- Christ the King Parish


- Christ the King Parish
TELEPHONE (480) 964-1719 - FAX (480) 844-4498
Email: [email protected]
Parish Web Site: www.ctk-catholic.org
Christ the King Mission Statement
Our community serves the mission of Jesus Christ, to make disciples of all nations, welcoming them into the loving family of God. United in
the Eucharist and blessed by a diversity of gifts, we desire to give glory to God and to build His Kingdom "on earth as it is in Heaven".
Vacation Bible School
Join the Parade around the Our Father with
St. Joseph of Cupertino. Kids will have
fun-filled days of exciting lessons on the
Perfect Prayer, the Lord’s prayer, cool
crafts, fun activities, upbeat music, creative
skits, and delicious snacks.
SteubWest Fundraiser:
April 30 and May 1 / May 7 and 8
Life Teen will be selling religious jewelry after all
Masses. These items would make perfect First
Communion and Confirmation gifts. Teens
participating in the fundraiser are raising money to
attend Steubenville West in Tucson, AZ this July.
Thank you in advance for supporting our youth
ministry program here at Christ the King.
For more info, visit: www.CTKLTMesa.org
Jr. High ALIVE
Friday, April 29 from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
You’re invited to Water Wars! Please come dressed
to get wet (no white shirts or shorts).
Meet in the Life Teen room.
Open to ALL 7th-8th graders.
Monday, June 6 - Friday, June 10
8:45 am - Noon
5 years old – incoming 6th Graders
1st child $35; 2nd $30; 3rd child $25
Registration is now open for parishioners
and non-parishioners through May 26.
Forms can be downloaded from our parish
website, www.ctk-catholic.org or picked up
in the Parish Office Tuesday through
Thursday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. All payment
must be received at registration and no
refunds will be given after May 26.
Full or partial scholarships are available.
For more information, visit our website:
www.CTKLTMesa.org or call
Deepa Kingry, Facilitator of Youth Ministry
(480)844-4476 ∞ (480)331-4474
[email protected]
General Information
Parish Office Hours:
Mondays 8 am to 12 noon
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays: 8 am to 4 pm
Fridays: closed
Welcome Center Hours:
Saturdays 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm / Sundays: 8 am to 3 pm
Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturdays: 4 pm
Sundays: 7 am, 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm (Spanish), 5 pm (Spanish)
Daily Mass:
Monday through Saturday at 8 am ; Wednesday at 6:30 pm
Monday through Friday: 7:30 am to 8:00 am
Wednesdays: 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Saturdays: 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
See inside bulletin or contact the office for orientation schedule.
Parochial Staff
Parochial Administrator:
Rev. Rolyn Francisco
Parochial Vicar:
Rev. Scott Sperry
Tom Bishop, Will Capistrant, Frank Galarza, Ron Ruiz, Neil Tift
Parish Staff & Personnel
Parish Manager:
Bridgette Cosentino (480) 844-4463
[email protected]
Pastoral Associate & Adult Sacraments:
Deacon Tom Bishop (480) 844-4473
[email protected]
Christ the King School Principal:
Shelley Conner (480) 844-4480
[email protected]
Facilities & Maintenance Manager:
Joseph Calderone (480) 844-4471
[email protected]
Financial Secretary:
Pam Reid (480) 844-4460
[email protected]
Assistant to the Administration:
Natalie Smith (480) 844-4479
[email protected]
Brenda Castillo (480) 844-4462 [email protected]
Communications & Media:
Allan Luke (480) 717-8549
[email protected]
Parish Receptionists:
Jessica Reyes (480) 964-1719
[email protected]
Rafaela Loera (480) 964-1719 - (English/Español)
[email protected]
Guadalupe Vasquez (480) 964-1719 - (English/Español)
[email protected]
Pastoral Care (Cancer Ministry, Homebound Ministry):
Anthanette Donaldson (480) 844-4478
[email protected]
Facilitator of Ministry and Marriage:
Mireya Campos (480) 844-4467 - (English/Español)
[email protected]
Anointing of the Sick and Funerals:
Anthanette Donaldson (480) 844-4478
[email protected]
Monday, April 25
6:30 pm - Music Rehearsal - Church
6:30 pm - Life Teen Bible Study - Life Teen Room
6:30 pm - Coro Sonrisa de Cristo #2 - Pre School Room
7:00 pm - Boy Scouts Meeting - Community Center
Tuesday, April 26
9:30 am - Living Water Bible Study - St. Francis
10:30 am - H.O.P.E. - Community Center
4:30 pm - Catechesis of the Good Shepherd - Atrium
6:00 pm - Tax Credit Seminar - 5th Grade Classroom
