July 17, 2016 Bulletin - Good Shepherd Catholic Church


July 17, 2016 Bulletin - Good Shepherd Catholic Church
[email protected]
FAX: 894-6912
Good Shepherd Parish
4665 Thomasville Road Tallahassee, FL 32309-2512
Parish Office: 850-893-1837
Fax: 850-894-6912
Rectory: 850-893-2381
Email: [email protected]
July 17, 2016
The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
As a people of the Eucharist
Loved by God we gather
Formed and fed we grow
Loving God we serve
Saturday Vigil 5:30 PM
Sabado Misa en Español 7:00 PM
Sunday 8 AM, 10:15, 12:00 Noon and 6 PM
Mon-Fri 6:45 AM (September-June)
Mon-Sat 9 AM
Wed - 7 PM
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 6 PM - Lent & Advent
Christmas, Easter, Holy Days - Special Schedule
Saturday 9:45 AM and 4-5 PM & Upon Request
Fr. Michael Foley
Fr. Thomas Dillon
Fr. Kunipaku Arockiaraj
Fr. Anderson de Souza
Ed Melvin
Jerry Haynes
Tom McBrearty
Mark Schneider
Parochial Vicar
Parochial Vicar
Hispanic Ministry
The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 17, 2016
Thoughts on Stewardship
“… I am a minister in accordance with
God’s stewardship given to me to bring
to completion for you the word of God.”
(Colossians 1:25)
Believe it or not, we are all called to evangelize - to
continuously grow in our knowledge and relationship
with Jesus and to share it with others. We may not be
called to evangelize like St. Paul, but we should look
for opportunities to share our Faith with those closest
to us, like our family and friends.
Stewardship of Time and Talent
Parish Bookkeeper
Parish Secretary
Parish Secretary
Pastoral Associates
Music Director
Susan Pignataro
Sandy McCusker
Shirley Olivella
Ken & Ginger Obst
Anna Marie Friars
Julie Fessler
Faith Formation Team
Preschool - Grade 8
Middle School Youth Minister
High School Youth Minister
Dee Lopez
Jonathan Shea
Kelly Colangelo
Diana Grosh
Liturgy of the Word with Children
During the readings and homily time, children ages 5
through Grade 5 are invited to a separate location
where volunteers read and discuss the Sunday
readings using the Children’s Lectionary.
Thanks to all who serve in this ministry!
Sat, July 16
Sun, July 17
Treasure: Thank You For Sharing!
June Offertory
Other Contributions
(Parish Programs, Poor Box, Books & Candles) _____________
Projected monthly expenses
Parish Office
Monday-Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Anointing of the Sick
Contact the Parish Office 893-1837. After Office
Hours and Weekends, leave a message on the Office
Voice Mail and call 893-2381.
Available in the lower level of the Parish Center
for Masses Saturday at 5:30 PM and
Sunday at 10:15, Noon and 6 PM.
Headsets available in the sound room
at the back of Church.
Reserved seating in the two front and
two back pews in the center section.
Mon, July 18
Tues, July 19
Wed, July 20
Thurs, July 21
Fri, July 22
Sat, July 23
Sun, July 24
Marilynn Hamrick
Deacon Lou Rusignuolo
Noreen Feuerstein
Michael Beirne
Julia Gail Marchio
Rose Zaidan
We pray for Kurt Luhmann
Good Shepherd Parish
Althea O’Connor
Ed Korta
We pray for Regina Selvaraj
Anne O’Doherty
Brid Staunton
Norma Corisdeo
We pray for the Baranik Family
Laura Lee Madden
Maria Cardona
Brian Foley
Good Shepherd Parish
We pray for the Steve Stewart Family
Marjorie Rodgers
Sandra Scibelli
Dennis Cicero
Barb Namovich
Willie Stefanov
Jimmie Gene Lutz, Sr.
Deadline for July 24 is Monday, July 18 at noon.
[email protected]
FAX: 894-6912
team in formaon.
Latin Mass
A traditional Latin Low Mass is celebrated every
Wednesday at 7 pm at St. Louis Church, 3640 Fred
George Road. For more information, please contact
Una Voce Tallahassee at [email protected],
or check them out online at www.unavocetally.com.
