Assurance vie
Assurance vie
Certificado del Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad UNE-EN ISO 9001 ER-0012¡2012 AENOR, Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación, certifica que la organización CARDIF ASSURANCE VIE SUCURSAL EN ESPAÑA dispone de un sistema de gestión de la calidad conforme con la Norma UNE-EN ISO 9001:2008 para las actividades: que se realizan en: Fecha de primera emisión: Fecha de última emisión: Fecha de expiración: Gestión de siniestros como aseguradora directa de seguros colectivos (ADEj e individuales (Plj. CL RIBERA DEL LOIRA, 28 4' . 28042 - MADRID 2012-01~05 2015-01-05 2018-01-05 Avelino BRITO MARQUINA Director General de AENOR AENOR Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación Génova, 6. 28004 Madrid. España Te!. 902102 201- ...I:***~N ~--_ .. t ****. e ** ® THE INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION NETWORK CERTIFICA TE IQNet and AENOR hereby certify that the organization CARDIF ASSURANCE VIE SUCURSAL EN ESPAÑA Cl RIBERA DEL lOIRA, 28 4" . 28042 - MADRID for the following field of activities Claims management as direct insurance company for colectives and indcividual insurances. has implemented and maintains a Quality Management System which fulfills the requirements of the following standard ISO 9001 :2008 First issued on: 2012-01-05 Last issued: 2015-01-05 Validity date: 2018-01-05 Registration Number: ES-0012/2012 -~---~ 1()Net - AE N O R cracron spañola de ción y Certificación ** Michael Drechsel President of IQNet IQNet Partners*: AENOR Spain AFNOR Certification France AIB-Vin90tte InternationaI Belgium ANCE Mexico APCER Portugal CCC Cyprus CISQ Italy CQC China CQM China CQS Czech Republic Cro Cert Croatia DQS Holding GmbH Germany FCAV Brazil FONDONORMA Venezuela ICONTEC Colombia IMNC Mexico Inspecta Certification Finland lRAM Argentina JQA Japan KFQ Korea MIRTEC Greece MSZT Hungary Nemko AS Norway NSAI Ireland PCBC Poland QuaIity Austria Austria RR Russia SIl Israel SIQ Slovenia SIRIM QAS InternationaI Malaysia SQS Switzerland SRAC Romania TEST St Petersburg Russia TSE Turkey YUQS Serbia IQNet is represented in the USA by: AFNORCertification, CISQ, DQS Holding GmbH and NSAI lnc. * The list of IQNet partners is valid at the time of issue of this certificate. Updated information is available under
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