ribadesella pedestrian bridge (asturias)
ribadesella pedestrian bridge (asturias)
RIBADESELLA PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE (ASTURIAS) Main data: Location: Sea Inlet of Ribadesella (Asturias) Scope of Works: Detailed design Structural type: Continuous prestressed concrete girder Construction process: Staged construction Overall length: 302,0 m Spans: 24,2+3x32,2+24,2 m (main section) Deck width: 6,50 m Deck maximum height: 5,0 m Summary: In November 2002, the “Dirección General de Costas del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente” decided to undertake a project for the construction of a new pedestrian bridge, crossing the sea inlet in Ribadesella, Asturias. The company chosen to carry out the project was José A. Torroja, Oficina Técnica S.A. The footbridge is divided into three clearly defined sections: the main section, the access, and the section over the pier. The main section is horizontal and straight, it consists of a single deck, 6,5 m wide, and with an overall length of 146.0 m. It is divided into 5 spans, 24,2+3x32,2+24,2 m long. The structure crosses the sea inlet at a right-angle. Deep river-bed foundations on the right hand side of the Sella river abut the structure. The access to this abutment for pedestrians and bicycles consists of two ramps and stairs with 3 steps, on a shallow foundation set into the riverbank. The main section deck is a voided “gondola shape” slab, made of prestressed concrete, with two longitudinal lateral beams, which also are used as parapets. The supporting piers are of reinforced concrete with a “Y hyperbolic” shape and deep foundations set into the sandy riverbed. The main section of the footbridge ends at an intermediate pier-abutment, located in the middle of the sea inlet, named “E-2 inland”. This element allows the structure to abruptly change direction (55 decrees to the left), and lead the footbridge to its following section, the “access section”. The alignment of this section runs parallel to the “Puerto Deportivo de Ribadesella” dyke. The access section is a hyperstatic reinforced concrete slab. Its spans are 9,5+13,5x3+11,0 m. Mono-shaft foundations are used for this section. A four pile deep foundation is used for the final abutment, with the same shape as the piers, and fixed to the slab. At this point, the footbridge alignment varies 55 degrees to the right. Here is where the final section starts, named the “section over the pier”, and fixed to the CN-632 road bridge, which crosses the “Puerto Deportivo de Ribadesella”. TORROJA INGENIERÍA SL Príncipe de Vergara, 103,10º dcha, 28006 Madrid – Tfno.: 91 564 24 23, Fax: 91 561 43 41 E-mail: [email protected] www.torroja.es The “section over the pier”, is a frame structure, 96,7 m long, which carries both bicycle and pedestrian traffic. The section is divided into 4 independent units each of 24 m length, with a longitudinal expansion joint between them. The left sidewall is a continuous wall, and the right wall is a succession of square pillars with a separation of 4 m. The interior space of the structure will be used for retail units. TORROJA INGENIERÍA SL Príncipe de Vergara, 103,10º dcha, 28006 Madrid – Tfno.: 91 564 24 23, Fax: 91 561 43 41 E-mail: [email protected] www.torroja.es