Our Call to Holiness “Holy Priests for a Holy People – with the Heart
Our Call to Holiness “Holy Priests for a Holy People – with the Heart
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Independence Day “May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” ~ Galatians 6:14 All Saints is a tithing community, giving back a portion of God’s blessings in gratitude. Our Call to Holiness “Holy Priests for a Holy People – with the Heart of Jesus” All Saints rejoices with the parents and families of Christian Andres Barona, Anna Dolores Beal, Oliver Matthew Grim and Alexa Marie Briseno Singson who were recently welcomed into God’s family. Please pray for those who are sick or in need, especially ~ Anastasia Adams, Jean Agnew, Manuela Alegrado, Marcella Altizer, Helen and Rakesh Andrews, Megan Arp, Lorrie Ball, Robin Bast, Robert Benedetto, Margaret Berdak, Denise Biggs, John Borden, Tom Branigan, Jay Briseno, Jody Carpenter, Timothy Ceschin, Brian Clark, Charlie Colby, Charles Colgan Jr., John Connelly, Amy Cooke, Valerie Corliss, Robert Cramer, Sandra Culebro, Riley Cullen, Carly Czajkowski, Robert Dantona, Peter DeFranks, Karen Degennaro, Leo DiFilippo, Judy Donovan, Stephanie Doyle, Lynn Ferguson-Kerns, Nicole Fini, Reagan Elizabeth Flemming, Brooks Foley, Nick Foley, Shannon Gammon, Graciela Garcia, Teresa Ann Gilday, K. Darrell Gillman, Claude Grant, Joseph Gonzalez, Moira Hall, Iva Hanford, Mary Hanford, MaryAnn Hassan, David Hawkins, Danyl Henderson, Jack Herbstreit, Gary Herman, Francisco Hernandez-Tarralba, James Higgins, Autumn Hoeft, Marie Horn, Sherry Hudson, Mary Hutchinson, Audra Peer Jackson, Mickey Johnson Family, Mary Margaret Kohill, Jean Kovarik, Joyce Kozosky, Joe Krzywicki, Bill Lahr, Brian Lee, Marian Lomis, John Lucas, Morris Lusk, Ariadna Melendez-Guzman, Liem Shinta Maria, Lenny Martelli, Patricia McAndrew, Kimberly McNamara, Mary Ellen Merchant, Eduardo Minas, Ken Moan, Terry Monihan, Bobbie Moore, Tullis Moyers, Julie Kay Natali, George H. Nitzel Jr., Janice Parr Novak, William Osborne, Anthony Panameno, Michelle Parker, Dottie Patrick, Maria and Eduardo Pereira, Abigail Pell, Irma Powell, Angela Reading, Jose Manual Rosales Rescendiz, Sean Riley, Megan Rivera, Mary Rogers, Rita Rooney, Fred Rose, Anthony S., Ariana Samoy, Donovan Samoy, Des Sassov, Susie Serene, Diane Lynn Smith, Sheryl Smith, Stan Sobczynski, Donna Stecker, Chela Sullivan, James Suraci, Maureen Terza, Mary Tolley, Josephine Tutt, Antonio Uribe, Jim Westerhouse, Eleanor Grace Wisniewski, Robert W. Woods and Richard Zavadowski The Sanctuary Candle burns this week In Memory of Robert E. Hughes Sr. Monday, July 5th ~ Hos 2:16,17b-18,21-22; Mt 9:18-26 St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria 7:00am In Memory of Paul Benkoski 8:30am In Memory of Frank O’Neill 12:00pm Intentions of Rich and Agnes Aleksy Tuesday, July 6th ~ Hos 8:4-7,11-13; Mt 9:32-38 St. Maria Goretti 7:00am En Agradecimiento al Divino Niño Jesus 8:30am In Memory of John Karhoff Wednesday, July 7th ~ Hos 10:1-3,7-8,12; Mt 10:1-7 7:00am Souls of Crimes against Life 8:30am Intentions of Shannon Porter 12:00pm In Memory of Michael Marianiello Thursday, July 8th ~ Hos 11:1-4,8c-9; Mt 10:7-15 7:00am In Memory of Nick Facon 8:30am In Memory of Julian Reid Everly Friday, July 9th ~ Hos 14:2-10; Mt 10:16-23 St. Augustine Zhao Rong and His Companions 7:00am In Memory of William Z. Hamblen 8:30am Intentions of the Tran Family 12:00pm In Memory of Joseph Marques 8:00pm Holy Hour and Adoration Saturday, July 10th ~ Is 6:1-8; Mt 10:24-33 Blessed Virgin Mary 8:00am In Memory of John T. Navin Jr. 5:30pm In Memory of Susan Connolly 7:00pm In Memory of Catherine Cilinski Sunday, July 11th ~ Dt 30:10-14; Ps 69; Col 1:15-20; Lk 10:25-37 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm 1:30pm(Sp) 5:30pm 7:00pm Intentions of All Parishioners Intentions of the Col. Robert A. Weaver Family In Memory of William P. Sebesky Sr. In Memory of Richard Gozikowski In Memory of Manuel de Jesus Castro In Memory of Joseph Whyte En Agradecimiento al Divino Niño Jesus ~ Please pray for all the faithful departed ~ A Message from our Pastor, Fr. Bob Cilinski New Mass Times (Beginning August 14-15, 2010) “The harvest is abundant, but laborers are few.” ~ Lk 10:2 New Sunday Mass Schedule (Begins Saturday, August 14, 2010) My dear parishioners: Each year at All Saints we choose a theme for the parish. In the past we have focused on “Community”, “Reconciliation”, “Service”, and the “Year of the Eucharist”, “Rosary”, “St. Paul” and last year the “Year of the Priest”. This year our theme is “MINISTRY”. As we build and dedicate our new church, we want to build the community in a new way. We are the “living stones” of the Church. In September we will have our annual Stewardship Sunday and all will be invited to serve in ministry in our parish. Let us pray that God will show us the area of lay ministry where we can use our gifts in the service of Christ. It is an exciting time at All Saints and our community is ready to become “the church” more fully. Happy Independence Day as we honor America and give thanks to God for the abundant blessings we have received. May we always place our trust in God and follow God’s laws of love … especially the poor, the stranger, the sick and vulnerable. May we as a nation grow in our respect for the sacredness of all live in every stage. “America the beautiful. You most beautiful gift is life”. ~ John Paul II Love and blessings, Saturday 5:30pm Vigil ~ Contemporary Choir Sunday 7:30am ~ Cantor 9:30am ~ Children’s Choir / Choir 11:30am ~ Adult Mixed Choir 1:30pm ~ Spanish Mass 5:30pm ~ Life Teen Choir 7:00pm ~ Spanish Mass We Welcome our New Priests Welcome to Fr. John Melmer and Fr. Juan Puigbo as you begin your priestly ministry this week at All Saints! Welcome to Fr. John Melmer who has been ordained 19 years and currently was assigned at St. Johns in Warrenton. Fr. Bob Cilinski Pastor Welcome to Fr. Juan Puigbo, a Diocesan Labor Priest ordained in 2001 who has been assisting at Queen of Apostles in Falls Church and now has been given a full time assignment in the Diocese of Arlington. “Liberty is the right to choose, Freedom is the result of the right choice”. ~ Anonymous And Seminarian Jeb Donelan, a Fourth-year Theologian studying at the North American College in Rome will serve his summer assignment at All Saints beginning June 28th through August 22nd. Jeb will be ordained a deacon in Rome this October. We welcome Jeb to All Saints and pray for him as he prepares for priesthood. St. Vincent de Paul Society Summer Noon Masses During the months of July and August, a noon Mass will be offered on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at All Saints. The first noon Mass will be on Monday, July 5th and will end on Friday, August 20th. If you are facing a financial emergency, please call (703) 368-2429; or, for Spanish-speaking members, please call (703) 393-1483. If you would like to learn how you can help, or join the St. Vincent de Paul Society, please call (703) 368-2429 and you will be contacted by an All Saints Parish Vincentian. Vocations Religious Education “As for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” If you are considering a vocation to the priesthood, diaconate or consecrated life, please call Father Brian Bashista at (703) 841-2514. The RE Program is Online! Pastoral Care Services Please notify us if you have a family member in Prince William Hospital or one of the nursing homes. A priest or Eucharistic Minister will then visit. Please leave patient’s name and room number. In order to provide pastoral care of the sick and their families, we need to be informed. Please call us at (703) 393-1411 with the name of the person in need. If you would like your loved one to be placed on our Parish Prayer Tree, please call Maureen at (703) 361-4066. If you would like your loved one to be placed in the bulletin, please call Linda at (703) 393-1430. Pro-Life Message Life is First - "Without respect for life, without respect for the family, society simply does not exist…all [other] rights presuppose the right to life. If the right to life is not defended, the defense of all these other rights is useless. It becomes a lie, because it would mean that the defense to the right to work, to society, etc. applies only to some, and not to all." (Bishop Elio Sgreccia, Vice-President of the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life, May 2004 television interview for Defending Life, EWTN). Please pray to end abortions in Manassas. Peaceful demonstrations are conducted on Saturdays along the northbound side of