Wednesdays in the Chapel
Church History Series
Are you interested in learning more about the
Catholic Church? Have you ever wondered: Is the
Catholic Church the first and only true church?
Where did the papacy come from? Has there always
been a pope? Why is the Church involved in politics;
shouldn't the Church disengage from the political
sphere and be a spiritual influence instead? Is the
Church anti-Semitic? What’s the deal with Mary,
saints, relics, etc$?
If these are questions you have asked, please come
and join us for our repeat series on the Church
History and discover with us how and why the
Church has developed to be what it is today. This
class will be especially helpful for those considering
joining the Church through the RCIA process. We will
gather in Room 308 on August 15 at 7:00 pm for the
first of three weekly sessions on Monday evenings in
August led by Fr. Tom. All are welcome.
unbapzed and might be interested in
Faith? Do you know of someone who was bapzed
but never received Confirmaon? Do you know
so, then please prayerfully consider inving that
informaon, please contact Fr. Tom Dillon 893Ͳϭϴϯϳ
3:30-3:50 pm
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
5:45 pm
6:00 pm
6:10 pm
6:20 pm
7:00 pm
7:30-8:30 pm
Rosary for Life
Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
Liturgy of the Hours
Vespers or Evening Prayers
The Seven Sorrows of Mary: Chaplet
Sacred Songs - Hymns - Music
His Divine Mercy Chaplet & Novena
Rosary of Thanksgiving and Petition
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
and Benediction
For more info, contact Deacon Ed Melvin at 443-0835.
Bess Conley
Ed Brunton
Francis Robison
Marcia Polischuck
Gene Wilcox
A complete list of prayer intentions is available in the
parish office & vestibule.
Thank you, dear Lord, for our
Good Shepherd family, especially
the Bereavement Ministry.
We deeply appreciate all the
prayers, kindness, and caring in our time of sadness.
Love from the family of Edward R. “Dick” Korta
The flowers on the altar
this weekend are in celebration
of the wedding of
William Byrne & Megan Kolman.
The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our annual backpack ministry starts
this weekend. We have until Aug 3 to
collect all the backpacks and supplies
that will be delivered on August 5.
Children in need from preschool to
high school will benefit from your generosity.
If you are interested in supporting this ministry through
school supply donations, you will be able to pick up
supply cards after all Masses. Please bring donations
to the lower level of the Parish Center.
If you are interested in volunteering, you are in luck!
To be successful we need lots of volunteers. Our
biggest need is during pack week (where we assemble
the backpacks). Pack week is: Aug 3 from 9am - 3pm;
Aug 4 from noon - 5pm and Aug 5 from 9am - 3pm.
Your continued generosity brings confidence for many
children in our community who are preparing to start
the academic year. Monetary donations are also
welcome! You can make checks payable to Good
Shepherd with “school supplies” on the memo line. If
you are interested in volunteering or would like more
info, please contact Aniston Russ at 850-728-9793 or
[email protected].
As disciples in action, the Mercy
& Justice Core Community and Life Teen are holding a
food drive for Good News Outreach. Paper grocery
bags with a list of food items needed by people served
by the ministries of Good News are available.
Your donations will go to the very low income people
who stand in line Thursday mornings to get a bag of
food for their families, the low income elderly visited
by the Elder Services ministry of GNO, and to the
families living at Maryland Oaks Crossing who visit
the new food pantry there.
As an alternative, or in addition, you can return the
envelope also attached to the bag with a check made
payable to Good News Outreach so they can buy
groceries from Second Harvest and Farm Share
directly, and at a very low cost.
Donations can be left in the Good News
grocery cart or in the CRHP room
through July 22.
Thank you, and God bless you all!
July 17, 2016
On Tuesday, July 19 we have
our regular brown bag
luncheon in the Community
Center at 11 am.
On Tuesday, July 26 at 11 am we are meeting at
The Wharf Express, located next to Hurricane Grill in
the shopping center with Goodwill and the Post Office
across from the Bradfordville Publix.
Honduras Mission Holy Hour
When: Monday, July 18 from 7:00-9:00 pm
Where: Good Shepherd Parish in the Church
What: Join us for an evening of adoration, reflections,
and praise and worship led by former Good Shepherd
teen, Nick Higgins. Optional donations will be
requested for his upcoming 2-year mission to
Honduras this August 2016.
