Boca Raton Fastest Growing City in County - Digifind
Boca Raton Fastest Growing City in County - Digifind
INDEX Church News Classified Ads Deerfleld Beach News Hal P.O. Box 1086 Boca Raton, F l a , Page 7 13 13 6 3, S, 14 12 iBOCA RATON NEWS Boca Raton Fastest Growing City in County BOCA RATON'S OWN NEWSPAPER Vol. 5 No. 28 Boca Raton, Florida, .Thursday, June 9, I960 Spirit of Compromise Prevails Over Crossing *&& Lightning Hits 4 Places ln Boca D u r i n 8 City Adopts Policy On Fighting Fires Boca Men Praise Spirit and Ability Of SAC After Visit to Omaha Base Four Boca Raton men who made the trip to Omaha, Neb., last week to tour the headquarters of the Strategic Air Command returned with expressions of confidence in the nation's military preparedness and with praise for the "dedicated men" who operate SAC. Thomas F . Fleming Jr., James Caldwell, Bill Mitchell and William H. Hallman .were part of a group of 35 business and civic leaders from South Florida who were flown by SAC from Miami to Omaha and return and given a close look at SAC headquarters. The group of five men shown above includes four from Boca Raton who were photographed at the Strategic Air Command headquarters near Omaha, Neb. Left to right are William H. Hallman, Bill Mitchell, James Caldwell, Thomas F . Fleming Jr. and Frank Sirathers. Smathers, a brother of U.S. Sen. George Smathers, is president of the Miami Beach Niional Bank. mutual need. The chief also was authorized to use men and equipment in fires occurring in unincorporated areas if in his opinion they could be spared without jeopardizing city property. A recommendation from the civil Service Board was approved placing Roland A. Tourigney on probationary appointment as a Water Plant operator at a salary of $329 a month. Tourigney was selected from the Civil Service eligibility list and approved by Director of Public Works William Prendergast. City Manager William Lamb was given authority to negotiate for a low bid for paving the street around the new Post Office site which is scheduled for opening July 1. Commissioners approved the transfer of $5,000 from the General Fund to the Capital Improvement Fund. A resolution was adopted for clearing of certain parcels of land designated as area No. 10, Notice has been given to property owners in the S.E. 11th Street area from Dixie to Federal Highway. Public hearing will be held at 7:30 p.m. June 28. A public hearing on an ordinance providing a bulkhead line on the east shore of Lake Wyman was also set for June 28 at 7:30 p.m. An ordinance was read by title only creating liens for lot clearing in areas 5, 6 and 7. Referred to the Planning Commission was a plat of the 20th street (Continued to Page 14) Boca Raton is the fastest growing city in Palm Beach County, according to United States census figures released this week. " The figures gave Boca Raton • a 1960 population of 6,891, which represented an increase of 594 percent over the city's 1950 population of 992. The only other city in Palm Beach County which approached this percentage of increase was Lantana, which went from a population of 773 i n 1950 to 4,964 in 1960, an increase of 542 percent. There were a few smallBoca Raton firemen, under the leadership of Fire Chief John F . Loughery, er communities wh.~se are shown packing clothing and blankets for Chilean relief. Left to right are percentage gain was Lt. Daniel Andrews, Robert Higgins, Rudy Anderson, Joseph DeMassa, Harry greater, including three — Sullivan and Fire Inspector Sal Matteis. The response was good to the appeal North Palm Beach, Palm issued last week by Fire Chief John Loughery. By Friday 15 large cartons of Springs and Lake Clarke supplies had been packed by members of the Fire Department for shipment to Shores — which had no Chile. By yesterday the total had passed 30 cartons.—Boca Raton News Photo. census . figures in 1950, " but none of the cities equaled Boca Raton's percentage gain. Boca Raton now ranks seventh in size among county communities, which also happens to be Scholarships were grant- Eugene Zeizel, $100 scholar- Phyllis Carver and Mike Cor- the ranking held by Palm ship from the Boynton Beach bett. Beach County among the ed and special awards Junior Woman's Club. Mathematics award: Kermit counties of Florida. Special awards included; made to graduating SeRose. Ed Melvin, Manager of Jerry Richardson, valedictorian. Typing awards: Lauree Raniors at Seacrest High a William M her, salutatorian. berg and Allen Schaeffer. the Boca Raton Chamber School at the annual HonPatricia Cornn, $50 Savings Outstanding Senior girl of Commerce, said yesterBond for highest scholarship. athlete: Mary Oliver. ors Day yesterday. Ernie Puesch, Sandy Minninthat this "lucky average in Problems day Scholarships granted in- ger award for ability and per- lnHighest American Democracy and seven" position can be sonality, cluded: Economics: Linda Jane Smith. Nancy Ritz and Terry Carver, School spirit award: Renee considered a good omen William Maher, to Duke Uni- American History award. LaCroix, captain of the cheer- for the future of the city. versity, $850 a year. Sally Van Sweden and Gerry leaders. J erry Richardson, prlnc eton Roth, D.A.R. Good Citizenship In the special census University, $600 a year. medals. taken in 1955, Boca RaMike StraUl, $400 a year loan Eleanor Herder, D.A.P. Girl, 14, Apprehended ton was given a populafor the preparation of teachers Good Citizenship Award. by the State Board of EducaOn Shoplifting Charge tion of 2,736. The gain Evelyn Allen and Kent tion. Schmidt, American Legion A 14-year-old girl was in the last five-year Jo Ann Neol, music scholar- medals., ship. University of Georgia. Jo Ann Neal and Bill Astras, apprehended in the Boton period was 4,155, or 150 James Bochte, tennis scholar. Danforth award for exceptional Store in Royal Palm percent. ship. University of Florida. achievement. Betty Slices, $300 scholarIn 1930 Boca Raton had Tlnka prjesmeyer and Jerry Shopping center Monday ship, Virginia Interment Col- Richardson, award as out- afternoon on a charge of an official population of lege. standing boy and girl. shoplifting. James Ray, football scholar447. In 1940 it was 723. Playmaker awards went to ship ff<r four years, Florida Audrey. Store manager William The figures before 1930 Kittelson, Kent State University and University Schmidt, Mary Dair, Eleanor Sweet told police he saw were estimates and not of Colorado. Herder, J erry Richardson and Bill Astras, footbaU scholar- Mary Mayfield. the girl pick up some official calculations. ship, Coffeeville Junior ColJournalism awards were blouses, shorts and handDelray Beach to the lege in Kansas. given to Sue Bogle, Mike Kermlt Rose, $500 scholar- Stratll, Patty Eddlnger, Phil kerchiefs and he called north gained in population ship, Florida State University. Brault, Nick Wlllocks and the Boca Raton police. from 6,312 in 1950 to Kermit Rose, Wheel Club Evelyn Allen. The girl was released 11,939 in 1960, an inscholarship and Civitan Club Music awards: Tom Mcscholarship. Donald, Jo Ann Neal and to the custody of her par- crease of 5,627 or 89 perP atty Eddlnger, $200 a year Robert Morey. ents pending action of the cent. scholarship to Palm Beach Spanish awards: Patty Junior College, presented by Snow. Nancy Rltz, Emalee juvenile court in west Boynton Beach went the Boca Raton Kiwanis Club. Yount and SaUy Van Sweden. Palm Beach, according from 2,542 to 10,145, a Jim Morobitto, Beta Club Homemaklng awards: Pat scholarship for $100. gain of 299 percent. Grant, Barbara Corcoran and to the police report. Susan Bogle, $100 BPW Sandra Camilot. To the south, in Browscholarship. Latin award: Ronald An- World Population Grows ard County, DeerfieJd Valerie Browne, two .$100 derson. scholarships to Palm Beach Science award: Susan StrickBeach came up with the The population of the Junior College. land. Elizabeth Gill, $100 from English awards: Sally Van world is growing at the rate surprising population figthe Woman' s Auxiliary of Sweden, ure of 9,307, which was a Jerry Richardson, Bethesda Memorial Hospital. Marlena Seller, David Gabtick, of 47, 000, 000 a year. gain of 7,219, or 345 percent, over the 1950 census figure of 2,088. Pompano Beach had 15,808. Following are the census figures for Palm Beach County communities in 1950 and i960: Scholarships, Special Awards Made to Seacrest Graduates 1950 I960 West Palm Beach43#162 55,539 Lake Worth 11,777 20,326 Riviera Beach 4,065 12,832 Delray Beach 5,312 U,939 Belle Glade 7,219 11,219 Boynton Beach 2,542 10,145 Boca Raton 992 6,891 99 Palm Beach 5,711 3,886 L ontana 4,964 773 Pahokee 4,651 4,472 Lake Park 3,549 489 North Palm Beach -— 2,656 2,464 Palm Springs — 1,622 South Bay 1,050 1,300 Lake Clarke Shores — Jupiter 313 1,048 Green Acres 531 1,022 Ocelot Captor Gets Reward This is the Atlas missile .in front of SAC headquarters at Omaha, one of the sights seen by the 35 South Florida men, including four from Boca Raton, who made a flying trip to Omaha last week as guests of the SAC. tinue, to prevent accidental attacks through failure to make contact. A large computer is used to keep abreast of all conditions, including weather, to be prepared for any eventuality at any moment, the local men said. SAC has 3,000 bombers and each plane carries a bomb 250 times more powerful than the ones used against Japan in • 1945. SAC leaders told the Florida group that 93 percent of the striking power of the free world is under SAC control, yet SAC receives only 20 percent of the United states military budget. A documentary film of SAC headquarters and of the visit of the Florida men was made by television station WTVJ, Miami, and will be shown from 8:30 to 9 o'clock ioni^j on that station under the title, "The Red Telephone." Harold " R e d " Smith, an employe of Wright's Chicken Farm on N.W. 51st Street, was credited this week with bringing in the lost ocelot that had strayed away from its home in Boca Raton. Tom Wright said he heard his dogs barking and he saw they had cornered an animal, a large cat. Wright intended to shoot the animal until he noticed it was wearing a collar. While the animal was held at bay, 21-yearold smith who, according to Wright, "has a way with animals," approached it and snapped a belt onto its collar, then led it to be taken away by police. The owner of the ocelot, George C. Stamden, 51 N.E. 51st Street, took a $25 reward to Wright, who turned it over to young smith for his work in capturing the animal. The ocelot had been missing since May 12. Price Ten Cents 10-Year Gain 594 Percent Weekend Lightning Raton flatiirHf T \o-htnincr struck CHMT^IT. two Hwn places nlss/^oa in i n Boca Tinted T?a£nn and again on Sunday. About 5 p.m. Saturday a bolt hit the police station, damaging four light bulbs. Another bolt struck an unoccupied model home in the Floresta Estates subdivision, digging a 15-inch hole in the roof and splitting four rafters. Firemen found no fire damage. During Sunday's thunderstorm, a model home sign was demolished by lightning, according to Carl Hendrix of Fantasy Homes in Boca Raton Square. Mrs. Helen Bedell, Civil Service Board secretary, reported that a lightning bolt struck a utility pole near her home at 299 S.W. Third Avenue Sunday evening. A spirit of compromise Keating of Florida Inc., prevailed at the City in a letter to the comComm is si on meeting mission, proposed two Tuesday afternoon when routes for the extension John Pedersen of Africa of Camino Real. USA offered two plans He said the firm had no for the crossing of Caobjection to having the mino Real to the west. road straight through The first offer, which Pedersen's property and he said he was empowered felt that the city should to offer at this time, un- accept Pedersen's offer der the terms of an option to dedicate and construct agreement on Africa USA, such a road. was to deed the city a "Our only request is tract of land 80 feet wide west of the Florida East that from this road, easeCoast Railroad. Peder- ments and roads be consen said he would pay structed to tie into our the cost of grading, con- present dedicated . road struction and paving the right-of-ways," Brennan straight road extension said. of the Camino Real crossIt was agreed that the ing. A policy for fighting city manager, city engiPedersen said that if neer and the Planning fires outside the city the option is not exercis- Commission submit to limits was outlined in a ed by next Feb. 7 he the City Commission at resolution adopted at the could act as sole owner the next meeting a layout City Commission meeting and deed the city a 60- of a detailed route using Tuesday afternoon. Fire Chief John Loughfoot wide tract running the best aspects of the north and south as an ex- Keating and Pedersen ery was authorized to use tension of s.W. Third plans which would be men and equipment in a Avenue but without cost most favorable to the city reciprocal agreement with from a planning and traffic Delray Beach and Deerto him. field Beach in case of John K. Brennan of viewpoint. Fleming, who had spearheaded the invitation to the group, commented on his return that "the men who operate SAC are obviously men of ability and dedication." He said he had "never seen such spirit." Mitchell, who gave a report of the trip to the Boca Raton News, said the visit made a deep impression on the entire group. He said they were taken everywhere through SAC headquarters, even to the "war plans room," but the plans were covered at the time. The SAC headquarters building rises three stories above ground and goes three to four stories below ground into the bedrock of the Nebraska hillside. It is a self-sufficient "war machine," but SAC's motto is "Peace Is Our Profession," in line with its two-fold avowed purpose: (1) To deter war, and (2) To prevail should war come. Gen. Thomas S. Power, commander of SAC, gave the South Florida group a demonstration of how SAC keeps in touch with its bases all over the world. By means of a "red telephone", within seconds the voice at SAC headquarters had responses from points all over the world. The leaders said that within 15 minites of an alert they can have one-third of SAC's planes in the air and headed toward their goal. However, their orders are to return to base unless later ordered to con- 14 Pages light Rainfall So Far in '60 Boca Raton had a distinguished visitor yesterday in the person of Mrs. L. Clark Priebe, the "Mrs. America" of the last year. She came to Boca Raton with her husband from Ft, Lauderdale, where the Mrs. America contest is being held this week. They visited the Furniture Plaza, which had the distinction of decorating the Mrs. America home this year. Shown grouped in the Furniture Plaza in Boca Raton yesterday were, left to right, Mrs. Priebe, Mr. Priebe, R.D. Oilar, store manager; Fred Byers, contract sales representative of Furniture Plaza, and Tulane Kidd Jr., who decorated the Mrs. America home.— Colony Studio Photo Rainfall for May totaled only 3.98 inches, according to Gus Eager, Water Plant operator. The water plant had to run at full capacity, Hager said. Rainfall for the five months to date measured 15.12 inches, far below normal for the period. May had 20 days without any rain at all, Hager said. Sarasota Man Named William B. Hanaford of Sarasota has been appointed Sarasota County sales manager for Arvida Realty Company, it was announced this week. Before joining Arvida, Hanaford was a broker-salesman in Sarasota. 2 THE BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, June 9, 196JL Work on Trial Transcript In Burton Case Ordered PETER JOHNSON ROSS Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Rossof Villa Rica returned to their home this week after attending the graduation of their son, Peter Johnson toss, from the University of Florida at Gainesville, where he was awarded a BA degree. Peter has accepted a position with the Armstrong Cork Company at Savannah, Ga. 21 Accidents in May Injure Nine Persons Nine persons were injured in 21 accidents investigated by the Boca Raton Police Department during May. Demages totaled $8, 53a There were 255 complaints made, 21 summons issued with 11 estreated and 10 cases heard in court. Fines and forfeiture collected amounted to $517. There were 20 offense reports investigated, liiii DRIVE-IN THEATRE S. Fed. IJwy. Deerfield Held Over Thru Friday Van siJvana Heflin Mangano FIVE BRANDED WOMEN 7:30 and 11:00 Cornel Jean Wilde Wallace DEVIL'S HAIRPIN In color at 9:30 SATURDAY BONUS snow Margaret O'Brien Walter Brennan GLORY In color at 9:30 Claudette Colbert ' Barry Sullivan TEXAS LADY In color at 11:20 Starts SUNDAY Rossano Brazzi Mitzi Gaynor John Kerr SOUTH PACIFIC In Technicolor Plus Technicolor Feature LIVING SWAMP Criminal Court Judge Hugh McMillan has ordered that every effort be ma de to com plete the trial transcript in the Arthur Burton Boca Raton land swindle case so the appeal may go forward. Burton, 42, of Pompano Beach, was convicted May 2, 1959, on three counts of substantive felony ofacces-' sory before the fact to uttering forged quit-claim deeds. He was later sentenced to five years in prison and is' free on $5, 000 appeal bond. Judge McMillan extended the time for filing the transcript for one month longer than requested by Defense Attorney Hal S. Ives to July 26. The judge ruled that it was apparent that through the joint efforts of Miss Frances Miller and Mrs. Rubie Rowe that an accurate trans- . cript can be completed. This is the duty of the defense under court rules, he said. Both women have worked with E. J. Campbell, former official court reporter who recorded the six-day trial in shorthand and on a belt recorder, and are familiar with his shorthand. Even Campbell maybe allowed by hisdocror to assist, the jurist said. It was Campbell's serious illness and subsequent brain surgery, andthe deathof the late Criminal Court Judge Edward G. Newell, who presidedatthe trial, which sent the already difficult case into further knotty problems. Ives claimed an accurate transcript could not be completed. The late Judge Newell granted five extensions of time for filing the transcript, and since his death, Judge MacMillanhadallowed one extension. More than half the transscript was completed by Campbell before his illness, comprising 250 pages; about 20 have been prepared since then by Miss Miller and Mrs. Rowe; and about 100 pages are left to be completed. ]. •\r .