7 - EG Justice
7 - EG Justice
Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 2 Filed 07/18/12 Page 1 of 57 Page ID #:552 QUINN EMANUEL URQUHART & SULLIVAN, LLP Duane R. Lyons (Bar No. 125091) [email protected] Brian M. Wheeler (Bar No. 266661) [email protected] 865 South Figueroa Street, 10th Floor Los Angeles, California 90017-2543 Telephone:213 443-3000 Facsimile: (213 ) 443-3100 ' 3 4 5 6 FOREMAN DEGEURIN & DEGEURIN Mike DeGeurin (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) md egeurin@foremandegeurin. com 7 300 Main Street, Third Floor 8 Houston, Texas 77002 Telephone:713 655-9000 ) 655-1812 9 Facsimile: (713 FISHER & KREKORIAN Kevin Fisher (Bar No. 131455) [email protected] 2121 Park Drive Los Angeles, California 90026 Telephone: 310 862-1225 Facsimile: (310) 388-0805 10 Attorneys for Claimants Vice President Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue 11 and Sweetwater Malibu, I,LC 12 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 13 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 14 15 16 17 WESTERN DIVISION UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff, vs. 18 ONE WHITE CRYSTAL-COVERED 19 "BAD TOUR" GLOVE AND OTHER MICHAEL JACKSON 20 MEMORABILIA; REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON SWEET WATER 21 MESA ROAD IN MALIBU, CALIFORNIA; ONE 2011 FERRARI 22 599 GTO, Defendants. 23 CASE NO. 2:1 1-03 5 82-GW-S S Hon. George H. Wu DECLARATION OF BRIAN WHEELER IN SUPPORT OF REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE IN SUPPORT OF CLAIMANTS' MOTION TO DISMISS SECOND AMENDED VERIFIED COMPLAINT Hearing Date: September 6, 2012 Time: 8:30 a.m. Place: Courtroom No. 10 24 25 26 27 04579.23529/4858518.2 WHEELER DECLARATION Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 2 of 57 Page ID #:553 DECLARATION OF BRIAN WHEELER 1 2 I, Brian Wheeler, declare as follows: 3 1. I am a member of the bar of the State of California and of this 4 Court and an associate at Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP, attorneys for 5 Claimants Vice President Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue and Sweetwater 6 Malibu, LLC. I make this declaration of personal, firsthand knowledge, and if 7 called and sworn as a witness, I could and would testify competently hereto. 2. 8 Attached hereto as Exhibit 1 is a true and correct copy of the 9 Declaration of Jose Olo Obono, and a certified English translation thereof, attesting 10 that copies of documents that are kept in the official records of the courts and 11 tribunals of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea are officially proven to be true and 12 correct copies by notarization. 3. 13 Attached hereto as Exhibit 2 is a notarized copy of the Ordinary 14 Small Claims Proceedings no. 23/98, as obtained from Equatorial Guinea, and a 15 certified English translation thereof. 4. 16 Attached hereto as Exhibit 3 is a notarized Complaint filed in the 17 Court of 1st Instance of LT. in the matter of Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue v. 18 Bouygues Batiment Guinea Equatorial, as obtained from Equatorial Guinea, and a 19 certified English translation thereof. 5. 20 Attached hereto as Exhibit 4 is a notarized copy of the Military 21 Court Order regarding the conviction and sentencing of participants in a thwarted 22 coup d'etat, as obtained from Equatorial Guinea, and a certified English translation 23 thereof. 24 /1/ 25 /1/ 26 /// 27 /1/ 28 /1/ -104579.23529/4858518.2 WHEELER DECLARATION Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 3 of 57 Page ID #:554 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of 1 2 America that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on July 18, 2012, at Los Angeles, California. CI 4 5 Brian Wheeler 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Fla 24 25 26 27 28 04579.23529/4858518.2 WHEELER DECLARATION Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 4 of 57 Page ID #:555 EXHIBIT 1; Page 3 Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 5 of 57 Page ID #:556 t TRANSPERFECT CERTIFICATE OF ACCURACY I, Robert Richardson, of TransPerfect, Inc. do hereby declare that the following are to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true and accurate translation, within the given parameters, of the document "Declaration of Jose Olo Obono" translated from Spanish into English. A copy of the final translation is attached. I so declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States on this 18th day of July, 2012. Robert Richardson TransPerfect Translations, Inc. Sworn before me this 18th of July, 2012 Sign e, Notary Public CASEY WARNER NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No. 01 WA6255670 Qualified in New York County +on Expires February 06, 201 h?v ( Stamp, Notary Public EXHIBIT 1 PAGE ___4._ -- THREE PARK AVENUE, 39TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10016 1 T 212.689.5555 l F 212.689.1059 t WWW.TRANSPERFECT.COM OFFICES IN 75 CITIES WORLDWIDE Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 6 of 57 Page ID #:557 DECLARATION OF JOSE OLO OBONO 1. I, Jose Olo Obono, make this declaration based on my personal knowledge and as a legal professional. If necessary, I am willing to testify to the facts and data mentioned herein. 2. I am an attorney who freely practices law in the Republic of Equatorial Guinea. I am familiar with the manner in which documents are admitted to, and stored in, the official archives of the courts of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea. Furthermore, I can guarantee that the documents that are admitted and stored in the official archives of the courts of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea are verified as being true and faithful copies of the originals of such documents. The proof that the copies of the originals of such documents are true and faithful is through a notary's authorization and official seal. Duly informed of the penalties incurred by those who commit perjury under the laws of the United States of America, I make it known that what I have just stated is true and certain. On July 17, 2012, in the city of Malabo, Republic of Equatorial Guinea. [stamp:] JOSE OLO OBONO ATTORNEY MEMBER NO.25 [signature] EXHIBIT 1 PAGE 5 Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 7 of 57 Page ID #:558 IA r 4.lct ha 'vt 1i cmret:3rto Don. Drnaso Malwi 1ianr3uoi, primera Inatancia do Litoral.— d DOY FE: Quo en el expediont de juloi a t'rhn'rt a rot3r.t Cuantia rn1ni 23/9 8 , quo no cuto'ii. en cmt onte— - lo que copiado textuaimcmte dLco el tenr literal s • • 7 r n I s Ciudad de Bata, Pitvinoa dat LitO!a1, * ut!%ct* de MAYO vcientoB noventa y ooho.- - hia it,tl **' - -- 4t4mt Don. Claudio Ndiçila 1nan i, Magi rqdh 1tiie ' *onn 1n r tanoia la Bata, y su. dear cdn Jn1tet1, h Jot 40 proceso deciorativO ordinrio di minor ovIalitl^# "Pfr4 idO O a t * mandante Don. Teodoro Nçu aita Obiang y 1* htprn; •.M\1 t 1, * . nttnt do por el Letrado Don. Jose Dio Thoñe eantra tli. tiofl, Letrdo Uan. ,tia1*A'drei 'nd b,itnt cli. * repreacntado por Hanna Ibrahim die, sabre roolaaciSn di da(loa y perj toioa.— ntaoitn t4011100 vr , lkloat4l delsu4 TTTrtTY): Q1e por at L.trado y ra pr tor, so interpuso deeuida do Juictio deelarativa ordinaria sti mpnt expontendo toe aigutentea haho*t ic!),, tao en f.a a di ftir di eli. **tt'n, *1 do ante el Notario Aoaidentai. 4o li3st&i, D, T*trtin Ndoxg Naive en ftwtlt'i 3 *Oth%at*dh1 su protcoolo, en polerdante Don. Tiodoro Nuei* (Thiang, UM*ia* In a-'Iiaa it, ;.t.,. Doii Sm tit 0 reprascmtaaióni di la tira S OMAW r4 him, aotuando on su propio nonibre, an rcpr,nent.iIStt 4a J,a om pt-ofam flAt'I*1 t S.A., y onmo Pronident,, dii. Connejo di, Aditniist*' 3i.n di A,t.M., cedlo 1* Empress A.B.M. a su podordante, *OflJ'iI3tinti on todo at )'atrLMon.to, bienei nitib1es, inru,bli.ae, patios,, iad'tet ru.,t op* thar iaa, aqt t*t*, v.nint o, ve1 onion, au coma el dereoho nobra lai*i ntadora t ioidaa on 1r4 *ii.atis;'oi y (li1M 111NrA embaroaderon di Guinea Ecuatorial, a preot.o de 1LN1\ *nttao tiaiit lnnaa , (250.000.00(*) 7.Cfa, qua el detn*ntIa4o Don, an an propic nombre y di otron, alit # ,Ii brArKo no tngr..,S ltOI*O •tnpoi•t., ott eu propia onenta peruonat. quo otntorm.i ^1 oont4taid0 di 14 o.ia*sqli* t.*'ie ra do la mar tada suoritura do oatit5tt, an r,rnntadt *itt t*i.taii lea gaoiones praoiaam y detarmin*bui quo auctan in 'La ttctta, nont.tetsiita en; a).— Liquidaoi5n di]. pare 'nat la A.fl,L, an t..l'I F,C*, h).. tiia oion.a con .mpreeae pdbiioaa •y privadert eon ,i,neien,e .apectrtoae oil1+8.224.422 i'.Cfa, dine tin total di CtHNII") N)VT4 Y hL LI.t'L$t. VNr/ ixr. BEISCIENTOG ONCE (196.020.611) r.ct-. n.-Quo d* t parts integiante del patrimonio aedido a en p lcrdant,, n04it 04 ha,, an 1* .xpo.66n I preasdante di 1* ecoriturta, no h* pr.eentsd ni 3.1 di today lam maqt*inariam an 'ii qus Don. 3attti*ao inaaa ualina trent saahiA trarse on perf,oto sotadu di eonaarvaoI.n y aatilita4 em ta*ao no tas dot, tale on ].as miernaa Ian irr.jçniarid*den aignientec; a).'. 3. Catt v1n.t, bloroedea 26x28 pluma, tiant a]. motor ornpletartsnta nva*'j&.Le ]. o.nt.n des Maderer, 2x31, motor averiado omptntataante; 2 unmionai Iar dii roe 26x28 ri,tor totalmonta avarisdo; I. SkLd.r 33 Nuava Port., etat "a,.ta y'1 averiado y averiado ci. Winch; 1 Tr*aoaviLe 9(' ttiri 11.I.'na14 .0 at camionse Merceden volpaaton 26x y 26x2 't1.ir.rac, in a•. do; I Toyo1. 1{iltix an chatarnt I aamtora Men a ariedo y 1 0 feita at 14111(kik. "01 p i.,tot 3 of mionom Marcorhie 26x23 averiadot; an pni , ijkl o eiectroen autonomo (1 CATD7), on o;tni.cni valq*eta M$lrhti,tcii, ti*o . try on est10 total do abandono; I. Toyota 11ji,xiv, en tars; I kas*ti*i* P.t*t.oji, 26x24 made'ero abaridonado en ci. hoi.iq*e y A08 caria.toe; li 'treecavatn hP eve riado; 1 Trootor D8 averiala; 1. Mate Lv te1)ra atat cli. eapae b No ac entindq qua Don. Caiatuço I n 11:R 11VIA otme ito,tn' di otros y en il cuyo propio, em anh;•'n 6mto ncert Marta" tnettlttaea'aø inet/ oomo propi3s,u a non: 1 1rn po "Ielet,1 1 OK0110 !hirc rc; 1 h LInt' Ml 3. D6 y I TraaoQvato 966 Pinwtn. o ).- 1n ci p;t I.e di Minhtn v'Le *cue tIcs tract ores 4f ac TIionen as rioh'te, tt ci, flnc rat. ro .ia *ttiii, e'JA i t,14*Liicsø afilar ala 'ram avcriadac. Lore p:;ttcri do Akot'cneta di 41, trait totalrnto denrnarataindon. d).