6:30 pm - Religious Education Grades 1-8
7:00 pm - Finance Council - St. Francis
Wednesday, April 27
6:45 am - Christians in Commerce - St. Francis
8:30 am - God’s Word in God’s World Bible Study - St. Joe’s B
3:00 pm - Life Teen Mayhem - Life Teen Room
5:30 pm - Life Teen - Life Teen Office
6:30 pm - Cub Scouts - St. Joe’s B
6:30 pm - School Advisory Board - 5th Grade Classroom
6:30 pm - Coro Sonrisa de Cristo - Community Center
7:00 pm - Coro Cristo Rey - St. Teresa
7:00 pm - Formación Espiritual - St. Joe’s A
Thursday, April 28
9:30 am - Prayer Shawl Ministry - St. Francis
4:45 pm - H.O.P.E. - Community Center
6:00 pm - Reunion del Grupo Guadalupano - St. Francis
6:30 pm - Religious Education - Grades 1-8, Atrium
7:00 pm - St. Peregrine Prayer Group - St. Peregrine Shrine
7:00 pm - Práctica de Música del Grupo de Oración - Comm. Center
Friday, April 29
6:30 am - Christians in Commerce - St. Francis
8:45 am - Marthas - Church
9:00 am - Divine Mercy Adult Formation - St. Francis
6:15 pm - PTO Family Movie Night
6:30 pm - Jr. High Alive - Presentation Hall
7:00 pm - Grupo de Oración - St. Joe’s A & B
7:00 pm - Encuentro Matrimonial - St. Francis
Saturday, April 30
6:30 am - “That Man is You” - St. Francis
9:00 am - Religious Education Sacrament Rehearsal
Sunday, May 1
Coffee and Donuts after the 7am, 9am, 11am and 1pm Masses
9:00 am - RCIC - 2nd, 3rd, 4th Grade Classrooms, Atrium
10:15 am - RCIA - St. Joe’s B
10:30 am - RICA - 8th Grade Classroom
12:30 pm - Baptism Information Class - St. Joe’s B
2:30 pm - Información de bautismo - St. Joe’s B
5:00 pm - Semilla Maya - Community Center
Music Director:
Jarrod Townsend (480) 245-4116
[email protected]
Youth Ministry and Sacramental Preparation: (Grades 9 to 12)
Deepa Kingry (480) 844-4476
[email protected]
Children and Youth Sacramental Preparation: (Ages 4 to Gr. 8)
Sr. Mary Beata (480) 245-4100
[email protected]
Religious Education Assistant:
Elena Cota (480) 245-4100
[email protected]
Please join CTK School students for
the May Crowning ceremony at
the 8:00 am Mass on Wednesday,
May 4. The 8th grade will present flowers
to and crown our Holy Mother and lead the
Litany immediately following the Mass.
From Our Parochial Administrator...
Love One Another.
Jesus says "I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have
loved you, so you should love one another. This is how all will know that
you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:34-35).
Our culture has created much confusion with respect to what it means to truly love. Jesus
shows us what love is. It is making a conscious choice to sacrifice for the good of another,
even if it is at the expense of our own needs and desires.
Parents naturally understand this authentic definition of love when it comes to their
children. Parents will put their own needs and desires behind those of their children. Most
parents would even give their life for their child.
Many marriages suffer from the lack of authentic love. Feelings and circumstances change.
Trials and tribulations abound. Yet each couple is expected to remain faithful to their vows
and to make a choice to love one another each and every day.
Jesus passes on His mandate to love one another to us. Let’s take it, parishioners of Christ
the King. He pours out as he did on his disciples the Holy Spirit promised by the Father. In
effect, we make him known and loved through the good news we bring to the people, the
“Gospel of Joy,” Pope Francis says. Jesus is present to the world through us. St. Teresa
of Avila (1515-1582) wrote: “Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth
but yours. Yours are the eyes through which He looks with compassion on this world.
Yours are the feet with which He walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which He
blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are
His body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.”
God bless.
Father Rolyn Francisco
Mass Intentions - Intenciones de Misas
Prayer Chain Ministry - Cadena de Oración
Please pray for…
Monday, April 25
Lise Delarosbil
Norma Exline
Joyce Kirscher
John Lopez
Michael Mancukian
Maxcine McKelvey
Paul Redlich
8:00 am - Jennie and Julius Maschue 
Tuesday, April 26
8:00 am - Joe Villegas 
Wednesday, April 27
8:00 am - Angelina Ferreira 
6:30 pm - Daniel Castro 
Thursday, April 28
If you or a loved one is in need of prayer, please contact
Anthanette with your prayer request at (480) 844-4478
or [email protected].
