St. Therese


St. Therese
Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral
Rev. William Hoffman - Pastor
Rev. Mr. Tony Abts - Deacon
Sr. Mary Jane Knitter, SSJ-TOSF - Musician
Carlos Herrera - Hispanic Ministry
Parish Office Staff / Personal de Oficina
213 E. Wisconsin Avenue • Appleton, WI 54911 -4875
Maria Shaffer-Business Manager
Chris Armstrong -Receptionist / Secretary
December 11, 2011
Third Sunday of Advent
Telephone / Teléfono
Office / Oficina................................. 733-8568
Carlos Herrera................................... 739-0794
Fax ........................................................ 954-5727
Office Hours / Horas de Oficina
Mon - Thur / lunes a jueves 8:00am-4:30 pm
Fri / viernes ................... 8:00 am-12:30 pm
Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas
Sat - sáb /Confessions/Confesiones 3:15-3:45 pm
Saturday ................................................4:00 pm
sábado .................................................... 5:30 pm
Sunday ................................................... 9:00 am
domingo .......................... 11:00 am y 7:00 pm
Tue - Fri / martes a viernes .......... 8:00 am
1st Thu * Adoration ...... 8:30 am -7:00 pm
1° jueves * Hora Santa & Misa .. 6:00 pm
man named John was sent from God. He came for testimony, to testify to the light, so that all might believe
through him. He was not the light, but came to testify to the
- Jn 1:6-8
ubo un hombre enviado por Dios, que se llamaba Juan.
Este vino como testigo, para dar testimonio de la luz,
para que todos creyeran por medio de él. El no era la luz, sino
testigo de la luz.
- Jn 1, 6-8
Mission Statement
St. Therese Congregation is committed to: creating a deeper
faith commitment to Christian prayer, worship, and
formation; promoting lay involvement and leadership; and
serving the alienated and poor.
Misión Parroquial
La Congregación de Santa Teresa esta comprometida a: crear
un compromiso de fe profunda en Cristo en oración, liturgia,
y formación; promoviendo la participación y liderazgo de
laicos; y sirviendo al pobre y desamparado.
Welcome to St. Therese Parish · Appleton, WI
“Padre Bill”
Tonantzin Guadalupe
“Tonantzin” in Nahuatl for “our mother”. The narration
and tradition of Guadalupe incarnates the traditional values of
the indigenous peoples of the Americas. A Mexican anthropologist described these values as “the meat and the body and
blood of the message” of Guadalupe.
The Nican Mophua is the Nahuatl account of our
Blessed Mother’s appearance in Tepeya, Mexico in
1531. She spoke to Juan Diego: “Know and understand,
you the dearest of my children, that I am the ever holy
Virgin Mary, Mother of the true God through whom one
lives, Mother of the Creator of heaven and earth. I have a
living desire that there be built a temple, so that in it I can
show and give forth all my love, compassion, help, and
defense, because I am your loving mother: to you, all
who are with you, to all the inhabitants of this land and to
all who love me, call upon me, and trust in me. I will
hear their lamentations and will remedy all their miseries, pains
and sufferings.”
There is a popular saying in Mexico that “not everyone is
Catholic but everyone is Guadalupana.” Tonantzin Guadalupe
represents a familial and relational component in MexicanAmerican life. She identifies herself as their mother, and they
are all brothers and sisters to each other. Our Blessed Mother
also takes a central role regarding the vital necessities of life:
food, shelter, safety and concern for family. Her image is everywhere, and the touching, the processions and prayers are
manifestations of a deep intimacy guided by affect. The symbols must be held, experienced and received … flowers, music,
the sun ..and they give a reason to hope and to live.
Bishop Eduardo Pironio (of Argentina)
“Today we pray to you for Latin America -- the continent
that you visit with your bare feet – yet offering the richness of
the Child you carry in your arms. A poor child, who makes us
rich, -- An enslaved child, who sets us free. Virgin of hope: An
awakened America.
We want to journey forth in hope. Mother of the poor, there
is much misery among us. Material bread is lacking in many
homes ….. You know the poverty; you lived it. Give us the
soul of the poor in order to be happy. But alleviate the misery
of the bodies and tear out from the hearts of so many that selfishness that impoverishes. Amen.”
