OUR LADY OF THE LAKES CATHOLIC CHURCH 15801 N.W. 67th Avenue (305) 558-2202 (Office) Miami Lakes, FL 33014 (305) 558-2631 (Fax) www.ollnet.com (Website) Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Sacramental Schedules Sunday Masses 5:00PM Vigil (English) 8:00AM (Español) 9:30AM (English) 11:00AM (English) 12:45PM (Español) 5:30PM (English) 7:00PM (Español) Daily Mass Monday - Saturday Monday - Saturday 7:00AM (Español) 8:30AM (English) Confessions Saturday 3:30PM - 4:30PM Baptisms Weddings Sunday 2:30PM All Months except July Arrange 6 weeks prior Arrange 9 - 12 months prior CLERGY & Staff General Information Rectory Hours Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 12:00PM / 1:00PM - 8:00PM Saturday 8:30AM - 12:00PM / 1:00PM - 3:30PM Sunday 8:30AM - 2:00PM Gift Shop Hours Monday - Friday 7:30AM - 4:30PM Saturday & Sunday Half Hour before & after each Mass Religious Education Classes Wednesday 4:15PM - 5:45PM & 7:00PM - 8:30PM Saturday 9:00AM - 10:30AM Very Rev. José Alvarez, V.F. Rev. Peter Lambert Pastor Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Roger Currier Rev. Mr. Carlos Ramírez Rev. Mr. Al Mindel Rev. Mr. Pablo Fernández Rev. Mr. Yamil Miranda Mrs. Josefina Vázquez & Mrs. Rosa Diaz Religious Education Directress (Ext. 625) & Religious Education Assistant (Ext. 628) Mrs. Marlene Arca -Del Pozo Office Manager & Weddings (Ext. 637) Sr. Helene Kloss, OP Mr. David Shannon & Mr. John Prats Music Ministry Directors (Ext. 618 & 619) Mrs. Elsa Reus Community Relations & Alumni Director (Ext. 616) Mr. Christopher Vail Bookkeeper (Ext. 615) Mrs. Rosa Gangi & Mrs. Fay Stephens Gift Shop Managers (Ext. 671) OUR LADY OF THE LAKES CATHOLIC SCHOOL 6600 Miami Lakeway North Miami Lakes, FL 33014 (305) 362‐5315 (Office) (305) 362‐4573 (Fax) www.ollnet.com (Website) Mr. Ricardo Briz Principal AWeekintheLifeofOLLStudents January 19 January 25 No School—MLK Jr. Day Dads’ Club Picnic/Catholic Schools Week Begins For more information about our school, you may visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/OurLadyoftheLakesCatholicSchool We are the Archdiocese of Miami Modeling our lives after Jesus’ example of love, we are able to multiply the good in the world. Being Catholic is not just a title, not something to do or a place to go; it is the essence of who we are. Jesus Christ is the common thread that binds us all—our parents and grandparents, our children and grandchildren, you, me and each one of us. We embody every race and ethnicity, old and young, men and women, poor and rich. From Key West to north Broward, with more than 1.3 million in our family, we are united in Him. The Archdiocese of Miami, through the Archbishop’s Charities and Development Drive (ABCD), opens the door for us all to unite as one community of believers to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and bring hope to those in need. Let us, I…You… We…, unite in support of the ABCD. We ask for your continued support and invite you to join us to be One in Faith, One in Hope, One in Charity. Thank you for your support of ABCD !! Somos la Arquidiócesis de Miami Siguiendo nuestras vidas conforme el ejemplo de amor de Jesús, somos capaces de multiplicar el bien en el mundo. Ser católico no es sólo un título, no es tener algo que hacer o un lugar a donde ir; es la esencia de lo que somos. Jesucristo es el hilo conductor que nos une a todos nosotros, a nuestros padres y abuelos, a nuestros hijos y nietos, a usted, a mí y a cada uno de nosotros. Somos la encarnación de todas las razas y etnias: viejos y jóvenes, hombres y mujeres, pobres y ricos. Desde Cayo Hueso hasta el norte de Broward, con más de 1.3 millones de miembros en nuestra familia, estamos unidos en Él. Somos la Arquidiócesis de Miami. La Arquidiócesis de Miami, por medio de la Campaña de Caridades y Desarrollo del Arzobispo (ABCD), nos brinda la oportunidad para unirnos como una comunidad de creyentes y difundir la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo, y llevar