- Tt m';iilcs*'ia qat. ci ce d* A*'A;4 coneistente ens 1 Tranoavcto 966 4 1 CAT 9h r ], tlnipe iii retaaaa, 1104 tel titulo ainnn r- mn 4..e .l .1'- 1 •,fl. •,'•• i'_m-'.._-_,(, Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 8 of 57 Page ID #:559 1 mt* Von. e.:ant tip tst ao tt4»n:4 ata»aoj* qua 1* iffana* as:tvdrisa., 3sicnsti r1 aarati•~tta.ia f e3 ,'s&0 ra4 Ada 2e m4gUIn4rla 041i..d 44 entaha L sr4t ,ia1 azriun buo,a pt t. eta ta+smp ylio all ci ,13a aa<sii'!irt tJ a t Uaa raw tiaar ra<Ir ,»+a 3<c4 rsu ob2iAas= ur» lir oa ► e • lies& rr urt ordonario savmwr<niaant4, *as& 4t4r1ir who Xe► r':e , fitt`nra dd aain4lOprc4tt^e der grrttr4r!rer earl xatso y tatilid t leaa biaaae oa- *aaa Manna as habia r'. di,dou. A w4ytsr a ki+arsdaarat_<rtito n4s~aal6 qua D. , rlr ► ti i3*44.ar1d0 4s :xv4rt da 1a4 x iaol uiaiaa a au in ju4t4 arrrist~;+ t4 to D, T.449ro a= ,n uat aottvo ixaal j Si t•icia cssyo valor 44 In ratio (elts& rr*tpera lore 1„c t3t).)<J.Ork3 F.Cfa, 5s&). - Quo 2.a xal* S. d41 44r andaado apor*a4 ovi<ioneti , aadr* auau14a #as& ettsfte tpla qae s a r-a dl.cha eraoritura `d4 aaaidn +ae o<:,nte npl.a `true * 1 darx*nd*do aetua do traps&;.f foams;* 1r prnpio neyrabr• y d4r4oh , 000ssro 'Praaidaoate dalCar-4ojt-s do At.ti-nintrac1Gf . d4 A.BB . M.p y on ropr,Mrntmot4n do Wilt, 1.L„ oils ► gsio at* roflegaot on dlc) a •4criturw 4s& oarii4n hews 44toas 4 s& loci a~aordoa do hats rez; ysctiv*;;; Juntas O wnoraloar ri ♦ Aooionitstma do . A I4A1I , +. L., y A.B . K. b).- -. L e dir., rroa . oc~brasdo +a yor, 14 aeai6n s4 injrwraar • i4st dirl4txra.nta ass& let astaottday D. ,334ritieac Sanwa Ha>anq. o ).- Lea , inexistissoie del taa * *ai *1 5a`i'i d ot lit q+t<t eotu4nda en s prapto lt.da* ,na i4laariw c44idw, d). Qs&• no as bra► y dornaho • a t* oosi6a aaia 4„tbi.rgra r.tien * aanq , ti.naria quo , disci eer ar t ya y ei waea n , •xiwton ' otr*a quo dioo ear do A .4r:`et&R, min daoume,nto a1gt*io 7, anats,r for quo 1o' jusstif tq+to . ! dorap,u • at Ao el.ga' 10 f matatoa legxlaaa qae +arat1v6 d• *plissai6n *t aaao , t.rraLnb a]. derrnan4ante, por csuplias ,tr u aao (li s ter .sntenataat a).-, So dgal + aro p,a:-ctido or ouat , ta 4* D. Sa:stiago Z3asae ,Rnnnat y do la • rgproaa AVVYJS, :.L., todo *1 material araatbla • i_nw a b1e ab.ndcsctaado, perdido, dtaaraientolaado Y nn eat:ado 4. .atiatare tie In itxttng-.tide k.B.M,, R.A.., b).- a. n4ano w D. t3xtntitt ;o 'is~aasa ?tanra, rastitu.is/ o1 iap rt4 on dinero del. material mvrblo i inm:aabl4, pard3dta, ah sarst3o/ y en er, te4o inn•rvible por aa1 imperte do F.Cta, y bba r .a„3 a' a In e »+ pr~, aan R4r 'Jli!JY , 8.L., a),— Al pZsa.; cs dal int,reaa ' 1or;a1 y do aavatwt a --r ► part it 1• In roclaamaot&n Ju;iiaiaal y d ).- Li aonttona eoa 4o>;;tar; &l doma.z.t t ontion4a ► 4 , por eu t,m,ridad y eaalw fo... ., + .. .. .. .. .« — .. w w ,. w r w w — — s ~.. ILTATfiy) t. » Qu• a diohe, d • amndat , no na tart]±*tThsR loa doeuaaaextos oche „* l., 2 * 3, T 4 d•aer i to par *1 e1ennnd4tnte y gtt4 a* aoomparl4 • lit deaeuda in .talJ del pr+a•nt• Juioio doolstrativo nrdinn.rio do nor ataa,ntta. - - ,• - - - P1LT4*Y3 - Quo por provi.d.unoja do foo?art treae do Abri1, de l..9, xa e Brio pr*aantacibn , atitGi*i .dn de le clamanti : s y regtatraaidn . y faraa*ai.&n 4. a too * u e a nlir&o traalado 44 1s& . mirmat Al dt,moantaado par* qua o~-aaa x e ► ao~t s g lass outo* y eont•4f• a la de *inda= o, ,patraaid,t a3ate, a• cpuasZ at !s dm djt + sxponierndo soa pron *Apue+'etos do fact* qu a o <~nr+tan on to* autos& y'qu~r agar ae .. w w r -. .. darn p or r • p ro d-A aidO a . + r — ., - . : .. ... .. r r r : .► ~??`TLTA! Quo a dioho a:xorito dv Ot,t3Le ► rataa4titS,i a 1* deerwa,axxia ►a al So t dolo aaoapa rb loan doaumarttoo nilm. 1 • a: 0 , !., 5, y gaet m ust" wn Ita.~s attar'• t O5. - X m _W ♦ — . r — w — — : ► .. w r ..~ w .. ~.. ... r a. w r ...... r. w — w w w ,.. — a,.r. F IZTrar+"1'y s- Qua, ;as inrltaanctn do hares p.~xrtr., o4 roaibia s&h juiie st "ao ; baa o yroyoniendo 1n:a mirsrnaa lawn qua creiasa oportunct art A,*ra,a?att V iiat• zMsv 4ncaa do J;xzj':a4o 4o fee}s,a otLL; a da t+ityo do l,x?gg, ooaaxe8 sx 2atlt .. y Vitt* }.-tz•o *1 die yziinao der ls tt r .,. do I« . Aeto yr*acarv:al gtaaa anm p ,araairan tan nsi sssaa y tar us& xs :'dos: a sect l,:•aa lo prny~xQesta pr nl donrxrtdranto y z'4pra43aotda,t y #nrala: ti jltado rfq oe 7r i•S rau tanir5,s w 1'.J,4 txutoast tier 7'Ex '*at. Zita3.tazta zoo st4, cayrs * agar e? der^ nla4o haco^ sitar_ sal artivulo 2r . 'O <tm l.rs. Lny do t s.,juittAarianto : vtl, :e';°.. c: n3o nra;asir on j , aia9_Q.' L,a patrtoa aeons&rs& ratified " Sat mcoo* `v salsa. p L?~cir.r,ea do i:trndlocihn, e , sncrtstariJo lea in 14arrrsi2:4,yt3st pr d*deter r. a r4._-i y nw en la c,t:antfa do i IL '4X:Y' I iN"I' :5; " ''; n:i ?!X%T.t)*Y tkk. 43t4 -a:• tee ysraa 1as pract ia•x der 1• v pntebiara t ' ae 9e11 La traxn,.t at4rt dnl. prrerttet pr tae ► tt st )an ebaorv>~t c Lo p rs&3 f s c r ipci 4w,ss ,~Art~'}rit— tto Quc4 n . .— .$ rnat1ttx+ 'Lot dlt:R1?ltt i .. .. r w ,. .. .t fi#;4 kl o t 1*5 *l Q tivo t1 *alai. oa dilater y ,twrrsi?.~r tors v1attom, al rea°esar .► n. .. 4ib A~ *1 .1lxeat Ao i.ta-ts] do 4nta irtntanoia ;yr *1 Reorertario Titular do 1s& Civ il dot eats •j :a cor y fallar *t preegntm pleito, violrando to oaxtr+btoaiaio .n lea a ► tiaula•*;= ► l94 y 195 de la L.,y de Enj.icirsrinnto Ctyil,, ate tzar juie>.i.st da 14 diati ►tw><+t-a,$ eaa *1 att. 192 del stirs%* a<a+rpo 1ergal, :n •ata n.nti.da a y rein *n*t*re4 * • - Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 9 of 57 Page ID #:560 - on 1a cueeti6a de fvndo`de lu ra inacitSn, eats instFUiaS.a ha estimado no Wantado artsdar torso a la reara:sazl5a plantaA par daterrninia ► -rlo aai it culo 195 is la Loy de En jniei.xai cxx+. Bivil, por no eatar ratifioada diaha escrito d i reau*aciSo conl is firwandel rnousante D. Santiago I»aaa Hanna, •• tune por no ai aaredita auto ri iaci6n •xpreea pea .reausa :r. Par tanto , ® n por def e o exi.etente dicha recu s aci6a por rho espl . ir lost requiaitos Iegale to de fora; y no as d4 aplicaoi6n por doM• iorito In di,tjrpuoeto en el artsaulo 2O de la Ley de finjuiciausiento civil, quo invoaa 0l dornAn(lado, pues .:a,'~ denejatiraada , eino clue no ire li • to que Ia reousaai6a no hx aids,( "" . 7 di curio aluno por defeotoe do toirrs* , y o1 dcainrxndudo en ac~nrraouent. del/ mal use, aplioaci6n y •nfoque da 203 l,reoeptoa iegai es. - - - - - - - -•• CO'B'S IDV, qAT h : - QN&* .1 artiau10 5.33 4e Lt Ley de 'F.n juioiaraimflt o Civil, il 14.- La incoitoetenoia de Juriadia 6,310 ad rite oomo exaapaion.a.d+atorias= ci6n. 2q.- La falter di porsonalidad erg ol.actor... 32.- La falter'do persona ltd.sd on el procurador del actor 4-?.— 'la~ falta do p.reonalidad en al dema-n dada. 54.- La litisp,9ndenoia. 6Q.-Defeato' legal an 2a demandai y .. L falta de roolamacidn prsvia on is via gbernativa. De rnanera'que la exoep- ci ,Sn dilatoria 'eegriaida por al dosandado al aaparo del art. 413 de la Lay der ' x juiciarnieuto Civil deb . sir oat ej orieanente deserstin (ier. Toda ve~c que el dcamaridado sobs do sobra quo por • rezones do eoonomla procesal Be ha .1eR;ido an el sir~teaa judicial 4e1 pain , a nivel do 'prooadiiiento el j uicio d. 'sir .1 r~ia i mamento abrevisdo ed ouanto a•log plazoa en manor cuantla par ' com paraeidn con al aayor auantia.- -_ - - •» - - - - - •• - ` s C^+?~ ID^ AT`DO : '.ate, •a evideatd laa aatuaai •Sn dolosa de Don . Santiago Isaac iianna • Ibra. him I2rrando a oabo , quo he trataio do engrr ; dar a proptos y a extrai~ios: A).- Actue 4. tree erux.r:an, on su propio nombre y dereoho, como Presidents d91 Consejo ' de Adiainiatraai6n di A.B.M., S..1., y an ropre- "sentaai5n do SA'r'G;7I, S.A. B).•-- Los dineros paFTados par la •ceai5n hats parado en su cuenta personal . 8)&- a1 r000nocimierito . xpreso que hate en al he cho prirsero do laaonteetacidn de is dernsnda, al 'ianifgstar que e3 aetivo de &.B.. • era superior o' CUAT?0 4IL i4ILL•Vfl (4.000.0 O.0?0) 7.eta, y -sin embargo, a61..so vende per 230.000.000 F.Cfa. D).- 'La inexietenoia del cinauenta por . oiento do -Lar raa .luinr +ris cedida. E).- La 'exigeu oia de maquina ria quo dice set as apesar . d®• naturir an l a operaoidn do cedida on eu •pro pia nombra y dereaho. F .- µ .(soles = naai4n do roaquinarise qu. dicen ,sir di ASS. LA?, sin doau*ento, anterior que .o j,zrstifiquo, atxando an la r.f©rida espre car ASTMAR D. Santiago* iaaa9 H*4na, ..tisne intor4s riireeto al sir soaio di7 is nrdsmnt G ).- En is . soriturax`d, ; .oejai6n y referiendoae a saquinarias y deass bieaes suebies -o~µ in -rxablen s uo zs d_f;ter'n.ina .1 estado real do los ais.asoa. H ).- No oon,ta en l.s e aorit;Aro 4c "cosidn la mansion do los aouerdos de lee respeetivas ju ntun do Aadion.iatas do A.B.~t;, S.A., y CAT JI, S.A., ,la mach*.-, del cordaro, la aatusal6u de D4 Santiago Isaac ;Ianna, is un oo$• Plejo 3e *nz1s3 artes a,3ntraryo a lag ley is do is honesti4ad a idonea por - si gars sorprender In bums fu jona, en into car o do Don. Teoadoro Ng.jema Obi anif. - -S. .,_...- ------------ .._..,. ---- '" ue conaeoiierxcia necoa+sria de to quads rrazonndo, praaid• it entirnaci+Sn da is Tsticit3n do indecnnir.00ifn par 109 da5as y perjuiaioa --• oaar:iox. t ior3 al drr*rcxr:dante, habida cuenta do la existencia 441 nexo causal. •. artIciloa 1,101, 1.104, 1.107 s y 1.902, todora del C3di, o Civil, antra ai in roan l ia'ient o r3 loao do D. .;ant i„wyo Ioa<ra Jtann,u y loin daiioa y porjuicios n izr? L?+;a al dc•ran;lante, 9 ►l. e. tier euficinnternsnte juatifi4ada, l% realid.ad t del do escrl torj n^ata ^ia1 do Attu de preaanaia sabre al estado real. d. Ia rua rzn"e ^i3 y la ti ii in par'io'.a. do L narie veni.ida ► on estado ins e t villa por Ia 0aleci6n :goK.ian•Al do In ,iuntriab y Ctamercio, quo autos), is exister:cia de la (alts do 0.- Santiago Isiiaa Tlann.a :1uea~mta in Ica la prod'ioa y 1. 1e' 4, evident, do c:rasa a efaato centre ax; o y otro(ST, 20 As ma yo do 1.9>9, ST. 10 do Fabreru 1.922, ST. 23 do Abril 1.992`x, ST. 31 'Oatubr. 1.94 der yo 1,950, ST. 22 do 1.928 y ST. 5 de Julio 1.91). -~•- ST. 1 ;_ quo ersnforme : ^' ; I de= eraina~.an n=.r s asroantilee y d. Dereahe co ,rin, 103 der os y monoseabora quo outran 1,i erasderias •..# aeerAai del stttan_ to del ver:;ja jar '• ei 1a orsas vec~"lida no raere cierta y dete rot tnrid.."