call 817-945-9354, or email [email protected]. EL INSTITUTO JUAN PABLO II el programa de formacion de laicos como ministros eclesiales, comenzaran clases en septiembre. Los nuevos sitios en espanol son en la Iglesia Inmaculado Corazon de Maria, Fort Worth; y Santa Elizabeth Ann Seton, Keller. Para mas informacion vaya a la oficina parroquial. Tambien puede llamar 817-945-9354, email [email protected], o revisar el sitio diocesano en el Internet. DIOCESE EVENTS Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life 2015: O God, throughout the ages you have called women and men to pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses of Faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to you. Continue to enrich your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure the Kingdom of Heaven above all things. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. Oración para el Año de la Vida Consagrada 2015: Oh Dios, a lo largo de los siglos se han llamado las mujeres y los hombres a llevar una vida de perfección de la caridad a través de los consejos evangélicos de pobreza, castidad y obediencia. Durante este Año de la Vida Consagrada, te damos gracias por estos valientes testigos de la fe y modelos de inspiración. Su búsqueda de una vida santa nos enseña a hacer una oferta más perfecta de nosotros mismos a usted. Continuar para enriquecer su Iglesia por convocarse a hijos e hijas que, después de haber encontrado la perla de gran precio, atesorar el reino de los cielos por encima de todas las cosas. Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo, que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo, un solo Dios, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER In the second reading we are told, “Be doers of the word and not hearers only”. Does your marriage show others Christ’s love? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is November 6-7, 2015. Dates fill fast. To apply, visit our website at: For more information e-mail [email protected] or call 469-444-0904. Para mas informacion de Encuentro Matrimonial en Espanol, escriba a emmdfw@gmail. com o visite • • • Rachel’s Corner Alcohol won’t take the pain away. For real healing after abortion, come to a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat and pour your heart out to the Lord. Rachel Ministries • 817-923-4757 Next Retreat September 11 El Rincón de Raquel El alcohol no quita el dolor. Para una real sanación después del aborto ven a un retiro del Viñedo de Raquel y vaciale tu corazón al Señor. Ministerios de Raquel • 817-886-4760 Próximo Retiro 9 de Octubre ATTENTION COORDINATORS We request for all coordinators to make sure that everyone in your group have gone through the Safe Environment Program. This is the order of the United States Bishops Conference, therefore it is mandatory to all who are involved in any activity in the parish. It is the responsibility of every coordinator to ensure that everyone goes through the Safe Environment Program. Thank you for taking up this additional responsibility. ACOLYTE SCHEDULE Sat. Sept. 5..............................................P. Snell 6:30 P.M. Mass......................................F. Morian Sat. Sept. 12.................................... B. Campbell 6:30 P.M. Mass........................................ I. Wang Sun. Sept. 6.................................... J. Robertson 9:00 A.M. Mass Sun. Sept. 13..........................................J. Floyd 9:00 A.M. Mass LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Sat. Sept. 12 Campbell/Wang F. Morian 6:30 P.M. Mass L. Webster R. Morian M. Uribe Ushers R. Madrigal W. Russell C. Nowak J. Murray Offertory Family J. Nickel & M. Colton Sun. Sept. 13 9:00 A.M. Mass A. Clarke D. Crawford C. Post J. Clarke KOC Group J. Floyd Z. Elder J. Floyd A. Loredo M. Anguiano J. Trammell R. Anguiano COMMITTEES & COUNCILS COMMITTEES & COUNCILS Finance Committee: Don Crawford, President, 940-325-1043 Parish Council: Margaret Colton, 940-3256459 SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Marriage Preparation: Fr. Balaji Boyalla, 940325-4789 Preparación de Matrimonio: Deacon Rigoberto & Maria Leyva, 940-327-9200 Baptism Preparation: Dora Calderon, 817994-2022 Preparación de Bautismo: Elvira Rodriguez, 940-325-9946 RCIA: T. J. Jones, 940-328-0573 RCIA for Children: Maria Jones, 940-328-0573 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DRE PreK-6th Grade: Maria Jones, 940-3280573 DRE Jr. & Sr. High: Martha Goleman, 940-4520601 High School Youth Ministry: Kathy Bannon 817-226-0779 Estudio de Biblia: Efrén y Sanjuana Munoz, 940-463-3510 SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS Knights of Columbus: Bill Opella, Grand Knight, 940-468-2075 Altar Society: Mary Jane Rasberry, President, 940-859-9075 Las Guadalupanas: Mary Mendoza, Presidente, 940-353-7007 Catholic Daughters of the American Court #2501: Mary Jane Kahn, 940-452-5614 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Eucharistic Ministers: Holly Huffman: 940682-1404 Ministros de Eucarístico: Esperanza Villarreal 940-325-4945 Lectors: Holly Huffman: 940-682-1404 Lectores: Victor Turcios, 940-745-5076 Ushers: Jimmy Floyd, 940-325-1094 Altar Servers: Juanita Huddleston, 940-3258749 Servidores del Altar - Marybel Infante - 940445-7433 Choir Director: Sandra Crawford, 940-3251043 9:00 a.m. Mass Director de Coro: Alicia Gonzalez - 940-4553481 SUPPORT MINISTRIES Kitchen Coordinators: Fred Guajardo, 940325-0689 Webmaster: Jane Nixon, 940-325-1934 Marthas’ Ministries Coordinator: Maxine Lefkowski Grieving Support Group: Juanita Huddleston, 940-325-8749 Rosary Ministries: Jan Robertson, 817-3600837 Bulletin Editor: Nickie Presser, 940-325-4789
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