2nd Quarter - Rolling Meadows High School


2nd Quarter - Rolling Meadows High School
Rolling Meadows High School
parent newsletter
2nd Quarter 2015-2016
Geometry in
Construction Class
in the corner of a
kitchen they are building
Marching Mustangs
Rolling Meadows High School Students in Action
• Principal’s Message
• Emergency Contact Information
• Harper Promise Scholarship
• Assessment Center News
• Exam Schedule
• Student Services
• 2016-2017 Course Registration
• College and Career News
• Student of the Quarter
• Latino Parent Meeting Schedule
• Fine Arts Information and More
Rolling Meadows
High School
November 4, 2015
5:00-9:00 P.M.
Attendance Office
847-718-5602, 5603, 5604
Athletic Office
Sports Hotline
Tip Line
Principal’s Message
Dear Mustang Families:
We have had a fantastic start to the school year. Students are putting in a great deal of effort into their academic
studies. Students are utilizing the Seminar Block, after school tutoring, and the Saturday Success Academy
to support their learning. We also have over 650 students involved in extra curricular activities this fall. We
encourage all students to be involved in at least one school club, sport, activity, or fine and performing art
program during the year. This is a great way for students to have a greater connection to their school, meet
friends, and continue to learn and grow during their high school years. Lastly, I would like to thank all of the
students. The students did a tremendous job of demonstrating their school spirit during Homecoming week.
Mustang Pride was displayed throughout the activities and events of the pep assembly, coronation ceremony,
dress-up days, the football game, and the Homecoming dance. THANK YOU STUDENTS for leading an
extraordinary start to the school year!
On the first day of school we welcomed national speaker Alex Sheen to share his message of “Because I Said
I Would.” He shared with the students and faculty about the importance of making a promise, and the critical
piece of the follow-through, commitment, and fulfillment of that promise. This was a powerful message from
Alex Sheen and a great way to start off the 2015-2016 school year.
On November 2nd the instructional staff and leadership team will be attending a professional workshop led by
author, co-founder of an academic enrichment program, and former teacher Mr. Eric Jensen. The professional
development program will synthesize brain research and provide practical applications to help students find
greater academic success and help them graduate to be college and career ready. This will be a great day for
the dedicated, conscientious, and caring staff at Rolling Meadows High School.
As the second quarter is set to begin, I want to encourage students to come to school each day. Being absent
from school can cause students to fall behind academically. We have many systems of support for when
students need to miss a day of school for an illness or a special circumstance. The challenge comes when
the absences increase. Please continue to have good communication with the teachers and counselors, seek
tutoring in the Academic Resource Room during the Seminar Block or at the Saturday Success Academy.
We want all students to be successful at Rolling Meadows High School. Let’s continue to work together to
help all students achieve.
I wish you all the greatest success throughout the second quarter!
Eileen M. Hart, Principal
Mensaje Del Director
Estimadas familias mustang:
Hemos tenido un comienzo fantástico al año escolar. Los estudiantes están poniendo mucho esfuerzo en sus
estudios académicos. Los estudiantes están utilizando el periodo de seminario, tutoría después de la escuela
y la academia de éxito los sábados para apoyar su aprendizaje. También tenemos más de 650 estudiantes
involucrados en actividades extracurriculares este otoño. Animamos a todos los estudiantes de involucrarse
en por lo menos un club, deporte, o actividad escolar o en un programa de artes finas durante el año. Esta
es una gran manera de tener una conexión más grande a su escuela, de conocer amistades y de continuar
aprendiendo y creciendo durante sus años en la escuela secundaria. Por último, me gustaría agradecer a todos
los estudiantes. Los estudiantes hicieron un tremendo trabajo en demostrar su espíritu escolar durante la
semana de Homecoming. El orgullo mustang fue demostrado durante todas las actividades y en los eventos
de asambleas de espíritu escolar, en la ceremonia de coronación del rey y reina, en los días de disfraces,
el juego de fútbol americano y en el baile escolar. ¡GRACIAS ESTUDIANTES por dirigir un comienzo
extraordinario al año escolar!
En el primer día de clases le dimos la bienvenida a nuestro orador nacional Alex Sheen para compartir su
mensaje de “Por que dije que lo haría”. Compartió con los estudiantes y personal escolar sobre la importancia
de hacer una promesa y la pieza critica de seguir adelante, el compromiso y el cumplimiento de esa promesa.
Esto fue un mensaje poderoso de Alex Sheen y una gran manera de comenzar el año escolar 2015-2016.
El 2 de noviembre el personal instructivo y el equipo de liderazgo estarán atendiendo un taller profesional
dirigido por el autor, cofundador de un programa de enriquecimiento académico y ex maestro Sr. Eric Jensen.
El programa de desarrollo profesional va a sintetizar investigaciones del cerebro y proporcionar aplicaciones
prácticas para ayudar a estudiantes encontrar más éxito académico y ayudarlos a graduarse estando listos
para la universidad y una carrera profesional. Esto será un gran día para el personal dedicado y conciente en
Rolling Meadows High School.
Como el segundo trimestre esta por comenzar, quiero animar a los estudiantes de venir a la escuela todos
los días. Faltar a la escuela puede causar que el estudiante se atrase académicamente. Tenemos muchos
sistemas de apoyo en pie cuando estudiantes necesitan faltar un día a la escuela por una enfermedad o una
circunstancia especial. El problema viene cuando las ausencias incrementan. Por favor estudiantes continúen
de tener una buena comunicación con los maestros y consejeros, busquen tutoría en los centros de recursos
académicos durante seminario o en la academia de éxito los sábados. Queremos que todos los estudiantes
tengan éxito en Rolling Meadows High School. Continuemos trabajando juntos para ayudar a los estudiantes
¡Les deseo gran éxito durante el segundo trimestre!
Eileen M. Hart, Directora
Emergency Contact Information
In the unfortunate event that an emergency or crisis situation occurs in our area during
the school day, we want you to know that Rolling Meadows High School is prepared.
With the help of the Rolling Meadows Fire and Police Departments, we have designed a
Standardized School Crisis Plan that will assist us in effectively responding to these
types of situations.
While your natural instinct as a parent in an emergency is to go to your child’s school to
safeguard him/her, please understand that doing so may significantly impede our
response capabilities as well as those of our local emergency responders. It is vital that
school officials and the Police and Fire Departments have access to our buildings to
manage the situation and give care to students. In addition, it may be necessary to
evacuate students to another location if there is immediate danger.
In an emergency or crisis situation, we need your cooperation and assistance and ask
that you please follow the guidelines below:
In the event of a crisis that requires an evacuation/relocation of students, contact
(847) 718-7605 for information. In all other emergency situations, contact (847)
Tune to major local television and radio stations for information on the situation
and instructions on how to reunite with your child. In some emergency or crisis
situations, it may be necessary to relocate to another facility for safety reasons.
Your designated reunification site is Forest View Educational Center located at
2121 S. Goebbert Road in Arlington Heights.
When you travel to the reunification site, please be sure to bring picture
identification. We will only release students to their legal guardians, or the
authorized individuals as listed on your child’s emergency forms.
We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Our ultimate goal is to keep your children safe while
they are under our care.
Información de contacto de emergencia
En el lamentable caso de que ocurra una emergencia o una situación de crisis en nuestra área
durante el día escolar, queremos que sepa que Rolling Meadows High School está preparada.
Con la ayuda de los Departamentos de Policía y de Bomberos de Rolling Meadows, hemos
diseñado un Plan Estandarizado ante Crisis en la Escuela que nos ayudará a responder de
manera eficaz ante estos tipos de situaciones.
Si bien el instinto natural como padre ante una emergencia es dirigirse a la escuela de su hijo
para protegerlo, entienda que hacer eso puede obstaculizar de forma significativa nuestras
capacidades de respuesta, así como la de los socorristas locales. Es imprescindible que los
funcionarios escolares y los Departamentos de Policía y Bomberos tengan acceso a nuestros
edificios para manejar la situación y brindar atención a los alumnos. Además, puede ser
necesario evacuar a los alumnos a otra ubicación si existe peligro inmediato.
Ante una emergencia o situación de crisis, necesitamos su cooperación y asistencia, y le
solicitamos que siga las siguientes pautas:
En caso de una crisis que requiera la evacuación/reubicación de los alumnos, llame al
(847) 718-7605 para obtener información. En todas las demás situaciones de
emergencia, llame al (847) 718-5600.