*>-.r-, Avsvrvi Shoppes Located on N.E. at wsnfieid Park Street Television stars Miss Phyllis and Beeper the clown will make personal appearances Saturday morning at 10:30 at Africa USA. The tall, lanky clown will entertain with his antics that have made him the star of Popeye children's show and Miss Phyllis will personally greet the children who watch her Romper Room show each morning. Children attending the show at Africa USA between 10:30 and 1 will receive free gifts. Beeper will be assisted in his clowning by Billy, the Chimp. Quicksand Still Found Although little is heard of quicksand these days, it is as common as ever and perhaps more dangerous since it seems to be less feared, according to the National Geographic Society. Death Valley, one of the hottest and most arid spots in the world, has plenty of life. More than 600 kinds of plants thrive in the valley. Sterling Hayden fEBROH IN A TEXAS TOWN FIVE DAYS STARTING SUNDAY. TTINE 12 ; t h e completion o f a n o t h e r new> beautiful business location • • . keeping pace with the rapid growth of BOCA RATON ! General Contractor AZZARELLO Construction Co. 451 N.W. 13th Avenue Boca Raton 4526 Leasing thru LANGLEY REALTY Robert B- Langley - Realtor Business and Industrial Property Investments - Residential Associates : C^pwn to Give Show Saturday JERRY LEWIS Phone Boca 3737 Thomas P. Nolan - George Reynolds - John P. Holmes John Hoflstetter - Dorothy B. Cochrane - May S. McCarty Sub-Contractors and Suppliers PAINTING by AIR CONDITIONERS and HEAT PUMPS R & R Pointing Contractors Installed By 2251 N.E. 4th Avenue, Boca Raton Phone Boca 4703 Tom Myers Appliance 139 E. Palmetto Park Road Simulated Brick by Lumber Supplied by Atlantic Stone Company CAUSEWAY LUMBER Real and Simulated Stme and Brick Work "Quality and Service" 2772 N. Dixie Highway Ft. Lauderdale LO 4-0981 400 N-W- 2nd Avenue Phone Boca 8581-8582 Paving by Insurance thru DEAN's LANDSCAPING and PAVING CO. 321 Sunset Drive Ft. Lauderdale SSS? 1 1 J Phone JA3-6O73 WE3-59I8 Boca 4922 Architectural Millwork by CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS CORP. 6865 N.W. 36th Ave., Miami 47 Phone OXfordl-9180 BOCA RATON BRANCH 1301N.W. First Avenue Phone Boca 8509 Boca Raton Manager - RUSSELLE LACY "See Us For The Finest" Electric by John W.MOORE ZETTLEMOYER Insurance ELECTRIC 1590 N. Federal Highway Pompano Beach Phone CRestwood 8-2110 June 9, I960 THE BOCA RATON NEWS 3 Mr. Gardner, Miss Risser To Be Married on July 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Risser announce the engagement of their daughter, Drucille, to J. Kelley Gardner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oley Gardner of MaryviUe, Tenn. Miss RLsser attended Seacrest High School and the West Palm Beach Beauty School. She is employed at the GiGi Beauty Salon.Gardner was graduated from Maryville High School and is associated with Lawson Electric. A July 1 wedding i s planned at the First Methodist Church. DRUCILLE RISSER REGISTER NOW! slighter Anita Corn pops because of the sudden release of pressure generated by steam. McCOLL'S Phillips " 6 6 " SERV. E V E 6200 N. Fed. Hwy. Ph. CR 6-9454 4450 S e w FLYTE Guaranteed GREASE JOBS FUEL We give TOP VALUE STAMPS LAWN MOWERS-EDGERS-BICYCLES Sharpened - Repaired - Rented FREE Pickup and Delivery 1 a Mile N. of Ancient America 66] Boca Raton Beta Sigma Phi delegates attending the sorority conventionin Miami Beach last Friday were, front row, left to right, Mrs. John Feldmann, Mrs. Earle Mays, Mrs. Jack Benham and Mrs. Don Cbblentz; rear row, left to right, Mrs. Harry Sorenson, Mrs. Harold Michaels and Mrs. Paul Hutchens president. - - Boca Raton News Photo. Nine Attend Miami Beach Convention A registration statement relating to these securities has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission but has not yet become effective. These securities may not be sold nor may offers to buy be accepted prior to the time the registration becomes effective. S.A.F., LTD. $303,000 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP INTERESTS (A FLORIDA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP) $500 PER INTEREST A prospectus will be made available to you upon request i This advertisement shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any State in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such State Jerry Thomas & Co., /nc. Girls Attend Short Course Miss Joyce Veal, 14-yearold daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Veal, is representing Boca Raton in the 45th annual Girls' 4-H Club Short Course at Florida State University this week. Miss Veal is a student at the J. C. Mitchell School. Mrs. Elizabeth Pierce and Miss Miriam LoPinto, assistant Home Demonstration agents with the Florida Agriculture Extension Service, said the delegation included Helen Zywicki, Bean City; Ann Murray, Helen Hart and Mary Loy Raulerson, Belle Glade; Hanette Harrington, Canal Point; Louise Ashton, Marrie Lee Ax tell, Pat Belanger, Donna Curry, Holly Handler, Joyce Veal, Doris Walls and Mrs. Martin Ashton, all from the Palm Beach area. Mrs. Ashton is one of the 4-H leaders. More than 500 girls from all over Florida registered for the annual event. Boca Raton was represented at the annual state convention of Beta Sigma Phi held at the Deauville Hotel on Miami Beach by sorority sisters Mrs. Paul Hutchens, Mrs. Jack Feldmann, -Mrs. Harry Sorenson, Mrs. Earle Mays, Mrs. Don Coblentz, Mrs. Harold Michael, Mrs. Jack Benham, Mrs. Al Alford and Mrs. John Hagerjr. The "Girlof rhe Year" trophy was won by a Palm Beach member, Mrs. H. W. Personals Weekend guests of Mr.and Mrs. Richard Porter were 305 SOUTH COUNTY ROAD PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Col. and Mrs. Charles Wolf JERRY THOMAS 8. CO., INC., 305 S. County Rd., Palm Beach, Fla. of Miami. Please send me without obligation prospectus on S.A.E., Ltd, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Dane NAME have returned from a 7, 000mile motor trip which took ADDRESS.. them to Washington, D. C, Philadelphia and Falmouth on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. They spent a week in the Boston area and then toured New England up to the Canadian border. From there they went to Iowa City and spent two weeks. -During the trip they visited 268 friends and Boca Villas Home relatives, not counting childIs Scene of Cookout ren, they said. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Rhoode Mrs. E. H. Jensen recently entertained at a cookoutat their Boca Villas home re- returned from a vacation trip to New York and Pennsylvacently. Their guests were Mr. and nia. Mrs. Ralph Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Margaret MacDonald, Mrs. Warren Seeley, Mr. and sister of Mrs. Richard Porter, Mrs. John Young of Miami has returned to her home in Shores and Mr. and Mrs. Scotland. Mrs. Everett Bates of BoWarren Eldritt of Punta ca Raton and Mrs. Milton C. Gorda. Wursler of Delray Beach spent the weekendas guests Mrs. Trafford Honors of Sgt. and Mrs. Clifford Husband on Birthday Mrs. Robert Trafford was Bates at Camp Gordon, Ga. hostess to a birthday party in Sgt. Bates is an instructor her home Saturday honoring there. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Rhoode her husband, Robert. have as guests this week Mr. Guests attending were Mr. and Mrs. Warren Eldritts of and Mrs. Russ Meeker, Mr. Punta Gorda, Fla. and Mrs. John Darwin, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brown and Mrs. Robert Moray, Mr. have as guests Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Al Cattabriga, Mr. Warren Seely of Port Charand Mrs. Glenn Rauth and lotte, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. James Vickers. Mr. and Mrs. John Clausner of Bethlehem, Pa., are Tree Thrives on Fire guestsof Mr. and Mrs, Lester The strange knobuone pine, Cadman of Winfield Park. 479 N.E. 20th Street a rare species found chiefly BOCA RATON Phone 8995 Dinner guests of Mr. and in southwestern Oregon.has Mrs. A. F. Morey Sunday been described as "the tree were Dr. and Mrs. Park BerkThe Finest in Gifts and Cards that thrives on fire. " heirnerof Delray Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cadman. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. MeKenzie of Varsity Heights left recently for Barberton, Ohio, to spend a few weeks with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Brandt. While there they will attend the christening of their grandson, Kenneth, at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Akron, Ohio. They will also visit with Mrs. McKenzie's sister Mrs. Dexter NOW OPEN AND READY TO SERVE YOU MEMBERS MIDWEST STOCK EXCHANGE Watch for our SOON! Featuring HALLMARK and NORCROSS GREETING CARDS GIFT WRAPPINGS and ACCESSORIES GIFTS FOR YOUR EVERY NEED titfirifli KAY'S Stone. She is the member instrumental in forming a county-wide project on mental health for Beta Sigma Phi chapters in Palm Beach County. There were many forums on Saturday morning and a banquetand dance was held Saturday night. There were between 600 and 700 m e m bers present. The site for next year's convention will be Ft. Lauderdale. BEAUTY SALON 477 N.E. 20th St. BOCA RATON in Winfield Park Elyria, S. Kimball Jr., Ohio. House guests of Mr. and •Mrs. Charles de Vault of Country Club Village are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stack of Kilgore, Texas; Mrs. Craig Leach of Brookville, Texas, and Mrs. Bennett Spradley of Nacogdoches, Texas. The guests came here to attend the graduation ceremonies of the de Vaults' twin daughters, the Misses Binnie and Winnie de Vault, from Palm Beach Junior College last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schnurstein left Wednesday for a two-month tour of Alaska. They are driving and will visit Kansas Ci.ty, Omaha, Mount Rushmore, Glacier Park, Banff and Yellowstone National Park along the way. They will leave for Aslaska via Ed mondton and completely tour the new state. On their return they will come by the way of Seattle and Portland, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. David Bryan and sons, Do nald and David, ofPompano Beach will accompany the Schnursteins on the trip. Mrs. John Bozzone and her son, John Jr., left Friday to attend the funeral of her father in Long Island, N. Y. Domina Jalbert has returned from a business trip to the Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stoughton have as guests their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. William Stoughton and son, Ted, of Sylacauga, Ala. They plan to stay about 10 days. Mr. and Mrs. Wyn Griffithsof Second Court entertained their daughter, Do reen, ofDetroitfor 10 days. In Detroit, Miss Griffiths is associated with the Campbell Ewald Company, a national advertising agency. Mrs. Martha Steinbaugh is planning a European trip in July. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tyson have moved back to Boca Raton from Delray Beach. WITH THE NEWEST AND MOST MODERN EQUIPMENT OPENING SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY in SQUARE DANCING The WAGON WHEEL 11 N.E. 3rd Avenue Delray Beach JACK DAVIS , W. Palm Beach Instructor Call CR6-4451 for information they're all running to Heart Ball Group. To Be Permanent KEELER DRAPERIES A permanent Heart Ball committee was established recently at a luncheon held at the El Sirocco in Deerfield Beach attended by Miss Margaret Bodenstein, executive director of the Palm Beach County Heart Association. Permanent committee appointments include past chairmen of the three heart balls held at the Boca Raton Club, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Porter, Boca Raton, "Mrs. W. B. Topping of Delray Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tyner Jr., Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bebout Sr., Mr. and Mrs. George Bogart and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Aldrich of Boca Raton. BECAUSE They Know They Can ©e# What They Are Looking For • PRICE • QUALITY • SERVICE Expert Guaranteed Workmanship Draperies - - Our Only Business Mrs. Mouw Entertains Mrs. Josua Mouw entertained at luncheon recently formembersof the Women's Choral group of Boca Raton. Guests attending were Mrs. Marge Burke, Mrs, Cyril Schley, Mrs. Sue Mead, Mrs. W. C. Cox, Mrs. Peter Hipp and Mrs. James Voss. COVE CENTER, East of Federal Hwy. on HMsboro Blvd., Deepfield Beach — BOCA 5600. Come In or Phone for Home Appointment OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9 -.5:30 34IS S o. Federal Highway, Delray Beach, Fla. CRestwood 8-2877 TRY U S ! ! BOCARATON THE SALE YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR . . . WE ARE CLOSING FOR THE SUMMER . . . SATURDAY IS THE LAST DAY WE WILL BE OPEN UNTIL FALL. PLAN TO COME IN TODAY, FRIDAY OR SATURDAY FOR THESE GREAT MONEY SAVING VALUES! I wish to thank everyone for their wonderful patronage and please look for our opening announcement this Fall . . . I'll be very glad to see you then. ALMEDA DRESSES trekking along t o . . . $5.88 2 for $11 ONE GROUP - FINE BARGAINS OMES Breek5"* Zotoz * Bonat * Caryl Richards $T50 Beginners Class ONE GROUP - MISSES HALF SIZES Reg. $15.00 COLD WAVE Mr. and Mrs: Sam-Melfi of Riviera were hosts to a dinner party at Creighton's Restaurant in the International Bazaar Sunday night in honor of their daughter Anita's graduation from St. Ann's High School in West Palm Beach. Guests attending were Mr. and Mrs. C. Perrone, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Borgioli and daughter, Beverly, Miss Carmen Polley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Esposito, Joseph Finocchio and Nicholas On Monday Miss Melfi was hostess to a beach party. Her guests included Patricia Ryan, Margaret Duif, Rita Monick, Patricia Clayton and Peggy Fable of West Palm Beach; Ann Parks, Ellen Dora n, Joan Fox, Judy Simmons, Caren Simmons and Beverly Borgioli of Boca Raton. m o DRESSES- S6M 2 for $13 At Their NEW OFFICE LOCATION 912 North Dixie Hwy., Boca Raton ONE GROUP - REAL VALUES DRESSES $8.00 2 for $15 Almeda's COTTON SHOP Phone BOCA RATON 4866 for Appoinment FRANK LYON Builder PHONES 3853- •'• Cotton Dresses wirti a Florida Flair P H . 6759 O r c h i d S q u a r e e o c A RATON 4 THE BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, June 9, 1960 Travelers Call Israel Oasis' Awards Made to Pupils At Boca Raton School Award Day was held Tuesday at the Boca Raton Elementary school, with Principal Robert Trafford presenting the honors. Sixth Grade, John Heckrote's room, Steven Dolan, John Kalas, Stephen Olsen, Betty Campbell, Diane Jackson, Janet Taylot and Sheila Sheffield; Mrs. Vir. ginia Smith' s room, Marie Cicala, Stacy Kramer, Bobby Keith, Hollace Osbome, Billy FlaveU and Gary Fish. High honor awards went to Fourth Grade students Doreer* Mitchell, Karen Mosher and Gardner Campbell. Honors went to Charlene Feddern, Karen Ann Lorentzen and Carol Prowe. Mr. and Mrs. David Ray, High honors In the Fifth Welden, 350 N. W. Second Grade went to Diane Borchardt, Billy Feltner and Pamela Mo- Avenue, Boca Raton, ansher. Honors went to Barbara Nolan, Barbara Campbell, Su- nounce the birth of a son, san Carew and Susan Troxell. Richard Theadore II, June 1 High honors In the Sixth at Bethesda Memorial HosGrade went to Sheila Sheffield. Honors went to John K&las( pital. Mrs. Welden is the Diane Jackson and Billy Fla- f o r m e r Mollie Susanna vell. Perfect attendance awards Limerick. were awarded as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robert First Grade, Eileen Troxellj Second Grade, Pamela Jack- *Passente, 441 N. E. 26th Terson, Donald Laury, Marilyn race, Boca Raton, announce Hudson and David Laury; Third Grade, Martha Gutzmer and the birth of a son, Christopher Cynthia Stone; Fourth Grade, Sherilyn Barton, Tommy Hud. John, June2atBethesda Meson, Billy Jackson and Richard morial H o s p i t a l . Mrs. Sheffield; Fifth Grade, Jerry Passenteis the former Sheila Vlllars, Barbara Nolan, Peggy Ott and Betty Jo Patrick; Sixth Mary Finch. Receiving scholarship awards at awards day at the Boca Raton School Tuesday were, front row, left to right, DoGrade, Brent Brace and Marie reen Mitchell, Karen Mosher, Gardner Campbell, Charlene Feddern, Susan Troxell and Barbara Campbell; rear Cicala. Mr. and Mrs. John Wyatt row, left to right, Billy Feltner, Sheila Sheffield, Pamela Mosher, Diane Borchardt, Barbara Nolen, Billy Flavell, School Safety Patrol awards Murphy, 130 N. W. Second were given to Brent Brace, Diane Jackson and John Kalas. -- Boca Raton News Photo. John Kalas, Lloyd Butler,1 Street, Boca Raton, announce Richard Myers, Rose Sabourin, the birth of a daughter, PaDiane Jackson and Betty tricia Lynne, May 28 at BeCampbell. Cited for being on the honor thesda Memorial Hospital. roll for the sixth six-week gracMrs. Murphy is the former ing period were: Fourth Grade, Mrs. Lois May June Crookshanks. At 11 a. m. Sunday, after Cameron's room, Patricia MaMr. and Mrs. Marvin Goss guire, Richard Sheffield, Gardbrief services in the present ner Campbell, Peggy Miller, Jones, 1132 S. W. Third Mrs. Clementine Brown, auditorium, the church conLaura Smith, Nancy Corley, Fourth Grade teacher at Karen Vlllars, Debbie Kee and Street, Boca Raton, are the gegration at the Bible Conthe Boca Raton school, Charlene Feddern; Mrs. Clemenference Grounds will astine Brown's room, Carol parents of a daughter, Sandi has been honored by the Hutchens, Carol Prowe, Sheri- Leigh, born May 30 at Besemble outdoors several hunFreedoms Foundation at lyn Barton, Doreen Mitchell, dred yards westward on the Safari Homes this week an- Valley Forge, Pa., for Karen Mosher, Karen Ann Lo- thesda Memorial Hospital. rentzen, Christopher Peirce Mrs. Jones is the former nounced it had moved to 912 "exceptional service in corner of N. W. Fourth Street and Tommy Hudson. and Fourth Avenue. North Dixie Highway because furthe ring the Ame rican Fifth Grade, Mrs. Carol Mc- Barbara Ann Myrick. Kelllps' room, Diane Borchardt, There they will witness Mr. and Mrs. William Al- of the heavy increase in home way of life." Billy Feltner, Pamela Mosher ; the ground -breaking for a Mrs. Brown, finishing and Barbara Nolen; Mrs. Vir-bert MacWilliams announce building. new 2, 500-seat auditorium, ginia Smith' s room, Barbara the birth of a daughter, Shelly Frank Lyon has spread his her 40th year of teaching, Campbell, Carl Feddern, Susan estimated to cost upwards of operations from Esterly in BoAnn, born May 31 at Holy said she was very surTroxell and Susan Carew, Birth Notices Mrs* Clementine Brown, Teacher, Honored by Freedoms Foundation Start Planned For Auditorium Safari Homes Is Expanding or repairing your present one and you're tired and confused over the volume of estimates, ivonying about hidden costs or "surprise extras", sail us and we'll help you with our free electrical layouts at no obligation to you. It will take the confusion out of your work! Just call Schraedel (Pronounced: Shray-deJl) s:e Schraedel Electric inc. 78 S. Federal H'way Boca Raton 5653 Cordially invites you to OPEN HOUSE Sunday, June 12th. . . . . after Church 'til 5:00 P.M. We have created a lovely old market place for your pleasure and convenience. We hope you may find many happy leisure hours in either creating our special crafts or buying internationally flavored or personally designed gifts. Helent Barren, holding a professional diploma, will personally instruct all wood fiber classes FREE . . . AN ART WHICH IS "NATURE'S ONLY RIVAL IN BEAUTY". Mrs. Barton is held in high esteem in this area a s a designer of gorgeous floral arrangements and will make beautiful bouquets in either your containers or ours, from our extensive stocks of the loveliest flowers we could find to buy in the world's markets. Boca Craft Banrar, Inc. LEGAL NOTICES If you're building a home Boca Craft Bazaar Int. Marge Billing, with exceptional talents for the unusual and original, will teach you FREE the $350, 000. prised to receive the "Magic of the Sea" or a scrap of net, a hat or Conducting the dedication award. She was one of perhaps a mirror. She will teach you the art of ceremony will be Conferthree teachers honored in turning liquid plastic into unbelievable and durthe Palm Beach-Broward ence President and founder able flowers and foliage for your own pleasure or County area. Ira Lee Eshleman. .V.the "joy of giving". Mrs. Brown, who lives Many of the Conference MRS. CLEMENTINE BROWN at 234 E. Palmetto Park trustees and sponsors will We will, show you how to create beautiful gift Road, had been recom- is a teacher of languages come from other parts of the packages . • . candle decorations, plaques, permended for an award by at Florida State, she also country for the dedication sonally designed hats and bags, and many other the mothers of her stu- has three grandchildren. service. party appointments. dents more than a year In order to erect the audiThe pioneer resident ago. Following their urg- has taught all elementary torium in the planned loca- We are happy to share our ideas with Church, Hospital, Clubs and other organizations. ing, she submitted a paper grades but said she en- tion andprovide ample park entitled "The American joys teaching the Fourth ing area, it was necessary to Please come, browse and share the beauty of our Way of Life," in which Grade best. split in half and move to a Bazaar. • she explained her methods new location the conference of teaching responsible Two Cars Damaged See our wares and crafts and tell us of yours, as lodge. we are seeking those who create. • citizenship, patriotism To Extent of $700 and a greater understandTwo cars were extensiveing of the American demo- ly damaged in a collision Trailer Is Boat, Tent cratic system. last Thursday at Maya Palm A trailer for overnight Mrs. Brown said t h e Drive and Date Palm Road in fishing trips that can be used greatest award she could Royal Palm Yacht and Coun- as a boat and a tent has been 20 S. D D ^ HIGHWAY possibly receive i s to try Club. marketed by an Atlanta comBoca Raton. Ph. Boca 6500 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING learn that her pupils have NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS Police said there is no stop pany. ON A RESOLUTION OF THE benefited from her efforts NAME LAW CITY OF BOCA RATON, FLORor yield sign at the corner NOTICE i s hereby given TO INSTALL PAVEMENT, in teaching. that *he undersigned, desiring IDA, yet but one is being preCURBS, GUTTERS AND SIDEto engage in business under WALKS ALONG N.E. 2ND One of the outstanding pared. the fictitious name of SHOWprojects which she instiSTREET BETWEEN N.E. 1ST CASE HOMES, in the County of Marvin, L. Bascom, 28, of AVENUE AND N.E. 2ND AVEtuted in the Fourth Grade Palm Beach, State of Florida, AND ALONG N.E. 1ST is the Good Deeds Club Delray Beach was traveling intends to register the said NUE BETWEEN BOCA RAThe delightful sound of tinkling water is name with the Clerk of the Cir- AVENUE ROAD AND N.E. 2ND which earns money every north on Date Palm Road and cuit Court of Palm Beach TON most welcome anywhere . . . in home, STREET. year and presents a check Mary E. Phagan, 65, of 11 County, Florida. patio, garden or office. Completely Dated at Boca Raton, Flori- TO ALL PARTIES IN INTE- to the Damon Runyon Can- S. Ocean Boulevard was drimobile . prom $29.95 da, this 9th day of May, 1960. REST, PROPERTY OWNERS cer Fund and the Palm ving west on Maya Palm AND CITIZENS: Richard J. Wolf NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Beach Heart Association. Drive when the accident RICHARD J. WOLF We also carry a complete line of pool that the City Commission of the Mrs. Brown is a member happened. City of Boca Raton, Florida, Roberta M. McKenry accessories, stop in and browse, won't of the American Legion wUl hold a public hearing on a Police said Bascom "s car 301 North Federal Highway you? resolution by the City CommisBoca Raton, Florida Auxiliary, the Garden skidded 21 feet and Mrs. sion wherein the Commission PuMlsb: May 19 and 26, June 2 has determined the necessity Club and is active in Phagan'scarskidded 15 feet. and 9, I960. of installing pavement, curbs, church