Gall midges (Díptera: Cecidomyiidae) of the Iberian Península
Gall midges (Díptera: Cecidomyiidae) of the Iberian Península
Boln. Asoc. esp. Ent., 20 (1-2): 1996: 41-61 ISSN: 0210-8984 Gall midges (Díptera: Cecidomyiidae) of the Iberian Península M. Skuhravá, V. Skuhravy, J. Blasco-Zumeta & J. Pujade ABSTRACT A total of 240 gall midge species are known from the Iberian Península since 1900, 118 from Portugal, 199 from Spain and 30 from Andorra. A total number of 78 species occur both in Spain and Portugal and 16 species in all three countries; 46 species were described by Tavares. In this work, the blbliographical references from gall midges fauna of Portugal, Spain and Andorra are mentioned as well as new references for this countries. Finally, the occurrence of gall midges Peninsular fauna is compared with their presence in other European countries. Key words: Gall midges, Cecidomyiidae, Iberian Peninsula, fauna, distribution, zoo.geography. RESUMEN Cecidómidos (Díptera: Cecidomyiidae) de la Península Ibérica. Desde el año 1900 hasta la actualidad se conocen un total de 240 especies de cecidómidos de la Península Ibérica, de las cuales 118 se han encontrado en Portugal, 199 en España y 30 en Andorra. Un total de 78 especies han sido citadas tanto en España como en Portugal y 16 en los tres países; 46 especies fueron descritas por Tavares. En este trabajo, se recopilan las citas de la fauna de cecidómidos de Portugal, España y Andorra y se aportan nuevas citas para los tres. Finalmente se compara la fauna peninsular de cecidómidos con la de otros países europeos. Palabras clave: Cecidomyiidae, Península Ibérica, fauna, distribución, zoogeografía. INTRODUCTION Summarizing the available knowledge of the fauna of a given área is essential to render such information useful for further research on the distribution of species in biogeographical provinces and to solve zoogeographical problems. This is why we have decided to go through the 42 M. Skuhravá, V. Skuhravy, J. Blasco-Zumeta & J. Pujade scattered Information about the gall midge fauna of Spain and Portugal and publish the results in the present paper. After a short history of research on gall midges in the Iberian Peninsula, we give a list of the species recorded from Spain, Portugal and Andorra, accompanied by a map illustrating the áreas where gall midges have been collected (figure 1). At the end we discuss the results and the number of species found in the Iberian Peninsula, and evalúate the role of Professor Tavares and other scientists in the development of the study of gall midges in Spain and Portugal. Study área The Iberian Peninsula, with a surface of about 580,000 km2, lies in the South-West of Europe, between the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean sea including three countries, viz. Portugal, Spain and Andorra. From a biogeographical point of view, it is divided into two provinces, the Eurosiberian área, in the north-west, and the Mediterranean Province, which comprises the rest of the peninsula (UDVARDY, 1975). The vegetation includes (RIVAS-MARTÍNEZ, 1987) six phytosociological classes: Juncetea trifidi, ElymoSeslerietea, Vaccinio-Piceetea, Pino-Juniperetea, Querco-Fagetea and Quercetea ilicis. Material and methods For this paper we have analysed all the available literature about the occurrence of gall midges. New unpublished data concerning the área of study (mainly belonging to NE Iberian Peninsula) are given. The nomenclature of gall midges is based on SKUHRAVÁ (1986; 1989), and that of host plant species on TUTIN et al. (1964-1980). History The Iberian Peninsula was until 1900 «térra incógnita» from the point of view of the study of gall midges and their galls, and there was no information on the occurrence of the species of this group. Trotter was the first to study cecidomyiids in the Iberian Peninsula; results concerning Portugal are summerized in TROTTER (1899; 1900; 1902), and those from Spain in TROTTER (1902). STROBL (1906) found five species of the subfamily Lestremiinae in Spain. The period between 1902 and 1907, which saw the publication by Rdo. J. da S. Tavares of many papers about this group, can be considered the «golden age» of the studies of galls and gall midges. The most important papers are «As zoocecídias portuguezas» with «Addenda» (both in 1902) and «Synopse das zoocecídias portuguezas» (1905), with «Addendum» (1907). Some information about the occurrence of the galls was published several years later (TAVARES, 1913; 1914a; 1914b). The most important papers dealing with these midges in Spain were published by TAVARES in the period 19161924 (see references). Gal! midges of the Iberian Península 43 Figure 1: The lerritory of the Iberian Península including data about occurrence of gall migde species found in various áreas in the period from 1899 to 