1. What is our purpose? - Colegio Colombo Británico Cali CCB Home
1. What is our purpose? - Colegio Colombo Británico Cali CCB Home
1. What is our purpose? Class/Grade: Kinder To inquire into the following: • Transdisciplinary Theme How we organise ourselves Age Group: 5-6 years old • School: Colegio Colombo Británico Central Idea A team is a group of people in which each member has an individual contribution and works collaboratively to achieve a common goal Un equipo es un grupo de personas en el cual cada miembro hace una contribución individual y trabaja colaborativamente para alcanzar una meta. PYP Planner School Code: 700202 Title: How we organise ourselves Year: 2013-2014 Teachers: Fernando Arce, Pilar Clavijo, Claudia Ayerbe. Alejandra Ossa, Maria Summative Assessment Task(s): What are the possible ways of assessing students’ understanding of the central idea? What evidence, including student-initiated actions, will we look for? Strategy: Performance Assessment Fernanda Romero, Elaine Escobar, Laura Restrepo, Claudia Madriñán, Vicente Medina, Mark Hustad, Margarita Mendoza, Diana Fernanda Moreno, Aída Cecilia Meneses, Fabio Ortega, Yvonne Muñoz, Teresa Velásquez, Alexander Marulanda & Sidey Viedman. Tool: Rubric Prompt: Organize yourselves in small groups to work collaboratively in order to plan and carry out an activity, For example: a picnic, a party, a game, a gift for the classroom, a performance, etc.; Remember that each member has to contribute to achieving the goal, and you all must work collaboratively. Proposed Duration: 5 weeks 2. What do we want to learn? What are the key concepts to be emphasized within this inquiry? Evidence: Children will plan one of the activities proposed, showing their individual contribution to carry it out. A B C D Permitió que todos los miembros del equipo y él/ella misma participaran colaborativamente, de tal forma que lograran alcanzar la meta planteada. Permitió que la mayoría de los miembros del equipo y él/ella misma participaran colaborativamente, de tal forma que lograran alcanzar la meta planteada. Permitió que algunos de los miembros del equipo y él/ella misma participaran colaborativamente, de tal forma que lograran alcanzar la meta planteada. No permitió que los miembros del equipo ni él/ella misma participaran colaborativamente, de tal forma que lograran alcanzar la meta planteada. RESPONSIBILITY Individual Contribution CAUSATION CONNECTION Goal Teamwork What lines of inquiry will define the scope of the inquiry into the central idea? An inquiry into how some social insects divide the work to accomplish a goal. An inquiry into why and how people contribute individually within a team to achieve a goal. What teacher questions/provocations will drive these inquiries? Provocation: Teachers will play a Colombian rhythm, following the instructions the Music teacher will give to them individually. Using different instruments, teachers will create a whole-group piece of music. Questions: Why do we have to work in teams? How people organize themselves and what for? What is teamwork? Why is it important to have everybody’s contribution? How do social insects organize themselves? What are the benefits of teamwork? Created: Latest Revision: Printed 4/23/14 3. How might we know what we have learned? 4. How best might we learn? This column should be used in conjunction with “How best might we learn?” What are the possible ways of assessing students’ prior knowledge and skills? What evidence will we look for? Knowledge Prior Knowledge 1. Children will be divided into small groups (chosen by the teachers) and given a goal to accomplish. They will make decisions and work on the task given (Children will have the same instruction and use the same material: Make a castle out of wooden blocks). Afterwards, children will be asked what they did to accompish the task given and how. Teachers will film each group and afterwards they will watch it and discuss it. 2. Children will be asked to pretend they are a bee or an ant. Teachers will ask the following question: “As an ant or a bee, what do you do? Then, they will be given a piece of construction paper witth a bee or an ant pasted on it. Children will write their findings around the pictures (like in a bubble map). In a whole group session children will share them. Strategy: observation Tool : anecdotal record Prior Skills Children are ready to start a unit in which they will reinforce some social skills and develop others. They will organize data in bar graph, they have been training to make surveys, and they will listen to information given by different experts in our fieldtrips or in our learning experiences planned. What are the possible ways of