Newsletter 2014-08-03 - St. Louis de Montfort Parish
Newsletter 2014-08-03 - St. Louis de Montfort Parish
ST. LOUIS DE MONTFORT CATHOLIC CHURCH 1190EastClarkAve.SantaMaria,CA.93455 Rectory:5075HarpRd.+SantaMaria,CA93455+805-937-4555+FAX:805-934-2805 Website:www.sldm.orgEmail:[email protected] ST. ANTHONY’S , LOS ALAMOS MASSSCHEDULE:934-3172 SAN RAMON CHAPEL, SISQUOC Daily:6:30AM,8:00AM 270 Helena St. Mass: 8:45AM & 11:30AM Span. FirstFridays:5:30PM Saturday:8:00AM Vigil:5PMEng.6:45PMSpan. Sunday:7:30,9:30,11:30&6:00PM HolyDays:Vigil5:30PM,6:45Span. 6:30AM,8AM,12Noon,6:00PM LiturgyoftheHours: Mon.throughFri.6:55AM&5:30PM Novena/Benediction:Thursdays7PM Foxen Canyon Mass: 10:15AM Rev.CharlesHofschulte,CJ-Pastor(Ext.106) BAPTISMS:Ages0-6:1st&3rdSundaysat1PM(Eng) BAPTISMCLASSES:2ndSundayofthemonthat1PMPre [email protected] Rev.AlidorMikobi,CJ-AssociatePastor(Ext.109) registration10daysinadvance. BAUTISMOS:edad0-6años:Cadacuartodomingoala [email protected] 1:30PM Rev.JohnMayhew,CJ-Associate(Ext.105) CLASESBAUTISMALES:Segundolunesdelmesalas7PM Rev.MarkNewman,CJ-Associate(semi-retired) Sr.CatherineSullivan,DMJPastoralAssistant(Ext.102)Informació n:Rectorı́a937-4555oFé lixGonzá lez BODAS/QUINCEAÑERAS: [email protected] Informes:DiaconoRaú lBlanco937-6642y DeaconRaulBlanco [email protected] DeaconChrisBoerger [email protected] Coordinadoras:GabyG.937-4435oMarı́aS.934-4831 DeaconDougHalvorsen [email protected] CONFIRMATION/CONFIRMACIÓN:LuisOros-OrosDeaconRobertMaciel [email protected] [email protected] DeaconAntonioMejia me [email protected] EDUCACIÓNRELIGIOSA:Martesde5:30-7PM Saló nUpperRoomInformes:LuceroNuñ ez345-9720 DeaconRobertSchaefer [email protected] oMarı́aPé rez934-5045 DeaconRichardCarmody [email protected] 928-1111 MARRIAGES:Byappointmentatleast6monthsinadvance. DeaconAlfredoEspinoza PREPARACIONESMATRIMONIALES: ST.JOSEPHSEMINARY:180PattersonSt.937-5378 Martes7PMenlossalonesdelaescuela#7y#8 Informes:RosarioyAntonioMejia-925-2408 SISTERS’RESIDENCE: 937-4956 RCIA:Jim&PaulaMartin–[email protected] ELEMENTARYSCHOOL:5095HarpRd.937-5571 RCIAChildren:[email protected] RICA-RitodeIniciaciónCristianaparaAdultos: Email:[email protected] Viernes6:30á 8PMenelsaló nparroquial ST.JOSEPHHIGHSCHOOL:4120S.BradleyRd. Informes:MayraMoralesyJorgeFarias478-3123 JoannePoloni-Principal 937-2038 RELIGIOUSED./FIRSTCOMMUNION/JR.HIGHMINISTRY [email protected] CONFESSIONS:Saturdays3:15-4:45PM&8-9PMBilingü e HS.MINISTRY:937-0701–[email protected] ASAMBLEADEORACIÓN:Lunes7-8:30enlaIglesia Informes:SalvadoryConnieBarajas934-3097oEugenia Pacheco934-0510. St. Louis de Monƞort Mission Statement We are called to be and to become a loving family centered in Jesus. We acknowledge and accept that each of us is unique and has special gi s from the Holy Spirit. We wish to nurture, develop and share these gi s within and for the Body of Christ. Having been called by Bap sm into that Body, We celebrate our rela onship in Word, Sacrament and Family Celebra on. We are then sent to call others to Christ through who we are and what we do. We recognize Christ’s call to be one in Him and commit ourselves to his way of life. EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY, AUGUST 3 7:30am Conrad Ardoin + 9:30am Zeila Cole + 11:30am Harry DeWalt, Sr. + 6:00pm Jean Hayes + LOS ALAMOS, ST. ANTHONY'S: Jessie Gonszales + SISQUOC, SAN RAMON CHAPEL: Pilgrimage Walkers MONDAY, AUGUST 4 6:30am Karen Karl + 8:00am Art & Mary Canfield TUESDAY, AUGUST 5 6:30am DJ Fragoso 8:00am Bob Carriel + WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6 6:30am Sr. Catherine 8:00am Neeson-Solorio Family l & + THURSDAY, AUGUST 7 6:30am Parishioners 8:am Emma Senger FRIDAY, AUGUST 8 6:30am Michael Alexander 8:00am Dean Chabot + SATURDAY, AUGUST 9 8:00am William Palmerston + 5:00pm John Houilhan + 6:45pm Javier & Graciela Vargas SUNDAY, AUGUST 10 7:30am Stacy & Dorathy Rodman 9:30am Chris Carriel + 11:30am Irene Maciel + 6:00pm Ruby & Jeffrey Wintroub LOS ALAMOS, ST ANTHONY'S: Bear Herrera + SISQUOC, SAN RAMON: Joseph Trimble + AUGUST 3, 2014 RezamosporNuestrosEnfermos Phenn McKenna, Stan Boswell, Larry Rivas, Elvira Marquez, Brunhilde Krall, Irma Trejo, Judy Campos, Lexi Brown, Judy Camposthom Reynolds. Mary Spohn, Jeri Ferini, Mary Cappel, Mary Storm, Brogan Carol Macavoy, Gilbert Calles, Anita Dinapoli, Sharon Janson, Thom Reynolds, Maria Teresa Allmad, Shirley Rehder, Bernard Deboer, Rose Juneau, nancy Donati, Jean Saye, Richard Adam, Robert Stowasser, William Wiley, Linda Jaquez, Megan Diane Eitel ******** Yardian Angels – Ground Crew Many thanks to the Y ardian Angels who helped pull weeds and trim around our church grounds. Michael Hunstad taught a few of us how to properly dead-head roses. He and Robert Schumann pruned the oleander and large trees on the church’s Harp Road side. The remaining angels cleaned out the Clark Avenue fence area, the flower beds in the gathering area, and the roses at the old bell tower. Volunteers: Mary Fonseca, Michael Hunstad, Pasqual Michel, Estela Ojeda, Robert Shumann,, Lorna Ohta, Estela Ojeda, Ed & Emma Senger, Anne Sheaff, Elaine Silva, Randy Teixeira, and Nick Teixeira. Thanks to Willie Asistin and Phyllis Sabo who furnished us with beverages, fruit, and doughnuts. This was a living exercise in Stewardship and a way to give glory to God by sprucing up His house. Check the Sunday bulletin for future monthly yard clean-up and plan to join us. Contacts: Anne Sheaff – 934-3376 and Mary Fonseca – 937-4533 ************* ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION MASSES: AUGUST 14: 5:30PM & 6:45P, (SP) AUGUST 15: 6:30AM, 8AM, 12NOON & 6:00PM LOS ALAMOS: AUGUST 15TH : 7:00PM & 8:00PM (SP) EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 2014 FESTIVAL NEWS: SEPTEMBER 7 TALENT SHOW sign up sheets are in the rectory. Please contact Cath Rodarte afor details at [email protected]. VOLUNTEER sign up sheets are in the ves bule this weekend. One hour of your me, would be gratly appreciated. We need two CHAIR VOLUNTEERS to be in charge of the cake walk and our new Limbo game. DIME RAFFLE dona ons need to be dropped off at Tammy Jepsen’s house only. 1240 Ken Ave. FACE PAINTING. We need crea ve ar sits, hopefully two, to brighten the faces of our li le one! We are in NEED of a new food booth. Please contact Yolanda Chare e if you are interested at Chare [email protected] or 937-7904. STRAWBERRY STAND OPEN FOR THE SEASON Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 5pm Special orders call the Strawberry Lady at 354-2307. ********* Summer SCRIP Hours: Begins Wednesday, June 11th Wednesdays 2 PM - 6 PM Fridays 9 AM - 1 PM Last day of the quarter is Monday, June 30th. We will be open from 3-6 PM *********** READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Jer 28:1-17; Ps 119:29, 43, 79, 80, 95, 102; Mt 14:22-36 Tuesday: Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22; Ps 102:16-21, 29, 22-23; Mt 14:22-36 or Mt 15:1-2, 10-14 Wednesday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Mt 17:1-9 Thursday: Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 16:13-23 Friday: Na 2:1, 3; 3:1-3, 6-7; Dt 32:35cd-36ab, 39abcd, 41; Mt 16:24-28 Saturday: Hb 1:12 — 2:4; Ps 9:8-13; Mt 17:14-20 Sunday: 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-13a; Ps 85:9-14; Rom 9:1-5; Mt 14:22-33 PAGE THREE CONFIRMATION REGISTRATIONS: The Confirmation program at St. Louis de Montfort will have orientation/registration night on August 18th and 20th for Year1, and August 25th and 27th for Year 2 at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall. You are welcome to choose from one of the dates. Please bring candidates with you. For more information contact Luis Oros at [email protected] or 937-0701. ****** WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER ---------------------------------------------------------------Your love as husband and wife is a gift to one another as well as a gift from God. Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend to receive the tools needed to make the most of this precious gift. Deepen your communication, strengthen your relationship, rekindle your romance and renew your sacrament by attending the next WWME weekend: In Ventura September 19-21. For more information contact Ed and Jo Lara at 818-848-6729 or go online at We help make good marriages better. MEMORIAL MASS FOR JOHN ANTHONY HOULIHAN AUGUST 8TH AT 10AM ST. LOUIS DE MONTFORT CURCH RECEPTION TO FOLLOW IN THE UPPER ROOM ROSEMARY HILL PANTRY A very special thank you to all our parishioners who so generously contribute on a regular basis to our pantry. A big thanks also to the Vacation Bible students who filled our pantry with 700 food items. The Pantry could not operate without the willing and highly organized workers who sort the food and stack the shelves. And let’s not forget the office workers who respond to the needs of those who come for food. From Sr. Catherine EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME DID YOU KNOW Summertime, safe time All teachers, staff and volunteers in the Archdiocese must undergo fingerprinting and criminal background checks. Archdiocesan guidelines and abuse prevention training programs currently in use in the Archdiocese emphasize the importance of parents knowing who has access to their children at school and other churchsponsored activities. Summertime is here, and parents should remain vigilant regarding who is granted access to their children. Make sure camp counselors have undergone criminal background checks. And, make sure you know the camp’s “daily routine.” In particular, make sure that no camp activity results in a child being left alone with one adult. All activities should be supervised by more than one adult, and the camp should be open to unannounced drop-in visits from parents. For more information email: Dn. Jaime Abrera, Fingerprint Department,DnJAbrera@la- Religious Education & Junior High Religious Education classes for 4 yr olds through 6th grade BEGIN on Wednesday, September 3rd & Thursday, September 4th. At the time of registration families can choose between classes held from 3:455:00pm on Wednesdays or 6:00-7:15pm on Thursdays. Registration will be available in the Religious Education office 2-3 times a week throughout the month of August. This week registration hours are: Monday, August 4 4:00-7:00pm, Wednesday, August 6 4:00-7:00pm & Thursday, August 7 4:00-7:00pm. For mor e infor mation contact Kelly via email: [email protected] Junior High group will kick off for the year on September 4th. Junior High group is open to anyone entering the 7th or 8th grades. We will gather every Thursday from 6:00-7:15pm in Lou’s Grotto. Parents can register their son/daughter in advance during any of the registration days/times noted above. For more information contact Kelly via email: [email protected] PAGE FOUR ¿SABÍA USTED? Tiempo de verano, tiempo seguro Todos los maestros, empleados y voluntarios de la Arquidiócesis deben someterse a verificación de antecedentes penales y huellas digitales. Actualmente las normas de la Arquidiócesis y los programas de entrenamiento en la prevención del abuso ponen énfasis en la importancia de que los padres deben saber quién tiene acceso a sus hijos en la escuela y cuando participen en actividades patrocinadas por la Iglesia. El verano ya está aquí y los padres deben mantenerse vigilantes con respecto a quien tiene acceso a sus hijos. Asegúrese de que los consejeros del campamento hayan sido sometidos a una verificación de antecedentes penales. Y, asegúrese de saber cuál es la “rutina diaria” del campamento. En particular, asegúrese de que ninguna actividad del campamento resulte en que ningún niño se quede a solas con un adulto. Todas las actividades deben ser supervisadas por más de un adulto y el campamento debe estar abierto a que los padres visiten el campamento sin previo aviso. Para más información, escriba a: Dn. Jaime Abrera, Fingerprint Department, DnJAbrera@la- RCIA Adapted for Children and Teens Faith: The Next Generation – Pass it On! Boldly go where many have gone before and help pass on the Good News of Jesus Christ and our Catholic faith! Year round we have children and teens who sign up to learn more about Jesus and the Catholic faith and who wish to become fully initiated members of God’s Church. At this time, the RCIAC process in need of catechists to teach the youth of this process. You can help by becoming a catechist. As you nurture the faith of our young, you will learn and grow as well! As one longtime catechist put it, “I learn so much from the children!” We provide you with training, materials, and support. If interest- ed or for more information, contact Jose Orozco at [email protected] MAGNIFICAT All women are invited to the next Magnificat Quarterly Breakfast! Come hear Donna Lee, a noted Catholic singer, guitarist, and composer, describe her return to the From Sr. Catherine Catholic faith and how she experienced God’s forgiveness through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Date: SaturJust to update: My injured arm is healing. Obviously, day, August 23, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Place: Santa Mathe Lord saw that I needed to slow down and to experiria Inn Cost: $25/person Reservations: Dolly Van ence the power of prayer and TLC from the SLDM Horn (878-0420 or 934-1857 - after 5:00 pm) or Marie Parish Community! You have been my support with Schaefer (938-1254). the Masses offered, the promise of prayers and other *********** help, the words of encouragement. I am truly blessed, and I pray the Lord to shower his graces abundantly on you. Jesus promised, the cup of cold water given to one in need does not go unrewarded. You have gone far beyond!
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