April 17, 2016


April 17, 2016
Christ the King Catholic Community
A Roman Catholic Parish
of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Vegas
4925 S. Torrey Pines Drive, Las Vegas NV; 89118 www.ctklv.org ~
(702) 871-1904 ~ Fax: (702) 251-4935
April 17, 2016 ~ Fourth Sunday of Easter
Today’s Readings
First Reading —
The Jews angrily
reject Paul and
preaching. They
then turn their
energies to the
Gentiles (Acts
13:14, 43-52).
Psalm — We are
his people, the
sheep of his flock
(Psalm 100).
Second Reading
— John envisions a
great white-robed
multitude standing
before the throne
and before the
Lamb. (Revelation
7:9, 14b-17).
Gospel — My
sheep hear my
voice; they follow
me. I give them
eternal life (John
4:00 pm
7:30, 9:30,11:30 am,
1:30 pm (Misa en Español)
4:00 pm
Mon - Sat ~ 8:00 am
8:00 am and 7:00 pm
In Christian art, the earliest
depictions of Jesus Christ were not
of his crucifixion or of his
resurrection. The first known
renderings of Jesus show him as
the Good Shepherd, the image put
before us in today’s readings. In
the Gospel passage Jesus reveals
that he is the shepherd and his
followers are his “flock.”
In the first and second readings,
we are told more about the flock.
The passage from Acts assures us that both Jews and Gentiles are
called to follow Jesus. It is faith, not birthright, that makes us part of the
company of believers. In the passage from the book of Revelation we
learn that the flock that follows this Lamb of God will also be washed in
his blood. They will endure a time of trial before they enjoy eternal life.
Be assured of the promise, we are told, but know there is a price to be
En el arte cristiano, las primeras imágenes de Jesucristo no fueron
de su crucifixión ni de su resurrección. Fueron de Jesús como el Buen
Pastor, tal como nos lo presentan las lecturas de hoy. En el pasaje
evangélico Jesús se nos revela como el pastor y sus seguidores son
su “rebaño”.
La primera y la segunda lecturas nos cuentan un poco más sobre el
rebaño. El pasaje de los Hechos nos asegura que tanto los judíos
como los gentiles están llamados a seguir a Jesús. Es la fe, no el
derecho de cuna, lo que nos permite pertenecer a la comunidad de
creyentes. En el pasaje del libro del Apocalipsis, aprendemos que el
rebaño que le sigue a este Cordero de Dios será también purificado en
su sangre. Tendrán que sobrellevar un tiempo de prueba antes de
gozar de la vida eterna. Estén seguros de la promesa, nos avisa, pero
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
sepan que hay un precio que pagar.
Sunday Collection April 9/10/2016
Necessary weekly budgeted amount
Plus/Minus amount for this week
$ 823.04
$ 7,083.96
Debt Owed to Diocese
Debt Reduction-This Week $1,329. Total $ 88,574.00
If you have an envelope #
please write it on your check.
Thank you for your generosity!
If you want the name of your loved ones to be read aloud
during mass or written in our weekly bulletin it must be
turned in to the front desk
at least two weeks in advance.
8:00 am
4:00 pm
April 16
†Felipe Co
Pomas Co (Thanksgiving Mass)
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
1:30 pm
4:00 pm
April 17
†Alma Delia Rizo Romero
†Norbert Milanowski
People of the Parish
Santiago Rodriguez
†Eduardo Bojador
8:00 am
April 18
†John Bolino
8:00 am
April 19
†Rosa Malicay
8:00 am
April 20
†Filomeno Omapas
8:00 am
April 21
Anita Nweton
8:00 am
8:00 am
4:00 pm
April 22
†Kristen Tuason
April 23
†Dale Wolfram
†Marcelino Bautista
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
1:30 pm
4:00 pm
April 24
†Michael Sales
†Josephine Lonardo
†Recca Noelle Monte
†Jesus & Maria Patino
†Carson Jackson
Daily Bible Readings
Monday, April 18: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4;
John 10:11-18
Tuesday, April 19: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7;
John 10:22-30
Wednesday, April 20: Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps
67:2-3, 5-6, 8; John 12:44-50
Thursday, April 21: Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89:2-3, 2122, 25, 27; John 13:16-20
Friday, April 22: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab;
John 14:1-6
Saturday, April 23: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4;
John 14:7-14
Sunday, April 24: Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145:8-13;
Revelation 21:1-5a; John 13:31-33a, 34-35
Prayer List
Join us in Community Prayer for parishioners and their
family members who are seriously ill. If you or your immediate
family member is seriously ill and would like to be added to our prayer list
please e-mail the name to [email protected] or call the office at 871-1904.