assessing student learning in the context of the lines of inquiry? What evidence will we look for? Line of inquiry: An inquiry into why and how people contribute individually within a team to achieve a goal. En la piscina y en el gimnasio los niños tendrán la oportunidad de realizar una tarea, con una meta por alcanzar, en grupos de tres personas, los cuales se establecerán espontáneamente. Terminada la tarea o el tiempo para realizarla el profesor los reunirá y realizará las siguientes preguntas: ¿Lograron la meta? ¿Qué les permitió alcanzarla o qué se los impidió? ¿Participaron todos? ¿Se dividieron el trabajo? ¿qué tuvieron en cuenta para hacerlo? ¿Cómo decidieron quién hacía qué? Y si salen otras preguntas entre los niños se resolverán. Strategy: Selected response Tool: checklist Line of inquiry: An inquiry into how some social insects divide the work to accomplish a goal. Children will match on a sheet of paper given, the ants with the corresponding workload. Strategy: Selected response Tool: Checklist 5. What resources need to be gathered? What people, places, audio-visual materials, related literature, music, art, computer software, etc. will be available? Guests: P.T.A. members Places: “Andoke” Environmental Park, El Molino bakery, La 14, grocery store, How will the classroom environment, local environment, and/or the community be used to facilitate the inquiry? It was a great opportunity to count with the possibility of going to the Molino, it was a great experience for the inquiry, besides they have already received our children for this Unit, so they had prepared themselves with such organised activities related to Individual Contribution and Teamwork. Andoke and La 14 have also contributed in such special way to our Inquiry, due to their preparation and organization towards our line of Inquiry and our Concepts. In our classroom environment we also provide the children with opportunities to work in small groups with a given task, which we modeled as “Goal” and “Teamwork”. At the end of the activities we reflect about them and about how successful the team was. If it was not, we analyze the situations and think of ways to improve them. When planning the rotations activity, teachers were open and volunteered themselves to lead the activities. Created: Latest Revision: What are the learning experiences suggested by the teacher and/or students to encourage the students to engage with the inquiries and address the driving questions? MEDIA: PRINTED, AUDIOVISUAL, INTERNET Inquiry at the library: Children will inquire in books individually about how social insects are organized to achieve a goal, by contributing individually to their team, they will also watch some videos about ants and bees. Children will draw and register their findings in their Unit notebooks. At the Domo, children will watch videos related to social insects (ants) and people working together in dance choreography. INTERVIEWS: EXPERTS Andoke: Children will inquire, observe, and register about how some social insects divide the work and built cooperative communities. They will write and draw their findings on their notebook. P.T.A.: Children will listen to a member of this organization and gain more facts about the importance of each individual’s contribution in order to reach a goal. Survey: Children will gather data about what people need to work together and will organize it on a bar graph. They will share what they learn from the experience. LA 14: Children will visit a grocery store to observe how people organise themselves within a team in order to accomplish a goal. This social organization offers the possibility for the children to inquire and observe how they are organised and how they work together to achieve their goal. Children will draw and write what they learnt about individual contribution in their Unit notebooks as a homework assignment OBSERVATION / EXPERIENCE: ACTIVE, HANDS-ON Swimming Challenge: En Educación Física estaremos realizando actividades o tareas donde los niños deberán ponerse de acuerdo, asumiendo diferentes roles según la situación y cumplir con éste para alcanzar la meta. Terminada ésta haremos una plenaria en la cual los estudiantes discutirán sus puntos de vista y harán preguntas teniendo en cuenta que cosas harían si tuviera la oportunidad de repetir y que si haría. El Molino trip: Children will experience how El Molino bakery plans and acts according to the community needs about their products. Children will be part of their team to accomplish a task given which consists of preparing a big order of their products for the CCB. They will see how each individual has a role to accomplish in their team and the importance of working