Each day with one heart - we are the hands of Jesus


Each day with one heart - we are the hands of Jesus
The Sanctuary Candle burns this week
For the Intentions of Allen and Maria Sinner
on their 25th Wedding Anniversary.
Monday, December 30th
The Holy Family of Jesus,
Mary and Joseph
Over all [other virtues] put on love, that is, the bond
of perfection. ~ Colossians 3:14
All Saints is a tithing community, giving back a
portion of God’s blessings in gratitude.
“Each day with one heart we are the hands of Jesus”
Please pray for those who are sick or in need, especially ~
Anastasia Adams, Jean Agnew, Marcella Altizer, Helen &
Rakesh Andrews, Rita Arellano, Megan Arp, Lorrie Ball, Robin
Bast, Daniel Beber, Robert Benedetto, Margaret Berdak, Denise
Biggs, Maria Biosca, Mary Blizzard, John Borden, Tom
Branigan, Ann Brien, Jay Briseno, Jane Carney, Timothy
Ceschin, Maurilio Chaves, Michael Chettle, Brian Clark, John
Connelly, Valerie Corliss, Sandra Culebro, Riley Cullen, Carly
Czajkowski, Robert Dantona, Peter DeFranks, Angel Dietzel,
Leo DiFilippo, Sister Lydia D’Souza, Lynn Ferguson-Kerns,
Nicole Fini, Reagan Elizabeth Flemming, Shannon Gammon,
Graciela Garcia, Charlie Gareis, Teresa Ann Gilday, K. Darrell
Gillman, Mary Giordano, Dick Goble, Joseph Gonzalez, Claude
Grant, Moira Hall, Mary Hanford, MaryAnn Hassan, Danyl
Henderson, Gary Herman, Francisco Hernandez-Tarralba,
Virginia Hoffman, Marie Horn, Sherry Hudson, Mrs. Husk, Mary
Hutchinson, Audra Peer Jackson, Consuelo Juarez, Molumba
Kamuamga, Mary Margaret Kohill, Jean Kovarik, Bill Lansing,
Sr., Brian Lee, Geraldine LeFierre, Marian Lomis, John Lucas,
Morris Lusk, Betty Maag, Michael Martino, Nicole McGinn,
Ariadna Melendez-Guzman, Liem Shinta Maria, Lenny Martelli,
Patricia McAndrew, Kimberly McNamara, Mary Ellen
Merchant, Eduardo Minas, Ken Moan, Bobbie Moore, Catherine
Morretta, Tullis Moyers, Julie Natali, Julie Kay Natali, George
H. Nitzel Jr., John David Novak, Philip Nuar, Joseph Oha,
Daniel W. O’Leary, Anthony Panameno, John Para, Michelle
Parker, Dottie Patrick, Sandra Patterson, Abigail Pell,
Domingos Pereira, Tom Propes, Michael Puzynski, Jim
Ramsden, Jose Manual Rosales Rescendiz, Sean Riley, Megan
Rivera, Rosalie Robl, Mary Rogers, Rita Rooney, Fred Rose,
Anthony S., Des Sassov, Mary Schaab, Patricia Senavitis, Susie
Serene, Dorothy Shannon, Jerry Shea, Diane Lynn Smith,
Patricia Smith, Sheryl Smith, Stan Sobczynski, Donna Stecker,
James Suraci, Barbara Tasker, Charles Tolley, Mary Tolley, Fr.
