7:00 3:15 4 - St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
7:00 3:15 4 - St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
(Monday & Thursday 8:00 am only) 4 7:00 3:15 . This week the Church in the United States celebrates Catholic School Week. This allows time for all catholic schools in the country to show to the entire community what catholic education is all about and St. Francis of Assisi School is no exception! This week, our students with the support from faculty, staff and their parents will work extra hard to show just what a great school we have in our parish. Students have been working hard putting together mission projects, science projects, and civil war projects, just to name a few! After getting a peak preview of the different projects, I think that we can’t be any more proud of the excellent work our students do everyday. As we kick off Catholic School Week, it gives us a great opportunity to reflect not only on the great school we have, but also the fact that everyone of our families can be part of this great school community. Our faculty and staff work tirelessly, day in and day out to ensure that our students receive the best Catholic education we are able to provide them. Many people may ask what it is that makes us different than other schools. A response that always comes to mind is the fact that in addition to academics, St. Francis School helps its’ students be formed in their faith. In addition to regular religious instruction and weekly school Mass, our parish priests make weekly visits to the classrooms. Last weekend at the Mass, you heard about St. Francis School and I personally invite you, if you are not currently part of our school community to consider becoming part of it. Our school staff is always available to speak with you about how you can become part of this great school community. Our school staff is always available to give you a tour and answer any questions you might have about our school, please pray and consider this great opportunity. In Christ, Fr. Efrain TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — God has restored the land, and brought great joy to the people. (Isaiah 8:23 — 9:3). Psalm — The Lord is my light and my salvation (Psalm 27). Second Reading — Paul exhorts the believers at Corinth: As there is one Christ, so too must there be no divisions among you. (1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 17). Gospel — After calling his first disciples, Jesus goes throughout Galilee (Matthew 4:12-23 [12-17]). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS First Reading — There will come to the temple the LORD whom you seek (Malachi 3:1-4). Psalm — Who is this king of glory? It is the Lord! (Psalm 24). Second Reading — Jesus had to become like his brothers and sisters in every way to help the descendants of Abraham (Hebrews 2:14-18). Gospel — The just and pious Simeon proclaims the infant Jesus to be a revealing light to the Gentiles, the glory of the people Israel (Luke 2:22-40 [22-32]). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Sm 5:1-7, 10; Ps 89:20-22, 25-26; Mk 3:22-30 Tuesday: 2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19; Ps 24:7-10; Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday: 2 Sm 7:4-17; Ps 89:4-5, 2730; Mk 4:1-20 Thursday: 2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29; Ps 132:1-5, 11-14; Mk 4:21-25 Friday: 2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17; Ps 51:3-7, 10-11; Mk 4:26-34 Saturday: 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Ps 51:12-17; Mk 4:35-41 Sunday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32] SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time; Catholic Schools Week Monday: St. Angela Merici Tuesday: St. Thomas Aquinas Friday: St. John Bosco; Chinese New Year 4712 Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time January 25-26, 2014 WEEK-AT-A-GLANCE Mon. 27 Soup Kitchen - 5:00 pm Queen of Peace Rosary - 6:30 pm Queen of Peace Mass 7:00pm Tue. 28 Confessions 6:00 pm Wed. 29 OFFICE CLOSED Mother of