Sintonice la televisión local y las estaciones de radio más importantes para obtener
información sobre la situación e instrucciones acerca de cómo reencontrarse con su hijo.
En algunas situaciones de emergencia o crisis, puede ser necesaria la reubicación a otra
instalación por motivos de seguridad. El lugar designado para la reunificación es
Forest View Educational Center ubicado en 2121 S Goebbert Rd en Arlington
Cuando vaya al lugar de reunificación, asegúrese de traer una identificación con
fotografía. Sólo permitiremos que los tutores legales o las personas autorizadas
recojan a los alumnos conforme a lo indicado en los formularios de emergencia de su hijo.
Gracias por su colaboración en este asunto. Nuestro objetivo máximo es mantener a sus hijos a salvo mientras
se encuentren bajo nuestro cuidado.
What if we could promise every public high school student
in the northwest suburbs two years of college tuitionfree if they’re willing to earn it? Think of the possibilities
for students, parents and our local workforce. Two years of
college. Tuition free.
Under the Harper College Promise Scholarship Program
every eligible incoming public high school student in
Harper’s district can earn up to two years of tuition at Harper
College if they maintain solid grades, have good attendance,
don’t repeat classes, graduate on time and provide service
to their community.
Completion: 65% vs. 31%
Generational Impact
Students in a similar promise
program in Peoria, IL graduated or
transferred at a rate of 65% compared
to 31% for students who did not
participate in the program.
4.1% for people with a college
credential vs. 9.4% for people with
only a high school education.
Children raised in a household of
a college degree holder are 75% more
likely to earn a degree. This trend can
close the household economic
gap for years to come.
Source: U.S. Department of Labor
Source: Natl. Center for Education Statistics
The criteria for the Harper College Promise Scholarship were developed by Harper College, area public high
schools and northwest suburban business leaders to promote life skills and habits that will help students
succeed in college and provide businesses with smart, skilled and motivated employees. The Promise
Scholarship Program enables participating students to attend Harper without having to pay tuition while they
earn career certifications and associate degrees. All participants are required to fill out a Free Application
for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA (Social Security number required).
The Program starts in the second semester
of a student’s freshman year in high school.
If the student meets attendance, rigor,
quality, persistence and community service
requirements, he or she can earn up to two
years tuition at Harper College.
A high school student who meets the Program’s
requirements, will earn the first semester of
Harper tuition free. He or she can continue to
attend Harper College tuition-free, semester by
semester, for up to four semesters (60 credit
hours), if the student meets the following criteria.
Minimum grade point average:
1st semester
2nd semester
3rd semester
4th semester
Students may only miss the following
number of days:
Second semester of freshman year 5
Sophomore year
Junior year
Senior year
No grades of D or F or withdrawal
(3 tardies equal an absence)
√ A student must attend full-time each
semester. (minimum 15 credit hours)
Minimum annual grade point average
√ A student must attend each consecutive
semester (fall/spring) until their certificate
or degree is completed –– up to four
Graduate college-ready.
211,220* 214*
2nd semester, freshman year
Sophomore year
Junior year
Senior year
√ Summer session tuition is not included
in the program.
* 4.0 scale Districts 211 and 220
* 5.0 scale District 214
**No semester grades of D or F
Service requirements must be performed
through a Harper-related program.
Number of hours per semester:
1st semester
2nd semester
3rd semester
4th semester
√ Meet minimum credit standards at
the end of each year.
√ Graduate on time with their class.
Number of hours per year:
Second semester of freshman year 5
Sophomore year
Junior year
Senior year
Log onto harpercollege.edu/promise for full
program details. Program requirements subject
to change.
Harper College is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status or sexual orientation. 21772 8/15 JD
Beca de estudio ofrecida a cada
estudiante de escuela secundaria
púBlica en el distrito de Harper
college que financia Hasta dos años
de universidad.
¿Qué pasaría si pudiéramos prometer a cada estudiante de
escuela secundaria pública de los suburbios del noroeste dos
años de universidad sin matrícula si están dispuestos
a obtener ese beneficio? Piense en las posibilidades para
estudiantes, padres o nuestra fuerza de trabajo local. Dos
años de universidad. Sin matrícula.
Gracias al programa Promesa de becas de estudio de Harper
College (Harper College Promise Scholarship Program)
cada estudiante de escuela secundaria pública que recién
ingresa y que sea elegible puede obtener hasta dos años de
matrícula en Harper College si mantiene buenas notas, asiste
regularmente a clase, no repite asignaturas, se gradúa a
tiempo y proporciona servicios a su comunidad.
65 %
4.1 %
Finalización: 65 %
frente a 31 %
del desempleo
Estudiantes en un programa
de promesa similar en Peoria, IL se
graduaron o fueron transferidos en
un índice del 65 % en comparación
con un 31 % para estudiantes que no
participaron en el programa.
4.1 % de las personas que tienen
un título universitario frente a un
9.4 % de personas que solo tienen
educación de escuela secundaria.
Fuente: Departamento de Trabajo de
75 %
Impacto generacional
La probabilidad de que los hijos
que crecen en un hogar donde una
persona tiene un título universitario,
obtengan también un título es 75 %
mayor. En los años venideros esta
tendencia podría cerrar la brecha
económica de los hogares.
Fuente: Centro Nacional de
Estadísticas Educativas
Una Promesa
qUe devUelve el favor.
cómo funciona
Harper College junto con las escuelas secundarias públicas del área y los líderes comerciales del suburbio del
noroeste desarrollaron los criterios de la Promesa de becas de estudio con la finalidad de promover habilidades
y hábitos de vida que ayudarán a que los estudiantes tengan éxito en la universidad y brindarán a los negocios
empleados inteligentes, especializados y motivados. El programa Promesa paga las certificaciones profesionales
y los títulos de nivel técnico. Todos los participantes deben completar una Solicitud gratuita para ayuda federal
para estudiantes (Free Application for Federal Student Aid, FAFSA) (se requiere un número de seguro social).
El programa empieza en el segundo semestre
del primer año en la escuela secundaria del
estudiante. Si el estudiante cumple con los
requisitos de asistencia, rigor, calidad, constancia
y servicio comunitario puede obtener hasta
dos años de matrícula como máximo en
Harper College.
Si un estudiante de escuela secundaria cumple
con los criterios, obtendrá la matrícula del primer
semestre en Harper de forma gratuita. Puede
continuar asistiendo al semestre con matrícula
gratuita en Harper College un semestre tras otro
hasta cuatro semestres como máximo (60 horas
de crédito), si cumple con los siguientes criterios.
Promedio de calificaciones mínimo:
1.° semestre
2.° semestre
3.° semestre
4.° semestre
El estudiante solo puede faltar la siguiente
cantidad de días:
Segundo semestre del primer año 5
Segundo año
Tercer año
Último año
Sin calificaciones D o F, ni retiradas
(3 llegadas tardías equivalen a una ausencia)
√ El estudiante debe asistir cada
semestre a tiempo completo. (15 horas
de crédito como mínimo)
Graduado listo para la universidad.
Promedio de calificaciones mínimo (no
2.° semestre, primer año
Segundo año
Tercer año
Último año
√ El estudiante debe asistir cada
semestre consecutivo (otoño/invierno)
hasta completar su certificado o título,
hasta cuatro semestres, como máximo.
211, 220* 214*
√ En el programa no se incluye la
matrícula de la sesión de verano.
* Escala de 4.0 para los Distritos 211 y 220
* Escala de 5.0 para el Distrito 214
**Sin calificaciones D o F en el semestre
Los requisitos del servicio deben llevarse a
cabo a través de un programa relacionado
con Harper.
√ Cumplir con los estándares mínimos
de crédito al final de cada año.
Cantidad de horas por semestre:
1.° semestre
2.° semestre
3.° semestre
4.° semestre
√ Graduarse a tiempo con la clase.
Cantidad de horas por año:
Segundo semestre del primer año
Segundo año
Tercer año
Último año
Inicia sesión en harpercollege.edu/promise para
obtener detalles completos del programa. Los requisitos
del programa están sujetos a cambios.
