23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 4, 2016 Parish Office: (323) 664-1305 • Fax: (323) 664-4975 Web Page: www.stfrancisla.org • E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 9:00 am - 12:00 noon, 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm Saturday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, Closed Mondays Priests are available during office hours or by appointment Pastor: Fr. Rene Juarez, O.F.M. Associate Pastor: Fr. Vincent Hughes, O.F.M. Deacon: John Salazar Music Director: Christine De Leon Pastoral Assistant: Sister Luz Maria Hernandez, SSP Receptionist: Liza Alamillo, ext. 10 Director of Religious Education: Vilma Sierra, (323) 662-3345 In case of emergencies where a priest is needed after hours, please call (323) 664-3002 En caso de emergencia cuando necesite un sacerdote, por favor llame al (323) 664-3002 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School Leslie De Leonardis, Principal (323) 665-3601 • Fax (323) 665-4143 School E-mail: [email protected] MASS: MISA: Schedule/Horario English: Sunday 8:00 am, 12:00 pm; Weekdays: Monday - Saturday, 8:00 am Saturday Vigil, 5:00 pm Español: Sábados, 7:00 pm Domingos, 10:00 am RECONCILIATION: Saturdays/Sábados 4:00 - 4:45 pm, English/Español BAPTISMS: Please check office for dates and times. BAUTIZOS: Las fechas y horarios se encuentran en la oficina. MARRIAGE: Please register in Office six months before intended date MATRIMONIO: Favor de registrarse seis meses antes de la fecha deseada DEVOTIONS: Taize Contemplative Prayer First Friday, 7:00 pm Rosary Monday - Saturday after 8:00 am Mass Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena Wednesday 7:00 pm QUINCEAÑERAS: Favor de registrarse seis meses antes de la fecha deseada con Vilma Sierra (323) 662-3345 1523 Golden Gate Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90026 (323) 664-1305 Year of Mercy Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time “If anyone comes to me without hating . . . father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his [or her] own life” (Luke 14:26). Hating? Can anyone imagine a less appropriate Gospel for the Jubilee Year of Mercy? But scholars call this Semitic hyperbole. Jesus exaggerates to jolt us into confronting life-changing challenges. Faced with conflicting loyalties, disciples must reorder priorities, even relationships, to give Jesus and the gospel’s demands first place. Today’s second reading presents a real-life example. Paul challenges his wealthy convert, Philemon, to welcome back Philemon’s runaway slave, Onesimus, whom Paul has baptized in prison. Not only with unconditional forgiveness but with a countercultural, world-shattering change of status— as an equal. No, even more—a beloved brother in Christ. What in my life does the Jubilee Year of Mercy challenge me to “hate”—meaning reform, redo, even utterly revamp—so I can give everyone, no conditions, no exceptions, shockingly Christlike love? —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. LITURGY COUNCIL Liturgical Ministry followed by Ministry Coordinators: HOSPITALITY: Ken Castillo EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY: Isabel Campos LECTORS: Ben Mamaril, Sandra Platero MUSIC MINISTRY: Christine de Leon ALTAR SERVERS: Victor Veloz SACRISTAN: Froi Yeneza, Lydia Emnace, Dumas Pineda CHURCH ENVIRONMENT: Dumas Pineda CHURCH FLORIST: Greg Llamas and Ellie Miller Año de Misericordia 23 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario “Si alguno quiere seguirme y. . . prefiere. . . más a su padre y a su madre, a su esposa y a sus hijos, a sus hermanos, . . . más aún a sí mismo” (Lucas 14:26). ¿Qué es lo que estamos prefiriendo en este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia? Esta frase de Jesús es una exageración que nos estremece para enfrentar desafíos que cambian la vida. Enfrentando un conflicto ante quien ser leal, los discípulos deben reordenar sus prioridades, aún sus relaciones, para poner en primer lugar a Jesús y al Evangelio. La segunda lectura presenta un ejemplo de la vida real. Pablo desafía a un rico recién converso al cristianismo, Filemón, a recibir nuevamente a Onésimo no como su esclavo y además fugitivo que era sino como hermano en Cristo. Además de pedirle que le otorgue la libertad y que deje de tener la posición de esclavo, le pide que lo acepte como un hombre libre y más aún como hermano en Cristo. ¿En este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia a qué estamos siendo desafiados por ser discípulos de Jesús? —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. ACTIVITIES FILIPINO COMMUNITY: Butch Geraldez GRUPO de ORACIÓN: Maria Luisa Garcia, Tuesday, 7pm GUADALUPANOS: Nelfa Salazar, 2do & 4to, Domingo, 12 Noon HOLY NAME SOCIETY: Dale Benson, 2nd Sun., 8:00 Mass JESUS is LORD Prayer Group: Lydia Emnace, Thursdays, 7pm KOREAN SECULAR FRANCISCANS Anges Ho, 1st Sunday SECULAR FRANCISCANS: Terri Foster, 2nd Sunday, 2pm SEMILLA DEL REINO: Vilma Sierra, Fri, 7pm (323) 662-3345 YOUTH GROUP: Victor Veloz, Fri, 6pm - 9pm RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Vilma Sierra