Perpetual Help Novena after 8am Mass Legion of Mary 9am Thur. 30 OFFICE CLOSED Sun. 2-2 Confessions 3:00 pm Upcoming Events: Boy Scout Breakfast Feb. 2nd Blood Drive March 2nd PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED JANUARY 29 AND 30 FOR THE PARISH STAFF RETREAT MANDATORY Confirmation 1st Year PARENT Meeting February 5, 2014 7:00-8:30pm Meet in St. Clare Hall YOUTH AT SAINT FRANCIS NEWS Sunday Youth Nights Cancelled Jan. 26 and Feb. 2 St. Francis & St. Thomas More Social Day Feb. 15, 2014 2:00-5:00pm Meet at BOOMERS (permission slip necessary, please pick one up at the Youth Office) Steubenville San Diego Conference SPOTS ARE NOW OPEN! July 25-27, 2014 at University San Diego for more info call (760)945-8016 Divine Mercy Prayer Group Please join us at 3:00 pm every first & third Sundays in front of the Divine Mercy Statue for a Bilingual Holy Hour of Prayer. We will pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Seven Sorrows Rosary for an increase of vocations to the Priesthood and Religious life. NEXT DATE : FEBRUARY 2nd First Friday Masses will be held every First Friday at 7:00am and 8:00 am. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament begins after the 8am Mass on that Friday until 11:00 pm, Benediction will be at 7:45 am on Saturday. Liturgy of the Hours - Before Benediction, everyone is invited to participate as a parish community in Morning Prayer beginning at 7:30 am WOMEN”S RETREAT, SAVE THE DATE! “Jesus breathed on them and said, ‘RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT.” Please join us for the 25th annual St. Francis Women’s Retreat on April 25, 26 & 27 at Oakbridge in Ramona. Our retreat presenter is Fr. Pat Crowley, a member of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary in the Western United States Province. Since 1972 his healing services have moved Christians into a deeper faith experience in the healing love of Jesus. Space is limited so register now. Registration forms can be found at the entrances of the church. For more info contact Rae Arnold at 760 500-3201 or [email protected] Boy Scouts are hosting a pancake breakfast next Sunday, February 2, 2014 after the 7:30 & 9:30am masses. $4.00 in advance, $5.00 at the door Bringing the Word to Life: A Workshop for Lectors and Other Proclaimers Date: Saturday, February 8, 2014 Time: 10:00 am—3:30 pm Place: Blessed John Paul II Center St. Mark’s Church, San Marcos, Ca Douglas Leal is a popular parish speaker and presenter at conferences, and author of "Stop Reading and Start Proclaiming!" This workshop will introduce practical techniques, borrowed from the time-tested work of professional actors, to turn reading into vibrant proclamation—but not performance. Anyone who proclaims Scripture to others— lectors, deacons, presiders, cantors, catechists, ministry leaders—will benefit from learning how to make a proclamation truly soar. This workshop is for experienced proclaimers as well as those new to the ministry, and is an excellent preparation for the liturgies of the Paschal Season. Please call St. Mark's parish office (760-744-1540) to register. St. Vincent De Paul Collection Will be next weekend, Feb. 2nd. Make checks payable to St. Vincent De Paul and use the envelopes provided in the pews for cash or check. Just put the envelope in the regular collection basket. Thank you for your generosity in assisting those with emergency needs such as rent, utilities, food, gas, etc., in our Vista community. “Your good resolutions must not make you proud, but humble and diffident; you carry a large sum of gold about you, take care not to meet any highwaymen. In this life there is nothing certain: we are in a continual warfare, and, therefore, ought to be on our guard day and night. We sail in a tempestuous sea that threatens us on every side, and in a poor leaky vessel: the devil, who aims at nothing less than our destruction, never ceases to increase the storm, to overwhelm us thereby, if he can; hence it was that the Apostle gave this precaution, even to the virtuous: ‘Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall’ (1 Cor. x.12).” Saint Jerome, Epistle to Saint Eustochium 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time January 25– February 1, 2014 Saturday 8:00 am 4:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am 1:30 pm 3:15 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Sunday . Henry Cortez + Casimiro Garcia + Ma. De Jesus Murillo + Msgr. Thomas Vidra + People of the Parish Antonio Jesus Bedolla + Pedro Calvillo+ Lupe Villagrana (sp. Int.) Roberto and Talete Paliani + Juan Luis Rodriguez+ Monday 8:00 am 7:00 pm Angela Pouliot (Sp. Int.) Celina V. de Bareño+ Tuesday 7:00 am 8:00 am Dios Nuestro Señor, Maria Santisima (Thanks) Wed. 7:00 am 8:00 am Dios Nuestro Señor(Thanksgiving) Katharina Despotovic (Sp. Int.) Thur. 8:00 am David Barton (Sp. Int.) Friday 7:00 am 8:00 am Virgen Maria (Thanksgiving) Rufino Villajo+ Saturday 8:00 am 4:30 pm 6:30 pm Rosa Rocca+ Casimiro Garcia + Maria de Jesus Murillo Thomas Reeves (Sp. Int.) Collection for week of January 19,2014 Offertory $ 14,518.00 Offertory Loose $ 5,788.00 $ 20,306.00 Together in the Work of the Lord: January 25-26, 2014 St. Francis Young Adult Relationship Skills Workshop Presenters: Deacon Ralph and Peggy Skiano Director, Office for Marriage and Family Life Friday evenings at 7:00 pm Youth Center Church of Saint Francis of Assisi 525 W. Vista Way, Vista CA 92083 No pre-registration or fee Drop in for one, several, or all sessions February 7, 2014 Building a Climate of Respect February 14, 2014 Responsibility and the Blame Game February 21, 2014 Understanding Expectations February 28, 2014 Re-Defining the Power Struggle ------- Break during Lent -------April 25, 2014 Control Issues May 2, 2014 Listening Beyond the Words May 9, 2014 Personality Differences May 16, 2014 Childhood Issues and Emotional Baggage May 23, 2014 Handling Anger Constructively May 30, 2014 Speaking the Truth in Love June 6, 2014 How to Fight Fair (Conflict Resolution) June 13, 2014 Feelings and the Hurt Spiral June 20, 2014 Forgiveness and Repair June 27, 2014 Rebuilding Trust The Saint Francis of Assisi Young Adult Ministry is a community of 18-39 year olds, whose mission is to grow in holiness and knowledge of our Catholic Christian faith, so that we may share the love of Christ and better serve the parish and wider community. $23,428.70 Online Giving at St. Francis! IF YOU FORGOT YOUR ENVELOPE AND DON’T HAVE CASH AT MASS Check out our website and donate online: www.stfrancis-vista.org You can use a credit card, checking, or PayPal to make your donation! 211 - San Diego Resource Information Dial 211 OR from some cell phones (858) 300-1211 Oceanside Pregnancy Resource Center………...…(800) 395-4357 Birth Choice…………………………..………..….(760) 744-1313 Retrouville……………………………………........(951) 259-9474 Retrouvaille Español……………………………....(951) 259-9474 Catholic Charities, Thrift Store -Vista……….…....(760) 631-2819 Catholic Charities, Emergency Services…….….....(760) 631-4792 North County Lifeline……………………………..(760) 726-4900 St. Vincent de Paul………………………….……..(760) 407-8900 Prayer Line……………………………………..…..(760) 419-9869 Rachel’s Hope……………………………….…... ..(858) 581-3022 Interfaith Community Services Coastal…….…..….(760) 721-2117 Brother Bennos’ Kitchen……………………......…(760) 439-1244 Women’s Resource Center……………….………...(760) 757-3500 Catholic Charities Immigration………….……...….(760) 631-5890 RESOURCEs FREE, CONFIDENTIAL, MULTILINGUAL SOURCE OF NON-PROFIT SERVICES OR AGENCIES THROUGHOUT SAN DIEGO PLAN AHEAD FOR NEXT YEAR FOR YOUR MINISTRIES’ MEETING PLACE!!! St. Francis’ Ministries meeting in Parish Facilities. Friday, January 31st, FEAST OF JOHN BOSCO St. John Bosco was born in Piedmont, Italy in the year 1815. He was raised in a Catholic family but was too young ever to know his father who died when John was only two years old. *Please note: Meeting Reservations of Parish Facilities will expire June 30, 2014. New reservation forms for the next calendar year (July 2013 – June 2015) are due March 13 . Blank forms are available at the office or our