1994, acoording to bibliographic references. (Detail information see in text.) Figura 1: Datos bibliográficos sobre la presencia de agallas de especies de Cecidomíidos halladas en diferentes áreas en el período de 1899 a 1994. (Información detallada en el texto.) Tavares described 47 gall midges as new species. He is one of the best specialists in this group in southern Europe. His situation was not easy. After the 1910 revolution in Portugal, he lived as an exile, four years in Brazil and then in Spain (in Tuda, Galicia), without access to either his large collection of galls and adults or his extensive library, which included all the necessary literature. It is understandable, therefore, that he should have described several gall midge species later found to be identical with species which had already been described from central Europe. In Portugal nobody studied the gall midges after the death of Tavares in 1931, whereas in Spain several papers were published about this group (GARCÍA MACEIRA, 1911; LÁZARO 1917; CODINA, 1920; COGOLLUDO, 1921; VILARRÚBIA, 1936). The most important paper from this time is that of COGOLLUDO (1921). Research restarted, after a seventy-year gap, with PUJADE (1990), MORRAL et al. (1993 a; 1993b; 1993c), SYLVÉN (1993) and SKUHRAVÁ, BLASCO-ZUMETA & SKUHRAVY (1993). GALL MIDGE SPEC1ES HOST PLANT SPEC1ES OCCURRENCEIN Spain Portugal Andorra TAVARES (1907; 1919); COGOLLUDO ( 1 9 2 1 ) TAVARES (1921; 1931) HOUARD (1917) TAVARES (1907) TAVARES (1902; 1921) TAVARES (1902; 1905); COGOLLUDO ( 1 921); VILARRÚBIA (1936) TAVARES (1902; 1905); COGOLLUDO (1921); MOHN (1966) SKUHRAVÁ et al. (1993) TAVARES (1902; 1921); COGOLLUDO (1921) TAVARES (1902; 1921); COGOLLUDO (1921); VILARRÜBIA (1936); SKUHRAVÁ et al. (1993) TAVARES (1902; 1922); TROTTER (1902); COGOLLUDO (1921); VILARRÚBIA (1936) TAVARES (1902; 1909; 1921) TAVARES (1921); VILARRÚBIA (1936) TAVARES (1905) TAVARES (1902; 1907; 1909) TAVARES (1902; 1931); COGOLLUDO (1921) TAVARES (1907; 1916); COGOLLUDO (1921) TAVARES (1902); STROBL (1906) TAVARES (1902); STROBL (1906) TAVARES (1902: 1909; 1916); COGOLLUDO (1921) COGOLLUDO (1921) TAVARES (1902); VILARRÚBIA (1936) V l L A R R Ú B I A (1936) TAVARES (1931); SKUHRAVÁ er al. (1993) TAVARES (1920) TAVARIÍS (1902; 1916); COGOLLUDO (1921) TAVARES (1902) TAVARES (1931) TAVARES (1916; 1919); COGOLLUDO (1921) TAVARES (1903; J916); COGOLLUDO (1921) TAVARES (1904; 1919) REFERENCES LIST OF GALL MIDGES (CECIDOMYIIDAE) FROM THE IBERIAN PENÍNSULA Subfamily: Cecidomyiinae 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. U. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Suaeda vera J.F. Gmel. Lythntm salicaria L. Thymus sp. Thymits sp. Suaeda vermicittata Forsk. La vándala stoechas L. Ulex europaeus L. Verbascum nigrum L. Ruta montana Clus. Cytisux scoparitts (L.) Link. Scrophiilaria canina L. Acodiplosis pulicarias Kieffer, 1913 Pulicaria adora Rchb. Ametrodiplosis nivea Tavares, 1916 Prunella vulgaris L. Thalictrum flavum L. A. thalictricola (Rübsaamen, 1895) Arceitthomyia valerií (Tavares, 1904) Juníperas oxycedrits L. Arnoldiola quercits (Binnie, 1877) Quercits robur L. (= A. que reina Tavares, 1920) Q. h u milis Mili, and Q, faginea Lam. Adenocarpus telonensis (Lois.) Asphondylia adenocarpi Tavares, 1902 A. borzi (Stefani, 1898) Rhamnus alaternas L. A. calycotomae (Kieffer in Houard, 1912) Calycolome spinosa (L.) A. conglomérala Stefani, 1900 Atriplex Italinius L. Coronilla emerus L. A. coronillae (Vallot. 1829) A. cylisi Frauenfeld, 1873 Cytisits albus Link. A. dorycnii (Müller, 1870) Dorycniítm pentaphyüitm Scop. A. ervi Rübsaamen, 1896 Vicia hirsuta (L.) S.F. Gray Genista faicata Brot. A. genistae (Loew, 1850) A. melanopus Kieffer, 1890 Lotus corniculatiis L. Mentha roíundifolia (L.) Huds. A. menthae Kieffer, 1901 A. ononidis F. Lów, 1873 Ononis tridentata L. Ononis spinosa L. Chamacspartiiim tridentatum L. 18. A. pterosparti Tavares, 1902 19. A. rutae Kieffer, 1909 20. A. sarorhamni Loew, 1850 21. A. scrophulariae Schiner, 1856 (-A. scroptiularina Tavares, 1919) A. serpylli Kieffer, 1898 A. suaedae Kieffer, 1909 A. ravaresi (Rübsaamen, 1916) A. w//fíj Trail, 1873 A. verbasci (Vallot, 1827) 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Baldratia salicorniae Kieffer, 1897 28. B. suaedae Mohn, 1969 29. Bayerióla salicarias (Kieffer, 30. B. ihymicola (Kieffer. 1888) 31. Blastodiplosis cocciferae (Tavares, 1902) Queráis coccifera L. and Q. ilex L. inquiline of Ametrodiplosis thalictricola (Rübs.) Origanuní virens Hffg. Phillyrcíi inedia L. Pimpinella villosa Schousb. 35. Ctinodiplosis ci lie rus (KielTcr, 1889) phytosaprophagous species on many (=AleÉhediplosis pu/c/iriconüs Tav., 1916) host planes 36. Coniarinia anthobia (F. Low, 1877) Crataegus monogyna Jaq. 37. C. caiiiphorosmae (Ta vares, 1920) Camphorosma monspeHaca L. 40. C lainii KicíTer, 1909 41. C ¡oti (De Geer, 1776) 43. C. iiíi.ttin-rii (Kieffer, 1888) (= C. rtuleralis (Kieffer, 1890) - C. pontevedrensis Tavares,1916 = C. gal laica (Tavares, 1916) = C. ludensis Tavares, 1916) 44. C. peno/i (Kieffer, 1898) 45. C. pimpinellae Tavares. 