esperanza a los necesitados. Marchemos, yo ... usted ... nosotros ..., unidos en nuestro apoyo al ABCD. Le pedimos su continuo apoyo y le invitamos a permanecer con nosotros Unidos en la Fe, Unidos en la Esperanza, Unidos en la Caridad Gracias por su apoyo al ABCD!! Upcoming Events Para toda las mujeres – Sesión en español Están invitadas a M.O.M.S. M.O.M.S. es una jornada de ocho semanas que guía a un grupo de mujeres hacia una experiencia de auto-descubrimiento, apoyo mutuo y oración. Las participantes utilizan un Diario Personal y cada sesión de dos horas lidia con las situaciones que preocupan al mundo de hoy. Ven y acompáñanos y tendrás la oportunidad de aprender más sobre el ministerio de M.O.M.S. Martes, 20 de Enero, 2015 a las 7:30 p.m. Nuestra Señora de los Lagos (Escuela), Aula de Musica #216 (segundo piso) (Habrá refrigerios) Para más información, por favor llame: Felicia 305-343-8824, Alejandra 305-724-3554 MATRIMONIO 2000 Ministerio en la Arquidiócesis de Miami Para la Convalidación de Matrimonios por la Iglesia Católica “Para Parejas Que No Han Recibido El Sacramento Del Matrimonio” Domingo 25 de Enero Haga su reservación llamado al 305-821-0002 o fax a 305-821-0772. ANNUAL WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS Our Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski and the Office of Marriage and Family Life invite all couples in the Archdiocese of Miami celebrating their 25th or 50th and above wedding anniversaries this year to join us for a special Mass on February 15th 2015 at 5:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s Cathedral. There will be a photo session with Archbishop Wenski starting at 4:00 p.m. before the Mass. To register to participate, please contact your parish directly by February 3, 2015. MISA ANUAL DE ANIVERSARIOS DE BODAS de PLATA, ORO y MAS El Arzobispo Thomas G. Wenski y la Oficina de Matrimonio y Vida Familiar invitan a todos los matrimonios de la Arquidiócesis de Miami celebrando sus 25, 50 o más años de matrimonio en el 2014 a participar en una Misa especial que celebrará el 14 de febrero del 2015, a las 5:30pm en la Catedral de St. Mary. Se realizará un sesión de fotografía con el Arzobispo Wenski, comenzando a las 4:00 p.m antes de la Misa. Para inscribirse favor de contactar su parroquia directamente antes del 3 de Febrero del 2015. Festival News Thefestivalfeatures16ofthebestinternationalfoodbooths.Therewillbemorethan 20popularcarnivalridestothrillpeopleofallages.Thereisnoadmissioncharge. Pre‐saleunlimitedridebraceletswillbecomeavailableattheChurchGiftShop. StartingdateTBA. 50/50Drawing–Specialraf leduringfestival WINUPTO$7,000‐Costperticket$100.00 YoucanpurchaseyourticketattheChurchGiftShop,pleaseaskfor RosaGangi305‐558‐2202ext.671 Donotmissthisgreatopportunitytoadvertiseyourbusiness. Toreserveyourbooth/sponsorshipcall 305‐558‐[email protected] UpcomingFestivalmeetingforallChairpersonsandvolunteers attheParishCenteron: January27,February11,andFebruary24,2015at7:00pm Volunteerswhowanttohelpatthefestivalpleasee‐mail: LuzQuintero:[email protected] Weneedyourhelpingettingitemsdonatedforourfestival Meat,poultry,anddairyproducts! Ifyoucanmakethesedonationsorhaveanyconnections PleasecontactDianePantaleonat305‐557‐1338 Festivalhoursare: Thursday,March5:(From5to10pm) Friday,March6:(From5to11:30pm) Saturday,March7:(From1to11:30pm) Sunday,March8:(Fromnoonto9pm) LIKE us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/ollspringfes val Notes & Thoughts Save the date! Our 41st Annual Spring Festival Thursday, March 5th to Sunday, March 8th, 2015 Vocation Cup We thank the following families for hosting the Vocation Cup this past week: The Sedeno Family The Tome Family The Vocation Blessing Cup is a wonderful instrument of prayer and devotion for our parish families. The Cup reminds each host family that it is their responsibility to pray for and foster vocations to the priesthood and religious life. A family is asked to host the Vocation Cup for one week. It will travel from