work for the MethoNo arrests were made by Furnish Proof of Publication. gutters and sidewalks alongN.E. Let us maintain your poo] 2nd Street between N.E. 1st dist, Baptist and Episco- investigating officer Patrolor lawn or both. Fully inAvenue and N.E. 2nd Avenue pal churches. NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS man Joseph Jodrey. and along N.E. 1st Avenue besured and licensed. FREE NAME STATUTE She has two children, tween Boca Raton Road and Damage to the Bascom car NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN N.E. ESTIMATES! Street, Boca Raton, Mrs. Martha E. Moore and was estimated at $400 and that the undersigned, desiring Palm 2nd . HWAY Beach County, Florida, John Grover Brown, both to engage in business under according to specifications, damage to the Phagan vethe fictitious name of: of Tallahassee. Her son hicle was estimated at $300. BOCA RATON BLUEPRINT CO. plans and cost estimates on file in the office of the engiCross Hospital. Shelly Ann ca Raton Square to five other weighed six pounds,\10 1/2 subdivisions in Boca Raton. ounces. Mrs. MacWilliams These include recent land is the former Laurel Strom, purchases in Spanish Village, Lake WymanShores, Chatham daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irna Strom of 1470 N. E. Hills an d the ertire subdiviFourth Street, Boca Raton. sion of Vista Hills. Other grandparents are Mr. Six different models are and Mrs. Henry MacWilliams. available, with a seventh A telegram was sent to the soon to be opened in Vista father who is stationed in Hills with FHA financing aFrance with the armed forces, vailable. announcing Shelley Ann's arThe most popular Safari rival. model is the Oasis, a threebedroom, two-bath house with Toy electronic autos ihat a screen enclosed swimming race along a fixed plastic pool and patio. Two are now "roadway" have been deve- on display, one in Esterly, loped to compete with toy the other in Lake Wyman electric trains. Shores. TIRED? Jerusalem is oneof the the dirty, listless and often world's saddest cities, a antagonistic Arabic region Tatham bleak no man's land runs and inhabitants, through its center and there said. is no peace between Jews and In Israel, everyone, male Arabs, Pastor C. Ernest and female, serves in the arTatham told 65 men at a my until the age of 49. fellowship gathering on the Tatham and his group spent Boca Raton Bible Conference seven days in Arabia ascendGrounds. ing the.Mountof Olives fplTatham recently returned lowing the old Roman road from a 30-day tourof Europe w hi c hleads to the Garden of and the Holy Land, on which Gethsamane and inspecting he led 28 persons from the f im _h a nd other Holy Land United States and Canada. s i t e s o f m]ic.a\ significance Israel, noted for being before passing over into IsraeL friendly with the West, im— pressed the visitors like a por "verdant oasis" compared to Rea(| T h e Pool i Lawn (not inc.) intends to register the said name with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County. Florida. / s / DithmarH. Bulls / s / Mildred E. Bulla KURZINGERANDHONCHELL Attorneys at Law K & H Building Boca'Raton, Florida Publiflh: May 10 and 26, June 2 and 9-, 1960. SAVE! SAVE! neer of the City of Boca Raton; providing for assessments against abutting property and other matters pertaining thereto, on the 14th day of June, 1960, in the City Hall at 7:'0 P.M. which date is more than three days from the final publication of this notice for the purpose of hearing objections to said proposed Improvements, Jacob Heidt Jacob Heldt, City Clerk Publish: June 2nd and 9th, 1960 Furnish Proof 'of Publication TIPS Gracious Florida Living at its finest in this new 3-Bedroom 2-Bath COLONIAL SAVE! ON BRAND NEW I960 ENGLISH FORDS Reg, Price $1714.50 LIMITED TIME ONLY 0NLV $800 "BK Conventional Financing Also Available station wagon 4-door sedan YOUR CHOICE NOW $1269 00 DELRAY LINCOLN MERCURY OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 N. Federal Hwy. CR 6-6331 Delray Beach y "Bail — while I look for a dehumidifier in the Want A.ds!" TONY MILES ''Piano As You Llk« It UP TO 40 MILES ON A GALLON OF GAS SEE AND DRIVE THESE CARS 352 T. M. R«8. U.S. Pii. OK. Reg. Price $1732.50 HP JOHN HALEY* FAMOUS D I N N E t l Cook-Out Every Monday Nite „ Poolside JAJbQCfr ^ *IA(onmeOCSSM) osmneio BMCM YOUR HOSf: BILL TAYLOR p H O N B SSTI Located in UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS Model Home Located on N.W. 5th Avenue. Take U.S. 1 to N.E. 40th St. to N.W. 3rd Ave. Turn right to intersection of N.W. 5th Ave. For Information Phone Boca 3930-6894 Home With These Outstanding Features) * Fully Sodded Landscaped Lots * City Sewers * Sidewalks * GB Built-in Oven and Range * Awning Windows * Tile Sills * Fully Insulated * Central Heat * High Elevation * Tile Roof * white Terrazzo Floors * Tiled Baths * Formica Counters Homes Built To Your Plans Otlwr Models Also On Display From $14,450 - (As Low As $500 Down) ANDREW F. KAY - BUILDER Group Entertained By Mrs. Livingston Mrs William Livingston, president of the Boca Raton Garden d u b , entertained at a coffee last Thursday for her officers and committee chairmen for the last year. Guests attending were Mrs. Robert Leggett, Mrs. A. R. Mitchell, Mrs. Lewis Simmonds, Mrs. Francis Swope, Mrs. William O1 Donnell, Mrs. Homer Gwinn, Mrs. G.I. Emerson, Mrs. Clarence James, Mrs. John Flancher, Mrs. E. A. Emerson, Mrs. Carl Ebert. Mrs. Frank Shober, Mrs. Herbert Brown, Mrs. Harry Reid and Mrs. Edward Melvin. Personals Mrs. George Clemmer entertained at cocktails and a buffet dinner for 16 guests Saturday night. She will entertain for the same number next Saturday. Mrs. lMinerva| Lichtig left this week to visit her daughter, Mrs. S. D. Block of RDSlyn, Long Island, New York, for a month. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Boyle of Winfield Park had as recent weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. B. W. MacKenzie of Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ebert entertained on Monday at a cookout for Mr. and Mrs. D. A note to the girl with stars in her eyes... Let us match the sparkle in your eyes with our beautiful shoes. Whether it is custom made shoe clips or accessories to complement your costume or our exquisite hand painted shoes done with a delicate air in the motif of your choice-you'll find . it to be "personally" yours, for your Big Day. . MILLER FORTUNET DOMANI MADEMOISELLE MANNEQUIN' Exclusive with Kemp's Shoe 5a]on where yoy find fashion at it's best!!! With prices you con afford to pay. Prices from $6.95 to $32.95 lotion FEATURING LADIES' FASHION FOOTWEAR 131 E. Palmetto Park Road — Boca Raton Palmettn Park Arcade—Boca 5665 SALON of MUSIC FIRST ANNUAL S A I REDUCED 3 0 % E ALL RECORDS or More Monaural 1.39 & 2.79 Stereo 2.09 to 3.49 Stereophonic Consoles Television Thursday, June 9, 1960 THE BOCA RATON NEWS 5 more than 40 percent by Bidding Cuts Costs L. Peters and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Broadhead of Boca Villas. Mrs. George Bonebrake is in Cleveland for several weeks visiting her children and grandchildren. Mrs. Albert Sterling entertained at luncheon and cards in her Caribbean Keys home on Thursday for a group of friends. Dan Do ran returned from a trip to Utica, N.Y. ,,on Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. William Day Sr. are spending a few days in Nassau. Mrs. May McCarty left recently to visit her uncle and aunt in Connecticut. Mrs. Itobert Kraeuter left recently for Neptune, N. J. She will attend a four-day seminar at Douglas College, New Brunswick,, N. J., and plans to leave from there for a vacation at the Old Mill Art School in Elizabeth, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hamann left recently to spend the Summer in iewiston, N. Y. They plan to return to Boca Raton in November. Mrs. Henry R. Jahnofthe Estates is traveling for the Summer in Germany and Austria. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Benson of Winfield Park had as recent guests Mrs. Chris Snyder and daughter, Jeanette, of Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Jones have as their guests Mrs. V. Server and Miss Ruth Anderson of Plant City, Fla. Leaving to return to Naval training at San Diego, Calif., is Gerald Mahone y, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mahoney. Arriving sometimethis week is the Mahoneys' other son, Norman, who recently was graduated from the School of Engineering a t Yale University. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mitchell returned from a vacation trip to Key West and Sarasota. Weekend guests of Mr.and Mrs. D. S. Pentecost were Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson of Melbourne, Fla. Mrs. S. K. Smith left her Winfield Park home to join her husband in Toronto, Ontario, where he is a member of Parliament. For The News Read The News Phone Boca Raton 8500 Components Portables Radios ALL LEADING BRANDS * TERMS ALL GUARANTEED * Some New * Some Floor Samples Some Discontinued NITA'S Beauty Salon 21st St. at Dixie Hwy. WINFIELD PARK The cost of washing Chi- permitting small firms cago police vehicles was cut enter the bidding. SUMMER SESSION Personal Improvement Charm and Modeling Classes For Girls Ages 7 thru 1(5 Director: Barbara Ransdell PLACE: CHARLOTTE DANCE STUDIO DIXIE HIGHWAY at N.E. 21st ST. DIXIE SHOPPING CENTER WINFIELD PARK Save Save Save Save Save save Save Save $145 $100 $ 50 $ 15 500 Attend Opening of Cabana Club 75 Guests Present At Benefit Coffee STEREOPHONIC PORTABLES Reductions up to 30% on Capitol Stereo Portables from $29.95 to $149.95 This is the last month for earnings in our current dividend period. Save by tomorrow, the 10th, . . . earn from June 1st . . . and receive a big, big dividend as of June 30th. Remember it's First Federal where you get SAFETY, CONVENIENCE, and EARNINGS, at our current divi-, dend rate of STEREO COMPONENTS GE 40 watt amplifier Pilot 30 watt amplifier AR-2 Speakers Unfinished Harman Kardon AM-FM Tuner Save Save Save Save $ $ $ $ 60 30 10 20 129.95 109.95 79.00 50.00 RADIOS Zenith, RCA Victor, Telefunken, Norelco FM-AM Radios Reductions up to 20% Transistor Portables, Reductions 10 to 20% Redaction also on tape recorders. . . storage cabi- j ' ;! nets. . . record carrying cases. . . chord organs.! OPEN THIS WEEK FRI. EVE TIL 9 SALON of MUSIC Shop and Save at one of Broward*s Largest Record Departments Country Club Plaza 998 N. Federal Hy. WH 1-1441 Pompano Beach More than 500 members and guests from Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Delray Beach and the Palm Beaches turned out for the gala Summer opening of the Boca Raton Cabana Club last week. A four foot ram carved in ice centered the long buffet table of hot hors d'oeuvres, canapes and relishes. Programs for the Cabana Club Summer season were announced and will include fashion shows, barbeques, A benefit coffee was given last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Paul Lo Bianco with more than 75 guests attending. The coffee was a benefit for the Morning Star School for physicallyhandicapped children in Lantana. Mrs. Domina Jalbert, president of the Morning Star Auxiliary, was co-hostess. Mrs. Annette Theilen was in charge of coffee. Pourers were Mrs. John M. Brown, p a r t y Given in Home Mrs. John Bozzone, Mrs. Qn 12th Birthday Irving Babbs, Mrs. George "Cusi" Botifoll celebrated Clemmers and Mrs. James her 12th birthday Sunday in Trent. her home with a party.Mrs. Veillard Has Decorations were carried Guests at Luncheon out in a color scheme of Mrs. Paul Veillard enter- yellow, white and green. tained at luncheon and bridge Guests attending were in her Winfield Park home. Nancy Lou Babbas, Maria Herguests were Mrsjames Gloria Campos, Jimmy Pa Stowell, Mrs. A. F. Morey, trone, Joan Paula, Maureen Mrs. Warren Bailey, Mrs. J. and Leo Anthony Fox, Dr. R. Brooks, Mrs. Frank Goetz , and Mrs. F. Campos of Mrs. Charles Boas and Mrs. Miami Beach, Mrs. F. CamEllwood Gardner. pos Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Dan Doran, Mrs. John M. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Fox. 178.00 158.00 160.00 290.00 800.00 299.95 199.50 159.50 Propellers can mangle bodies and a boat traveling at a high rate of speed can cause extensive property damage. The theft of expensive equipment is not uncommon. Pausing for a moment in the festivities of the cocktail party given for membersof the Boca Raton Cabana d u b were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kautz of Deerfield Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Anderson of Boca Raton. -- Colony Studio Photo. STEREOPHONIC CONSOLES Fisher, Provincial 75 watts, FM-AM Capitol Contemporary* Capitol Chairside Magnavox, 4 speakers 6 WEEKS PERIOD LOTS OF FUN and DANGEROUS BY THE $ 31 $ 51 $ 40 $160 OR CALL BOCA 4229 - 6265 12 LESSONS $15.00 • Typical Examples- Zenith 17" Portables G.E. 17" Portable RCA 17" Portable Magnavox 24" Provincial REGISTRATION - FRIDAY JUNE 17 at 10: A M . Chatting informally at a cocktail party given at the opening of the Summer season at the Boca Raton Cabana Club were,, left to right, Mrs. Robert Woods, Mrs. Arthur Wenderoth, Jack Woods, Mrs. Bernard Turner and Bernard Turner. Tomorrow is the LAST DAY to TELEVISION Open FRIDAY EVENING 5 P.M. to 7 P.M. FIRST FEDERAL Symphony Board Sets June 14 Meeting Place The executive board meeting^of the North Broward Society of the Symphony, scheduled for 10 a.m. next Tuesday, June 14, will be held at the home of Mrs. S. C. Curtis, W. Terra Mar Drive in Pompano Beach. Following up a project at the board's last meeting, all members are being asked to take along music books and music literature which are to be donated to the Pompano Beach High School Library. Insurance is available in any combination at a reasonable rate. Call us! dinner dances and buffets. A "Hawaiian night" has been set for June 18 when the ladies appear in Hawaiian dresses and the men in their gayest island print shirts. W. P. BEBOUT LEARN TO DKIVE CR 6-9888 INSURANCE AGENCY, I N C 701 North Federal Highway Door to Door Service AA Auto School PHONES: 8621 or 9336 309 N.E. 1st St. Jack Grant, Mgr. Delray Beach VAN SWEDENS Interior Designers 311 East Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach Ivan Y. Nickerson A.I.D Elizabeth Van Sweden A.I..D Glennys Motherwell Associate Decorator How do you select a Decorator ? Call on one that is dependable, efficient and whose knowledge can save you much trouble in creating that different home. H Materials, Inc. Hi Square Members To Entertain Wives Members of the Hi Square Club will have their wives as guests at a cocktail dinner party at the Ebb Tide tonight. Guests are also welcome, officers said. Al Broell is chairman. Members of the dinner committee are Ray White, W. Buck Weaver, Gene Ennis, Julian.Wells, Sam Scobee, Inar Strom, Stu Johnson and Cecil Stanley. •CONCRETE •PIP BOCA RATON, FLORIDA N. W. 13th Street at F. E. C. R. R. P. 0 . Box 515 Telephones 8588 - 8589 ALL EQUIPMENT RADIO DISPATCHED TRANSIT MIXED CONCRETE PLACING AND FINISHING PATIO WORK J.C MITCHELLS SONS INSURANCE COUNSELORS ESTABLISHED 1923 Savings § Loan Association of Defray Beach BOCA RATON OFFICE to 601N. Federal Hwy. Phone Boca 8576 Each Account Insured by an Agency of the Federal Govt. KEN H1GGINS 22 S. Fed. Ph. 5494 BILL MITCHELL 6 THE BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, June 9, l%0 The News' Public Forum BOCA RATON NEWS 151 Royal Palm Road Boca Raton, Florida Phone 3767, 3768 or 3769 Published Every Thursday Halford R. Houser, Publisher H. Clay Riley, Business and Advertising Manager Rodney G. Brower, Circulation and Promotion Manager Beatrice Landry, News Editor Helen Murphy, Classified Advertising Manager Entered as second class matter at the post office of Boca Raton, Fla., December 1,- 195S Subscription Rates: 1 year $4.00; 6 months $2.50 Editorial CORRECTING A DANGEROUS INTERSECTION has purchased the triangular piece of property and offered it to the city so that the street ..-an be straightened -out and the double lane eliminated. This will be a grea t boon to the city and city officials are already working out a traffic plan for the area. One of the problems that officials want eliminated is that a driver traveling north Also increasing the danger was the ex- on S. W. Fourth Avenue has to make a full tension of N. W. Fourth Avenue south into right turn and then a full left turn crossing the subdivisions there. The road is now Palmetto Park Road to enter the second heavily traveled with cars going to the lane of N. W. Fourth Avenue. This means' Bible Conference Grounds, recently to the that the driver has to stop for traffic on polo grounds, and to subdivisions to the west. West Palmetto Park foad and wait for it to There have been many near accidents at clear before he can make the lefttum into the intersection and an accident happened N. W. Fourth Avenue. there last week when a driver moved into This has confused nany drivers who have rhe wrong lane blocking the view of a dri- mistakenly turned into the wrong lane. ver attempting to pull out onto Palmetto Straightening out this job will be a dePark Road. cided asset to the city's traffic problems Now a solution to the problem has been and goes one step further toward making found. Centex Construction Company Inc. Boca Raton a safer place in which to drive. For 'J long time now one of the more dangerous traffic sites in the city huS been at the intersection of West Palmetto Park Road ant) the two-way lanesofN. W. Fourth Avenue running east anu west. With the widening of the hill on Palmetto Park Road, traffic seems to move faster and the danger increases. West Palm Beach, Fla., June 1, 1960 Editor, Boca Raton News: I must again take this opportunity to thank you from , the depths of my heart for the editorial endorsement and support that you gave me^yi my recent successful campaign for the Democratic nomination to the State Senate, from Palm Beach County. I know full well that your support and endorsement contributed mightily to my success. I appreciate so very much your expressionof confidence in my past service, and assure you that I shall do everything in my power to continue to merit the confidence which you and your paperhave expressed in me. With warmest personal regards and thanks, I remain Sincerely, RALPH J. BLANK JR. Boca Firm Decorates Mrs. America Home Detroit, Mich., Furniture Plaza of Boca June 4, 1960 Raton has been selected to Editor, . furnish and decorate the Boca Raton News: i960 Mrs. America Huber Now that I am back from Home. The decorator assoa trip west and have a chance ciated with Furniture Plaza to catch up on back issues of was Tulane Kidd Jr. my favorite paper, I should Kidd used a varied collike to make a few observa- lection of Drexel furniture, tions. It is good to see let- with bleached and oil finters from solid citizens such ished walnut the predomias Tom Fleming, Tom nant wood. The bedrooms are deco Meredith and C. P. Messersmith. And I would like to rated in soft, restful shades see department heads of the of beige. city allowed to run their departments for which they are responsible. Also, one of our paid commissioners who will not attend closed meetings because of principle refuses no doubt to accept pay for those meetings which he does not attend. Respectfully, ALONZO J. TRIPP MODERN APARTMENTS furnished or unfurnished FOR RENT OR FOR SALE Rental $100 per Month. A HOME WITH A GOOD INCOME Ph Boca 6988 NORTHCOURT GARDEN APTS North East 44th St. Boca Raton 1/2 Miles North of Boca Raton Center pnFfidtHwy. Shop in BOCA RATON DRIVE SAFELY WEST END Grand BAHAMAS Mailing Tips Suggested To Summer Vacationers mited time upon written request. 2. If you want to get your mail while you're away, file a forwarding order with the postmaster. (Let him know when you get back, though. ) 3. _Use your full and complete vacation address and give it to people who may write you. 4. Use enough postage. 5. Don'tsend cash in letters; use postal money orders, and register letters containing valuable items. 6. Prepare your packages carefully. 7. Buy books of stamps so you won't exhaust your suppBY LAWRENCE DAME Albee creates a sort of ar- ly far from the nearest post One of the formulae for a tistically nihilistic town office.comic novel in this rather somewhere along the sea, serious era is to pack as much where an old revivalist co- Turnpike Income Up By BEATRICE LANDRY slapstick as possible round lony had failed, and peoples 17 Percent in Year some highly exaggerated assortGross income of the SunJune has been designated as National Recreation Month characterizations. I must ad- it with a strange ment of misfits, screwballs, shine State Parkway in April and Boca Raton will take an active part in the program. mit that I prefer wit to bur- dreamers and parasites. De- showed a gain of 17. 