Postgraduate Programme in Theoretical Physics


Postgraduate Programme in Theoretical Physics
Postgraduate Programme in Theoretical Physics
Department of Theoretical Physics and IFT-UAM/CSIC
Degrees Offered, 2009-2010
Master in Theoretical Physics (120 ECTS)
Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics
Awarded with the “Mención de Calidad”
distinction since first call in 2003
Subjects and Lecturers
Nuclear Structure (JL Egido, A Jungclaus, A Poves)
Gratitation (JLF Barbón)
Mathematical Methods (A González-Arroyo,T Ortín, J del Peso)
Quantum Field Theory I (A González-Arroyo)
Cosmology (Y Ascasíbar, R Domínguez)
Quantum Field Theory 2 (M García Pérez)
Standard Model of Fundamental Interactions 1 (A Donini, MJ Herrero)
Standard Model of Fundamental Interactions 2 (A Donini, B Gavela,
M Maltoni)
Experimental High Energy Physics (C Glasman, JF Trocóniz, L Labarga,
J Terrón)
Seminars in Theoretical Physics (coord. C Pena, J Terrón)
Master Thesis (coord. C Pena, J Terrón)
Computational Physics (V Martín, L Robledo)
Introduction to Supersymmetry (S Heinemeyer, K Landsteiner)
Quantum Field Theory 3 (E López)
Physics Beyond the Standard Model (A Casas)
Introduction to String Theory (A Uranga)
Introduction to Lattice Field Theories (M García Pérez, C Pena)
Introduction to Research (all professors, coord. C Pena, J Terrón)
!Recognition of equivalent previous studies will be
considered after enrollment.
!Flexibility: Master subjects can be followed either
in the first or second year with no a priori
!Direct admission to Ph.D. possible after having
taken a minimum of 60 ECTS (Master Programme
or equivalent), and the subject Introduction to
!Applications for scholarships benefit from the
“Mención de Calidad” distinction.
1st deadline: 19 June 2009
2nd deadline: 11 September 2009
Application form:
More information:
Coordination: Carlos Pena ([email protected])
Juan Terrón ([email protected])