Motivado por el deseo de satisfacer las necesidades pastorales de


Motivado por el deseo de satisfacer las necesidades pastorales de
Bulletin Announcements
Charting the Course: A Future Full of Hope for the Diocese of Kalamazoo - Deanery Meetings
with Bishop Paul J. Bradley: Motivated by the desire to meet the pastoral needs of the faithful,
and faced with the reality of a limited number of priests, Bishop Bradley has called for the
implementation of a Diocesan Pastoral Plan. This plan will introduce a new structure of parish
collaboratives, a grouping of three to four parishes led by one pastor. There will also be time for
discussion and questions. Following is the remaining schedule:
March 15 – Eastern Deanery Meeting – St. Mary Parish, Marshall, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Motivado por el deseo de satisfacer las necesidades pastorales de los fieles, y
enfrentado con la realidad de un número limitado de sacerdotes, el Obispo Bradley ha
hecho una llamada para la implementación de un Plan Pastoral Diocesano. Este plan
introducirá una nueva estructura de colaboraciones parroquiales, una agrupación de
tres o cuatro parroquias conducidas por un pastor. Todos están invitados a acompañar
al Obispo Bradley el jueves 28 de enero de 6 a 8 pm en el edificio de la Comunidad
Parroquial de Santa Mónica, mientras ofrece detalles sobre este plan pastoral
incluyendo la visión para la Diócesis, por qué el plan es necesario, como estarán
agrupadas las colaboraciones, cómo se asignarán los sacerdotes, y el papel de los
fieles laicos. También habrá tiempo para el debate y preguntas.
Pontifical Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land
Bulletin announcements for March 13 and March 20
Pope Francis requests our support for Christians in the Holy Land through the Good
Friday Collection on March 25. Amid complex political, religious and military challenges
the Church continues to conduct parish ministry, provide Catholic education, feed the
hungry, build housing for Christians, maintain shrines and operate refugee centers. For
more information visit Please be generous!
El Papa Francisco nos ha pedido apoyar a los cristianos en Tierra Santa a través de la
Colecta del Viernes Santo, el 25 de marzo. En medio de los retos políticos, religiosos y
militares, la Iglesia continúa proporcionando ministerio parroquial, educación católica,
alimentando a los hambrientos, desarrollando viviendas para los cristianos,
manteniendo los santuarios y operando centros de refugios. Para más información,
visite ¡Por favor sean generosos!
2016 BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS – Priest Retirement Collection
For weekend of March 12/13:
Last weekend, our parish and all parishes and missions throughout our diocese took up a special
collection to support our diocesan priests’ retirement fund. To date, our parishioners have
contributed $_AMOUNT_. In the name of our diocesan priests we thank you for your generous
Para la colecta del fin de semana de marzo 12/13:
El pasado fin de semana, nuestra parroquia y todas las parroquias y misiones de nuestra diócesis
hicieron una colecta especial para apoyar el fondo de retiro de nuestros sacerdotes diocesanos.
Hasta la fecha, nuestros feligreses han contribuido $cantidad. ¡En nombre de nuestros
sacerdotes diocesanos les damos las gracias por su generoso apoyo!
Trauma Recovery Program en Español
La Diócesis de Kalamazoo continúa con el Programa de Trauma Recovery en español. Si usted
conoce a alguna persona que en el pasado o en el presente sufrió cualquier tipo de trauma (físico,
sexual, negligencia, etc.), por favor remítalo para ayuda a las siguientes personas, Lisette MiraAmaya (269) 929-7084 o Fanny Tabares (269) 903-0209. El nuevo Grupo de Apoyo en español,
se reunirá comenzando el 5 de abril del 2016. Es indispensable hacer cita personal lo más pronto
posible con la consejera Lissette, antes de comenzar el programa.
Trauma Recovery Program in Spanish
The Diocese of Kalamazoo continues with the Trauma Recovery Program in Spanish. If you
know someone who has suffered any type of trauma (physical, sexual, neglect, etc.) either in the
past or present, please refer them for help to Lisette Mira-Amaya (269) 929-7084 or Fanny
Tabares (269) 903-0209. The new Support Group in Spanish will begin on April 5, 2016. It is
necessary to make an appointment as soon as possible, before the program begins, with the
counselor Lissette.