website at www.stfancis-vista.org John's mother raised four children and taught them the im- Few tips to make scheduling easier and faster: the household. As a child, John's favorite pastime was going to fairs You must turn in a completed form for each event/meeting you want to program. Please allow a minimum of 2 weeks for review and answer to your scheduling request. All facility requests require completed forms. Please contact the head of your ministry to submit last minute requests. portance of their faith. At the age of four, John began to do small jobs to earn money to support and carnivals and watching the jugglers, tumblers and magicians. When he returned home, he practiced their tricks until he had mastered them, and then he would go on the street and perform asking only prayers as payment. From his childhood, St. John Bosco had a great desire to become a priest and help young boys who like himself were not afforded all the pleasures in life. He worked hard so he could afford to leave his family and attend school. Eventually John entered MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER A program for married couples to explore the sacramental dimension of their marriages. For info, call John and Bianca Roy at (866) 473-7730, or go to sandiego.ca.wwme.org or, Retrouvaille, a Lifeline for Married Couples Is your marriage or that of a relative or friend heading for divorce? Or do you feel helpless? For confidential information call 951-259-9474. Retrouvaille is a three month program that consists of a weekend experience combined with seven post sessions. It is designed to provide the tools to help put marriages in order again. The 2014 weekends in San Diego are January 10th, April 4th, June 20th, & September 19th. The Spanish weekend dates are March 14th and September 12th. Please call 619-423-0182 for information. Please check out the website: www.helpourmarriage.com. Support Group for Separated/Divorced New support group starting Sunday February 2nd for anyone suffering from the pain and loss associated with a separation or divorce. We meet Sundays at 10:15 AM at St. James Catholic Church – Ministry Center in Solana Beach. For more information contact Frank Grant at 760-533-1520 / [email protected] or Jan Nadler PhD at 760-814-8604. Deacon Ralph and Peggy Skiano are presenting RELATIONSHIP SKILLS WORKSHOPS every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 3888 Paducah Drive, beginning January 7th and ending April 22nd. Come and explore how to improve your relationships. You can attend one workshop, several, or all of them. For more information call Deacon Ralph at 858-490-8292. the seminary. He excelled in his studies and served as a model to other seminarians on how to live a holy life of happiness. At the age of 26, John was ordained to the priesthood and set out to take his message to the world Prayers are requested for the recently departed: Florencio Daniel Lara Jorge Antonio Torres Angelina Tapia “May God grant them eternal rest.” REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Michael Klentschy, Isadora Valle, Jett Luis, Bree Vasquez, Violet Enriquez, Anna Dosi, Paul West., Leticia Oropeza The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a Family Valentine’s Day Dance on Saturday February 8 @ 6:00 PM in the Halls following the 4:30 Mass. The Donation is $15 for the fathers and mothers. All the daughters and sons are free. The past 3 years have been a funfilled experience for the children as well as the parents. The donations collected will be going to St. Francis School. There will be music, snacks, refreshments and pizza. Like the last 3 year’s, make this an evening that your families will always remember. Tickets will be sold by the Knights after the Masses on the weekends of January 26th & February 2nd. You can also get tickets from the Parish Office. Any Questions Contact: Wayne Heffner (760) 945-6997 El pasado fin de semana durante la Misa, usted escucho información sobre la escuela de San Francisco de Asís y hoy, yo personalmente les invito; si usted no