home to home as a sign of our total parish commitment to praying for vocations. A Message from the St. Vincent de Paul Society... We have the results from the Annual Calendar Fundraiser and we collected $2,005.52 to help the poor in our community. Thank you for your generosity and may the Lord multiply your donations a hundredfold. Congratulations! to the following couple who were Married on Saturday, December 6, 2014 Olga Calleja & Dennis R. Garmend Ministries of our lady of the lakes Ministerios de nuestra señora de los Lagos M.O.M.S. Women’s Club Meetsevery1stWednesdayofthemonthinthe School’sMusicRoom,at7:30pm. Men’s Emmaus / Hombres de Emaus Meetsonevery4thThursdayofthemonth, intheParishHallat7:30pm Women’s Emmaus/ Emaus para Mujeres EnglishmeetsThursdaysat7:30PMintheschool,room#216. Contact:OdalysIsmail‐305‐926‐6778 EspañolsereunenlosJuevesalas7:30PMenelsalon#216 Contacto:ZaidisEnriquez‐305‐297‐4271 EnglishmeetsMondaysat7:00PMintheSchoolLibrary Coordinator:EmilioPacheco(786)486‐4350 Españolsereunenlosjuevesalas7:00PMenelSalondeArte (Escuela)Contacto:AlvaroMurcia(305)984‐4472 Respect Life Ministry Cursillos de Cristiandad Praystherosaryevery2ndFridayofthemonth@7pminthechapel Nosreunimostodoslosviernesalas8:pmenelsalon Contact:MaryTateat954‐499‐7624 parroquial.Paramasinformació nveanuestrapá ginadeinternetKnowsomeonewhoispregnantandneedshelp? http://cursillos.org)o contacte CallRespectLifeCenterat786‐452‐0266 CesarZuniga—786‐252‐9693 Sufferingfrompost‐abortionproblems? E‐Mail:[email protected] CallProjectRachelat954‐981‐2922 English Bible Study Participa Del Grupo Bíblico Parroquial JoinusinstudyingtheGospelofSt.MarkonTues.@7:30pmor Weds.@9:00am.Contact:SusanO’Neillat305‐490‐5992 “EstudialaPalabrayformacomunidad” ReunionesViernesalas7:30pmenelsaló ndeartedelaescuela Fuente del Espíritu Santo La Legion de Maria UneteanosotrosenelGrupodeOració n: Reuniones:miércolesalas7:30pmenlacapillay enelsaló nparroquial Contacte:Angela&FernandoMaldonado(305)705‐3398 Reuniones: Lunes 7:pm En el Salón Parroquial Rosario: Domingos 6:30pm En la Capilla Informes: Maria Mercedes—305-343-2255 Pastoral Care Team Life Teen & Edge As members of the Pastoral Care Team, we want to ensure that membersofourparishwhoareilland/ordyingreceivethespir‐ LIFETEENisamodelofyouthministryforsenior itual,physical,socialandemotionalsupporttheyneed. highteens,leadingthemclosertoChrist. Members of our team are ready and willing to visit, pray with and MarianoRodriguez(mrodriguez@rtc‐cpa.com) bring the Eucharist to our parishioners who are ill/homebound/or dying. TheEDGEisayouthministryforgrades6‐8. If someone you know could use the services of our Care Team, ArleemFernandez([email protected]) pleasecall305‐558‐2202 Sundaynightsrightafterthe5:30PMLifeTeenMass “Unbreakable” Weekly Couples Meetings Matrimonios en Amor y Fe Dating,EngagedorMarriedCouples(ChildcareIncluded) MeetsThursdayat7:30pmattheOLLSchoolLibrary Contact:Lou&MadieMendez305‐829‐2073 Website:www.unbreakable412.com Facebook—Searchfor:Unbreakable412atOurLadyoftheLakes Teinvitamosaparticipardenuestrasreunionesmensuales todoslosultimosLunesdecadames,enelsalon parroquialalas7:45pm. Paramasinformacionfavordellamar: AntonioyCeciliaPeralta305‐772‐1361,786‐704‐7845. Linea de Oracion The St. Vincent de Paul Society Permítenosorarporti Llamealtelé fono305‐834‐2517 Ungrupodepersonasorará nportusnecesidadesanuestroDios. Meetsonevery3rdThursdayofthemonth, at7:00P.M.