! ----+w=- Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 10 of 57 Page ID #:561 t 1.n +a o '31 , 2'I anal, C341g, s a Cr ► enarrai.o), " al 1s ► aona yertfiida Is ywrli ro rnr *f.rezta 4 * Ie'a ' tet)uS 4 Lton, aonnoi~Srtduioca •1 venue+laoa•, Aufrir• A. t e 1* F*rlt4a, y deber r,sti it eI prnoi.o y a1,on*ar loan f aiotraes dal O"Otra "t*+, rarin t,r,e cla.r,a•r Y rj^a.iai ... ( art. 1.i+37 del C454iro C_Ivil ).- «• - •• tlntit to'i t 1# y m~ttr fa an In part. daeaan•' . +a !"`''r L a- pie **ti annths d'!a, ; ► 1n*rtt* icawa' aaCEtT pronauni:tm <tirttca rnr+pacto a lnza " +a° a+air,rat'txae ert *: pre*nto Jt}4, ,itop y, p'jrr 1t) t:wto, .. wix`lalra 1 c'aoedintcro,.. ooataa da •rrte tie inpone rt lca lnrt• — Vinton Ion prse+lxtos 2*g41eea y juz^lrcy>rv , leIyQltia eltaa _ _. clantaw Y d*' rrgr4era.1 aglioaolen.- +- r .. .. .. ,,. ,. .. rnanal.raxtt,,, .. - .. .» .» "0 ry,naar-' 1'A LLOt- t ie d•bo se isnr y arfacotivLmvtnt• •estiaa integr"mente 1 ► d~ 1..Si +rie '.at++r ar~afe to por.s1 T trq:io Don. JaiaS 010 Obono, an r,pronarat t alnn ne prnar>nnl.. do Dort,, Taad'ra Njpaernra Qbiang y 1a 8nproesA SO'.t't Ff I, fl.T.., as n'3 »n.n1a n Dun. Aant.iago Issas H+tnnA Ibrahim • n lon x► ipuientsn t4rfatnnui a ).- par d tra paraAbddn Iagel, so declear ,a Dordido por p'ta+ntt 4-9 J). f sent ti W'o to'4ea R*nn Ibrahim y d• 1 1A •aepraatt ► RA.h)'JI, S.A.', todo*s io bi enes rrxe-b1*e • i1***hl*a eat •ntaJ, inftervibla do 1a sxtinguida firm A.*i.fe., S•A... b ).- D. Raritingo Isaac fl*tuta Ibrahtos dob•rt1 papa, a D. 'odor', `i;ln'at ri LLOX-M 3x.1 1,.;71 'ITt7 1 la rt..rmci "ri<a1.1 ► r7JI, l.'L., 1 4 e,nttidsd d• t(IL €v 1a"4101r 1 r;1 5421, (1. ?OS.112. COo) Y.Cfa , o n oonoopto do dn1oa/ C D')C r " ", t7 i t',ii p.,r Inez biones itieervt!iteas.- --- — ---- - — — - - r x~Z o ).- 69 onienM al dsstandado at p.i o da. int•r4e 1egtl y de anora aptr - - .. - - ti d. tea r*514 IOilin judiaial.- - - - - .- - - ,- - - - - t~ !"" R M • ".urd *na • a onat . a al d aman dado .- - •- - - - - - - - .r - .. ).- Si r•aarva a2 dasaandautte •1 dear•aho d• inntar action criminal Cron t r,s at dwaaadedo D. Santiago Isaac Rance Ibrahiva .- - - - - - - - .- -- - . t.o A,+f, Na:P agate vi, aentenc la juzRad.o iefinitivam-aite •n prim'sra inet:rnoia v -e,n4naio , a n d' y ti. ..- .. .. _ _ .. .. .. - .. .... - Lo trannarlto concuerda bien y fielmante con su original, •y paraa pa air re .de tOattIonio a Tan partes, expi ,lo e1 presente on el lugur y fecha "ut - q k' {{ 'caso ,. ..t /o Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 O\: .I (kI J4 'o 11L,14\1I,'\L (.ILD() ONOO '.O'\O. &<,n 'Ui;H ,\;i:iI (k la RC}Ufl C )• <IR r1rrod1IkcIon Filed 07/18/12 Page 11 of 57 Page ID #:562 \':•\ ,. prC\CIc tR1;1 . dc FL . IU() EXHIBIT PAGE 10 . ...,, Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 12 of 57 Page ID #:563 TRANSPERFECT CER'T'IFICATE OF ACCURACY I, Robert Richardson, of TransPerfect, Inc. do hereby declare that the following are to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true and accurate translation, within the given parameters, of the document "A13M Judgment" translated from Spanish into English. A copy of the final translation is attached. I so declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States on this 13th day of July, 2012, Robert Richardson TransPerfect Translations, Inc. Sworn before me this 13th of July, 2012 Signature, Notary Public Stamp, Notary Public MARION CARVALHO NOTARY PUFBLIC•STATE OF NEW YORK No. OICA6257005 Qualified In Queens County My Commission Expires March 05, 2016 EXHIBIT PAGEJj THREE PARK AVENUE, 39TH FLOOR. NEW YORK, NY 10016 l T 212.689.5555 1 F 212.689.1059 1 WWW.TRANSPERFECT.COM OFFICES IN 75 CITIES WORLDWIDE Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 13 of 57 Page ID #:564 Mr. Damaso Malua Mansuog, Head Secretary in Civil Matters of the Litoral First Instance Court. I HEREBY CERTIFY AND ATTEST: That the records of the Ordinary Small Claims Proceedings no. 23/98, which are kept in this Secretary under my supervision, include the statements that are copied below verbatim: [handwritten:] 05/19/98 SENTENCE: In the City of Bata, Province of the Litoral, on May 15` h, nineteen ninety eight. Mr. Claudio Ndogula Mesanga, First Instance Interim Judge of Bata and its jurisdiction, has heard the present case in the small claims declaratory proceedings, conducted at the request of plaintiff Mr. Teodoro Nguema Obiang and the Company SOMAGUI, S.L., represented by Attorney Mr. Jose Olo Obono, versus the defendant, Mr. Santiago Isaac Hanna Ibrahim, represented by Attorney Mr. Leoncio-Andres Ondo Esono Modjo, in a claim for compensation of damages. BEING THE CASE:- That the Attorney and the technical-procedural representatives of the plaintiff filed a suit for an ordinary small claims proceedings, stating the following facts: 1).- That on February 2°a, 1998, before an Interim Notary of Bata, Mr. Martin Ndogg Nsue and with No. 45 of his protocol, his client Mr. Teodoro Nguema Obiang, acting in the name and in representation of company SOMAGUI, S.L., Mr. Santiago Isaac Hanna Ibrahim, acting in his own name, in representation of the company SANGUI, S.A., and as Chairman of the Administrative Board of A.B.M., assigned the company A.B.M., to his client, consisting in its entire assets: movable- and immovable property, land, industries, machinery, equipment, spare parts, vehicles, as well as the rights on wood located at the warehouses and shipyards of Equatorial Guinea, for the price of TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION (250,000,000) F.Cfa; that the plaintiff, Mr. Santiago Isaac Hanna, acting in his own name and in that of others, however, deposited this amount in his own personal account. 2).- That, pursuant to the provisions stated in clause three of the said deed of assignment, his client assumed all the required liabilities as specified in the deed, consisting in: a).- Liquidation of A.B.M.'s staff, in 147,796,189 F.Cfa, b).- Obligations with public and private companies, with specific mention to 48,224,422 F.Cfa, amounting to an overall ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIX MILLION, TWENTY THOUSAND, SIX HUNDRED AND ELEVEN (196,020,611) F.Cfa. 3).- That a list has been provided, itemizing the machinery pieces as a part of the assets assigned to his client, as mentioned in Item I of the said deed. This list specifies every item of machinery, and Mr. Santiago Isaac Hanna stated that these were in a perfect state of preservation and serviceability. However, the following irregularities have been found: a).- 1 Mercedes 26x28 feather dump truck has a severely damaged engine; 1 Mercedes 26x31 wood transport truck has a severely damaged engine; 2 Mercedes 26x28 wood transport trucks have completely damaged engines; 1 528 Skider New Series, no wheels and with a damaged Winch; 1 Trascavato 966 pula, left in the forest; 3 Mercedes 26x26 dump trucks and 26x28 wood transport trucks, of whereabouts unknown; I Toyota Hilux in a scrap yard; I damaged Man truck with its engine missing entirely; 3 26x28 Mercedes trucks, damaged with whereabouts unknown; 1 autonomous power generator (I CATD7H), in a Mercedes dump truck, all in severe state of decay; 1 Toyota Hilux in scrap condition; 1 Mercedes 26x24 wood transport truck abandoned in the woods and two of them damaged; I Trascavato 977 damaged; 1 D8 Tractor damaged; 1 Motor grader abandoned in the woods. b).- It is impossible to understand that Mr. Santiago Isaac Hanna, as an assignor in the name of third parties as well as in his own, would separate certain machinery items as his own, these being: I Bareiros power generator; I Skider 528; 1 D6 Tractor and 1 Trascavato 966 Pinzas. c).- Several tractor helmets and damaged trucks at the Bindung warehouse. At the lumber mill at Bome there are two damaged saws. Warehouses of Akora-Bata and Akoangele are entirely dismantled. d).- The machinery which is claimed to belong to ASEMAR, consisting of: I Trascavato 966, 1 CAT 980 and I Power generator, is not accompanied by any document which proves this ownership. 4).1 Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 14 of 57 Page ID #:565 -Not only did Mr. Santiago Isaac Hanna know that the vast majority of the assigned machinery was lost and in a state of abandon, but he also failed to fulfill his basic obligation of providing anything as would a good head of family or a responsible merchant, that is to say, to duly fulfill his paramount obligation of delivering the goods in due legal and customary manner, and in a useful condition. Furthermore, he pointed out that Mr. Santiago Isaac Hanna had incurred in unfair enrichment, causing serious damages to his client Mr. Teodoro Nguema Obiang, who came upon non-existing, fictitious assets, whose missing value exceeds the 1,000,000,000 F.Cfa, 5).- That the defendant's ill faith becomes evident when one contemplates that: a).- the deed of assignment contemplates that the defendant acts under three conditions: In his own name and rights, as a Chairman of the Administrative Board of A.B.M., and in representation of SANGUI S.L., while the said deed of assignment did not reflect the acts of the agreements of the respective General Shareholder Meetings of SANGUI S.L. and A.B.M. b).- The funds received for the assignment were directly deposited to the account of Mr. Santiago Isaac Hanna. c).- The inexistence of almost 50% of the assigned machinery. d).- That it is incomprehensible how, while acting in his own name and right in the assignment, he would also retain machinery which he claims to own and there is other machinery he says belongs to ASEMAR, without any previous document to justify it. And after asserting his legal grounds — which he considered relevant to the case, the defendant moved for a court decision to be issued: a).- Declaring all movable and immovable assets, that were abandoned, lost and dismantled or in scrap condition of the extinct A.B.M. S.A. as lost by Mr. Santiago Isaac Hanna and the company SANGUI S.L., b) sentencing Mr. Santiago Isaac Hanna to restore the monetary value of the movable- and immovable assets that were lost, abandoned and in an unusable condition, for an amount of 1,000,000,000 F.Cfa, and pay this amount to the company SOMAGUI, S.L., c).