Manuel S. Alba
Coral Aponte
Darlene Blanchard
Carmen Bonilla
Maritess R. Boribon
Anthony Brasich
Pat Bremer
Peggy Bremer
Jacqueline T. Cagampang
Angelie A. Canto
Jose & Cora Canto
Mike Carran
Julie Ceccarelli
James Celestino
Cathy Checkler
Mike Chilton
Eleanor Constantino
Barbara Corrales
Leo Coughlin
Rogelio Delarosa
Rosita Delarosa
Vernon Dickinson
Carol Flynn Donahue
Juan Enriquez
Sam Falbo
Alex Florencio
David Flores
Bob Foti
Mary Fulton
Emma Jane Garcia
Heidi Gatacha Lian
Maria Gerlacforgione
Fred Gavitt
Maureen Hart
Doreen Hasselman
Adrian Herrera
Pat Holbury
Ellie Hunsberger
Cathy Janis
Tammy Janis
Alyssa Jones
Renato Judalena
Mel Kleinschmit
Maria Gladio LaGadia
Bob LaPorte
Mary LaSalle
Carla Lawler
Mary LaSalle
Terri Lehner
Julian Leos, Jr.
Grace Leva
Rebecca Luivcek
Michael Lorenzo
Tex Luminarias
Julia Mango
Isabelle Mann
Kerry Mann
Patricia Manning
Brittany Marshall
Steven Marshall
Hortensia Garcia Mesta
Robert Milianta
Bernadette Morley
Amilita Morrison
Annie Nelson
George B Noyes
Logan Noyes
John O’Connor
Cooper Owen
Mary Perrin
Rita Phillips
Noel Pineda
Amber Pinna
Patricia Pinna
William Pinna
Perla A. Pinuela
Romeo Pulido
Rudy Regala
Billy Ramirez
Minda Ramirez
Joseph Reynolds
Mary Ricciardi
Richie Rivera
Ramon Rodriguez
Remedios Rodriguez
Sidney L. Rollins
Liam Rooney
Angelo Runco
Christina Runco
Pacita Sabanal
Fe Sales
Cheyenne Scott
Andrea Sevilla
Erena Ellen Sedge
Milana Staklef
Debby Taber
Phil Taber
Tom Thorne Jr.
Clinton Toole
Rolando Oscar Torres
Marcela Tumang
Ava Urrea
Marco Vidauri II
Geno Wiczek
Rebecca Wicvzek
A Word from Fr. Ray
My dear friends,
Una Palabra de P. Ray
Mis queridos amigos,
Nuestra colecta del domingo está cayendo de semana
a semana, y realmente necesitamos asegurarnos de
que la mantengamos cerca del rango de $ 20.000 por
semana. Hemos estado $4,000 a $5,000 cortos de este
objetivo cada semana. Continuamente estamos
atrasados y con las próximas utilidades de verano se va
a exacerbar nuestras finanzas ya débiles. La mayoría
de las parroquias se basan en las Colecciones de
Navidad y Pascua para aumentar sus ingresos y / o el
flujo de caja. La colección este pasado Pascua fue de
aproximadamente $5,000 menos que la Pascua del
2015. Por favor tome nota que las contribuciones a CTK
se pueden hacer a través de nuestro enlace digital con
un simple clic en el sitio de CTK, y vamos a añadir un
enlace para la reducción de la deuda también. Esta
tecnología es una gran opción cuando uno está fuera de
la ciudad o no puede asistir a la misa en un
determinado domingo. Sólo tienes que pulsar sobre el
enlace y su contribución va directamente a la cuenta de
CTK. Compruébelo usted mismo en nuestro sitio web
que es: CTKLV.org
Ya hemos terminado el primer trimestre ya que
We have already ended the first quarter since we
comenzamos el nuevo CSA para 2016 y sólo hemos
have started the new CSA for 2016 and we have
firmado compromisos por cerca de 150 familias hasta el
only signed up pledges for about 150 families as of
domingo pasado. Por favor, hagan una promesa, no
last Sunday. Please make a pledge no matter how
importa cuán grande o pequeña. Necesitamos un
large or small. We need a minimum of 400 to 500
mínimo de 400 a 500 familias para participar, y si
families to participate, and if we got 500 families to
llegamos a 500 familias para inscribirse, quiza
sign up, we would probably more than meet the
probablemente podemos cumplir con la cuota de la
assessment of which we would get back residuals
from the diocese. Be sure to pick up your envelopes cuales que se pueden conseguir de nuevo residuos de
la diócesis. Asegúrese de recoger sus sobres para
to participate with the CSA 2016 campaign at the
participar en la campaña de CSA 2016 en el centro de
information center after the Sunday Masses or during
información después de las misas de los domingos o
the business hours at the parish office.
durante las horas de oficina en la Oficina Parroquial.