Harper College está comprometido con la política de que todos deben tener un acceso igualitario a sus programas, instalaciones y oportunidades de empleo, independientemente de la raza, el color, el credo, la religión, la nacionalidad, el sexo, la edad, el estado civil, la discapacidad, el
estado de asistencia pública, la condición de veterano ni la orientación sexual. 20909 6/15 JD
RMHS Assessment Center B104
Winter 2015-16 TESTING
Winter TEST DATES for December & January
December 12,
Testing locations BG-EG-JH-PHS-WHS
registration deadline 11/6/15
Contact Us:
ACT Test Prep registration begins
December 1, 2015
ACT (National Test) registration deadline 1/8/16
February 6, 2016
Our Contact Information:
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at any time.
Ginger Mueller, Assessment Supervisor:
(847) 718-5633 [email protected]
Julie Chybicki-Zimmer, Assessment Asst: (847) 718-5632 [email protected]
Marlyn Rodriguez, Resource. Asst:
(847) 718-5702 [email protected]
Testing Accommodations
Students with IEP and 504 Plans who are planning to take the ACT, PSAT, SAT, or AP Exams may
be eligible for accommodations. Special registration forms and documentation is required. Please
contact the RMHS Special Education Department for questions regarding special education and/or
testing accommodations for students with an IEP or 504 plan.
Brenda Martin, Special Ed Division Head:
Tiffany Jourdan, Accommodations Coordinator:
(847) 718-5911 [email protected]
(847) 718-5656 [email protected]
Tuesday, December 1, 2015:
ACT TEST PREP Online Registration STARTS
(Please see more detailed information below)
Class dates: Jan 30, Feb 6, 13, 20 & March 5, 2016
Class time: 8:30AM – 12:00PM
Thursday, December 3, 2015:
Full Practice ACT Test
Class of 2017 will participate in a full practice ACT test.
Scores will be returned and reviewed in each subject area.
ACT TEST DATES 2015/2016
ONLINE REGISTRATION (credit card is required)
Test Date
November 6, 2015
January 8, 2016
March 4, 2016
May 6, 2016
December 12, 2015 NOT at RMHS
February 6, 2016
April 9, 2016
June 11, 2016
Late Registration
November 7-20, 2015
January 9-15, 2016
March 5-18, 2016
May 7-20, 2016
PLEASE NOTE: Students with an IEP or 504 plan do NOT register online. You must contact your Case Manger,
504 Coordinator, or Brenda Martin, Special Ed Division Head for an accommodations application.
SAT I and SAT II Test Dates
Offered ONLY at John Hersey High School
ONLINE REGISTRATION: http://www.collegeboard.com (credit card is required)
Test Date
December 5, 2015
January 23, 2016
March 5, 2016
May 7, 2016
June 4, 2016
SAT & Subject Tests
SAT & Subject Tests
SAT Only
SAT & Subject Tests
SAT & Subject Tests
Registration Deadline
November 5, 2015
December 28, 2015
February 5, 2016
April 8, 2016
May 5, 2016
Late Reg Deadline
November 20, 2015
January 8, 2016
February 21, 2016
April 22, 2016
May 20, 2016
Class of 2016 Senior Spring Final Exemptions
Congratulations to the seniors that met the first criteria to earn exemptions on second-semester final exams.
Increasing your EPAS score by 2 points from IACT to ACT
Maintain a B average or better in each class for which they seek an exemption
No discipline referrals their senior year
Again, congratulations to the exempt seniors!
Rolling Meadows High School
SEMINAR FEE: $120.00 - includes ACT prep book
Registration Website: https:/www.d214.org/testprep
Participants will be assessed to determine their levels of skill in English, math, reading and science reasoning.
Seminars will focus on developing skills that require students to solve problems, draw conclusions, make inferences and think
analytically. Students will learn how the ACT is scored and develop test-taking strategies to help improve their scores.
This seminar is not individualized academic tutoring; it is a review of the high school core curriculum.
Students will attend five (5) classes at RMHS to be held on
Saturdays - 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon
January 30
February 6, 13 & 20
March 5
Registration will be accepted until January 8th or until all spots are filled.
NO Refunds will be issued after the start of the first class.
Questions? Contact Mrs. Mueller at [email protected] or (847) 718-5633
Mrs. Chybicki-Zimmer at [email protected] or (847) 718-5632
Mrs Marlyn Rodriguez, Resource. Asst: [email protected] (847) 718-5702
Expectations for Students in the Class
If you are unable to attend any session, notify Mrs. Mueller at
[email protected] or (847) 718-5633
Arrive promptly to each session; you will need to be seated in the room before 8:30am.
Bring your ACT book with you. No extras are available. We will be using them every class
Bring pencils and paper for taking notes.
Attend regularly, No refunds will be issued after the start of the first class
Actively participate in each class
Behave like a college-bound student
Pickup hand outs and/or homework assignments in the Assessment Center (B104) the
following Monday if you have missed a class
AP Scholars 2015
Rolling meadows high school
2015 AP Scholars With Distinction
Granted to students who receive an average score of at least
3.5 on all AP Exams taken,
And scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams.
Paulina Brzezinski
Mark Dillon
Scott Duman
Trevor Glasgow
Virginia Janes
Megan Kudla
Jessica Ligenza
Alexis Meschino
David Mitchell
Anette Navarro
Sara O’Malley
Pooja Patil
Mark Pollard
Andrei Popa
Erica Quinonez
Katherine Rohde
Jacob Rosenberg
Rahul Shah
Olivia Skwerski
Caroline Waltman
Jennifer Whidden
Rolling meadows high school
2015 AP Scholars With Honor
Granted to students who receive an average score of at least
3.25 on all AP Exams taken,
and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams.
Marcella Axelrad
Tessa Belmonte
Logan Berkowitz
Natalie Brady
Michael Brown
Andrea Busch
Daniel Carpenter
Wesley Carroll
Megan Clark
Lucas Donato
Anna Frantom
Mack Galvin
Joshua Gustafson
Ola Kierzkowska
Ellen Krebs
Kelly McGuinnes
Andrew Mischenko
Charlotte Mueller
Nora Neville
Brendan O’Brien
Quinn Parker
Luka Pavlakis
Eric Perez
Danielle Ponsot
Erich Renz
John Schoen
Elizabeth Schwarting
Ellis Shalton
Tara Stanwyck
Patricia Valdepenas
Rolling meadows high school
2015 AP Scholars
Granted to students who receive scores of
3 or higher on three or more AP Exams
Connor Allen
Lauren Anfenson
Mark Bertolami
Joan Bonilla
Vaughn Brigham
Kirsten calimlim
Amanda check
Martin czernicki
Quinn fitzsimons
anisha galla
Maria garcia
Eunice geevarghese
Theodore grant
Robert heck
Adrianna hotlos
Megan izadyar
linnea jessen
Joanna juskiewicz
Paul kiel J
John kim
ryan laboda
david majchrowski
ethan masters
Veronica materna
Benjamin mckinney Hannah mickey
Claudia milano
Thomas murphey
reni patel
Jessica perez
Valerie pyrn
Bailey Rowley
xochitl sedano
Courtney smith
Jennifer srnak
Bailey styzinski
andrea Vazquez
Collin Weymouth
melania torchalski tripp turchik
Amanda wilt
brian yohe
First Semester Examination Schedule
2015 - 2016
Semester examinations will be held on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, January 20, 21, and 22. The
examination schedule is designed to balance the work and stress of final examinations for students.
Rolling Meadows High School administration does not approve of early examinations. Parents and
students should not ask teachers to schedule early examinations.
Block 1
Block 2
Make Up
Make Up
Block 5 7:25 - 8:45
Block 7 8:55 - 10:10
Block 8 10:20 - 11:35
Make Up 11:45 - 1:00
Block 3
Block 4
Make Up
Make Up
7:25 - 8:45
8:55 - 10:10
10:20 - 11:35
11:45 - 1:00
7:25 - 8:45
8:55 - 10:10
11:45 - 1:00
No student will be excused from an assigned class on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Students assigned to study halls must report to their regularly scheduled study hall during that period.
Regular Bus Routes will be run at 10:15 a.m. on Wednesday and Friday, and at 11:40 a.m. on Thursday.
Students are not to be in the academic areas after exams unless they have an appointment with a teacher for
tutoring or are taking a make-up examination.
