holy week – semana santa - Saint Charles Borromeo Parish
holy week – semana santa - Saint Charles Borromeo Parish
St Charles Borromeo • Page Three Page Two • St Charles Borromeo Grateful to Our Giving Community, We ask the Lord to compensate its generosity. Previous Sunday Collection $10,342.50 The median of the past years’ operating expenses is $619,893 which sets the goal for each Sunday to $11,921.00. St. Vincent De Paul Society As we continue our Lenten journey may we always open our hearts to those who are less fortunate than we are, providing food and toiletries for those who are struggling to get by is truly a gift of love. Thank you in advance for continuing your generous donations of cash and non-perishable food items such as pasta and sauces, hot and cold cereals, peanut butter and jelly, canned fruits and vegetables, and canned meats and tuna. Our hotline number is 733-2010 for all your questions or concerns. Thank you! School News "The school joins the parish community in prayers, almsgiving and penance during this last week of Lent. Together, we all acclaim our faith in the triumph of the cross. The school will pray Live Stations of the Cross on Wednesday, March 23, in the gym at 10:00 am. All parishioners are invited to join us. There is a minimum day dismissal on Wednesday, March 23. The school will be on break for Easter from Thursday, March 24 through Friday, April 1. Registration for returning families is Thursday, April 7, with a deadline of April 17. We accept on-going registration for new families in Pre-K - 6th. The deadline to apply for tuition assistance for ALL families is Friday, April 15. Requests for Mass Intentions / Pedido de Intenciones para las Misas Please remember that requests for mass intentions need to be received in the parish office with the stipend at least a week in advance or two weeks in advance if you want your request included in the weekly bulletin. Por favor recuerde que es necesario que recibamos su pedido para las intenciones de Misa al menos una semana de anticipación, pero si desea que las intenciones aparezcan en el boletín es necesario recibir su pedido y estipendio al menos dos semanas antes. Calling Youth to Mission: Equipping Young Disciples The Center for Ministry Development invites you to join us for our 2016 workshop on Calling Youth to Mission – Equipping Young Disciples happening on Saturday April 16, 2016 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at St. Joseph, Elk Grove. This workshop designed for all parish leaders whose ministries touch the lives of adolescents—including pastors, deacons, pastoral associates, coordinators of youth ministry, leaders in faith formation and catechists, Confirmation preparation leaders, and service/social concerns leaders to help answer Pope Francis’ call to form your young people as missionary disciples in the world. The cost is $54.00, which includes lunch, handouts, and other materials. Please join us for interactive learning, conversation, prayer and discovery around forming our young people as missionary disciples. Special Collection for Good Friday Pope Francis has asked our parish to support Christians in the Holy Land. Through the Good Friday Collection, you stand in solidarity with the Church in the Holy Land as a witness of peace. Your support means that our church will conduct parish ministry, provide Catholic education, feed the hungry, develop housing for Christians, maintain shrines and operate refugee centers in the Holy Land. Please make your check payable to the parish. Please be generous in the Good Friday Collection. Recaudación Especial Para La Colecta Del Viernes Santo El Papa Francisco ha pedido a nuestra parroquia apoyo para los cristianos en Tierra Santa. A través de la Colecta del Viernes Santo, somos solidarios con la Iglesia en Tierra Santa como testigos de la Paz. Con tu apoyo, nuestra iglesia podrá llevar a cabo el ministerio parroquial, proveer educación católica, alimentar a los hambrientos, desarrollar viviendas para los cristianos, mantener los santuarios y operar centros de refugiados en la Tierra Santa. Por favor hagan el cheque a nombre de la parroquia. Por favor colaboren generosamente. Way of the Cross in Downtown Sacramento On Good Friday, March 25, there will be the annual Way of the Cross in Downtown Sacramento, including the State Capitol grounds. Participants will gather at 9 a.m. at Crocker Park, 3 rd & N Street. The final Station will be in front of the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament at 11:15 a.m. The Way of the Cross is in the heart of the city where people carry their daily cross, most of the time alone. This special Way of the Cross is sponsored by Communion & Liberation (www.clonline.org). For more information, contact Eric Lee at ([email protected]). Liturgy of the Word; Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion will be held in the Cathedral beginning at 12:10 p.m., and Stations of the Cross