8:00 am - Carmine Ciriello 
Friday, April 29
8:00 am - Jessie Feraren - Special Intention
Saturday, April 30
8:00 am - Fidelis Feraren - Special Intention
4:00 pm - Lee Ann Garvin - Special Intention
Sunday, May 1
7:00 am - Luis and Josefina Acosta 
9:00 am - Epifanio Sesate 
11:00 am - Community of Christ the King
1:00 pm - Adrian Morales 
5:00 pm - Francisco Fragoso 
Christ the King
Knights of Columbus Council 3419
Download our newsletter “The Chronicle”, from
our website www.council3419.com or speak with a
current member of our Council.
Men over 18… Join us!
Infant Baptism (newborn to 6 years old)
Parents must attend two classes prior to having their
children baptized.
♦ Class #1 is Baptism Information for parents only.
This is a one-hour class.
♦ Class #2 is Baptism Preparation for parents and
godparents. This is a four-hour class.
Our next Baptism Information (Class #1) is Sunday,
May 1, from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm in St. Joe’s B.
Class begins promptly at 12:30 pm. If you arrive late, you
will be asked to attend next month’s class. Please, no
children at class. At Baptism Information (Class #1) you will
be given dates for Baptism Preparation (Class #2).
Tithing Report
Budgeted 4-17-16
Actual Collected 4-17-16
Budgeted Y-T-D 4-17-16
Actual Collected Y-T-D 4-17-16
Anny Salazar
Alyssa Salemi
Nancy Stover
Jeff Sutton
John Joseph Sutton
Darlene Zubeck
$ 23,000.00
$ 17,999.23
$ 997,000.00
$ 969,884.52
Perpetual Adoration
“Could you not watch one hour with me?”
~ Mark 14:37
Spend an hour a week with the Blessed Eucharist in
The 3:00 am Monday hour is now available.
The 1:00 am Saturday hour will be available soon.
Visit the St. Peregrine Cancer Shrine website at
www.cancershrine.org/adoration and click on the
Monstrance to view the Colored Faces Chart, or call
Dick at (602) 300-8562 for more information on
becoming an adorer.
Visit our NEW Youth Ministry website:
Flyers, permission forms, event calendar, service
hour opportunities, pictures, catholic info, and
more!!!! For questions or more info:
Deepa Kingry, Facilitator of Youth Ministry
(480)844-4476 ∞ (480)331-4474
[email protected]
Are you interested in getting married in
the Catholic Church? Did you recently
get engaged? Are you married civilly
but have not received the Sacrament of
Marriage Preparation in the Diocese of Phoenix
is approximately 9 months. Before you set the
wedding date, contact Mireya Campos to set up
an appointment by calling (480)844-4467 or
[email protected]
Citizenship Preparation Classes
The Crosier Community of Phoenix is hosting its
next series of citizenship classes to those
interested in learning the basics of becoming a U.S.
citizen and to those wishing to develop their
English language skills. The series runs for six
consecutive Saturdays on April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
and May 7, 2016.
Information provided will
include preparation for
the exam and interview.
Classes are conducted in
English by Br. Jim
Lewandowski, osc, who
has worked as an
immigrant advocate and is
an accredited
representative by the Board of Immigration
Appeals. Classes are held from 9:30-11 am at Holy
Family Catholic Church, 6802 S. 24th St., Phoenix.
Classes are free (with a single $7 fee for materials).
For info and registration, contact Br. Jim at
(602) 769-7744.
Opportunity to Donate
The Parish office is in need of gently used or new
Kitchen towels and paper products. Please feel free
to drop them off at the Parish Office or the Welcome
Center. Thank You!
Employment Opportunities
Christ the King School is looking to hire
the following positions...
Lunch Room Servers
Lunch Room Coordinator
Interested applicants may inquire and send their
resume to [email protected]
Altar Linens
Do you have time in your life to
occasionally wash & iron altar linens?
Prayerfully consider donating time to
our Lord. Please call Bernie King for
more information(480)396-5454.
The purpose of the Chalice Program is to encourage
families to pray and promote vocations to the
Priesthood and Religious Life. The consecrated
Chalice is a tangible reminder of this special intention for the Church. A vocation is a call from the
Holy Spirit, a gift from God that is nurtured in
prayer. We hope that those who bring the cup
home will continue to pray daily for vocations. The
Vocation Chalice is available to be checked out for
up to two weeks. Sign up forms for the Vocation
Chalice can be filled out in the Parish Office or in
the Welcome Center.