1902 46. C. pin Tavares, 1922 47. C. que reina (Rübsaamen, 1890) (- C. cjitaesiía Tavares, 1916) 48. C. ntniicina Tavares, 1919 49. C. nunicis (Loew, 1850) 50. C. scapetrii (RUbsaamen, 1889) 51. C. scrophulariae Kieffer, 1896 52. C. silenei Tavares, 1916 53. C. tiliantm (Kieffer, 1890) 54. C. vitícola Rübsaamen, 1906 55. Craneiobia corni (Giraud, 1863) 56. Cysliphorcí sanguínea (Bremi, 1847) (= C. hicracü F. Low, ! 874) 57. C. sonchi (Bremi, 1847) Scrophiilaria nudosa L. Suene sp. Tilia platyphyllos Scop. and T. cordata Mili. Vitis vinifera L. Comas sanguínea L. Hieracium piloseUa L. var. pulchellum Sch. Sonchus oleráceas L. and 5". lenerrimus L. Fraxinus excelsior L. Wo/« adórala L. Salix alba L. TAVARES (1916) TAVARES (1902; 1919) TROTTER (1902); TAVARES (1902; 1907; 1924); COGOLLUDO (1921); VILARRÚBIA (1936) TAVARES (1916; 1920) TAVARES (1902; 1905) TAVARES (1920); COGOLLUDO (1921); SKUHRAVÁ et al. (1993) COGOLLUDO (1921) TROTTER (1902); TAVARES (1902; 1921); COGOLLUDO (1921); VILARRÚBIA (1936) TAVARES (1920); COGOLLUDO (1.921) TAVARES (1902, 1905, 1909, 1921) TAVARES (1902; 1905); HOUARD (1 9 17); COGOLLUDO (1921); VILARRÚBIA (1936) TAVARES (1916; 1919); COGOLLUDO (1921) COGOLLUDO (1921) TAVARES (1902; 1919); COGOLLUDO (192L) TAVARKS (1922) TAVARES (1916; 1922; 1 931); COOGOLLLIDO (1921) TAVARES (1919) TAVARÜS (1905) TAVARES (1902; 1905; 19 19); COGOLLUDO (1921) TAVARES (1903; 1905) TAVARES (1916); COOGOLLUDO (1921) COGOLLUDO (192 1) TROTTBR (1902); COGOLLUDO (1921) TAVARES(1902; 1905; 1921) TAVARES(1902; 1909; L921; 1931) TAVARES (1905) GALL MIDGE SPEC1ES HOST PLANT SPECIES O C C U R R E N C E [N Spain Portugal Andorra + + + Pninella vulgaris L. Euphorbia cyparissias L. Cerasthtm glomeratum Thuill. Salix sp. Salix babylonica L Coronilla valentina L. Crataegus monogyna Jaq. Aspenda cynanchica L. and A.cynanchica ssp aristata L. Thalictruin flanini (L.) Erica ciiiaris L. bntneüae (Kieffer, 1909) capsúlete (Kieffer, 1901) certiA-tii (Binnie, 1877) clavifex ( K i e f f e r , 1891) cluusilia (Bremi, 1847) coronillae (Tavares, 1902) era reí e g i (Winnertz, 1853) + + + D. D. D. D. D. D, D. Daphne gnidiitm L. Urtica dioica L. Erica itmbellata L. Erica arbórea L. and E. erigena R. Ross * * * 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. daphnes (Kieffer, 1901) dioicae (RübsíUimen, 1895) elegans (Tavares, 1907) ericaescopariae (Dufour, 1837) Salix purpurea L Gíiliuin palustre L. Hypencum perforatum L. Que re us ilex L. Salix sp. Hederá helix L. Lithospennum officinale L. Pyruti mallín maliis L. Salix alba L. Astragalus lusitanicus Lam. Haiiinium heteropyUum Spach and Halimium alyssoides (Lam.) Eroanuu moscnatum (L.) L'Her D. D. D. D. D. heterobia (Loew, 1850) D. hygrophila (Mik, 1883) D. hyperici (Bremi, 1847) D. ilicis (Tavares, 1919) D. kítrxclii (Kieffer, 1 8 9 ] ) D. kit'JJ'eri (Marchal, 1896) D. lilhospenni (Loew, 1850) D. malí (Kieffer, 1904) D. marginemtorquens (Bremi, 1847) D. mariae Sylvén, 1993 75. 76. 77. 78. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. REFERENCES TAVARES (1902; 1905; 1919); COGOLLUDO (1921) TAVARES (1902); VII.ARRÚBIA (1936) TAVARKS ( i 904) TAVARES (1902; 1909; 1919); HOUARD (1917), COGOLLUDO (1921) TAVARES (1920) TAVARES (1902; 1905) TAVARES (1905) TAVARES (1909) TAVARES (1902) TAVARES (1902; 1909; 1931); COGOLLUDO (1921); VILARRÚBIA (1936) TAVARES(1907; 1909; 1920) TAVARES (1902; 1905; 1921); HOUARD (1917); VILARRÚBIA (1936) SYLVÉN(1993) TAVARES (1903; 1905; 1909; 1921; 1931); COGOLLUDO (1921) TAVARES (1902; 1905; 1909; 1919); COGOLLUDO (1921) TAVARES (1902; 1909; 1919); COGOLLUDO (1921) TAVARES(1902) TAVARES(1902) TAVARES ( 1 9 1 9 ; 1920) COGOLLUDO (1921); TAVARES (1924) COGOLLUDO (192 I) SYLVÉN (1993) 1 19. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 112. 113. 114. I 15. 1 16. 1 17. 118. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. vicíete (KielTer, 1888) vicicula (Tavares, 1905) vincae (KielTer & TroUer, 1904) vittlae (F.Lóvv, ] 880) rilieie (Schrank, 1803) trijolii (F. Lóvv, 1874) irotieri (Tavares, 1902) ¡ubicóla (KieíTer, 1889) uirioiuim (Kieffer & Trotter, 1904) ulniaria (Bremi, 1847) idmlcola (Kieffer, 1909) urticae (Perris, 1840) D.scorpii (Kicffer, 1909) ratina (Winnertz, 1853) D. sisyinbrii (Schrank, 1803) D. squamosa (Tavares, 1919) O. subpatula (Bremi, 1847) D, tenninalis (Loew, 1850) D. teiicrii (Tavares, 1903) O. inedicaginis (Bremi, 1847) D. odoratae Stelter, 1982 D. oleaa (F. Low, 1885) D. oxyacantkae (Rübsaamen, 1914) (= D. (tyensix Tavares, 1922) D. /jfl/i/f/í (KielTer, 1909) ü. periclymeni (Rübsaamen, 18S9) D. pierrei (KielTer, 1896) D. pliccnrix (Loew, 1850) D. popitleti (Rübsaamen, 1889) D. pyri (Bouché, 1847) D. ranunculi (Bremi, 1847) D. rhododendri KielTer, 1909 D. rosaría (Loew, 1850) D. rosinarini (Tavares, 1902) 127. 