Holy Cross Catholic Church
Holy Cross Catholic Church
THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME • OCTOBER 25, 2015 HOLY CROSS C AT H O L I C C H U R C H Iglesia Católica de La Sant a Cruz 1244 SOUTH POWER ROAD • MESA, ARIZONA 85206 Pastor Fr. Lawrence Merta Parochial Vicar Fr. James Aboyi, VC Parochial Vicar, Care Ministry Fr. Simon Osuchukwu Pastoral Associate Deacon Gene Messer Deacons James Gersitz, Tom Ferreira, Bill Finnegan & Ciso Macia Joe Scaccia retired, Richard Conn, retired Parish Office (480)981-2021 Religious Education Office (480)325-5375 Fax (480)981-6844 Website www.holycrossmesa.org MISSION STATEMENT Holy Cross Parish is a multi-generational and multi-cultural Catholic Community of the Diocese of Phoenix. We live out our potential as Stewards to continue the Mission of Jesus through our worship, education, service and outreach. 2 FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK—DEL ESCRITORIO DEL PASTOR The World in View from a Believer’s Perspective If you’re looking for a peaceful walk through a desert oasis visit Boyce Thompson Arboretum, just West of Superior. I did not have the patience to remember the binomial (Latin) names for the plant and butterfly. So, how did God speak to my heart as I was drawn to capture this image? Bugs and plants are the objects of God’s Providence. He provides life-sustaining nectar to all sorts of critters and He sends the periodic rains to quench the thirst of our familiar landscapes. We human beings, however, are the apple of God’s eye. Have you ever considered that among all living things that comprise our world only you and me are capable of recognizing the loving hand of His Providence in a personal way? The uplifting vocal arrangements of Take Six, our capacity to digest liver and onions, our ability to encounter Him though contemplative prayer—we don’t need much imagination to recognize how super Kind and super Good He is to us. God’s super goodness and super abundance come to bear at every Mass. The Eucharist adored and consumed is designed to secure our company with Him for all the ages to come. What are we worth that God’s only Son now gives us his flesh and blood? Let us examine our consciences always before receiving so great a gift—a gift not shared with the rest of creation. Jesus did confide to his disciples (Mt. 10:31): ‘You are worth more than many sparrows’… and plants and butterflies too. Your Pastor, Fr. Larry El Mundo que se ve desde la perspectiva de un creyente Si estás buscando un tranquilo paseo por un oasis en el desierto, entonces visita Boyce Thompson Arboretum, al oeste de Superior, AZ. Yo no tuve la paciencia para recordar los nombres en Latin para la planta y la mariposa en esta foto. Entonces, ¿Cómo habló Dios a mi corazón como para interesarme para sacarla? Los insectos y las plantas son objetos también de la Providencia de Dios. Él proporciona el néctar para muchos bichos y Él envía las lluvias periódicas para saciar la sed de nuestros paisajes familiares. Nosotros, los seres humanos, sin embargo, son la niña de los ojos de Dios. ¿Has pensado que entre todos los seres vivos que componen nuestro mundo sólo tú y yo somos capaces de reconocer la mano amorosa de su Providencia de una manera personal? La música Norteña, nuestra capacidad para digerir los tamales, el don de dirigirnos a Dios con el título `Padre´, todos estos ejemplos encapsulan el gran deseo de nuestro Padre Celestial de que reconozcamos a Él como super amable y muy buena. La súper bondad y la super abundancia de Dios tambien vienen con cada Misa celebrada. La Eucaristía adoraba y se consume está diseñada para asegurar nuestra empresa con Él para todas las edades por venir. ¿Quiénes somos que sólo el Hijo de Dios nos da su propia carne y sangre? Examinemos nuestras conciencias siempre antes de recibir tan gran regalo, un don que no comparte con el resto de la creación. Jesús confió a sus discípulos (Mateo 10:31): 'Tú vales más que muchos pajarillos "... y las plantas y mariposas también. Tu Pastor, P. Lorenzo HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CHURCH DIRECTORY Holy Cross Catholic Church 1244 South Power Road • Mesa, Arizona 85206 Parish Office................................................... (480)981-2021 RE Office ........................................................ (480)325-5375 Fax .................................................................. (480)981-6844 Website ............................................ www.holycrossmesa.org Parish Office Hours Monday-Thursday ..................................... 8:30 am—5:00 pm (closed 12:00-1:00 pm) Friday ...................................................... 8:30 am—12:00 pm Saturday & Sunday ...................................................... Closed Parish Secretary, Laura Shirling .............................. ext. 201 E-mail ..................................... [email protected] Priests Pastor, Fr. Lawrence Merta ...................................... ext. 208 E-mail ...................................... [email protected] Parochial Vicar, Fr. James Aboyi, VC ....................... ext. 202 E-mail ....................................... [email protected] Parochial Vicar Care Ministry, Fr. Simon Osuchukwu E-mail ..................................... [email protected] Deacons Pastoral Associate, Deacon Gene Messer ............. ext. 206 E-mail .................................... [email protected] ........ ext. 218 E-mail ..................................... [email protected] Coord. of Hispanic and Mulitcultural Ministry ....................................................... ext. 221 E-mail ...................................... [email protected] ........ ext. 201 Parish Administration ....... ext. 205 E-mail ...................................... [email protected] Religious Education ............ ext. 214 E-mail .................................... [email protected] Coord. of Elementary Faith Formation .......................................................... ext. 209 E-mail .................................... [email protected] Coord. of Youth Faith Formation ......... ext. 213 E-mail .................................... [email protected] Music Director of Music, Jaime Cortez .............................. ext. 215 E-mail ....................................... [email protected] Liturgy Facilitator of Liturgical Ministries, Peter Baker ... ext. 216 E-mail [email protected] 3 Mass Schedule Saturday (vigil) .................................................... 4:00 pm Sunday 6:30 am, 8:00 am*, 10:00 am, 12:00 noon, 2:00 pm (Spanish), 4:00 pm (Youth) Daily ....................................... Monday-Saturday 8:30 am Holy Days ........................................................ see bulletin * Interpreted for the deaf/hard of hearing. Confessions Saturday from 9:00-10:00 am and after all weekday Masses. Anytime by appointment. Call the parish office at (480)981-2021. Infant Baptism Parents requesting that their child be baptized must be registered parishioners who are actively participating in the life of Holy Cross Church. Baptism preparation classes are required. Please call the parish office for additional information. Couples seeking the sacrament of marriage must be registered parishioners who are actively participating in the life of Holy Cross Church. Notification of intent to marry must be provided nine months in advance. For more information on the marriage preparation process, please call the parish office. Communion to the Sick If you or someone you know is sick, hospitalized or homebound, please call for the assistance of a Minister of Care. Ministers of Care bring communion to those who cannot come to mass. Please call the parish office to arrange a scheduled Minister of Care visit. Emergency Anointing of the Sick If you or someone you know is in critical condition or near death, call (480)981-2021. After 5:00 pm and weekends, Press 4 when instructed to do so. Leave a detailed message, including a contact name and telephone number, that will be heard by the priest on call. Please do not use this service for any other reason. Federal Privacy Regulation HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act), prohibits all hospitals from informing churches of a patient’s presence unless the patient gives permission for the hospital to do so. If you are admitted to a hospital and would like a member of the clergy or a caregiver to visit you, please notify the hospital or call the parish office. St. Vincent de Paul Society The St. Vincent de Paul Society provides food, clothing, and other assistance to the poor and needy. Located at the north end of the grounds, their hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00-11:00 am. Their direct number is (480)985-4259. Call to make an appointment. 