The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the
purchase price to Christ the King. On your first visit
to AmazonSmile, select Christ the King to receive
donations from eligible purchases before you begin
shopping and every eligible purchase you make on
AmazonSmile will result in a donation.
Please be sure to select Christ the King Roman
Catholic Parish Mesa.
Thank you for the amazing response to the
many, many requests to direct your state
tax dollars to Christ the King School. Our
"Last Week" push created an additional
$20,000 in funds to be used for Scholarship
Assistance for families here at our school. Thank
you to those who shared their stories about how
CEA and Catholic Education made a difference in
their lives. If you did happen to miss out, don't make
the same mistake next year. You can visit the
website at www.CatholicEducationArizona.org and
set up a budget plan. Every Catholic tax payer
should take advantage of this. Every resident in
Arizona who values quality education can, and
should, use the power of tax-credits, regardless of
their church registration. Again, thank you!
Automatic Electronic Tithing
The Christ the King ACH (electronic withdrawal)
form can be found in the Parish Office and on the
Parish website under the “Donate” header at:
www.ctk-catholic.org. Credit card tithing is
available for anyone: http://ctk-catholic.org/general
-collection. Thank you for your investment in and
continued support of Christ the King. If you need
assistance, please call Pam Reid at
(480) 844-4460 or email to [email protected].
Vocal and Instrumental Musicians
Sound Board Operators (training available)
Lyrics Slides Operators “Slide Op”
(training available)
For more information see our webpage:
under MINISTRIES, or contact Music Director
Jarrod Townsend at (480) 245-4116 or
[email protected]
Spanish as a 2nd Language Volunteer
Would you like to help our English speaking Parish
Staff members better communicate with our
Spanish speaking parishioners? This is the
volunteer opportunity for you! Please contact
Brenda Castillo for more information to volunteer:
(480) 844-4462 or [email protected]
Submission of Articles for the Bulletin
Submit articles for the bulletin at least two weeks in
advance for approval and editing.
Submit your article by e-mailing to:
[email protected]
Please be sure to include your contact information
with your submission.
Christ the King Men’s Ministry
Catholic Men’s Fellowship
You are invited to Catholic Men’s Fellowship for
this brand new series. Saturday mornings in St.
Francis from 6:30 am - 8:00 am.
Please be patient as we transform our courtyard
into a beautiful community gathering space. We
are sorry for any inconvenience. Enter the church
through the emergency exits located north and
south of the Sanctuary off Hunt Street.
Renowned speaker and author Fr. Michael Gaitley
tells the dramatic history of God’s Love and Mercy
as interwoven through the transformative message of St. Faustina, the miraculous appearance of
Mary at Fatima, the witness of Maximilian Kolbe,
and the world-changing papacy of Pope St. John
Paul II.
All men are encouraged to attend. For more
Information, contact Randy Fornoff (602)397.6778
or rjfornoff@cox.net
Public Meeting Notice
Gilbert Road Extension
Valley Metro and the City of Mesa
are entering final design and
pre-construction phases for the
Gilbert Road Light Rail Extension. The 1.9 mile
extension will extend the light rail along Main Street
from Mesa Drive to Gilbert Road. It will include two
stations and a park-and-ride.
On April 28 and May 3, Valley Metro will host a
public meeting for a project update, allow residents to
meet and talk with the project team, review 60%
design plans, speak to project artists, and provide
input on project aesthetic elements.
Thursday, April 28
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (Presentation at 6:30 pm)
St. Peter Lutheran Church
1844 E. Dana Avenue, Mesa
Tuesday, May 3
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (Presentation at 6:30 pm)
Mesa Church of Christ
1223 E. Dana Avenue, Mesa
Por favor sea paciente con la transformación de
nuestro patio a un bello lugar para reuniones
comunitarias. Nos disculpamos por cualquier
inconveniencia. Por favor entre a la iglesia por las
salidas de emergencia localizadas en los
estacionamientos del norte y sur en la calle Hunt.
Money Counters Needed!
We are in need of money counters, if you are
interested, please contact Pam Reid, Financial
Secretary at (480) 844-4460.
Pastoral Care Volunteers Needed
This ministry serves the sick and the home bound
in our parish boundaries; by bringing them the
prayers of the Community, and the Eucharist.
We invite you to pray about joining this ministry.
For more information, contact Anthanette
Donaldson at [email protected] or call
(480) 844-4478.
Training scheduled for Saturday, April 30, 2016
from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm in St. Joe’s Hall B
New donation bins have been
placed in the South parking lot and
at the Community Center. These
bins support Sunshine Acres and the
CTK community, and are able to
Stay up to date with the project at valleymetro.org/
gilbertroad and facebook.com/valleymetroconstruction accept clothing, books, toys and
larger items.