128. 129. 130. Queráis robar L. Lonicera periclymcnum L. Salix aurita L. Ritbus caesius L. Populus trémula L. Pyrus commitnis L. Ranunculus repens L. Rhododendran ferntgineum L. Salix alba L. Rosmarinus officinalis L. Linum ussitaximum L. ssp angustifoliurn (Huds.) Genlsta scorpius (L.) Hypericum linarifoliuin Vahl. Sisymbrium trio L. Qtiercits robur L. Euphorbia cyparissias L. Salix fragilis L. Teucnum scorodonia L. and Teitcrhim salviastrum Schreber Tilia platypkyííos Scop. Trifolium repens L. Cytisus ülbus Link. Sarothamnus scoparíits L. Asparagits acitiifolius L. Filipéndula ulniaria (L.) Max. Ulnius minar Mili. Única dioica L. TAVARES (1920) TAVARHS(1902; 1905; 1921) TAVARÜS (1907; 1909; 1921) TAVARES (1902; 1905; 1909; 1931) TAVARES ( 1 9 3 1 ) TAVARES (1921) TAVARiis(1902; 1905) TAVARES (1902; 1905; 1916; 1922); COGOLLUDO (1921) TAVARKS (1902) TAVARES (1902; 1909; 1921); TROTTER (1902); HOUARD (1917); COGOLLUDO (1921); V l L A R R Ú B l A (1936) TAVARES (1914; 3921) COGOLLUDO (1921); TAVARES (1924) TAVARES(1919) TAVARES (1905; 1921; 1931) TAVARES(1931) TROTTER (1902); COGOLLUDO (192I);TAVARES (1902; 1905; 1909; 19 16); COGULLUDO (1921); TAVARES(1902; 1905; 1909; 1921) TROTTER (1902); TAVARES (1902); COGOLLUDO (1921); VILARRÚBIA (1936) TAVARES (1914; J921) TAVARES (1905; 1907) 132. Dicrodiplosis pseudococci (Felt, 1914) GALL M1DGE SPECIES zoophagous on Hom., Coccoidea: Pianococcus cilri Risso HOST PLANT SPECJES Genista piloscí L. Ge/lisia tinctoriíi L. and Echinospartum lusilanicum L. Lotus pendiculcitiis Cav. Medicago sativa L. Bryonia crética L. Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link Populus ¡remitía L. Populus nigra L. Populus tremida L. Fagas sylvarica L. ¡nula saücina L. Salix sp. Galiitm mol I ligo L., G.inollugo ssp erectum Huds., G. vcrrucositm Huds. and G. broterianum Bss. et Reui. zoophagous on Hei., Tingidae: Stephanitis pyri F. Hyperictim pulchnim L. biology unknown Quercus ilcx L. and Quercus súber L. ? Que re its cerris L. Quercus coccifera L. Hcinnandia cavernosa (Rübsaamen, 1899) H. globuli (Rübsaamen, 1889) H. treniulae (Wínncrtz, 1853) Harligiola annulipes (Hartig, 1839) ¡nulomyia subterránea (Frauenfeld, 1861) Iteomyia capreae (Winnertz, 1853) D. dubia Tavares, 1906 D. lichtenxieini (F. Low, 1878) 136. Drvomyia circinans (Girand, 1861) 137. D. cocciferae (Marchal, 1897) 138. 139. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. J. losicola (Rübsaamen, 1899) J. incflÍL-ttginis (Rübsaamen, 1912) J. párvula (Ucbel, 1899) J. sarotluwuii Rübsaamen, 1917 150. Juíipiclla hryoniae (Bouclié, 1847) 1 5 1 . J. cncuball (Kieffer, 1909) (= ./. ciiciihíilina Tavares, 1919) 152. J. genistamtorqueiis (Kieffer, 1888) 153. J. genisticola (F. Low, 1877) 154. 155. 156. 157. OCCURRENCEIN Spain Portugal Andorra REFERENCES HARRIS (1968) TAVARES (1919); COÜOLLUDO (1921); SKUHRAVÁ et al. (1993) TAVARES (1924); SKUHRAVÁ ei ai. (1993) TAVARES (1902); COGOLLUDO (1921); SKUHRAVÁ et al. (1993) COGOLLUDO (1921) TROTTER (1902); TAVARKS (1902; 1905; 1921; 1924); COGOLLUDO (1921); V l L A R R Ú B I A ( 1936) TAVARES (1906) TROTTER (1902); TAVARES (1902; 1905); HOUARD (1913); COGOLLUDO (1921); V l L A R R Ú B I A (1936) 1916; 1921); TAVARES (1921) COGOLLUDO (1921) TROTTER (1902); TAVARES (1902; 1905; 1909; 1931); HOUARD( 19 17); COGOLLUDO (1921), VILARRÚBIA (1936) T A V A R E S ( 1 9 0 2 : 1905; 1920) TAVARES (1919); COGOLLUDO (1921) 159. 1 60. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. Janeria cerris (Kollar, 1850) JanetieUa lemeei (Kieffer, 1 904) J. maculara lavares, 1902 J. oenophila (Haimhofen, 1875) J. thymi (KLeffer, 1888) J. tuberculi (Rübsaamen, 1889) Kiefferia pericarpiicola ( B r e m i , 1847) (= Schizomyia pimpinellae F.Low, 1877) Kiefferiola panteli (Kieffer, 1909) Kochiomya kochiae (Kieffer, 1909) Lasioptera berlesiana Paoli, 1907 L. carophila F. Lów, 1874 ? Quercus cerris L. Lffmiis minar Mili. Cytisits eilbus Hacq. Vitis vinifera L. Thymits serpyllum L. Cytisus scopariits (L.) L i n k Pimpinelta sp. Quercus faginea Lam. Kochia prostrata L. Olea europaea L. Cariun carvi L., Daucits carota L., Foenicidum vulgare Mili, and Bupteurum fruticescens L. Eryngium campestre L. L. eryngii (Vallot, 1829) 170. L. hyperici (Tavares, 1919) L. marini (Tavares, 1919) L. que reina (Tavares, 1922) L. queráis (Tavares, 1919) Macrodiplosis dryobia (F.Low, 1877) 171. L. populnea Wachtl, 1883 172. L. rubí (Schrank, 1803) 173. Lesiodiplosis aestiva (Tavares, 1916) 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. Macrolabis aquilegiae (Kieffer, 1909) M. brunellae Tavares, 1907 Hippocrepis carnosa L. Hypericum perforatum L. Scrophularia scorodonia L. various species of Gramineae Quercus robur L., Q .petraea (Mait.) and Q.humiiis Mili. Pop u lux ¡remitía L. Riíbiis sp. i n q u i l i n e oíAmetrodiplosis thaliclricola (Rübs.) i n q u i l i n e of Geactypta braueri (Hand.) biology unknovvn inquiline of Contarinia que reina (Rübs.) inquiline of Dasineura squamosa (Tav.) Quercus robur L., Q. petraea (Matt.), Q. humilis Mili., Q. faginea Lam. and Q. pyrenaica Willd. 