Event contact: [email protected] (**Nick
will be speaking at all the Good Shepherd Masses on
July 16/17 to request support/promote the event).
The Foyers Ministry is having their annual summer
cookout on Saturday, July 30. We are inviting
anyone interested in joining this fun group to stop by
for some fellowship and great food. Most of us have
been active members for over 15 years! Many of us
are in multiple ministries, and we enjoy discussing
our work in them. Pick up a flyer from the ministry
cart, and call us for more information. We will be
forming new groups for September. Gail and Dave
Mueller – 668-7496.
Natural Family Planning Class
“Celebrate and reverence God’s vision
of human sexuality.”
It is Worth It! Join the Revolution!
Come and learn about the Billings Ovulation Method,
a gift of life and love, on Monday, July 25 in room 7 at
St. Thomas More. The cost is $25. To sign-up email
[email protected].
[email protected]
FAX: 894-6912
The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 17, 2016
Invitation to All!
The Catholic Church teaches that artificial
contraception is contrary to God’s will for marriage
because it separates the act of conception from sexual
Natural Family Planning is an umbrella term for certain
methods used to achieve and avoid pregnancies.
These methods are based on observation of the
naturally occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile
and infertile phases of a woman’s menstrual cycle. No
drugs, devices, or surgical procedures are used to
avoid pregnancy. NFP reflects the dignity of the human
person within the context of marriage and family life,
promotes openness to life, and recognizes the value of
the child.
By respecting the love-giving and life-giving natures of
marriage, NFP can enrich the bond between husband
and wife. (Standards for Diocesan Natural Family
Planning Ministry, U.S.Conference of Catholic Bishops,
2010, p. 23)
To learn more and find instruction, contact Jenny Craft
at 850-221-2052 (Creighton Method), Deacon Santiago
Molina at 222-9630 (Billings Method), or Chris Moleski
at 445-5979 (Sympto-Thermal Method).
To sign up to bring a meal, go to
takethemameal.com and enter the
recipient name FOLEY and the
password 2971. If you do not have
web access, call Sandy at 893-1837.
We are all stewards and minister not only to our
own family but to those we meet, those we work
with, everyone. Please come join us, your
Stewardship Core Team, on Saturday, Aug. 6th for
an afternoon of renewal and growth with Our Lord.
Anne Funk will spend some time with us talking
about communication in ministering and will offer a
time for questions and answers. Dave Mueller will
share on the aspect of forgiveness in our lives and
how this relates to ministry.
Julie Fessler will end the afternoon helping us to
more fully use technology to enhance our
ministering to all.
Date: August 6th from at 1:30 pm - 4 pm
Where: Community Center
For questions, please call Ken or Ginger
at 893-1837.
Save the date – October 8, 2016
Fun for the entire family!
Many new events - watch for
updates on the web page and
bulletin! Please come be a
part of this event. You are
needed to help make this event happen! Contact Patty
Muhlbaier at 850/661-5916 (call or text) or Ginger Obst
893-1837 (church office) or text 850/321-2899.
Parents of Scouts and Scouters
Religious Emblem class sign-up will take place on
Sunday, July 31st from 2-4 pm in the parish hall at
Blessed Sacrament Church. For more information,
please email [email protected].
Wanted: Reasonably priced, or donated, used car
for an injured veteran with two
teen-aged sons. If you can help,
please call Dennis Wittenberg at
Catechists (teachers) are needed,
starting September 2016
(all classes are 1 hour long).
Sundays – 9 AM: Grade 6
Sundays – 10:15 AM: Kindergarten
Sundays – 4:45 PM: Grades 2, 4, 5, 8,
and Kindergarten
Wednesdays – 4 PM: Kindergarten
Wednesdays – 7 PM: Grades 7 & 8
Skills needed: a love for children and
openness in sharing your Catholic
Faith. Please contact: Dee Lopez at
893-1837 or 212-6715 or
[email protected].