C.C.D. Saturdays R.C.I.A.: Colleen McClure-Morell, Tuesdays, 7pm R.I.C.A.: Vilma Sierra, Tuesdays, 7pm YOUTH CONFIRMATION: Saturdays OUTREACH We welcome your ideas for serving those in need. COMMUNION TO THE SICK: Jorge Guillen & Angelina Morales AIDS MINISTRY: Renee Stampolis 4 de Septiembre, 2016 Vigésimo Tercer Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario Página 2 TOGETHER IN MISSION UNIDOS EN MISIÓN St. Francis of Assisi Parish's goal: $21,100 Pledges: $11,510 Monies received by Together in Mission: $7,727 Together in Mission supports 81 parishes and 63 schools in all regions of the Archdiocese Vocations FOLLOW YOUR PATH You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was. —Abraham Lincoln TODAY'S READINGS First Reading — Who can ever know God’s counsel unless God gives wisdom and sends the Holy Spirit from on high? (Wisdom 9:13-18b). Psalm — In every age, O Lord, you have been our refuge (Psalm 90). Second Reading — Paul asks Philemon to accept back his slave Onesimus, not as a slave but as a brother (Philemon 9-10, 12-17). Gospel — To be a disciple of Jesus one must carry one’s own cross and renounce all possessions (Luke 14:25-33). LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — ¿Quién puede saber los caminos de Dios a menos que Dios le dé sabiduría y le envíe el Espíritu Santo de lo alto? (Sabiduría 9:13-18b) Salmo — Tú eres, Señor, nuestro refugio (Psalm 90 [89]). Segunda lectura — Pablo pide a Filemón que acepte a su esclavo Onésimo como hermano (Filemón 9-10, 12-17). Evangelio — Para ser discípulo de Jesús uno debe cargar con su cruz (Lucas 14:25-33). If you feel that God is calling you to religious or priestly life, please don’t hesitate to talk to Fr. Rene for more information or Br. Erick Pilarcik, OFM (408) 903-3422. [email protected] Vocaciones Si sientes que Dios te llama a la vida religiosa o sacerdotal, favor de hablar con el Padre René para más información. St. Francis Financial Report Collection: 8/27-8/28 $4,524.00 READINGS and INTENTIONS Monday, 9/5 Labor Day 1 Cor 5:1-8; Ps 5:5-7, 12; Lk 6:6-11 8:00 AM - Pro Populo Tuesday, 9/6 1 Cor 6:1-11; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 6:12-19 8:00 AM- Pro Populo Wednesday, 9/7 1 Cor 7:25-31; Ps 45:11-12, 14-17; Lk 6:20-26 8:00 AM - Pro Populo Thursday, 9/8 The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13:6; Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23] 8:00 AM - Ruth Tapia (deceased); Byron Miller (B-day) Ben & Sonia Mamaril (T-giving) Jerome & Igmidio Valderrama (T-giving) Friday, 9/9 St. Peter Claver Carlos Rivera (deceased) 40th days 8:00 AM - Gregoria Mallari (+) Saturday 9/10 Blessed Virgin Mary 1 Cor 10:14-22; Ps 116:12-13, 17-18; Lk 6:43-49 8:00 AM - Pro Populo 5:00PM - Pro Populo 7:00PM - Pro Populo Sunday, 9/11 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ex 32:7-11, 13-14; Ps 51:3-19; 1 Tm 1:12-17; Lk 15:1-32 8:00AM - Sofia Poblete (+); Rufino Loredo (+) 10:00AM - Pro Populo 12:00 PM - Pro Populo September 4, 2016 Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3 Breakfast This Sunday Please join us in fellowship after Mass in the parish hall for a meal prepared by a joint effort of the many Ministries of our parish. Desayuno este Domingo Favor de pasar al salón parroquial después de la Misa para disfrutar de un desayuno preparado por los varios ministerios de nuestra parroquia. Clases Bíblicas Nueva session de clases comienza Septiembre 7 a las 7PM Celebration of Cultures Mass All are invited to the Cathedral on Sat. Sept. 17, 2016 at 9:30AM RCIA classes begin Sept 21st This program is for those who desire to enter the Catholic faith and receive their Sacraments. RICA comienza el 21 de Sept. Este programa es para adultos que desean recibir los Sacramentos. Grandma’s Booth Panecitos Abuela Fr. Vince is sponsoring a baked goods booth for the fiesta and he is asking all bakers to create a dessert for the booth. El Padre Vicente está patrocinando el puesto de pastelitos durante la fiesta. Les pide a todos los amantes de postres que traigan un postre para donar al puesto. Fiesta Volunteers G0T FRANCIS IN YOU? We need VOLUNTEERS for the Parish Fiesta on October 1 & 2, 2016 and the evening concert on September 30th Offering your TIME, TALENT & TREASURE is truly a Franciscan undertaking! Electrician, Security, Set-up Stage/Booths, Dismantle Stage/Booths, Help in Food Booths, Help in Grandma’s Bakery Booth, Help in Game Booths, Help with Silent Auction, Handyperson, and many more opportunities. Please call the parish office to sign-up! Name (print)_______________________________ Home Phone______________________________ Cell Phone________________________________ Email ____________________________________ Day/Time Available_________________________ How would you like to help? __________________________________________ Please drop this form in the collection basket or bring to the parish office. September 4, 2016 Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 4 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... Jesus A to Z 24/7 HELP ........... 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