‐8:00P.M.intheParishHall(Center) Visituswhenyoucanorcall305‐772‐6926 Week of January 18, 2015 SundayVigil 5:00pm †Bertha Futch †Alina Melo Sunday Español 8:00am †Caridad Sanchez †Olga & Joseph Mourra 9:30am Pro-Populo (The Parish Community) 11:00am †Claire Topper Español †Candido Rivero 12:45pm Maria Landaverde †Aurelio De los Santos 5:30pm †Oscar & Leopoldina Diaz †Silvia Fernandez Español 7:00pm Odilia Castillo Soto Pedro Castillo Monday 7:00am Gloria Cano †Raul & Silvia Maria Abreu 8:30am The Sanchez Family Tuesday †Fr. Joseph Carney 7:00am †Jeremias & Ana Chirinos †Olga Napoles 8:30am †Allister Munroe Vanessa Ducasse Wednesday 7:00am †Phil Gangi †Yesenia Avila 8:30am †Eduardo Lopez The Vega Family †Nielda Alves-Domenech Thursday 7:00am Los Enfermos de la Parroquia 8:30am †Alvarez de la Campa Familia Thanksgiving Friday 7:00am †Ramon Blanco †Carlos Nuñez 8:30am†Theresa Monroe Johnston †Elaine Vail Saturday 7:00am †Julia Solares †Maria Laura Escobar †Bertha Futch 8:30am †Roberto Alonso Week of January 25, 2015 SundayVigil Sunday 5:00pm †Micaela Ferrer †The Roque Family 8:00am †Pablo & Gregoria Rustan †Peter & Angela Rustan 9:30am †Zenaida Moya †Onelia Reyes 11:00am Pro-Populo The Parish Community 12:45pm †Graciela Lopez †Rafael Gomez 5:30pm †Gertrude Kontax †Winnifred Bausili 7:00pm†Ramon Miranda †Leonelia Abadia Pray for the sick Fidel Andreu Beatriz Brunnet Raquel Capmany Angela Casola Maria Victoria Chirino Mary Churchill Ruth Connors Liliana Cortiza Carrie Cox Joe & Elizabeth Diaz George Dyer Alexis Fari Lourdes Febles Matilde Fernandez Estella Ferrer Dionisia Garcia Margo Garcia Pura Gil Eduardo Gonzalez Gloria Gonzalez Maria Gonzalez Olga Hernandez Dominga Jurado Eva Kirk Carmen Larrua Antonia P. Leon Marcia Marina Caridad Martinez Juan Martinez Charles Metzcus Anne Morin Lucy Negron Marta Nuñez Reinaldo Olivencia Betina Pascual Carolina Peguero Francisco Perez Rodolfo Perez Anita Pol Rafael Pol Christina Pons Maria Leticia Powell Mirta Rodriguez Ruben Rodriguez Tomas Rodriguez Guillermo Roges David Ruiz Virginia Rush Daniela Saavedra Eileen Scurio Gene Scurio, Jr. Gene Scurio, Sr. Raquel Valdes Marta Vega Marie Wallace Elena Wilenchik Betty Wisler Pray for the Dead Silvia A. Fernandez Brian G. Montoya Ibis Olvera Readings of the Week 01/11 Weekly Offering Offertory Monday: Heb 5:1-10; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 2:18-22 300 $1,597.00 Tuesday: 8:00am 320 $ 940.00 Heb 6:10-20; Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9, 10c; Mk 2:23-28 9:30am 372 $2,387.00 11:00am 999 $4,584.00 12:45pm 850 $2,263.00 5:30pm 382 $2,042.60 7:00pm 354 $ 915.00 0 $1,359.00 Mass Time Attendance 5:00 pm Vigil Mail/Credit Card Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 3:1-6 Thursday: Heb 7:25 — 8:6; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Mk 3:7-12, or any of a number of readings for the Day of Prayer Friday: Heb 8:6-13; Ps 85:8, 10-14; Mk 3:13-19 Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Mk 3:20-21 $16,187.60 Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 ______________________________________________________________________ Total 3,577 Our Lady of the Lakes Announces Easy Giving Options Using your credit card for donations can save time and make your giving both automatic and convenient. Please visit our webpage www.ollnet.com and fill out the authorization form, giving Our Lady of the Lakes authorization to charge your credit card account each month. Please return the form to the Office or drop in the Collection Basket. Our Lady of the Lakes Parish Registration If you attend mass here at OLL, you are encouraged to register with us. Please stop by the Parish Office to fill out a simple registration form or register on our webpage www.ollnet.com. We urge you to get involved with our ministries and, as a stewardship parish, ask that you use your Offertory envelopes. If you are not both a registered and active member of our parish, Baptisms, Marriages, Sponsor certificates and other documents needed from the Church will take longer to obtain and, in some cases, not possible. You must be attending Mass regularly and be an active member of the parish. Bulletin Requests If you would like to publish an announcement in our parish bulletin, please send the information to [email protected]. All requests are subject to approval by Father Alvarez. Solicitud para el boletín Si desea publicar un anuncio en nuestro boletín de la parroquia, por favor envíe la información a [email protected]. Todas las solicitudes están sujetas a la aprobación del Padre Alvarez.