180. 181. 179. M. volvens Kieffer, 1895 182. M. heraclei (Kaltenbach, 1862) (= M. tamujana Tavares, 1922) M. hippocrepidis KLeffer, 1898 M. marteli Kieffer, 1892 A/, scrophulariae Tavares, 1906 Mayetiola destructor (Say, 1817) 183. 184. 185. 186. TROTTER (1902); HOUARD (1917); TAVARES (1902; 1909; 1921); COGOLLUDO (1921) COGOLLUDO (1921) TAVARES (1902; 1919); COGOLLUDO ( 1 9 2 1 ) TAVARES (1902; 1921) TAVARES (1903) TAVARES (1902; 1905; 1921) TAVARL-.S (1902; 1905; 1909; 1914); VILARRÚBIA (1936) TAVARES (1920; 1931); COGOLLUDO (1921) HOUARD (1906; 1908) COGOLLUDO (1921); TAVARES (1924) TAVARES (1902; 1905; 1907); COGOLLUDO (1921), VILARRÚBIA (1936) COGOLLUDO (] 92 I); TAVARES (1931); VILARRÚBIA (1936) COGOLLUDO(1921) COGOLLUDO ( 1 9 2 1 ) ; TAVARES (1924; 1931) TAVARES ( 1 9 1 6 ) TAVARES (1919) TAVARES (1919) TAVARES (1912) TAVARES (1919) TAVARES (1907; 1909; 1916; 1931); COGOLLUDO (1921); VILARRÚBIA (1936) TAVARES (1905; 1907; 1909; VILARRÚBIA (1936) TROTTER (1902) TAVARES (1907; J909; 1919); COGOLLUDO (1921) TAVARES (1922) TAVARES (1906; 1907; 1922) TAVARES (193 I); ALFARO(!955); LÓPE-ZB R A N A t T f l / , (1933); M O R R A L f / < 7 / . (1993a); MORRAL el al. (1993b); MORRAL el al. (I993c) Fagus sylvatica L. HOST PLANT SPECIES MitíolafagiQtoxü& 1839) Salsola verm¡culata L. Buxus sempervirens L. Erica arbórea L. ínula conyza DC GALL MIDGE SPECIES 187. Misospatha salsolas Tavares, 1924 Monarthropalpus flavus (Schrank, 1776) Myricomyia mediterránea (F. Low, 1885) Neomikiella beckiana (Mik, 1885) Oligotrophus juniperinus (Linnaeus, J758) Juníperas communis L. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. O. panteli Kieffer, 1898 Phegomyia fagicola (Kieffer, 1901) Planeiella arenarias (Rübsaamen, 1899) Polystepha queráis Kieffer, 1897 Probniggmatiella phillyreae (Tavares, OCCURRENCE 1N Spain Portugal Andorra REFERENCES COGOLLUDO (1921); TAVARES (1931); V ] L A R R Ú B i A ( L 9 3 6 ) ; PujADE(1989; 1990) TAVARES (1924); SKUHRAVÁ et al. (1993) TAVARES (1902; 1909); COGOLLUDO (1921) TAVARES (1914) V l L A R R Ú B I A (1936) HIERONIMUS (1890); TROTTER (1902); TAVARES (1903); COGOLLUDO (1921); TAVARES TAVARES TAVARES TAVARES V l L A R R Ú B I A ( 1936) TROTTER (1902); TAVARES (L902); Neitroterus quercusbaccarum Fagus sylvatica L. Carex arenaria L. Quercus robur L. (1905; 1919) (1921) (1931) (1924) Pliillyrea angustifolia L. Tamarix anglica Webb Tamarix anglica Webb. Olea europaea L. Artemisia campestris L. Artemisia vulgaris L. Artemisia herba-alba Asso Santolina rosmarinifolia L. and S. chamaecyparissus L. TAVARES (1902; 19O5; 192 I ); VILARRÚBIA (1936); SKUHRAVÁ et al. (1993) TAVARES (1920); SKUHRAVÁ et al. (1993) COGOLLUDO (1921); TAVARES (1922); SKUHRAVÁ et al. (1993) TAVARES (1907; 1924) TAVARES (1914) TAVARES (1903; 1905) COUTIN & KATLABI (1986) TROTTER (1902); COGOLLUDO (1921) TROTTER (1902); TAVARES (1903); COGOLLUDO (1921); VILARRÜBTA (1936) TAVARES (1904); COGOLLUDO (1921); SKUHRAVÁ et al. (1993) TAVARES (3902; 1905); COGOLLUDO (1921) TAVARES (1904; 1920); COGOLLUDO (1921), VILARRÜBTA (1936); S K U H R A V Á et al. (1993) SKUHRAVÁ er a}. (1993) 194. O. sabinae Kieffer. 1898 J umpé rus sabina L. 195. Ozirhincus anthemidis (Rübsaamen, í9\5)Anthemis colilla L. Chamaemelum nobile L. 196. O. longicoüis Rondaní, 1840 Achillea ageraíum L. 197. O. miilefolii (Wachtl, 1884) Tanacetum vulgare L. and Amhemis 198. O. tanaceti (Kieffer, 1889) (= O. hispánicas Mohn. 1968) pedunculara Desf. ssp tuberculara Boiss. 199. Parallelodiplosis galliperda (F.Low,1889) inquiline of Hym., Cynipidae: 200. 201. 202. 203. Psectrosema provincialis Kieffer, 1912 P. tamaricis (Stefani, 1902) Resseliella oleisuga (Targ.-TozeC.,1 886) Rhopalomyia artemisias (Bouché, 1834) R. baccarum (Wachtl, 1883) 1907) 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. R. hispánica Tavares, 1904 210. R. mUlefolii (Loew, 1850) 211. R. navasi Tavares, 1904 212. R. producticeps Kieffer, 1 9 1 2 213. R. saniolinae Tavares, 1902 214. R, lavares! Gagné, 1975 215. R. tubifex (Bouché, 1847) 216. Sackenomyia reaumurii (Bremi, 1847) (- Oligorrophus solmsii Kieffer, 1905 217. Schizomyia galiorum Kieffer, 1889 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. S. parva (Tavares, 1919) Spurgia capitigena (Bremi, 1847) Stefanietla brevipalpis Kieffer, 1898 5. trinacrinae Stefani, 1900 Stefaniola bilobata (Kieffer, 1913) S. gloma Mohn, 1971 218. Spartíomyia martinsi (Tavares, 1902) 224. 