participa en nuestra comunidad escolar a que consideren hacerse parte de nuestra familia. Nuestro personal de la escuela está siempre disponible para hablar con usted acerca de cómo usted puede ser parte de esta gran comunidad escolar y para acompañarlos a hacer un recorrido de la escuela y responderles cualquier pregunta que pueda tener sobre nuestra escuela, por favor, oren y consideren esta gran oportunidad. En Cristo, P . Efrain En esta semana, la Iglesia de los Estados Unidos celebra la Semana de las Escuelas Católicas. Esta semana le da la oportunidad a todas las escuelas católicas en el país para demostrarle a su comunidad lo que la educación católica ofrece, y ¡la escuela de San Francisco de Asís no es la excepción! Esta semana, nuestros estudiantes con el apoyo de sus maestros, personal de la escuela y sus padres trabajarán arduamente para demostrar que verdaderamente tenemos una gran escuela aquí en nuestra parroquia. Los estudiantes han estado dedicando su tiempo preparando los proyectos de las Misiones, proyectos de ciencia y de la guerra civil, sólo para nombrar algunos. Después de poder echarle un vistazo a todos estos diferentes proyectos, estoy seguro que todos estaremos muy orgullosos del excelente trabajo que nuestros estudiantes producen a causa de la dedicación diaria a su educación. El comienzo a la Semana de las Escuelas Católicas, nos da una gran oportunidad para reflexionar no sólo sobre la gran escuela que tenemos, sino también el hecho de que cada uno de nuestras familias tiene la oportunidad de ser parte de esta gran comunidad escolar. El equipo docente y el personal de la escuela trabajan incansablemente, día tras día para asegurarse que nuestros estudiantes reciban la mejor educación católica que son capaces de darles. Muchas personas suelen preguntarse qué es lo que nos diferencía de otras escuelas. Una respuesta que siempre me viene a la mente es el hecho de que, además de nuestro rigor académico, la escuela de San Francisco de Asís ayuda a sus estudiantes a formarse y crecer en su fe. Además de la instrucción religiosa que regularmente reciben y la Misa semanal a la cual todos los estudiantes y maestros asisten, nuestros sacerdotes hacen visitas semanales a las aulas. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — El Señor glorificó el distrito de los gentiles (Isaías 8:23 — 9:3). Salmo — El Señor es mi luz y mi salvación (Salmo 27 [26]). Segunda lectura — Les ruego que se pongan de acuerdo, que no haya divisiones entre ustedes (1 Corintios 1:10-13, 17). Evangelio — Jesús les decía: Cambien su vida y su corazón” (Mateo 4:12-23 [12-17]). LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario; Semana de las Escuelas Católicas Lunes: Santa Ángela de Mérici Martes: Santo Tomás de Aquino Viernes: San Juan Bosco; Año nuevo lunar (chino) 4712 Sábado Santa María Virgen; Primer sábado LECTURAS DE El PROXIMO DOMINGO Primera lectura — Envío a mi mensajero, el mensajero de la alianza; ¿quien se mantendrá en pie? (Malaquías 3:1-4) Salmo — El Señor, Dios de los ejércitos: él es el Rey de la gloria (Salmo 25 [24]). Segunda lectura — Jesús quien se hizo totalmente humano vino a ayudar a los hijos de Abraham (Hebreos 2:14-18). Evangelio — El justo y piadoso Simeón proclama que el niño Jesús es una luz para los gentiles, la gloria del pueblo de LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 2 Sm 5:1-7, 10; Sal 89 (88):20-22, 25-26; Mc 3:22-30 Martes: 2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19; Sal 24 (23):7-10; Mc 3:31-35 Miércoles: 2 Sm 7:4-17; Sal 89 (88):4-5, 27-30; Mc 4:1-20 Jueves: 2 S131):1-5, 11-14; Mc 4:21-25 Viernes: 2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17; Sal 51 (50):3-7, 10-11; Mc 4:26-34 Sábado: 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Sal 51 (50):12-17; Mc 4:35-41 Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Enero 25-26, 2014 INSTITUTO DIOCESANO Domingo 26 de Enero del 2014 Ministerio de Hombres 7 am Visitadores por Cristo 8am MISAS ESPAÑOL 11:30am/1:30pm/7pm Lunes 27 de Enero del 2014 Cena para indigentes 