Activity/Athletic Bus Routes will leave at 2:30 p.m. on all three exam days.
Breakfast will be served on exam days.
Students need to schedule family vacations outside of the regular school calendar. Students need to realize that
these days are NOT school excused absences. The school calendar is published two years in advanced so families
can plan accordingly. We do understand that emergencies may arise. If students will be out of school three days
or more, they must request that absence in writing to Ms. Stanley, the Associate Principal of Instruction.
Whenever possible, college visits should be planned over long weekends. Many universities and colleges have
Open Houses during school breaks.
FINAL EXAMS are never allowed to be taken early, so please plan accordingly.
We are requesting that parents/guardians do not leave items at the front desk to be delivered to students. We can
only do this in emergency situations. The security staff has been overwhelmed with the number of dropped off
2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6
Student Services
October is Bullying Awareness Month
To participate in Bullying Awareness Month, the Student Services
Department has implemented numerous anti-bullying informational
• Video announcements addressing bullying, cyberbullying,
and victims of bullying.
• All freshmen (during freshman orientation) discussed District
214’s bullying policy and what victims or bystanders should
do to address bullying.
• Facts and suggested procedures will be communicated in the
parent newsletter throughout the school year.
Harper Promise Scholarship
The Harper Promise Scholarship application will be available to all
freshman students starting on October 15, 2015. Applications are
due by December 15, 2015.
As a reminder, participants qualify for the scholarship by meeting
Harper College’s standards for attendance, graduating college-ready
(minimum GPA’s and no D or F grades Junior and Senior year),
graduating on time, and community service hours.
More information can be found on Harper College’s website:
Upcoming Events
Junior Curriculum
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Next Year Recommendations
D214 Career Night
6:30 PM
Wheeling High School
Junior Course Registration
Latino Summit (Freshmen)
9AM – 2PM
Harper College
Sophomore Course Registration
Freshman Course Registration
D214 Senior Financial Aid Night
Clothesline Project
Mustang Corral
Seminar: Theater
Incoming Freshman Orientation
(Parents and Students)
RMHS 2016-17 Registration Time line
Teacher Recommendation Day, Gold Day Blocks 1-4
“Enter in Infinite Campus”
Teacher Recommendation Day, Purple Day Blocks 5-8
Counselors and Case Managers work on SPED course requests, B105
Junior Pre-Registration
Junior Registration in Library (next years seniors)
Junior Concerns with Div. Heads, 7:30 – 10:30 am
U.S. History Classes
Sophomore Pre-Registration
Sophomore Registration in Library (next years juniors)
Sophomore Concerns with Div. Heads, 12 - 3pm
English Classes
Freshmen Pre-Registration
Freshmen Registration in Library (next years sophomores)
Freshman Concerns with Div. Heads, 7:30 – 10:30 am
Biology Classes
1/26 - 2/5
Incoming Freshmen Student/Parent Elective, Athletic and Activity Night
6-9 p.m.
Last Day for make up registration (absentees, etc.)
Verifiers are sent home, parents MUST make changes by Wednesday, February 11 @ 3 p.m.
Students/Parents contact counselors/div. heads with schedule or level change concerns
2/16 - 19
2/22 - 2/26
LAST day to do any course request changes (Student/Parent Inititated)
Staffing/sectioning with Principalship
Meetings with division heads to section courses
Classes closed with low enrollment
SPRING BREAK (Begin building master schedule)
MAY 2016
Schedule conflicts fixed by counselors, inform students to pick alternatives.
JULY 2016
Final schedules are printed and placed in registration packets to be picked up for those students that have no
obligations (fees, uniforms, calculators, library etc.) and have registered for the next school year.
Revised 10/20/15
From the desk of Robert Yerkan in the College and Career Room (CCR)
2nd Quarter 2015
Website: http://rmhs.d214.org/college_resources/default.aspx
Mrs. Green (847) 718-5661
Mr. Yerkan (847) 718-5660
We have seen a lot of welcome activity in the CCR with seniors coming in to ask questions, schedule appointments, visit
with college representatives and to use the many resources available to them in the room. November 1 (by or before)
is the date the CCR has always recommended using as the target date for students to complete and submit their college
application(s). Many students followed that recommended date and have already heard back from the school(s) to which
they applied. Students are still bringing in applications and/or requests for transcripts to colleges and universities. The
numbers for the Class of 2016, as of October 13, are:
154: different colleges to which seniors have applied
749: applications/requests for transcripts submitted
33: percent that has submitted at least one application
39: college rep visits that have taken place in the CCR
80: individual or family consultations that were scheduled
While the numbers above show that 36% of our seniors have submitted at least one application, with over 90% of Rolling
Meadows High School (RMHS) students typically continuing their formalized education after high school, we still have
another 64% of our seniors who have not submitted a single application. Have you talked with your senior about her/his
post high school plans and whether or not s/he has submitted any applications? Although the November 1 recommended
postmark date for applications will have passed by the time you read this piece, if you are the parent of one of the seniors
in the 64% group, please talk with your senior. Encourage your senior to complete her/his application(s) as soon as
possible. Students needing assistance in identifying appropriate schools to apply to are encouraged to begin the process
by having a discussion with their counselor.
SCHOLARSHIPS: Seniors should now be focusing on the scholarship search and application process. A question
posed by many seniors, even more often posed by their parents, is “How do I find scholarships?” One source is the
on-line “Scholarship List.” The list summarizes all scholarships received by the CCR in the previous school year. Referencing the previous year’s Scholarship List can be helpful when scouting scholarships for the current school year. Most of the scholarships in the list have been received by the CCR for many years, and usually within the month under
which they are listed. It is still important, however, to check the current year’s postings of local scholarships (in the
College and Career Room, on the College and Career Room website and in Naviance), as there may be new scholarships
that were not featured in the previous year’s Scholarship List. We typically receive and post over 75 scholarship
opportunities each school year.
Whenever a new local scholarship opportunity is received in the CCR, Mrs. Green posts the opportunity on both the
Naviance and the CCR Scholarships pages, under Local Scholarships. To apply to any of the local scholarships students
can connect directly to the on-line application, using the live link, or they can download the application from the page,
when it is a hard-copy application.
Another source of scholarships are college/university scholarship offers. Schools make scholarships available to students
in a variety of ways. Some schools automatically consider students for scholarships as part of their application to the
school, while other schools require students to apply for scholarships. Some schools will invite identified students to
apply for scholarships. Students need to check with the schools they are applying to about their scholarship procedures
in order to NOT miss out on some valuable opportunities.
College and Career Room (Continued)
Both Seniors and Juniors are encouraged to stop by the CCR to check the posting of colleges that will be visiting our
school. A list of visiting schools can also be found on the CCR webpage and in Naviance. The schools, which will be
visiting, are also advertised in both the morning and scrolling announcements. Students are encouraged to list the schools
they are interested in under “colleges I’m thinking about” in their Naviance Account in order to be automatically notified
if the school they identified will be visiting the CCR. On the bulletin board, outside of the CCR, students can find
information on open houses and school visit programs that have been sent by different schools.
“What does “15 School Days” mean?” is a question frequently posed to the CCR. When a completed application,
or request for a transcript, is received in the CCR, we guarantee that it will be processed within 15 school days. Some
requests have seen a turn around time of just one day, while others take longer than 15 days. What slows the process
down? Some factors include an application that is not turned in complete or students not responding to messages sent
to their GAPPS email to address problems found. Applications and requests for transcripts are processed in the order in
which they are received. Only needing a transcript does not move a request to the top of the pile.
During the peak period of the application season the CCR receives a much higher volume of requests to process. Keeping
this in mind, please be advised that any application materials or transcript requests given to the CCR for processing that
have a December 1 deadline must be turned in by Tuesday, November 3. For a December 15 deadline, materials must
be turned in by Tuesday, November 17. Likewise, any applications and/or transcripts to be processed by the CCR prior
to the last day before winter break (December 18), including applications with a January 1 due date, must be turned in to
the CCR by Monday, November 23.
A letter was sent o the parents of seniors highlighting some new programs for seniors and their parents this year. The new
programming includes a special financial aid presentation presented by a representative from the Illinois Student Assistance
Commission (ISAC), which was held on Tuesday, October 13. Additionally, an ISAC representative will also be available
for student drop in times during seminar several times each month. Seniors can meet with the ISAC representative for
assistance with applications to colleges and scholarships, scholarship searches and, in February, the FAFSA.