4 THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE LITURGY & MUSIC Monday, October 26th 8:00 am Morning Prayer 8:30 am Mass/Confessions to follow 6:30 pm Right to Life Rm. D Church Rm. H Tuesday, October 27th 8:00 am Morning Prayer 8:30 am Mass/Confessions to follow Rm. D Church Wednesday, October 28th 8:00 am Morning Prayer 8:30 am Mass/Confessions to follow 9:15 am Intercessory Prayer Rm. D Church Rm. D Thursday, October 29th 8:00 am Morning Prayer Rm. D 8:30 am Mass/Confessions to follow Church 5:30 pm Groupo Oracion Carismatica Rm. F 5:30 pm Groupo de Renovacion Carismition Rm. N 6:00 pm English Charismatic Prayer Rm. H Friday, October 30th 8:00 am Morning Prayer 8:30 am Mass/Confessions to follow Rm. D Church Saturday, October 31st See Mass Schedule Sunday, November 1st See Mass Schedule NEW CD FROM JAIME CORTEZ Our music director, Jaime Cortez, has a new CD out. The name of the CD is Transformation, and it explores the theme of how our lives change when we say “yes” to the call from God. The CD will be available for purchase after all Masses next weekend, November 1st. They will make great Christmas gifts. Please visit www.ocp.org and type Jaime Cortez for more information. Now available at Holy Cross! Liturgical Season Books (The Little Blue Books!) Many of you have been requesting copies of the “Little Blue Book” for the Advent/ Christmas Season. The Little Blue Book Reflections begins with the First Sunday of Advent, November 29, 2015 and ends on the Baptism of the Lord on January 10, 2016. Reflections are based on the daily Gospels of Advent. We currently have English books in stock. The cost is $3.00/book and copies can be purchased in the parish office. St. Michael Prayer St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God thrust into hell satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. Pray the Rosary Come join us each morning in the Church at 7:50am to pray the Rosary Manual of Spiritual Warfare by Paul Thigpen, Tan Books, 2014, p. 264 Readings for the Week of October 25 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Jer 31:7-9/Heb 5:1-6/Mk 10:46-52 Rom 8:12-17/Lk 13:10-17 Rom 8:18-25/Lk 13:18-21 Eph 2:19-22/Lk 6:12-16 Rom 8:31b-39/Lk 13:31-35 Rom 9:1-5/Lk 14:1-6 Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29/Lk 14:1, 7-11 Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a Week of October 26th—November 1st Mon: Tues: Wed: Thurs: Fri: Sat: Sun: “Don’t forget to check out our parish website at www.holycrossmesa.org” 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 4:00 pm 6:30 am 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 2:00 pm 4:00 pm † † † † † † † † † † † † † Kenneth Fraser Robert Liesch Merle Zuege Libia Hernandez Joseph & Rose Panigutti Larry Arts Dolores Demko Elizabeth L. Decker James Jones Richard Wittig Beverly Milham Lori Barko Carlyn Simkus THE TRINITY OF STEWARDSHIP 5 The Holy Cross Stewardship Committee fosters the mission of Holy Cross Catholic Church by INFORMING the parish of ministries taking place, by INVITING people into new and existing ministries, by SUPPORTING people in their ministries, by PROVIDING information regarding the financial situation of the parish and to INCREASE financial support of the parish. IT'S A BABY SHOWER! Maggie's Place has opened a new home in Mesa, Hannah's House. The Catholic Daughters are hosting a baby shower for them on Saturday, November 14th from 1-3 PM at Holy Cross Church in Whelan Hall. We invite all ladies of the parish to come and join us to support these women who have chosen Life for their baby. If you can't come but would like to help you can send a check made out to: Hannah's House. Please mail to: Susan Mone, 1530 N Spring, Mesa, AZ 85203 For more information regarding the shower call Mary at: 480-298-6179 Saint Vincent de Paul Holy Cross Conference 480-985-4259 Is there a neighbor or friend of yours who is in temporary need because of a loss of job or an illness? Please leave a message for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul . . . we want to help. The Gospel reminds us to be kind to people who are not just like us, especially sick people who bear illness with courage and those who are handicapped, deaf, lame, dying or homeless. (Adapted from Fr. James’ homily, September 6, 2015.) PRAYER FOR HOLY