5:00pm Martes 28 de Enero del 2014 Confesiones 6:00pm Miércoles-Jueves 29 y 30 de Enero OFICINAS CERRADAS, RETIRO ANUAL DE PERSONAL PARROQUIAL Sábado 2 de Febrero del 2014 CONFESIONES 3:00pm ROSARIO POR INMIGRANTES (Misa de 6:30pm) NOTA IMPORTANTE!! VALIDEZ DE SACRAMENTOS Padres de Familia, padrinos y todos los fieles de nuestra parroquia: si algún sacerdote o diácono ofrece bautismos, confirmaciones, primeras comuniones, quince años, matrimonios o funerales, dentro de sus casas, apartamentos o salones de fiestas en todo el Condado de San Diego (aunque su publicidad sea muy abundante)… ese sacerdote o diácono NO pertenece a la Iglesia Católica en nuestra diócesis de San Diego. Y tales sacramentos pueden ser inválidos e ilícitos (no permitidos). Nuestro Obispo Cirilo Flores ha sido muy claro de que los Sacramentos SOLO se administren dentro de las Iglesias Parroquiales. Si usted a recibido servicios por parte de alguien que no pertenezca a la Iglesia Católica, por favor llame a la oficina para aclarar sus expedientes. Bienvenido a nuestra parroquia! Si no se ha registrado o tiene un cambio de teléfono, de dirección o si no recibe sobres y le gustaría recibirlos, por favor llame a Lourdes Barton a la oficina (760) 945-8000 o mande un correo electrónico a [email protected]. Acompáñenos en oración por nuestros fieles difuntos: Florencio Manuel Lara Jose Antonio Torres Angelina Tapia Miguel Arredondo “Que en paz descansen” Oremos por nuestros hermanos: Fr. Victor Maristela, Isadora Valle, Leticia Oropeza Jett Luis,Bree Vasquez,Violet Enriquez Anna Dosi, Michael Klentschy, Paul West A partir del lunes 27 de enero, el Instituto Diocesano estará ofreciendo en nuestra Parroquia a todos los Ministros Parroquiales del Condado del Norte y a la comunidad parroquial el curso G120s Introducción a la Espiritualidad (30 horas) en el salón # 8 de 6pm a 9pm. Instructor Ernesto Amezcua, M.A. Para inscribirse, llame de inmediato a Diana al 1 858 490-8212. MINISTERIO DE HOMBRES ¿Deseas un lugar o un ambiente dónde hablar de la vida? ¿Te sientes solo a pesar de tantas actividades en tu hogar, en tu trabajo, en la Iglesia? ¿Deseas compartir tus experiencias, dudas o preocupaciones sobre la relación de tu esposa y de tus hijos? Todo esto, en el marco de la presencia de Cristo… ven cada domingo de las 7 a las 8am en la Librería parroquial. Te estaremos esperando !! REUNION PARA SERVIDORES DEL ALTAR Esta reunión se llevará a cabo el jueves 30 de enero a las 6 de la tarde en la Iglesia. Se les pide a todos los Servidores del Altar que asistan. Si tienen alguna pregunta llamen de inmediato a Leticia Chramosta al (760) 945-8013 o escriba a [email protected] DIVISIÓN Es una situación que se presenta con más o menos importancia: cristianos divididos. Un juego de baloncesto de la CYO pone a dos equipos de parroquias vecinas en oposición. Los padres de los jóvenes que juegan se insultan y lanzan amenazas unos a otros para mostrar su superioridad”. Una iglesia protestante y una católica están en propiedades aledañas. Cada una está alerta para remover a los que se estacionan violando las señales “privadas” de dónde estacionar. Un pastor de avanzada edad se jubila y permanece como párroco emérito residente en su parroquia. Un nuevo párroco toma su lugar y muy pronto se entera de que su “comunidad” de fe no está de acuerdo con sus decisiones. San Pablo se enfrenta a desacuerdos similares que ocurrían en la iglesia joven de Corinto. Él los anima a que se pongan de acuerdo y a que vivan unidos en el mismo pensar y sentir. La primera lectura de hoy tomada del profeta Isaías habla de un pueblo agobiado por el peso del pecado y la oscuridad. Ciertamente las disputas y diferencias entre nosotros se pueden catalogar así. El Evangelio nos cuenta sobre el inicio del ministerio de Jesús. La luz ha llegado y nos anima a cambiar “nuestra vida y corazón porque está cerca el Reino de los Cielos”. Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Enero 25-26 2014 OFICINAS PARROQUIALES PERMANECERAN CERRADAS EL 29 Y 30 DE ENERO POR MOTIVO DE RETIRO PARA EL PERSONAL PARRROQUIAL. La oficina reabrirá el 31 de enero Junta mandatoria de confirmación para todos los padres de grupo de confirmación de el primer año.Febrero 5 2014 7:00-8:30pm en el salón Santa Clara. Grupo Juvenil en San Francisco de Asís El grupo de jóvenes los domingos de el 26 de enero y el 2 de febrero han sido cancelados. Día social en union con la Iglesia de Santo Tomás Moro 15 de Febrero 2:00-5:00pm Venga directamente a BOOMERS, recogan su permiso en la oficina de jóvenes, es necesario para poder participar. Steubenville San Diego Conference Registro abierto!! Julio 25-27, 2014 en USD, si no has participado, esta es tu oportunidad de tener una gran experiencia!! Para más información llama al (760) 945-8016 FORMACION FAMILIAR EN LA FE! “SACRAMENTOS Y MISION SOCIAL” Sábado 15 de febrero 2014 Tema: “Los Sacramentos de Sanación” 8:30 am y 10:30 am Salones Parroquiales ¡Al mismo tiempo que asisten sus hijos e hijas, ustedes deberán asistir a sesiones como Padres de Familia! INSTITUTO DIOCESANO DE SAN DIEGO S820s La Tradición Católica de la Oración (15 hras) Rev. Pedro Navarra, M.A. Lunes, del 27 enero al 10 marzo de 2014 (no habrá clase el 17 febrero)6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. St. John of the Cross, Lemon Grove G120s Intro a la Espiritualidad Cristiana (30 hras) Ernesto Amezcua, M.A. Lunes, del 27 enero al 14 abril de 2014 (no habrá clase el 17 febrero ni el 17 marzo) 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. St. Francis of Assisi, Vista S830s Espiritualidad de la Vida Familiar (15 hras) Antonio Morales, M.A. los martes, del 28 enero al 4 marzo de 201410:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Corpus Christi, Bonita Diócesis Católica de San Diego……………………….….. 1+858+490-8200 Centro Pre-natal en Oceanside………..……………...……..(800) 395-4357 Consulado General de México—San Diego………… 1+619+231-8414 Alfabetización INEA……………………..…………………….…...(760) 224-4081 Clases Ciudadanía…………………………………………………...(760) 758-7122 Comité Justicia por Inmigrantes………………………...…...(760) 644-3229 Child Abuse Hotline/Abuso infantil……....................1+(800) 344-6000 Abogado Inmigración………………………………………….....(760) 351-6776 Caridades Católicas/Servicios Emergencia……….........(760) 631-4792 NAMI—Enfermedades Mentales……………………………..(760) 722-3754 San Vicente de Paul…………………………..…....................(760) 407-8900 TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Esta semana recordamos la memoria de san Juan Bosco conocido como “Don Bosco”. Es curioso el apelativo de “Don” ya que es un título para nobles señores. En siglos pasados era el título común para un sacerdote diocesano, mientras que el título hermano se reservaba para sacerdotes y hermanos religiosos. En la Iglesia católica existen dos clases de sacerdotes. Unos son diocesanos o seculares quienes dedican su vida a la diócesis a la que pertenecen. Estos sacerdotes hacen voto de celibato y obediencia al obispo local. El otro grupo de sacerdotes son los que pertenecen a órdenes religiosas. Ellos viven en comunidad y hacen votos de pobreza, celibato y obediencia a su comunidad. En muchas partes a todos los sacerdotes religiosos o diocesanos se les llama “padre”. Este título fue usado en la Primera Iglesia y durante la Edad Media para honrar a hombres santos, ya fueran laicos o sacerdotes. Se les llamaba “padres” sólo cuando habían llegado a mostrar, con una larga vida, que podían animar a los demás con su buen ejemplo. Todos los sacerdotes debían vivir de talmanera que merecieran el título de padre, sin desearlo directamente. Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Línea Diocesana para Abuso Sexual…………….……….1+(858) 490-8310 Escuela para Adultos—Vista…...…………….………….…... 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Vista Way, Ste. 6, Vista (760) 940-1011 $50 NEW PATIENT (EXAM/X-RAYS) FANTASY JUMPERS & RENTALS PARRIS MORALES PAINTING Let the Party begin! Que comience la fiesta! Jumpers / Brincolines Tents / Carpas Tables / Mesas Chairs / Sillas and more… y más… Over 15 Years of Experience Interior/Exterior 760-519-8292 LIC # 977326 Member of St. Francis Castaneda Business & Tax Service Bookkeeping (760) 941-4520 550 W. Vista Way Ste. 205 Se Habla Español (760) 716-6436 Open M-Sat./Evenings/Tagalog/Español Attorney - Abogada Mary Gaines, JD 410 So. Melrose, Vista Criminal Law 760-419-8562 Reverse Aging Now! Free 5-Day Sample. 