A partir del primer domingo de Mayo, voy a hacer un
Starting the first Sunday in May, I will make an
llamamiento a todas las misas dominicales para nuestra
appeal at all Sunday Masses for our CSA Campaign. Campaña de CSA. Tengan en cuenta que esta
Please note that this campaign is voluntary for our
campaña es voluntaria para nuestros feligreses con
parishioners but mandatory for the parish to meet the carácter obligatorio para la parroquia para cumplir con la
assessment that is given to each parish in our
cuota que se le da a cada parroquia en nuestra
diocese. I realize that this is tax season and many of diócesis. Estoy consciente de que esta es la temporada
us are having difficulties in meeting our everyday
de impuestos y muchos de nosotros estamos teniendo
expenses. That said, it does not change the needs
dificultades para cumplir con nuestros gastos diarios;
Dicho esto, no cambia las necesidades de nuestras
of our finances to operate CTK, neither does it
finanzas para operar CTK, ni tampoco cambia nuestras
change our fiscal obligations to the diocese. It is
imperative not to reduce your regular donation to the obligaciones fiscales a la diócesis. Es imperativo que no
1st collection to donate to the CSA Campaign and/or se reduzca su donación regular para la 1ª colección
para donar a la Campaña CSA y / o la colección
the “Debt Reduction” collection, as this will severely
affect our income for paying out our expenses every "reducción de la deuda", ya que esto afectará
gravemente nuestros ingresos para pagar nuestros
gastos cada mes.
On behalf of the staff and myself, I humbly thank you En nombre del personal y yo, humildemente gracias a
todos por su generosidad firme a CTK y su cariñoso
all for your steadfast generosity to CTK and your
loving support.
Our Sunday collection is dropping week to week,
and we really need to make sure that we stay as
close to the $20,000 range per week as we possibly
can. We’ve been $4000 to $5000 shy of that goal
every week. Continuously falling behind with the
upcoming summer utilities will exacerbate our
already weak finances. Most parishes rely on the
Christmas and Easter Collections to boost their
income and/or cash flow. This past Easter’s
Collection was approximately $5000 less than Easter
of 2015. Please make note that contributions to CTK
can be arranged through our digital link with a simple
click on CTK website, and we will be adding a link for
the Debt Reduction as well. This technology is a
great option when you’re out of town or cannot make
it to Mass on a given Sunday. You just click on the
link and your contribution goes directly into our
accounts. Check it out on our Website which is:
With much love and gratitude, Fr. Ray
Con mucho amor y gratitud, P. Ray
April 4 to April 7, 2016
45 Households
67 Adults and 19 Children
Hours: Monday to Thursday 10:00 am until noon
Located in the Parish Office
Nevadans for the Common
Good Convention
Plan on attending the upcoming
convention on the 9th of May from 6:00
until 9:00 pm. at Cashman Center. We’re
hoping to have a large group from Christ
the King show its support in areas of
social justice affecting our local
community. The issues being dealt with
by the NCG team are: education,
immigration, vulnerable elderly, human
trafficking, and neighborhood blight.
Many local and state representatives will
be attending the convention and need to
see the outcry of support from the NCG
members. If there are enough people
attending, Christ the King will get a bus
for transportation to Cashman Center.
Families will again be our guests the week
of May 15 – 22nd. In order to work with this
program which houses families experiencing
homelessness here at our parish facility,
you must have taken “Protecting God’s
Children” seminar by registering at
www.virtus.org for a three hour workshop
and been fingerprinted by Gina in our parish
office. Please call Jane for more
information: (702) 871-1904.
Blood Drive ~ May 1
We are having a blood
drive in the Community
Center on Sunday, May 1,
from 8:00 am until 1:00
pm. Please mark your calendars!
Blood is Used to Save Lives!
Blood transfusions save more than 4 million lives
each year. It is estimated that blood is needed
every two seconds, and that 1 out of 7 people
entering the hospital will need blood. Since blood
cannot be manufactured or harvested, it can only
come from Heroes like YOU – the volunteer
blood donor!