CROSS PARISH Lord, I ask your blessing on our community of Holy Cross Parish. Send your peace into our families, especially those who are struggling in any particular way. Bless our youth and protect them from harmful and destructive behavior. Help our young adults to recognize your will for them, and grant many vocations to the religious life and the priesthood and the permanent diaconate from our parish for the future of our Church. Bless those who live a single life with a deep sense of your love for them and your presence in their lives. Send your healing of body and spirit into those who are suffering from any illness, especially those with chronic pain. Comfort those who are close to death. Bless our country and our world with peace and a profound sense of justice and respect for every human life from conception to natural death. Let us rejoice in your love for each of us, whatever our circumstances, and may every one of us at Holy Cross do our part, through the intercession of Mary, our Mother, and by the power of your grace, to build up the Kingdom of God on our earth. We ask this through Christ, our Lord Amen Welcome to Holy Cross Catholic Church! If you are new to the parish, we want to get to know you and serve you. Parish registration is the official way to join the Holy Cross community. Registering as a parishioner is as easy as completing an enrollment form and faithfully contributing to the parish with your time, talent, and treasure. Parish registration is expected for all who come to Holy Cross on a regular basis and consider this their parish. Registering is a statement of confidence and desire to take part in the life and work of the parish. It allows us to communicate information about parish events, sacramental preparation and year end contribution statements. Registration forms are available in the Parish Office and on our website at www.holycrossmesa.org If you are currently a member of Holy Cross Church and have had changes (i.e. address, telephone number, e-mail address, new family members, etc.) or you have moved out of the area, please contact the Parish Office as soon as possible to make the changes. Phone Number: 480-981-2021 Please continue to support our parish with your prayers, your presence, and your talents. Did you know that each week 150-200 pairs of white socks are given out to people in need? Homeless men in our area are always in desperate need of clean white socks. Please help our “brothers” with your donations. All your gifts will be distributed directly to the homeless. Please bring items to the Parish Office. Thank you. Deacon Gene and Judi Messer Parish Stewardship of Treasure For the weekend of October 17th & 18th Envelope Contributions .......................................... $6,943.00 Loose Cash/Checks ............................................... $8,064.05 ACH (Automatic Checking) .......................................... $876.50 Total Plate Collection: ......................................... $15,883.55 Special Collection: Past Special Collections ............................................. $317.00 Paving & Painting .................................................... $7,075.92 Please remember Holy Cross parish in your estate planning and thank you for your continued support of Holy Cross Catholic Church. 6 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: ADULT FAITH FORMATION AND SPIRITUALITY Why Is Cursillo Important? Attention Cursiloo Ultreya Thursday, November 5 Rm. J at 12:00 noon What Good Is Cursillo? What Does Cursillo Do? Following are some comments about Cursillo. 1. The purpose of the Cursillo movement is to create small groups of Christians who will spread the example of Christ in their homes, in their work places and in their communities by their example. 2. A Cursillo is an encounter with Christ. 3. A Cursillo encourages people to assist Christ in being a prime influence in society. 