Sudley Road on the sidewalk between Stonewall Road and Grant Avenue. To help coordinate coverage of these hours, a sign-up sheet can be found in the back of the church. Call Aaron Messier at (703) 754-9712 for further details. God bless you for all that you do for the unborn! Development of the Unborn Child Following are the week-by-week developments in every unborn child’s life. Week 6 – My skeleton is complete now and I have reflexes. Now I have electrical brain wave patterns that can be recorded. I am becoming a thinking person. Pre-K thru 8th Grade The Religious Education web page has been updated for 20102011. Registration forms are now available online at www.allsaintsvachurch.org and can be downloaded. Next weekend, July 10th and 11th, visit the RE table in the courtyard between all Masses to register your child for Religious Education. Volunteers are NEEDED for RE! One of the most rewarding ways to be involved with your child’s Religious Education is to volunteer in their Religious Education class. For more information, please contact Samantha Welsh, DRE at [email protected]. Young Adult Ministry All Saints Young Adult Ministry is open to anyone in their 20's and 30's, married or single, who is interested in growing in their faith along with their Catholic peers. Contact Sarah at [email protected] for more information or to be added to the email list. Parish Life Parish Library located in the School Gym Foyer Sundays from 8:30am-12:00 noon. Eucharistic Adoration “Could you not spend one hour with me?” Adorers needed for the following hours: Monday from 12:00-1:00am and Monday from 2:00-3:00am Thursday evening from 7:00-8:00pm And 11:00pm-12:00am Please call Aime at (703) 392-5260 if you would like to adore. ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC SCHOOL Summer Office Hours The office will be closed during the month of July. The office will reopen on Tuesday, August 3rd and school will resume on Monday, August 30th. Should you need to contact school personnel during the summer months, please do not hesitate to leave a message on the answering machine. We will make every effort to return your call in a timely manner. WITH GREAT JOY YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO JOIN THE MOST REVEREND PAUL S. LOVERDE, BISHOP OF ARLINGTON REVEREND ROBERT C. CILINSKI, PASTOR THE PRIESTS, DEACONS, STAFF AND PARISHIONERS OF ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH AS WE DEDICATE OUR NEW CHURCH. SOLEMN MASS OF DEDICATION SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 2010 TEN-THIRTY IN THE MORNING A RECEPTION WILL FOLLOW THE MASS AT APPROXIMATELY 1:15PM. FOR PLANNING PURPOSES FOR THE RECEPTION, PLEASE RSVP BY JULY 30TH TO [email protected] OR CALL (703) 393-1430. Dedication Mass Information • Evening Prayer for the Dedication of the new church will take place on Friday, August 13th at 7:30pm in the new church. All are welcome. • Prelude music will begin at 9:45am on Saturday, August 14th. • The Dedication Mass is 3 hours long; • Therefore, it is not appropriate for small children. • Although we cannot all attend the dedication, everybody is able to attend Mass on our Dedication weekend. NEW CHURCH DEDICATION CHOIR INFORMATION Dear Parishioners, With great anticipation, the dedication Mass for our new church is scheduled for Saturday, August 14 at 10:30 am. A large choir has been formed to sing for the Mass, comprised primarily of our current cantors and choir members. In addition to our music ministry members, I would like to extend an invitation to anyone in the parish who would be interested in singing in the dedication choir. This is an excellent opportunity for anyone with experience in singing and music reading that may be looking for a short-term commitment. The dedication choir will be joined with a children's choir, handbell choir, brass ensemble and chamber orchestra. The dedication rites for a church are both elaborate and complex, likened only to liturgies of ordination and the Easter Vigil. Music plays a critical role in these rites, and must therefore be well-rehearsed. The timing of the dedication in the middle of the summer places an added challenge in terms of scheduling the necessary rehearsals to prepare all of the necessary music. To facilitate our preparation, I have devised a condensed three-week