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AB OUT ME I was born on the 12th September 1991 I'm: Passionate what I do, proactive with what I decide, agile under pressure, liable and creative, adaptable environments, helpful and dynamic. Ester Rosa Hidalgo Literature Cats Music Draw GRAPHIC DESIGNER W ORK EXPERIENCE Graphic Design Corinfar Laboratories Entour Cultural Magazine 201 4- 2016 Graphic Design Graficentro Editorial Entour Cultural Magazine 201 4 Graphic Design Degree in Graphic Design. CEUT EC- UNI TE C 2014 Marrder Omnimedia Maya Selva Cigars Minister Hotel 201 3-2014 Freelance Graphic Design School Los Ángeles La Casona UNISHIPERS 2012-2013 Graphic Design El Rey Store Burbujas Store Direpo Store Freelance Graphic Design School Los Angeles 201 2 2011- 201 2 Freelance Graphic Design “Mayan Native Art” ElyModa/“ELYMAYA” Iglesia Semilla de Fe Honduras, Valle de Ángeles F.M 2010- 2011 PROGRAMS + 504 314 1-3128 e ro sah idalg o@gm ail.c om www.este r hidalgo.w e e b l y .c o m www. l i n k e di n .c om /i n/ester-rosahidalgo h anc e.n e t/e s t e r-ro s ah i d al g o I llu s t ra t or A f te r Eff ec ts D re a mw e aver I n De s ing S o u nd b oo t h Wordpres s P h o to s ho p A u d itio n Joo m l a