In addition to regularly scheduled formal programming by the CCR, we are also conduct and/or coordinate other outreach
activities. Some of these additional initiatives include presentations in the AVID classrooms, visits to all seminars, and
arranging for presentations by outside speakers (e.g. on essay writing).
Register for the Selective Service: Males turning 18 (including non-citizen legal residents) must register with Selective
Service. This can be done on-line (www.sss.gov) or at a U. S. Post Office Branch. More specific information can also
be obtained by calling (847) 688-4638. Selective Service Registration is a requirement for males completing the FAFSA.
By the time you receive this newsletter a number of programs will have already been conducted, including the D214
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Night (September 2), Senior Curriculum (September 8 and 9), Senior
Parent Night (September 15) and the D214 Freshman/Sophomore College Planning “So, You Want to Go to College?”
program (October 15).
SENIOR CURRICULUM PROGRAM: The first half of the Senior Curriculum Program was spent highlighting some
of the components of the “Senior Resource Booklet” seniors were given, including college and university expectations,
application and essay tips, deadlines, and how to use the CCR and its resources. There was also an opportunity for students
to pose questions. During the second half of the program the students’ counselors took the students to computer labs
and reviewed the application process, including the Transcript Release and Teacher Request for Recommendation forms,
accessing and using the Family Connection (by Naviance) and connecting Naviance to the Common Application. The
parent night reviewed the same material but also included an optional visit to the CCR. A PowerPoint used during the
programs, as well as the Senior Resource Booklet, can be accessed by visiting the CCR webpage (see heading, above).
THE D214 “SO, YOU WANT TO GO TO COLLEGE?” PROGRAM: This program was presented to D214 freshmen,
sophomores and their parents in the Forest View Educational Center Theatre. The program highlighted five areas students
College and Career Room (Continued)
can focus on early in their high school careers in order to prepare themselves for college admissions and greater college
options. The PowerPoint for this presentation can also be accessed on the CCR webpage.
JUNIOR CURRICULUM I will kick off for this year’s juniors when they have their first formal group presentation on
the college search and selection process, during English classes on November 3 and 4. Juniors will be given a booklet
containing a wealth of useful information, most of which will be reviewed as part of the program. Be sure to ask your
junior to share the booklet with you! Juniors will also spend part of the block meeting with their counselors and accessing
their Naviance accounts. In February of 2016 we will follow up with juniors during Junior Curriculum II, when we will
have them come to the CCR for smaller group guidance sessions. Junior Parent Night will be on February 16.
Junior Curriculum I serves as the beginning of a series of programs available to juniors, including the D214 Athletic Night
(November 16), Ask the College Night (December 3), the Mustang Corral (December 16), Junior Financial Aid Night
(March 16) and the D214 College Night (April 5). The first three programs are explained later in this news piece and the
second two programs will be highlighted in the next Parent Newsletter.
Parents of juniors should have received a tri-fold highlighting the junior college planning programs. A cover letter,
outlining the junior college guidance program, with a planning guide on the back, was included in the mailing. Please
contact the CCR if you did not receive a copy of the booklet.
Naviance continues to be a program that is used more and more at RMHS. As part of the Senior Curriculum Program,
and Senior Parent Night, brief reviews of some of the tools available through Naviance were highlighted. Some of the
tools you may want to ask your senior about, and encourage them to use, would be the recommendation information
and resumes. If students want to know the status of their requests from the CCR they can go to the “colleges” tab, then
“colleges I’m applying to” and, finally, “view detailed status” to see what has been sent.
How does your senior get to Naviance? Students can link to Naviance in several ways. They can get there from the RMHS
Homepage by going to the Student Resources Tab and then to College Resources. They will find a link to Naviance at the
bottom right of the CCR homepage. By going that way they will get to the CCR webpage and be able to access all the
other resources available to them on that page. Another way to link to Naviance would be to go to “Family Connection”
on the Student Resources tab. The easiest way to go directly to the site is to go to: www.connection.naviance.com/
Students interested in pursing a career in the health field might want to attend the annual
Health Careers Night at Lutheran General Hospital, in Park Ridge. Students can learn about health career choices, talk
with people who work in various health-related careers and obtain information about educational requirements and salary
ranges. This year’s fair is scheduled for Wednesday, November 4, from 6:00 - 8:00 P.M. For more information call Jan
Welter at (847) 723-8336.
Student Athletes: Students, and parents of students, who are considering participating in NAIA or NCAA Division Level
Sports in college are encouraged to attend the annual D214 Athletic Night. This year’s program is scheduled for Monday,
November 16, at 7:00 P.M. in the FVEC Theatre. The presenter for the event will be Maureen A. Harty, Associate Director
of Academic and Membership Affairs of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).
Another valuable program, relevant to sophomores, juniors and their parents is the D214 “Ask the College Night.”
This year the program will take place on Thursday, December 3, beginning at 7:00 P.M. in the FVEC Theatre. Directed
primarily toward juniors, but sophomores and freshmen are also welcome, the program format is a panel of college
representatives from a variety of colleges (big, small, public, private, in-state, out-of-state, two-year and four-year) talking
about college applications to, and college life at, their type of institution. After their presentations the panel will engage
in a question-answer session with the audience. This annual program is always well received by both the presenters and
the audience and a great exchange of information takes place.
College and Career Room (Continued)
Looking further ahead, into December, the annual D214 Senior Financial Aid Night will take place at 7:00 P.M. on
Tuesday, December 8, in the Rolling Meadows High School Theatre. We are very excited to have Mark Anderson,
Associate Director and Coordinator of New Student Financial Aid Services at Lake Forest College, return again this
year as our presenter.
Students will be invited to the “Mustang Corral” in the RMHS theatre during seminar on Wednesday, December
16th. We will be hosting some of our 2015 graduates who will come back to our school to talk about their precollege (identifying/applying to schools and scholarships) and college experiences. During the program the returning
mustangs share some valuable insight on both the process and their experiences. Encourage your student to attend!
Would your student be interested in a “Gap Year” prior to attending a college or university? A Gap Year is a year
between high school graduation and the beginning of formalized post high school education program. Taking a Gap
Year is very common in many countries and is growing in popularity in the U.S. Students use the year to participate
in any of a number of career exploration, self-growth and/or community service experiences. You can get more
information about this option by attending the Gap Year Program at New Trier High School, in Winnetka, on Saturday,
January 30, 2016, from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M.
Some dates to remember:
Nov. 1
CCR recommended deadline date for all applications to be
Postmarked (earlier is even better).
Nov. 3 & 4
Junior Guidance (out of English classes).
Nov. 3
CCR 15-day deadline for materials with a Dec. 1 school deadline.
Health Careers Night (Lutheran General Hospital – Park Ridge)
Nov. 4
6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.
Nov. 5
Registration deadline for the Dec. 5 SAT. *
Nov. 6
Registration deadline for the Dec. 12 ACT. *
D214 NCAA Night (FVEC Theatre) 7:00 P.M.
Nov. 16
Nov. 17
CCR 15-day deadline for materials with a 12/15 school deadline.
Nov. 23
CCR 15-day deadline for materials with a 1/1 school deadline.
Dec. 3
D214 Program: Ask the College (FVEC Theatre) 7:00 P.M.
Dec. 8
D214 Program: Senior Financial Aid Night (RMHS Theatre) 7:00 P.M.
Dec. 16
Mustang Corral (RMHS Theatre, during Seminar).
Dec. 28 Registration deadline for the Jan. 23 SAT. *
Jan. 8
Registration deadline for the Feb. 6 ACT. *
*Call Mrs. Mueller, Assessment Center Coordinator, at (847) 718-5632, for more information.
Looking even further ahead:
Jan. 30
Feb. 2 & 3
Feb. 16 Gap Year Program (New Trier HS, 1:00- 3:30 PM).
Junior Curriculum II (students come from their US History class).
Junior Parent Night (7:00 PM RMHS Theatre).
Please look to this section in future newsletters for important dates and information!
Breakfast??? Do you really need to eat breakfast?
From the Desk of Theresa Hennigan
RMHS School Nurse
Why You Should Eat a Healthy Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast provides you with
the energy and nutrients that lead to increased concentration in the classroom.