rehearsal schedule of Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the weeks before the dedication. REHEARSAL WEEK 1 Tuesday, July 27, 7:30-10pm – Music Room and Thursday, July 29, 7:30-10pm – Music Room REHEARSAL WEEK 2 Tuesday, August 3, 7:30-10pm – Music Room Thursday, August 5, 7:30-10pm – Music Room / New Church if available REHEARSAL WEEK 3 Sunday, August 8, 7:30-10pm – Music Room / New Church if available Tuesday, August 10, 7:30-10pm – New Church Thursday, August 12, 7:30-10pm – New Church (All Choirs, Dress Rehearsal for Ded. Mass) Saturday, August 14, 8:45am warm-up, prelude music at 9:45am, Mass from 10:30am-1pm, reception to follow. Of the seven rehearsals listed above, each singer must attend a minimum of five rehearsals, with two absences permitted for illness, vacation schedules and work commitments. Of the five required rehearsals, one must be the "dress" rehearsal on Thursday, August 12. Because of the importance of the dress rehearsal as the singular opportunity for all of the ensembles together, absences will be handled on a case-by-case basis and only in the event of extraordinary circumstances. At the beginning of July, copies of the music and practice CD’s will be available to the choir for your advanced preparation. Despite the fact that the choir area in the new church is significantly larger than in the current church, the size of the choir will have to be limited to 75 singers. There are approximately 25 slots available, and an early sign-up for the dedication is strongly encouraged. Parishioners can sign-up by filling out the form below and returning it to me via e-mail or to the parish office as soon as possible. The deadline for enrollment is Wednesday, June 30. Enrollment is limited to high school age and up. A separate children’s choir enrollment form is available through the music office and will be placed in next week’s bulletin. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the parish office. I eagerly look forward to bringing together the incredible talent that we have in our parish for this long-awaited and historic day. Bill Atwood, Director of Music and Coordinator of Liturgical Ministries (703) 393-2146 [email protected] ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH ▪ THE OFFICE FOR MUSIC AND LITURGY NEW CHURCH DEDICATION CHOIR ENROLLMENT FORM Name:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address where music can be mailed:_____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Previous Singing Experience:___________________________________________________________________________________ Voice Part:__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Potential rehearsal conflicts:____________________________________________________________________________________ □ I have read and agree to abide by the established rehearsal attendance policy as a requirement of my participation in the Dedication Choir for the Mass on August 14. All Saints Youth Ministry High School Ministry 8th-12th graders Welcome! Save the Dates!... 2 Fun Trips! Tues, August 17th Sat, August 21st SPLASHDOWN NATIONALS GAME Open to rising 9th-12th graders Open to rising 7th-12th grade Families! Doughnuts and Dragons A Bible study on the Book of Revelation August 16-20th 8:15am Meet in the foyer of the new church 8:30am Mass 9:00am Breakfast in the Upper Room 9:30am Bible study 10:30am Finish up Director of Youth Ministry, High School, College, & Theatre Rob Tessier... (703) 393-2141 [email protected] Assistant Director of Youth Ministry, Middle School Tiffany Lambert... (703) 393-2141 ext. 261 [email protected] (Habla Español) Forms & Info can be found at the Youth Ministry Bulletin Board in the breezeway near the Gym. Or, our website: www.allsaintsyouthministry.org Program Assistant Cathy Sledz... (703) 393-2141 ext. 246 [email protected] Middle School Ministry 6th-8th graders Welcome! We re-start on September 17th for 7th & 8th graders 1st & 3rd Fridays (Sept—May) Sat, August 21st NATIONALS GAME Open to rising 7th-12th grade Families! Great way to have a lot of fun in a safe environment & make new friends too! www.AllSaintsYouthMinistry.org IGLESIA CATÓLICA ALL SAINTS Avisos de Educación Religiosa XIVO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Educación Religiosa Pre-Kinder a 8o Grado (703) 393-2142 Horario