- Further ordering the defendant to cover the applicable interest and late payment penalties as of the moment when court proceedings started and d).Sentencing the defendant to cover the costs of the proceedings, due to his recklessness and bad faith. BEING THE CASE THAT:- This suit enclose documents No. 1, 2, 3 and 4, which were enclosed to the initial suit in the present ordinary small claims proceedings. BEING THE CASE THAT:- By the court decision dated April 13, 1998, after the presentation, acceptance of the claim and registration of the cases, the court confirmed that it would hear the case, thus sending notification to the defendant for him to appear in the case file and provide a response; once the defendant had appeared, he opposed the claim, presenting his de facto budgets which are kept in the court record and are deemed as reproduced here. BEING THE CASE THAT:- The said statement of the defense enclosed documents No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, which are kept in the court records. BEING THE CASE THAT:- By request of the parties, an evidentiary hearing was scheduled wherein each party submitted the evidence they considered pertinent, and by a decision of this Court issued on May 6, 1998, the parties were summoned to an evidentiary hearing on May fifteenth 1998. Both parties appeared for this procedural act, and by order, all the evidence was submitted by the plaintiff, reproduced and declared pertinent and its registration in its case's records was admitted. The defendant limited to quote Article 200 of the Civil Proceedings' Act, renouncing to continue the proceedings. The plaintiff ratified "in voce" its introductory allegations, specifying the claim for damages in the amount of ONE BILLION, SEVEN HUNDRED AND EIGHT MILLION, ONE HUNDRED AND TWELVE THOUSAND FRANCS C.FAS.BEING THE CASE THAT:- Legal prescriptions have been observed in the conduction of the present proceedings. CONSIDERING:- That the defendant's behavior is nothing but bad faith, the final purpose of which is to extend and postpone litigation indefinitely, by challenging the Interim Judge in this instance and the Court Secretary in Civil Matters in order to prevent them from hearing- and ruling on the present case, thus infringing the provisions of Articles 194 and 195 of the Civil Proceedings Act, without prejudice of the provisions of Art. 192 of the same legislation. In this regard, and without going into EX1~T PAGE 13 Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 15 of 57 Page ID #:566 the contents of the challenge, this court has decided not to sustain the challenge, on the grounds of the said Article 195 of the Civil Proceedings Act, since the challenge document is not ratified with the signature of the challenger, Mr. Santiago Isaac Hanna, neither does he attest express authority to challenge. Therefore, this challenge shall be deemed non-existent since it fails to meet the legal requirements of form; and for the time being, the provisions stated in Article 200 of the Civil Proceedings Act, which the defendant invokes, is not applicable to the case, since the challenge has not been rejected, but has not been considered by any means due to formal defects, and the defendant has incurred in wrongful use, application and interpretation of legal provisions. CONSIDERING:- That Article 533 of the Civil Proceedings Act only admits as postponing exceptions: l.- Jurisdictional incompetence. 2.- The plaintiffs lack of personhood. 3.- The lack of personhood of the plaintiff's representative. 4.- The lack of personhood of the defendant. 5.- The existence of parallel proceedings (lis pendens). 6.- Legal defect in the lawsuit and 7.- The lack of a prior claim through government channels. Consequently, the postponing exception presented by the defendant by invoking Art. 483 of the Civil Proceedings Act must be emphatically rejected. The defendant knows all too well that for reasons of procedural economy, the judicial system of the country has a preference for the small claims trial in procedural matters, on the grounds of being the most abbreviated regarding the time periods involved, in comparison with major proceedings. CONSIDERING:- That the intent in the course of action of Mr. Santiago Isaac Hanna Ibrahim is evident, that he has attempted to deceive all parties involved: A).- Acting in three capacities, in his own name and right, as Chairman of the Administrative Board of A.B.M, S.A., and in representation of SANGUI, S.A. B).- The funds paid for the assignment have been deposited in his personal account. C).- His open acknowledgement in the first statement of facts of the response to the suit, stating that the assets of A.B.M. exceeded FOUR BILLION (4,000,000,000) F.Cfa, while, however, the company was being sold for only 250,000,000 F.Cfa. D).- The inexistence of fifty percent of the assigned machinery. E).- The claim for machinery which he claims to be his own, in spite of acting in the assignment transaction by his own name and right. F).- The claim for machinery that is claimed to belong to ASEMAR, without there being any prior document which justifies such claim, when Mr. Santiago Isaac Hanna has a direct interest in the said company ASEMAR, on account of being partner. G).The deed of assignment, when referring to machinery and further movable and immovable assets, does not specify their actual condition. H).- The deed of assignment does not make any mention of the agreements made by Shareholder Meetings of A.B.M., S.A. and SANGUI, S.A. The source of the dispute, the actions of Mr. Santiago Isaac Hanna, is a collection of unsavory tactics, contrary to the principles of honesty and meant for deceiving the good faith of others, in this case that of Mr. Teodoro Nguema Obiang. a CONSIDERING:- That it follows as a necessary consequence of the above that the motion for compensation of damages suffered by the plaintiff must be sustained, taking into account the existence of a causal link —cf. Articles 1.101, 1.104, 1.107 and 1.902 of the Civil Code— between the willful noncompliance of Mr. Santiago Isaac Hanna and the damages suffered by the plaintiff, also taking into account that the reality of the damages has been proven (notarized deed giving faith of the actual condition of the machinery and the expert appraisal of the machinery sold in unusable condition, issued by the Regional Delegation of Industry and Commerce, which is kept on the case records), the existence of a fault on the part of Mr. Santiago Isaac Hanna, who caused the said damages and the evident cause-effect relationship between one and another (ST. May 20, 1959, ST. February 10, 1922, ST. April 25, 1924, ST. October 31, 1946, ST. May 1, 1950, ST. December 22, 1928, and July 5, 1961). CONSIDERING:- That pursuant to the provisions of commercial norms and ordinary law, damages suffered by merchandise shall be the responsibility of the seller "if the sold items were not as specified" Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 16 of 57 Page ID #:567 (article [illegible] of the Code of Commerce), "if the sold item [illegible] hidden faults, and these were known by the seller, the latter shall suffer the losses, and must refund the price and cover the costs of the contract, in addition to a compensation for damages.. .(art. 1.487 of the Civil Code). CONSIDERING:- That there being recklessness and bad faith on the part of the defendant, it is pertinent to issue a ruling regarding the costs generated by the present proceedings and, therefore, the defendant shall bear the costs of the proceedings. In the light of the stated provisions of the law and jurisprudence, all of which are consistent and generally applicable. I RULE:That I must sustain and do in fact fully sustain the claim asserted by Attorney Mr. Jose Ole Obono, in procedural representation of Mr. Teodoro Nguema Obiang and the Company SOMAGUI, S.L., sentencing Mr. Santiago Isaac Hanna Ibrahim in the following terms: a).- By legal disposition, all movable and immovable assets in unusable condition of the disappeared company A.B.M. S.A. are declared lost on account of Mr. Santiago Isaac Hanna Ibrahim and the company SANGUI, S.A. b).- Mr. Santiago Isaac Hanna Ibrahim shall pay Mr. Teodoro Nguema Obiang and the company SOMAGUI, S.L. the amount of ONE BILLION, SEVEN HUNDRED AND EIGHT MILLION, ONE HUNDRED AND TWELVE THOUSAND (1,708,112,000) F.Cfa, as compensation for damages caused by unusable goods. c).- The defendant is sentenced to the payment of legal interest, plus late payment penalties, as of the date when the claim was filed. d).- The defendant is sentenced to pay for the costs of the proceedings. e).- The plaintiff shall retain the right to press criminal charges against the defendant Mr. Santiago Isaac Hanna Ibrahim. Thus, by this sentence, after a conclusive trial in the first instance, I issue the Court's ruling. The transcribed document faithfully corresponds with the original, and, in order for the parties to have it as a testimony, I issue the said document at the place and date specified above. Faithful Copy, [signature] [stamp:] EQUATORIAL GUINEA [illegible] [handwritten:] Notification: 05/19/98 Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 17 of 57 Page ID #:568 t 1, .11 7.GA1)() I)E", P1 I'~1FRA INS'I'ANCIA 1)E BATA DON JOSE OLO OBONO, Abogado, con despacho profesional en la A- enida Mbogo Nsogo sin de Data y Cl .Annobon sin de Malabo, Tel. 275534, en nombre y representacion de DON TEODORO NGUEMA O13lANG NVkNGUE, representacion que acredito mediante poder debid unente bastanteado y aceptado acompaho, ante el Juzgado comparece y comp mas procedente sea en Derecho, DIGO. Que en la representacion que ostento promuevo DEMANDA DE JUICIO DECL.ARATIVO ORDINARIO DE MENOR CUANTIA contra la empresa BOUYGUES BATIMENT GUINEE EQUATORIAL, con sede social en Bata y Malabo, en reclamacion de cantidad y de danos y perjuicios por un importe de MU. MILLONES / / FCFAS, demanda que apoyamos en los siguientes hechos y fundamentos de derecho. IIEC1l )S Primero.- Don Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue es propietario en pleno dominio de un terreno de 855.672,25 metros cuadrados de extension superficial, sita en Bomudi-Bata en la zona denominada Noville. Que la parte actora deseando construir un complejo residencial pars su use personal y familiar, contrato en noviembre del ano 2000 los servicios de la empresa constructora BOUYGUES BATIMENT GUINEE EQUATORIALE, conforme a los pianos acordados y disenados at efecto, asi Como los contratos y demas instrumentos obligatorios finnados por las partes correspondientes que se adjuntan Como documentos niuneros I a 10 que penden en los autos de la querella. Segundo .