Tonantzin Guadalupe
“Tonantzin” significa “nuestra madre” en Nahuatl. La
narración y tradición de Guadalupe encarna los valores
tradicionales de los indígenas de las Américas. Un
antropóloga mexicana describió esos valores como “la carne
y el cuerpo y la sangre del mensaje” de Guadalupe.
El Nican Mophua es el relato Nahuatl de la
aparición de Nuestra Madre Santísima en Tepeyac,
México en 1531. Ella habló a Juan Diego: “Sepas y
entiendas, tú, la más querida de mis hijos, que yo soy
la siempre santa Virgen María, Madre del Dios
verdadero por quien todo vive, Madre del Creador
del cielo y la tierra. Tengo un deseo vivo que se
construya un templo, para que en él yo puedo enseñar
y dar todo mi amor, compasión, ayuda, y defensa,
porque soy tu madre: a ti, a todos que están contigo, a
todos los habitantes de esta tierra y a todos quienes
me aman, me llaman, y confían en mí. Yo escucharé sus
lamentos y remediaré sus miserias, dolores y sufrimientos.”
Hay un dicho popular en México que “no todos son
católicos pero sí todos son guadalupanos.” Tonantzin
Guadalupe representa un componente familiar y relacional
en la vida Mexicana-Americana. Ella se identifica como su
madre, y que todos son hermanos, uno con el otro. Nuestra
Madre Santísima también asume un papel en las
necesidades vitales: comida, hospedaje, seguridad y cuidado
de la familia. Su imagen está en todas partes, y el tocarla y
las procesiones y oraciones manifiestan una intimidad
guiada por el afecto. Los símbolos tienen que ser llevados
en la mano, experimentado y recibido … flores, música, el
sol … y dan razón a esperar y a vivir.
Mons. Eduardo Pironio (de Argentina)
“Hoy rezamos por ti, América Latina – el continente
que visitaste con los pies descalzos – ofreciendo la riqueza
del Niño que llevaba en sus brazos. Un niño pobre, que nos
hace ricos – un niño esclavizado, quien nos hace libres.
Virgen de esperanza: Un América despierta.
Queremos caminar con esperanza. Madre de los
pobres, hay mucha miseria entre nosotros. El pan falta en
muchas casas …. Tú conoces la pobreza; tú la vivió. Danos
el espíritu del pobre para ser felices. Pero alivia la miseria
de nuestros cuerpos y saca el egoísmo de muchos corazones
que nos crea pobres. Amén.”
During your earthly life this spiritually adopted child of yours
will be known only to God but in the world to come it is hoped
that you will meet the child whose life was spared
by your prayers and spend eternity with them.
Durante su vida terrena estenifro espiritualmente adoptado
por usted será conocido solopor Dios pero en el mundo que
viene se espera que ustedpueda conocer a este nifro
cuya vida fue salvada por susoraciones y que pase una
alegria eterna con ellos.
Third Sunday of Advent ·● December 11, 2011
Actividades Ministerio Hispano
ESTUDIO DE BIBLIA impartido por el Padre
Bill, los Sábados a las 8 am en el Salón de la
familia. ¡Venga a aprender más de nuestra
Actividades los Sábados: 1.-Rosario por la Paz
y Justicia a los inmigrantes a las 5 pm. 2.
Grupo de Oración a las 6:30 pm. 3. Grupo
de Jóvenes y Confirmación a las 6:30 pm.
Grupo de la Divina Misericordia. Se reúne los viernes a las 7 pm
en el Salón de la familia.
Misa Lunes 12 de Diciembre. Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 6 pm.
en la Iglesia.
POSADAS navideñas. Favor de apuntarse en la lista de la entrada.
Del 16 al 24 de Diciembre. Pedimos que sean dos familias por
día para tener los dulces, bebidas y panecillos para compartir.
Que el niño Jesús se los pague.
MISAS NAVIDAD: Sábado 24 de Diciembre a las 7 pm seguido
con el arrullo del niño Jesús. Domingo 25 Misa a las 11 am. No
habrá Misa a las 7 pm.
Ministerio Sta. Elizabeth. Se recordará y se unirán en oración con
las familias que pasen momentos difíciles con relación a
nacimientos. Llamar a Reyna García al 920-257-3465. Es parte
del ministerio de Cuidado Pastoral de nuestra parroquia.