226. Taxomyia taxi (Inchbald, 1861) S. vastita Móhn, 1971 225. S. salsolae (Tavares, 1904) 227. 228. Thecodiplosis brachyntera (Schwagr. 1835) Trísopsis hyperici Tavares, 1919 229. 230. Wachtliella encina (F. Lów, 1885) W. riparia (Winnertz, 1853) 231. W. persicarias (Linné, Í767) 232. Zeuxidiplosis giardi (Kieffer, 1896) 233. W. rosanim (Hardy, 1850) 234. Subfamily: Lestremünae 235. Campylomyza fusca Winnertz, 1870 (- C. obscura Winnertz, I 870) 236. Cordylomyia rudis (Winnertz, 1853) (= Campylomyza fuscinervis Winnertz, 1870) 237. Carocha ¡atipes Haliday, 1833 238. Lestremia cinérea Macquart, 1826 (- Lestremia fusca Meigen, 1830) Gongromastix andorrana Enderlein, 1936 G. angustipennis (Strobl, 1904) 239. 240. Galium mol I ugo L., G. mol lugo ssp erectum Huds. and G.lucidum All. ssp lucidum Echinoxparíum lusiíaniciim L. Euphorbia cyparissias L. Atriplex halimus L. Atriplex halimus L. Salsola vermiculata L. Salsola vermiculata L. i n q u i l i n e of Stefaniola salsolae (Tav.) Salsola vermiculata L. A nabasis articulara (Forsk.) Moq. Taxus baccata L. Pinas syívestrís L. zoophagous on Geocrypta braueri (Hand.) Erica herbácea L,., E. australis L. and E. arbórea L. Polygonum amphibium L. Carex riparia L. Rosa sp.++ biology u n k n o w n TROTTER (1902); TAVARES (1902; 1921); COOOLLUDO(1921) TAVARES (1902; 1916) TAV ARES (1931) TAVARES (1905) TAVARES (1931); SKUHRAVÁ el ai. (1993) MÓHN (1971); SKUHRAVÁ eral. (1993) MÓHN (1971) TAVARES (1919); SKUHRAVÁ et al. (1993) TAVARES (3904; 1914; 1919); MÓHN (1971), CoooLLUDO(1921); VILARRÚBIA (1936), SKUHRAVÁ el al. (1993) MÓHN (1971) TAVARES ( L 9 I 9 ) COGOLLUDO (1921); VlLARRÜBtA (1936) TAVARES (1902; 1905; 1909; 1920); COGOLLUDO(1921) STROBL(1906) STROBL(1906) TAVARES (1905) TAVARES (1902; 1905; 1921; 193L); COOGOLLUDO(1921) TAVARES (1902) biology unknown biology unknown ENDERLEIN (1936) STROBL(1906) biology unknown bioJogy u n k n o w n biology u n k n o w n (+) According to bibliographic references. (*) Faunistic novelties. Data from J. Pujade; Thecodiplosis brachyntera (Schwagr., 1835) leg. J. Baixeras, del. M. Skuhravá. (?) Dubious data. The p l a ñ í species is not native of the Iberian P e n í n s u l a . 52 M. Skuhravá, V. Skuhravy, J. Blasco-Zumeta & J. Pujade DISCUSSION AND ZOOGEOGRAPHY There are records of 240 valid gall midge species from the Tberian Península, 199 species have been found in Spain, 118 in Portugal and 30 in Andorra. 78 gall midge species, i.e. 32 % of the total, occur both in Portugal and in Spain, 16 species occur in Portugal, Spain and Andorra. These may be considered comrnon species. It is interesting to find that the number of species recorded from Portugal is rather high if we compare it with the list of species found in Spain, whose área is about two and half times that of Portugal. The level of research in different áreas of the Iberian Península is uneven (figure 1). Among the best-explored áreas in Portugal are the Lisbon área (Arrábida and Setúbal), where 36 gall midge species were found, the Serra da Estrela and Covilha (38 species) and the Gerés National Park (40 species). From other Portuguese localities we know between 5 and 20 species: Portimao in the South; Torres Yedras, Porto, Gástelo Branco, Funda, Sao Fiel and Coimbra in the central área; Braga, Moncao and several other localities in the north. 124 species have been recorded, in all, from the relatively small territory of Portugal. In Spain, Galicia, in the north-west, is one of the best-explored regions. About 50 species have been found there, near Tuda, Santiago and other localities. 31 species are known from Catalonia, 19 from the province of Zaragoza and 18 from the área around Zumárraga, near San Sebastián, in the north of the country. 29 gall midge species have been recorded from Madrid, and 17 from Toledo. Several species have been found here and there, in the north, the centre and the south of Spain, but most of the country, from the Portuguese border to the east and to the south, remains unexplored. Finally, many new records are given for Andorra which greatly enlarge the only two species known until present. The current level knowledge about the gall midge fauna of the Iberian Península, with its 240 species, can be considered average. By way of comparison, 240 species are known from Bulgaria (SKUHRAVÁ, SKUHRAVY, DONCEV & DIMITROVA, 1991, 1992), about 300 from Rumania (SKUHRAVÁ, SKUHRAVY & NEACSU, 1972) and the former Yugoslavia (SKUHRAVÁ & SKUHRAVY, 1964), and more from the central European countries, for example 360 species from Poland (SKUHRAVÁ, SKUHRAVY & SKRZYPCZYNSKÁ, 1977; SKUHRAVÁ & SKRZYPCZYNSKÁ, 1983), 384 from Austria (SKUHRAVÁ & FRANZ, 1989; SKUHRAVÁ & SKUHRAVY, 1967; 1991-1992; 1992; 1995), 350 from the Slovak Republic (SKUHRAVÁ, 1991) and 500 from the Czech Republic (SKUHRAVÁ, 1994). The gall