Depending on patients’ needs, your blood
donation may be separated into several different
components that may be used to treat a variety
of medical conditions or illnesses. In fact, the
majority of blood is not used by accident victims,
but for everyday needs such as cancer
treatments, orthopedic surgeries, organ and
marrow transplants, cardiovascular surgery and
blood disorders such as anemia or sickle cell
Blood is separated into components so that
several patients may benefit from one blood
Monday, May 9th
Call Jane at (702) 871-1904 or email:
[email protected] for more information.
"I have made you a light to the
Gentiles, that you may be an
instrument of salvation
to the ends of the earth."
-- Acts 13:47b
Cabaret Night 2016
Plan to join us for our
annual CABARET
NIGHT on Saturday,
April 30th at 7:00 pm
in the Community
As always we will feature our talented musicians
and singers from our Music Ministry and perhaps a
“surprise” or two.
Tickets will be on sale the weekends of April 16/17
and April 23/24 as well as available in the parish
office during business hours. All tickets are $15.00
for “reserved” seating at tables. When you
purchase your ticket you can choose your seat. You
might want to consider reserving an entire table!
Make sure you get your tickets early. Once the
show is “sold out” there will be no more tables
added! Please be aware also that no tickets can be
“reserved” by calling the office. Cash and checks
made out to “Christ the King” will be accepted for
A ticket will entitle you not only to your reserved
seat, but one free drink and desserts prior to the
show and through intermission. Additional wine can
be purchased if you wish for your table along with
water and soft drinks. A 50/50 raffle could also see
you richer at the end of the evening!
Mark your calendars NOW and come join us for a
fun evening and support our music ministry as well!
Hope to see you there!
Inspirations Gift Store
Christ the King
Catholic Community
Little White Easter books are
now available for $2 each.
Check out our selection of RCIA
and First Communion gifts.
The Gift Store is open after
all weekend Masses
Stop by and check it out!
Calling all Kids ages 7 to 12
to join our Children’s Choir
Mandatory Rehearsal
Thursday, April 14th from
4:30 until 5:30 pm
in the church.
Children will sing at the 9:30 Mass
on April 17th.
Rehearsals will be held once a month.
Children will sing once a month alternating
between the 9:30 and 11:30 Masses.
Treasures from Our Tradition
Just as the early church
consecrated women living alone in the
world, today that consecration is
available to women who take solemn
vows as cloistered nuns (different
from religious sisters), women who
follow a way of life in communities
called “secular institutes,” and
laywomen. Oddly, the ritual is not
permitted for religious sisters. The
prayers talk about the woman’s selfgift to Christ, and her self-gift to the
Church. Up until recent years, this
was a solemn ceremony performed
only for cloistered nuns under certain
circumstances. In its new form, we
have a ritual that revives a very
ancient and little-known way of life.
Today, a woman can live
independently at home, without
association with any religious
sisterhood or institute, yet be
consecrated to holiness and service.
Normally, a ring and/or a veil may be
given in the liturgy of consecration. It
is a rite very different from religious
profession, where the sister makes
promises or vows, and is rather an
expression of approval and blessing
for a way of life already embraced.
Unlike ancient times, which valued
actual virginity, the new rite may be
celebrated for anyone provided there
has never been a marriage and the
woman has always lived a virtuous
life. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Each year this Fourth Sunday of
Easter celebrates Jesus the Good
Shepherd. Today's Gospel seems
especially timely, for as Christians
worldwide suffer persecution like Paul
and Barnabas, Jesus promises his
sheep enduring, invincible safety:
"They shall never perish. No one can
take them out of my hand." But we
who are free to live our faith
peacefully sometimes take our
membership in Jesus' flock for
granted, wandering astray to seek our
own pleasure and prosperity. The
simple cross that Pope Francis always
wears seems to show us how Jesus
responds to that. Francis's cross
features an image of Jesus, who has
sought and found a lost sheep, then
joyfully set it on his shoulders to carry
it gently home. May Good Shepherd
Sunday in this Jubilee Year of Mercy
inspire us, so often lost and found
ourselves, to assist Jesus in seeking,
finding, and gently carrying home our
fellow precious lambs.
Good Shepherd Sunday inspires a
World Day of Prayer for Vocations,
asking God to bless communities
everywhere with shepherds like
Jesus. But our Good Shepherd image
should embrace all the dimensions of
Jesus' image. Appropriately, the
Jubilee Year of Mercy comforts us by
emphasizing Jesus' tenderness
toward straying sheep--since we're
sometimes among them. So we're
glad to picture Jesus as popular
religious art often does, a gentle
herdsman whose kindly face smiles
down on the sweet sleeping lamb he
cradles. But in powerful lines already
quoted from today's Gospel, Jesus
balances that gentleness. Jesus'
sheep belong to him, are safe in his
hand, and destined to live forever.