-Que ha habido varios requerimientos por cartas de esta pane denunciando el i.ncu nplimiento contractual, at haber modificado unilateralmente dicha empresa los pianos iniciales, faltando anexos y ciertos pisos. Sc cori_stata adenids la mala calidad de muchos materiales utilizados para la construccien de dichas obra. Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 18 of 57 Page ID #:569 Sc adjunta como documento numcro 11, 12 y 13 his camas de requerimiento de esta parse y la propia carta dcl arquitccto A. W.DE1.3SR.I que dirigia dichas obras reconoclendo estos irregularidades. Terccro .-Quc a pesar de esta actitud fraudulcnta que cs objeto de un ilicito penal, pan cobrado pasta el 31 de encro de 2004 injustarnente la suma de SIETE M IL MILLONES CII:NTO VEINTIDOS MILLONES SETECIENTOS UNO MIL SEISCIENTOS TREINTA Y CUATRO / 7.122.701,634 / FCFA. Detalle que consta en el inforrue elaborado por BUREAU VERITAS, por donde se constata amen de falta de pisos y anexos las irregularidades en los materiales stuninistrados y de los dineros re -cibidos. Consta en los autos ei informe de BUREAU VFRITAS y la factura pagada inicialmente firmada por ei senor PINCI lOT JP, Como documento 14 y 15. A estos hechos son de aplicaciOn los siguientes FUNDAMENTOS DE DERECIIO I El conocimiento de esta detnanda, con -esponde al Juez del luggar en que deb: cumpli.rse la obligacibn. Articulo 62, regla ptimera de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil. 11 La obligacivn nace de la Ley, de los Contratos y Cuasicontratos, y de loo's actors y: omisiones ilicitos o en que intervenga cualquier gcn ro de culpa o negligencia_Articulo 1.089 del Codigo Civil vigente. III El que por acciun u omisic~n causa d:ano a atria, inte inien Io culpa oo neglWencaa, esta oblit.,ado a reparar ei daño causadoo. Artieulo 1 .902 dcl COdigo Civil Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 19 of 57 Page ID #:570 IV Quedan sujetos a la indeinniz acic n de los dafios y perjuicios causados los que en cl cuinplimiento de sus obligaciones incurrieren en dolo, negligencia, o morosidad, y los que de cualquier r nodo contravinieren al tenor de aqucllas.Articulo 1,101 dei C6digo Civil. V La validcz y cl cumplirniento de los contratos no pueden dejarse al arbitrio de uno de los contratantes.Articulo 1.256 del Cidigo Civil. VI 1..as costas del presence juicio se impondran a la pane demandada cuyas pretensiones serdn totalmente rechazadas. Articulo 523, parrafo I de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil. En virtud de lo expuesto y demas de pertincnte aplicacion, SUPLICO AL JUZGADO. Que teniendo por presentada esta demanda, y los docurnentos acompafiados y poderes que acreditan mi personalidad, con sus copias para entrega a la empresa demandada, se sirva tener por promovida demanda de juicio ordinario declarativo de menor cuantia contra la empresa demandada BOUYGUES BATIMENT. GUINEE EQUATORIALE, y previo los trarnites legales dictar sentencia condenandolcs al pago de FCFA de dafios y perjuicios y a las costas del presente juicio. OTROSI DIGO. Que de to expuesto en los liechos de la demanda, aparece claramente Ia existencia de la deuda por los danos y perjuicios causados y sin perjuicio de la ulterior valoracibn que puede subir a mas, y tratando de garantizar el pago de las responsabilidades que tiene la empresa demandada y teniendo en cuenta que esta puede evadirse del pals, procede la medida cautelar. que' establece el articulo 1.397 y siguientes de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil, la que solicitamos, frente a esta deuda por dailos y perjuicios que la empresa demandada tiene frente a mi principal, concurriendo los requisitos de los articulos 1.439 y 1.400 de la LEC, se declare adinisible EL EMBARGO PREVENTIVO para garantizar ei pago de las cantidades seflaladas, y solicitamos se proceda. Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 20 of 57 Page ID #:571 -IttllltllillllillEll~t~t~t~tti~trrta~~tr~~rsri~sr~ 1.-AI embargo de las maquinarias de la empresa dcrnandada ubicardo en I3sta y Malabo y situarlos enfrente del Juzgado. 2.-Para el caso de las maquinarias de la Region Insular, dirig;ir exhorlo ;,I Jucz de Igual clase para que se cumpla. SUPLICO AL JUZGAI)().Que declare admisible cl embargo prcvc.-ntivoo solicitado, to decrete con la urgencia que el caso requiere, de cuenta y ric s o del acreedor contra la empresa indicada, dictandose auto acordandolo que servira de mandamiento al Agente Judicial, para que lo Cleve at cfec;to, in oirles ni admitirles en el acto recurso alguno, sobre las maquinarias a cuhrir Ia cantidad total reclamada y costas. Es justicia que pinto en Bata a 15 de marzo de 2004. Josue o UaoNO Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 \\ t& It %b\ wt Filed 07/18/12 Page 21 of 57 Page ID #:572 '\t, Akylavio, Noi,silk) I Uj tilt '.0 2 011- ) Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 22 of 57 Page ID #:573 TRANSPERFECT CERTIFICA`T'E OF ACCURACY I, Robert Richardson, of TransPerfect, Inc. do hereby declare that the following are to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true and accurate translation, within the given parameters, of the document "Bouygues Matter (Alleged Unpaid house) Doe 1" translated from Spanish into English. A copy of the final translation is attached. I so declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States on this 13th day of July, 2012. Robert Richardson TransPerfect Translations, Inc. Sworn before me this 13th of July, 2012 Signature, Notary Public MARION CARVALHO NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No. 01 CA6257005 AuOlIfied In Queens County My Commission Expires March 05. 2016 Stamp, Notary Public EXHIBIT PAGE _ ___ THREE PARK AVENUE, 39TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10016 1 T 212.689.5555 1 F 212.689.1059 l W W W.TRANSPERFECT.COM OFFICES IN 75 CITIES WORLDWIDE Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 23 of 57 Page ID #:574 [handwritten:] [RJ.E No. 130 — 03/17/04 [stamp:] REPUBLIC OF EQUATORIAL GUINEA THE JUDICIARY CIVIL CLERK COURT OF 1 ST INSTANCE OF LT. [LITORAL] TO THE COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF BATA MR. JOSE OLO OBONO, Lawyer, with law firm at Avenida Mbogo Nsogo s/n in Bata and Cl Annobon s/n in Malabo, Tel. 275534, in the name and on behalf of MR. TEODORO NGUEMA OBIANG MANGUE, whose representation I have ascertained via power of attorney duly authorized and accepted, which I enclose, appears before the Court and as is legally most appropriate, I STATE. That in my aforementioned capacity, I submit an ORDINARY DECLARATORY MINOR CLAIMS ACTION against the company BOUYGUES BATIMENT GUINEE EQUATORIAL [sic], with headquarters at Bata and Malabo, for the amount and damages valued at ONE BILLION / 1,000,000,000 / FCFAS, which we support as per the following facts and grounds of law. FACTS One.- Mr. Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue is the full legal owner of land with a surface area of 855,672.25 square meters, located at Bomudi-Bata in the area known as Noville. The claimant, who wishes to build a residential complex for his personal and family use, contracted in November 2000 the services of the construction firm BOUYGUES BATIMENT GUINEE EQUATORIALE, as per the drawings agreed and produced for this purpose, as well as the contracts and all other obligatory instruments signed by the corresponding parties, which are enclosed as document numbers 1 to 10 pending in the case records. Two.- Several requests were made by letter from this party reporting the contractual breach, as said company had unilaterally amended the initial drawings, having removed annexes and some floor areas. The poor quality of many materials used for the construction of the said work was also noted. > Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 24 of 57 Page ID #:575 We have attached the request letters from this party and the letter from the architect A.W. DEBSKI, who was managing the said work and acknowledged these irregularities, as document numbers 11, 12, and 13. Three. - Despite this fraudulent attitude that is subject to criminal offense, they have unjustly charged the sum of SEVEN BILLION ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-TWO MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED THIRTY-FOUR / 7,122,701,634 FCFA up until January 31, 2004. This detail is contained in the report drawn up by BUREAU VERITAS, which notes, in addition to the lack of floors and annexes, the irregularities with the supplied materials and the monies received. The case records contain the BUREAU VERITAS report and the paid invoice initially signed by Mr. PINCHOT JP as documents 14 and 15. These facts are subject to the following GROUNDS OF LAW This claim is heard by the Judge of the place where the obligation must be fulfilled. Article 62, rule one of the Law of Civil Procedure. II The obligation is derived from the Law on Contracts and Quasi-Contracts, and from illegal acts and omissions or those in which any kind of fault or negligence have taken place. Article 1,089 of the current Civil Code. III Any person who, through action or omission, causes damages to another person as a result of fault or negligence, is obligated to make good the damages caused. Article 1,902 of the Civil Code. EXHIBIT PAGE Z:- Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 25 of 57 Page ID #:576 N Those who, in the fulfillment of their obligations, commit fraud, negligence, or delinquency, and those who in some way infringe the content of such obligations shall be subject to indemnification of the damages caused. Article 1,101 of the Civil Code. V The validity and fulfillment of the contracts cannot be left to the discretion of one of the contracting parties. Article 1,256 of the Civil Code. VI The costs of the present suit shall be attributed to the respondent, whose claims shall be fully dismissed. Article 523, paragraph 1 of the Law of Civil Procedure. In light of the foregoing and all other applicable items, I RESPECTFULLY PLEAD. That having submitted this claim and the enclosed documents and powers of attorney that certify my capacity, with the relevant copies for delivery to the respondent, the ordinary declaratory minor claims action against the respondent BOUYGES BATIMENT GUINEE EQUATORIALE be considered as submitted, and subject to legal procedures, that the decision be made to order them to pay 1,000,000,000 FCFA in damages and for the costs of the present suit. I ALSO STATE. That from what is presented in the facts of the claim, the debt for the damages caused is clear and, without prejudice to the subsequent valuation, which may further increase, and with a view to ensuring the payment of the liabilities of the respondent, and taking into account that the latter may leave the country, the precautionary measure set out in article 1,397 and following of the Law of Civil Procedure, which we request, is applicable to this debt for damages owed by the respondent to my client, in concurrence with the requirements of articles 1,439 and 1,400 of the LCP, and THE INTERIM ATTACHMENT ORDER is declared admissible to ensure the payment of the indicated amounts, and we request that this proceed. PAGE Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 26 of 57 Page ID #:577 1.