4. Cursillo gives a person a deeper understanding of Jesus and how we can serve Him. 5. Cursillo is simply a method through which one’s spiritually may be developed, lived and showed in any area of human life. If you wish to attend a Cursillo or if you have any questions concerning a Cursillo please call Jim or Mimi Gersitz at 480-396-0173. Next Cursillos: Men’s—November 5th—November 8th Women’s—November 19th—22nd Because there is much demand for the November Cursillo it is important to register as soon as you make your decision. The facilities at Mt. Claret are quite comfortable and new. The weekend ends Sunday evening around 7pm. You will be driven both ways by a sponsor. No one is to well informed or too spiritual to make a Cursillo. There are priests and religious who make their Cursillo as well as lay teachers of the faith. There are people who know very little and those who know a great deal. No matter your knowledge of the faith or your spirituality, Cursillo could be for you. Call Deacon Jim or Mimi Gersitz at 480-396-0173 for further information. Come share and celebrate the Cursillo movement with your friends who have already made a Cursillo Prayer for Cursillo Following is a list of the men and women who will be participating in the November Cursillos. We ask you to please pray for each person. Randy Culley Nadine Paulson Juan Chavez James Graytok Debra Lopez Priscilla Gomez Marilyn Chavez Adult Education Series Join us in Wellens Hall on Wednesday Morning, October 28th, 9:15-11:30 a.m. or Wednesday Evening, October 28th 6:30-8:30 p.m. for the continuation of Eucharist: Discovering the Mass in the Bible by Dr. Brant Pitre Annual Annulment Seminar 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Nov. 14, at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 400 E. Monroe St., Phoenix. Learn more about the annulment process, and have your questions answered! This is a bilingual event, and no RSVP is required. Info: (602) 354- 2275 or diocesephoenix.org/tribunal. Worldwide Marriage Encounter TODAY IS WORLD PRIEST DAY! Worldwide Marriage Encounter thanks all of our priests for their loving service to God’s people. Join thousands of other Catholics worldwide in taking a day to especially recognize the priests who so faithfully serve us by providing the Sacraments, spiritual guidance, education and love as a daily gift. Please tell your parish priest how much you love him! If you were unable to attend the first session, please come anyway. We will give you information on how you can view on-line the missed sessions. Please contact Cindy in the RE office at 480-325-5375 x214 or [email protected] if you can join us so that we will have sufficient handouts prepared. Walk-ins are always welcome. Religious Education office 480-325-5375. PARISH & COMMUNITY EVENTS 7 Celebrate All Saints Day! Sunday, November 1st, after the 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm Masses. Come and experience our 1st Wax Museum of the Saints in Anderson Hall. The Red Saints, students that are preparing for Confirmation, will be dressed up and telling about the life of the saint they chose for their Confirmation name. Brought to you by the Religious Education Department. More information contact the RE office at 480-325-5375. Join Fr. Larry Merta in Krakow! Sts. John Paul II, Faustina, Maximilian Kolbe Celebrate Mary’s Assumption with Polish Pilgrims “Behold Your Mother” Holy Cross Pilgrimage Now Forming ~ 8% Land Pkg Discount to 1st Eight “Early Bird” Pilgrims Registered by Jan 30. 12 Days in Poland August 11-23, 2016 Divine Mercy Pilgrim House Accommodations Estimated $3,100 Land ~ 20+ Pilgrims (30 max) Unpack Once™ Itinerary ~ Free Laundry Svc Phx Departure (winter visitor meetup) Info Meetings Start November 4th Email [email protected] for info & meeting schedule, (or call, leave message 602-819-7473.) Uwaga! Mike in Poland til10/20 Responds to emails. Pray for the Unborn All the faithful are invited to join us as we pray for the unborn, the little ones who cannot speak for themselves. We pray for them and their mothers that the unborn will be spared and the mothers will have a change of heart, We meet every Sat at 9:15 AM; Planned Parenthood, 1250 E. Apache blvd. Tempe, Az. info. call Ray (480820 2553) or Dick (480 253 7118) COME TO THE CRAFT FAIR The Knights of Columbus and the Ladies will hold their Holiday Craft Fair Saturday, October 31st in Anderson Hall from 9am – 2pm. There will be many talented vendors displaying handmade items. You are invited to bring your family and friends and enjoy a day of shopping, eating and sharing. Come see handmade greeting cards, floral arrangements, scarves, scrubbies and much, much more. Refreshments will be provided by the Knights of Columbus and proceeds will go to local charities. So mark your calendars and