NFP and married couples
Are you married and living the NFP lifestyle? Would you like to learn about NFP? Do you know
what NFP is all about? If you answered yes or no to any of these questions and would like more
information, please contact Socorro at 269-903-0199 or via email at [email protected]
Monthly meetings are on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 4 to 5:30 PM
ALL widowed men are invited and welcome to attend at anytime!!!
DATES: Wednesdays, April 13, May 11 2016
LOCATION: DPC 215 N. Westnedge Avenue, Kalamazoo
TIME: 4 to 5:30 PM
NOTE: We meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month – mark your calendars for April 13th,
May 11th, and more to come in 2016.
Questions: Please call Socorro at 269-903-0199 or Fr. Don Klingler at 269-352-6455
JFM and married couples
Are you married and living a joy-filled marriage? Would you like to learn about the JFM way to
marital holiness? Do you know what JFM is all about? If you answered yes or no to any of these
questions and would like more information, please contact Socorro at 269-903-0199 or via email
at [email protected]
JFM weekends for the engaged
The Joy-Filled Marriage is a comprehensive marriage preparation program rooted in virtues as
well as the Theology of the Body. The program incorporates rich Catholic theology with sound
psychology. If you are planning to marry in the Catholic Church, one of the components for
marriage preparation is experiencing a JFM weekend before the wedding day. Please register
early because spaces fill up fast. The JFM weekend dates in 2016 are March 12-13, May 1415, July 16-17, September 24-25, and November 12-13. Visit the website to download a
registration form: Questions about this marriage
preparation program? Contact Socorro Truchan at (269) 903-0199 or via email:
[email protected]
ALL widowed men and women are invited and welcome to attend this first-time gathering on
the following day:
DATES: Wednesdays, March 23, 2016
LOCATION: Diocesan Pastoral Center (215 N. Westnedge Avenue, Kalamazoo)
TIME: 4 to 5:30 PM
Questions: Call Socorro at 269-903-0199 or Fr. Don Klingler at 269-352-6455
THE DOMESTIC CHURCH monthly Newsletter
The Domestic Church Newsletter is a monthly publication from the Secretariat for Parish Life
and Lay Leadership – Domestic Church Ministry. It offers resources in three important areas:
Marriage, Family and Prayer. It is also a place where you can share news/events going on at
your parish. If you have news about marriage and family enrichment activities/events and would
like to subscribe to this newsletter (also available in SPANISH = “La Iglesia Domestica”) –
please contact Socorro Truchan at [email protected] or (269) 903-0199
LA IGLESIA DOMESTICA boletín mensual
“La Iglesia Doméstica” es una publicación mensual de la Secretaría para la Vida Parroquial y
Liderazgo Laico – Iglesia Doméstica Ministerio. Ofrecemos recursos en tres áreas importantes:
Matrimonio, Familia y la oración. También es un lugar donde usted puede compartir noticias y
eventos de su parroquia. Si usted tiene noticias de actividades para enriquecimiento
matrimonial y familiar o desea suscribirse a este boletín mensual (también disponible en
INGLES = “The Domestic Church”) - por favor póngase en contacto con la Sra. Socorro
Truchan al correo electrónico [email protected] o por teléfono al (269) 903-0199
A report of sexual misconduct can be initiated at the Diocese of Kalamazoo’s Sexual
Misconduct Question and Reporting Line: (877) 802-0115. A caller will be requested to provide
his or her name and telephone number. All calls regarding sexual misconduct will be returned,
usually within one hour. This toll-free telephone number has been established as a part of the
Diocese’s effort to protect children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools,
parishes and ministries. This line is for reporting suspected sexual misconduct or child abuse
within Diocesan institutions and ministries only. If you have some other concern about Diocesan
schools, parishes or ministries, please contact the appropriate Diocesan school, parish or office

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