- The attachment of the machinery of the respondent located in Bata and Malabo and compel them to appear in Court. 2.- In the case of the machinery in the Island Region, send a letter rogatory to the Judge of the Same Class to ensure that this is fulfilled. I RESPECTFULLY PLEAD. That the requested interim attachment be declared admissible and be issued with the urgency required by the case, at the risk and expense of the creditor against the indicated company, pronouncing a decision to grant this, which will serve as a court order to the Bailiff's Clerk so that the latter may enforce this, without giving them a hearing or allowing them to seek recourse in the process, in relation to the machinery to cover the total amount claimed and costs. Let justice be done in Bata on March 15, 2004. [stamp:] JOSE OLO OBONO LAWYER LICENSE NO. 25 [signature] Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 27 of 57 Page ID #:578 a CEDtJTA DE CI^s i CIC~' Ili virtud de lo acordado por el Sr. Juez do Primera Instanoia do Litoral,t -y de . oor{formid'd con ia provide. • cia dictada on esta fecha.* eri el juicio dcclarativo -ordinario de menor.euantia, promovido por el aboado.D, Sand Olo ' Obono. f . en noimbre =y represen.taac3 64 do Dre„ Ti'e; dots : Diguema 'Obi angMan .. , contra .1 ; ttrni : -BOU! E1 `:Bk. TINI G.E., par a~e dio de: la presen te '`-,6S&la, se cite - • de comparesencia ante este Organo Judicial, al Reprosop tante legal do BOUYGUES BATIMIt15, pars quo dentro del ~• plaza de 72 horas comparezca en los cutos modiante postuleci6n Letrada, si no lo ve-^ii'ica as sera declarado/ rebelde y of juicio seguir su curao lea,- — •- — -.. Dade or ota, a diesinueve dsas del mere de ,narzo del dos all cuatro.--------------__ -- __-C•PuI. GUT EXFUBT PAGE .__2L__ Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 28 of 57 Page ID #:579 TRANSPERFECT CERTIFICATE OF ACCURACY 1, Robert Richardson, of TransPerfect, Inc. do hereby declare that the following are to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true and accurate translation, within the given parameters, of the document "Rouygucs Matter (Alleged Unpaid House) I)oc 3" translated from Spanish into English. A copy of the final translation is attached. I so declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States on this 13th day of July, 2012. Robert Richardson TransPerfect Translations, Inc. Sworn before me this 13th of July, 2012 Signature, Notary Public MARION CARVALHO NOTARY PUBLIC -STATE OF NEW YORK No. 01 CA625700 5 Auaiifled In Queens Counly Stamp, Notary Public My C o mmission Fxpitss March 05, 2016 EXHBTI PA GE 2T THREE PARK AVENUE, 39TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10016 I T 212.689.5555 I F 212,689.1059 l WWW.TRANSPERFECT.COM OFFICES IN 75 CITIES WORLDWIDE Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 29 of 57 Page ID #:580 [handwritten:] [illegible] 03/19/04 SUMMONS: Pursuant to the ruling of the Judge of First Instance of Litoral, and the ruling laid down on this date in the ordinary declaratory minor claims action submitted by the lawyer Mr. Jose Olo Obono in the name and on behalf of Mr. Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue against the firm BOUYGUES BATIMENT G.E., by means of this summons document the Legal Representative of BOUYGUES BATIMENT is ordered to appear before this Judicial Body in the proceedings through legal counsel within a period of 72 hours, and if this is not verified, it shall be found in contempt of court and the judgment shall follow its legal course. - - - Executed in Bata, on the 19`h day of March 2004. - - - FOR A BETTER GUINEA CIVIL CLERK [signature] [stamp:] REPUBLIC OF EQUATORIAL GUINEA THE JUDICIARY CIVIL CLERK COURT OF 1 sT INSTANCE OF LT. [LITORAL] - Radio ASONGA — Bata. Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 30 of 57 Page ID #:581 ' IRF TD71ME: General; do Brigada DON C ANTIAGO MAURO NGU lA VOC` A11 Capit a` de Navio DON V71C ~ ] A CIAMO lh l a► ciudsd do veintitres &! as del mes ~. de Febrero di doamil c -& -. tro.,--.._-= .dli .. Reunido el tar! pare veZ 7 2a v, a? 2a CaaaSu3=4-91= tero 1 /2 . . 004 , pioee t dGs 1.., —• Juz ;ado' `ilitar ventual, contra. los - procesadaa CIPRIA 0 !J4 t $2 1, Capit a do Navio DON RCBI t2 D MBA NDONG Corcnel DON RAFAL-M]U A 'ESMZGUI ' Coronel DON Da tITO - ALOGO A3tJMU niezte Coronel de las Fuerzas Terrestres; G ."l.AY PE RO 'lMO (a) $t!C,, 1a entario de la C&i ara de los Representantes del Pueblo; ' " " - .» c c o (a) DJUDJii; CI$O MBA 13ONO, Px-Cabo de 1a Poliela ? aeiora2; .ZS /TU CBI G ( a) B ' T9 do cuarenta y axis afion do *dad, do estado eaeado, hi jo do Iuis Cbi a ng Ntutumu y do Susana tbone •.eono s natural. 4e Cyek, del distrito de Akonibe de, la provincia do Vale Nzas* .de =OfesiEn,,'~ ► _. Comereiente con dornicilio actualmente en el barrio do Nbaxnaa dad data Pla±.e d- Lata; 3 VADC:R GNDO NG"3 , do veinticinco &Boa do edad, sol.le ,, h o de Jose Ntguama y de Teresa Bela, natural do Esongosi zcodjei del 4it de ` o.Zomo de la provincia de Wale Nzas ,, ex-Ai. rez de las 7ucrzz..aa . • _. T F ~,,~ a tre w ; .JTJANN NDO G M BA (a) OTO, dotrinta y dos &Us do edad, to es o -. casado, hiJo de Ram& Mba I dong'yide Gertrudis Ayene, natz:.-gal de Ucod jeih del distrito do Moneomo do la provincia do Wel• amas s de Is endarerh Naetonal ; , DANIEL NBA GNDO; do curenta y treta afe .e edad, do estado caslcla, hijo do., Luis . Ondo y do Zuisa Mib ► , nat~. , Ada :-- <* c kiel Esawon, del dietrito do Mongomo do la provincia do Wel0 Nx x --Ca,; itS.n do las ?Uerzas Terreetres; GJ 1A't M3A ! , de verintlo :e de edad, de estado ' casado hijo . de'is Sn Mba 7 de Gertri:dis `j s, nail de Saonaosl Ncodjeiii del distrito do Mongomo , ex-Cabo to Ia Polie t a. Fa-3ar..al; DIOSDADO RCOGO ABUMU t de,.treinta y_ nueve az os do edsd~, de - eater .es~:L do, hi~o de JuanoAaumu , Cima .,y de ' Dettir_a Abaga, natirai de Ze oa ~o..... d jeifi del distrito do Mongo~ro do la provincia;` de Welt Nzas # er-Za `j _3a Policia` Nacional; DA IEL CB/,MA CBI (a) CAT, do treinta y siet,. s. s -; do ed. a1 do estado casado s bi jo de , Cbian 7 i mo y de i arf.a Lb a, uat do Akcac= B'axen .ii del distrito,:d• on.omo de la previnoiat do. el NzM ex- Altt.e z do Is Policia 1acional; DIF.X 0 EC*JA 031= 0 o de veinMite..s a z=:S do ea do estado caaado, hijo de Bonitacio Obiana Eta* y de 'ch , natural do . eor osf Ncod jeifi del distrito do Mo^ cmo do Is c:..a do i'e1e Nzaa, ex--Cabo de las Fuerzas Navalee; F=== PtIO do ein e uenta y cuatro a?ioa de edad de estado caaa3o, natural de , EXHIBIT A .f. Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 31 of 57 Page ID #:582 • Thvu, del distrito de onoo do Is provici* di We1. ?ua1 ALt&z'*z ROO tirado de laa Fuerzaa Terrostreal ALItO MILA24 NGVTMA# tia etucueita un sJosi do edad l c&aado, hijo do Antonio Yaa y do Te*6ors Eta, atai eror, f-sawons del cUtx'tto do Nongow 4* 1* DroviI,ei* 6* Wolwgzas t do ex'-Al6rez de las Fueram ¶Lerz'eotT'ea; ?!cAiDO C]3AXiA IMUT 9 di t?cinta do edad, volterroo hijo do Nicanol. Kmwy,de F4edegzs tatu?$1 40 del di?trtto do Vtongomno de In p-mvimia de UeTh Nxax 0 ecci4ado 4* 4a. IUeXZSS Te'eotres; rIGUL .6* veintisteta ates 6* ed&d,. eaa&do, db hijo do Viemel Yosie y do Juanita tyang Ndwig g nat=al d.a Aces distrito de Akonibe do Ia prvtr'.cia de Wele 'zaa, ez..Co]4ado di zas TorDest'es; B JA1II MAM.&.rBA, de tz'etnta y atete eca 4* e6a41 do, hijo de Aeacio itwa do 3uaita yena, natural di 'ib5-* 9100djola. del distrito de lonZomo do la provincia do Web Nr.te, *xeeto 4* ha FINC CTA WIFU CD= do vetntietnco It a di TNierzas T0r3?entr05; M AM,', = eclad, casadet tto do Alberto Ututumu y do InmacUloda Cbmiev tttuza1 4* OUZO1 cod3ei del distritode..onoo do ha prcvinia diehe Xzaz, —.oldado de las Puerz" Terre5tree; 6* cuta y -. os de edad, capado # hijo do e1tp* I6ong 7 4* An**tazt$ Msba# Zstmmsl Lut Yee, del ditrito de Kogo .. di 1* povincia 4*1 Ljre10 exurta fe de la3 Fuerzas Terestg; IC Z(1 KX=A t di tx'eiuta y cinco w- os do edad, casado, hijo do. r.ii1 Nieha y d* ?tbooT3a 410=6 do axigajoi -sengii del dittrito di iongomo do 1a provicia 6* tla Jzo Conductor ecu re3ldeucia on el ba.rio do Xøsio )ee di.. esta eait14 .e-i !GI toz'ab; PIXIINALDO -CN-DO ITGUINAO, 4o veintidos afoe at edad, edt * d.. di Zurita auet 1ueia y natu?al di Jsongez.t Jeodj.ifl dil di,tz'tto ae Yon3omo do 1* pzovincia do b4le . VAsp )artneDG 6. 'elLd4 do 1s3 ?i zaa Navalesf X3 A110 IMA tU (a) P117 0 do vstnt* sado t hijo do Cipriano Nguema Zr. 4* Caida Cyan*, nat=al 6* r wcz t. Opt j.ea &jotfi del distrito 4* Tonoo do I& provincia di Wele rz8$1 *Cs iuerzoa Te=o1st"st YIX !ZJ2 ?'3L (a) A1 do veinttztat g03 casado t hijo de 'eltx ?Tha ydo,1ibica9bco, natal tst*&j5 1j... vaift del, distrito do Ponroo de la prvincta di 'lobe ex..Co di Is J-111 CItC do yet ttetr t Tolida 'aoiond; M 1=0 NX soltero, hio do Daniel Ondo 7' d% Gboxts C? 1. .-., distrito do I'onomo do la x'v$.!ia d* ebe rtu, exeebta di 2* iia 111ilitar do £ku; ILIO rx a. 6, It ai p ijo de Eltano !dt y to edod, ecltero 1 Cya, ts ' ost Icodjetfi del distrito do Yong-ono de la provincia di Wele zs,x'e. u; c lute do is Academia Militar de 4* t ta. y.. cuatx'o &org e e&a6, casado, i,4 o de JeSU ?aria teae y di Ye.