June 8, 2014 - Church of St. William
June 8, 2014 - Church of St. William
The Church of St. William 6200 Rising Sun Avenue Philadelphia, PA. 19111 www.churchofstwilliam.com 1920 “Ninety Four Years of Serving The Community” 2014 “A W ELCOMING COMMUNITY ” “CELEBRATING THE SACRAMENTS” Rev. Joseph G. Watson, M.A., M.Div., Pastor Rev. Msgr. James E. Mortimer, M.Ed., Pastor Emeritus Rev. Dominic Ishaq, J CD, M.B.A., Parochial Vicar And Coordinator of Catholic Pakistani Community Padre Augusto Concha, M. Div., Parochial Vicar (Part-Time) Rev. Alfred Lauricien, O.M.I., Resident (Haitian Community) Deacon Bill Moser, Permanent Deacon Deacon Felipe Cruz, Permanent Deacon MASS SCHEDULE PARISH DIRECTORY RECTORY 6200 Rising Sun Ave. 215-745-1389 Fax: 215-342-4783 *Office Hours: Mon. thru Fri., 1:00PM-5:00PM CONVENT Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Sr. Mary Anne Hoesle, IHM, Convent Superior 6226 Rising Sun Ave. 215-745-3513 PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sr. Maryan Chappetto, IHM 215-745-0921 PARISH MINISTRY OF CHARITY Ida Jimenez 215-745-1389 PASTORAL MINISTRY TO HISPANICS Sr. M. Rachel Torrieri, IHM 215-745-3513 PARISH MUSIC MINISTRY Ken Houser BUSINESS OFFICE Matt Smith, Business Mgr. 215-745-1389 215-745-1389 June 8, 2014 Weekdays: Saturday: Sunday: 6:30AM and 12:00Noon 8:00AM and 5:00PM 7:30, 9:00, 12:00, 8:00PM - Lower Church 10:30AM - Lower Church (Spanish) 4:00PM - Lower Church (Pakistani) Urdu 5:30PM - Haitian Mass - Upper Church SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptisms are celebrated in English and Spanish. The normal time for Baptism is Sunday afternoon at 1:00PM in the Lower Church. Please contact the rectory office to begin the process of scheduling your child’s Baptism. PRE– BAPTISMAL CLASSES Arrangements will be made to register for class after consulting with Deacon Bill Moser (215) 745-1389. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays: 4:00 - 4:45 PM Eve of Holy Days: 4:00 - 4:45 PM Eve of First Fridays: After 12:00 (Noon Mass Only) SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Weddings may be scheduled for Saturdays at 11:00AM, 1:00 or 3:00PM in the Upper Church; at 2:00PM in Lower Church. Couples intending marriage are asked to contact our Parish Priest at least six months prior to the intended date of marriage. Participating in a Marriage Preparation Program is a requisite for the reception of this holy sacrament. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK In case of serious illness, please contact one of our parish priests. Anyone unable to attend Mass due to illness may call the Rectory to make arrangements to receive Communion in their homes. Pentecost Sunday Financial Information Sunday collection: (June 1, 2014) Ascension Thursday $8,310.00 $1,650.00 God’s Plan for Giving Thank you! Tithing is God’s plan to support His Church. Full tithing means 10% of income to God. We ask half of this, or 5% for your Parish Church. Congratulations Fr. Dominic! Fr. Dominic Ishaq was just appointed to serve in the Metropolitan Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Fr. Dominic holds a degree in Canon Law and will be working part-time in the office at the Archdiocese and will continue to serve as a part-time parochial vicar to the parish as well a coordinator of the Pakistani Community. Fr. Dominic will no longer be working for the Apostleship of the Sea which he has been doing for about ten years. Best wishes to Fr. Dominic! Congratulations Deacon Filipe Cruz! The Parish of Saint William offers our congratulations to Deacon Filipe Cruz. Deacon Filipe has recently been assigned to Saint William Parish to serve the needs of the Hispanic Community. Deacon Filipe has just celebrated his 25th anniversary as a Permanent Deacon. Best wishes to Deacon Filipe! Congratulations Deacon Bill Moser! The parish of Saint William offers our congratulations to Deacon Bill Moser. Deacon Bill was ordained to the Permanent Diaconate on Saturday and will now begin his service to the Church as an ordained minister. Best wishes to Deacon Bill! Sunday, June 