Studies show that breakfast can be important in maintaining a healthy body
Hunger sets in long before it's time for lunch, but because it's not convenient to
eat properly, many people who have not eaten breakfast snack on foods that
are high in fat and sugar.
People who skip breakfast are unlikely to make up their daily requirement for
some vitamins and minerals that a simple breakfast would have provided.
Breakfast provides energy for the activities during the morning and helps to
prevent that mid-morning slump.
Tips on Eating a Quick and Healthy Breakfast
Pick 2-3 foods, including at least one from each of the following food groups:
-bread and grain (i.e. cereal, toast, muffin)
-milk and milk product (i.e. low-fat yogurt, low-fat milk)
-fruit or vegetable group (i.e. bananas, apples, carrots)
Pick up portable breakfast items when at the grocery store. You should buy
foods like fruit, low-fat yogurt, whole grain breakfast bars, or granola bars for
those mornings when you have to eat breakfast on the go.
Replace or accompany that morning cup of coffee with a glass of orange juice or
Make an omelet! You can shorten preparation time by chopping up your
vegetables ahead of time.
Get up 15 minutes earlier. You can fix and consume a healthy breakfast in 15
minutes or less.
Plan ahead to eat breakfast. This means you should decide what you are going
to eat for breakfast before the next morning. You can save time by putting out
the box of cereal or cutting up some fruit the night before.
Pursuant to Section 17-1.2 of the Illinois School Code (105 ILCS 5/17-1.2), notice is
given that the 2015-2016 budget, itemized by receipts and expenditures, is now on our
district website. It can be found at:
Students of the First Quarter 2015-2016
Batican Altan - AVID 3
Reni Patel - AVID 4
Jaden Zayas - AVID 1
Social Science/World Language/ELL
Devonte Amos - US History
Natalie Anderson - Honors Spanish 3
Kevin Angeles - French 2
Natalie Burda - AP World History
Kelsey Giachetti - Honors Spanish 3
Trevor Glasgow - AP Economics
Margaret Goodwin - French 1
Anton Groark - Honors Spanish 3
Araceli Hernandez - AP Spanish
Mallory King - Honors Spanish 3
Megan Kudla - AP Psychology
Brian Lopez Flores - Human Geography
Arturo Magallanes - Honors French 4
Tayma Mansour - Honors Spanish 3
Charlie Marquina-Panora -Spanish Native Speakers 2
Katherine Nolan - AP US History
Bridget O’Brien - Spanish 3 Honors
Yoselyne Pineda - Spanish Native Speakers 3
Mark Pollard - AP Spanish
Nicholas Powell - US History
Estevan Rodriguez - Spanish Native Speakers 4
Sophia Rodriguez - Spanish Native Speakers 4
Jacob Rosenberg - AP Economics
Junior Sanchez - AP Spanish Literature and Culture
Meha Shah - ESL 1 & ESL 1 Strategies
Anthony Shands - AP Spanish
Caroline Slowik - Human Geography
Francesco Valenzano - Honors Italian 3
Amanda Wilt - AP Psychology
Career and Technical Education Lauren Anfenson - Robotics 3
Daniel Carpenter - Media Tech
Francisco Flores - Advanced Graphic Design
Michael Kikoen - Media Tech
English/Fine Arts Jerusalen Bahena - American Literature & Composition
Robert Heck - Music
Alexis Meschino - AP Literature
Nidhi Patel - World Literature & Composition
Mark Pollard - Creative Writing
Andrea Prchal - World Literature & Composition
Katherine Rohde - AP Literature
Dip Shah - Written and Oral Communication
Petula Walsh Grant - Fall play and Acting 1
Erin Fruzyna - Honors Chemistry
Diana Hernandez - Math 52
Haris Vujic - Biology
RMHS Doors do not open until 6:30 a.m. As the weather gets
colder, please make note...
Digital Transformations
We are extremely excited about how well our students have transitioned into being a 1 ­ 1 school. Now that every student has an iPad, they have increased access to resources, more opportunities to collaborate with their peers, and less obstacles to overcome with regards to communicating with their teachers. Many teachers are using Schoology to present their curriculum, while others use self created websites or other platforms. I encourage you to talk with your child about how each of their teachers are distributing information and how assignments are being collected for each class. Here are few resources that are available to you: On November 7th, District 214 will be partnering with feeder districts to create Engage 2015 Parent Tech Conference. This is a free event for parents offering an opportunity to hear from teachers about the roles and implications of technology both in and out of the 21st century classroom. We are currently running our first ever Schoology course for parents titled, ​“Stay Connected, A Parent’s Guide to Instructional Technology in D214.” ​ ​This Free online course is designed as a six week course using the Learning Management System ​Schoology.​ Course topics include: ●
Today’s Classroom ●
Digital Balance ●
Social Media ●
Digital Citizenship ●
Strategies for managing technology at home We ​WILL​ be running this course again second semester so if you missed this opportunity, there will be another chance to enroll. Dates will be released in January. To learn more about how technology is being used in our classrooms at RMHS: Follow us on Twitter: @RMHS_EDTECH Follow our Blog: rmhsedtech.blogspot.com 24
Graphic Design Students Raymond Liu & Alex Fiscu
win top design awards at the
Chicago Architecture Foundations
Newhouse Architecture + Design Competition! Division 6: Graphic Design: Point A to Point B
First Grand Prize: Raymond Liu
Division 7: Photography Neighborhood Photo Essay
First Grand Prize: Alex Fiscu
Ray & Alex won an
all expense paid trip
to study at the
renowed Talisin,
Frank Lloyd Wright’s
School of Architecture
in Spring Green, WI!
Check out what’s happening in the
Graphic Design Class!
AVID Upcoming College Trips:
November 6 - University of Illinois at Chicago
March 21-22 Eastern Illinois University, University of Illinois at Springfield,
Illinois Wesleyan University, Western Illinois University
The RMHS AVID Tutors
Laurine N. Ngouatou graduated from RMHS in 2015. She attends Harper college and plans
to obtain her Associate’s Degree in Engineering. Later, she plans on getting a Bachelor’s
Degree in Chemical Engineering from UIC. She speaks 4 languages. She ran track and field
and managed the football team during her senior year in high school. She was a part of class
council, Honors Society, Scholastic Bowl, and UYBS while in high school and is continuing
in the Honors Society at Harper college.
Ms. Ngouatou
Angel Ramirez graduated from Rolling Meadows High School in 2015. He currently attends
Harper College seeking to complete general education courses. His plan is to earn a Bachelor’s
Degree in Electrical Engineering from UNLV. Besides taking rigorous courses at RMHS, Angel
was involved in the gymnastics program and participated as a dancer in the V-Show.
Mr. Ramirez
Jessica Sanchez is a graduate of Elk Grove High School, class of 2013. She came to this country in 2011 with no
knowledge of the English language as a high school junior. By the end of junior year, she successfully exited the ELL
program, and during her senior year, she was enrolled in honors, AP, and college classes. Jessica graduated with a
Bilingual Excellence Award and an Academic Honors Award. She currently attending to Harper college. She is
pursuing a degree in Business, and after that, she wants go on to law school.
Ms. Sanchez
Deby Munoz graduated from RMHS in 2014. She currently attends Harper College and plans
on getting her Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality Management with the hopes of opening up her
own restaurant one day. Deby overcame the hardship of learning English and doing school
work on her own because she was the first person to learn the language in her immediate family.
Besides cooking and playing volleyball, she has a passion for traveling.
Lloselin Miranda graduated from RMHS in 2011. She attended Harper College, earning her
Associates of Arts Degree. She plans on attending Northeastern Illinois University, where she
will work towards a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. While she was a student at RMHS,
Lloselin enjoyed being a member of the Latinos Unidos Club. She has a passion for music and
enjoys going to concerts.
Ms. Miranda
Ms. Cordero
Jose A. Ramirez graduated from RMHS in 2013. He currently attends Harper College,
working on his Associate’s Degree and plans to transfer to a four year college to study
Psychology. During his time at RMHS, Jose started as an ELL 1 student, by his
sophomore year he had advanced to regular English classes. He graduated with two senior
medallions for English as a Second Language and Spanish for Native Speakers. He was
recently asked to join Phi Theta Kappa at Harper College.