Clases de Guitarra. Todos los Domingos después de Misa. Manuel
González. 1-414-739-4886
Hispanic Ministry Spanish.
BIBLE STUDY. Family Room at 8 am in Spanish.
ROSARY FOR THE PEACE AND JUSTICE FOR THE IMMIGRANTS. Every Saturday at 5 pm. Youth Group at 6:30 pm
at conference room Charismatic Group Saturdays at 6:30 pm.
Divine Mercy Group. Meets every Friday at 7 pm.
POSADAS. Christmas eves. Starting December 16th at
6 pm in Church.
Guitar Classes. Every Sunday after 11 am mass. Contact Manuel
González at 1-414-739-4886
Transforming the World through Reverence
Consider coming to Monte Alverno Retreat & Spirituality Center,
Appleton, WI: a sacred place where people find God in a quiet and
prayerful atmosphere. Weekend, mid-week and one day retreats are
offered on the 2012 theme of “Transforming the World through
Reverence: Meeting Life with a Franciscan Outlook” as well as other
special retreats. Private times for reflection can also be scheduled.
Contact Monte Alverno, 920-733-8526 or email
[email protected] for dates. Information is also on our website, God is always here for you.
INSPIRE! A Bible Study for Young Adult Catholics!
Monday, December 19th at Mount Tabor Center, Menasha from 6:00-7:15pm will provide young adults
between 18 and 30ish and evening to share and know
more about about your faith. Come and get to know
Jesus in the Bible and discover how He is calling you.
Evening topic: Heaven: Are You Worthy? No registration is required. Questions, please call 722-8918.
Baptism / Bautizo
Congratulations /Bautizados:
Adrian Perez
Banns of Marriage /Amonestaciones Matrimoniales
Bann III-Ryan Skiba & Stephanie Ruedy
St. Therese / Santa Teresita 2011
Wedding Anniversaries / Aniversarios de Matrimonio
Raul & Maria Gutierrez
Jose & Yessica Patino
Luis & Andrea Giraldo
Carlos & Maria Quinones
Jesus & Chandra Sierra
Jose & Maria Vargas
Miguel & Estela Ortega
9 Yrs.
3 Yrs.
9 Yrs.
15 Yrs.
5 Yrs.
17 Yrs.
21 Yrs.
Welcome / Bienvenidos
Lloyd & Carlarae VanGrinsven
Catholic Youth Evangelizer
We are seeking passionate Catholics, 21-29 years of
age, who want to ignite the faith of thousands of
young Catholics! Mount Tabor Center is currently
accepting applications for SPIRITUS, our vibrant
evangelization team. Team members serve for 9
months, live in community and travel to schools and
parishes throughout Wisconsin giving retreats and
programs to inspire Catholic youth in grades 3-12.
Team members receive training, spiritual direction,
lodging, food, a monthly allowance, health insurance
and a $2,000 stipend upon completion of the 9-month
program. For current students, SPIRITUS can
qualify as an internship, giving you the added benefit
of earning college credit for your service. SPIRITUS
team members learn valuable skills, deepen their
faith, take confidence in leadership roles, and discern
future callings, all with the support of our entire faith
community. This is an awesome opportunity to serve
our Lord and help young Catholics grow in faith! The
only requirement is love for God and the Catholic
faith! We provide the required VIRTUS Training
(Protecting God’s Children) and assist you with a
Diocesan application which includes references
and a background check.
Mount Tabor Center is a professionally-staffed youth
retreat center. Our mission is to inspire young Catholics as disciples of Jesus so they will spread the Gospel and renew the Church! For more information and
an application, visit or contact Eden Foord, Director, at [email protected] or (920) 722-8918.
St. Therese Parish
Stewardship / Colecta
“How shall I make a return to the Lord
for all the good He has done for me?”
Collection / Colecta Date ......................................... $7,284.49
YTD / Año................................................................... $125,547.03
Budgeted / Presupuestado.................................... $132,722.29
Candles................................................................................... $69.15
St. Joe’s Food Pantry......................................................... $30.00
Bishop’s Appeal ................................................................ $452.18
Christmas Flowers......................................................... $604.00
Office Holiday Hours:
Friday, December 23, 2010 Office closed at 12 PM.