Jerry Trancone, Sylvia Urani, Antonio Uribe, Virginia Walsh,
Kiki Warrick, Pat Waskom, Bob Weaver, Jim Westerhouse,
Laura Wilkinson, Collette Williams, Eleanor Grace Wisniewski,
Beatrice Yeager, Richard Zavadowski & Rita Zich
1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96:7-10; Lk 2:36-40
Sixth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord
Christmas Novena
† Amy Marie Forrest
Tuesday, December 31st 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2,11-13; Jn 1:1-18
Seventh Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord
St. Sylvester I; New Year’s Eve
† Francis Hadro
Christmas Novena
† Mary Soellner
8:00pm (Sp) Special Intentions
Holy Hour
Wednesday, January 1st Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3,5,6,8; Gal 4:4-7;
The Octave of the Nativity of the Lord; New Year’s Day Lk 2:16-21
Mary, the Holy Mother of God; World Day of Prayer for Peace
† John Luther Keys
† James Ranelli
† Joseph Irving
1:30pm (Sp) Special Intentions
Thursday, January 2nd 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 1:19-28
St. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen
† Vernon Westhoff
† William Mullen
Friday, January 3rd 1 Jn 2:29-3:6; Ps 98:1,3cd-6; Jn 1:29-34
The Most Holy Name of Jesus; First Friday
† Ruth Bunker
Mike and Julie Byers
Mass, Holy Hour & Adoration
Saturday, January 4th 1 Jn 3:7-10; Ps 98:1,7-9; Jn 1:35-42
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton; First Saturday
† Michele and Antonia Sauro
† Alejandro Montano
Sunday, January 5th Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2,7-8,10-13; Eph 3:2-3a,5-6;
The Epiphany of the Lord; National Migration Week
9:30am (MP)
1:30pm (Sp)
7:00pm (Sp)
Mt 2:1-12
† Kathleen Dillon
† Beverly Green
Catherine Morretta
† Deceased Members of our Purgatorial
† Filiberta Fajardo
All Parishioners
Diego Quezada
~ Please pray for all the faithful departed ~
Pope Francis’ Prayer for the Families of the World
Jesus, Mary and Joseph
to you, Holy Family of Nazareth,
today we turn our gaze
with admiration and confidence;
in you we contemplate
the beauty of communion in true love;
to you we commend our families,
so that in them marvels of grace be renewed.
Holy Family of Nazareth,
alluring school of the Gospel:
teach us to imitate your virtues
with a wise spiritual discipline,
grant us a clear vision
that recognizes the work of Providence
in the daily realities of life.
Holy Family of Nazareth,
faithful custodian of the mystery of salvation:
help us to regain an appreciation for silence,
make our families cenacles of prayer
and transform them into little domestic Churches,
renew the desire for sanctity,
sustain the noble toil of work, of education,
of listening, of mutual understanding and of forgiveness.
Holy Family of Nazareth,
reawaken in our society the consciousness
of the sacred and inviolable character of the family,
an inestimable and irreplaceable good.
May every family be a place where goodness and peace are welcomed
for children and for the elderly,
for those who are sick and alone,
for those who are poor and needy.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
we pray to you with confidence, we entrust ourselves to you with joy.
A Message from our Pastor,
Fr. Bob Cilinski
““Heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness,
and patience.” ~ Col 3:12
Annual Parish
My dear parishioners,
The Christmas message brings incredible hope and joy to
the world. The Christmas story continues to happen in our
lives. Christ the Savior is born into our families and into
each of our hearts. God comes as an unexpected gift, an
unexpected child, a holy surprise of God.
This Christ child continues to break down the barriers
caused by sin, to bring reconciliation and healing to the
world. That first Christmas night, heaven and earth met,
and the human family was once again reconciled with God.
Peace was announced by the angels. And we can always be
at peace with God and one another if only we accept and
welcome Christ into our hearts.
I am so inspired by the faith and generosity of All Saints
Parish. There is lots of love in the community and I see the
face of Christ in each family and each person. On behalf of
Fr. Melmer, Fr. Puigbo, Fr. Donelan, Fr. Stephen, Deacon
O’Connell, Deacon Eberlein, Sister Trinidad, O.S.B. and
Sister Ann Marie, O.S.B., I wish you all my sisters and
brothers, a most blessed and grace filled Christmas. Be
assured you will all be remembered in the holy sacrifice of
the mass. May the light of Christ shine on all your hearts.
Merry Christmas!
Love and blessings,
Fr. Bob Cilinski
St. Vincent de Paul Society
“the harvest is great; the workers, few…”
Do you wonder what you can do in our community to assist
our less fortunate neighbors?
The All Saints Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society
responds to calls for assistance in Manassas and Manassas
Park. Our success depends on your generosity, relies on your
prayers, and needs your help. Call (571) 264-5750 or (703)
626-1833 to learn more about how you can participate.
If you are facing a financial emergency, please call: (703) 368
-2429; Spanish speakers: (703) 393-1483.
THANK YOU to all the parishioners who responded to
our annual pledge drive. Reflecting on God’s goodness
and the many blessings He has given us, a record number
of parishioners submitted their pledges of support for the
coming year. The new commitment began with the
Advent season. Your donation enables the parish to
continue our mission of bringing the community closer to
Our Lord Jesus Christ through the sacraments, outreach
and prayer.