Ms. Munoz
Mr. Ramirez
America Cordero is a RMHS Class of 2013 alumnae. She currently attends Harper College working on her
Associates of Arts Degree and plans to transfer to a four year college to study Secondary English Education.
During her time at RMHS, she was a section editor for The Pacer. She was also in the morning
announcements and took many AP classes during her four years in high school.
El Comité para Padres Latinos los invita a las juntas para padres latinos. Manténganse al tanto de los
recursos académicos de la escuela así como de la comunidad. Todas las presentaciones son en español.
Fechas de las juntas
septiembre 9
Recursos Académicos (Infinite Campus, Centros
Académicos, tutoría después de la escuela,
seminario) Grados 9 a 12
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
octubre 15 y 22
Taller para estudiantes en cómo
llenar una aplicación para la universidad. (ISAC) Harper College - Juanita Bassler taller para
padres y estudiantes.
Grados 11 y 12 (Octubre 22 SOLAMENTE)
Cosas para considerar para su estudiante antes
de hacer su declaración de impuestos.
Grado 12
6:30 PM a 8:30 PM
noviembre 19
Clases avanzadas (AP)/Certificados para
carreras cortas (fabricación, diseño gráfico,
comida culinaria, educación preescolar).
Grados 9 a 11
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
febrero 7
FAFSA – Aplicación para ayuda financiera del
gobierno para la universidad.
Juanita Bassler
Grado 12
Cómo buscar becas académicas para su
Grados 9 - 11
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
marzo 12
El camino hacia la universidad: Planeación
familiar - College Palooza en Elk Grove High
Grados 9-12
9:00 AM - 12:20 PM
abril ???
Orador Motivacional - FVEC
sábado y
mayo 14 y 15
Registración para el año escolar 2016-2017 (Verificación de residencia, inscripción gratuita)
8:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Para más información y/o preguntas llame a la Sra. Denise Herff al (847) 718-5848, Srta. Parisaw Faye al
(847) 718-5778, Srta. Gabriela Medina al (847) 718- 5669 o a la Sra. Maritza Rivera al (847) 718-5648.
Girls Volleyball Volunteers at Northwest Special
Recreation Association
Annual Student Chinese Cultural Performance
Come join us for the annual Student Chinese Cultural
Performance at 7 p.m. on Friday, December 4, at Rolling
On Tuesday, August 18th the entire Girls Volleyball Meadows High School in the theater. Admission is free,
Program donated several hours to working with over 40 and all are welcome to watch local high school students
athletes from Northwest Special Recreation Association. perform authentic Chinese cultural feats. Acts in the past
There were four teams of athletes that came over from have included dragon dances, live Kung Fu demonstrations, musical performances, and much more. Come and
see what Mandarin students can do using their knowledge
of language and culture.
Snowboard & Ski Club
NWSRA to receive training, smiles and encouragement
from our amazing volleyball players. The girls planned
the entire evening to include work with passing, setting
and serving. NWSRA exists to provide opportunities for
children and adults with disabilities and RMHS was fortunate to have the opportunity to work with these amazing
Calling all winter sport enthusiasts! Snowboard & Ski
club sign-up will be out soon. Whether you’re simply a
ski/snowboarding novice or you are simply someone who
wants to get involved and learn the sport, come out and join
the fun! We plan three trips to Wilmot Mountain throughout the course of the season as well as a trip to Alpine
Valley on a Saturday. Don’t worry if you don’t know how,
Wilmot offers free lessons to all club members. If you have
any questions, feel free to email Mrs. Crook at cris.crook@
d214.org or you can go ahead and follow on twitter at @rmhssnowboard for the latest updates! Stay frosty and remember,
Save these dates:
December 19, 2015 - Alpine Valley
January 6, 2016 - Wilmot
January 22-24, 2016 - Upperclassman trip
to Devil’s Head and Cascade
January 28, 2016 - Wilmot
February 10, 2016 - Wilmot
Rolling Meadows High School Athletic Department
Fall Sports Awards Night
Monday November 9, 2015
6:00 p.m. Main Gymnasium
*Athletes & Coaches should arrive at 5:45 p.m. and
meet in the fieldhouse to receive seating instructions
and to line up for the “march-in processional”
This is for ALL fall athletes at ALL levels and their
parents. Please bring a dessert to share.
Attire: semi-formal (shirt/tie; dress/skirt/slacks)
There are openings available for the 2014-­‐2015 Rolling Meadows High School Mini-­‐ Mustangs Preschool Program for children ages three to five. The Mini Mustangs meet every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Although the fall session is closed, there is still availability in the afternoon session from 1:15 – 2:45 beginning in mid-­‐February 2015. High school teachers are trained to offer all students a high-­‐quality education in a caring environment. The program prides itself on a one-­‐to-­‐one student to teacher ratio, which offers individualized attention to each preschooler. The Mini-­‐Mustang Preschool also provides inclusive education for students with special needs. The cost is $100 per child. Parents may register their child for the spring program afternoon session by contacting preschool director, Angela Kumler (847) 718-­‐5893 or [email protected]. It is best to register early because spots fill quickly!
Rolling Meadows High School
Athletic Boosters’
7th 9-3
$ admission
Featuring over 110 crafters and vendors!
Abraham Adelman Amundson Anagnostopoulos Anderson Anderson Anderson Andrews
Anfenson Baron Bauer Behrens Bergloff Bieda Birenbaum Boduch Borta Bouraoui Boyer
Brady Brand Bratek Brigham Bruno Budin Buerger Burda Burkhardt Butler Byrne Calzaretta
Campagna Capesius Carlstrom Carpenter Carroll Carson Casale Cavanaugh Check Chipchak
Chism Clark Coldebella Collins Connor Cooke Corcoran Cowell Cox Crain Cruz Cullen Culver
Czulno Dacy Danielska Davis deRamos Debartolo Dempsey DeRango Dillon Divito Divyak
Dollia Donlon Dossaji Doyle Drezen Dudek Dunderdale Errico Fantoni Fava Filiczkowski
Filippelli Fiore Fitzgerald Fitzsimmons Fitzsimons Frantom Fruzyna Gavin Gaza Gentile
Gerardi Giachetti Glasgow Goodwin Grant Greifenstein Grenke Grier Groark Gruettner
Gustafson Hahn Haider Haltman Heck Hansen Heck Helminski Hemm Hendrickson Hepko
Herold Herring Hickey Hilbert Hill Hinderer Hintz Hogue Horan Houston Howe Huber Huck
Huffman Huizinga Hume Ishiura Jessen Joyce Kachin Kacimi Kalina Kane Keefer Kelly
Kerr Kesana Kiaupa Kiel Kim King Klancnik Knaack Knea Knourek Kohlberg Kohler
Koleva Kopulos Kornblum Kossack Koutas Kowalski Kramp Krawczyk Krebs Kritikos
Kudla Kukielka Laboda LaCosse Lane Lara Larson Leander Leers Leisten Lemajeur Leonard
Leone Lesniak Lichtenstein Ligenza Lipinski Little Lockwood Lopez Lorentzen Losselyoung
Lowe Luebke Luhan Mackey Magri Makowski Maletira Malter Maltese Manley Marcopulos
Marino-Vineze Marrero Martin Matson Mavric McAlhaney McGinn McGuinnes McHugh
McHugh McKinney Meehan Meschino Mich Mickey Milano Miller Miller Milligan Moran
Morgan Mueller Muhr Mulppalaneni Murglin Murphy Murphy Muti Nallon Nebel Nesbitt
Neville Nicolich-Wilson Nolan Nolan Noll Nordman North Nykol Obrien ODonnell OGrady
OHara OKeeffe Ontaneda Orlyk Ott Paddack Palmer Papadakis Paraskevopoulos Patel
Pavlakis Pensa Perez Perille Phillips Piscitello Poppe Pors Preissing Preradovic Priller Prusener
Pyrn Quenan Quezada Quick Rebman Rebsamen Reese Reich Rezny Rhyan Richards Ridler
Rooney Rose Roselli Rosenberg Sabella Sakuma Sang Sarver Scardami Schertler Schmidt
Schnaudigel Schoen Schoessling Schreiber Schultz Schurtz Schwartz Sellergren Sents Shah
Shalton Sheridan Shultz Simon Simonson Sioui Skorin Skuldt Skwerski Smith Sobkowicz
Sohn Spiwak Srnak Stahl Stanwyck Stenberg Stevenson Storniolo Stubing Stukes Styzinski
Svoboda Swindells Szydlowska Szylak Tanny Targos Tavares Tchernodrinski Tenuta
Theodosiadis Thomas Thompson Thoms Tisma Toberman Toljanic Tompkins Tonkovic
Torchalski Tornabene Toussaint Trafford Trejo Trojan Troschuk Turchik Ungurean Unti Urban
Ure Utyro Vann Vassos Vaughan Vera Vinopal Vittore VonOesen Voss Walsh-Grant Walter
Walters Watson Weil Whitman Wietrzak Williams Wiltse Windhorst Winterstein Yohe Zanocco
3600 Kirchoff Road, Rolling Meadows, Illinois 60008
(847) 255-2416
Back to School – Think Safety – 2015-16 School Year
As the new school year begins, the Rolling Meadows Police Department is urging motorists, pedestrians
and bicyclists to share the streets responsibly so everyone can have a great start for the back to school
season. Drivers should allow extra travel time and watch for children and buses. Students need to stay alert
and think safety. Parents should talk with their children about staying alert, looking both ways, obeying
crossing guards, using crosswalks and thinking about safety. This will help students get to school safely and
Tips below provide reminders about the basic Rules of the Road, including pedestrian, driver and cyclist
safety, and how to drive when around school buses.