&ezt Andezo # natural de Cye del distrito do de I& ovigjs 6* , 1 1, EXHIBIT F '3O - Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 ( Filed 07/18/12 Page 32 of 57 Page ID #:583 -3- Wele Nzas, Ear-Ante de Primers de Is i'olieia Nacional, FELIX NTUTtTh J ABE.. SO EYANG, de treinta y siete afios de edad, casado, hijo de Sixto Abeso y de r•Ionserrat Ijang, natural de Etom Onvang del distrito de Mongomo de Is provincia de Wele Nzas, aoldcdo de loss Fuerzas Terrestres; MARIA NIEVES AVOI.10 /J AGA, de ireinticiei.a nr9oz c'_e ed :d, solto ra, hija ae Jesus Abaga Nsue .v de Meria Arco, i tlarcl de Esongosi Neod'eifi del distrito do Mongomo provincia de Wele Nzaa, Fbc -soldada do las ~ucrzes Terrestres; JUAN MBA NGUBMA, de veinticuatro .afios de edad, casado, hijo de Samuel Nguema y de Guadalupe Angu&, natural do Eaongoeib Ncodjeifi del distrito de Mongomo, provincia do Web Nzaa, Ex-recluta de is Academia Militar de E'kuku; AFRODISIO MBA 1t'DO;YG, do Cuarent~uno altos de edad, casado, hijo de Agustin Mbe y d.e Pi-- bar Oyemma, natir l de Ncwn Oyek del distrito de Mongomo de la provincia de We l e I'zns, -D:rigada de las .' ,ierzau Terrestres; ESTANISLAO DIICHA NGL2' PEA, de cv.anent•icinco alias dc odad, casado, hijo de Julien Nguema y de Teresa ? ilogo, nat%rsi do Ei gong Oy€1 del distrito de Aconibe de Is provincia de Web e 'zas, comerciente con residencia actual en eats 1.laza de Bata Litorel; ANTONIO OPA ,1, BIaOGO, de tinta y tree anos de edad, casado, hijo de Eugenio L4ycgo -' Ce Cesilia Ls , natural de Engong, Esansaop del distrito de Acenibe, pr•cvin.cia de Wele Nzas, Ear-Alrerez de Fragata de lea Fuerzas I'aval.es; ANTONIO 2:DCNG C'DO, de veint:tres oncs de edad * casado, hijo de A cecio Ondo Aeso y de Apcicnia Bindang, ,iatural de Mecak Obuk del distrito do Mongomo, provincic de t:ele :7zaa, Cabo de lea Fuerzaa Terrestres i /FAU TIN O EL.& C1'IAI7G (a) Vf1 ELRO,. de . cincuenta anos de edad, casado, hijo 4 do Juan Obianf; Miki, or de Francieca Oyana, natuf'al de Engo .g Oyek del dies .=ito d4 Aconibe, provincia de Wele Nzas, funeionorio `del Gobierno como Ins ctor Jefe de Adninistr,Cibn y Gonsejo de Cargadorea del Puerto de Be--: t-u;'E;'A=' i~CTO ONNDO ?t NGt13, de treintiocho efios de edad, Casado, hijo de Luis Ondo y do Flora Merru4, natural de Aaoneriel Esaguong del distrito de A"onron,o, provincia de Wel Tzas, x-tnilitar eoso Agents de primers de is policin iu ocio_u3.1;. DANIEL M A NGOCO, de veintirveve anos de edad,' ,,soltero hijo de Mariano ogo, y de Florio Aniemo, natural de Olumt6n Okso: : del dietrito de Morgor•:o, provincia de Wele zcs, Ex'-soldado de lea Fuerzes To-rreett'ee; JUAN NsUA ECCRO, do veinti &Los de edad, Soltero, hijo d$ Alfonso Ecoro y de Iicria C r v n t}ye, natural de EcoWong, Ansok del distrito de Data, provincia del Litorol " Ex-soldado do las uerzas Teri * stress WENLES. LAO ovor;o OD J A (a) C;3ACIVI, de treinta y cinco orbs de , edad, Casado, hijo de Cr'.atot•nl Obanaa Ncogo, y de G loria Abeme Mefiana, natural de Ovengasi, ,.. roangut del dictz yo de Mongoz o, provincia de Wele Nzas, de profesi&n CO-, merciente; A''^ °L , 8/A ,.OLO (o) C'i ;7r * je treinte 3n0$ de edad, Casado, hijo de Boniracio' ':saga y de A;za.:tcsia _Lfu.u, natural de Esongosi Ncodjei del distrito de ticr,go :o prcvirci 'de W 1e Nzas, sin ocupaci6n; ••"•••• EXHIBIT... PAGE _ 4t ' Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 / ..IU A,vT'1)'1:I!DO Filed 07/18/12 Page 33 of 57 Page ID #:584 4*4 Cmaa4* 1$ 4* Z&y1e D.tr&r* 4 oham., naaru o ton ()yc4 dii dt*t tte 6*. Monftrn W*1I fliia* J*4*ir.4* d 2* VrovInat* lO VO Hr%A, tzotrLtnh .Ta * ri1$4 øøti*4tO di I1&%&1 Cr4attnx Cbgno, n,tur.1 do tttst 90o43it11 4.1 4ttvtte 40 $oraso da tr.tntt*ehe fAÔ* I* do I& paroyinoia do WvIo ?q, Xxw,t44O do US VuwxaX £OC,2fl4I0 tXO, de trc,thttun otoso do 00,milq •D&O1 tAJ49 tL$ Ii*a4'W&1 ¶/rV 7 do &yotabe, nntursl o *ontot i0041s&ft 441 distwito 40 do 1* pDOtrmi* d. W,10 ¼*n, EXUan44Vr44 4 *riJ*Th$ Vl?1XJJO )1 1%'i, Vthtt.1eu vioi d tOtt1?o, litio 44 T*,'wtl,to 1040M 7 di 0 natural do Mwi Yebecon dot dtstz'tto 44 04404# ft () A1ra, do o',peAn; ItT 'Y) 4. +ij.i de \AO 1 Thrs ' .* $tbt,n* Coo4 *tuv4 4* &ji 1obiv(tr, <101 414trttt) do( rpn,-m-4 4* to, protacis 4* (3• 7izis, 'ø*tG ftPf#Ak $ PIC UOrCPTt7T Ir,etor rcta1, cn dt1r) P Yh 3k, de ieo'rtQ not, do *C arl 0re10 Ltjo 40 Zuou rb 7 40 Vra4ia, natnDnt do Ntoryop 4YL1i, 4Pjctjt,tijtO 4* eo'1t0•4* 2* LL44* W le rn, Commidanto 1zc4 Ao_Xe0f rum** TCrQtt3 ZCCO !13C*'4 - *1 — *fop d. *t1 c*.*4., 1iUG as bomt* CZ4G 'tta Cbno, ntur&i di A erMitm 14#Y4v21 del dt*tZ!it* 4$MOB d ,2.a .Otrii,it?,nt$ 4, :1* ramrttA Tiirs2es$ p',viroia do (1e rt ii 4* Y1en%!4 LO de oinrmt* 7 J*&Dd* *e4, ceo, W*" do ?1rt Tutt, natural do Aconems fmorcit del 41artttto 44 WW1.4* 2* de ,ie rltss # Tjç,t, Vormol do to VoItct* 1,mianal tAAI. co n& TJA 44 euaene ' et-re sio* di *W# •eU4. 14*4* Da*Ho 1c-u ydi Ooieue1 ttzi, re ti 49 Al= Zswong, 41 distr%to As * Trom- no do In pxo14Tots 4, .,tiXe*; Coral, do Is* ?uersa Ta=vxtrost 71A7, -#TX0 fTB& YMMAM A (.) P?Z1fl2, do eiet* 7 aIsto &oe do 604,. ,a. dO, hIjo 4. A!u*tn I*r&c3* 7di4DUi Enga*, n*tuxd 43 A* del 4letxlto 4, t ojrrrj, ntrtTts Cro1 do L.a !uervt* £rni$ ETQO02!r.IVo do ctrierte y coin sf.oa do .4.4w ce4 )t:, 4, ?IO ?errdo y di tuito t rtux'i,i (Ii AlmrAbo Cs3t, 4.1a tom* 4tetito, 4a 1. rov1nt* 4. "*Is !z840 rnttro 40 Tiitado 4* AZ1A C4,4. v,thAUeet,,4i 4', tit1, c*a.4o, )ije 4* C troC4* it do Crlstin4 Pr7ovsst ztiira1 do Zoonmal tco43ttfl 4.tUitDtto .44!* 4. 1i rumts .x'.etxti$ 1=0 de In proithet* do s1* 7&s, sr•t'i* IDVO YrrJt?4A, at ctsnt* v dr* 4. etli, •us4., )1t.o di YoMm0A 7 4, Mu. !rtorLo, natural do Vossimst Isaebsti, 4#1 d1.tLto d, kt obtyfa do 1* provinci* do Yi. ?trr, Ir1 trt,nt,io do ill C&uw* 4* tail 1r*.ett*iite. 4.1 i>uebto; ,j:'...:t T:1 IJ7, di c mota y &,t, .fos 4. *4.4, eus. * # rt'ir*l do rfpiint Ormoze del do, 1tjo di Daniel Mors y de V mr tn4" de EXHIBIT Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 w Filed 07/18/12 Page 34 of 57 Page ID #:585 distrito t1.'Eb,btytn q j proryvinsia do Kto 12tong iccrn.omL.t* con deett* no n 1 J*!;AO, q oøptt*X 461 4torsl$ WOIA1O CZIX ETItT () IT!, e tvinta ' do* do øt4 •,.s3o, )*14O 4* ZU.iflO Li4 gue y cl' Cinloroea ftr4iing, ,tt.rtLt C4 Ah4*4 T*bivELi1l dLJrtxuio * flork, 4o d2s 6euz'i4a4 C 181 s 6 ru riiøIn on O atr4, oprAtol 4141 14tot;7A1TO?O OZURU C,VQT!O, VrtLttr& 69cr de c1rl 1. tarp, )'Ljo e.6 ?4me11m Ovono )' 4* pa LInAvigr o nat701 do rOICIA Dscijnit 441 4istxtto '04 Monom* do. 3a v1nciath3 Wele trizi, ILVZTT z7*r ADUI'R nA cOcw, ci, nartt y wrtro so. 4* ,d4, viud.o, hijo 6* do iy y do Cntalin,,, ()o'riiO1 nttu:cil do S*OnS D3tzni del 4jst%vktq Aconibe do lit rcv1nnia tsea, do profeaitn t.x'.noI TWzU*CO I 4*... Ow)rantgi y oir) ,f')$ do *4id, •sas4o, hijo de 1ban do Cazrn UQhni*, nfursl 4. flco*i'o* XSaw0r3 del distrito 60 llongomo de la provinola dv1c1• Uzii* *xu.T*ri*nt$ Cna1 do lee Yuoru-' ELA DIBSNG 1 zaa L' rcaatrea y DRIO OXA XXJ'flALA, As tr,ints pobo eio 4* ec2acl, o&sado, hijo (I. Mario Boaepa y do Ms Colebeps, natural ki. Zeatiaeo,,do, Beney (Ie la provinoi* dir, I1ioko Uoit*, $ztt&n 4.. 7r'seits d. pet1vsm#,ut,, los enst*a, uxos 6. 4,1108 e bsllsben im Libertad provlsirnal* otx.n.s ,r2.Iriei4n DD.YentLY& par osdel&tó; AT1TA)O COTUA LA tJUDAD nrt ZITAD0 9 7VJ1D3 IXOZCIA T I24 CIA A Fft fJ1DA; heoKn r,.,t6r% por *1 Just 7rutrtictor 6*] do cIa 1* visma, ol4aa 3* 0011 31n 71*e;l y 4OtE,J,*1 5 guaeates log prow AfV=tO ?1O (a) MLrO, MAI3ThO ?13A ce3w3ou CIr'flItO VOUNIA P3A, ovcro (a) ciro PrA ro r Afl1O 7=A= "a move 7 zas tes el resto..' - - - - - - - —— u] entone*a Teriient• Coron1 de Ice ricz'u1 d lee rt m rzas Armadas t do 3 Qu,, Terreat"a y 1Lbilita4o - rzas del 4stado on 3* pert. Oontin*ntei. 1XI14 Cflh1AO !CJ'J3U ri, con racionea ebieioasa y disbltcee. d4 ebi*x of a&Eiaen 54ta.$I 6q ine !;auatoriaLp p0? anodic di Go]pe 4* at*d3 7 pa"s tel fin, hizo s4o e cx1tos 6* solicttu4 pop con dci ertonces Inspectot 04==1 dIRL3, uerzaa Armadas DUN Ai2L'Z T;/r V A, 4. le in etala4if n do u r' para .1. pa!xhøona.l ?i7ilitax 4e, 1 e. c' 2ers )lsyoz q'.te of i co--A) ovi 9 ,11it kpiiiwita do armag y tftuniotcnc, 'D0pue1t& ira cow ,Tge, quo 0]. irctox Ceneral '3.e l ctoi r2 i,teterto d* Z)ctexea P0r coTLaiderarla iflcOZX*QtQ, . *afl se irLr4* de . os osoritos ,o1rotee a lea folios pol y 202 do o.ts Otte of vmaienn4o aIr' xt:c 611=4A pm&, WS llovar cioa3 colpistA l tuvo contacts con log Politicos quo iben apoyax'leen'.. ....////.... ,,.. EXHI BIT -4 Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 35 of 57 Page ID #:586 las oporacionso, eat oomo msao9 'lira, W o e oeu*o •2. rorlamontarto 000l GTR1 TcMO() M4XO 9 d.tjo a 0IX2XAiO V 00 =0 M, quo on dihas v,rtt,4, (XT'UEflTA MY=,i ()O.O.00O) do PRAC:; CIVA., telAfonoc aat3ttc (V 0 lo",&,rvtrteu d4tc4los 4o ccnruxj 1I1* CQUt a.3 tad,7Oi c31in durente Ins operacjonc, 7 VTL tafifl1 7 alL'31 e'cat'-iao', 1jban,o, pim at mi a mo tin; MMI X IVIO ?"!ZA CVCrO sto hizo ver e CIJ1ANO NitJ.1l4 Mfl4 wz pertlotpaoita, iCti' va en plan glpiote; el ?qrroatro H,ttrnc, de loo rc !OTT ?93A, in wi ontr.vjitc cc'n CtA71O V OLTV14A M?it, 'ii ôio qu e en la (iltimi gira de ev Fe,co,lirioSe ii stdente de la £i*p(Sblt'. Ca, fu& ez3trevietodo por periodt*tss di vii anal di rzjlcnt.ro 7 3.0 pt' untaon Eobre la *xistercis do pøru* on t.n.*Zouatorii1, i del tado roepoMo que on Cutnac lCaustarial no h' uric, auu,o 1* p iiurta, cur realnto 1* poriuria as poor qne 1* .tsgte; .2 ioIVi., cu'c CT VfA, p ar a el deacouteto c 2* Trop .zatre4 O]. £*ldad do Iriuera de las iuerzs TerreEtre; IACIOi20 r7#=4 q-14VA itQC*1., 'la tilttiin 'ilita do esta plaza 4.', Sstag Is to Fir=. (l,co.coc') ZIS 7V. N:X ~j, CTA *# pumpr$$t4r.O3* 1*3 que o.terioriente scan d,sconta4.o* 2s cnenti*,a rreat&U3 des c uento de 30%, p u re oil et.z' los b.ncfletoa; vvoa cotDob*nt obsn eu estes ectuac1one; 1IA8 CVCO !Wflt&, quiets 10, srnnLtut5 que lea so cioos dl Tarlamento son puroi tsstzos t in •ttcIct*$ otros core el Firistro do Latado do i4uc,cin 7 Cinci* &ccmo, C.f41' VC ATOA0 IUE LG'J 0 qiiitn je z43t a CI7IAO 1GU31.A 11C or la Lalta do deaiei6n del, rest.dente di 1* k.pCt3.t*., bseiendole la evide n cia quo'. .fuh objitoduronte 1* pnbttccct5n 4.1 Px'eaupttot Gem._ ral del otado del afo dOail 4oe t ress haber .t4 aprobado por Joe Cris, 10 coal tu 4. èxttdo por 41 tr izer Hinistro Jet, e - i c bierno y el., Teaorero neDal;dct.ipial coiteCtO tuvo aen lea ltares, talcs co" *1 Contralirt'to MIT IOCCXQ wa40 cci::, :cj DCN TMiACIC NJt& IL& 0 Thtients Coron*l*a JZU mm IA (a) Z 7=Lt g$ate 1t/tv'13.t.. Z12(-O rvh 1 CIO EU flUJ3, Y a CTFRIAN0 9 . 