If you have not yet completed your pledge form, you may
stop by the parish office to request one.
May God continue to pour out His blessing on each one of
us as we approach the New Year, filled with opportunities
for gratitude and grace.
Eucharistic Adoration
with Prayer and Meditation
Monday, January 6th at 7:30pm
All Saints Church
Fr. John Melmer will review
the Seven Gifts of the Holy
Spirit and lead a guided
meditation for Bishop Loverde's
intentions stated in Go Forth with Hearts
on Fire; for an outpouring of graces of the
Holy Spirit upon the Arlington Diocese; and
for a re-awakening of our Catholic faith.
Join us for Praise, Worship and Prayer.
Hosted by Spirit of Love Prayer Group & the Arlington
Diocese Charismatic Renewal
Are you registered in the Parish?
If you are not receiving mail from the parish, chances are
you are not registered. You are free to stop by the Parish
Office to become a registered member of All Saints. Parish
registration is required to be a Baptismal Godparent or
Confirmation Sponsor. You may also visit our website at
Parish Life
Pastoral Care Needs
The Parish Office opens 9:00am each day to
9:00pm Monday through Thursday and
until 8:00pm on Fridays.
(Closed from 12:00 noon - 1:00pm Monday-Friday)
Please notify us if you have a family member in Prince
William Hospital or one of the nursing homes. A priest or
Eucharistic Minister will then visit. Please call us at (703)
393-1411 with the name of the person in need and provide
the patient’s name and room number. If you would like
your loved one to be placed on our Parish Prayer Tree,
please call Maureen at (703) 361-4066. If you would like
your loved one to be placed in the bulletin, please call
Linda at (703) 393-1430.
Bible Study - The Thursday Morning Bible Study Group is
on hiatus until January 23rd at which time we will resume
our weekly meetings in the church library at 10:00am every
Thursday. Consider making the study of scripture one of
your resolutions for the New Year and join us when we
start again on January 23rd.
Children of all ages are invited to the Parish Library on
Sunday, January 5th after the 9:30am Mass as Cyndy
Quinan shares a story about St. Francis of Assisi and the
first creche.
Spirit of Love Prayer Group: no meeting on Tuesday,
December 31st. Next meeting: Monday, January 6th in the
Church at 7:30pm.
Required Updated VIRTUS Training - The Diocese of
Arlington requires all clergy, employees and volunteers
who have attended the live training seminar “Protecting
God’s Children” to update their training every year by
attending a valuable half-hour update. This update will be
presented on: Tuesday, January 14th, February 11th and
March 11th in the Art Room at 7:00pm. We are requesting
advance registration by telephone or email for this brief
update. Attendance will be taken to ensure that you receive
credit for completing the training. To register, please call
Janet Smith, Virtus coordinator at the Parish Office, (703)
393-2158 or email her at [email protected].
Natural Family Planning (NFP) - Want to learn the secret
to living your marriage sacrament freely, totally, faithfully
and fruitfully? Come learn NFP: it's highly effective and
can do wonders for your relationship. To learn more or to
register for a class, visit www.ccli.org. The last class at
All Saints will be held on January 16th (Art Room)
starting at 7:00pm. Contact Matthew and Mary
Lewandowski at [email protected] or (703) 335-7471
for more information.
Parish Office Christmas Hours
The Parish Office hours for the Christmas season are as
Sunday, December 29th
~ Open 9:00am-3:00pm
Monday, December 30th
Tuesday, December 31st
Wednesday, January 1st
Thursday, January 2nd
Friday, January 3rd
~ Regular Hours
~ Office closes at Noon
~ Closed
~ Closed
~ Closed
WOW ~ Widows or Widowers
You are invited to come and join us … This is a group to
socialize with, to help overcome the loneliness, to share
experiences and form new friendships. Come and meet with
those who have walked a similar path with you.
Any questions, please call Gillian at (703) 393-1411 or
visit our website at http://wow.allsaintswow.org or email us
at [email protected].
Cancer Support Group
The Cancer Prayer and Support Group will meet on
Monday, January 27th from 1:00-2:00pm in the Church
Library. This ministry is for people with cancer and also
cancer survivors.
Please call Gillian, Pastoral Care Office, at (703) 393-1411
to register or for more information.
Grief/Bereavement “Jesus Wept”
A six-week bereavement support group will begin each
Friday, January 24th until February 28th from 5:30-7:00pm.