midge fauna may be evaluated from the point of view of the larval feeding habits (SKUHRAVÁ, SKUHRAVY & BREWER, 1984). The cecidomyid species found in the Iberian Península belong to two groups: the first one includes the majority of the species, which are both gall producers and also inquilines in the galls of other insects, and the second one includes the zoophagus species. About 75 gall midge species (30 %) are associated with trees and shrubs and cause galls on various organs, mainly on leaves. Only three gall midge species belong to the group of species with zoophagous Gal! midges of the Iberian Península 53 larvae which prey on other insects, including gall midges. Only one species, Mayetiola destructor (Say) is known to occur, from time to time, as a pest of various cereals (ALFARO (1955) and LÓPEZ-BRAÑA et al. (1993)). No species developing on trees and shrubs are known to be injurious in the Iberian Península (MORRAL, 1993c), in contrast to the situation of central Europe, where several gall midge species occur as serious pests (SKUHRAVY & SKUHRAVÁ, 1993). The composition of the gall midge fauna of the Iberian Peninsula is a direct result of the vegetation and plant communities, characterised by the relative predominance of maquis o ver forest, and of the orographic and climatic conditions. The gall midge fauna of the Iberian peninsula will be evaluated from the zoogeographical point of view in an independent paper. Research on the gall midge fauna of the southern European countries is far from over. Future research will no doubt lead to the discovery of species known to occur in neighbouring countries and to the description of new species. The Spanish gall midge fauna can be compared with that of Italy, especially in the case of the more southerly áreas. More than 180 species are known (SKUHRAVÁ & SKUHRAVY, 1994), so far, from the south of Italy, if we include the islands of Sicily (50 species) and Sardinia (8 species). More than a quarter of these nave not been found in southern Spain, and, on the other hand, about one quarter of the species found in southern Spain nave not been recorded from Italy. The evaluation of our present knowledge shows that further intensive study of the gall midge fauna of Spain, Italy and other Mediterranean countries is necessary, although the present level of knowledge about the Iberian fauna, with its 240 species, is comparable with that about other European countries with a relatively high level of knowledge. LIST OF HOST PLANT SPECIES ATTACKED BY GALL MIDGES Here is included a relation (in alphabetical order) of the plant hosts mentioned in this study and the 222 phytophagous of gall midges species cited in the Iberian Peninsula. A total number of 110 plant genus are susceptible of being infected by this Cecidomyiidae. HOST PLANT Achillea ageratum L. Adenocarpus telonensis (Lois.) Alyssum alyssoides (L.) Anabasis articúlala (Forsk.) Moq. Anthemis peduncidara Desf. ssp tuberculata Boiss. Anthemis cotilla L. Anthrocneitm fritticosum (L.) Aquilegia vutgaris L. CECIDOMYIIDAE (197) (210) (6) (61) (226) (198) (195) (27) (180) 54 M. Skuhravá, V. Skuhravy, J. Blasco-Zumela & J. Pujade HOST PLANT Artemisia campestris L. Artemisia herba-alba Asso Artemisia vulgaris L. CECIDOMYIIDAE (215) (209) (211) (212) (214) (208) Artemisia campestris L. Asparagus acutifolius L. Asparagus apiíyilus L. (207) (123) (64) Aspe rula cynanchica L. (65) Astragalus lusitanicus Lam. Atriplex halimus L. Bryonia crética L. Bupleurum frútice scens L. Buxus sempervirens L. Calycotome spinosa (L) Camphorosma monspeliaca L. Carex riparia L. Carex arenaria L. Carum carvi L. Cerastium glomeratum Thuill. Cornus sanguínea L. Coronilla valentina L. Coronilla emerus L. Corylus avellana L. Crataegus monogyna Jaq. Cucubalus baccifer L. Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link Cytisus albus Hacq. Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link Cytisus albus Link Chamaemelum nobile L. Chamaespartium tridentatwn L. Daphne gnidium L. Daucus carota L. Dorycnium pentaphyllum Scop. Echinospartum lusitanicum L. Erica arbórea L. Erica australis L. Erica ciliaris L. Erica erigena R.Ross. Erica umbellata L. Erica herbácea L. Erodium moschatum (L.) L'Her. Eryngium campestre L. Euphorbia cyparissias L. Fagus sylvatica L. Filipéndula ulmaria (L.)Max. Foeniculum vulgare Mili. Fraxinus excelsior L. Galium sp. (94) (9) (220) (221) (150) (156) (169) (189) (8) (37) (232) (201) (169) (70) (55) (73) (10) (38) (36) (74) (98) (151) (20) (50) (121) (161) (157) (164) (11) (196) (18) (75) (169) (12) (153) (218) (78) (131) (190) (230) (230) (67) (78) (77) (230) (79) (170) (69) (116) (219) (147) (187) (200) (124) (169) (58) (81) (82) Gall midges of the Iberian Península HOST PLANT Galiitm broterianum Bss. et Reut. Galium aparine L. Galium lucidum AU. ssp lucidum