Child’s Name
Nombre del
T Shirt
Allergies, Special Needs
Alergias, necesidad especial
children five years old through incoming six grade
Información: Abier to par a Niño's de Quinto anos de entr ando al seis gr ad
Parent(s) Information/ Información de los padres:
Mother/Madre __________________________________________________________________________
Father/Padre ____________________________________________________________________________
Address/ Domicilio ______________________________________________ City/Ciudad ____________
Zip/Código Postal ________________
Phone #(s) / Número(s) de teléfono___________________________________________________________
Email __________________________________________________________________________________
Home Parish/ Parroquia a la que pertenecen: __________________________________
Emergency Contact / Contacto en caso de emergencia:
Name/ Nombre _______________________________________________
Phone/Teléfono _________________________________________
Photos and videos of Participants/ Fotos y videos de los participantes:
Christ the King will be taking photos/video throughout the VBS program. Some of these photos may be used for the VBS program
slide show. I give my permission for any photos/video taken of participants to be used by Christ the King Catholic Church.
La Iglesia de la Chriso Rey estará tomando fotos y video durante las clases bíblicas de verano. Algunas de estas fotos serán usadas
para una presentación del programa. Yo doy mi permiso para que cualquier foto o video sea usado por la Iglesai de la Christo Rey.
Parent’s Signature / Firma del papa o mama: _________________________________________ Date/ Fecha: _______________
VBS Registrations accepted through May 26th / Las registraciones seran aceptadas hasta 26 de Mayo.
Registration fee: $35 1st child (primer nino); $30 2nd child (Segundo); $25 3rd child (tercer); other free
(otro gratis). Full or partial scholarships are available.
All payment must be received at the registration and no refunds will be given after May 26/El pago completo
deberá ser recibido al momento de inscripción y no habrá devoluciones despues del 26 de mayo.
EXTRA: if you want “Parade Around the Our Father” Music CD: $ 5.99 (each CD)/EXTRA: si desea
una copia del disco musical "Parade Around the Our Father" el precio es de $5.99 (por cada uno).
Return completed registration form with payment to:
For more information contact/Regrese la forma de inscripción con el pago a: Para mas información
contáctese conParish Office / Oficina de Parroquia: Tuesdays/Martes —Thursdays/Jueves, 8 a.m. —4 p.m.
Sr. Mary Beata at 480-245-4100 or [email protected]
Prayer of Mercy
Lord Jesus Christ,
You have taught us to be Merciful like the Heavenly Father.
Open my eyes to see your loving face,
and my ears to hear your words that I will be saved.
You are the visible face of the merciful and forgiving Father.
Let everyone who comes to the Church and the ministers
feel sought after, loved and forgiven by God.
Grant that by the power of the Spirit
I may become an apostle of mercy and forgiveness
to the weak and sinners through the intercession of Mary,
Mother of Mercy.
Amen. (Adapted from Pope Francis’ Prayer for the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy)
Charles Passe Scholarship for
Post-High School Education
Education excellence in the Catholic
School tradition for over 50 years.
Enrollment for grades 1st - 8th open now
Limited seats available in Pre K
Apply now to take advantage of scholarship
Call or visit
Parishioner Contact Information
Have you changed or updated your
contact information? If not, please stop
into the Parish Office or Welcome Center
and we’ll be happy to help! Thank you!
Charles Passe began his association with Christ the
King Parish in 1981 after moving from Minnesota to
Tucson, then to Mesa where he continued his love of
woodworking. Mr. Passe set up this endowment in
1994, and his commitment to young people and their
success lives on through this endowed scholarship.
Any Christ the King registered parishioner who is
pursuing post-high school trade or vocational
education (IT, automotive, dental, construction are a
few examples) is eligible. The size of the award will
be based on the number of qualified applicants. The
Charles Passe Scholarship Fund is managed by the
Catholic Community Foundation for Christ the King
Parish. The application is available at the Parish
office and online at ctk-catholic.org (search Passe)
and is due by May 7, 2016.
Formation in the Catechesis of the
Good Shepherd this Summer.
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is an approach to
the religious formation of children, ages 3-12, which is
rooted in Scripture, Liturgy, and the educational
principles of Maria Montessori. This summer we will
have formation for Catechists for Level 1 part 1 and part
2, for ages 3 to 6 years old. Please call Frances Walker
at (480)560-9912 or Liz Nance at (602)740-0948 for
more information and dates. Cost is $200.00.