tell your friends and neighbors about this exciting event. Fall is back and with it is the return of the casino bus trip. Join us on Monday Nov. 9th. We will be going to the Lone Butte and Wild Horse Pass. We will drop off at both casinos so you can go to the casino of your choice. For the bingo players, that will be Lone Butte. Also from Wild Horse Pass it is short walk or shuttle ride to the Premium Outlet shops. Cost $10, which you receive back on arrival at the casino. This trip is sponsored by the Catholic Daughters and any proceeds go to the courts charitable recipients. The bus will leave St. George’s Church at 9:00 AM and Holy Cross Church at 9:30 AM Reserve you seat today by calling: Susan Mone 480-969-0447 or Linda Maguire 480- 924-1746 If you have a slot card for Gila River please have your number ready when calling. Please call by Wed Nov. 4th for a guaranteed available seats. Not a Holy Cross Sponsored Event “Don’t forget to check out our parish website at www.holycrossmesa.org” 8 PARISH & COMMUNITY EVENTS Bishop Nevares will be making a pastoral visit to our parish on Thursday, November 5th. There will be a Mass in Spanish at 6pm. All are invited to attend the Mass. After Mass, Bishop Nevares will have a private meeting with leaders of the Hispanic ministry of our parish. A Call For New Ministers of Care In the Gospel of Matthew 25, Jesus described how we need to visit the sick and said, “whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” The Care Ministry at Holy Cross is a ministry to the most vulnerable people in the Parish. At present, Ministers of Care are especially needed to serve in the many nursing homes and hospitals within the parish boundaries. They bring Holy Eucharist to the sick and pray for their spiritual/emotional needs. This ministry only requires about 2 – 2 ½ hours a week and it’s a ministry in which you receive more spiritual and emotional rewards in return than what you give. To be certified as a new Minister of Care, Fr. Simon Osuchukwu and Deacon Joe Scaccia are offering a new and active-learning workshop on Saturday, October 31 from 9:15 to 3:30 in Wellens Hall, Classroom J. Lunch will be provided. If you feel called to this ministry, please call the Parish Office at 480-981-2021, and leave a detailed contact message for Deacon Joe. Thanks in Christ for your support. Holy Cross Council No. 7904 “All life has inestimable value even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor, are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in his own image, destined to live forever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect.” Pope Francis July 2013 Available at Holy Cross Catholic Church Just in time for Advent! Holy Cross is pleased to make available to our parishioners the Saint Joseph 2016 American Edition Sunday Missal. This perfectly sized Missal with an illustrated and laminated cover fits easily in pocket or purse. The price per missal is $5.00. A limited number are available for purchase now in the parish office. The parish office is open Monday-Thursday from 8:30am- 5:00pm (closed 12-1pm for lunch) and Friday from 8:30am-12noon. The complete Saint Joseph 2016 American Edition Sunday Missal by Catholic Book Publishing provides each Sunday's Prayers, Readings, and Responses in a continuous style for easy use and understanding. Also contained in this book are the masses for Holydays from the beginning of Advent through the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. This Missal includes the Order of Mass in two colors and large type with the People's Parts in bold type for quick identification. This Saint Joseph 2016 American Edition Sunday Missal also offers an updated hymnal section with over 90 popular hymns, including "I Am the Bread of Life" "All are Welcome" and "Taste and See," as well as a treasury of cherished prayers. “Vocations Celebrations” at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Scottsdale (11300 N. 64th St) on Sunday, November 1, 2015 from 8 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. with Masses and Eucharistic Adoration, 10:30 a.m. Children’s Mass celebrated by Bishop Thomas Olmsted, Vocations Panels with Q & A, “Saint and Sweeting” where children come dressed up as a saint and visit all the tables for sweets. There will be refreshments offered throughout the day. All Religious will be