The source of this gentle Good
Shepherd's unflinching strength? "My
Father, who has given them to me, is
greater than all, and no one can take
them out of the Father's hand." As the
Good Shepherd's gentleness and
strength combine to offer us comfort
and assurance, they also illustrate
discipleship's imitation of Christ as
described by Saint Francis de Sales:
"Nothing is so strong as gentleness;
nothing is so gentle as real strength."
As models of the Good Shepherd's
gentleness and strength, Paul and
Barnabas, though subjected to
"violent abuse," forgo revenge and
refuse to despair, choosing instead to
become "a light to the Gentiles" and
"an instrument of salvation to the ends
of the earth." Thus, despite rejection
and persecution, fellow disciples
"were filled with joy and the Holy
Spirit" and "the Gentiles were
delighted and glorified the word of the
Lord." So we should respond
positively to life's negatives and face
creatively whatever threatens to
extinguish faith's energy. Helpless
though we may feel facing evil that
seems ceaseless and overwhelming,
Revelation promises that disciples in
every generation will one day rejoice
to "have survived the time of great
distress," "for the Lamb will shepherd
them and lead them to springs of lifegiving water, and God will wipe away
every tear from their eyes."
Tradiciones de Nuestra Fe
El 25 de abril la Iglesia conmemora
a Pedro de Betancur (1626–1667).
Originalmente de las Islas Canarias, a
la edad de 24, se trasladó a Cuba. En
1651 llegó a Guatemala con la
ambición de predicar a Cristo. Esto lo
hizo, no como sacerdote ni religioso.
El fue como laico, reconociendo su
deber bautismal de evangelizar.
En 1655 ingresó en la Orden Seglar
Franciscana y como laico quiso poner
en práctica la espiritualidad
franciscana, ayudando a los pobres.
Con su propio pan o casa el
alimentaba al hambriento y amparaba
al indigente. A todos recordaba la
necesidad de la salvación y en la
simplicidad de su mensaje derretía el
egoísmo de los ricos. Les abría el
corazón enseñándoles a compartir
con los más pequeños de sus
hermanos y hermanas.
Eventualmente su nobleza de
espíritu atrajo a hombres y mujeres
que deseaban compartir su
apostolado y fundó la Orden
Betlehemita. También fundó la
primera escuela de niños en Centro
América convirtiéndose en el
alfabetizador de Guatemala. Así dio
ejemplo de lo que la Iglesia debe
hacer por el pobre y marginado.—Fray
Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Cuarto Domingo de Pascua
El Cuarto Domingo de Pascua es
conocido como Domingo del Buen
Pastor y es cuando se celebra la
Jornada Mundial de Oración por las
Vocaciones; pidiendo la bendición de
Dios para las comunidades con
pastores como Jesús. Pero la imagen
de nuestro Buen Pastor debe incluir
todas las dimensiones de la imagen
de Jesús. Apropiadamente, el Año
Jubilar de la Misericordia nos
consuela al enfatizar la ternura de
Jesús hacia las ovejas descarriadas,
en las que a veces nos encontramos.
Estamos alegres de percibir a Jesús
en las imágenes de arte de la
religiosidad popular del pastor gentil
cuya cara bondadosa sonríe sobre el
cordero dormido que carga. En el
Evangelio de este domingo hay
palabras de Jesús que balancean esa
gentileza, las ovejas de Jesús le
pertenecen a él, están seguras en sus
manos y destinadas a la vida eterna.
¿El origen de esa fortaleza
inquebrantable del gentil Buen
Pastor? "Mi Padre me las dio, él es
superior a todos y nadie puede
arrebatárselas de su mano". Así como
la gentileza y fuerza del Buen Pastor
se combinan para ofrecernos
consuelo y seguridad, también
ilustran la imitación del seguimiento
de Cristo, así como lo describe san
Francisco de Sales: "Nada es tan
fuerte como la gentileza; nada es tan
gentil como la verdadera fuerza".