5 perThere will be all kinds of supervised activities going on lesque and for this reason liberately kept remote from cent over the same month in throughout the month under the direction of James Rutherford, George Albee's much-heralmore practical parts of the 1959, according to Thomas supervisor of recreation, and Joe Galayda, assistant supervi- ded "By the Sea, By the Sea," country, the community B. Manuel, chairman of the sor. published by Simon and ambles crazily on its way to Florida State Turnpike AuAlthough it has been a long time growing to the present Schuster, fails to leave me nowhere through almost thority. stage, Boca Raton doesn't have to take a back seat to any- breathless with laughter. painfully contrived antics of April gross income was one in its planned recreation programs for the youths and Joyce Cary was one of my its denizens. $517, 365, 89 compared to ( adults of the community. favorite modern humorists Love and commerce of $440, 459, 21 in the 1959 Well over 100 youngsters participate in the many activi- and his "The Horse's Mouth," zany kinds thrive intramural- month for an increase of tiesof Teen Town, which includes everything from pre-teen which somehow the movies ly. Unlikely mates somehow $76, 906. 68. movies to record hops for the teenagers. The teenagers under toned down despite the apget together. There are madDuring April a total of adult supervision have many special programs throughout pearance of Alec Guinness, cap rescues at sea, blather- 416, 283 vehicles used the the year and also take part in civic organization programs. is an example of merriment skite intrigues and outrageous Turnpike compared with They pattern their government along the lines of the city as I like it in books. Then feuds. And, of course, there 332, 247 for the same month and have regular elected officers and appointed committees. Niki Kazentzakis' magnifiis a great deal of silly talk, the preceding year. They have a most successful operation under the supervision cently picaresque novel, of the Recreation Department. with its deep philosphicalaHumor does get a start The U. S. Government first The youngsters of the city come in for their share of sides "Zorba the Greek," may when the dreamiest member minted five-cent pieces in planned recreation. There are baseball teams, basketball be cited as an even finer of the community, a young 1794. teams and football teams in season. There are enough teams example for the comic style, collector of insects, so that just about everyone gets a chance to play on one with a kinship to 19th Cen- bumbles his way onto a big team or another. tury Henry Fielding's immor- city TV program and conThere are always volleyball games going on, and a fun- tal "Tom Jones. " founds the experts while filled Summer program is being planned for all youngsters There is no reason to ex- winning all sorts of prizes from pre-first graders to teenagers. There will be all sorts he promptly gives away so pect the author of "By the of active games as well as arts and crafts and quiet games Sea" to reach such heights. thathe and his halfwit bride for those who want them. may find peace again. Now and then even I found Although several things have been attempted for adult a chuckle or two in his ridi- Come to think of it, "By recreation, no one thing seems to draw a large crowd. culous and creakingly con- the Sea" wasn't much of an Shuffleboards in the park are open for the older group and trived situations, and I can effort to read and many several arts and crafts classes have been conducted. You r home imagine that a great many will find that a boon in the Plans are still in progress foradditional adult recreation to readers will deem the book hot weeks ahead. is insured... round out this full year-round program and when the older to be sidesplitting. group indicates an interest in any one project the plans will but what about be completed to help them. " L.All in all, Boca Raton has a Recreation Department of its contents? which the community can be proud during this National ReThat new TV. hi-fi, dishcreation Month. washer — anything you've bouuht since you lasl checked your insurance — probably isn'i protected. And a fire or other disaster could dam'ayc or destroy this investment in minutes. Don't be caught BYE.F. HUTTON unprepared. Call us for a The slogan, "DON"T SELL AMERICA SHORT, " has been complete property insurance so true for so long that it now blinds us to real dangers to :heekup . , . today. our future prosperity. The proudest empires, however, have fallen because they Representing the Hartford Fire failed to change policy to meet changed conditions. Insurance Company In 1914, Great Britain was the No. 1 world empire. The Group "sun never sets on the Union Jack," was its proud boast. It PROTECTION Hartford, Conn. is now in world-wide retreat. AS YOU DECORATE A responsible industrial'magazine editor says; "The rising tide of imports into the United States and our loss of exports YOUR MASONRY WALLS can make us a 'have not1 and 'has been1 nation. "He backs this statement with an imposing array of facts. Take steel. In 1957, we imported 1.1 million tons of steel mill products and exported 5. 2 million tons of finished steel. In 1959, we imported 4. 4 million tons, and our exports dropped to 1. 5 million tons. This increase in imports and decrease in exports accounts for 10 million tons of ingots, not produced in American mills by American labor. Take automobiles. The change in export-import figures accounts for 700, 000 automobiles annually not built in U. S. factories. Take machine tools, the heart of our industrial strength. Our machine tool industry labor costs are four times greater rhan West Germany, three times England's, and seven times Italy's. Our machine tool industry is actually moving out of this 500 S. Ftdftrai Hwy. country! With it go jobs, profits, taxes and national Through My Window NEW Noting that this is the season when many people are away from home, postmaster Don McDermott this week offered seven mailing tips to assure them the best possible mail advice. He suggested: 1. Don't let a stuffed mail box advertise your absence to housebreakers. Ask a neighbor to empty your box and hold your mail. If this cannot be arranged, the postmaster may hold your mail for a li- REGARDING BOOKS Burlesque in Comic Novel Tickets Available at the following Local Merchants AWARD [X) BE MADE JUNE11 You Need not be present to Win. MAYO'S CARDS & GIFTS Royal Palm Shopping Center BOCA BAG SHOP 197 S.E. 1st Ave. BOCA BATON 5 & 10, INC. Boca Raton Road DALE GARDEN SUPPLY 209 S. Federal Hwy. JOE MEEHAN MEN'S WEAR 127 E. 1st St. BOCA LINEN & FABRIC SHOP 170 E. Boca Raton Rd. BOCA RATON PHARMACY N.E. 1st Ave & Palmetto Rd. DUGAN TRAVEL SERVICE 75 S. Federal Hwy JOHNSON & TIFFANY 135 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. KEMP SHOE SALON E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. KIDDY KAMPUS 172 Boca Raton Rd. 111 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. MARGE'S SPORTSWEAR 117 W. Palmetto Pk. Rd. KAY'S BEAUTY SALON 477 N.E. 20th St. RAY KOHL & SON OFFICE SUPPLY HANDSEL HOUSE, 123 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. HOBBIES 137 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. ROADMAN'S DEPT. STORE Boca Raton Rd. ISLE OF MAN MEN'S WEAR ROYAL PATRICIAN 110 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. BEAUTY SHOP Royal Palm Shopping Center DAVE'S MARKET Aldrich Corner SOUTHERN TV, INC. 1927 N. Federal Hwy. IMPERIAL JEWELERS 99 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. CHARLES C. SQ*>iBES ELECTRONICS MATTY'S CLEANERS 115 W. Palmetto Pk, Rd. 20th St. at Federal Hwy. FLORENCE FASHIONS Enjoy 3 days and 2 nights at the exciting GRAND BAHAMA GLUB. ALL EXPENSES PAID. Plane fare, air conditioned room, Breakfast and dinner. Only residents of Broward and Palm Beach Counties are eligible. BRASS KNOCKER GIFT SHOP S. Federal Hwy. WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY 144 S. Federal Hwy Owning a Dart is such fun! <(o/> It's so smart looking. ggSJisH So roomy and comfortable. A/tfSr5' So easy on gas and low in price.*j£jC^ No wonder Dart is America's V O f a s t e s t growing low-priced favorite! So nice (and easy) to own! Think It Through Exporting Our jobs ASK FOR MASONRY PAINT strength. FOR BEST RESULTS USE THE CLASSIFIEDS 400 NW SECOND AVENUE BOCA 8581 m F»rt Landerdale _ 2701 s- Andrews Ave. 2-1706 DAY •OCA RATON PHONE 5473 You o*' Certified Cur Cora in any new 1940 Dodge car. It'i Ihe doses! thing y«l to a guarantee of trouble-frae driving DODGE DART •Hodge Dart Is priced model for model with other low-prfct cart D a r t sales keep going u p , u p , up—all over t h e DODGE DART . CAR F CARP CARC IT. S. A. The reason is simple. Dart is a truly fine car—smartly styled, solidly built, economical to operate. (24.7 m.p.g. in the Mobilgas Economy Run.) And this time of year, especially with sales soaring, Dodge Dealers are making it extra easy to own a Dart! SENECA Falrlane PIONEER Fairlane 300 Belvedere Bel Air PHOENIX Galaxle Fury Impala Savoy Biscayne Dodge Division of Chrysler Corporation NOW DODGE B U I L D S T W O GREAT CARS". LOW-PRICED DODGE DART, L U X U R I O U S ' 6 0 DODQE — BOCA-DEL MOTORS, Inc. 38O5 S. Federal Hwy., Deiray Beach Thursday, June 9, 1960 THE BOCA RATON NEWS 7 Pastor Will Discuss Start of Auditorium Will Feature Service Perplexing Problems Presbyterians Will Hold Promotion Day Program The Cbvffch School of the First Presbyterian Church will hold its Promotion and Achievement Day program at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, Members of each department Two graduating Seniors, Jo will participate, and the Junior Mann and Richard Smith, will be Choir will sing. Attendance, recognized at the First Metho- achievement and promotion . dist Church Sunday by the pas. awards will be presented by the tor. superintendent, Kenneth HigThe sermon, to be preached gins. Parents and members of by the Rev. Ernest Hawk, is the Congregation are invited to entitled, "There la Still a attend. Tomotrow". The school has more than On Monday a combined Vaca- doubled its enrollment since tion Church School will be the opening day last" Fall. started at the Methodist The program Sunday will mark Church with the Presbyterian the closing of the school until and Methodist churches partici- September, pating. Mrs.. John Mitchell is "The Most Neglected Book" director* will be the subject of the serRector to Be Teacher At 8 p.m. Monday the Official mon by Rev, Albert G. Shiphofst, Board for the new year will meet pastor, at the 11 a.m, service. At Camp for 10 Days at the church for the election of Both Junior and Senior choirs The rector of St. Gregory's officers and to set plans for the will sing anthems at this serEpiscopal Church, Rev. James new year. vice. Tuesday at 10 a.m. the Minis- Beginning Sunday, June 19, C. Stoutsenberger, will teach at terial Association will meet at services at the First Presby- the Diocesan camp at Avon the Methodist Chutch, and at terian Church will begin at Park for the next 10 days. The Sunday schedule of services 7:30 p.m. the Methodist Men's 9:30 a.m. Cabinet will meet at the home The Board of Trustees of will be maintained this Sunday; of L.L. Tazewell, president. the church will meet in the Matins, 7:^0; Holy Eucharist, 8; (Sunday School), Thursday at 4 p.m. the Chris- pastor's study on Tuesday at Catechism 9:30; morning prayer and sen. tian Social Concerns Commis- 7:30 p.m. mon, 10. sion will meet at the Methodist The Women's Evening Cifc There will be no weekday Church with chairman Mrs. L«- cle of the First Presbyterian ona Smith. Chucch will meet In the church services the week of June 12 "n Tuesday evening at 8. Mrs. except morning prayer ThursWilliam Short and Mrs, Warren day at 10 o'clock read by a lay Conductor of Broadcast Harris will be in charge of the reader. program. To Talk Here Sunday Rev. shlphorst and elder An unusual opportunity will Raymond Smith will represent Florida Shows Way be offered Sunday at the 11 n.m, the church at the annual meetworship service of the Church ing of. the Synod of Florida Florida is the leading state of the Open Door when Roger which will be held in the First in the production of phosMarlsbary will be the guest Presbyterian Church, Lake phate rock and fuller's earth speaker. Mr. Marlsbary i s ac- Worth, June 13-16. tive In Christian circles conducting "The Upper Room" broadcast from Ft. Lauderdale. Evening meetings of the church have.been discontinued until September. Prayer meetings are held each Wednesday evening at the church from 7:30 to 8! 30. Seniors Will Be Honored Installed in office Saturday night at a banquet at the Imperial House, Pompano Beach, were, left to right, Boca tail Raton Lions Peter Ravenhall, lion tamer; Thomas MacPherson, second vice-president; Joseph Damateo, twister; Dithrnar Bulla, president; Jack Welch, director; Sam Acquilano, director, and John Matteis, director. -- Colony Studio Photo. The University of Mississippi claims to have the lar gest Confederate battle flag -- 57 by 90 feet. VACATION SPECIAL 1. Adjust Brakes 2. Tune Engine ROYAL PALM BAPTIST CHURCH 11:00 Morning Worship 7:30 Evening Worship - LOCATED IN THE Chamber of Commerce Bidg. Deerfield Beach, Florida ADVENT LUTHERAN CHURCH - The A.L.C Moonhill Apartment 325 N.W. 40th St., Boca Raton TRINITY SUNDAY 9:30 — The Church at Study 10:30—The Church at Worship Sermon: "THINE BE THE GLORY" William M. Deutschman Pastor DONAHUE'S $10.00 Value ONLY Pastor Wendell P. Loveless The Sunday evening services has announced that the 11 a.m. at Calvary Baptist Church of service of the Bible Conference North Pompano will 'feature a Church Sunday will Include special series of sermons by groundbreaking c eremonies for Pastor Wes Auger on perplex* a new 2,500-seat auditorium at ing problems. The first will be the Boca Raton Bible Confe- preached at the 7j30 service rence Grounds. Conference pres- this coming Sunday night and ident Ira Lee Eshleman will pre- will be entitled, "Did Christ side. Die For All?" Pastor C. Ernest Tattain will In the 11 a.m. service Pastor show slide pictures of the Holy Auger speaks on "What Christ Land and bring the message at Wrote in the Sand". the evening service. Special Calvary Baptist Church has choir music will be presented been accepted into the fellowat both services. ship of the American Council On Monday, June 13, at 10 of Christian Churches. a.m., the Women's Missionary Fellowship will have an all-day meeting. All members and friends are invited and urged to come and bring their lunch, Mrs. Wendell P. Loveless, president, will preside and - CONSERVATIVE Mrs. Roy Beverly will be the speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Parks Hunt, Pastor , and their children will soon be leaving for Long Key in the - SUNDAY SERVICES Bahamas to do missionary 9:35 Sunday School work. $ ®F 4 5 New Gardenia Queen PLUS Pretty Linda Kirby of Plant City is the new Gardenia Oueen. IO-PoInt SAFETY CHECK Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jamison, seated right, celebrated their 23rd wedding anniversary at the Lions Club installation banquet Saturday night at the Harris Imperial House, Pompano Beach. Their guests for the evening were, seated, left of them, Mrs. William O'Donnell and Dr. William G. O'Donnell; standing, left to right, Mrs. Harold Turner, Harold Turner, Mrs. Frances Martens and the Rev.James Stoutsenberger. - - Colony Studio Photo. 1. Rear Lights 2. Glass • 3. Steering 4. Mirrors 5. Front Lights 6. Brakes 7. Exhaust Systems 8. Horn 9. Windshield Wipers 10. Tires Victor Semet of Margate, toastmaster, introduced the following guests of honor Lions Club outgoing president Wallace D. Swartz and Mrs. Swartz; Mrs. Dithrnar Bulla, Mrs. Scott Kitsonand Dithmar H. Bulla was in- Mrs. Victor Semet, retired stalled as president of the light heavyweight world's Boca Raton Lions Club at the champion Joey Maxim and installationbanquetheld Sa- daughter. turday night at the Harris International Counselor Imperial House in Pompano Semet made the presentation Beach. of awards for outstanding G. Scott Kitson, Interna- service to Wallace Swartz, tional counselor, of Ft. Lau- Dithmar Bulla, Jack Cartuderdale, also installed Frank sciello, Thomas MacPherson, Liberty as first vice-presi- Mrs. Carolyn Douglas and dent; Thomas MacPherson, Mrs. Catherine Acquilano. second vice-president; Frank Awards for perfect attendFirer, third vice-president; ance .were given to Charles Charles Fracker, in absentia, Davy, Eric Kohtz, Frank Lisecretary and treasurer; Peter berty, Dale Swartz, Dithmar Ravenhall, lion tamer, Jo- Bulla, Charles Fracker, Carl seph Damateo, tail twister, Douglas, Dr. William Maxf a n d Jack Welch, Sam ield, Lee Silvestry, Joseph Acquilano and John Matteis, Damateo and Ernest Waskow. two-year directors, Max Hutkin, banquet international Counselor chairman, reported an attendance of 180 Lions and guests. Anoccasion within an occasion, Mr.andMrs. Thomas Jamison celebrated t h e i r 23rd wedding anniversary at the banquet. Their guests With or were the Rev. James StoutWithout Motor senberger and his fiancee, ' Spit Hood Mrs. Frances Mertens; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Turner and 0/QFF Dr. and Mrs. William G. O'Donnell. Lions Install At Banquet, 180 Present BOCA-DEL MOTOIS U.S. 1 Between Delray & Boca CR6-60S! FREE Pick-Up And Delivery In Delray & Boca Authorized Dealer BARBEQUE tiviwep GRILLS enjoy OUTDOORS Priced From $12.95 to $79.95* k GOING PROTECT EVERYTHING at HOME FROM MOTHS and MILDEW SEE us FOR:1 PREVENTITCVE NEEDS ST. GREGORYS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 245 East Boca Eaton Road SUNDAY SERVICES: 7:40 Matins 8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:30 Instruction Class (Sunday school) 10:00 Morning Prayer and Sermon The Rev. James C. Stoutsenberger, Rector. Trinity Reformed Church Deerfield Women's Club on Hwy 810 Just off Fed. Highway ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Mo. Synod 180 E. Royal Palm Road SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15 A.M. DIVINE SERVICE 10:30 A.M. The Rev. Arthur Senne, Pastor First Presbyterian Church 600 West Camino Real SUNDAY Si:00 A M Sermon "The Most Neglected Book" Rev. Albert G. Shiphorst Pastor (Air Conditioned and Heated) if FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Contoins Organic Nitrogen plus All Essential Mmerah SPiCSAI $3.49 100 lbs. in 50 Ib. bags L & M yiNYL LATEX INTERIOR OR ALKYL INTERIOR I FLAT PrniiH A I N Ti WHITEand Gal. Colors 0 COMPLETE LINE OF WALLPAPER IN %72 I . Boca Raton Road STOCK Ph 5403 ww The Rev* Vernon Hoffman Pastor Reg. 49£ Value BASIC 'G' FiRTILSZIH 6 - 6 - a« values Sunday School 9:30 A.M. Morning Worship 10:30 A.M. Evening Worship 7:00 P.M. l e w Summer Hours MILDEW STOP These 625 ME. 2ndAvenue, Boca Raton Beginning June 12th through August Sunday School § o'clock Morning Church Service 10 o'clock Pastor - Rev. Ernest E. Hawk Westinghouse I H. P. 10,100 B. T. U. The Mat>i/a!r» "Mobilaim" Air Conditioner Deluxe Mobilaire, cools and heats for your yearround comfort. For rooms up to 650 *q. ft. 2 speed fan, full speed for fastest cooling or heating, quiet speed for undisturbed sleep and relaxation, variable ventilation control, thermostat controls cooling system to maintain the desired comfort level. It is unique in design, extra compact and lightweight, g , can be installed in the wall or in any typ* of window. With Reverse Cycle HEAT PUMP THE LOWEST PRICE IN S. FLORIDA Latest Model I960 TW0-D00R PI Supreme Refrigerator £ 2 » W I T H GIANT 101 POUND SEPARATE HOME FREEZER I 5*1111100 299 Right and Left Hand Doors m NO DOWN PAYMENT WITH TRADE — First Payment August 1st— S A M ! D A Y SIRViCI O N ALL APPLIANCES NAME'S APPLIANCES, INC 253 N. Federal Hwy. Ph. 3638 OPEN FRIDAY NITES TIL 9 •J 8 THE BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, June 9, I960 WHa SEE OUR 6 N E W MODELS SIX = NEW § MODELS I Receiving their diplomas at graduation ceremonies of the Palm Beach Chapter of the American Savings and Loan Institute were, left to right, Miss Nancy Merritt, Miss Jeanne LaChapelle, Mrs. Betty Grant, Mrs. Corinne Brooks, and William C. Mizelle of the First Federal Savings and Loan Association. Mizelle Heads First Federal Group Receiving Certificates From Institute Twenty-two employes of association secretary. the First Federal Savings and Miss Nancy Merritt, head Loan Association of Delray teller, received the standard Beach attended the gradua- diploma upon completion of tion exercises and banquet 10 courses. Mrs. Betty Grant of the Palm Beach Chapter of and Miss Jeanne LaChapelle the American Savings and received the achievement aLoan Institute held at the ward upon completion of Palm Beach Towers in Palm four required courses. Diplomas were presented Beach. by Walter A. Obers, presiReceiving the graduate diploma, the highest award dent of the American Sapresented by the institute for vings and Loan Institute of completion of 16 required Chicago, who was also guest courses of study, were Wil- speaker. Receiving certificates of liam C. Mizelle, executive vice-president of First Fede- award were the following; R. V. Bamber for savings ral, and Mrs. Corinne Brooks, accounts I and II; Norma Beery for savings account I and residential appraising; Corinne Brooks for savings account I, Real Estate Principles I and II, accounting Iandll and savings and loan by; W. P. BEBOUT For A Lasting Very White Roof We read' where a British research team has suggested that smokers might be prone to cancer because they generally "live it