Galium mollugo L. Galium palustre L. Galium verrucosiim Huds. Genista pilosa L. Genista scorpius (L.) Genista ünctoria L. Genista fálcala Brot. Gramineae Halimium commutatum Pau Halimium heteropyüum Spach Halimium alyssoides (Lam.) Hederá heüx L. Heracleum sphondyliitm L. Hieracium pilosella L. var. piilchelliim Sch. Hippocrepis carnosa L. Hypericuin perforatum L. Hypericum linarifolium Vahl. Hypericum pulchrum L. ínula conyza DC ínula salicina L. Juniperus communis L. Juniperus oxycedrus L. Juniperus sabina L. Kockia prostrata L. Lamiiim maculatum L. Lavandula stoechas L. Linwn ussitasimum L. ssp angustifolium (Huds.) Lithospennum officinale L. Lonicera periclymenum L. Lotus corniculatus L. Lotus pendiculatus Cav. Lythnim salicaria L. Medicago sativa L. Mentha rotundifolia (L.) Huds. Olea europaea L. Ononis tñdentata L. O ñoñis spinosa L. Origanum virens Hffg. Phillyrea angustifolia L. Phillyrea media L. Pimpinella sp. Pimpinella villas a Schousb. Pinus sylvestris L. Polygonum amphibium L. Populus nigra L. 55 CECIDOMYIIDAE (142) (63) (217) (142) (217) (86) (142) (152) (112) (153) (14) (186) (62) (83) (83) (84) (90) (182) (56) (183) (87) (184) (234) (113) (141) (191) (148) (192) (193) (4) (194) (167) (40) (24) (111) (91) (100) (15) (41) (41) (154) (29) (95) (155) (16) (97) (168) (206) (17) (17) (33) (109) (203) (34) (165) (45) (228) (231) (145) M. Skuhravá, V. Skuhravy,J. Blasco-Zumeta & J. Pujade 56 HOST PLANT Popidus trémula L. Prunella vulgaris L. Pteridiwn aquilinum Kuhn. Pulicaria odora Rchb. Pyrus commitnis L. Pyrus communis pyraster L. Pyrus malus malus L. Queráis cerris L. ? Que rcus coccifera L. Qiiercus faginea Lani. Queráis humilis Mili. Quercus ilex L. Quercus petraea (Matt.) Quercus pyrenaica Willd. Quercus robur L. Quercus súber L. Ranunculus repens L. Raphaniis raphanistrum L. Rhamnus alaternus L. Rhododendron ferrugineum L. Rorippa islándica (Gunn.) Rosa sp. Rosmarinas officinalis L. Rubiis sp. Rubus caesius L. Ritmex sp. Rumex acetosella L. montana Clus. L. aiirita L. babylonica L. Salix fragilis L. Salix purpurea L. Salsola rosmarinifolia L. Salsola vermiculata L. Santolina chamaecyparissus L. Santolina rosmarinifolia L. Sarothamnus scoparius L. Scrophularia scorodonia L. ScropHularia canina L. Scrophularia nodosa L. Suene sp. Sisymbrium trio L. Sonchus oleraceus L. Sonchus tenerrimus L. Suaeda vera J.F. Gmel. Suaeda vermiculata Forsk. CECIDOMYIIDAE (44)(103) (144)(146) (171) (2)(68) (181) (80) (1) (104) (46) (92) (136)(159) (31) (137) (5)(166)(178) (5) (178)(179) (31)(39) (42)(88)(139) (178) (179) (178) (5)(47)(99)(115)(178)(179) (202) (139) (105) (143) (7) (106) (43) (233) (108) (172) (102) (49) (48) (19) (71)(89)(110)(149) (60)(93)(107) (101) (72) (117) (85) (135) (134)(188)(222)(223)(225) (133)(213) (213) (122) (185) (21) (51) (52) (114) (57) (57) (28) (23) Gall midges of the Iberian Península HOST PLANT Tamarix anglica Webb. Tanacetwn vulgare L. Taxus baccata L. Teucrium salviastrum Schreber Teucrium scorodonia L. Thalictrum flavum L. Thymus sp. Thymus serpyllum L. Tilia cordata Mili. Tilia platyphyllos Scop. Trifolium repens L. Ulex europaeus L. Ulmus minor Mili. 57 CECIDOMYIIDAE (204) (205) (198) (227) (118) (118) (3) (32) (66) (22) (30) (163) (53) (53) (119) (120) (25) (125) (160) Única dioica L. Verbascum nigrum L. (76) (126) (26) Verónica chamaedrys L. Viburnum lantana L. Vicia hirsuta (L.) S. F. Gray Vicia sativo L. Vicia septum L. Vinca minor L. Viola odorata L. Viola tricolor L. Vitis vinifera L. (158) (216) (13) (128) (127) (129) (59) (96) (130) (54) (162) In the Iberian Península, 7 species of Cecidomyiidae are also inquilines ofothergalls(32, 173, 174, 176, 177, 199 and 224), 3 are zoophagous (132, 140 and 229) and 1 is phitosaprophagous (35). The biology of the rest of species (138, 175, 235-240) is unknown. DEDICATION This paper is dedicated to the memory of the great Portuguesa entomologist, Prof. Joaquina da Silva Tavares (1866-1931)., member of the Order of Jesús, who published many papers dealing with gall midges (Cecidomyiidae) and gall wasps (Cynipidae) in Portugal in the period 1902 to 1910. He can be considered like the founder of cecidology in the Iberian Peninsula and his work must be remembered with honour. AC KNOWLEDGEMENTS: Our thanks to Josep Muñoz, P. Bartolomé Artigues and José-Luis Nieves, who provided bibliographical material, and to Leopoldo Castro, who revised much of the English versión. 58 M. Skuhravá, V. Skuhravy, J. Blasco-Zumeta & J. Pujade REFERENCES ALFARO, A., 1955. Mayetiola destructor Say and Mayetiola mimeuri Mesnil en Zaragoza. Bol Pat. Veg. Ent. Agrie., 21: 85-116. BUHR, H., 1964-1965. Bestimmunstabellen der Gallen (Zoo- andPhytocecidien) and Pflanzen Miítei- und Nordeuropas. Vol. I + II. Gustav Fischer, Verlag Jena, 1572 pp. CODINA, A., 1920. 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