This group is for those hurting from the loss of a loved one.
We care about you. To register, please call Gillian at (703)
393- 1411 or [email protected].
Eucharistic Adoration
“Could you not spend one hour with me?”
Come adore with us:
Sunday 8:00pm to Monday 7:00am
Wednesday 9:00am to Thursday 7:00am
Thursday 7:00pm to Friday 7:00am
Friday 9:00pm (following Holy Hour) to Saturday 7:30am
and ends with Benediction
Call or email Aime at (703) 392-5260 / [email protected]
for further information.
Children’s Religious Education
All Saints Catholic School
A special thank you to all our wonderful volunteers.
God bless you!
Christmas Holiday Schedule
In observance of the Christmas season, the school and
offices will be closed from Monday, December 23rd
through Friday, January 3rd. Classes will resume on
Monday, January 6th.
January RE Class Schedule:
Sundays: January 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th
Wednesdays: January 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th
Wednesdays: No RE on January 1st
Policy In Case of Inclement Weather
Monday and Wednesday RE Sessions:
All Saints RE follows the Prince William County
cancellation schedule. If Prince William County schools are
closed on a particular day due to inclement weather, then
Religious Education classes will be cancelled. Any closing
will be posted at www.allsaintsvachurch.org and the RE
voicemail at (703) 393-2142.
Sunday RE Sessions:
Decisions about closing for inclement weather on a Sunday
are made by the Pastor and DRE. Any closing will be
posted at www.allsaintsvachurch.org and on the RE
voicemail at (703) 393-2142.
RE Office: (703) 393-2142
Adult Confirmation
Adults who have not yet been confirmed are invited to receive
the Sacrament of Confirmation on Pentecost Sunday (June 8th,
2014) at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More with Bishop
Loverde. Confirmation welcomes us, deepens our friendship
with God and strengthens us for our mission as disciples.
There will be nine classes of preparation beginning on
Thursday, January 16th. To register or for more information,
please call Miss Mattingly at (703) 393-2159. Registration
deadline is Monday, January 6th.
All Saints Filipino-American Ministry
Everyone is invited to the All Saints Filipino-American
Ministry Monthly Rosary and Upcoming Events Meeting on
Saturday, January 18th in Meeting Room 2 at 6:30pm;
please bring a dish to share. For additional information, please
contact Conrad/Rose Ann at (703) 909-6454/6455 or Ehmie at
(703) 409-4515 or Leila at (571) 247-1984.
Open House – Thursday, January 16
All Saints Catholic School will host an Open House for
prospective parents on Thursday, January 16th beginning
at 9:00am. Following a presentation and introduction at
9:00am, tours of the facility will be provided. Plan to attend
and experience the dynamic, Catholic environment of All
Saints Catholic School. For more information, please
contact Mrs. Joyce D’Eugenio at (703) 393-1490 or
[email protected].
Tuition Assistance Applications for 2014-2015
Applications for Tuition Assistance for the 2014-2015
academic year are now available at the front office of the
school. Again this year the Diocese of Arlington has
partnered with FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment Company.
FACTS has also established an on-line application process
that can be initiated through the company website (http://
The due dates when applications and supporting
documentation must be received by FACTS are:
High School
January 27, 2014
Elementary School
March 17, 2014
NOTE: All families with children enrolled in both high
school and elementary school will need to submit an
application by the January high school deadline
Knights of Columbus
Membership - If you believe in the
importance of investing your time in
friendship, the church, helping others, and
strengthening your family, the Knights of
Columbus is for you. The Knights of Columbus is the
largest Catholic family fraternal service organization in the
world. Members are dedicated to living out our principles
of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. Membership in
the Knights is open to Catholic men, 18 years or older, and
their families. For more information about joining the
Knights, call one of our Co-Membership Directors Joe
Schiesl at (703) 392-9388 or Tom Masarick at (703) 3688308.
29 de Diciembre de 2013
La Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José
Misa en Manassas Park 9:30am ~ Por las Intenciones de Leonel Martínez y Ady Hernández
Misa de 1:30pm ~ Novena de Navidad
Misa de 7:00pm ~ Por Todos los Parroquianos
Rev. Robert C. Cilinski:
Avisos Parroquiales
Avisos de Educación Religiosa
Rev. Juan Puigbó:
Rev. Jeb Donelan:
Horarios de Misas para
Santa María, Madre de Dios
Martes, 31 de Diciembre:
8:00pm- Misa en español en la Iglesia.