8, Pentecost Sunday 5:00PM (Vigil) Renate G. Koreck 7:30 Mr. & Mrs. Lou Kolb 9:00 Parishioners of Saint William 10:30L.C. Guillermo Manrique 12:00 Noon Mary and Joseph Hoover 8:00PM No Intentions Wednesday, June 11, Saint Barnabas, Apostle 6:30 Eugene McGuigan 12:00 Noon James Nicolo Monday, June 9, Weekday (Tenth Week in Ordinary Time) 6:30 No Intentions 12:00 Noon McBride Family (Living) Friday, June 13, Saint Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church 6:30 Bernard McAleer (51st Anniversary) 12:00 Noon Albin (Obbie) Zielinski Tuesday, June 10, Weekday 6:30 No Intentions 12:00 Noon Tommy Newell Saturday, June 14, Easter Weekday 8:00 Anne Smith 5:00PM (Vigil) Ann Davino Thursday, June 12, Weekday 6:30 Catherine and Sara McElroy 12:00 Noon Mary and Tommy Cudden (Deceased) We Remember those who have died... A Will can be a final expression of one’s love and concern for family, friends, and the Parish Community. Madge Adair Michael Adams Josephine Agozzino Beatrice Barnes Joseph Bradley John Byrne Florence Caputo Teresa (Cathy) Carey Delia Cassidy Adele Censky Catherine Clark Jacqueline Coghlan Joanne Coleman Mickelle Cook Margaret Donahue Tim Edwards Joseph Fenuto John Flannery Gilda Ford Rita and Steve Garry Nellie Grady Anne Guinan Joseph Hearn, Jr. Elizabeth Heasley Frankie & Bob Herbert John Herbert Christopher Higgins Jeffrey Hill Peggy Hoffner Denise Horgan Luke Kehoe Ellen Kelly Loretta LaBarge Mark Lewis Teresa Mac Bride Jeanne Mace Jerry and Gale Mahoney Lisa Mathews Lindsey McManus Emma Miller Anne Nyce Debbie Parks Keith Parks Ruth A. Paules Verna Quigley Linda Richardson Martha Schmid William Seibert Ethel Thomas Phyllis Thompson Betty Thompson Kathleen Thompson James Trainor Angela Walsh Betty Wilson Elizabeth Wismer Jesus Christ appears to the disciples and sends them on their mission with the power to forgive or retain sins through the Holy Spirit. (John 20:19-23) Pentecost Sunday Fifty days ago, we celebrated the great feast of Easter. Jesus rose from the dead and made many appearances with his disciples. He took away their fear and gave them the courage to be his followers. He promised he would always be with them. A few days after that promise, they witness his Ascension into heaven. What do they do? Once again, they become afraid and lock themselves in the upper room. As he promised though He sends His Spirit and we hear of that in the first reading today. The Spirit comes upon the disciples, they lose their fear and they go out and courageously proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord. People from all over were present and the disciples were understood by all no matter what their native language. As we know, this was the birth day of the Church. Some three thousand were joined that day. Most of us have been baptized and confirmed. We have received the Holy Spirit and the seven gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel (we judge best how we should act), fortitude (we have strength to follow through on what we know is right course of action), knowledge, piety (willingness to worship and serve God out of love not just duty), and wonder and awe (we recognize the greatness of God and can hardly take it all in). But have we allowed the Holy Spirit to work in us and make these gifts active in our lives? St. Paul reminds us today that there are many gifts and forms of service but they are all rooted in the same Spirit. We are all one in Christ. We all have a part to play in the Body of Christ. We should never compare ourselves to another and think we don't belong to the church or we are not holy or good enough. The Spirit works in each one of us for the good of all. We just have to be willing to work with the Spirit in us. The Visitation Nuns 5820 City Avenue (Between 59th St. & Cardinal Ave.) Philadelphia, PA. 19131 Cordially invite you to their annual Sacred Heart Novena of Masses at 7:30P.M. from Thursday, June 19, 2014 through Friday, June 27, 2014, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart. Rev. William O’Brien, S.J., will conduct the Novena. “Since it was a