u p " more than non-smokers. Following is how subjects were classified according to Anti-Mildew - PVA personality: — how do Ultra-White - Vinyl you rate? Cigaret smokers — the most extroverted and hearty. Pipe smokers — the most introverted and preoccupied with themselves, getting satisfaction with inner thoughts and fancies. Non-smokers — nearly as introverted a s pipe smokers. Ex-smokers — the most nervous, likely to chew pencils and bite their nails. However, there's no need to bite your nails over any real estate problem — problems are easy to solve when you deal with W.P. BEBOUT. REALTOR. Buying or selling, our experience i s at your service. Talk things over with W.P. BEBOUT, REALTOR, 701 904 N. Dixie Hwy. N. Federal Highway, toBoca 6030 day. Phone 8621, or 9336. Coforamo Roof Low Price! DIXIE PAINT CO. management; B. C. Butler for residential appraising; Helga Gaudet for teller training. Also Betty Grant for savings account I and teller training; Sally Haller forsavings account I; Albert C. Higgins for savings accounts I and II; Lee Jackson for teller training, Jeane LaChapelle of Boca Raton for mortgage lending and teller training; Wanda Machek for savings account I and teller training; W. Thomas Martin for mortgage lending and residential appraising, Paul Mercer for residential appraising. Nancy Merritt for mortgage lending, residential appraising, accounting I and II and teller training; Irene M. Minschke for teller training; William C. Mizelle for savings accounts I and II; Dorothy Moody for teller training; C. Harrison Newman of Boca Raton for savings accounts I and II; Maxine Paxson for savings accounts I and II, Mildred Peters for mortgage lending and residential appraising; Shirley RedigerofBoca Ratonfor savings accounts I and II, and Joy Spinner for savings account I and teller training. W. Thomas Martin, a loan officer in the Boca Raton Branch of First Federal, was elected first vice-president of the Palm Beach Chapter. Otherofficersare: President, Fred Teed, Riviera Beach; second vice-president, Ronald Finch, Lake Worth, and secretary-treasurer, Miss May Lou Kaminske, Riviera Beach. The immunization clinic will be held Monday, June 13, at Teen Town for infants and pre-school children from 1 to 2 p. m. and for school children from 2 to 4 p. m. A registered nurse will be in charge. Experts calculate that only about once in 64 billion cases will one fingerprint be identical to another person's. EDGE MORE MIST HEAD (DONUT) TRIMMER $3.95 STAR CLIPPER EDGER TRIMMER > 4 CYCLE BRIGGS STRATTON ENGINE end 10® LiS. of AGftICO FliTELlZER * Easy to Install on any Wall — Garage, Home, Garage * | ^ six I NEW | MODELS I <ir^ s" w-r * i>-» 1 Clinic for Children Scheduled on Monday etid HANG-IT-AU. TOOL RACK six = NEW | MODELS I $54.95 DALE'S GARDEN SUPPLY 209$. Federal Tel. 8683 \ East ot \ Federal Highway US 1 \ Boca Raton \ \ \ •-•> Waterfront Homes with Patios F R O M 19,950 (includes extra large lot and concrete seawa with swimming pools $24,250 to $31,500 BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED MODELS DEEP WATER CANALS Custom Construction we welcome variations in our plans CELLENT FINANCING B&ea Hanbwot DOMES 4871 Federal Highway iU. S. uBoca Raton Tel. Pelf ay Beaeh, CRe&twood S-2893 Barlow, Roy Brady, Arlene Brittain, Jack Butler, Diane Knudaon and Pat Laury. Delray Junior High School Lists Scholastic Awards Scholastic awards at the Delray Junior High School were announced this week. Robert Speicher of the Seventh Grade led the list with all A's for five periods. D.A.R. awards went to Ted Rail, Greta Jones, A's and B's — 4 Periods Penny Bowen and Jon Miller. American Legion awards were made to Ted Rau and Greta Jones. Following are the narres of students in the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth grades who attained high marks in one, two, three, four or five periods: All A's — 5 Periods SEVENTH GRADE - Maisie Buerk, Clifford Fuller, Mike Rose, Linda Shaw, Nancy Sinks and Bob Story. EIGHTH GRADE - Tena Boughton, Beverly Cashul, Ted Rau, Mike Smith and Alex Trieste. NINTH GRADE - David Fritz, Charlotte Majors, Robin Sanders and King Scherer. Thursday, June 9, 1960 THE BOCA RATON NEWS 9 Hospital Rounds JAMISON ROOFING INC. Surgical Nur$es Play Important Roles In Bethesda's 110 Operations a Month + SHEET METAL WORK * ROGF REPAIRS SHOP MOVED TO 2420 N.W. 1ST. AVE. BY ANNE MOORE PHONES BOCA 8130 - 5836 Nancy Green, operating room supervisor of Bethesda Memorial Hospital, drives A's and B's - 3 Periods SEVENTH GRADE - Sharon 50 miles every day between Cate, John Fletcher, Martha Optometrist Griesemer, John Hackman, Lynn her home in Fort Lauderdale Hanshumaker, Anna Marie Mar- and the hospital. That she ra, Richard Pasley, Elizabeth 127 lioca Raton Road Boca 9498 makes this round trip is proof Scherer and Mary Sprott. EIGHTH GRADE — Lois Bar. of how Mrs. Green enjoys Robert Speicher. low, Greta Jones, David MilA's and B's — 5 Periods ler, Mary Wallace and Diane working at Bethesda. In fact, SEVENTH GRADE — Scott Giersdorf. she'll tell you she spent Kruse, Nancy Mueller, patsy NINTH GRADE — Ann Bres- months "just sitting and Pinder, Sandra Roy, Lynn Turl- lauer, Deborah Gessler, Charles ington, Jane Lyon, Llndo Shaw Hill, Ruth Hutzler, Patrick waiting for the hospital to 'Griffin Has The Floor" and Mike Rose. Janet Manson, Bill open. " EIGHTH GRADE - PriacUla Laury, Henry Turlington and Hutzler, Brant Philippi and Terry, Mrs. Green and most of John Wright. Yates. VINYL Barbara her team of surgical nurses, NINTH GRADE — Dudley A's and B's - 2 Periods SEVENTH GRADE — Danny the "women in white" who CORK Britt, Linda Gathright, Jane Lyon, Robert MacLaren, Kath- always wear green on duty, leen Van Matre and Patricia work from 7 a. m. to 3:30 RUBBER Anderson, EIGHTH GRADE - Eddie p. m. All scheduled surgery FORMICA Conklin, Cathy Deese, Rose- is performed between 8 a.m. mary Frantz, John Gloskowski, Scott Locklar, Jon Miller, Doro- and 3:30 p. m. SANDING thy Roth, Kathy Van Sweden From 3 to 11 p.m., one 3749 N.Fedl. Hwy. Pompano Beach and Polly Terry, FINISHING NINTH GRADE - Judy Ale*. nurse is on duty and another ander, Barbara Banting, Ronnie on call to handle any emerWH 1-0617 WITH EQUIMEHT PU«CHAlt Borst, William Goldsmith, Susan OF tlM.69 STORE DAILY8AM-6PM gency surgery since it has 1/* Gaulais, Ellen Grossman, Sandra Huff, Betty Jo Machek, been founo that most emerHOURS: EXCEPT FRI. & MON. 'TIL 9:00 P.M. 118 N. Federal Hwy. •DIAL 9Q7S Carol MacMUlan, Danny Mowgencies occur during those bray, Nancy Myers, Nancy Delray CR 8-1210 Tarayos and Pat Vitale. hours. The surgical nurses NANCY GREEN, R. N. are on call for the remainder A's and B's - 1 Period SEVENTH G RADE - Carolyn of the 24 period. Operating room supervisor Beach, William Cate, Marion Glaze, Charles Heisley, Dianne An average of 110 operaKnutsen, Roger Ledridge, David Lutzlnger, B arry Mason, Sharon tions a month are performed Zuckerman, Carol Banting, in the two major surgeries Judy Heeren, Larry Melln, Terry of Bethesda Memorial. Both Osborne, Virginia Westphai and for Modernization and Remodeling John Youstin. surgeries are usually in use EIGHTH GRADE — Patricia from 8 to 3:30. NO MONEY DOWN • UP TO 5 YRS. TO PAY city that has such conscienAnderson, Patsy Clelland, ' BY SAL MATTEIS Maximum: $3,500 Betty Jean Hughson, Linda Perhaps in no other area Have you ever wondered tious men who devote their Lynch, Pam McOwen, William On a $1,000 loan your monthly payments Beginning Annual Neal, Nancy Pursley, Helen of the hospital does team - why policemen and firemen lives for us all. It is the poVan Heiningen and Ginger work play such an important get along so well together? liceman who patrols the wifl be only $20.79. Brendle. We will build, repair, remodel and maintain NINTH GRADE .— Terry part as it does in the surge- If you have thought of this streets while you are asleep; Cook, Diane Day, Marilyn ries. The surgical team in- and were never able to figure always on the watch and anything in or around your home. Call today. Hertz, Bill Houghton, Mary ready to assist and.alwaysaAnn LaLonde, Marilyn Pa- cludes two nurses (a circula- the answer, here it is: GOLD COAST lermo, Diane Potter, Wayne ting and instrument or scrub Without the help of the vailable when you need Roth, Pat Vltali, Calvin Suggs, them. Our hats off to you nurse), the surgeon and his Police Department, we of Bart Turner and Sharon Walker. • assistant and the anesthetist. the Fire Department would policemen and may the Good Boca Couple Return Bethesda has two anestheseo- miss our "right arm. " The Lord watch over you at all IXC. From Son s Funeral logists, Drs. Richard Man- patrolman, riding around in times, whether on or off duty. You are the best WHOUSMI P*§€i§ Mr. and Mis. Edwin Trebel they and Joseph Beran, and the police car, keeps an ever 110 E. PALMETTO PARK ROAD Emily watching eye for fires, acci- and the citizens of Boca Raof 1031 S. W. Third Street nurse-anesthetist, BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 1960-'59-'58 and OLDER dents, obstructions to fire- ton have the best. Thanks have returned from Hamil - Barrett, on its staff. PHONE BOCA RATON 8866 again and bless you. MODELS AT SUBSTANTIAL Most of the surgery per- hydrantsandexitways; clears ton, Ohio, and Davenport, SAVINGS Iowa, after attending the fu- formed at Bethesda is classi- traffic for our equipment; neral of their son, Dr. Edwin fied as "major" with much sets up fire-lines and reroutes Trebel, 38, who was found of it being of a highly spe- the flow of traffic at fires. See the Chevy Mystery Show in color Sundays, NBC-TV—the Pat Boone Chevy Showroom weekly, ABC-TV. EVEHY CAR cialized nature. Mrs. Gteen This is over and above his dead in his bed. Dr. Trebel was born Aug. lists chest surgery, lobecto- regular routine of motor vef»ers<mciSly b y Jack Pitts 27, 1921, in Hamilton, Ohio, mies, vascular and skin hicle violations, school traf345 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY and was a graduate of Miami grafts as some of the nu- fic, complaints that are alI University and the Palmer merous types of surgery ways being registered. DELRAY BEACH, FLA. School of Chiropractic, which have been-done in could go on and on with his where he was a member of Bethesda. She terms Bethes- numerous duties. ®PfH IVililNGS Accidents and first-aid are da an exceptionally well the staff. equipped hospital for its a joint duty and many times you will see your police ofsize. Despite the long hours of ficer helping your fireman duty which the surgical perform his duties in rescue nurse may put in, she has work, fire investigations, rewarding satisfaction of trapped persons and skin dipositive accomplishment. ving. She also has the very speBoca Raton is very fortucial devotion and coopera- nate in having such close tion of her fellow surgical harmony between the Police nurses. (Mrs. Rita Gannon Department and Fire Departof Deerfield Beach is part ment. We are a team who As of June 1, I960, there has become of Mrs. Green's "team.") know that seconds count and available a new type Homeowners Package Policy. In case of most These are the reasons why wemustworkas such a team policyholders, this will be an improveMrs. Green doesn't mind 100 in order to get our job done. ment; for others, the existing Homemiles of travel to and from We all believe in our oath owners Package coverage may be best. of "PROTECTION OF LIFE duty in 24 hours. Your own Independent Insurance Agent AND PROPERTY." We try to In T791 Duncan Phyfe, do our part as such a team who has your present insurance policy one of the most famous of whenever our duties call. is qualified to determine which is best American furniture makers, for you. He will review your present I am proud to work in a set up shop in New York. policy and will make his recommenda"SSBViS/ YOU /FiRST" tions at an appropriate time. If you are not presently insured with an Independent Insurance Agent or if you have any farther questions contact your agent listed below. Remember, your Independent The Civil Service Board will receive applicaInsurance Agent serves you first. tions up to and including June 30, 1960, for the following positions: GRIFFIN FLOORING CO. Dr. P. A;Me Rill LAMPS GALORE!... 3 PC CURVED SECTIONAL €190 oc RICHARDS FURNITURE FREE ESTIMATES OR. HOKC PITTS Fire Prevention Hi-lites Police Department Help G U RENT/US IMPROVEMENT LOANS IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ON THE NEW HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE POLICY! YOU Insurana 'dependent AGENT NOTICE SOUTH PALM BEACH COUNTY ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE AGENTS ATLANTIC INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS G N.E. 5th Ave.—Delray Beach CR 6-5329 BOCA INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 165 E. Palmetto-Boca Raton 5408 J.C. MITCHELLS SONS AGENCY 22 S. Federal—Boca Raton 5494 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR PLUMBING INSPECTOR 10 years experience in field and a master or journeyman certificate required for above positions. Salary range from $387.50 to $456.50 per month. Age range 30 to 60 years. AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC AMLIN INSURANCE AGENCY 10 S.F. 5th Aye.—Delray Beach CR 6-6066 WM. J . DAY AGENCY, INC. 500 S. Federal-Boca Raton 5473 THE PLASTRIDGE AGENCY, INC. 206 s. Federal-Boca Eaton 8567 Skill in maintaining and repairing automotive equipment. Salary range from $1.95 to $2.25 per hour. CLERK-BOOKKEEPER I General clerical knowledge and skill in operation of standard bookkeeping machines. W.P. BEBOUT INSURANCE AGENCY DELRAY BEACH INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. ROBERT C. ROY AGENCY, INC. 701 N. Federal—Boca Raton 80N.E.4thAve.-Delray Beach 614E.At]anUc-Delray Beach 8621 CR 6-6023 CR 8-1242 BERRY & BROWN AGENCY, INC. FISCUS, ALTiVJAN & FISCUS, INC. 1209 E.Atlantic-Delray Beach 131E. Palmetto-Boca Raton CR 8-2838 6326 GRACEY BROS. INSURANCE 505E.Atlantic-DeIray Beach CR 6-6055 WEEKES REALTY CO., INC. 215N.Federal-Delray Beach CR 6-5328 Salary range.from $249.00 to $300.50 per month. CLERK a n d OFFICE MACHINE OPERATOR General clerical knowledge and ability to operate mimeograph, addressograph and graphotype machines. Salary range from $231.00 to $283.00 per month. Age range for above occupations — 21 to 45 years. Persons interested may-obtain an application for examination and further information from the Secretary of the Civil Service Board, Mrs. Helen H. Bedell, 2nd floor City Hall Bldg., N. Federal Hwy., Boca Raton. Applicants will be given written notice five days prior to date of examinations. CIVIL SERVICE BOARD Earle J. Robbins, Chairman GAS STRETCHING ECONOMY mountain shrinking performance CORVAIR GIVES YOU BOTH! The same Corvair that rolled up a whopping 27.03 miles per gallon* in the Mobilgas Economy Run turned around to scale snow-glazed Pikes Peak earlier in the season than any other car has ever dared to try. What better proof could you ask (official United States Automobile Club observers were aboard every mile of the way) of Corvair's rare combination of light-fingered steering, sure-footed traction and tight-fisted economy? Drop down to your dealer's and see for yourself what it took to make a gallon of •' ' ^*~mJHK&>j!~~-^ gas look so big and 14,110 feet of mountain look so small! *Loa Anveks to Minneapolis loner 2,000 miles) with pro/esnionah at the wktel. B Y C H E V R O L E T See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer for economical transportation ADAMS CHEVROLET COMPANY 246 SOUTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY DELRAY BEACH CRestwood 6-5241 10 THE BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, June 9, 1960 Anita Melfi Graduated From St. Ann' s High SOMEBODY CALL CK8-2814 SINCE ^ ^ g S ^ " 1901 PEST CONTROL Manufacturers Miss Anita Melfi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Sam T. Melfi of Riviera, was graduated Friday cum laude from St. Ann's High School in West Palm Beach. She was given a special award for current events and made a member of the National Honor Society. Residents of Sikkim, a small nation in the eastern Himalayas, believe that nine immortal couples live beyond their country's "Valley of the Dead" and if man destroys himself these couples • will repopulate the earth. THE MUFFLER FOR AS LONG AS YOU OWN YOUR CAR Your Guarantee is Honored Wherever You Drive— At Midas Muffler Shops "WE SJGN ANYTHING" Designers NEON PAINTED CARDS PAPER 60 N. Dixie Sod Farm Barber Shop GEORGE RHYME REALTORS OF BOCA RATON Only at From Coast-Jo-Coast America's Finest Muffler installed in just 20 minutes. No charge for instillation. Installed for the coming year were new officersof the American Legion, front row, left to right, Francis E. Thomas, adjutant; Leo Hudson, second vice-commander; William E. Baker, first vice-commander; Russell Olsen.commander; Rev. Ernest Hawk, chaplain, and Daniel Borgoli, finance officer; rear row, left to right, William Blair, sergeantat-arms; Lewis Nisley, John Cheriones, Robert Baker and Dr. P. A. McKll, members of the executive committee; Eugene Lynch, historian, and Ralph Reed, district finance officer. MUFFLER SHOPS a POMPANO BEACH 484 S. Ferf WE 3-9971 FT. LAUDERDALE 2212 S. Andrews FOB THE BEST HALLANDALE 1000 N. Federal Hwy. Phone Cfi 6-4601 if n© answer, C i 6-6954 The following are members of the Boca Raton Board of Realtors. Doing b u s i n e s s with them you are assured the highest t y p e of service that can be administeredin the field of Real E s t a t e Practice, ALLIED REALTY, 275 N. Federal Hwy., Phone 4249. W. P. BEBOUT, 701 N. Federal Hwy., phone 8621. BENSON REALTY, 50IE,Palmetto Park Rtf., Phone S435 CONN C. CURRY, REALTY, t«4 E. Boca R a t o n Road. P.O. Box 3S4, Phope 9166. WM. DAY.^00 S. Federal Hwy., Phone 5473. ORYAL E. HAD L E Y , 400 E. Palmetto Park Road. Phone 8708. P. WOODROW KEETON, 2950 N. Ocean Blvd., Phone 9996. LANGLEY REALTY, 119 West Palmetto Park Road, Phone 3737. " RAY LASHER, 102 E. Palmetto Park Road. Phone 8077. J.C.MITCHELL & SONS 22 S. Federal Hwy,, phone 5494. I. MARIO PETRUZELLI, 2325 N. Ocean Blvd. Boca Raton. Phone 9418. F. BYRON PARKS, 399 E. Palmetto Park .Road, Phone 5151. EARLE J. ROBBINS, 1941 N. Federal Hwy., Phone S022. J . STUART ROBERTSON, 152 S. Federal Hwy., Phone 8744. WM. J. THOMPSON, 27 S. Federal Hwy., Phone 9271. TOWN and COUNTRY, 164 E. Boca Raton Rd. Phone 6351. TUNISON PROPERTIES OF FLA., INC., 301 N. Federal Hwy., Phone 5408. WEEKES REALTY CO., 100 Federal Hwy., Phone 877$. M.N.WEIR & SONS, INC. 470 S. Federal Hwy., Phone 3717*. 