Fifth Sunday of Easter
April 24, 2016
ENTRANCE ANTIPHON Cf. Ps 98 (97): 1-2
O sing a new song to the Lord,
for he has worked wonders;
in the sight of the nations
he has shown his deliverance, alleluia.
Matt Maher and Mia Fieldes © 2009 Thankyou Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) spiritandsong.com
(Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) SHOUT! Music Publishing (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) CCLI
Song # 5242683
Let no one caught in sin remain inside the lie of inward shame.
We fix our eyes upon the cross and run to Him,
Who showed great love, and bled for us.
Freely You’ve bled for us.
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling over death by death,
Come awake, come awake, come and rise up from the grave.
Christ is risen from the dead, we are one with Him again,
Come awake, come awake, come and rise up from the grave.
Beneath the weight of all our sin, You bowed to none but heaven’s will.
No scheme of hell, no scoffer’s crown, no burden great can hold You down.
In strength You reign. Forever let Your Church proclaim.
Oh death, where is your sting? Oh hell, where is your victory?
Oh Church, come stand in the light. The glory of God has defeated the night!
Sing it! Oh death, where is your sting? Oh hell, where is your victory?
Oh Church, come stand in the light. Our God is not dead. He’s alive! He’s alive!
FIRST READING—Acts 14:21-27
Text: Lectionary for Mass © 1997,1981, 1968, ICEL. Music: Jarrod Townsend © 2015
SECOND READING—Revelation 21:1-5A
Text: Excerpts from the English Translation of The Roman Missal © 2010 ICEL. Music: Jake Ineck © 2010
PICARDY, Sr. Cladia Foltz, SNJM and Armand Nigro, SJ© 1973 OCP
GOSPEL READING—John 13:31-33A, 34-35
Christians let us love one another as we share the true living bread
Jesus is our God and our brother; with his flesh and blood we are fed.
Everyone who loves is born of God
Jesus is our life, God is love.
We who break this bread are one body, we who share this cup are all one
Children of our Father in heaven, we are heirs of God’s only Son.
We who eat and drink at this table die and rise again with our Lord.
Drawing from our rock living water giv’n to all who thirst for accord.
On the path of life we may falter earthly food alone leaves us weak.
Always you invite from the altar, “Hungry souls their food here must seek.”
Wheat and grape incarnate a mystery; Jesus is the true living bread
Let us eat with joy and thanksgiving, trusting in the word he has said.
I am the true vine and you are the branches, says the Lord.
Whoever remains in me, and I in him, bears fruit in plenty,
Bob Hurd ©1979 OCP
Jason Jamison, Jason Ingram, Drew Middleton, Mike Donehey,
Michael Donehey, Phillip Larue ©2008 Windsor Way Music, Peertunes Ltd., 2007
Come to the waters, you who thirst
and you'll thirst no more
Come to the Father you who work
and you'll work no more
And all you who labor in vain,
and to the broken and shamed
Love is here, love is now,
Love is pouring from His hands, from His brow
Love is near it satisfies,
Streams of mercy flowing from His side
Love is here
I am the vine, you are the branches.
Remain in Me, you shall be fruitful.
Love for the world, hope for the hopeless.
If you love, then you must root yourself in Me;
For the branch will fail and die without the tree.
Come to the treasure you who search
and you'll search no more
Come to the lover you who want
and you'll want no more
And all you who labor in vain,
and to the broken and shamed
If you give, then you must give yourself to Me;
For the well will soon run dry without the sea.
Keith Getty/Kristyn Lennox, © 2002 Thankyou Music/PRS admin by worshiptogether.com Songs
There is a higher throne
than all this world has known,
Where faithful ones from every tongue
will one day come.
Before the Son we’ll stand,
made faultless through the Lamb;
Believing hearts find promised grace; Salvation comes.
And to the bruised and fallen,
Captives bound and brokenhearted
He is the Lord, He is the Lord,
By His stripes He's paid our ransom
From His wounds we drink salvation
He is the Lord, He is the Lord
Hear heaven’s voices sing; Their thunderous anthem rings
Through emerald courts and sapphire skies, their praises rise.
“All glory, wisdom, power, strength, thanks and honor are
To God, our King Who reigns on high, forevermore!”
And there we’ll find our home;
our life before the throne.
We’ll honor Him in perfect song
where we belong.
He’ll wipe each tear-stained eye
as thirst and hunger die.
The Lamb becomes our Shepherd King;
We’ll reign with Him.
Field, Pool, Van Manen, Riekerk ©1996 Windswept Music
All the colors of the rainbow,
all the voices of the wind.
Ev’ry dream that reaches out,
reaches out to find where love begins.