The Week Ahead
Monday, April 18
1:00 pm Sack Lunches - Room 1
Tuesday, April 19
8:45 am Centering Prayer - Daily Chapel
6:00 pm Middle School Religious Ed
7:00 pm Social Concerns Board - Outreach Office
Wednesday, April 20
8:30 am Our Lady of Perpetual Devotion - Church
9:00 am CTK Seniors - Room 1
4:00 pm Elementary School Religious Education
6:00 pm Elementary School Religious Education
6:00 pm Elementary First Holy Communion
Rehearsal - Church
7:00 pm Readers Study - Office Conference Room
8:00 pm Al-Anon - Room 1
8:00 pm Ala-Teen - Room 5 and 7
Thursday, April 21
6:30 pm YMAC - Youth Lounge
7:30 pm Al Anon - Room 2
7:30 pm AA Meeting - Room 3
Friday, April 22
Saturday, April 23
4:00 pm First Holy Communion - Church
Sunday, April 24
7:30, 9:30,11:30, 1:30, & 4:00 - First Holy
Communion - Church
1:30 pm Misa en Español
5:30 pm Confirmation I & II
The good news of the Gospel
reminds us that we are God’s
people, the sheep of his flock!
Because of Jesus’ death and
resurrection we are given the
ultimate gift of eternal life and
are held tight, safe and secure
in God’s hand! Let these
amazing and life giving truths fill you and your
marriage relationship with His love and peace.
The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Weekend is on May 20-22. To apply online, or
for more information visit
www.lvloveyourspouse.org or call 702-5890068 For information on Spanish-language
weekends, call Javier and Maria Lopez at (702)
243-5934 or (702) 206-4270. (Para los fines
de semana en español, por favor visite
As we continue to 'build a domestic church,' as
requested by Pope Francis on this, the year of
mercy, April's focus will be on marriage and family
"Because our children may be called
to become spouses and parents, we
want to help them to explore the
vocation to marriage and family
St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas always
identify marriage as an "indivisible union of souls,"
a "union of hearts," with "consent." These
elements are found in the marriage of Mary and
God calls all of us to make definite choices, and
he has a plan for each of us: to discover that plan
and to respond to our own vocations is to move
toward personal fulfillment. God call us to be
hold, to live his life, but he has a particular path
for each one of us. Some are called to holiness
through family life in the sacrament of
marriage. Today, there are those who say that
marriage is out of fashion. Is it really out of
fashion?! In a culture of relativism and the
ephemeral, many preach the importance of
"enjoying" the moment. They say that it is not
worth making a life-long commitment, making a
definitive decision "forever," because we do not
know what tomorrow will bring. Let's learn to be
revolutionaries! Swim against the tide; rebel
against this culture that sees everything as
temporary and that you are incapable of
responsibility, that believes you are incapable of
true love. Have courage! I have confidence in
Pope Francis
After praying together, consider the
following weekly discussion question ...
1. What is one virtue I think I would need to grow
in, in order to five myself to another as a loving
spouse and loving parent? What is one
strength I think I have that would be helpful as
a loving spouse and loving parent?
2. Do I share Pope Francis' confidence in me, that
I am capable of true love and
responsibility? Why or why not?
3. How does our family complete its "mission" to
guard love, reveal love or communicate love?
4. What is an "ephemeral love," and how is it
different from a lasting and life-long committed
love? How does lasting love affect other
members of a family?
Your Knights of Columbus wish our
Church Community a Blessed and
Happy Easter Season!
High School Happenin’s
Beth Thompson Director of Christian Formation
[email protected]
871-1904 x 230
Join us on: Facebook - CTK Youth LVInstagram
CTKYouthLV Twitter - CTKYouthLV
Service projects are past due!
They are a REQUIRED part of our
Confirmation Program.
Youth Ministry
Beth Thompson
Director of
Christian Formation
[email protected]
Beth Thompson
Director of Christian Formation
[email protected]
Explore Calendar
All classes are on Tuesday nights 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Next Class
April 19
Youth Ministry Bake Sale
will be Sunday, April 24th.
Please stop by and support our
Youth Ministry Programs!
If you would like to donate home baked goods,
please contact Robyn at (702) 871-1904
(Youth Ministry After Confirmation)
6:30pm - 8pm
in the Youth Lounge
For all juniors, seniors,
college-age students.
We meet every Thursday
We will continue the tradition of YMAC
and meet on Thursdays in the Youth Room.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
The following classes will attend YMAC in the
Youth Room from 6:30 until 8:00:
April 14th ~ Analy and Simone’s class
April 21st ~ Denise and Joyce’s class
April 28th ~ Nicole and Sarah’s class
Dear Explore Family,
Just Five Days is right around the
corner. Mark your calendars now for June
20th through the 24th. The cost is $285 per
This would be a great gift for your student! It
is a wonderful week of community building
while serving others.