1281 S. Ocean Blvd. Ph. 5496 KRAY CORPORATION, 151 E. Royal PalmRoadPhone 5313. BOCA SERVICE Fish Camp 8SE5ttAve. Delray Beach Dairy Cattle Tires _ Batteries ACCESSORIES Federal Hwy. and Royal Palm p d . Phone 9541 JOHN LUNGER and BOB GOOD Owners FISCUS, ALTMAN & FISCUS, Inc. Your Insurance Needs Are Our Business Our Only Business Is Insurance Serving You Will Be Our Pleasure Palmetto Park Arcade 131 E. Palmetto Pk. RJ, Boca Raton, Fla. PROTECT YOUR PRIVACY... AND YOUR PROPERTY ! When the neighborhood cats, dogs, and children start riding roughshod over your newlyseeded lawns, i t ' s time to see STANDARD SUPPLY & LUMBER for top-quality fencing materials. You'll add an attractive note to your homp's surroundings when you put a fence around your garden! Budget Terms, Friendly Service 4 0 Y1A1S m QUALIFIED TANDARO Supply klmlm C PHONE 85S4 TOOIS4fARDWAM-PAINT-LtlMMK Officers of the American Legion Auxiliary who were installed are shown above. They are, left to right, Miss Beverly Borgoli, secretary; Mrs. Sally Fitzgerald, sergeant-at-arms; Mrs. Harry L. Arner, president; Mrs. Fred Olsen, outgoing president and incoming historian; Mrs. Florence Caulfield, vice-president; Mrs. Gladys Mervin, treasurer; Mrs. Henry Colebank, chaplain; Mrs. Arnold D. Philbrick, second vice-president,. and Mrs. Calvin Mosher, assistant sergeant-at-arms. -- Colony Studio Photos. historian; Mrs. Lawrence Fitzgerald, sergeant-at Week's Schedule arms, and Mrs. Ruth ColeMONDAY bank, chaplain. Lions Club, Lions ClubA buffet supper was served house, 7 p. m. by the auxiliary following Business and Professional Joint installation ceremo- rence Caultield, first viceWomen's Club, First Fede- nies were held for the Ame - president; Mrs. Arnold Phil- the installa don ceremonies. ral, 8 p.m. rican Legion and the Legion brick, second vice-president; Latin America Grows TUESDAY Auxiliary in the Legion Mrs. Beverly Borgoli, reLatin Am erica's population Kiwanis Club, Driftwood Home last week. cording secretary; Mrs. Ro- is increasing so fast it reClub, noon. Russell Olsen was installed bert Nolan, corresponding se- cently passed the combined Civitan Club, Ebb Tide, as commander of the post; cretary; Mrs. Gladys Mervin, populations of the United 7 p.m. William Baker, as first vice- treasurer; Mrs. Fred Olsen, States and Canada. Elks Club, Driftwood Club, commander; Leo Hudson, se8 p. m. cond vice-commander; DaSt. John of Arc Guild, Ca- niel Borgoli, finance officer; William Blair, sergeant-attholic Church, 8 p. m. arms; Brentwood Burlison, WEDNESDAY Rotary Club, Sun Cove, assistant sergeant-at-arms; Rev. Ernest Hawk, chaplain; 12:15 p.m. American Legion Auxiliary, Faren B. Huguenin, service Legion Home, 8 p.m. officer, and Eugene Lynch, historian. THURSDAY Installed to the executive American Legion, Legion committee were Robert Home, 8 p. m. Baker, Dr. P. A. McRill, Lew FRIDAY Nisely, John Cheriones and Christian Business Men's Committee, Sun Cove, noon. George Holtz. Installed in the Legion Auxiliary were Mrs. Harry For The News Amer, president; Mrs. FloRead The News Off. Ph. 6326 Res. Ph. 6327 BOCA RATON BRAND NEW 2-Bedroom, 2-Bath Home Joint Installation Held For Legion and Auxiliary In Beautiful Country Club Village F.H.A. APPROVED $110 down - $90 per month * Beautifully Landscaped * Complete Formica Kitchen • Builders Closeout Drive West On Palmetto Road To 1357 N.W. 6th Street Apply At Office For Keys At ' 425 N.W. 12th AVENUE PU3NE BOCA 3307 PROVIDING DEERFIELD BEACH AND BOCA RATON WITH QUALITY BUSINESS AND SOCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY SAND PHOTOS BOCA RATON 3484 4.0 tlie The world can be yours if you just reach for it! On All Savings Deposited this most important day in your young HveSf we by June 10 Earn from June 1 extend our hearty congratulations and wish you a future filled with success. * 3 per annum Guaranteed INTEREST-PAYABLE QUARTERLY FIRST BANK of BOCA RATON OPiN FRIDAY NIGHT 5-7 P.M. Make us your headquarters forALLyourfinancialneeds! MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE,* CORP Thursday, June 9, 1960 THE BOCA RATON NEWS 11 J.C. Mitchell Students Receive Awards Students at the J.C. Mitchell School were singled out for honors at the annual Awards Day held at the school last Friday. A report of the presentations follows. Also Mary Alice Renfro, Linda Stevens, Connie Weicht, Judy Wells, Edna Young, Carol Sue McWilllams, Pat McGinley, Darlene Macaulay, Cary Kammerman, Shirley Grasse], Jo Ann Chlchisola, Jane Beibeau, Carolyn Hawk, Judy Herrin, Dawn Lyon, Pat Mongoli, Patty Patrick, Garland Southards, Althea Tyldsley, Linda Lambert, Nancy Wilson and Rosemary Hynes. Joan Benedict, Diane Riley, Cheri Leach, Annie Noel, Margot Shaul, Vickl Altman, Doris Barnes, Cindy Hagan, Cormie Thompson, Linda Beedle, Teresa Burger, Donna Hall, Vickl iMsrqusee, Judy Proffitt, Lynn Bush, Misty Tyson and Sally Lalll. P erfect attendance awards, presented by Principal Paul Matwly, went to First Grade students Claude Fernandez and Carmen Connors. Honorable mention went to Buddy Mena, Yves ^Fernandez and Donna Carllne. Perfect attendance. Second Grade, to Jan Wardlaw and Ricky Grant. Honorable mention went to Benny Thrasher, Mark Sweet, Becky Stevens and Rhonda Connors. Perfect attendance, Third Grade, to Judith Liberatl. Honorable mention went to Gary Lambert, Joe Nlsely, Brenda Worsham, Carol Roseke and Wayne Cooley. Perfect attendance. Fifth Grade, to Janet ReRoy, Anne Marie Mesamer and Mike Enders. Honorable mention went to Donald Kapsch, James Crowell, Donald Thrasher, Deborah Avampato, Barbara Hicks, Roberta Tofano and DenniB Weicht. Perfect attendance, Sixth Grade, to Dave Critchfield, Carl Houghton, Linda Payne and Patricia Rochette. Honorable mention, Mike Wolfe, Kathleen Angell, Sharon Crowell, Darcy Apetz, Agnes McGinley, Cindy Cole and Leslie Bartlett. Perfect attendance, Seventh Grade, to Samuel Haney, Vaughn Kasel, David Mollneaux, Joan Schmidt, Susan Clark, Julian DeNeve, Paul Tatham, Pamela Hopkins, Sharon LeRoy, Lucille Mirandl and Renee Ramseyer. Honorable mention, Clara Allen, Frances Gaglio, Tom Ott, Norman Sheffield, Caroline Tobler, Fred Rice, Diane Crowell, Ellen Brown, John Berth, Tom Eastman, Todd Clemerts, Betty Allen, Betty Manning, Anita Montgomery and Carol Welch. Perfect attendance, Eighth Grade, to Sherry Butcher, Greg Ewcrt, Roger Starkey, Dona Hall, Darlene Macaulay, and Linda Stevens. Honorable mention went to Patricia McGinley, Shirley Grassel, Patricia Patrick, Mike Mirmehan, Jack Crlswell, Norman Marstad, Steve Smith and Edna Young. Matwiy presented citizenship awards to Anne DeMassa, Theresa Valenti, Jeff Clark, Janice Jackson, Pat Vaughn, Jon Cook, Mike Simpson, Mike Enders, J e s s i c a Stagg, Donna Davids, John Ruff, Robert Hlntz and Darlene Macaulay. He presented arts and crafts awards to Patricia Rochette, Leslie Bartlett, Jennifer Saikley and Donna Davlea. Larry Patrone presented safety patrol awards to Susan Kane, Sandy Sorenson, Cindy Cole, Darcy Apetz, Patricia Muzak, Mlchele Apetz, Rlcfcy Beard, Jack Crlswell, Steve Smith and Joe Carlo. Matwly presented Junior Red Cross awards to Sandy Sorenson, Su3an Beard and Bobby Allen. Library awards were given to Dawn Lyon and Patty Patrick. Commander Fred Olsen of the American Legion presented awards for citizenship, sen. vice and leadership to Darlene Macaulay and Billy Lawson. Mrs. Roland Owen, historian of the Jonathan Dickinson Chapter of the D.A.R., present-••' Keep your home so cool no colorfully For FREE Estimates Phone CR 6-5381 DiLRAY AWNING Co., I n c . 58 S.E. 4th Ave., Defray Building permi'ts dropped show June 25 when the first in a series of National Audu- in May from the April figure bon Society's Summer wild- but were still higher than for life tours is made to tiny: the same period last year. Building permits for May, Duck Rock, 15 miles away in the Ten Thousand Islands. 1960 totaled $753,642 as The tours will continue un- compared to $686,900 for May, 1959. til Sept. 4. Permits were issued for This Summer's schedule 32 one-family residences, provides forone-day tours to $553,700; three businesses, Duck Rock each Wednesday $32, 300 and 40 additions and Saturday and for a twoand alterations, $157, 642. 'day trip to Duck Rock an d to Total permits issued for the Cork'screw Swamp Sancthe first five months of I960 tuary each Saturday. In adwere $5, 994. 727. Total dition, special trips on other permits issued for the same dayscanbearranged for parperiod in 1959 were $3, 320,ties of six or more. The trips 092. are made via Audubon station wagons from Miami, The Turkish Post Office and by Audubon inboard has issue da set of two postage cruisers from Everglades to stamps to mark World RefuDuck Rock. gee Year. BY TOM TARAYOS It's finally over! The school year, that is; and we've a whole Summer ahead of us. The local teenagers are busy with plans and preparations for the long-awaited holiday months. Many ambitious teens will apply for Summer jobs to earn the much-needed K spending money. There will, of course, be plenty of fun-filled days at the beach, picnicking, and vacationing. Terrific? "Thar's a man in the funny papers we all know — Alley Oop!" Sound familiar, teens? This most unusual cave man, a long-time favorite in the comic section, is fast becoming popular in the record business. Teen Towners, ever on the lookout for nove] Tomi Tarayos ideas, have planned a swinging "Alley Oop Dance." Those attending the dance are to dress so that they resemble this cave man or his primitive environment. Prizes will be awarded to the most ingenious costumes. The affair is planned for Saturday, June 18, from 7:30 to 11 p.m. with the Jesters supplying the music. Remember the "Alley Oop Dance." "He shore is .hep, ain't he?" The new members accepted for the month of June are Ronald Moulder Prank Bartlett, Cheryl Ann Curtis, Bernice Jacobs, Bob Snowden, Johnny Johnson, Ronald Young, Leroy Clayton, Caroline Tobler and Andrew Kay. Welcome, New Teen Towners! Mrs. Roland L, Owen, historian of the Jonathan Dickinson Chapter of the D. A. R., second from the left, is shown as she presented the D. A. R. awards at the J. C. Mitchell School. Students who received the awards were Janes Criswell, left, Diane Riley, third from left, and Dianne Munyer, far right. Five Forfeit Masons Hosts Bonds in Court To New Class Receiving the American Legion award for citizenship, leadership and scholarship at the J. C. Mitchell School were, left, Darleen Macaulay, and right, William Lawson, Commander Russell Olsen, center, presented the awards. "Boca Raton's FIRST DRAPERY SPECIALTY SHOP" GERIS DRAPERY Appearing before MuniciThe original class of Scotpal Judge P. J. Brannen in tish Rite members of the Bocourt Tuesday morning, ca Raton Masonic Lodge to Verlin LeRoy, 39, of 355 the Lake Worth Consistory Newcastle Street, Boca Ra - were hosts Friday night to ton, pleaded guilty to char- the classof candidates which ges of public intoxication. received 32nd degrees in He was find $15. Masonry at the Spring reGene Thomas, 27, of Oak- union. land Park, charged with The party was held at the having no license tag, no dri- home of Harold P. Anderson, ver's license and running a Host, besides Mr. Anderson, stop sign, forfeited $15bond. were Arthur Rudford, Kenneth Samuel Hugins, 25, Negro, J. Higgins and Charles de N. E. 10th Street, Boca Ra- Vault. ton, charged with public inGuests were Richard Bulla , toxication, forfeited $25 Ray Lawrenceson, William bond. Payton and Harry Sachs. Vela Losen, Pompano Beach, charged with public intoxication, forfeited $5 Bethesda Patients Boca Raton patients adbond. Peter Danaher, 32, of 26 mitted to Bethesda Memorial S. E. Fifth Street, Boca Ra- Hospital between May 30 and Barbara ton, charged with public in- June 6 included toxication, forfeited $25 Jones, Mollie Wei den, Sheila Passente, Chester Lee Lawson bond. Clarence Hanson. Jr., 37, and Kenneth Higgins Jr. of Palm Gardens Apartment, charged with careless driFor The News ving, forfeited $15 bond. Read The News and interim COMPLETE DECORATING SERVICE CUSTOM MADE — DRAPERIES — BED SPREADS SLIP COVERS - UPHOLSTERERS Free ESTIMATES and CONSULTATION — Competitive Prices — N O W ASSOCIATED W I T H McREYNOLDS^o^ Furniture WITH OFFICE and SHOWROOM at Boca Raton, Fla. * ,* THIS WEEK'S Receiving the Kiwanis Club award for outstanding scholarship at the J. C. Mitchell School were Susan Turmail, left, and McLean Smith, right. Robert Trafford, center, the principal, presented the $25 Savings Bond awards. -- Boca Raton News Photo. ed American History awards to Jane Criswell, Diane Munyer, Jack Criswell and Diane Riley. Top history students were Diane Munyer, Diane Rlley and Jane Criswell. Matwiy presented scholarship awards to Deborah Avampato, John Matteis, Vincent Matteis, Patricia Vaughn, Eugenia Whorton, Curt Willocks, Jeanie Hynes, Susan Beard, Agnes McGinley, Sandy Sorenson, Dennis Cooley, Sharon Crowell, Kathleen Angell, Susan Kane, Darlene Stachura, Jennifer Saikley, Dorm a Davies, Ricky Pelrce, Dawn Ly&n and Mark Selleck. Honor awards presented by William J ame s, president of the Junior Chairber of Commerce, for straight "a's" went to Darlene Macaulay, Susan Turmall, Diane Munyer and Edna Young. Honor awards "A's and B ' s " went to Jane Criswell, Barbara Hicks, Eloise Lyon, Doma Ulack, Jeff Clark, Pat Vaughn, Russell Jennings, Mike Simpson, Eugenia Whorton, Sandra Dold, Carol Strlmbu, SaUy Flernming, Gene Selleck, Susan Fitzgerald, Robert Hlntz, J e s s i c a Stogg, Linda Halinar, Leslie Bartlett, Nancy Drews, Gail Gutzmer, Dick Heidgerd, Mollle Linton, Siri Norem, Norman Sheffield, Dennis Eahleman, Susan Clark, Diane Crowell, Kathy iKleincr, Karen L eggett, Sandra Pfanner, Sandra Skinner, Paul Tatham, Jean Hewey, Pamela Hopkins, Betty Manning, Jane Piungis, Glenna Villars, Carol Welch, Diane Riley, Jane Bibeau, Linda Lambert, Sherry Butcher, Patricia McGinley, Judith Herron, Margot Shaul, Judith Wells, Mary Alice Renfro and Cary Kammerman, Robert Trafford, representing the Kiwanis Glub, presented a $25 Savings Bond to Susan Turmail and MacLean Smith. Catholic Enrollment Combined enrollment in Catholic elementary andhigh schools in the United States this school year totaled 5, 090, 000. CHllOP^ACTSC PHYSICIAN HEADACHES PermitsRun The curtain rings up onTo $753,642 Florida's Summer nature Teens End School Year, Plan for Holiday Months Athletic awards were presented by John S. Hager Jr. to students Duane Willi&ms, Bernard J ezercak, William Lawson, Gilman Gunn III, L,arry Smith, MacLean Smith, Richard Mora. die, Allan Carraghar, James Finley, Roger Houghton, Ray Carpenter, Howard McCall, Mark Selleck, Norman Borchardt, Dick Heldgerd, Allen Sexton, Larry Peacock, Charles Weldon, Ronald Ashe, William Dawson, Greg Ewert, James Crowe, Jerry Altlerl, John Scott, Bill Blacknik, Samuel Haney, James Haney, Julian DeNeve, Tony Lalli, Richard McMahon, Leroy Clayton and Ronnie Young. Hager presented cheerleader awards to Darlene Macaulay, captain; Linda Lambert, eocaptain; Edna Young, Jane Blbeau, Anita Fitzgerald, Barbare Dowdy and Sally Tarayos. Four-H awards were presented by Mrs. D. Bearson to Joyce Veal, 1960 dress review, senior division; Diane Rlley, home improvement, junior division; and Valerie Fish, home management, junior division. Certificates of awards for projects completed went to Susan Turmail, Joyce Veal, Sherry Butcher, Mary Balme, Tina Kelley, Patricia Young, Valerie Fish, Diane Munyer and Janet Napolltan. First Summer Wildlife Tour Set for June 25 Teen Talk BACK PAINS Children Present Circus In Kindergarten Program Students of the Parent- Elmore, Steven Day, NanTeacher Association-spon- cy Greene, Richard sored kindergarten par- Hawkes, David Jackson, ticipated in an end-of-the- Mary Galvin, Patty Lynn year program Tuesday Jones, Betsy Kurtsinger, night at the J.C. Mitchell Patrick Mccutcheon, Susan Lewis, Craig Oldre, School. Entertainme nt for par- Paye Parks, John Shefents and guests consisted field, Janice Pinchuk, of a program in a circus Jack Tyldsley, Jackie theme. Children were cos- Walke, Greg Welch, Pamtumed as animals, clowns mie Vance and Jeffrey and other circus figures Welch. and sang songs and recited poems. Each child se- 24,000,000 People lected his part. View Florida Films Principal Paul Matwiy A survey by the Florida acted a s master of ceremonies. The children per- Development Commission formed under the direction showed 24, 000, 000 people of Mrs. Margery Carewe, viewed Florida films last kindergarten teacher, and month through 1, 320 organiMrs. Paul McKinley, as- zations and 62 television sistant. bookings. Participating in the circus program were Jimmie A new electrochemical Adams, Tommy Boldizar, gauge tells when house plants, Damy Bassi, Christel trees and flower beds need BulJa, Billy Clapton, Erwatering and feeding. The nest Clausnitzer, Sherry device is a metal probe. Chick, Donna Cook, Craig EBB TIDE Restaurant & Lounge • SEA FOOD SPECIALITIES • STEAKS . CHOPS Full Course Dinners from $1.95 NEURITIS DR. ALBERT THAU 123 E . Royal Palm Road (Opp. First Bank of Boca Raton) Boca 9118 We Cater To Parties & Weddings 4 MILES NORTH OF BOCA ON U.S. 1 CR 8-1741 TERMS TO 24 MONTHS SIMILAR TO ILLUSTRATION ALL FORMICA CASES Choice of Colors REGISTER NOW Yes, there is Still time to Register for out Big Grand Opening GRAND PRIZE . . . . To be Awarded FKL, JUNE 24th FREE DELIVERY WITHIN 1OO MILES BEDROOM GROUP Beautiful 4 pc. Consisting of DOUBLE DRESSER, MIRROR, 4 DRAWER CHEST and 4/6 PANEL HEAD BOARD . all for only ? I 3 / McREYNOLDS Modern Furniture "Where Customers Shop And Save" 820-26 N. DIXIE Boca Raton Boca 5332 12 THE BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, June 9, 1960 Co/on/a/ Packing Wins Swimmers ToRe ster To Take First Place g' Registration for swimColonial Packing downming classes will take ed the First Bank of Boca ClUD place at the Boca Raton Raton, 7-4, in the Little Recreation center on League to take over first West Palms tto Park Road place. Five big runs in Lloyd Newman of Deer- Saturday, June 18, from 9 the third inning salted field Beach has been a.m. to noon. away the game. elected treasurer of the The instruction will be For the winners, Letur- North Broward sportsmy had three for three man's Club, according to given at the Garden Apartment Pool to any school while Tofano scored two James Ray received the championship and the tenan announcement made children who register. nis championship of the runs. For First Bank, top athletic award at SeaHausaman scored two runs this week by Bob Rich- Only children who have crest High SchooJ for the Suncoast Conference preattended at least one year while Herbold had a home ards, club president. third straight year as the sented by Coach Norman Herb Worth of College of grade school (excluding run. best all-round athlete at Price, athletic director. Park was appointed temp- kindergarten) are eligible Seacrest had one of its Thursday and Friday awards day last Thursday. orary director to replace to register. best years in sports, winsaw all teams play tie Chick Wolf was also ning 65 percent of all its Jim Rodman, who has regames. On Thursday, ArRegistrations can be honored by receiving an contests for the year. vida and the First Bank turned to Chicago due to made by calling Boca award for lettering in four pressure of business. played to a 5-5 tie, and Letter winners in basketball sports. A covered dish dinner Raton 5913 during the were James Ray, Burt Benson, Friday evening Colonial attended by members and registration hours on June Two swimming awards Doug Lambert, Paul Larson, Packing and Causeway Buddy Johnson, Bill Saunders 18. Registration fee is were given for the most and Charles Wolf. Members of the Boca Raton civitans, a Boca Raton entry in the Seacrest Lumber played to a 10-10 their families will be held $1 a student. The course at 7 o'clock tonight at valuable girl swimmer to Letter winners In golf were Pony League, are shown above. Front row left to right, are Bobby Kasel, Mark tie. Burt Benson, Charles Grubb, Pioneer Park in Deerfield is to last three weeks, Judy Shoaf, and most val- Don Selleck, Greg Ewert, Allan Matthews and Mac Smith; second row, left to right, Mason, Larry Carney, Monday night the First with four lessons a week. Beach. uable boy swimmer to Mickey Phlllpps, Pat Grady, Jerry Alteri, Tom Ott and Tony Lalli; rear row, left to right, Gary villars, Ray Bank got back in the win Gary LaCroix. Track also Judy Hess, Annette Machek Carpenter, Bernie Jezercak, Pete Schmidt, Dick Smith and Sam Alteri, manager. Louise Mott. column by defeating gave an award for high andLetter —Boca Raton News Photo winners in swimming Causeway Lumber, 9-4. point man to Mike Olsen. were Dick Ragunt, Dick Kelly, For the First Bank, HausTom Curll, Tyler Burt, Ron A coaches' award for Simpson, Ken Nichols, Gary authorized aman had three hits and Priegel, Gary LaCroix, Chris cooperation and attitude Johnson, Bob Parker, Walter Walker had two. For STUDEBAKER - LARK Dealer was given to Buddy John- Cahoon, Sue Swem, Renee LaCauseway Lumber, Tat345 K Federal Highway, Delray Beach Croix, Kathy Inglis, Judy son and Jock Inglis re- Shoaf, ham, Martin and King each Sally Baner, Madeleine STATION WAGONS - SEDANS - CONVERTIBLES ceived a track award for Kroon, Ashlyn Sloane, Pat The Boca Jaycees main- got one hit. High g ames of the week Snow, Brenda Patelani and the most effort. Richard Joyce Tonight's action will tained their lead in the McMurrian. in open play were Joe White received an award Letter winners in track were Roth 265, John Rice 230, Adult Softball League by find Arvida playing host for the most improved. Mike Olsen, Buddy Johnson, downing t he newly-formed to Causeway Lumber, and Ed Thomas 204, Sid Charles Wolf, Dennis Sladek, SINCERE THANKS Principal Robert Pulton Jim FelicanFomes team, 22-7. tomorrow night First Bank Maher, Paul Eshleman, Weitsma 224, Ed LeVinIn Little Lassie League In other action, Pelican will battle Colonial Packaccepted on behalf of the Jock Inglia, Ronnie Yates, Bob ness 229, Hal Hutchi 213, With Grateful Appreciation to DeNeve, Jim Gardner, Kermit action, the Angels down- Homes defeated Castro ing. Game time will be 7 school the Spring sports Shoaf, Peter Welch and JameB Peg Rolston 173 and Lois the Voters and Volunteer Workers ed the Dolls, 14-8, while awards for the baseball Jones. Convertible, 7-6, and Sa- o'clock. Fifer 151. the Powder Puffs took the fari Homes dropped PeliWho made our Victory possible. League Standings The Welcome Wagon measure of the Adult LaW L Tied Respectfully, can Homes, 13-3. 1 3 Club is on the way with a dies, 13-6. Colonial Packing 6 3 1 Arvida 5 Loose defensive play number of the local newIn the first contest the 4 1 LLEXXU [jnonzaz First Bank 5 comers on hand every Angels exploded for six by Pelican Homes, com- Causeway P4.-PoU. Adv. 8 1 Lumber 2 bined with lusty hitting Thursday at 1 p.m. runs in the last inning. Jaycees, brought SUPPOKT YOUR TEAM In the second contest, by A trio of feminine ang- silversides during the DiERRELD LANES the terrific defensive play about the 22-7 score. lers from Delray Beach tournament, but was unof Crowell, second base- Mangus had five hits tested the tarpon waters able to bring her fighters ALL STATES MIXED man for the Powder Puffs, while Dunster, DiMauro, in the Gulf community of to boat. 2 N. Carolina 6 broke up rallies by the Hutchins, Galayda and 2 New York 6 Boca Grande, Fla., last heavy hitting Adult La- Uebele had four each for 2 6 The tournament was New Jersey week, two of them with 3 Connecticut 5 dies. Also showing well the Jaycees. For Pelican S success, while the third won by Mrs. James In- Pennsylvania 3 was the defensive play Homes, Jennings had three gram of Tampa, S 3 Florida failed to score. 