Ev’ry word of ev’ry story,
ev’ry star in ev’ry sky.
Ev’ry corner of creation lives to testify.
For as long as I shall live I will testify to love.
I’ll be a witness in the silences when words are not enough.
With every breath I take, I will give thanks to God above,
For as long as I shall live, I will testify to love.
From the mountains to the valleys,
from the rivers to the sea.
Ev’ry hand that reaches out,
ev’ry hand that reaches out to offer peace.
Ev’ry single act of mercy, ev’ry step to Kingdom come.
All the hope in ev’ry heart speaks what love has done.
COPYRIGHTS© CCLI #1171767 6130 NE 78 Ct. Portland, Or. 97218, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation, Capitol CMG Publishing, DeCristo
Music, EMI Christian Music Publishing, GIA Publications, OneLicense.net License #A-705950 Oregon Catholic Press, NALR, Resource Publications, S.A.L.T., Said And Done Music,
SHOUT! Music Publishing, sixsteps Music, Sony/ATV Music Publishing, Sony/ATV Timber Publishing, spiritandsong,.com , Thankyou Music, Troubadour Productions,
West Main Music, Windsor Hill Music, World Library Publishers, worshiptogether.com. All rights reserved. All used with permission.
De nuestro administrador parroquial...
Ámense los unos a los otros
Jesús dice, “Les doy un mandamiento nuevo: ámense los unos a los otros, así como yo
los he amado, ámense también ustedes los unos a los otros. En esto todos
reconocerán que ustedes son mis discípulos: en el amor que se tengan los unos a los
otros” (Juan 13:34-35).
Nuestra cultura ha creado tanta confusión con respecto a que significa amar
verdaderamente. Jesús nos enseña que es el amor. Es el hacer una decisión consciente
de sacrificarse por el bien de nuestro prójimo, aunque sea a costa de nuestros propios
deseos y necesidades.
Padres y madres normalmente entienden esta definición autentica de amor cuando se
trata sobre sus hijos. Padres ponen sus necesidades y deseos después de los de sus
hijos. Muchos aún darían su propia vida por sus hijos.
Muchos matrimonios sufren por falta de amor autentico. Sentimientos y circunstancias
cambian. Problemas y tribulaciones son abundantes. Aun así, las parejas tienen la
expectación de ser fieles a sus promesas y escoger amarse el uno al otro todos los días.
Jesús nos pasa este mandato, a amarnos los unos a los otros. Hay que aceptarlo,
parroquianos de Cristo Rey. Derrama, como lo hizo con sus discípulos, el Espíritu Santo
prometido por el Padre. En turno lo hacemos conocido y amado a la gente que le
traemos la buena noticia, el “evangelio de alegría”, dice el Papa Francisco. Jesús está
presente en el mundo por nosotros. Santa Teresa de Ávila escribió: “Cristo no tiene
otro cuerpo que el tuyo; No tiene manos ni pies en la tierra, excepto los tuyos. Tuyos
son los ojos a través de los cuales el mira a este mundo con compasión. Tuyas son las
manos con las que Él bendice a todo el mundo.”
Que Dios los bendiga.
Padre Rolyn Francisco
Horario de la Oficina Parroquial
lunes: 8 am a 12 pm
martes, miércoles y jueves: 8 am a 4 pm
viernes: cerrada
Horario de Misas
lunes, martes y viernes: 8 am
miércoles: 8 am y 6:30 pm
sábado: 8 am y 4 pm
domingo: 7 am, 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm (esp.) y 5 pm (esp.)
Horario del Centro de Bienvenida
sábado: 2:30 pm a 5:30 pm
domingo: 8 am a 3 pm
lunes a viernes: 7:30 am a 8:00 am
miércoles: 5:30 pm a 6:30 pm
sábado: 2:30 pm a 4:00 pm
Sacramentos (bautizo, matrimonio, etc.)
Vea los anuncios o llame a la oficina para más información.
Clases de ciudadanía
La comunidad Cruzada de Phoenix está
organizando su serie de clases de ciudadanía para
aquellos interesados en aprender los conceptos
básicos de convertirse en un ciudadano de los
Estados Unidos, y para aquellos que deseen
desarrollar sus habilidades en inglés. La serie tiene
una duración de seis sábados consecutivos en abril
2, 9, 16, 23, 30 y mayo 7,
2016. La información
proporcionada incluirá la
preparación para el
examen y la entrevista.
Las clases se dan en Inglés
por el hermano Jim
Lewandowski, osc, que ha
trabajado como defensor
de inmigrantes y es un
representante acreditado por la Junta de
Apelaciones de Inmigración. Las clases empiezan a
las 9:30 a.m. hasta las 11 am en la Iglesia de la
Sagrada Familia, 6802 S. de la calle 24, en Phoenix.