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TAMBIEN ESTAMOS SOLICITANDO REPRESENTANTES DE VENTAS PARA TODA EL AREA DE SAN DIEGO PARA MAS INFORMACIÓN LLAMAR A MARIO MEJIA 760-518-3722 O TERESA ROMERO 760-917-6403. Your ad could be in this space! European Motorsports Expert German Auto Repair Audi • Porsche • Mercedes Benz • BMW JOE VAMPOLA Owner • Parishioner St. Francis 599-9307 DOAN LAW FIRM MICHAEL DOAN IS A CERTIFIED BANKRUPTCY SPECIALIST - CONSUMER BANKRUPTCY LAW - AMERICAN BOARD OF CERTIFICATION DOAN LAWYERS FABULOUS FACIALS $20 OFF 1st Facial 622-2238 Call Karen California’s Largest Family of Attorneys FATHER & FIVE SONS BANKRUPTCY & Bankruptcy Alternatives $100 STARTS www.doanlaw.com (760) 450-3333 Free Consultation Se habla Español ✂ Special Occasions Photo Movie Slideshow Producer Contact Anna @ 760-505-3786 to create your special photo movie Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! TRI-CITY CARPET Quality Carpet at Wholesale Prices 1455 W. Vista Way Vista, CA 724-5595 513025 St Francis Church (A) HANNA PLUMBING TRACI BASS Sales & Service & Repairs THE CATHOLIC CONNECTION For All Your Real Estate Needs Call $10.00 Disc. on Service Calls 643 So. Santa Fe, Vista 726-2002 Members of St. Francis www.jspaluch.com 760-519-7355 Search thousands of homes instantly at www.tracibasshomes.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 www.stfrancis-vista.org office: 760.945.8000 · fax: 760.945.8036 · 525 West Vista Way · Vista, CA 92083 Office Hours Monday -Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ( Lunch closure time from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.) &/(5*<&/(52 5HY(IUDLQ%DXWLVWDPastor #VWIUDQFLVYLVWDRUJ 5HY-D\%DQDQDO JBANANAL STFRANCISVISTAORG 5HY3HWHU9X/DP$VV 3DVWRU7U&L&KDODLQ SYXODP#VWIUDQFLVYLVWDRUJ 'HDFRQ5RQDOG$UQROG3DVWRUDO$VVLVWDQW UDUQROG#VWIUDQFLVYLVWDRUJ 'HDFRQ5REHUW0XHOOHU''63DVWRUDO$VVLVWDQW UHYGGV#DROFRP 'HDFRQ3HGUR(QFLVR3DVWRUDO$VVLVWDQW $'8/7)$,7+)250$7,21('8&$&,Ð15(/,*,26$'($'8/726 &É&0Ͻ&9Ͻ9,ϟ71$0 6U0DGHOLQH)LW]JHUDOG3DVWRUDO$VVLVWDQW (QJOLVK6SHDNLQJ0LQLVWULHV PILW]JHUDOG#VWIUDQFLVYLVWDRUJ (UQHVWR$PH]FXD3DVWRUDO$VVLVWDQW 6SDQLVK6SHDNLQJ0LQLVWULHV HDPH]FXD#VWIUDQFLVYLVWDRUJ /RXLH/XDQ3KDP3UHVLGHQW 9LHWQDPHVH6SHDNLQJ0LQLVWULHV OpSKDP#\DKRRFRP SHQFLVR#VWIUDQFLVYLVWDRUJ 'HDFRQ/RL+RDQJ3DVWRUDO$VVLVWDQW OKRDQJ#VWIUDQFLVYLVWDRUJ 2)),&(67$)) &LQG\%DQJ %$37,60%$87,602 6U0DGHOLQH)LW]JHUDOG(QJOLVK%DSWLVPV PILW]JHUDOG#VWIUDQFLVYLVWDRUJ (GQD$OYDUDGR%DXWLVPRVHQ(VSDxRO HDOYDUDGR#VWIUDQFLVYLVWDRUJ !"#$ $UOHQH3HUH]% & !"# <RODQGDCortes% !"# Lourdes Barton, Secretary lbarton#VWIUDQFLVYLVWDRUJ 5(/,*,286('8&$7,21('8&$&,Ð15(/,*,26$ 9,ϟ71*Ї*,É2/ë75ϓ(0 'HDFRQ0LJXHO(QULTXH]' (QJOLVK6SHDNLQJ&KLOGUHQҋV%() (*& # Yadira Quiroz, Secretary [email protected] (760) 945-8010 0DULD/XLVD9DOGRYLQRV'LUHFWRU 6SDQLVK6SHDNLQJ&KLOGUHQҋV%() PYDOGRYLQRV#VWIUDQFLVYLVWDRUJ My-The Huynh 9LHWQDPHVH%() ThuyDuong760#()FRP945-7189 <287+$1'<281*$'8/70,1,675,(6 0,1,67(5,26$'8/726-89(1,/(6<-Ð9(1(6 Theresa Phan 'LUHFWRU<RXWK<RXQJ$GXOW0LQLVWU\ [email protected] Angela Navarro, Secretary [email protected] (760) 945-8009 /,785*</,785*,$ Letty Chramosta, [email protected] (760) 945-8013 $Q9X9LHWQDPHVH6SHDNLQJ-WXUJ\ .X"#PDLOFRP !, $ 086,&0Ô6,&$ 'LDQH0RKU'LUHFWRURI0XVLF GPRKU#VWIUDQFLVYLVWDRUJ !"#43 5REHUWR9DOOLQ&RRUGLQDWRU6SDQLVK6SHDNLQJ0XVLF0LQLVWU\ UYDOOLQ#VWIUDQFLVYLVWDRUJ43 $QWKRQ\'LKQ3KDP/ 0 .(/1 $QWKRQ\'LQK3KDP#\DKRRFRP 67(:$5'6+,3$1''(9(/230(17 67)5$1&,66&+22/ Elizabeth Joseph6W)UDQFLV&DWKROLF6FKRRO3ULQFLSDO ejoseph#VIVYLVWDRUJ *ulie Kaiser, Development Coordinator, St. Francis School [email protected] (760) 945-8044 Jose "ONO37*3UEVLDHQT JOSE GUAVAGRAPHICSCOM Louann Gigante%1 ) 00 lgigante sbcglobal.net
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