Monday, December 26, 2010 Office closed all day.
Friday, December 30, 2010 Office closed at 12 PM.
Monday, January 2, 2011 Office closed all day.
The last date for St. Therese contributions for 2011
must be in the Parish Office by 12:00 noon, Friday,
December 30, 2011. Contributions put into the
collection basket Jan. 1st, 2012 or put in the mailbox
of St. Therese Parish Office on January 1, 2012
will be considered for 2012 contributions
regardless of the date of the check.
Your box of “2012 Contribution Envelopes”
are available for pick up at the back of church.
Minister Schedule / Horario para los Ministros
12 / 17 & 18, 2011
4:00 pm
9:00 am
5:30 pm
11:00 am
Jean N. / Laura B.
Barb H. / Tom K. / Melody R. / Tony A.
Courtney R. / Molly B.
Richard / Robert / John / Kathy / Eleanor
Mary B. / Sarah B.
Anne L. / Kathy R. / Lynn B. / Tony A.
Emson E. / Gregory E. / Francis O.
David / James / Bill / Kevin / Sara
Martha F. / Rosalba L. / Maria L.
Alejandro F. / Daniel F.
Macario / Cruz / Gisel / Juan
Juana V. / Ernesto G. / Maricela L.
Martha / Juana / Eulalia / Ernesto / Ramona
Marisol M. / Lizette M. / Tania H.
Appleton, WI
The Week Ahead / Esta Semana
Monday, 12/12
Virgin of Guadalupe
6:00 pm ...........................................................................................................Misa
6:30 pm ................................................................. Handbell Practice / UCR
Tuesday, 12/13
8:00 am Mass .............................................................. Tomasa Pastran
6:30 pm .........................................................Worship Committee / CR
6:30 pm .....................................................St. Vincent de Paul / Lounge
7:30 pm ............................................................Divina Misericordia / FR
Wednesday, 12/14
8:00 am Mass .......................................... Deceased Members of the
............................................................................. Harold Krueger Family
6:00 pm ....................................................................... Hispanic REP / CC
6:15 pm ............................................ English REP @ St. Thomas More
6:30 pm ............................................. REP Dinner w/ Holy spirit / AC
Thursday, 12/15
8:00 am Mass .......................................................Omie Therese Lewi
8:30-9:30 am...................................................English Bible Study / CR
6:30 pm .....................................................................Choir Practice / Loft
Friday, 12/16
8:00 am Mass ...................................................................... Mary Burke
6:00 pm .............................................................................................. Posadas
7:00 pm ............................................................Divina Misericordia / FR
Saturday, 12/17
8:00 am...................................................................... Estudio Bíblico / FR
9:00 am.............................................................................................VIA / CR
1:00 pm ......................Wedding / Ryan Skiba & Stephanie Ruedy
4:00 pm ....................................................................... Hispanic REP / CC
4:00 pm Mass.......................... Richard, Ethel & Patrick Latimer
5:00 pm ................................................... Rosario por la Paz y Justicia
..........................................................................................a los inmigrantes
5:30 pm Misa................................................................................................ 
6:30 pm .............................................................................................. Posadas
6:30 pm ................................................................Grupo de Jóvenes / CC
Sunday, 12/18
Fourth Sunday of Advent
9:00 am Mass .......................................Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Toonen
10:00 am......................................................................................... RCIA / CR
11:00 am Misa................................................................................................ 
12:00 pm...............................................Decorate Church (trees)
12:00 pm .................................................................Senior Card Club / FR
6:00 pm .............................................................................................. Posadas
7:00 pm Misa ..................... La Comunidad de Santa Teresita
Please sign up in the Sacristy or Ushers room for the
special holiday masses.
The next meeting will be a potluck supper at 6 pm
on Monday, December 12th, at St Pius X Parish. Please bring a
dish to pass, and a non-perishable food item for the St. Joe’s Food
Pantry. There will be entertainment. Guests are welcome.
Misas de Navidad y Año Nuevo
+ Favor de notar que no habrá
Misa a las 7:00 p.m. el domingo 25 de diciembre
y el domingo °1 de enero.
There will be no 7 pm Spanish Mass on either
Dec. 25th or Jan. 1st.