Resultados de la Encuesta de Salud
Resultados de la Encuesta de Salud
Planeación de la Salud de los Empleados Seminario Retiro y Salud 2016 Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 1 Agenda Shaping a Strategic Direction • Market Dynamics • The Strategic Planning Process About México • Mexico Aon’s Health Survey 2016 Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 2 Shaping a Strategic Direction John Vlajkovic Senior Vice President | Aon Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 3 Growing Complexity Market Dynamics Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 4 Factors Influencing Strategic Direction Business Concerns HR Challenges Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits Employees Needs 5 Business Concerns 40% is China’s 76% of employers portion of world’s report Employee Global Economy Changes the competitive landscape Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits available workers, Engagement nearly 5X and 65% that of U.S. Recruitment of Desired Talent as a key metric critical to measuring business performance Mobility and the Rise of the Virtual Workforce Free cash flow are creating an entirely different talent and human capital management dynamic top ranked business metric 6 Engagement Matters! 22% more profitable as organizations 5% increase in employee engagement linked to 3% increase in revenue growth 81% less likely to seek out new employer in next year Sources: HelloWallet; Gallup, “State of The American Workplace Employee Engagement Insights for US Business Leaders,” 2013 2016 Consumer Health Mindset Study Aon Hewitt, the National Business Group on Health, and The Futures Company; 2016 Aon Health Care Survey Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 7 HRs Key Challenges Expanding Benefits Costs Burden on the individual Unhealthy population Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits Shifting global workforce Increasing complexity Rise of consumerism Emerging innovation 8 Our Benefits World is Also Changing Expanding Benefits Costs By 2024, left unchecked, benefits will comprise nearly half of the investment you make with your workforce Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics: Employer Costs & Employee Compensation; Bureau of Labor Statistics: Consumer Expenditure Survey; CBO Budget and Economic Outlook: 2014 to 2024 Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 9 Our Benefits World is Also Changing Burden on the individual 135% increase Over 40% in out-of-pocket medical spend from 2005 to 2016 for US employees out-of-pocket spending on health for individuals residing in Mexico Source: Aon Health Initiative Database OECD Review of Health Systems: Mexico 2016 Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 10 Our Benefits World is Also Changing Increasing complexity US has a rapidly evolving ecosystem including Mexico’s ecosystem is impacted by 800+ ACOs Fragmented Delivery and counting; each unique and disruptions in the continuity of care Source: Leavitt Partners Center for Accountable Care Intelligence OECD Review of Health Systems: Mexico 2016 Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 11 Our Benefits World is Also Changing Shifting global workforce By 2020 five generations share workplace Source: Forbes, “Working Beyond Five Generations in the Workplace” February 2015 Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 12 Our Benefits World is Also Changing Weight issues are a challenge for Mexico as well: Percentage of overweight or obese adults grew from Unhealthy population By 2040, 62% in 2000 to 71% 50% in 2012, of the adult population will be obese 1 in 3 children is now overweight or obese Source: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, “F as in Fat: How obesity threatens America’s Future, 2012 OECD Review of Health Systems: Mexico 2016 Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 13 Our Benefits World is Also Changing Expanding health care economy Burden on the individual Unhealthy population Shifting global workforce Increasing complexity Rise of consumerism 45% of consumers expect employers to point them to best cost and quality providers as they pay more out-of-pocket Source: 2016 Consumer Health Mindset Study: Aon Hewitt, the National Business Group on Health, and The Futures Company Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 14 Our Benefits World is Also Changing Expanding health care economy Burden on the individual Unhealthy population Shifting workforce Increasing complexity Rise of consumerism Emerging innovation VC investment in health tech grew by 30% to $8 Billion Source: Silicon Valley Bank, “Trends in healthcare investments and exits” 2015 Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 15 Employee Expectations Are Driven By Multiple Factors Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits Gender Gender roles are converging Women the majority of the workforce by 2020 60% of college students are women Income Growing income inequality Middle class lifestyle harder to achieve Life Stage Generational Millennials will comprise 70% of the U.S. workforce by 2020 Increasing diversity Broader variation in values across generations Delayed retirement Delayed adulthood Evolving family Increasing variety: people no longer “acting their age” 16 Desired State: A Comprehensive Benefits Platform Help Me Pick the Right Coverage Help Me Navigate the System Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits Help Me Get and Stay Healthy 17 Implications People Must develop a Human Capital strategy that supports business objectives Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits Benefits Must develop an Timi integrated Benefit ng strategy Perspective Timing Should begin considering next generation solutions Should develop a strategy that balances immediate needs with the ability to drive long term business results 18 How do we get from here to there? Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 19 Growing Complexity The Strategic Planning Process Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 20 Strategic Planning Process Understand key drivers Data Collection and Analysis Monitor and modify approach as necessary Define broad direction, and overall program expectations Mission And Guiding Principles Ongoing Management Benefit Strategy Develop multi-year plan Develop Strategic Roadmap Key desired outcomes Goals and Objectives Review possible tactics Define measures of success Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits Metrics Spectrum of Initiatives 21 Long Term Strategic Direction; Framework Vision Broad Direction For ABC Company Guiding Principles Affordability? Workforce Strategy? Business Impact? Leading to…Goals and Objectives—Our Measures of Success Cost or trend target? Competitive value? Shareholder value? Competitive position? Choice making architecture? Acquisition strategy? Return on Investment? Decision support? Investment? Behavior change Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 22 Long Term Strategic Direction: Additional Key Questions ABC Role/Role of Benefits • What role should ABC play in the delivery of benefits? • What role should healthcare benefits play in ABC’s Total Rewards strategy? • Is healthcare a differentiator for ABC? Should it be? • Does ABC want to offer benefits that are “bleeding edge”, leading edge, or that closely follow the market? • How important is competitive positioning? • What is ABC’s tolerance for change? For employee disruption and/or “noise”? Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits Responsibility Business Needs • What is ABC’s benefit responsibility to employees? To families? • What does “healthcare consumerism” mean at ABC? • What does “choice” mean at ABC? How much is enough? Too much? • What ability does/should ABC have to influence the health behaviors of employees, or their families? • How explicitly should we incorporate employee priorities around how ABC dollars are spent across various elements of Total Rewards? • What business drivers will influence ABC’s decisions with respect to benefits? Cost? Talent attraction and retention? Employee Engagement? • What are the toughest business and talent issues ABC will face? In what ways should health and healthcare initiatives help address those issues? • How important is health and well being to the business? • What trade-offs is ABC willing to make to balance competing priorities (e.g., cost management vs competitive position? 23 Long Term Strategic Direction: Key First Step Define Future Role and Strategic Pathway Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits Aggressive Program Management 2 Facilitate and Fund Personal Responsibility/ Flexibility 3 4 24 Long Term Strategic Direction: Key First Step Define Future Role and Strategic Pathway Aggressive Program Management Facilitate and Fund 2 Personal Responsibility/ Flexibility 3 4 Assess current environment Retain core elements Refocus energy on key levers Transform delivery model Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 25 Long Term Strategic Direction: Key First Step Define Future Role and Strategic Pathway Aggressive Program Management Facilitate and Fund 2 3 4 Assess current environment Provide expanded choice Retain core elements Provide decision support Refocus energy on key levers Transform delivery model Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits Personal Responsibility/ Flexibility Incorporate defined subsidy Transfer administrative burden 26 Long Term Strategic Direction Define Future Role and Strategic Pathway Aggressive Program Management Facilitate and Fund 2 3 4 Assess current environment Provide expanded choice Provide benefit trade-offs Retain core elements Provide decision support Enable workforce Refocus energy on key levers Transform delivery model Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits Personal Responsibility/ Flexibility Incorporate defined subsidy Address retirement income gap Address benefits need spectrum Transfer administrative burden Personalized Benefits 27 Building Blocks For Our Desired Future State Focus On Overall Well-being Create Tailored Choice Architecture Provide Effective and Efficient Administrative Infrastructure Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits Support Employees As They Navigate The System 28 México Encuesta de Salud Aon 2016 Dra. Mónica Cecilia Ham Alvarado Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 29 Growing Complexity Antecedentes Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 30 Antecedentes Durante los últimos 5 años Aon ha realizado una encuesta de salud anual, donde la participación de nuestros clientes se ha incrementado por la relevancia que el tema ha tomado a nivel mercado. 