Miércoles, 1 de Enero:
1:30pm- Misa en español en la Iglesia.
Domingo: 9:30am en el
Centro Comunitario de
Manassas Park; 1:30pm
y 7:00pm en la Iglesia.
Miércoles: 6:30pm-8:00pm
Viernes: 7:30am-8:00am
Sábados: 3:00pm-4:00pm
Primer Viernes del Mes:
Domingo 8:00pm a Lunes
7:00am; Miércoles 9:00am
a Jueves 7:00am; Jueves
7:00pm a Viernes 7:00am;
Viernes 9:00pm(después
de la Hora Santa) a Sábado 7:30am.
Misas para Epifanía
Domingo, 5 de Enero:
Horario Normal
9:30am en el Centro Comunitario de Manassas Park; 1:30pm y 7:00pm en la Iglesia.
Horario de Oficina Parroquial
El Horario de la Oficina Parroquial durante
la temporada de Navidad es el siguiente:
Lunes, 30 de diciembre ~ Horario Normal
Martes, 31 de diciembre ~ Oficia cerrada a
las 12:00 del medio día.
Miércoles, 1 de enero ~ Cerrado
Jueves, 2 de enero ~ Cerrado
Viernes, 3 de enero ~ Cerrado
Sábado, 4 de enero ~ Abierto de 9 am a
Gran Vigilia de Fin de Año
El grupo de oración Los Mensajeros de Jesús
los invita a una Gran Vigilia de Fin de año el
Se ofrece en 2o Grado. Es
31 de Diciembre a las 7:00pm en el centro
obligatorio un año de preparación. Llame al 703- de actividades de la parroquia. Acompáñelos
a despedir el año con una cena y alabando a
393-2142 x216.
Dios. Para mas información, favor de llamar
Se ofrece en 8 Grado. Es al (571) 238-6717.
obligatorio un año de preparación. Llame al 703-393
-2142 x 249.
Para niños de 7 años o
mayores que no están bautizados o niños mayores de
7 años que no tienen Primera Comunión y para
adultos, 18 años o mayores, que les falta algún
sacramento. Llame al 703393-2142 x 216.
Oficina De Vocaciones
“Envío mi mensajero delante de ti, el que ha
de Preparar tu camino.” ¿Estás llamado para
ser enviado por Jesús como sacerdote, diácono, hermana o hermano? Llama al Padre J.D.
Jaffe al (703) 841-2514 o escribe a:
[email protected].
Oficina de Educación Religiosa:
Clases de Enero
Domingo: 5, 12, y 29 de Enero
Lunes : 6, 13, y 27 de Enero
Miércoles: 8, 15, 22, y 29 de Enero
Norma en Caso de al tiempo
Clases de Educación Religiosa los Lunes y Miércoles: La oficina de Educación Religiosa de All
Saints sigue el horario de cancelación del Condado de Prince William. Si las escuelas del Condado de Prince William se cierran en un día en
particular debido a la inclemencias del tiempo,
también se cancelaran las clases de educación
religiosa. Cualquier cierre será publicada en la
o por correo de voz en la Oficina de Educación
Religiosa llamando al 703-393-2142.
Clases de Ingles y Ciudadanía
Caridades Católicas, Hogar Immigrant Services,
ofrece clases de inglés y ciudadanía de lunes a
jueves. Tenemos varios niveles de conocimiento
de inglés. Inscríbase hoy. El precio es $125.00
por 14 semanas e incluye el libro. Aceptamos
solamente efectivo, tarjeta de crédito, o money
orden. Por favor llame a Hogar Immigrant Services al (571) 208 1572 o visítenos en 8251
Shoppers Square, Manassas.
Despensa de Comida Bethany
La despensa de comida Bethany está situada en
el centro de actividades de la parroquia y esta
abierta los martes (5 pm -8 pm) y los viernes
(9 am – 11:30 am). Familias o personas en necesidad pueden recibir comida dos veces al
mes. Favor de notificar a personas en necesidad (que viven en Manassas y Manassas Park)
que pueden recibir ayuda de comida en la despensa Bethany. Sus donaciones de latas de vegetales, comida en latas, maseca, cereales, etc.,
se pueden dejar en las cajas designadas, cerca
de las puertas interiores de la iglesia.