in the Cathedral will follow the Liturgy. Easter Lilies Once again we ask you to help us decorate our Church for the Easter Celebration by donating a Potted Easter Lily plant. You may bring it to church anytime on Holy Saturday (March 26th). Thank you very much. May you have a Happy and Blessed Easter! Ayúdenos a decorar nuestra iglesia donando una planta de Lirio Pascual Blanca. La puede traer a la iglesia el Sábado Santo, 25 de Marzo. ¡Muchas gracias y Feliz Día de la Resurrección! Agradecemos a Nuestra Comunidad Dadivosa por su generosidad. Colecta del fin de semana pasado $10,342.50 Los gastos del año pasado fueron $619,893 Objetivo de colecta semanal para cubrir gastos es de $11,921.00. Mass Intentions March 19, 2016 - March 25 2016 Saturday 8:00 am - †Jose & Ester Leynes 4:00-4:45 pm - Confessions / Confesiones 5:00pm- -Teresita & James Phillips,-Christina Reyes,†Matilde Moreno 6:30 pm - †Crispin Gutierrez, †Esteban Gutierrez Palm Sunday 7:30am-†Taylor Barlow,†George Biete, Rufino & Juana Bitanga, †Herminio, Danilo & Leticia De La Cruz, †Phillip Saldivar Jr. 9:00 am - †Jose Luis Hernandez, †Ramon Prieto Razo, †Octaviano Ruiz, †Margarito Vera 10:30 am - †John & Lisa King, †Phillip Saldivar Jr. 12:00 pm - -Ma. Victoria & Steven Pirkle & Fam., -Van Neal Randon Jr. & Fam., -Pedro Sumo, †Richard Ballesteros, †Kimberly Mosier-Lemon, †Terry Schiabo 1:30 pm - -Omar Gonzalez, -Familia Vazquez Rubio, †Atziutzi Marquez Rubio, †Jose Luis Sanchez Gallardo, †Pedro Sanchez Hernandez 5:00 pm - -Asa Takara, †Ruby Dulay, †Benjamin Juan, †Marion & Mabel Shannon, †Catalino Valdovino 6:30 pm - Monday - Holy Week 8:00am - -Cynthia Ursua, -Van Neal Randon Jr. Tuesday 8:00am- -Franklin Divina Sr., †Elena Albaniel, †Pablo Bumanglag 6:00 pm - Confesiones / Confessions 7:00pm- -Guadalupe Yanez,†Ramon Prieto Razo,†Lourdes Yanez Wednesday 8:00 am - †Ramona Losoya, †Enrique Carrasco 6:00 pm - Confessions / Confesiones 7:00 pm - †Bessie Cleofe, †Corsino Vasquez Holy Thursday 8:00 am - Morning Prayer 5:00 pm - Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00 pm - Santa Misa de la Cena del Señor Good Friday 8:00 am - Morning Prayer 1:00 pm - Living Stations of the Cross / Viacrucis Viviente 3:00 pm - Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion 6:00 pm - Liturgia de la Pasión del Señor The Parish Office will be closed on Friday, March 25th in observance of Good Friday. La oficina de la parroquia estará cerrada el Viernes 25 de Marzo debido al Viernes Santo. Peregrinación de la Misericordia Visita a las 7 parroquias el Sábado Santo 26 de Marzo empezando a las 7 am en St. Elizabeth Parish, 1817 12th St., 7:40 am—Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 9:50 am—St. Francis Parish, 10:50 am— Sacred Heart Parish, 11:50 am—Immaculate Conception Parish, 12:15 pm—Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services y 1:50 pm— Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Recorrido de reflexión y sacrificio guiados por nuestro Señor Obispo Jaime Soto. Para mas información, llame al (916) 442-7389 o visite www.scddec.org. Mother Daughter Program / Programa de Madre – Hija The Mother-Daughter programs explore God’s special gift of human fertility and the beauty and wonder of God’s plan for growing up and becoming a woman. The Teen (13 – 16) and Tween (10 – 12) programs cover similar subject matter while differing in depth and scope. Offered in English on April 30 (Sacramento). The total cost is $20 per family and includes lunch. Visit www.motherdaughterprogram.com for more information about the program. Los Programas de Madre e Hija exploran el regalo especial de Dios sobre la fertilidad humana, la belleza y la maravilla del plan de Dios para crecer y convertirse en una mujer. Los Programas de Adolescencia (13 – 16) y Pre-adolescencia (10 – 12) cubren temas similares aunque difieren en la profundidad y el alcance. Ofrecidos en Español el 2 de abril (Sacramento). El costo total es de $20 por familia e incluye almuerzo. Para información o para inscribirse, visite www.programademadrehija.com. HOLY WEEK – SEMANA SANTA Holy Thursday, March 24 / Jueves Santo 8:00 am Morning Prayer (Lauds) 5:00 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00 pm Santa Misa de la Cena del Señor Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8 pm until midnight in the gym Santísimo Sacramento será expuesto de 8:00 pm hasta la media noche en el gimnasio Good Friday, March 25 / Viernes Santo 8:00 am Morning Prayer (Lauds) 1:00 pm Living Stations of the Cross Bilingual / Vía Crucis Viviente Bilingüe 3:00 pm Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion 6:00 pm Liturgia de la Pasión Del Señor Holy Saturday, March 26 / Sábado de Gloria 8:00 am Morning Prayer (Lauds) Easter Vigil – Vigilia Pascual 7:00 pm English / 10:00 pm Español Easter Sunday, March 27 / Domingo de Pascua 7:30 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm & 5:00 pm (English) 9:00 am, 1:30 pm y 6:30 pm (Español)