Las clases son gratuitas (con una tarifa única de $7
para los materiales). Informes comuníquese con el
hermano Jim en 602-769-7744.
Excelencia en educación en la tradición
católica por mas de 50 años.
Inscripciones abiertas para grados desde 1
hasta 8avo. Cupo limitado disponible para preescolar. Llene su solicitud hoy y aproveche de las
oportunidades de becas disponibles.
Llame al 480-844-4480 o visite el sitio web
¿Interesados en casarse por la Iglesia Católica?
¿Estan casados solamente por el civil?
¿No tienen todos tus sacramentos pero quieren
casarse en la Iglesia?
Comuníquense con Mireya Campos:
tel. (480) 844-4467
correo electrónico: [email protected]
Y conozcan los pasos de la preparación matrimonial
en la Diócesis de Phoenix. La preparación dura
aproximadamente nueve meses.
¡Los invitamos a conocer más acerca del
Sacramento de Matrimonio!
para bebes recién nacidos y niños hasta seis años de edad
Los padres deben asistir las dos clases antes de
No elija padrinos hasta después de asistir la
primera clase
No traer niños a las clases
1ra clase es de información sobre el bautismo
Solamente para los padres. Duración: una hora.
2nda clase es de preparación para el bautismo
Para padres y padrinos. Duración: cuatro horas.
Las dos clases se ofrecen una vez al mes. Si llega
tarde, se le pedirá asistir a la clase del próximo
1 de mayo—2:30 pm—salón St. Joe’s B
Oportunidad para donar: La oficina parroquial necesita toallas para cocina nuevas o con poco uso y
productos de papel. Favor de traer su donación a la oficina o al centro de bienvenida. ¡Muchas gracias!
Oración de
(Adaptada de la Oración del Papa
Francisco para el Jubileo de la
Señor Jesucristo,
Tú nos has enseñado a ser misericordiosos
como el Padre del cielo. Abre mis ojos a tu
rostro amoroso, y mis oídos para oír tus
palabras que me salvarán. Tú eres el rostro
visible del Padre misericordioso que
manifiesta su omnipotencia con el perdón.
Haz que quien se acerque a la Iglesia o a tus
ministros se sienta deseado, amado y
perdonado por Dios. Concede que por el
poder del Espíritu me convierta en un
apóstol de misericordia y perdón para los
débiles y pecadores por la intercesión de
María, Madre de la Misericordia. Amen.
Adoración Perpetua
Todos estamos tan ocupados que
se nos olvida encontrar tiempo
para estar con Jesús. Una hora a
la semana, por lo menos, con Él en
el santuario del Santo Peregrino
es una bella oportunidad para
orar, hallar descanso y paz en la
presencia de Dios. Necesitamos
adoradores dedicados para mantener la Santísima Eucaristía expuesta 24 horas al día, siete días a
la semana.
Comuníquese con Rafaela: tel. (480) 577-7557
correo electrónico: [email protected]
Anuncios para el boletín
 Envié anuncios por lo menos dos semanas de an-
ticipación para ser checados y aprobados
 Asegúrese de incluir sus datos para contactarle
Envié por correo electrónico:
[email protected]
Beca Charles Passe para Después
de Estudios Secundarios
Charles Passe inició su asociación con la parroquia
Cristo Rey en 1981 después de haberse mudado de
Minnesota a Tucson, y después a Mesa donde
continuó su amor por la carpintería. El señor Passe
estableció este fondo de dotación en 1994, y su
compromiso hacia los jóvenes y su éxito vive por
medio de esta beca. Cualquier parroquiano registrado
de Cristo Rey quién busque una educación técnica o
vocacional (informática, automotriz, dental,
construcción, por ejemplo) es elegible. El tamaño de
la beca será basado en la cantidad de aspirantes
capacitados. La beca del fondo de dotación Charles
Passe es administrada por Catholic Community
Foundation para Cristo Rey. La solicitud está
disponible en la oficina parroquial y en línea
en www.ctk-catholic.org (busque Passe) y la fecha
límite es el 7 de mayo del 2016.
Oportunidad para enseñar español como 2ndo idioma: ¿Le gustaría ayudar a nuestros
miembros del personal a comunicarse mejor con nuestros parroquianos que hablan español? ¡Entonces
esta es la oportunidad para usted! Por favor contacte a Brenda Castillo para más información acerca de
cómo hacerse voluntario: tel. (480) 844-4462 o [email protected].