Fun, service prayer and reflection.
Registrations are coming in. Come by the
Religious Ed office this week to secure your
student’s spot with at $50 deposit.
We accept MasterCard, Visa, AmEx and
A big thank you to our Middle School
Catechists and Confirmation teens who
worked so hard to make our “Choosing to
Love and Trust” Retreat a resounding
Kathi Kulesza who planned and
facilitated the whole day.
Arlita Hidalgo, Imma Caoile,
Therese Lim and Julio Sosa group leaders
Gary Thompson, cook and
Robyn Runco, his assistant
Christian Formation
Beth Thompson
[email protected]
Religious Education Grades 1-5
First Communion
Baptism of older children
Adult Confirmation
How do I enroll my child?
If you think you would
like to become Catholic,
or if you would just like
to learn about
Catholicism, we offer
weekly opportunities to
learn about the Catholic
faith. These informal
gatherings for coffee
and conversation are
held 7:00 pm each
Thursday (except major
holidays) in Room 5 of
the Activity Center. If,
due to your schedule,
you can’t join us at our
regular Thursday night
sessions, please call the
parish office at (702)
871-1904 and leave
your name and phone
number. We will do our
best to accommodate
you. Please contact
Beth Thompson at
(702) 871-1904 ext. 230
if you have any
Please contact our office
for information.
(702) 871-1904
ext. 230 or 232
No Baptisms may be
scheduled until sessions and
requirements are completed.
Elementary Registration for 2015/16 year
Grades 1-5 in the Religious Ed Office
M-TH 8-4:00 pm - Closed from 12-1:00 pm
each child being registered.
Next Adult Confirmation Sessions
Adults who are age 18 and above and graduated
Adults who have been baptized in the Roman Catholic Faith
Family must be registered at Christ the King
Family must be worshipping at Christ the King at
our weekend liturgy
Past due balances from the previous Religious
Education year must be paid prior to registering
When are classes held?
Classes are held on Wednesdays at either 4:00 or
6:00 pm
(1st Communion, Baptism)
Please contact Beth Thompson if you have any questions
(702) 871-1904 ext. 230
First Reconciliation and
First Holy Communion
Mandatory Meetings
Same as for Religious Education Registration plus:
Wednesday, April 20 - Rehearsal 6:00 pm only in the church
Child is in second grade or above
Child is enrolled in and attending weekly age-level
Religious Education classes on a regular basis
• Unbaptized children must attend one full year of
Religious Education first
Our sacrament preparation is a family preparation
process that requires the participation of the child and
a parent or guardian in monthly sessions.
Meetings are for Elementary Students registered in
their 2nd year only of Sacramental Preparation.
If you have any questions please contact Robyn at
871-1904 ext. 232 or [email protected]
Attendance at these sessions is mandatory.
Elementary Religious
Wednesday Classes: 4:00 to 5:15 or
6:00 to 7:15
04/20 - Regular Classes
04/27 - Regular Classes
Schedules for the year are available in the
Religious Ed Office or check our
on-line calendar at ctklv.org
Be sure you update your e-mail address
with us to received important class notices
If you have any questions please contact Robyn at
871-1904 ext. 232 or [email protected]
Small Church
a way of being
Small Church Communities are groups of 6 to 8
people who gather in homes to reflect on the
scriptures of the upcoming Sunday and their
significance in their lives. All ministries and
organizations connected to Christ the King are
asked to use a simple formula for prayer as
they gather: Read one of the scriptures for the
upcoming Sunday. Take a few moments to
reflect on one of the questions related to the
scripture (in Fr. Ray’s column). Invite
individuals to share their response with the
person next to them; encourage people to
share with someone they do not know well.
Before we know it we have grown closer as a
Please call Chris at (702) 378-5622
or e-mail at [email protected]
The Community in Action
Parish Administrator
Rev. Ray Rioux
Parish Deacons
Administrative Assistant & Hispanic Ministry
Deacon Jacob Favela
Hospital Ministry
Deacon Rich Green
Director of Pastoral Ministries
Gina Pignatello
Jane Fransioli
Religious Education Department
Director of Christian Formation
Beth Thompson
Administrative Assistant
Robyn Runco
Liturgy Department
Director of Liturgy
Mary Ryan
Directors of Music
Ellen & Ken Lerum
Liturgy/Music Assistant
Cathy Bruzzese
Director of Parish Finance
Roseann Tabick
Maintenance Department
Mark Medina
Michael Roberts & Dave Clow
Anna Sy
Suzy Jones
Baptism: ALPHA PROGRAM (Infants or young
children) - Contact parish, (702) 871-1904,
during pregnancy or at least 3 months in
advance to arrange for preparation program.