together to accomplish their goal. Stations in the classrooms: Children will have the chance to rotate by 4 classrooms where we will be providing different learning experiences about our Concepts. The Ethics/Dance teacher, Language teacher, KA teacher and PE teachers will prepare a short speech about Individual Contribution, Teamwork and Goal and then from their areas, they will assign them a task, which will be analised at the end of each activity. As a homework assignment children will choose 2 of their favourite stations and explain what they learnt in each one. What opportunities will occur for transdisciplinary skills development and for the development of the attributes of the learner profile? Social Skills Taller de afectividad-Adopting a variety of group roles- La sicóloga leerá el cuento “Uno para todos y todos para uno” y generará un espacio de discusión para que los niños puedan compartir sus comprensiones y conclusiones acerca del texto. Teatro- Rol: se les asignará un rol dentro del equipo para representar los cuentos tradicionales (Los tres cerditos, Blancanieves…) Dance: Los niños realizarán conexión en el trabajo de creatividad, en la recreación de la ronda dónde el grupo realizará una secuencia de movimiento, teniendo como meta aportar un movimiento nuevo a la secuencia y llegar a consenso del órden de la misma. Communication Skills L1 – Speaking: giving oral reports to small and large groups. Los estudiantes se expresarán con oraciones que incluyan personajes, acciones y lugares respondiendo a las preguntas ¿quién es, qué hace (qué está/estaba haciendo), y dónde? Lo harán a través de variadas actividades tales como la mímica de personajes (personas o animales en acción) y el juego del espía. El estudiante de turno modelará una acción y los estudiantes deberán descubrirla expresándose con la siguiente estructura: Personaje estaba acción, en lugar. “Pablo estaba saltando lazo en el parque.”. Se exhortará a reunirse en grupos de 4 para acordar una acción que consideren como poco probable que los demás la presenten. ¿Cuáles serán las acciones más sorprendentes o divertidas o menos comunes? L1 - Speaking: expressing ideas clearly and logically. Los estudiantes harán predicciones acerca de resultados posibles cuando escuchan un texto narrativo leído en voz alta. Responderán a la pregunta: ¿Qué creen que pasará? ¿Por qué? Lo harán con la estructura: “Yo creo que … porque…”. También realizarán actos de lectura, describiendo carátulas y contracarátulas, inicialmente, de libros que pertenecen a una colección para encontrar similitudes y diferencias, y establecer relaciones entre ellas y el contenido interior de los libros. Finalmente, harán lo mismo, con libros que no pertenezcan a alguna colección. L2 – speaking. Expressing opinions. Children will use the structure ”I think, my opinion is…” to express their opinion. Self-Management Skills Time management – Children will understand that using time effectively and appropriately will help them reach a goal. Research Skills Maths -Organizing data- Children will start organizing the information gathered on the different surveys in bar graphs. Learner Profile ATTRIBUTES: Communicators, Children will show their communication skills when they share their findings during the concentric circles done after a homework assignment or when making discussions about the different concepts worked. Thinkers: Children will use their thinking skills in order to make agreements and solve possible difficulties when working together. ATTITUDES: Cooperation and integrity, during the tasks proposed by the teachers, children will have to show their cooperation and tolerance attitude when being able to listen to others ideas and when they are willing to take their share of the responsibility so the task and the goal is achieve. Printed 4/23/14 6. To what extend did we achieve our purpose? 7. To what extent did we include the elements of the PYP? Assess the outcome of the inquiry by providing evidence of students’ understanding of the central idea. The reflections of all teachers involved in the planning and teaching of the inquiry should be included. What were the learning experiences that enabled students to: A preguntarles a los niños sobre su aprendizaje, después de las salidas pedagógicas muchos de ellos mostraron tener claridad de la idea central y hablaron de la organización de los diferentes sitios y cómo todos tenían diferentes roles y cumplían con sus responsabilidades. Muchos de los niños intentaron redactar una idea central y estuvieron muy cerca de los esperado. En la clase de natación y PE, la mayoría de los niños relató la experiencia de trabajo en equipo al resolver una situación. In Kínder