Documento Interno
Documento Interno
Servicio Extenda Oportunidades de Proyectos y Licitaciones Internacionales y Multilaterales KENYA Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Sevilla, Tomo 2.543 de Sociedades, folio 217 vtº, hoja nº SE-6.346, Inscripción 31º Sevilla 10.04.2003 – C.I.F. A/41147596 National Urban Transport Improvement Project (NUTRIP) Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study, Preliminary and Detailed Engineering Design, Environmental and Social Impact Study and Tender Documentation Project ID: P126321 Borrower/Bid No: KURA/WB/EOI/HQ/274/2014-2015 Country: Kenya Project Title: National Urban Transport Improvement Project (NUTRIP) Credit No: 5140-KE Project ID: 126321 Contract Title: Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study, Preliminary and Detailed Engineering Design, Environmental and Social Impact Study and Tender Documentation. Tender NO: KURA/WB/EOI/HQ/274/2014-2015 1. This request for expressions of interest follows the General Procurement Notice for this project that appeared in the 'UN Development Business of 3rd May, 2012. 2. The Government of Kenya has received a credit from the International Development Association (IDA) to meet the cost of the National Urban Transport Improvement Project (NUTRIP), and intends to apply part of the proceeds of the credit towards eligible payments under the contract for Consultancy Services. NOTA IMPORTANTE: Únicamente podrán solicitar ampliación de las oportunidades de negocio listadas las empresas andaluzas y dadas de alta en la base de datos de Extenda que sean productoras o prestadoras del servicio demandado. En ningún caso podrá facilitarse la información a intermediarios, consultoras de comercio exterior o empresas dedicadas a actividades o productos distintos de los demandados. Por favor, absténganse de solicitar ampliación de información en caso de no cumplir con los requisitos antes dichos. 3. The services will include, inter-alia: Feasibility Study, Preliminary and Detailed Engineering Design, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study and Tender Documentation for:i) BOMET AND KERICHO BY PASS AND LINK ROADS WITHIN BOMET TOWN IN BOMET COUNTY AND MISSING LINKS WITHIN KERICHO TOWN IN KERICHO COUNTY. ii) SUNEKA – KIOGORO BY PASS, KIOGORO – KEGATI BY PASS, NYAKOE – KEGATI BY PASS, SUNEKA – NYAKOE BY PASS AND MAJOR LINK ROADS WITHIN KISII TOWN IN KISII AND NYAMIRA COUNTY. Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Sevilla, Tomo 2.543 de Sociedades, folio 217 vtº, hoja nº SE-6.346, Inscripción 31º Sevilla 10.04.2003 – C.I.F. A/41147596 The assignment is estimated to take 18 months. 4. The Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA), a State Corporation under the Ministry of Roads established under the Kenya Roads Act, 2007, which shall be the Implementing Agency, now invites eligible consulting firms to indicate their interest in providing these services. Applicants must provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the consultancy services (brochures of the firm's profile which include company organization, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions and availability of appropriate skills among staff etc.). 5. The attention of interested Consultants is dran to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants [under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants] by World Bank Borrowers published in January 2011("Consultant Guidelines"), setting forth the World Bank's policy on conflict of interest. 6. A consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) procedures set out in the Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants [under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants] by World Bank Borrowers published in January 2011. 7. Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or as a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications. NOTA IMPORTANTE: Únicamente podrán solicitar ampliación de las oportunidades de negocio listadas las empresas andaluzas y dadas de alta en la base de datos de Extenda que sean productoras o prestadoras del servicio demandado. En ningún caso podrá facilitarse la información a intermediarios, consultoras de comercio exterior o empresas dedicadas a actividades o productos distintos de los demandados. Por favor, absténganse de solicitar ampliación de información en caso de no cumplir con los requisitos antes dichos. 8. Further information may be obtained from the address below during weekdays (Mondays to Fridays from 0800 to 1700 hours local time excluding lunch hour between 1300 to 1400hours), excluding public holidays. Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Sevilla, Tomo 2.543 de Sociedades, folio 217 vtº, hoja nº SE-6.346, Inscripción 31º Sevilla 10.04.2003 – C.I.F. A/41147596 9. Expressions of interest in written form must be submitted in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked as below: i) Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study, Preliminary and Detailed Engineering Design, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study and Tender Documentation of:- Bomet and Kericho By Pass and link roads within Bomet Town in Bomet County and missing links within Kericho Town in Kericho County ii) Suneka – Kiogoro By Pass, Kiogoro – Kegati By Pass, Nyakoe – Kegati By Pass, Suneka – Nyakoe By Pass and major link roads within Kisii Town in Kisii And Nyamira County 10. Expressions of Interest may be sent by post, courier or hand-delivered so as to be received at the address below not later than 1100 hours local time on 22nd April 2015. Secretary/Tender Committee Kenya Urban Roads Authority IKM Place, 3rd Floor, 5th Ngong Avenue 1st Floor, Procurement Office P.O. Box 41727-00100, NAIROBI, KENYA. 11. Electronic submissions of expressions of Interest are not permitted. 12. Further information may be obtained from the address below: Attention: Project Implementation Team Leader (NUTRIP) Kenya Urban Roads Authority IKM Place, 5th Ngong Avenue Floor/Room Number: Second Floor NAIROBI, KENYA Telephone: +254 20 8013844+254 20 8013844 Fax No. 020 2722222 E-mail addresses: (1) [email protected] (2) [email protected] NOTA IMPORTANTE: Únicamente podrán solicitar ampliación de las oportunidades de negocio listadas las empresas andaluzas y dadas de alta en la base de datos de Extenda que sean productoras o prestadoras del servicio demandado. En ningún caso podrá facilitarse la información a intermediarios, consultoras de comercio exterior o empresas dedicadas a actividades o productos distintos de los demandados. Por favor, absténganse de solicitar ampliación de información en caso de no cumplir con los requisitos antes dichos. No dude en contactarnos si necesita información sobre cómo afrontar esta licitación o sobre cualquier proyecto o licitación internacional y multilateral en marcha o en preparación, así como información sobre empresas que hayan desarrollado proyectos similares que puedan ser posibles socios. Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Sevilla, Tomo 2.543 de Sociedades, folio 217 vtº, hoja nº SE-6.346, Inscripción 31º Sevilla 10.04.2003 – C.I.F. A/41147596 División de Información y Formación EXTENDA - Agencia Andaluza de Promoción Exterior Contacto: Luis González Romero [email protected] 1 Extenda únicamente pone en contacto a demandante y oferente del producto o servicio, no teniendo mayor intervención en la posterior relación contractual que pudiese generarse entre las partes. NOTA IMPORTANTE: Únicamente podrán solicitar ampliación de las oportunidades de negocio listadas las empresas andaluzas y dadas de alta en la base de datos de Extenda que sean productoras o prestadoras del servicio demandado. En ningún caso podrá facilitarse la información a intermediarios, consultoras de comercio exterior o empresas dedicadas a actividades o productos distintos de los demandados. Por favor, absténganse de solicitar ampliación de información en caso de no cumplir con los requisitos antes dichos.