de Oficina: Lunes a Viernes de 9:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Misa de 1:30 ~ En Memoria de Petrona Franco Misa de 7:00 ~ Intenciones de Todos los Parroquianos PASTOR ~ Rev. Robert C. Cilinski: 703-393-2155 VICARIO PARROQUIAL (HABLA ESPAÑOL) Rev. Francisco Méndez: 703-393-2152 BOLETÍN EN ESPAÑOL ~ Adriana Swidal: 703-368-4500 MISAS EN ESPAÑOL: Domingos: 1:30 p.m. y 7:00 p.m. CONFESIONES: Sábados: 8:30 a 9:30 a.m. y 3:00 a 4:00 p.m. BAUTISMOS: Se realizan todos los domingos a las 2:30 p.m. La clase PreBautismal se da el segundo miércoles de cada mes a las 7:30 p.m. Es necesario registrarse antes de venir a la clase para que se le de un certificado. Los padrinos tienen que tener 16 años o más, ser católico confirmado y que haya recibido la Primera Comunión, y sí está casado, la ceremonia tiene que haber sido celebrada por un sacerdote o diácono católico. MATRIMONIOS: Es obligatorio un programa de preparación de seis meses antes de la fecha deseada. No se casen civilmente antes de la ceremonia religiosa. ASISTENCIA FINANCIERA: La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl le puede ayudar. Llame a (703) 393-1483 y deje mensaje. Se habla español. Eventos Parroquiales Campamento de Verano para varones desde 13 años. El objetivo del Campamento es formar lideres jóvenes por medio del contacto con la naturaleza, en su doble dimensión humana y cristiana. Fecha: Agosto 7-14. Lugar: Hunting Ridge Retreat, Winchester, Virginia. Costo: $200. Información e inscripción: (703) 470-3177. Campamento de Verano "Santa María", para muchachas desde 12 años. Ven a divertirte con deporte, a conocer nuevas amigas, a saber más de tu fe, y hacerte amiga de Jesús. Fecha: Agosto 1421. Costo: $200 (plaza limitada). Lugar: Hunting Ridge Retreat, Winchester, Virginia. Información e inscripción: (703) 342-8422. !Bienvenidos! Rev. Juan Puigbó — fue ordenado al sacerdocio el 2001 y ha estado asistiendo en la parroquia Reina de los Apóstoles en Falls Church. El Padre Puigbo viene a nuestra parroquia el miércoles 7 de julio. Rev. John Melmer — tiene 19 años en el sacerdocio y viene de la parroquia de San Juan en Warrenton. Viene a nuestra parroquia el miércoles 7 de julio. Seminarista Jeb Donelan — esta en su cuarto año en el seminario North American College en Roma y viene a pasar el verano en nuestra parroquia. Estará en All Saints del 28 de junio hasta el 22 de agosto. ¡El Programa de Educación Religiosa esta en línea! La página web de Educación religiosa se ha actualizado para el 2010-2011. Los formularios de inscripción están disponibles en línea en www.allsaintsvachurch.org y se pueden descargar. ¡No es demasiado temprano para registra a sus hijos para Educación Religiosa! Visítenos en línea o pase por la oficina de Educación Religiosa para registrarse. Los formularios también están disponibles en el vestíbulo de la iglesia. Registraciones — Tendremos registraciones para el año escolar que empieza en el otoño el sábado y domingo 10 y 11 de julio después de las Misas, en el patio de la iglesia. Nota: no estaremos después de las Misas de las 7:00 p.m., del sábado ni domingo Se necesitan voluntarios para Educación Religiosa Una de las maneras más gratificantes de estar involucrados en la Educación Religiosa de su niño es ser voluntario en la clase de Educación Religiosa. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con Samanta Wells, Directora de Educción Religiosa a: [email protected] Nuevo Horario de Misas (Efectivo 14-15 de Agosto, 2010) Después de mucha oración y con el consejo de nuestros parroquianos, con gusto anunciamos el nuevo horario de Misas. Como la nueva iglesia es mucho mas grande—alcanza 1500 personas— solamente se necesitan siete Misas en lugar de las nueve que ahora ofrecemos. Además, con mas tiempo entre Misas esperamos que ayude con el problema de congestión en el estacionamiento. Con siete Misas, aun tenemos mas Misas que cualquier otra parroquia de nuestro diócesis. Gracias a todos que ayudaron con esta decisión. Bendiciones, Rev. Bob Cilinski Sábado: Domingo: Nuevo Horario de Misas 5:30 p.m. (Vigilia para el Domingo) 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. (Español) 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. (Español) Bautismos (Español): 2:45 p.m.
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