• When a school bus stops, the flashing red lights go on and the stop arm comes out, drivers in BOTH
directions are required to stop. This is the most dangerous time with children getting on or off the bus.
• It is against the law to pass a stopped school bus with its flashing red lights activated and stop arm
extended. (** select buses are equipped with photo enforcement cameras / $150 citation).
• Drivers must be patient. There is simply no room for aggressive driving around a school bus.
• Realize that your commute takes longer when school is in session – allow more time.
• Stay alert. Avoid distractions – especially mobile devices.
• And remember, Illinois law requires motorists to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks.
• Watch for children walking in the street, especially if there are no sidewalks.
• Children and their parents need to review the rules of the road too.
• For travel by school bus: have a safe place to wait for the bus, AWAY from traffic and the street, stay
away from the bus until it comes to a complete stop and the driver signals you to enter.
• When walking: only cross the street at a marked crosswalk, preferably one has a crossing guard. Before
crossing a street, look left, then right, then left again. Stay alert. Follow signals.
• When riding a bike, don’t ever ride your bike across an intersection. Get off and walk it across after
looking both ways for oncoming traffic or waiting for a crossing signal. Children should always wear a
helmet when cycling.
• Stay visible – wear light and/or reflective clothing, especially when walking in the dark.
Motorists should take extra care between the morning hours of 6-9 a.m. and 1-4 p.m. during the school year.
Motorists should limit distractions in the car and watch for pedestrian crossing, especially around school
zones. We are all responsible for traffic safety. If you have any questions, please call the police nonemergency number, 847-255-2416.
​Upcoming Fine and Performing Arts Events November 7 ILMEA Concert Festival Concert at 3:00 p.m. at Glenbrook South HS November 12 D214 One Acts festival at 7:30 p.m. at JHHS November 16 D214 Concerto Competition at 7:00 p.m. at TBA November 18­21 Variety Show at 7:30 p.m. in the Theater November 21 ILMEA Jazz Festival Concerts starting at 1:00 p.m. at Niles West HS December 2 Harper Art Show Awards/Reception December 4 D214 Creative Writing Day at FVEC December 6 Winter Guitar Recital at 3:00 p.m. pm in the Theater December 10 Holiday Band Concert at 7:30 p.m. in the Theater December 13 Madrigal Dinner at 5:00 p.m. at the Cotillion December 15 Holiday Choral/Orchestra Concert at 7:30 p.m. in the Theater December 17 Holiday Dance Concert at 7:30 p.m. in the Theater December 18 Holiday Assemblies in the Main Gym during the school day January 7­9 Illinois High School Theater Fest at Illinois State University January 9 Art Expo at FVEC January 16 RMHS Speech Contest all day throughout the building January 23 Jazz Bands at the Northshore Jazz Festival TBA at Glenbrook South HS January 28 Orchestra Performance at ILMEA State Conference in Peoria 32
Rolling Meadows High School Theatre Presents… Fall Play 2015
by Sarah Ruhl
Dying too young on her wedding day, Eurydice must journey to the underworld, where she
reunites with her father and struggles to remember her lost love. With contemporary
characters, ingenious plot twists, and breathtaking visual effects, the play is a fresh look at
a timeless love story.
October 28th, 6:00pm
October 29th-30th, 7:30pm
October 31st, 2:00pm
Tickets ($5) available at the door or by calling 847-718-5615
Find out more info at: http://meadowstheatre.weebly.com/current-production.html
Rolling Meadows High School
proudly presents the
Thirtieth Annual Madrigal Dinner
With the coming of the Yuletide season, we invite you to travel to 16th Century England and
experience a royal feast complete with entertainment and songs, including traditional
madrigals and holiday carols. Adding to this festive occasion are the Court Jesters, Brass
Quintet, String Ensemble, Serving Wenches, and other vibrant players.
• Sunday, December 13 th at 5:00 p.m. at The Cotillion Banquets
360 South Creekside Drive, Palatine, IL 60074
• Reserved seating. Please list the names of your group on the back of the reservation.
• Please include full payment with reservation no later than Friday, November 20 th to
the address below. Reservations are accepted on a first come, first serve basis. Please note
that this event usually sells out quickly!
• You will receive a confirmation by mail and email.
• Please arrive 15 minutes prior to performance for parking, coat check & seating.
*Coat check is optional; $1 fee per guest applies.
• Call Ms. Caitlyn Walsh, Choral Director, at 847-718-5753 if you have any questions.
As this event has become a holiday season tradition for many, please order your tickets
early! Madrigal Dinner tickets make a wonderful holiday gift. We hope that you can join
us for this memorable event.
~~~~~~~~~ Reservation Card – 2015 Madrigal Dinner ~~~~~~~~~~
Please RSVP no later than Friday, November 20 th
Last Name____________________________________________ First Name___________________________________________
Email Address:_______________________________________Phone:_________________________________________________
Sunday, December 15th—5:00 pm
____ tickets for Filet Mignon ($35 per plate)
____ tickets for Chicken ($35 per plate)
____ tickets for Vegetarian Pasta ($35 per plate)
____ tickets for Chicken Tenders Kids Meal ($25 per plate)
*Ages 12 and under only, please.
Checks payable to Rolling Meadows High School, total amount $__________
*Please send reservations to:
Madrigal Dinners—Attn: Caitlyn Walsh
Rolling Meadows High School
2901 W. Central Road
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
District 214 Community Education proudly presents
The Concert Series
Saturday, February 27, 2016
World Stage Series presents
Greek Celebration featuring
Sunday, November 22
District 214 Community Education
brings to you The Concert Series
featuring four shows this fall
through spring 2016.
As essential components of
thriving communities, we hope the
quality and affordability of these
shows will elevate your cultural
and performing arts experience.
SEASON PASS (4 shows) $52
$20 Advance $18 Gold Card Club
K-12 FREE with paying adult
$22 Door
To purchase a season pass/tickets, please call
the CE Box Office at 847-718-7702
M-Th 8 am-4 pm/F 8 am-3 pm
We hope you’ll enjoy them and
continue to support our programs.
All four shows are held at 3 p.m. at
Forest View Educational Center
2121 S. Goebbert Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60005
Please note that information in this flyer is subject to change without
notice. Check the Community Education website for updates.
World Stage Series
Township High School District 214
Rolling Meadows High School
2901 Central Road
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
RMHS Phone Short Cut Menu
Here is a shorten version of our call menu, please keep this handy so that
when you call RMHS you go directly to the department you are seeking:
Press #1 - Report an absence in Spanish
Press #2 - Obtain information in Spanish
Press #3 - Attendance Office (report and absence or to speak with a dean)
Press #4 - Athletics/Activities
Press #5 - Nurse’s Office
Press #6 - Student Services (counselor, college career, transcripts)
Press #7 - Academic Division Offices, including Special Education
Press #8 - Bookkeeper
Press #0 - Main Office