[email protected]
FAX: 894-6912
CFF Registration for next year’s classes (2016-17):
July 18 from 11:30-1:30 pm and 5-6:30 pm
July 30 from 5-5:30 pm
July 31 from 9-10 am, 11:15-Noon and 5:15-6 pm
August 3 from 11:30-1:30 pm and 5-6:30 pm.
Additional times will be available throughout the
summer, but sign-up early to get the day/time that
works best for your family. Registrations are also
available by appointment by contacting Dee Lopez at
893-1837 or [email protected].
See the Good Shepherd website (Children’s Faith
Formation) for more information on class schedules.
All high school teens are invited to join us for
6 pm Mass & Life Night from 7-9 pm in the Community
Center. Join us for dinner and an awesome time.
We have Life Nights every Sunday in the summer!
Join us for some ultimate frisbee, mafia,
ping pong and PRAYER!
Summer 2016 Mission Trip
New Orleans, August 2-6
New Orleans is still in the process of recovering from
the hurricanes that have passed through since 2005.
The need for volunteers is still great and the majority of
our time is spent in labor for rebuilding and maintaining
damaged properties that remain. Cost is $425.
September 9-11, 2016
July 22 - Rescue - Gentleness & Kindness
July 29 - Batman - Goodness & Patience
Rock, ride and rejoice at
Rock the Universe - only at
Universal Studios!
Experience two nights of soul-stirring songs from
Christian music’s stars, along with some pretty cool
rides! It’s an unforgettable weekend of faith and fun.
All details including registration instructions on
the website: www.gslifeteen.com.
Open Life House on Wednesdays in July
Mondays from 12:00-5:30 pm in the lower level of the
Parish Center. Come in, hang out, play some games,
offer some prayers. We hope you will join us! There
will be no Open Youth Room on Monday, July 18.
All teens are invited to open Life House from 4-7 pm.
Just like last year we will hang out, play games, make
smoothies, and have some fun times! Looking forward
to seeing you! The Life House is located inside the
Community Center.
Fridays from 7-8:30 pm
in the lower level of the
Parish Center.
Wednesdays from 7:30-9 pm (after
the 7 pm Mass) in room 201.
This is a lectionary-based Bible
Study, where we can gain a better
understanding of Scripture and the
Attention College Students!
College Life Gathering
Wednesdays at 7:30 pm in the Life House
(Youth Office located in the Community
Center). Join us as we unpack the beauty of
the Gospel of John with Fr. Tom.
The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 17, 2016
Parte IV
¿Por qué nos ponemos de pie después de la
homilía para el Credo de Nicea?
Nos ponemos de pie para proclamar públicamente
lo que creemos. Profesamos que creemos en
Dios, en Jesús, en el Espíritu Santo, en la Iglesia
Católica, en la Comunión de los Santos, en el
perdón de los pecados y en la vida después de la
muerte. El Credo es, primero y principal, una
oración – no simplemente un juramento de
membrecía -, el cual profesa el amor creador y
salvador de Dios, y como e̒ste amor ha sido
revelado, vivido y conocido en la historia. E̒sta es
una oportunidad de comprometernos nuevamente
con nuestra fe̒.
¿Los cristianos vuelven a crucificar a Cristo en
cada Misa?
No, esto no es cierto. Jesús murió solamente una
vez. Durante la Misa, recordamos el sacrificio que
Jesús hizo por nosotros en el Calvario, y nos
unimos al sacrificio que Cristo hizo al ofrecer a
Dios todo lo que somos, y todo lo que hacemos.
¿Por qué la Misa se llama así?
La palabra “Misa” proviene de la palabra en latín
missa, que significa “envío” o despedida. La Misa
nos prepara espiritualmente para vivir como
auténticos seguidores de Jesucristo en nuestra
vida cotidiana.
¿Por que̒ algunas personas llaman “liturgia” a
la Misa?
Una liturgia es cualquier ritual público celebrado
por la Iglesia. En el pasado, la Misa era llamada
“Liturgia Divina”. Esta palabra en realidad, viene
del griego y significa “el servicio del pueblo”.
Cuando usted asiste a Misa, acude como
participante; no como un espectador. Usted se
une con el sacerdote y con las personas a su
alrededor, en oración, reflexión, acción de gracias
y comunión.