60% 50% 46% 40% Los resultados sin duda muestran la participación activa de las organizaciones en actividades de bienestar. 30% Dichas iniciativas han evolucionado en las empresas hasta lograr fomentar y difundir temas de prevención, incluyendo en los últimos dos años bienestar. 10% 120% 100% % de participación con relación a la cartera de Aon 30% 20% 2011 35% 32% 2013 2012 0% Empresas con iniciativas de salud implementadas 86% 80% 60% 40% 51% 33% 20% 0% Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits Fuente: Encuestas de Salud Aon 2011-2015. 2012 58% 2013 65% 2015 2014 2011 31 36% 2014 2015 Antecedentes Participación por giros comerciales Manufactura 29% 27% 30% 25% 20% 15% Comunicación y tecnologías 30% 20% 12% 17% Gobierno, energía y construcción 19% 10% 6% 15% 5% 9% 0% Comercio, alimentos y bebidas Financiero, farmaceutico y hospitales 2011 6% 10% Automotriz y Transporte 2015 El giro con mayor impulso a las actividades de bienestar es el de comercio, alimentos y bebidas y en el que se tienen mas iniciativas implementadas es el de manufactura. Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits Fuente: Encuestas de Salud Aon 2011-2015. 32 Growing Complexity Resultados de la Encuesta Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 33 Resultados de la Encuesta de Salud Evolución de la estructura organizacional 120% 100% 95% 80% 60% 40% 86% 98% 80% Miden la participación Plan de retención/ Inducción a nuevos empleados 20% 0% 2011 77% 66% 59% 57% 42% Líderes involucrados 44% Cuentan con iniciativas en salud Miden efectividad 2015 Los tres puntos importantes que han desarrollado las empresas para tener constancia y éxito en los programas son: El involucramiento de líderes Medición de la participación La efectividad del programa Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits Fuente: Encuestas de Salud Aon 2011-2015. 34 Resultados de la Encuesta de Salud Padecimientos que tienen relación con los riesgos psicosociales 45% 40% Musculoesqueléticos 35% 35% 30% Gastroenterológicos 25% 20% 20% Accidentes Cardiológicos 15% 10% 11% 10% 5% 0% De acuerdo a las respuestas obtenidas, las especialidades con mayor frecuencia en las empresas se relacionan con factores detonantes de tipo psicosocial, ocasionando complicaciones como: cáncer, infartos al miocardio, accidentes laborales, patologías en columna o rodillas. Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits Fuente: Encuestas de Salud Aon 2011-2015. 35 Resultados de la Encuesta de Salud Tendencias en programas implementados 120% 100% 96% 92% 80% 60% 79% Análisis de siniestralidad 40% 74% Check Up Nutrición Activación física 26% 20% 0% Manejo de Estrés Los programas preventivos en las empresas han madurado y enfocado sus esfuerzos en actividades que mejoran las condiciones de salud de los empleados. Vemos que la tendencia en programas enfocados al manejo de estrés tienen un incremento importante del año pasado a este del 2% al 26%. Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 36 Resultados de la Encuesta de Salud Evolución de las acciones de bienestar en las corporaciones 96% 70% 60% 55% 50% 40% Políticas de horarios flexibles y oficina en casa Manejo de estrés Oferta de incentivos 30% 26% 20% 20% 10% 0% 0% 2011 Las iniciativas implementadas en el corresponsabilidad empleado-empresa. Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits Fuente: Encuestas de Salud Aon 2011-2015. 5% 1% 2015 aspecto psicosocial, 37 permiten la Resultados de la Encuesta de Salud Empresas que realizan diagnóstico psicosocial 80% 70% 67% Observamos en los resultados de la encuesta, que el 33% de las empresas realizan un diagnóstico de factores psicosociales; teniendo como resultado la implementación de acciones corporativas para mejorar el balance vida-trabajo. No 60% 50% 80% 40% 30% 33% Si 20% 10% Acciones para el balance Vida - trabajo 70% 60% 50% 40% 0% 30% 62% Horarios Flexibles 52% Home Oficce 20% Transportación al sitio de trabajo 10% 0% Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits Fuente: Encuestas de Salud Aon 2011-2015. 34% 38 Resultados de la Encuesta de Salud Salud ocupacional 120% 100% 92% 90% 80% 60% Cumplen las Normas de Salud en el trabajo 40% 82% Investigación de Incapacidades Realizan Programas de Prevención 77% Investigación de Accidentes Laborales 73% 69% Realizan Auditorias 20% Actualizaciones en normatividad del personal de salud 0% Conforme a los datos obtenidos en la encuesta, el 33% de las empresas refieren contar con áreas de Salud Ocupacional. De acuerdo a la NOM 030-STPS (Secretaria del Trabajo ), observamos que las empresas cumplen con los programas de seguridad e higiene que obliga la normatividad; hablando de temas de prevención, los cuales son sugeridos, por lo que las organizaciones enfocan esfuerzos a temas de origen laboral y no de vigilancia epidemiológica. Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits Fuente: Encuestas de Salud Aon 2011-2015. 39 Conclusiones La salud ocupacional y su gestión es un tema que atañe directamente a las empresas. A pesar de los avances en materia de prevención de accidentes y enfermedades de trabajo, todavía es necesario desarrollar conciencia, sobre la importancia de la salud y bienestar dentro de las empresas . Hoy la salud es una responsabilidad social colectiva, para el control de las enfermedades relacionadas con el trabajo y el estilo de vida. Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 40 Aon Hewitt | Health & Benefits 41