Visitation Nun, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque of the Monastery of Paray-le-Monial, France, who received the Great Revelations of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Visitation Nuns throughout the world honor the Heart of Christ in a special manner, particularly by an annual public novena.” SENIOR CITIZEN NEWS Por Que El Fuego y El Viento? Sign up for the Mohegan Sun Casino trip scheduled for July 14th, $25 slot machine and $5 food comp included. Additional information will be provided at the Meeting or you can call Ruth Magee at 215.725.5697 for details. El fuego nos atrae, nos calienta, nos penetra, brilla y aleja la oscuridad. El fuego arde y purifica… consume todo lo que toca: solo se puede tener a distancia…es signo de la santidad de Dios. The next Board Meeting will be Wednesday, June 11th at 11:30A.M. in the Rectory. The next General Meeting will be on Wednesday, June 11th at 1:30P.M. in Memorial Hall. All ages are welcome Property Tax Rebate To help with the rising cost of living, you are reminded that Pennsylvania Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program applications are now available. There are new guidelines which will permit individuals that qualify to receive a rebate between $250 and $650 from property taxes or rent paid last year. Funding for this El viento arrebata, nos vuelve por todad partes. Es el lenguaje de la grandeza de Dios. Es el reflejo de su penetrante dulzura. Mediante estas dos fuerzas Dios nos enseña algo de El. Para este acontecimiento Dios escoje un día en que hay hombres de todas las naciones en Jerusalem. Dios quiere que se comprenda que la Iglesia comienza a existir por obra y fuerza del Espíritu Santo. Todos entienden el mensaje a pesar de las distintas culturas, Dios es una communion de personas… así tambien debe ser la Iglesia. Los Apostoles se transformaron en verdaderos testigos, es decir, hombres que proclaman la Buena Nueva sin temor… con entusiásmo… con grande alegría…porque están dispuestos a dar todo para ganar a Cristo… Para que siga ardiendo, hay que hechár más leña al fuego…así los bautizados debén mántener contacto con el Espíritu Santo…mediante la oracíon…buenas obras…y creer firmemente que EL ha resúcitado y vive entre nosotros. rebate program is made possible from the Pennsylvania State Lottery Fund and is a rebate that does not have to be repaid. This application must be filed by June 30, 2014. To qualify, you must be... *A senior citizen 65 years of age or older, *A widow or widower 50 years of age or older, or *A disabled person 18 years or older Also, Homeowners that have annual incomes of $35,000 or less, and Renters with annual incomes of $15,000 or less could qualify. Only half of your annual Social Security or SSI income is counted toward the income guideline. For more information or an application call United Social Services, Monday through Friday between 9:00AM and 4:00PM at 215.923.1900. Internet Information form: UnitedSocialServices.com. All inquiries are confidential and services are provided free of charge. DOMINGO DE PENTECOSTES "RECIBAN EL ESPÍRITU SANTO." Después de saludar a sus discípulos con el deseo de Paz y perdón les da el Don del Espíritu Santo y les envía en su Nombre al mundo. El Espíritu Santo es la fuerza vital del cristiano. El Espíritu Santo es animador y santificador de la Iglesia. Déjense guiar por El que es fuego y es don. Vivan el espíritu nuevo que Yo les doy. Sean signos de alegría y esperanza. Sean mis testigos en medio del mundo. Con la Iglesia decimos: Ven, Espíritu Santo, llena los corazones de tus fieles y enciende en ellos el fuego de tu amor! COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS #002005: St. William Church 6200 Rising Sun Avenue Philadelphia, Pa. 19111 PHONE 215-745-1389 CONTACT PERSON Minerva Baez SOFTWARE Microsoft Office 2013 Adobe Acrobat XI Standard Windows 7 PRINTER Sharp MX-5110N NUMBERS OF PAGES SENT 1 Through 5 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION June 8, 2014 TRANSMISSION TIME SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS