st. louis de montfort catholic church
st. louis de montfort catholic church
ST. LOUIS DE MONTFORT CATHOLIC CHURCH 1190 East Clark Ave. Santa Maria, CA. 93455 Rectory: 5075 Harp Rd. + Santa Maria, CA 93455 + 805-937-4555 + FAX: 805-934-2805 Website: Email: [email protected] ST. ANTHONY’S , LOS ALAMOS 270 Helena St. Mass: 8:45AM & 11:30AM Span. MASS SCHEDULE: 934-3172 Daily: 6:30AM, 8:00AM First Fridays: 5:30PM Saturday: 8:00AM Vigil : 5PM Eng. 6:45PM Span. Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 & 6:00PM Holy Days: Vigil 5:30PM, 6:45 Span. 6:30AM, 8AM, 12 Noon, 6:00PM Liturgy of the Hours: Mon. through Fri. 6:55AM & 5:30PM Novena/Benediction: Thursdays 7PM Rev. Charles Hofschulte, CJ - Pastor (Ext.106) [email protected] Rev. Alidor Mikobi,CJ - Associate Pastor (Ext.109) [email protected] Rev. John Mayhew, CJ - Associate (Ext. 105) Rev. Mark Newman, CJ - Associate (semi-retired) Sr. Catherine Sullivan, DMJ Pastoral Assistant (Ext. 102) [email protected] Deacon Raul Blanco [email protected] Deacon Chris Boerger [email protected] Deacon Doug Halvorsen [email protected] Deacon Robert Maciel [email protected] Deacon Antonio Mejia [email protected] Deacon Robert Schaefer [email protected] Deacon Richard Carmody [email protected] Deacon Alfredo Espinoza 928-1111 ST. JOSEPH SEMINARY: 180 Patterson St. 937-5378 Josephite Website: SISTERS’ RESIDENCE: 937-4956 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: 5095 Harp Rd. 937-5571 Mrs. Kathy Crow - Principal Email: [email protected] ST. JOSEPH HIGH SCHOOL: 4120 S. Bradley Rd. Joanne Poloni - Principal 937-2038 CONFESSIONS: Saturdays 3:15-4:45PM & 8-9PM Bilingüe ASAMBLEA DE ORACIÓN: Lunes 7 - 8:30 en la Iglesia Informes: Salvador y Connie Barajas 934 -3097 SAN RAMON CHAPEL, SISQUOC Foxen Canyon Mass: 10:15AM BAPTISMS: Ages 0-6: 1st & 3rd Sundays at 1PM (Eng) BAPTISM CLASSES: 2nd Sunday of the month at 1PM Preregistration 10 days in advance. BAUTISMOS: edad 0-6 años: Cada cuarto domingo a la 1:30PM CLASES BAUTISMALES: Segundo lunes del mes a las 7PM Información: Rectoría 937-4555 o Félix González 363-9535 BODAS/QUINCEAÑERAS: Informes: Diacono Raúl Blanco 937-6642 y Coordinadoras: Gaby G.937-4435 o María S. 934-4831 CONFIRMATION/CONFIRMACIÓN: Paul Halsell – 937-0701 –[email protected] EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA: Martes de 5:30 - 7PM Salón Upper Room Informes: Lucero Nuñez 345-9720 o María Pérez 934-5045 FAITH FORMATION: Anna Boerger [email protected] MARRIAGES: By appointment at least 6 months in advance. PREPARACIONES MATRIMONIALES: Martes 7PM en los salones de la escuela #7 y #8 Informes: Rosario y Antonio Mejia - 925-2408 RCIA: Jim & Paula Martin– [email protected] RCIA Children: Jose Orozco- [email protected] RICA - Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos: Viernes 6:30 á 8PM en el salón parroquial Informes: Mayra Morales y Jorge Farias 478-3123 REL.ED MINISTRY/JR. HIGH/ HOMESCHOOL: Kelly McLoughlin - 937-8363 [email protected] YOUNG ADULTS: Paul Halsell 937-0701 or [email protected] HS. MINISTRY: 937-0701 [email protected] or Jose Orozco [email protected] St. Louis de Montfort Mission Statement We are called to be and to become a loving family centered in Jesus. We acknowledge and accept that each of us is unique and has special gifts from the Holy Spirit. We wish to nurture, develop and share these gifts within and for the Body of Christ. Having been called by Baptism into that Body, We celebrate our relationship in Word, Sacrament and Family Celebration. We are then sent to call others to Christ through who we are and what we do. We recognize Christ’s call to be one in Him and commit ourselves to his way of life. THE MOST HOLY TRINITY MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY, MAY 26 7:30am Eleanor Marie Magazino + 9:30am Raymond O. & Raymond H. Juneau + 11:30am Ben & Jim Marasco + 6:00pm Murray Wintroub + LOS ALAMOS, ST. ANTHONY'S: Louis Miller + SISQUOC, SAN RAMON CHAPEL: Tony & Eileen Siminski + MONDAY, MAY 27 6:30am Dean Chabot 8:00am Elsie Solis TUESDAY, MAY 28 6:30am Amy Daniels 8:00am Nancy Barron WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 6:30am Fr. Campion Aspinall, C.J. + 8:00am Douglas Mize + THURSDAY, MAY 30 6:30am Eleanor Piette + 8:00pm Christine Allen + FRIDAY, MAY 31 6:30 am Eddie Sezzi + 8:00 am Father John Mayhew, C.J. SATURDAY, JUNE 1 8:00am Emilliano Patacsil 5:00 pm Sylvia Wintroub + 6:45 pm Lazaro Bautista SUNDAY, JUNE 2 7:30am Stella Keough Archuleta Foster & Family 9:30am Elvira Mendonca + 11:30am Preciosa Mata + 6:00 pm David Tompkins + LOS ALAMOS, ST ANTHONY'S: Reginald Foxen + SISQUOC, SAN RAMON: Jim Runtz + MAY 26, 2013 Pray for Our Sick Rezamos por Nuestros Enfermos Mel Lamoureox Jacque LaCounte Suzanne Valenzuela Janet Davila Joseph Humphrey Margaret Young Amy Daniels Dean Chabot Eufermina Fabela Erma Forest Rose Juneau Patty Campbell Richard & Elise St. Marie Helen Shatynski Peggy Stone ****************************************** SAVE THE DATE **PILGRIMAGE WALK The annual parish pilgrimage walk is being planned for August 2-3-4. More details to follow; if you are interested in helping to plan, organize, etc., please call 937-4555. ************ PARISH PICNIC A HUGE thank you to everyone for making the 2013 Parish Picnic a success! Special thanks to the Knights of Columbus for cooking for us, the Parish Council for donating the meat, the Hispanic Community for the hot dogs, piñatas and yummy corn, Signe & Paul Smith for entertaining our kids, SLDM school for the drinks, Robert Bonilla for the amazing salad, Katy King, Kim, Joe & John Sawtelle, Joe & Matthew Plummer, our face painter Michelle and all the volunteers of the Mass and on the serving line...THANK YOU! If was amazing to see so many parishioners in the park to celebrate Mass and enjoy a meal together. Thank you for making this such a great parish! BECOME A CATHOLIC Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Do you know someone who is interested in joining the Catholic Church? Inquiry sessions for adults are held every Wednesday evening from 7-8:30pm in the Fireside Room with Fr. John Mayhew. Please come. For more information call 937-45555. THE MOST HOLY TRINITY IT’S TIME TO ROCK N ROLL once again—to the theme of the 2013 FAMILY FESTIVAL and ST. LOUIS TALENT COMPETITION. Please mark September 8, 2013, on your calendar from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30p.m. WE ARE IN NEED OF A COUPLE OF PEOPLE TO RUN THE DIME RAFFLE AND DESSERT BOOTH FOR OUR FESTIVAL. Your family will enjoy new rides, chil- dren’s games, a photo booth and pony rides. As always, we will have outstanding food and beverages to satisfy all appetites. Our entertainment this year will be the STEPPING OUT band from 11-2p.m. Finally our TALENT COMPETITION—first prize is $500 CASH!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FESTIVAL MEETING RESULTS We had our first festival meeting and we are pleased to say we have an excellent committee working with us. If you are putting on a food booth, please email Yolanda Charette with your list of supplies needed by June 15, 2013 at [email protected]. We need 3 volunteers to work the DIME RAFFLE this year; if interested please email [email protected]. We are also looking for new prizes for the DIME RAFFLE and, if you want to make a donation please email [email protected]. Raffle tickets have arrived and the GRAND PRIZE is $5000.00 CASH!!! As a reminder, the festival is the only fundraiser the church puts on and it supports most of our ministries. Please help us to be the best we can be by volunteering one hour of your time. Our next meeting is June 26th at 7:00p.m. in the hall. All are welcome to attend. Thank you all in advance, Chris and Debbie Festival Co-Chairs &&&&&&&&& LIVING THE EUCHARIST PARISH RETREAT PARISH RETREAT, Saturday, June 15th in the Upper Room from 9:30am –2:45pm. ALL ARE WELCOME! Please RSVP to Trent Benedetti at [email protected] or call 922-4881. Potluck lunch is part of the Parish Retreat. The Living the Eucharist Retreat is a communal celebration with distinct moments of assembling and being apart, of presentation and response, of reflection and sharing. The retreat will have scripture reading, questions for small group discussion, morning and afternoon talks about Living the Eucharist and end with a gathering in the Church for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. PAGE THREE Wish you knew the Bible better? …then join us for Genesis to Jesus, a Bible study that will help you learn the unified story of the Bible and the key figures in it. (Note: this Bible study is open to people of all ages.) • When – Thursdays at 10:00-Noon and 7:009:00p.m. (May 9th—June 20th) • Where – Upper Room of the Parish Community Center Contact Paul at 260-5831 or [email protected] to register. Cost - $10. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Sir 17:20-24; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 10:17-27 Tuesday: Sir 35:1-12; Ps 50:5-8, 14, 23; Mk 10:28-31 Wednesday: Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17; Ps 79:8-9, 11, 13; Mk 10:32-45 Thursday: Sir 42:15-25; Ps 33:2-9; Mk 10:46-52 Friday: Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 1:39-56 Saturday: Sir 51:12cd-20; Ps 19:8-11; Mk 11:27-33 Sunday: Gn 14:18-20; Ps 110:1-4; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Lk 9:11b-17 ARCHBISHOP GOMEZ WANTS YOU!!! Archbishop José H. Gomez is developing an e-mail distribution list for those who want to receive direct communications from him about news and issues of importance to the Church and her mission. If you would like to join this list, please register by visiting the Archdiocesan web site at . Please be assured that we will not share, rent or sell your address to other entities. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Eileen O’Brien, Director of Operations, Archdiocese of Los Angeles, [email protected]; (213) 637-7618. ************ CONFIRMATION COORDINATOR YOUNG ADULTS; H.S. PROGRAM, AND RCIAChildren program A NEW development has necessitated a change from a previous announcement. I am pleased to announce that we have offered the position to PAUL HALSELL, who will combine his work with the Young Adults. In order to make this work, JOSE OROZCO will be the Assistant Youth Minister. They will also oversee the H.S. program. JOSE replaces Angela Scotti who is moving, as the director of the RCIA-Children program. We wish PAUL and JOSE our prayers as they plan for the coming year. Fr. Charles, C.J. THE MOST HOLY TRINITY PAGE FOUR DID YOU KNOW? . Summer Safety Tips: Questions You Need to Ask Your Child. Summer brings a whole range of issues that affect your ability to protect your children from sexual abuse. The core best practice rule for child safety is to have as much information as possible and replace blind trust with knowledge and healthy suspicion. That means asking questions: Where are you going? What will you do while you are there? Who will be with you? When will you return? Which adults will be present? Then evaluate the situation and determine if it is safe for your child to participate. And, don’t be afraid to say “No” when it is not! SABÍA USTED? Seguridad para el Verano: Preguntas que Necesita Hacerle a su Hijo El verano trae varias cosas que afectan su habilidad de proteger a sus hijos del abuso sexual. La mejor esencia práctica para la seguridad de sus hijos es de tener la información más posible y reemplazar la confianza ciega con un conocimiento y sospecha saludable y. Esto quiere decir hacer preguntas: ¿A dónde vas? Mientras estés allí, ¿Que es lo que vas a hacer? ¿Quien va a estar contigo? ¿A que horas vas a regresar? ¿Cuales adultos van a estar presentes? Entonces evalué la situación y determine si su hijo está seguro al participar. Y, ¡no tenga miedo decir “No” cuando no lo es! Para más información sobre “Seguridad para El Verano” comuníquese por correo electrónico con: [email protected] Youth Ministry News: Confirmation Track 1: The commitments for track 1 have concluded for the school year. Everyone in track 1 will be in track 2 in the fall. All late paperwork for files should be turned in to Kelly’s mail box in the church office/rectory. Confirmation Track 2: Our 2nd year candidates were confirmed on Saturday, April 27th at noon and 3:00pm by Archbishop Gomez. Please pray for the continued spiritual growth of those confirmed and all youth in the parish. “Spirit KR3W”Junior High Youth Group: Our weekly gatherings have concluded for the school year. Watch the bulletin for details of summer activities. For more information contact: [email protected] or 937-0701 High School Youth Group: Our weekly gatherings have concluded for the school year. Watch the bulletin for details of summer activities. For more information contact: [email protected] or 937-0701. YOUNG ADULT GROUP Allan Hancock Catholic Fellowship Want to be trained to have a big impact on campus through Bible studies and outreach? Want to earn college credits for volunteering at church? Contact [email protected] for more info. Steubenville San Diego, a conference just for college students ages 18-23! July 26-28 at the University of San Diego, experience the beauty of the Catholic faith like you never have before! Contact [email protected] for more info. Young Adults 18-39, Single or Married In the months of May and June, we will be joining the parish for the Genesis to Jesus Bible study, on Thursdays from 7-9 in the Upper Room. We have a ton of other great things planned as well! For more information and to join our mailing list contact Paul, [email protected]. Upcoming Summer Events • Scripture Retreat—immerse yourself in studying Scripture for a weekend with other young adults • Theology on Tap—explore life-changing truths of the Catholic faith in a relaxed and fun environment • The Bible and the Mass—Never be bored at Mass again!!! In this Bible study about the Mass, learn how the Bible reveals to us that when we go to Mass we go to Heaven.
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