C, several children mentioned the importance of their Individual contribution for having a successful Assembly about Earth Day, especially when rehearsing their speeches. How you could improve on the assessment task(s) so that you would have a more accurate picture of each student’s understanding of the central idea. We consider the Performance Assessment was successful in relation to the Concepts we wanted to work on. Children were very excited when planning it and most of them did their individual contribution to achieve the goal they had planned. Unfortunately in one of the classrooms several children got sick during the week of the Performance Assessment and did not come to school, so it was kind of difficult to assess them and their teams, because the teachers could not see teamwork at the moment of the event they had chosen. We also think the rubric should be changed because the grading is not right. We should analise it and raise the level in each of the grades. What was the evidence that connections were made between the central idea and the transdisciplinary theme? As the Transdisciplinary Theme mentions the inquiry into the structure and function of organizations, we consider it is linked to our Central Idea because instead of talking about organisations we use the nouns “teams” or “groups of people” which are more related to our children´s ages. We also relate their function and structure with the success when achieving a goal through teamwork which is obtained with the contribution of each individual in the team. Created: Latest Revision: Develop an understanding of the concepts identified in “What do we want to learn?” Fieldtrip to El Molino: because it showed an evident teamwork and the individual contribution from each member to achieve the goal the y had. MEDIA: PRINTED, AUDIOVISUAL, INTERNET Inquiry at the library: Children always find interesting and productive to inquiry in the library, they could answer some of their own questions generated through the unit. INTERVIEWS: EXPERTS Pedagogical Trips: La 14: Children were able to conclude how people organize themselves and the importance of each member of the team´s individual contribution , so the team can reach the goals set. Interactive Presentations by experts P.T.A.: Children had an interactive presentation with an expert. They listened to a member of this organization and gained more facts about the importance of each individual’s contribution in order to reach a goal. SURVEY : OBSERVATION / EXPERIENCE: ACTIVE, HANDS-ON El Molino: en esta experiencia de aprendizaje los niños fueron contextualizados acerca de la importancia del trabajo en equipo y lo significativo de la contribución de cada individuo, para lograr la meta trazada. Posteriormente, vivenciaron todos estos conceptos al ser sumergidos en una interacción real al preparar y organizar el pedido especial que hizo el CCB. Swimming Challenge: En Educación Física estuvimos realizando actividades o tareas donde los niños debieron ponerse de acuerdo, asumiendo diferentes roles según la situación y cumplir con éste para alcanzar la meta. Terminada ésta nos hicimos preguntas, de las que están abajo mencionadas, como que no haría si tuviera la oportunidad de repetir y que si haría. Taller de afectividad : En esta actividad se generó un espacio de discusión en la cual los niños pudieron compartir sus comprensiones y conclusiones acerca del texto. Posteriormente, poner en práctica lo aprendido a través de un trabajo en equipo, definiendo roles, y estableciendo patrones para lograr cumplir con la meta asignada. Demonstrate the learning and application of particular transdisciplinary skills? SOCIAL SKILLS -Adopting a variety of group roles: Children reflected upon the idea of adopting a variety of group roles and how each one of us can either be a follower or a leader, depending on the circumstances. -Group decision making: children developed these skills during the different activities they had in Drama and Dance classes. They reinforced through the learning experiences concepts such as Individual Contribution, Teamwork and Goal. COMMUNICATION Skills: -Listening: Listening to information (L2) Children put into practice their listening abilities throughout the development of this unit, with different learning experiences such as fieldtrips, experts speeches and activities in the classrooms. Research Skills: -Organizing data on a bar graph . Children collected information related to the unit based on what people need to work together, after making their tally chart they organised the information on bar graph, then they shared their findings in half groups. Develop particular attributes of the learner profile and/or attitudes? PROFILE: Open minded: Some children showed this attribute during the Prior knowledge activity, where they were asked to build a castle with wooden blocks; most of them showed this attribute at the moment of the mentory, when planning their Performance Assessment, where they had to open to the perspectives and ideas of other individuals and accept them so that they could reach the goal set. THINKERS: Children applied thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach different situations in the classroom where they were asked to reach a goal, working as a team and giving everybody´s contribution to reach it; they also made reasoned, ethical decisions, when carrying these activities out. ATTITUDES: There were meaningful situations were children evidenced the attitude of cooperation; it was permanent during developing of the unit. It was great to see how clear they have it, some of them had problems in accepting others ideas and being tolerant with others. We think many of the children grew on these two attitudes. They showed them during the different interactions they had with others. And we still see the benefits of reinforcing them every day. Printed 4/23/14 8. What student-initiated inquiries arose from the learning? Record a range of student-initiated inquiries and student questions and highlight any that were incorporated into the teaching and learning. Students questions ¿Cómo logran hacer su trabajo las hormigas? ¿Cómo trabajan en equipo las hormigas? ¿Por qué es importante trabajar en equipo? ¿por qué favorece a las personas el trabajo en equipo? ¿Cómo hacen las personas para organizarse y trabajar juntas? ¿Qué tienen que saber las personas para trabajar en equipo? ¿Cómo se llega a la meta? ¿Cómo hacen las personas para organizarse y trabajar juntas? ¿Cómo respiran las hormigas ? 9. Teacher notes La visita a la panadería El Molino fue espectacular, pues proveyó de mucha comprensión de los conceptos planteados para desarrollar la actividad, en la cual los niños se involucraron totalmente, además, los dueños de la Panadería tomaron con gran seriedad y profesionalismo nuestra visita, ya que se prepararon de tal manera, que no hubo ningún momento de “desconexión”, todo el tiempo los niños estuvieron altamente involucrados y motivados en esta visita. Esta es una de las mejores unidades planteadas en este grado, por diferentes razones permite que los estudiantes construyan elementos que necesitan constantemente al interactuar con el otro, al jugar y al construir comunidad. Se debe seguir trabajando en la salida de la 14, pues contribuye a la construcción de los conceptos de la unidad y es llamativa para los niños. Teachers questions / provocations Why do we have to work in teams? How people organize themselves and what for? What is teamwork? Why is it important to have everybody’s contribution? How social insects organize themselves? What are the benefits of teamwork? What student–initiated actions arose from the learning? José David from KC said to his brother who was pasting the stickers of the World Cup album: Ey, bro, that is not teamwork, if you do it by yourself it will take longer, but if we do it together it will take shorter and each of us will be individually contributing to it” José David, from KC also said to his family when they were at Karen´s pizza: Ey mum and dad, this really shows teamwork, look at this delicious pizza, if they were not working as a team, we would not be able to eat it. Gabriela de 6 años, comenta que el señor que limpia la piscina en su casa no hizo el pasado domingo su contribución individual por que no había limpiado la piscina cuando ella se levantó, entonces ella decidió hacer sus contribución individual y empezó a limpiarla. Esta vez se mejoró la salida pedagógica a Andoke las estaciones de trabajo se organizaron de tal manera que pudiéramos ver más claramente el hormiguero. El trabajo de las abejas por parte del experto fue llamativo y motivante, esta experiencia fue recordada por los niños durante toda la unidad, lo que permitió recordar los conceptos constantemente. Español: La primera mitad de esta unidad, se desarrolló alrededor de la habilidad: Speaking: giving oral reports to small and large groups, tal como había ocurrido en el año escolar 11-12. Con el transcurso del tiempo, el equipo de planeación, se dio cuenta que para el Performance Assessment era más acertado desarrollar: Speaking: expressing ideas clearly and logically. Así se hizo en la segunda mitad de la unidad. Debemos darle una mirada más profunda a la matriz de evaluación, ya que sentimos que no fue lo suficientemente exigente o no fue enfocada a lo que en realidad pretendíamos. Created: Latest Revision: Printed 4/23/14