6 2 Ohio of Dowdy. A five-run last hits while Ingles and 1 7 The three were Mrs. J.L. Michigan inning by the Powder Seggidy had two each. High games and series: Dan Webb, Mrs. Dick Wilson Pelican Homes Andrews 200/517; Frank Amoro- Puffs put the game out of When and Mrs. Seth Hawkins so 189/499; Kitty Sands 167/ reach. Powder Puffs now team edged out Castro 464; Mary Andrews 163/424. Jr., part of a field of 16 have sole possession of Convertible, 7-6, Seggidy contestants who fished first place. MAJOR AND MINOR had three hits and Nettles The Boca Raton Amerithe In ternational Women's 9 3 and Vital ie had two League Standings Matthews-Schacte! Fishing Association's can Legion Junior Base- L enart-L en art 8 4 W L Tie each for Pelican Homes. ball team will open lea6 6 Powder Puffs 3 0 1 Matthews-Matthews fourth annual tarpon tourFor Castro Convertible, 6 6 Angels 2 2 0 gue play this afternoon at Mula-Mula nament. 5 7 Adult Ladies 1 2 1 LeVinness-LeVinness Hartzell had three hits Memorial Park. Boca Ra2 10 Dolls 1 3 Bozzone-Bozzone 0 Tops for the three was and Dudley had two. High games and series: Bob Mrs. Webb, who landed a ton's first opponent will Schachtel 213/541; Carl Mula Monday night, Safari be Miramar. Game time is 199/525; Earl Matthews 131; pair of fighters on light Homes jumped off to a .«•':<: Lonart 521. tackle to win a fourth 4:30 o'clock. five-run lead in the first "500 SCRATCH" place tie in the event. Bryan Silk will start on inning and held on for its 8 1 Mrs. Wilson, winner of the mound for Boca Raton, Mangurians Furniture 13-3 victory over Pelican Dixie Clamps 5 4 The two Boca Raton enlast year's tarpon tourna- with Bruce Silk a s catch- Blue Decorators 4 2 tries won and lost in the Homes. Leading the Safament at Marathon, was er. Petrizzo may be used McFeggan's Sun Cove 4 2 Seacrest Pony League ri attack was Vincent Henderson Ambulance 2, 7 credited with a single as relief pitcher. Buss Poole's Standard 1 8 with two doubles and a last week. tarpon. This Sunday the Boca triple, Don Wentworth with In Delray Beach, the PALMS LEAGUE Mrs. Hawkins, the Raton Legion will play Boca Raton Police pushed a home run and two sinSabal Palms 4 0 IVVFA's release champion its second home game, Cabbage Palms 4 0 the Boynton Kiwanis- gles and Rutherford with for two years in a row, playing host to Ft. Laud- Cocoanut Palms 3 1 further into the a home run and a double. Royal Palms 1 3 Lions hooked several fighting erdale at 2 p.m. Bamboo Palms 0 4 cellar by taking a 9-7 For Pelican Homes, VitaSilver Palms 0 4 lie and Holman had two High games and series: Pat decision. Then in Boca hits each. Hack pit 208; Grace Walker Raton, the first place DelLeague Standings 205; Yvonne Marshall 200; ray Kiwanis nine romped W L Yvonne Marshall 544; Pat 0 4 Hackett 536; June Moore 528. over the Boca Raton civi- Boca Raton Jaycees 1 2 Deerfield Beach tans, 15-0. 2 2 Safari Homes BOCA DEERS Tomorrow afternoon the Pelican Homes 2 OPEN BOWLING 1 The Mayhams 0 Delray Elks will play the Castro Convertible The Molars | ALL FRIDAY NIGHT The Zippers Boca Raton Civitans at The Creeps Memorial Park at 5 o'clock The Four-Fours SUMMER LEAGUES Top Athletic Award Goes to James Hay PITTS MOTORS Pin Patter New Pelican Homes Team At Deerfield Wins One and Loses Two Powder Puffs Still on Top Two Delray Women Land Tarpon During Tourney ways to keep COOL! Legion Team To Open Play Boca Entries Win and Lose Like This. . . . O r Enjoy FORMING NOW ! * MEN - WOMEN MIXED DOUBLES TEAMS. DEERFIELD'BOWLING LANES 5340 N. FID. HWY. FOR Reservations Ph. Boca 4633 The Dewdrops In Taylor Dry Valley, not far from the naval air facility at McMurdo Sound in Antarctica, scientists have found evidence that the area has been free of ice for 1,500 years. Be Sure To Enter The SINCLAIR WIN-A-CAR CONTEST 5 Big Weekly Contests ... Plus the GRAND i 9 6 0 RAMBLER AMERICAN Deluxe Sedan EACH WEEK 1960 RAMBLER CUSTOM CROSS COUNTRY STATION WAGON Weather-Eye Heater 2-tone ename! Reclining seats Whitewall tires NOTHING TO BUY... EASY TO ENTER... FUN TO PLAY ©i¥ YOUR ENTRY BLANKS at KUEBLER's SINCLAIR and BSLKAY MOTORS 6399 M. Fedbrai Hwy. Boca Raton - At Sunhaven Pony League Standings W 4 3 2 2 1 2 1 Delray Kiwanis Delray Clvttans Pitts Cars Boca Police Boynton Police Boca Raton Clvitans Delray Elks Boynton Kiwanls-Llons 0 Golfers Finish First Rounds in YOUR OWN HOME with a By: Reid Simmons Dan Borgioli L The first two rounds of play have been completed by teams of the Jayceesponsored Men's summer Reid Dan Golf League in cooperaSpeaking of the likes of tion with the Boca Raton Arthur Godfrey and Jack Hotel and Club. Paar, Gregor Fiatigorsky, Team standings to date noted musician, had this are Benson Realty, 8; to say in part: Boca Furniture, IV/. City "What are they? They're Hall, &/2; Langley Realty, x not comedians, actors, 6Vi; Bruning Paint, b h; educators M.N. Weir, 5Vi; Gold Key, philosophers, or politicians. They're 4; Boca Realty, 4; Mitnot great thinkers — for chell Realty, 3%; Boca all I know .they can't Raton Motors, 3; Turner read or write. But when Nurseries, 2; Mitchell insurance, 0; First Bank of Godfrey has an operation, Boca Raton, 0; Dugan it's all over the front Travel Service, 0; Schlus- pages and an entire nameyer, 0, and Boca Phar- tion waits breathlessly for the results. And when macy, 0, a Jack Paar walks out on Play will continue a TV show, we never hear twice weekly through La- the end of this catastrobor Day. phe." Which reminds us, it's Elks Clu!s Will Hold something of a catastroHclmont Stakes Party phe when your TV set The Boca Raton Elks Club suddenly goes as dead as wiirhold a Belmont. Stakes a dinosaur's 'future. At party at the Dritfwood Club such time call on SOUTHSaturday starting at noon.Ca- ERN TV INC. for fast, napes will be served and the thorough repairs. As repool will be open to Elks gards new sets, treat yourseJf to a pleasant Club members. demonstration of the popular Admiral line at Florida hens and pulicr COUTHERN TV INC., laid 891, 000, 000 eggs last 1927 North Federal Highyear. way. Phone 4004. Carrier Weathermaker Engineered and installed by factory trained specialists to give you BETTER SLEEP. No more rolling and tossing on a hot, soggy pillow. Instead, you'll sleep pleasantly cool and wake refreshed, ready for each day. MORE COMFORT, You enjoy eternal springtime with the exact day and night temperature you want for comfort all year round. LESS NOISE. You can keep your windows closed and minimize unwelcome street and traffic noises. You'll have more privacy, too. BETTER HEALTH. Without the drag of hot discomfort, you'll feel and look younger. Your heart won't have to work as hard to keep you cool. Your children will be less irritable and your baby will avoid troublesome heat rash. LESS ALLERGY PROBLEMS. With only clean, filtered air going to your rooms, ragweed and other dust irritants from the outdoors can be reduced 98%. You'll start enjoying summer again. LESS HUMIDITY. Eliminate objectionable humidity with clean, cool air* BONDED - INSURED FULLY WARRANTED 00 For As Low As $20 PER MONTH COMPLETELY INSTALLED SMALL DOWN PAYMENT BOCA HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING Inc 108 N. W. 3rd Street - Phono Boca 6261 Thursday, June 9, l%0 THE BOCA BATON NEWS 13 Deerf ield Beach George LaMont to Wed Darlene Joyce Herema Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. is a member of the Order Herema Sr. of 518 S.E. of Eastern star. On Feb. Sixth Avenue, Deerfield 13, 1960, she was chosen Beach, announce the en- as Queen of the Mardi gagement of their daugh- Gras and was crowned at ter, Darlene Joyce, to a coronation ball sponsorGeorge Frederick LaMont ed by the Deerfield chamber of Commerce. of Boca Raton. The bridegroom, a Boca LaMont is the son of John L. LaMont Sr. of Raton policeman, attendBoca Raton and Mrs. ed Seacrest High School, E.N. Colvin of Jackson- spent four years in the U.S. Navy and is a graduville, Pla. The bride-elect attended ate of the Miami Police Rogers High School, Academy. The wedding is planned Grand Rapids, Mich. She for Aug. 12 in Deerfield Beach. Students Get Legion Honors Annual American Legion awards were presented to six Sixth Grade students at the Deerfield Elementary School last week. Receiving the awards from the Lofley Hinson Post were David Porter and Margery Prosser of Mrs. Helen Moore's room; Bernard Black and Elizabeth Meister of Eugene Adams' room and Donna Avard and Tomothy Dever of John Burns' room. David Van Ness of the Parent-Teacher Association presented the school's principal, Mrs. Flora T. Henry, with two plaques recording the names of the award winners and the school safety patrol captains. Deerfield Optimists Install Holland Becker Rolland Becker was installed as president of the Deerfield Beach Optimist Club at a ladies' night party held Saturday night at the Space Satellite in Pompano Beach. Others installed were James Scarry, first vicepresident; Dominio Grill, second vice-president; Michael Caliendo, treasurer, and Michael Matkowski Jr., secretary. Kaffee Klatch Given By Hospital Auxiliary Members of the North Broward District Hospital Auxiliary gave a Kaffee Klatch last Thursday morning at the Sun Cove Restaurant. The party was a benefit affair to kick off the Bridge Marathon which will be played in individual homes. Mrs. G.B. Reeve was chairman for the event. Birth Notice Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Selva, 1324 S.E. First Way, Deerfield Beach, announce the birth of a girl in Holy Cross Hospital. Deerfield Personals Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Southern of Welch, W.Va., arrived Saturday night to await completion of their new home in Deerfield Beach. Last year the Southerns visited long time friends Mr, and Mrs. George Yepsen and fell in love with the Deerfield area and returned this year to spend the Winter in an apartment on the beach. They are now in town to stay after saying goodbye to their friends in West Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cox left last week for a visit of three or four weeks in Washington, D.C. Having lived for many years in and around Washington, they look forward to family parties and visits with old friends. Mrs. T.W. Hinson, with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lane Greene, left Sunday for Gainesville to attend commencement exercises at the University of Florida for Mrs. Hinsan's daughter, Grayce, who received her A.B. degree. She plans to return in the Fall for graduate work in journalism. Following the graduation, Mrs. Hinson, Grayce and her brother, Tom, also a student at the university, will return to Deerfield Beach while the Greenes continue on to Atlanta, Ga., to visit his mother, Mrs. W.L. Greene. MISCELLANEOUS for SALE HOTPOINT Refrigerator, apt. size, perfect condition $45. Phone Boca 8081. (824-28P) TWO Bahama beds $20. each, and two end tables, formica tops, 2 for $15. Good c ondition. Call Boca 4578. (805-27B) MISCELLANEOUS for SALE ANTIQUE dining room t able, very good condition, three extension boards. Call 9387 or see mornings at 15 Olive Way. (829-28B) 9,000 BTU GE Thinline Air-conditioner. Call Boca 9007. (834-28B) ROTARY lawn mower. RED Cedar Fence. In- Kenmore sudsaver autocludes 3 pieces 4 x 7 , 4 matic washing machine. posts 8'. 354 N.E. 4th St. Like new. Oriental throw Phone Boca 9148. (812- rugs. 5199 N.E. 5th Court. 28P) (827-28P) SPEC, for Boca Residents. DINING Room table, famiANTIQUE satin backed ly size, blonde mahogany, Drapery Fabric, 99<t a 3 leaves, complete pad, yard. All Colors. All you $50. Phone Boca 4365. (769-26btf) want. Shop at Home and Save. Boca 5028. (821OFFICES FOR RENT 28,29,30,31B) BOCA RATON Check Your Ad 1 Report any error immediately as the Bofia Raton News will not be responsible for errors beyond the coat of the first insertion and then only for the portion that may have been rendered valueless by such error. The N _ws will no t be responalbl e for more than one incorrect insertion. REAL ESTATE for SALE BY Owner builders tjiodel, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, carport, $17,100 furn. $2,200 cash, assume FFA 5%:mtg. To see call Boca 3641.701NW 7th St. Tunison Palms. (694-22Btf) NEWS SECTION DEADLINE Wednesdays - 9:30 A.M. RATES Display $1.25 per col. inch Regular(reader) „ 20$ per line, $1.00 minimum APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT REAL ESTATE for RENT WIDOW will sacrifice below market price, 2 bdr. 1 bath, home. Fla. room, end. garage, hardtop dr, ; GE kitchen, hurricane panels, alumri, awnings. ,3-yrs. old. Refrigerator, drapes, included. Ph. Boca 9942. (81 9-28 B) BUILDING lots for sale in beautiful country .Club, village. Phone Boca 5312 or. stop at office at entrance.. 1301 N.W. 4th. 2 bedroom, 2-bath, patio, corner-loU, Located in beautiful Country Club Village. $15,300. Call 5312. (252-50BTF) 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath, unCOMPLETE bedroom m town across from Golf furnished, Large patio, Course, furnished new duapartments available many extras. Year lease, plex. Monthly or yearly. weekly, monthly, seasonimmediate occupancy. al, yearly. One block 343 E . Royal Palm Rd. Phone Boca 4646. (718(599-20BTP) from ocean. Reasonable. 24B) Riviera Apartments, Boca DUPLEX one or two bedFURN. 2 bedroom home. Raton; Boca 9603. (815rooms, beautifully furnishNORGE gas range $50. OFFICE for rent opposite 28B) Attrac. Avail. Reasonable ed 255 E. Royal Palm Road, See after 5 p.m. 462 Man- p ^ t Bank of Boca Raton. opposite Golf Course. 404 NE 30th St. Chatham Hill 1322 N.W. 7th.St. 2-bed-, Chester, North Boca Vil- suitable for professional 2 BEDROOM 2 bath fur(360-13BTF) Apt. 422-3710 No. Meridian room, 2-bath, screen porch,' Dawn Mari Becker lage. (811-28B) man. Phone Boca 9118. nished apt. close in. $100* Indianapolis, Ind.Wab42063 corner lot, city sewer. LoGraveside services for a morth.. Available to BOCA WOODS, unfurnish(737-24Btf) Dawn Mari Becker, one- LARGE davenport and cated in beautiful Country SERVICES AVAILABLE November 1st. Phone ed 2 bedroom, 1 bath duday-old infant daughter of chair. Also Bendix IronClub Village. $14,900. Boca 5624 after 5 p.m. plex apt. Range & Refrig- 2-BEDROOM furnished or Call 3322. (253-50BTF) Mr. and Mrs. Rolland E. er, reasonable. Phone erator, $75. per mo. Call FLORIDA ROOMS unfurnished. Reasonable (808-27B) (831-28B) Becker of 217 E. Hills- Boca 6415. Carports, patios, baths, 74-Wh 1-7180 evenings rent. 13 Hastings street. BOCA RATON 330 N.W. boro B oulevard, Deerfield kitchens, awnings, steel AIRY, quiet, furn. one & 74-Wh 1-0750; (820-28B) PERSONALS 22nd St., near Mitchell Phone 3447. (785-26Btf) Beach, who died Friday and wood fencing, aftimlSchool. 2 bedroom 2 bath, two bedroom apts, Week., night in Broward General num siding, painting and PROFESSIONAL CAKE ATTRACTIVE contempo- Florida room, GE built in. decorating. Remodeling month' or year, reasonable. ONE bedroom apt. sleeps rary home, 4 bedrooms, 2 kitchen, carporte, lot 75 x Hospital, were held at 11 Elderly - Convalescent. four. TV, completely and repairs. No m o n e y El Mar Apts. 4300 NW 120, ready to move in, will a.m. Monday in Lauder- Emergency - Equipment. down. Boca 3722. 3rd Ave. Boca 9994. (791- equipped, cool location baths, screened pool and consider lot as down paydale Memorial Gardens, Ft. Beautiful Home for Two. one block from beach. patio, 2 car garage, fur- ment. 27B) Lauderdale. Call Day or Night justice Boca Beach Apts. Phone nished. June to January. BRUSH MOWING Rev. Arland Briggs, 2-9754, W.P.I!.(7eO-25Btf) FURNISHED 1-bedroom apt. Boca 4436. (757-25Btf) Phone Boca 3571 or drive • Clearing Lots and LOTS for SALE pastor of the Deerfield Acreage $65., 2-bedroom $80. per out, 575 Paioma, reason* Bulldozing and sodding month in Hoca Woods Area LEARN TO DRIVE Beach Community Presbyto October 1st. SUMMER Special, $100. able. (723-24,25,26B) terian Church, officiated. Let South Florida Driving —Reasonable Prices— Boca Raton & up monthly. Eff. Bdr. Near J.C. Mitchell EleREAL ESTATE for SALE" The infant's- father is a School instruct you in dual mentary school. Southland Apts., everything furnishDON'S Mowing Service air-conditioned funeral director who ope- control, Apts. 2060 N.W. 2nd Av.>.ed. 200' from beach, al- BY OWNER $450. down, 833 NW 3rd Ave. Ph. 9l67 Call Boca 3876 after 5 p.m. rates Becker Funeral cars. 1811 NE 24th St. PomPh. 74-Wh. 1-6318. (796- ways cool. Ph. Boca8219. no closing cost. 2 bed(822-28,29,30,31B) Home in Deerfield Beach. pano Bch. Ph. WH 1-7500. room, Pla. room, awnings, 27Btf) In addition to her par- (8 23-28,29,30,3 IP) fully landscaped. Must 45 Acres WATERFRONT REAL ESTATE for RENT i sell, going north. 155 FURNISHED ents, the baby is surviv$1000 Per Acre ed by a brother, Rolland SERVICES AVAILABLE 29% Down NE 20th St. Winfield Park. 1 bedroom, $16.25 weekly E. Jr.. and her paternal 2 bedroom, $18.75 weekly COMPLETELY furnished Ph. Boca 8263. (818-28B) 4 ACRES ON RIVER Swimming pool, nearschool house, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, grandparents, Mr. and CARPENTRY, brick & 15 Lots block work, Keystone, & shopping. 290 W. Palm- Fla. room, screened porch, 671 NW 12th RD. Country Mrs. Joseph Becker, Ft. A Tropical Paradise Conventional and simulated brick & stone, ettoPk.Rd. Ih. Boca 9435-double carport. Ph. Boca Club Village. UNFURLaid erd ale. $16,500 - 29% Down Automatics painting, carports, Fla. NISHED 3 bedroom-2 6738. (622-20B) 3041. (749-25Btf) Kraeer Funeral Home, Bal 6% rooms. No job too small.' bath, F l a . room, drapes UNIVERSAL Pompano Beach, was in For The News Call Boca 5678, J.C. HaDESIRABLE 2 bedroom-1 thru-out, $15,400. Avail2 ACRE TRACTS charge of arrangements. Read The News ney, or 6516 J.G. Jenkins. APPLIANCE SALES bath house, living-room, able in August. Phone Near US Hwy. 41 ' CARD OF THANKS (636-2lBtf) kitchen & dining area, de- Boca 8718. 260 N. Feaeral Hwy. WAREHOUSE (817-28B) $95 Down lightfully cool F l a . room. Phones: 8613 - 9030 WE wish to thank the FATHER'S DAY symbo5000 Ft. AAA N.W. 16thBeautiful yard cared for, St. Boca 3-10x12 over- water paid. Adults only, NEW home-3860 NW 4th Ave.. Caribbean Realty many friends and neigh- lizes the family's esteem Boca Raton. A spacious head doors, 14' ceilings, no pets. 5-6 months. Ph. bors for the many kind- for Father. Life InsurP.O. Box 426 new home including a full large office, plenty of Boca 4647 or call at 455 nesses shown us during ance — and plenty of it! Bonita Springs, Florida light. Call JA 4-7813, Ft. N.E. 5th Court, Fri-Sat.- basement. U' bedroom, 2% the sudden death of my exemplifies his esteem « Pulverized baths, oak floors, 2 car Lauderdale. (810-28,29 husband Clinton J. Maull. for the family. See Sun. (825-28B) garage. Reasonable. Phone 30B) Also for the lovely flowW.P. BEBOUT BOCA Boca 3455 or Miami, PL. ers. Real Estate & Insurance • SOD* ROCK RENTAL LAWNS AND GARDENS 7-1918. (176-6BTF) Mrs. Lillian Maull 701 No. Federal Hwy. RATON Brand new 3 bedroom BOCA RATON, FLA. • FILL SAND and Family SPECIAL sale. On acR EA L TO-R S house with option to buy Phone 8621 Phone 9336 count of illness and op• BULLDOZING OWNER SAYS if desired. $95 monthly. SITUATIONS WANTED erations, James Morris 500 N.W. 2nd Ave., "MOVE I T " will sell all his shrubs CHEERFUL capable WidDeerfield Beach. Save $2,000 — owner way below regular nurow with free time, will built and priced his R E A L T O R S sery prices. 4,000 plants baby sit, assist Mothers, two bedroom, one bath FOR RENT to choose from. Mainly, or be companion for home with Florida room 2 bedroom, 2 bath, wall BEST BOCA BUY Hibiscus, Crotons, Poinadults, day or evening. carpeting, drapes, comOffice Machines to sell at $14,750. Has FOR settias, Ixora, Cherry Write Box M, %Boca Raplete kitchen, landscaped, As Low As since moved north and BUDGET MINDED and many more. See at ton News, giving phone furnished. 