La despensa de alimentos para las
personas necesitadas que se acercan
semanalmente a pedir alimentos para su
sustento diario, se encuentra VACI̒A.
Si llevas la bolsa de supermercado que se
repartió la semana pasada con la lista de
artículos que se necesitan, GOOD NEWS
OUTREACH se encargara̒ de llevar estos
alimentos a Quincy. Se̒ generoso y coopera con
esta noble causa a beneficio de nuestros
hermanos necesitados. Si no tomaste uno de
estos cartuchos, todavía puedes hacerlo, o
llevarlos en una bolsa cualquiera.
Las donaciones de comida se pueden dejar
en el carro de supermercado que está a la
entrada de la iglesia, o en el salón de CRHP a
la entrada del salón social, a la derecha.
La colecta anual de útiles escolares para
estudiantes necesitados, desde edad preescolar hasta educación superior, comienza este
fin de semana y tenemos oportunidad de llevar
nuestra contribución, hasta el 3 de agosto.
Se tendrán tarjetas con la lista de materiales que
puedes comprar, después de cada misa del
sábado 16 y domingo 17. Estas donaciones las
puedes dejar en el primer nivel del Centro
Parroquial. Se necesitan muchos voluntarios
para preparar las mochilas, los días 3 y 4 de
agosto. Si deseas cooperar con esta labor tan
hermosa, puedes llamar a Aniston Russ al
850-728-9793 o escribir a
[email protected].
[email protected]
FAX: 894-6912
Growing a future? Start with us!
We are now accepting applications
for the 2016-17 school year. A
quality education will give your child the
very best start in life. At Trinity Catholic
School your child will grow spiritually,
academically and physically for a lifetime of service
and leadership. Limited financial assistance available.
For info, visit www.trinityknights.org or call 222-0444.
We are proud to announce the addition
of a summer day camp. The day camp
is open to rising Kindergarten through
5th Grade students. The camp runs
through July 29th.
Day camp will be $145 per week with a $10 sibling
discount. There will be a $25 per family registration fee.
For more info, please visit www.trinityknights.org.
For any questions, please contact Mr. Jim Bentley at
[email protected].
The Day Respite Program
held on Tuesdays at Good
Shepherd serves both
Spanish and non-Spanish
speaking clients in a safe, engaging and
enjoyable environment.
Clients must have an assessment before attending.
Please contact Alzheimer’s Project Inc at
850-386-2778 on Fridays at 12pm to sign up your
loved one for the following week’s respite. First come
first serve. For more info, please contact Jasmine.
Volunteers NEEDED! Please contact Megan Bakan at
[email protected].
Would you like to see
more Christ-centered,
family television?
programming includes Daily Mass, devotionals, global
Catholic news, documentaries, music specials,
teaching series, live call-in talk shows, young adult
and children’s programming and Church and Papal
events. EWTN television is on Comcast channel 243,
Dish Network channel 261 and DIRECTV channel
370. To learn more visit www.ewtn.com.
St. John Paul II Catholic High School
is accepting applications for the
2016-2017 school year.
Application Packets are available on line at
www.BeAPanther.org or from our Front
Office located at 5100 Terrebone Drive in SouthWood.
Transportation is available from several locations,
including Jefferson and Gadsden counties!
Call 850-201-5744 to find out how we can help your
student reach their FULL potential!
is right around the corner. July 25-28.
Camp is open to all incoming 3-12th graders.
For more details and registration info, email Coach
Titus Nixon at [email protected] or call 445-9985.
Catholic Charies has started a
Baby Pantry! Catholic Charies'
Charies' Pregnancy Counseling
Catholic Charies is now accepng baby items of any
bedding, breas)eeding items, baby toiletries and
ϴϱϬͲϮϱϮͲ8228. All donaons may be dropped off at
Catholic Charies, 1380 Blountstown Highway,
Caring for Caregivers
This FREE program provides support and solution
focused counseling services to residents of Leon,
Gadsden, and Wakulla counties who care for a person
with a disability who is age 60 or older. Caregivers
must need assistance with two or more daily living
skills to qualify. In home consultations are available
for individual services. Monthly groups take place for
additional caregiver support.
Contact Holly Bernardo at 850-575-9621 ex 107 or
[email protected].