invited to come and be available to teach us about their charisms and apostolates. There will be vocation panels, and Fr. Jim Blantz, CSC will have a spectacular show of tricks. Tables in the courtyard will display vocation promotion materials from the various Religious Orders of Sisters, Brothers and Priests in the Diocese as well as exhibits of religious art and goods. There will be door prizes of artwork and gift baskets. Knights of Columbus Pray the Rosary as part of Arizona Rosary Sunday at the PHX Convention Center Join us in the courtyard after Sunday Mass for Coffee & Donuts; Enjoy Fellowship and Help Support Our Parish Seminarians. Become a Knight, Ask Us How! Learn More @ www.kofc7904.org Family Fashion Show November 4th at 9:00am Donation $10.00 Sponsored by Dillard’s San Tan Mall 2151 E San Tan Village Parkway. Breakfast Provided PARISH & COMMUNITY EVENTS 9 “Singleness and the Holy Life” How do the Saints model the different states of the single life for us? How did individual saints throughout history live out their lives as unmarried persons, widowed persons, single parents with children, among other states of single life? Dr. Jana Bennett, associate professor of ethics at the University of Dayton, will be Benedictine University at Mesa’s Visiting Catholic Scholar this coming November. She will present on “Singleness and the Holy Life” on Friday, November 13 from 7-9 PM, at Benedictine University at Mesa, 225 East Main Street (corner of Hibbert). There is no charge to attend this public lecture. The Diocese of Phoenix offers one (1) credit toward recertification to ministry in the diocese. The favor of an RSVP is requested. Please contact Dr. Ramon Luzarraga at [email protected] or (480) 878-6707 for more information or to RSVP. COMUNIDAD LATINA/HISPANA NUEVO DISCO COMPACTO DE JAIME CORTEZ Nuestro director musical, Jaime Cortez, ha lanzado un nuevo disco compacto de su música original. El disco se llama Transformación, y explora el tema de cómo se nos cambia la vida cuando le decimos que “sí” a nuestro Dios quien nos llama. El disco compacto es en inglés, y estará disponible a la venta el próximo domingo. Pueden visitar la página www.ocp.org y escriban Jaime Cortez para obtener Más información. Se les recuerda que el Obispo Eduardo Nevares vendrá a visitar a nuestra parroquia el jueves 5 de noviembre. El Obispo Nevares celebrará una Misa en español a las 6 de la tarde y todos están invitados a asistir a la Misa. Luego, el Obispo Nevares tendrá una reunión privada con los líderes de la comunidad Hispana de nuestra parroquia para discutir cómo mejorar su ministerio. ¡Celebre el Día de Todos Los Santos! El domingo, 1 de Noviembre, después de la Misa de las 12:00 pm y después de la Misa de las 2:00 pm. Venga y disfrute de nuestro primer Museo de Cera de los Santos, en el salón Anderson. Los Santos Rojos, (estudiantes que se preparan para la confirmación) se disfrazarán y contarán la vida del santo que escogieron para su nombre de confirmación. El museo está patrocinado por el Departamento de Educación Religiosa. Para más información, llame a la oficina de Educación Religiosa al 480-325-5375. “Celebrando la Vida Consagrada” Lecturas para la semana del 25 de octubre Domingo: Jr 31, 7-9/Heb 5, 1-6/Mc 10, 46-52 Lunes: Rom 8, 12-17/Lc 13, 10-17 Martes: Rom 8, 18-25/Lc 13, 18-21 Miércoles: Ef 2, 19-22/Lc 6, 12-19 Jueves: Rom 8, 31-35. 37-39/Lc 13, 31-35 Viernes: Rom 9, 1-5/Lc 14, 1-6 Sábado: Rom 11, 1-2. 11-12. 25-29/Lc 14, 1. 7-11 Domingo siguiente: Ap 7, 2-4. 9-14/1 Jn 3, 1-3/Mt 5, 1-12 en la parroquia de San Vincente de Paul, el domingo, 1 de noviembre 2015 de las 1 p.m. hasta las 7 p.m. con Misas, Adoración Eucarística, una Misa a las 3:30 p.m. con Obispo Eduardo Nevares. Sacerdotes, Hermanas y Hermanos religiosos estarán presentes, enseñándonos sobre sus carismas y apostolados y también una mesa redonda con preguntas y respuestas. Habrán “Santos y Dulces” (Niños se visten como santos y visitan las mesas para recoger dulces). Habrán materiales de promoción de las diferentes órdenes de Hermanas, Hermanos y Sacerdotes religiosos además de exposiciones de arte y artículos religiosos, premios de arte y cestas de regalos con refrescos proporcionados durante todo el día. Así como San Juan Bosco maravilló a niños con trucos, el Padre Jim Blantz, CSC, también lo hará con su demostración espectacular de trucos!