1285 N.W. 4th Repair $10 Per ivlonth can't m aintain home 760 N.W. 3rd Ave. or call Sales Three b edroom, two number for interview. Street, Country Club Vilany longer. Has slashService Boca 5546. (828-28,29,30, bath home built by one lage, Phone Boca 5277. (833-28P) ed price to $12,750 for 3 IB) BOCA 8994 of the leading home dequick sale. Hotpoint signers. Located in 'a HELP WANTED electric kitchen, refrigREAL ESTATE TYPEWRITERS beautifully planned AUTOS FOR SALE FOR RENT or SALE erator, double wash CLEANING woman, ironcomm unity of fine Chemically Cleaned tubs, gas water heater, 1956 OLDSMOBILE, Suing, every other Friday. homes, sidewalk and and* Repaired situated on corner lot, per 88, 4 door sedan, powRENT OR SELL Own transportation, call New and Used Machines sanitary sewers already minutes from stores, er steering, power brakes, Unfurnished. Beautiful 2 303 N.W. 1st Ave. For SALE Boca 8349. (830-28B) installed. All this and school, churches. radio, heater, white wall , bedroom, 1 bath home in Phone Boca 3637 more for only $13,990. Monthly mortgage payAPPLICATIONS for Civil tires. Low mileage, very Boca Villas. Large living Excellent financing * Chinch Bug Control ment of $59 is cheaper Service positions in city good c ondition. Price room, den, dining area, available. Need we kitchen and bedroom. than rent. Call us for of Boca Raton now being $900. Tel. Boca 4538. large * All Type Spraying say more? TWO BOCA Wall-to-wall carpeting, has inspection, TWO BOCA accepted. See display ad RATON OFFICES TO all extras. Separate utility * Work Guaranteed Phone BOCA 4628 RATON OFFICES TO 1958 CROSS country Nash room, carporte. Beautifulon page 9 or Civil Service SERVE YOU. SERVE YOU. Rambler, privately owned. ly landscaped. Ideal home bulletin board in lobby of CR. 6-9131, 2301 S. Fed- for elderly couple. Yearly City Hall Bldg. (832-28B) M.N.WEIR&SONSJiNC •N.WEIR&SONS.INC eral Highway, Delray lease. Reasonable rental Realtors Realtors including lawn care and Beach. (816-28B) Federal Highway water bill. 1000 NE 3rd Federal Highway MEMOIUAM $2850 WASHER DRYER Repairs LAWN SAND MUCK LAWN SERVICE Bud Butler Boca Raton 8 2 3 4 LETURMY Lawn Service Boca Raton Office Supply ATTENTION TEACHERS Ave. SALEScmd SERVICE GLENN WYGAL Teachers are needed to fill summer vacation positions either part time or full time. Position would pay $140.00 to $400.00 per month depending on time available. Write in confidence to Box No. H. Boca'Raton News WANTED Woman or young man for paste-up work preparing copy for paper. Three days a week, Monday through Wednesday* Desirable qualities are neatness and artistic touch* See Mr. Houser at the BOCA RATON NEWS NEWSBOYS WANTED 11 years of age and older, responsible. For established route in North i Boca Village— Sunhaven area. Also boys needed to develope routes in Deerfield. For information contact Mr. Brower at Boca Baton 3767 Bonded Factory Representative Phone BOCA 31O3 NOTICE! Residents of Boca Raton A complete Interior and Exterior Decorating Service is now available to you, specializing in "Quality" at sensible prices.Paperhanging and painting at its best. Licensed and insured in the City of Boca Raton, if you need our services call . . . Attention New CAR BUYERS! J_ REAL ESTATE for SALE Test Drive Our Brand New 1960 Ful1 Price * 1-Year Written Warranty * Complete Service Dept, * Bank Financing IMPORTED CAR DEALER 3815 So. Federal Hwy. Delray Beach CR 8-2371 MOBILE HOMES REDUCED Low down payment! 2 bedroom, 1 bath home in N.E. section. Extras ind ude stove, refrigerator, awnings, well, 'pump and sprinkler system. Owner must return north. 206 S. Fed. Hwy. Ph. 8567 Boca Raton 820 N. Fed. Hwy. CR6-5221 Delray Beach MOBILE HOMES ENYTASK SERVICES and EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Main Office — Delray CR 8-2601 . . . in one or Florida's Finest Restricted Mobile Home Parks, with swimming pool, clubhouse, shuffle boards, grass maintained and a place you will be proud to live. This week we have a Mobile Home Special . . . a NEW 1960 51'xlO' 2-bedroom with 1 year rent for only $4995. MOBILE VILLAS Inc. U.S. Highway No. 1 - North Boca Raton at S.E. 5th St. . A1A & Via Cabana Ph: Boca 3717 C O A S T j pj ^ NYPLACE NYTHING House and office cleaning, windows, lawns, storm shutters, maintenance, repairs and many others. at S.E. 5th St. A1A & Via Cabana Ph: Boca 3717 GOLD MORRIS WALDRON duality" at WH 1-5929 MOTORS I NYTASK • NYTBME Phone Boca 5214. 110 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. Phones 8866 - 6228 Homes From $13,000 to $89,000 CONN C. CURRY, Realtor ANNOUNCES! His new location in the suite of offices occupied by Town and Country Properties, Inc., 164 Boca Raton Road. Two phones for your convenience — Boca 9166 and 6351. Mr. Curry deals in choice real estate and business properties* Small transactions welcomed. They receive the full benefit of his wide experience in the Florida Real Estate field. You are urged to consult him on any real estate or business venture for his valuable guidance and appraisal. Twelve years of successful experience qualifies him and protects you. Right now he offers a remarkable opportunity to investors: 620 acres at $130 per acre for sale or trade. Please stop in if only for a friendly chat. Page 14 THE BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, June 9, 1960 Officials Plan Flight to See Invitation to Airport Talks Starts Commission Argument A letter from Ralph E. Odum, assistant Attorney General, inviting city officials, including City Attorney Leon Weaver, to a meeting in Tallahassee June 24 to discuss the airport situation touched off a series of arguments in the City Commission meeting Tuesday afternoon. Odum said the Board of Control and members of the Florida Development Commission would be present. Commissioner Joe DeLong demanded that die city request the return of the 203acres airport site from the State Board of Control. He said the city was in error for transferring the deed to the Board of Control as the board was not authorized to operate an airport. He said the city was offered good money for the lease of 20 acres at the airport site and "should now request the return of t h e deed. " DeLong said the city could use the land to trade for property on Lake Wyman or to lease the airport to private concerns which would produce revenue for the city. He protested sending any representative of the city to the Tallahassee meeting to "conduct city business." Recently it was learned that the State Board of Control plans a transfer of the land to the Florida Development Board, which is authorized to operate an airport. Mayor Courtney C. Boone said he wasn't going back on his stand. He said there was an agreement made in 1958 and the property was recently transferred. It was a legal deed and it was conveyed to the State Board of Control. Commissioner John R. Brandt said he would have Weaver go and ask pertinent questions about the transfer of the airport site from one state agency to another. Commissioner William 0. Herbold said he would back up the original stand on the transfer. The commission voted 3-2 to send Weaver to the meeting. DeLong and Commissioner Al Rueb voted "no." Frank H. Goetz, president of the Boca Raton Civic League, speaking from the floor, asked for a referendum of the voters to try to reclaim the property. Ready-Mix Case Studied By Judge After Hearing Judge Culver Smith of Circuit Court in West Palm Beach has taken under advisement the case of the Ready-Mix Concrete Company which is seeking to force the City of Boca Raton tograntit a building permit. A hearing was held and depositions were presented to Judge Smith Tuesday afternoon and his office said yesterday that he would study them before making a decision. The Ready-Mix company seeks to build a plant in the industrial area of Boca Raton, but the project is being opposed by the city and by citizens1 groups because it is close to a resi dential area. In the report of the depositions last week, the Boca Raton News listed Arthur Mirandi and Harold J. Schmidt as having given evidence for the city's case to prevent the permit being issued. Mirandisaid his deposition to the contrary favored the establishment of the plant. Schmidt was out of the city but it is understook he took a position similar to Mirandi's. Rehearing Wilt Be Requested BPW to Talk Of Convention Mervin Taylor, Miami attorney, told the Boca Raton News yesterday that he was preparing a motion asking for a rehearing by the Federal Court in Miami of the case involving transfer of the airfield property by the City of Boca Raton to the State Board of Control. Taylor said that while Federal Judge Joseph R. Lieb had said the court lacked jurisdiction in the case, he had not yet signed the order. When he does, Taylor said, the motion for rehearing by the court will be offered. The case is being pressed by 10 Boca Raton taxpayers, some of whom are members of the Boca Raton Aviation Association. The association itself is not a party to the suit and is not involved in the court case. The 10 taxpayers are seeking to block transfer of the 203-acre airfield site by the city to the Board of Control. Plans for the state convention to be held in Miami in July will be discussed at a meeting of the Boca Raton Business and Professional Women's Club meeting at 8 o'clock Monday night in the First Federal civic room. Mrs. Gla dys Erickson, new president, will be in charge. Seven local members attended the District 10 meeting Sunday at the Silver Thatch Inn. June Chaplin was appointed project chairman for the district. Others attending were Mrs. Gladys Erickson, Mrs. Kay Sampieri, Miss Shirley Rediger, Mrs. Rena Vaillancourt, Mrs. Eleanor Bebout and Mrs. Deejay Miller. Hawaii's State flag displays the British Union Jack in one corner out of respect for Capt. Vancouver who, during his voyage around the world in 1794, gave King Kamehameha a British flag. CONTINUES... $ALE 0/ REDUCTION fa ON ENTIRE STOCK INCLUDING MERCHANDISE FROM OUR SALON IN THE WORLD FAMOUS BOCA RATON CLUB & HOTEL SALE OF NATIONALLY ADVERTISED SPORTSWEAR • BEA£HWEAR. DAYTIME and COCKTAIL DRESSES COLLECTION of PLAIN, FUR and JEWELED TRIMMED CASHMERE or ORLON SWEATERS. De Loy INC. SHOPPERS HAVEN POMPANO BEACH *ft'c honor Carte Blanche, Diners' Club, jtnieriean Express, American National and InttrnutiwA Credit Card*. Meet Johnny Hill Inlet Model Several city commissionersand city officials will fly to Gainesville, leaving at 8 o'clock this morning, to study the model of the Boca William I. Roderick Sr. Raton Inlet in the Coastal William Irving Roderick Engineering Laboratories at Sr., 68, died suddenly the University of Florida. Sat IT day afternoon in Scheduled to leave as pasProvidence, R.I. sengers on two Arvida planes He had been living in were Commissioners Al Rueb, Boca Raton one year with William O. Herbold and John his daughter, Mrs. Mary R. Brandt, City Engineer AlBrindle, 454 N.E. 12th fred Amsler and assistant Insurance Counselor Street. He had returned city manager Al Alford. to Providence to sell his Rueb proposed that moving We Write: home there. pictures be taken of the moHe was a retired City of * AUTOMOHILK Participating in the Garden Club installation ceremonies at a luncheon meeting del and experiments so the Providence Water DepartTuesday at the itoyal Palm Yacht Club were, left to right, Mrs. C. R. Ma yes, Jr.. commissioners could study ment employe, a member * ACCIDENT them at their leisure. He president Florida Federation of Garden Clubs; Mrs. W. M. Livingston, president, of the Eagles Lodge and also proposed that the UniBoca Raton Garden Club; Mrs. Henry S. Pennock. director District 10, installing * UUKGLAKY St. Rita's catholic Church versity engineers make a rein Providence. officer- Mrs. Carl Ebert, first vice-president; Mrs. Francis Swope, second vice* CHIME cording of an explanation of president; Mrs. S. B. Miller, third vice-president; Mrs. James Connors, recording He is survived by his the model. wife, Margaret, of Boca secretary; Mrs. A. R. Mitchell, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Robert Leggett. * FIKE Raton; three daughters, treasurer. -- Colony Studio Photo. City Manager William * HOSPITAL Mrs. Mary Brindle, Boca Lamb was authorized to conRaton, Mrs. Barbara tact Dr. Per Brunn, in charge * LIABILITY Sleeper, Deerfield Beach, of the experiment, with the and Mrs. Prances Tur* MARINE request for pictures and a geon of Lakewood, R.I.; copy of the minutes of the * .MORTGAGE Mrs. William Livingston president; Mrs. S. B. Miller., CITY FIRE POLICY a son, William I. Rodmeeting. erick Jr., of Del ray (Continued From Page 1) was re-installed as president third vice-president; Mrs. f WINDSTORM Beach; 12 grandchildren Industrial Center with a of the Boca Raton Club at a James Connors, recording Book on Records * HONDS and two great-grandchild- motion to instruct the luncheon meeting held- at secretary; Mrs. A. R. MitThe average full-length city attorney to prepare the Royal Palm Yacht Club chell, corresponding secreren. We are Bond specialists tary, and Mrs. Robert Leg- book can be recorded on 18 an amending ordinance in Rosary services were regard to walls where they on Tuesday. and can write all forms.. gett, treasurer. double - face phonograph Mrs. Henry Pennock, new held at 7 o'clock last abut residential property. Mrs. C. R. Ma yes, state discs, requiring 12 hours of director of District 10, also night in Kraeer Funeral A letter was read from installed Mrs. Carl Ebert, president of the Federated reading Chi pel. Funeral mass will be at Arvida Realty Company first vice-president; Mrs. Garden dubs, was guest of Legal Notices 9:30 this morning at St. regarding the required Frarcis Swope, second vice- honor. It's The Policy Joan of Arc Catholic right-of-way to construct NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS Behind The Policy NAME LAW Church with the Rev. N.W. Ninth Court in Lake Police Activities of Week Notice Is Hereby Given that That Counts. Robert F . Reardon offi- Floresta Park. The letter the undersigned, desiring to said Arvida was unable engage in business under the ciating. fictitious name of QUALITY Burial will be in Boca to secure the cooperaINTERIOR AND EXTERIOR tion of adjacent property Raton Memorial Cemetery. DECORATING, in the City of Boca Raton, Florida, Intends to owners in executing the register the said name with Mrs. Mary Altaffer deed for the right-ofClerk of the Circuit Court Police activities of the lookout for the imposter. the Mrs. Mary Emma Altaf- way. of Palm Beach County, FloriThe report from the da. last week ranged from perfer, 88, died last Thursday City Manager William suading a woman ' not to beach was the second in / s / Howard J, Saunder3 after a long illness at a Lamb recommended a PUBLISH: June 9, 16, 23, and 30 Deerfield Beach convales- meeting with the property wash her ear in the rain two nights received by (Furnish proof of publication) cent center. She lived at owners, assuring them to theft investigations and the police of an unidentiATTORNEY: Rusley C. Meeker 1239 Coconut Road, Boca they will not be assessed the search for a missing fied man stopping motor131 E. Palmetto Park Rood ists and asking to see woman. Boca Raton, Florida Raton. for the paving. He said Mrs. Altaffer had been that in failing to provide A Boca Raton woman their drivers' licenses. NOTICE Is hereby given that James Downs of Pom- the undersigned, under the provicoming to Boca Raton the right-of-way the city who .was washing her car sions of Section 865,09, Florida from Westfield, N.J., as a could pave the street on in the early hours of Sun- pano Beach reported to Statutes, 1957, will register with police he was stopped at Winter resident for the an assessment basis. He day morning in a pouring the Circuit Court, in and for Palm last five years and had was authorized to nego- rainstorm was persuaded Camino Real and Federal Beach County, Florida, upon reAffiliated With ceipt of proof of publication of been a permanent resident tiate with the property by police to wait for day- Highway by a man in a this notice, the fictitious name- TUNISON PROPERTIES gray and white station' to»wlt: f or one year. light. owners. Coastal Signs wagon who requested his She is survived by a Mrs. Ida Pryor of 435 165 E.PalmettoPk.Kd. Dated: May 23, 1960. City Attorney Leon daughter, Mrs. Harland L. Weaver was instructed to E. Palmetto Fark Road re- driver's license. Publish: May 26, June 2, 9, 16, PI,. It oca 5408 A young girl from Zum- 1960. Miller of Boca Raton; a prepare a refunding agree- ported at 1:48 a.m. Sunbrother, Charles Neely of ment regarding sewer in- day and again at 2:17 a«m. brota, Minn., is looking U.S. ROYAL Bethel Park, Pa., five stallations in Boca Raton that a woman was wash- for her mother in Boca Ainmdm Raton. grandchildren and 14 Square ing her car near her home in conformity Linda Berg, who is great-grandchildren. in the rain. Reduced fa with the recommendation from high Services were held at of Black and Associates, Lt. William Brindle and graduating 10:30 a.m. Saturday in the city's consulting engi- Patrolman George Seeman school this month wanted Kraeer Funeral Chapel, neer, and the approval of found a woman in an in- her mother to attend her toxiCated condition using graduation. The last time conducted by the Rev. the city manager. a garden hose on the in- she heard from her mother Ernest E. Hawk, pastor of the First Methodist Speaking from the audi- side of her car while the was in February, but the New reduce) prices on U.S. ROY AS, NYION ence, Robert Pinchuk ask- rain was drenching the card had no return adlires mok« it easy for you to equip with Church. dress, she said. u NYLON, All U.S. ROYAL NYtON l!rfi or» Further services and ed Commissioner John R. outside. is Preuuro-Tempered, Linda wrote to the The police persuaded burial were held in Cleve- Brandt why he had gone back on his campaign her to wait for the sun- Hollywood Police DepartTusmss TOR- 'ST-'H-WM land, Ohio. promises to hold open shine. ment asking for informa<hev., Dodg», ford, PlymqMlh, Rambltr ('JIJ Mrs. L e s s i e Sehryver 7,50-14 llotkw.ll 7.J0-14 WMl.woll meetings and to agree to tion about her mother, Vi Forced entry was made Wilkes, who worked as a Mrs. Lessie sehryver, referendums of the peoB0 $ M Saturday into the Ocean cocktail waitress the last 76. of 274 N.E. Third ple. View Restaurant and sev- time she heard from her. Street, Boca Raton, died AU Prices piu» Tax and Treadable Tiro Brandt replied that the Tuesday after a short ill- recent annexation ques- eral bottles of whiskey Hollywood Police said ness in a Boynton Beach tion where Frank H. were stolen. they learned the mother Police said Mel Ernst hospital. Goetz of the Boca Raton reported the breakin and had moved to Boca Raton, She had been a resident Civic League requested a where she was working in said the bottles were tak- a night club. of Boca Raton for four and referendum was a correc-the nations' preferred battery replacement. en from a display on the a half years, coming here Lt. McCutcheon said he tive one. He said if he bar. from Cleveland, Ohio. could find no trace of the had been on the commisPhone CR 8-2702 Entry was made through mother. Survivors include her sion when anything as a window on the south husband, Albert A. of Midway between Boca and Delray Boca Raton, and a son, large as Hidden Valley side of the building. The Dentists Put on Show applied for annexation he robbery was investigated Charles w. Alverson of The capital of Cambodia, would have asked for a by Det. Lt. Charles McShelby, Ohio. Pfinom Penh, has a "Street referendum, although he Cutcheon. Services and burial will agreed with the annexaof the Dentists, " along which A wallet containing a 3715-19 S. Federal Hwy., Delray Beach be in Cleveland, Ohio. tion. doctors display their wares: $600 check and $68 in Kraeer Funeral Home is Brandt said as to clos- cash was stolen from a in charge of local arrangeed meetings there are ex- car parked at the beach ments. ceptions to every rule Sunday, according to the and people in the audi- police report. Trucks Sideswipe, ence at workshop meet$200 Damage Caused The thief broke into a Two trucks sideswiped ings ask questions and locked glove compartment each other on Sabal Palm have the right to be to get the wallet which Drive Monday afternoon, answered, which delays belonged to Mrs. Kenneth causing $200 damage to discussions. He said if Kipp of 4741 N.E. Second the city had a referen- Terrace, Pompano Beach. one of the vehicles. dum for every question A car driven by Lonnie that came up it would The theft occurred beE. Taylor, 43, of Ft. soon go bankrupt. tween noon and 12:30 L Lauderdale sideswiped a p.m. while Mrs. Kipp was Mayor Courtney c. truck driven byAlfonson out of the car, police said. Nero, 20, Negro, of 246 Boone put a stop to the Newspaper racks were S.W. Second Court, Deer- questioning and said it reported missing from in proper public field Beach, as he cut wasn't front of the Waffle Shop SPECIAL wide to avoid a parked business. He said any Sunday at 2:30 p.m. The such question should be INTRODUCTORY car, police said. put to Brandt in private racks were later found by OFFER! The Taylor truck sus- and not in a commission police with the coin tained the §200 damage. boxes torn open and the 3 Months FREE In and meeting. money missing. Out Boat Storage to each Police checking the purchaser of one of our case found that Deerfield beautiful new Beach and Delray Beach Regular $2486 police also have had a SPfCIAL rash of newspaper racks Why be "Half Safe" and worry about PACKAGE germs and infections this summer? Let the missing lately. All three ULTRA VIOLET WATER STERILIZER police departments are $487.50 Down * 24 Months to Pay engineered by experienced ELENITE, procooperating in the inOutboard Boats completevide germ-free water. It kills even highly vestigation. resistant ear fungus, hepatitis and dysenly equipped with Mercury Police double checked •LIBERAL TRADE-IN tery. The patented ELENITE ULTRA VIOMotor and Coast Guard all parking spots along LET will supply your pool with WATER • BANK FINANCING Approved Equipment, the beach after a man, YOU CAN DRINK. posing as a police officer, accosted a parked couple For Full Information there. Call Your Local ELfcNlTE Agent Lt. McCutcheon said all Mr. Weldon Boca 8076 Boca Raton policemen 580 N» Federal Hwy,, Deerfield at Hillsboro Canal - Ph» Boca 6146 -• alert 0 ' 1 L- "" -° the IN Garden Club Installs Officers Remember , Police Persuade Woman Not to Wash Car in Rain BOCA INSURANCE AGENCY 225 90 2 roR «29 12 w« 3 7 Wrei t'DELCO J.C. TIRE SERVICE At the DiimtLD YACHT BASIN 16' AQUA FLITE Fiberglass Cabin Cruiser Completely Equipped POOL OWNERS American MARC $1950 00 Deerfield YACHT BASIN