Parents must complete program before baptism
can be scheduled.
First Communion/First Reconciliation
Beth Thompson - (702) 871-1904
Teens & Adults Confirmation: Beth Thompson
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Inquiry sessions for non-Catholics interested in
learning more about the Catholic faith every
Thursday at 7:00 pm in Room 5, Activity Center.
Call Beth Thompson - (702) 871-1904
Marriage: Contact the parish office 8-12 months
in advance. Call Deacon Jacob for details of the
6-month preparation program. For annulments
also call Deacon Jacob Favela - (702) 871-1904
Anointing of the Sick - Call office if you or a
member of your family seek the Sacrament.
Please try to call before loved one is in the active
process of dying.
Remembering Community: A welcoming
process for Catholics who have been away. More
information call Beth Thompson - (702) 871-1904
Visit our new and
improved website:
Scan me with your
Smartphone to go
directly to:
Victim’s Advocate - Ron Valance
(702) 235-7723
Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada
Business phone: (702) 385-2662
Emergency Assistance: (702) 383-2291
Catholic Charities Adoption:
(702) 385-3351
Saturday Mass: 4:00 pm
Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:30
11:30 am and 4:00 pm
1:30 pm ~ Spanish Language
Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial
José ♥ Maria Rios, (702) 232-9293
Daily Mass:(Mon-Sat) 8:00 am
Family Promise (formerly IHN) Jane Fransioli, (702) 871-1904.
HOLY DAYS: 8:00 am
Funeral Ministry - Ministry to bereaved
families at time of death. Please call the office
(702) 871-1904, before making
arrangements with the mortuary of your
GriefSHARE - Help and Healing for those
who have lost a loved one. Find a meeting
near you www.griefshare.org
Hands of Christ - Ministry to the homebound,
Jane Fransioli, 702) 871-1904
Monday ~ Thursday
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
(Closed Noon - 1:00 pm)
Friday ~ Closed
By appointment only,
(702) 871-1904
Al-Anon - Thursdays, 7:30 pm, Room 2
Hospitality Ministers
Hospital Ministry - Rich Green, (702) 2489199, Jeanette Lombardo, (702) 882-8750
Inch for Life - Help available for unwanted
pregnancies. Pro-Life Office: (702) 212-6472
Gail Lehtinen, (702) 565-3459
Flowers Eva & Les Iwafuchi,
(702) 332-2865
Knights of Columbus Michael Gorts (702) 499-6476
Manna Cupboard - Food pantry for the
hungry, Jane Fransioli, (702) 871-1904.
Marriage Encounter - Jim & Mary,
(702) 263-2004
Teresa Fawley, (702) 953-6332
Extraordinary Ministers of
the Eucharist
Luanne Wagner, (702) 279-2137
Mike Dunegan, (702) 362-8490
Sacristan - Annabelle Trajano
Bread Baker Coordinator
Project Rachel - Post Abortion Ministry,
(702) 737-1672.
Kay Dunegan, (702) 362-8490
Retrouvaille - A lifeline for troubled marriages,
Chuck & Carol Moore, (702) 604-1006
Social Concerns Board - Deals with parish
outreach & social justice issues,
Dale Devitt, (702) 871-1642
Small Church Communities Chris & Sharon Sellman - (702) 257-2511
Spiritual Direction
Deacon Rich Green
Jane Fransioli, B.A.
Please call parish office to schedule
appointment with Deacon Rich Green or Jane
Fransioli. (702) 871-1904
Southern Nevada Women’s Resource
Center: (702) 366-1247 - Pro-Life counseling
and ministry to the unwed mother.
Preschool - Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level I & II on Wednesdays
Grades 1 - 5: Wednesdays
Grades 6 - 8: Tuesdays
Grades 9 - 12: (see Youth Page)
For all the above programs, pre-registration is
required through the parish office. Call the
Religious Education office, (702) 871-1904
Martha & Mary Guild
Suzy Jones, (702) 340-8148
Bob LaPorte, (702) 454-1952
Christ the King
Pastoral Council
Lydia Alminiana
Manny De la Cruz
Ramon Diaz
Rick Houle
Roze Kliese
Mary Milanowski
Maria Patino
Elizabeth Que
Roseann Tabick
Hector Vicuna
Luanne Wagner
James Walker
Rob Walsh
Fr. Ray Rioux
Recording Secretary
Roseann Tabick
Email us at:
[email protected]