1s. inIoreaein 4. luar 4or49 as .nov,ntD* .2 son d.c acmes do La ciudad do onoo du.rsnte .0 coaveraesi&.s - . -Th .' • 't'LTAr 8YDOj El wenoioncido CIEZMO VGUMA r4A, •3 objeto di u!,t,rialjtaz sus veto* g olpistoo t tuvo con los ofit.li. Mi11tarie,' 3 ut9 oficiales, Claus y tropic, aat como ex-wilitsr.e tel.. 000 .1 topt.t&n d• lea Puiz*s Terrostr#v DANIEL NBA CflDC, Tenj.ntø 'di 1. Goads 'rlu 1aCiO2,&1 JUAN ?tDCNQ ?'BA (a, PCCTO, A1f&r.z do lam Yljvrr.ao Worrostrvs = EALVAICB CE)O NGU EM A * Alftroz do Fragzt, do I.. Puorsee ?sysles E"''ONIO C B AXA IYCGQ,ripada Jet. 4. lax Puirze* Terr tree 1LTP 1tXG IA, EXHIBIT': 4 rr, '24 ".".'.. ' Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 36 of 57 Page ID #:587 Pri ala de Is 1'41iata N cion; t 1NUR1 1 PEDR© rust NDU, dart*nto d.o let. .tfYea sS3 Ter estres B I JAMIN M4flXP Mzt&, Ceboa do 1 A'oliaia ?t*ot otu ► 1 G JIM A t ~ .. Yta •r A .LrA DTV`1PVX / / r /ey ~ B ,c.1, !. L;a. I..Sx w+.~w ~. N.., w t1r 1 'lNOO(1C i~ ne f~..r ix,,.. r yyatm iuy !a.l' I tTO : 3cNO t rO,—X `/J` TO M1':)AjNC,°:JT A j Cato d• %RUA TUerzoa Navalen DT C IS'3 f :- ► A3.t rcL Ce lax I"' orza: erreestree ALMNnO MILAM WrIVt+l1k, r;t44 ► ;:o1 Le1 mis o ('ucrj~o TADDO A?ON A` CON1X? # JUAN 1RC+t:1A TKOTtO, MARIA NI1 VJt AVM() .3~iG ~~ ; n N "J2 T9U At O f 'TIL M13A WiGOCO v 1't'At'inII Lx?7Q CNDn 1VTW1 11 , Mt.. DQ t D A:0* 4 "Jr, , in Pol f. m Now otit e o al CSC %c:IC CNA ?T:' i(3U ; i' "JG TOMA! 4tfl O DMIT R Zjol4 E O de 1--%?uerzas 6 4reae LO CIO 1Ot`O t1DA e r1 ariooro do yeginda d• Ias Fuearxso VA v,.les R IN'ALDO CND) N,GUflIA! Gendarme de Primers 13.IACTO P1OT M NTX)Wl Lx ~Q='iiario de la' 1''olicia Naeional ' DA,NI1 L OSAMA CT T(t G (a.) (CAN,. + —Dr1 1dA --. de las .terzaa r:Tervestrea Ar" C DIIZO ?9A. NDCW(J t 1 Al 6z'Ao Rottrado d01 mioiro ."lexpo <'` : I C t'Ix0 LIBA" G,. y. loa ,$:olutee do Ia 4cadcniia Militar de -. -:sit . "'ILIO CDCCO A2t M3A 14==, I+'4tLIO WDCN4 NG1J7 A OX Fk; los cuales no dieron cuentn._ A: yeah ,eyes del 'DLit ; otpistel ooz xe s ,- -.ir a acti ac{ o is rc' Chit rcC NaT1 IA )3*, tul'o conntacte cots tU g ,1,q':rtJ2't~» ! U C3II,\ We i3 RXY j Iste uno do* los zw$s opexe ores ;rdol plan eolp eta$ .-r• 1 wo, LAO YMA,lp AJZ,IING 1WLA rrl I< x, ALr=TO MIC A rBA .(a) rzz , X W1 t tos a guar d a- str civilts' , azpoeo Heron esoat* ' i► las A itoridad~rs ' gez retentes; T .pesto a DCN'3TA 'Z$LAG MC TA 1 °C 1rtL, $stt tul ifi t;oran*'10 ' ANt3 <°(a) D de la cituaci is que iba oau. cix Box feu` pri'no IXtI NTtI:W 0*..Z Y * el cual. to spoco dlo aueata ° tc Iss " Autaridad.s ; quo dt. rantolks invect, scion s el ex—Terieatlr Core re fie lei Vue trsa Tetrrest~rej DOOM Y'LOWF 1 O 71,t rID Y G, amen . 6 con 4=-b a P ere ja Irstruetora on *1 eonerzto,d +su. ► rzqueriwi ato. ... s. ~. w. .w ♦ . ... .. ..` w ► . r1.. aw ~r +-.. ~.' w Ob - ♦ ~w ► M+ Mr iMr of M ► ~ ►'. -. ter + rr' M ► Que, &rte el .:raceao 1e gas lrrstencibn as d4 DOX . ^I?RXA. O 1rGt7 1A MBA e t-ran bor cobra o Gel,', T esoro PQblico las babore c del personal Mtlitar dc la ire $a Continental en tin raonto do t11 I CI cUm TA I CiCO PI LLCl4`~'~ , C` '.t?C *r*,:TO3 £.Z= - TA Z SI8' x L GS . . 7''`j 'CO LT rDC T ^i' O - ► S D 3 TA r CI1 0 (3 5.OG7.?G5 ) . '~:A QQ3 CIL. #` repartl* a do eit o d . ro a sua ee$uidoreo y el reato,. klo. desv1o 1 a itreeando azl .nno ?fkf,",9 } F`tA 3 X CPA 0 , al ■tzb it erep. cal aex'kor QJtJB peace ► sue v a lsa~f ~ ".~~ on — at vuenta personal s tvdoe tit?,Pl,.1 coo_ son too 14oa on las lu is& d o21 recion o s do ` by tectigos T no ` aporecem,. derrirt"dos +fit Ion autca 'e el C.apitln do Fra ata de 'lss uertes Rayales i7 Director do Is *c3 dewia ! ilitar d~ uz:u !X tiir '?"I: Io TC; ItA CGL.'ZiAFA, quiet hsbiando Cox tsctado el `caio de Gficiairs en l.a Gu&riia do is Aet.demia * 4.1 41 1e a~eis do Diciexibre del pasado a;T.o d0 mil tree # feahe quo eataba yrevista ,weaterialieacitx del plea ;olpinta t c1 c,zsl no to :6 m+edidas contra los ,,. EXHIBIT Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 / Filed 07/18/12 Page 37 of 57 Page ID #:588 - r:{ rmoe eobre este ec:mbio do vervicio min ru ocmociat.nto , apes" do tiabor , ic!o ii ado po r eI Corozw2. lai3peeotck (h nerei do Ian Fuaorzai Armotdatmr t 2obre la atenai&a que erad dobla preetar on im Vnidad aqudXs. que cl da o de la 'uarr ONIO GURU GVCso coaa cier a que Cfl A:13 L NIX$;C ' AYALL+.3, Z uplando d.l nanco 13ZA0 • t junto* – C on i~'i is tiv :+a Q iiiA C vc o (a) ,. b rJAJU estaban iuteSrados on *2. plan golpisti to a ue pmts oni-Aba ::: tl'MO rGUIT'IA 11BA $ opts pox* exigia a DGU ANGXL •••• el Pag-o do l.COO.CCO do bRA1~CG C'A 0 * son is oandicsi, xs do = cue si n3 10 tinter ., le aaurarip , que oonoc3,a •Y. plan quo ao trata, &ate le r 6 q e no podia pagerle todo s. • en .aquaallos caora to ast hsc1t`nd01e. lA «~ extra„e d 5C .C{X> r AS CU CA., psxa qua rib S tornara nada. Qua .01 Ilc vx a?O CIN BITA J (a) :"U: TY, ateoto a laa £*,u ridad lxoaaidenCiaa f CQ dt rociendo el plan g;olpista que protatconizaba el tan rep.tido CXP1UAO E U, ` ” , nb dio Giants do ells a _ eus Jetes, 1imitZnd0*0 a dosviaar la ater it de us Jefe*m eobre is deter.thi de tO11 LUXE Ii'SJtr, U QBxc i (ac) Z g hsc`3c que d:1.o iu,z' a la tu do .hate • :b i.as isio a tLr Xnoa astulaba e1 ► ta"". e°73 o c ; c';c cU kmm (a) . AX_ -:0! ' aieviand6 Ce eni" e do Ion . prom 4-w 4W .w w OW M► w MO de la aooits ;0i ista quo " sa, alv ,w .. .... ., , .. 3ze ` i tar . w w w M s r w veto$ Neehor ran ° abide pr©`aa .- a rR w " w' +► w a w.. Tsar a ?z bunai ,r A- +M `a — a r 4i A # • w — a ' .;•; ' • ".~t ' TT?7 – QUC e. Mtti1Ste'ic Pieeal, en anus a omolusiinfis pro" aaio lzs o tcTaaa3 a de ?tnitDaa 1 estinb qua .1aa beahoa ex es tae anzterlr TXflA13 p72 :7w ar. tttUyen uaorsr delitos '8e AT.;T;. C t3C$T:XA IA T a.. ra , ,a ea au mo3a: idad d RZ XG:S on grade tentatiyi, t '*vista 7 per do – 2&4' , 7 2$ 237s 233, 239 $ 2CU 7 2919 del. C6d1g, d o, ,t en lea art ioaai on •• Justicia F .Uitaar ; 1 AU7 an g ado aoaar ins to f tiptZtoadA 7 . ~A AAA O3 310$ articulo 4G3.2ja $ is +2 I' .:24 A 2t'J T l ".'.SO2ZCIA re ti,ulo 39Lal $ tod.oe del C&1 q , ? ..:ustiaia ilitar y Solicit bra , 2. –• LIC T ,-• proceaado CIp.'UA :O 1c t B74 4 ?A, coma autor de loo delitas do & Z 1C: MO A s1U?.t1' ` t a to& rezra Loa a ieuloar 2n Penn de ?2 237 7 238 day: Cbdi@;o do Zru ticia i `iliter, r Ia, mnslta de , reatas al Tesoro .i'wblic ; xm ( .cco.CGO) D'S PAC ~?A.r. • iA xaat d$ T3 iiGZ X: 31 lw C.? Von coautorea del 4elito do aaebt iLa xt; Is --, gas a aaccesorima leg,-aies do ee p"aciA definitiira de servicloy co or a G1 4 aeartiouln 290 dad; ClxL o .te Justicia :~ilitar; s lao cZplicca del wJ,o . . lito do eebe33i6a, is pen* o .u,1:'A, J% C5 1 1 Z LZ'; IC'« ::I.IrTA.rt s cos 1+a3 sda~ uoriaaa legal*s do a9afpcx ici n A3 ;rlti a Jai ea rvicio, a;c,c!crmt el artienlo !✓4 ► ► 290 del, Siam* texto Lobr l ; a loc eroubridcrsar d.6al tai.o thelito, a I& pens dat LM3 A.1,G3 r 3`k V3ICT , con 1w3 accescria a le,alers corretpondi*atea; a.. los cbmpllices del delit.c sic i U i. 1 a la p*ru vie tALFA: c,;. 1 l'ii: C."i rII, EXHIBIT * 4 F •..w.,,l,~.s+.• Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 38 of 57 Page ID #:589 At tutor all dzl iwd t Q CLTflC TtIa' it1eu1G )I a 1Z 1 CJT £C3 i rii' O ca- t!i1it?, ru tri da en ctce bc pe V1C C r CI ::L la t. etivtt 1 tL,±a con eI ttt - P - , c en rus cc t o tal diac nt5'te'10 1t&1, \itv, c;t '1 ! uvi varoe, TO 1 !-~dt-nam do c= elle i i1it8 c. '?aemm lot I, i- def.i OleveAsssiti*s p x* st$ eUcit6 p FMIAU S LAO 'rt1 da l ee T el nA oTttD*id&4Cl 'trt,iL di •1 4nt tr6 w uto dint" en le e1 GCS eto on el to sRqueo de - d 6. tei Y 1'er t, 1t rr no rrt!fl r 7. C( 1tiVi3 t , r: " n 01. V1 t 1u tte4e Vtee*, eb1' de 2.0,1 ?i q' tcie 1 IP1I ' 1A tQ-- Z Uie i ta y . •tta.1 jerotj.' i' pitt% 112 *nor tti,r9)t TV (a) de'+* que ,. .. tot al# .1 14fen.r i;Lt' C'k', • ?jtjvq, rVti LAI1DH r 7T1 'i Tnso '1unt1 tnr Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 39 of 57 Page ID #:590 -10- en ccnsideraoi6xL el contenido del erticulo 200 del vigente C6digo de,Justi:cia Militar, y para el llamado , CILVI THE ND Th1U LYA CKCMO * la fibre abs,Q lucibn ; el 'Dcfenssor de Ion pxc,ae oar PWMETRIO BOSEPA SOLEBAPA, B' JAMIN ! MBA, ' FLhR CTO Q~TDO N,^'JFn~fi 4 ,A'~, I' , s I~AC • LDIT IDU f iWINALDq,, Cam . --. 71 J ADCD 011M 1`:GU". '?Ai i a1I+2orao 0KURU GVCNO, en 1, IT(U 1 A r MWTT: T, AIZ". M M,12 sUS c one l ual4nG s pro l sitanal -a a deri x> tivoJ prsstS atx. parc i.a2 pra mero, se u lc1 y torcero dial Flini terio - . c~nfo~rnidad con lns apart Fiscal, apreciando ),n eircunetencias modifia1:tivris de la respon o-1Pilidad.,,.,. cri inal, Leas atenuantecj 5j•*,y.,7a del articul.o 1E6 de i. Co digo do Justicia i1ili.tar + y'pedici par_a eu defend:~.d.a Di r^'s:TRIO Bea 'A OT.*BAPA., la fibre abeoluci6n total y su rei.ncorporaci6r en ru puesto 'e 'servicio; a su , ,,cue eZ di4os =WMIN VARIA MBA, SAIZtADOR ONDO VGUI'(L 1 It reduCci&r.L de Ia;:,per; . a CULT O AT p3 D I'RISIQR7 y el re. tC+ a tIN CODE FFS IG I; el )efeu cx<R~te boa., p oceso4os T CRAGIO N('JF '9 A E3cU4, , T+'LORE WIO LLJL BIB. wa JUAN I4DC1' GMBA ,(a) :. ) M ', G's' MA`T MLA. l!A,, W1 r'CE3L ?BA, NDONG, TGhO, ILYI3 NTUTUMU OB!ANG C tO i';81ie I' !ILTC TTDCNG ?4a G EL C3Ai1A E3ONO, A-MCDISIQ MBA',N DWG, WR ZO 1 ? ICI AN'Q MM 8213 Nc FAtTSTIN0 f'B:.A OBI ANG , NLiU 7 .~:A, ALPO O 15II,AM N GtT ,.N7il' 1MU ION1© NDONG ONDO, IGNACSIO r MO' X O _NDOIRG, ' DA14' tL !'fl 1 NCOGO, I' isior..ales 1, ..evac2aa RNDO OBAMA 1Q: LTE `d en su condlusIonei3 a de.fiuiitive.s # preet6 ert pnxrcial Gpnfor idad cow el 'Minist erio Pipaal 1, r-apreciando"GOSrca circur tanctas modif eativass de is x sspansatilidawc cr .Bai t las atenuantee .74 y 9e ; del articulo 186 del Cbdigd de 3* etic : Mlt tar* y solicits rara* mug detendidOe 1ANCtACIO 1tO JIMA ZUA 1 rAQST2%q, F,7 «. ;..: Y c2j B ,f Ia , libre absoluc t5 n; C3IA TG Y WZIQZSLAO NBA NDO01 arrests M ilitar de TRE9 13L3 1 ; por irre1aridade+a en la C ,ba, ,a rt ~. it Instruc4i6n`Tara G tMA 1 MBA MBA # A1CG L OBitNA 301`i0 P IZCIAIP4 IYC BZ BANG, AIYONSO MILAM N tTE i A,. A'~T NIQ ! DCNG () 1)O, ?X TiTT U I9 M ABED ' ,DANILLF.-T,13A 00GO, I GNACIO M0TQfO '? C?G 7! tLIO 2`IAC)NTG ITGUrnA, FEEc+t' 30„ NSU. `, A+:,T..ODI8i0 MBA NDONG1 l.a;. ducciSn de It pea en wa 70%; a 1J 8 ;+31V,. : ; ((a) 'I3 "Y ? JITA t CI'G'MBA tai TO ICTO Ya roduoci tn d$ ' , , po.. Mr IPB na on un 50%; e1` Uefersor d e 7o' procesa do rs MARC T%0 CNA 3iVMtj . ATCI^CC ZIe T IC2 !! , 3O M IA I BA RDONG ria, 'TADDO ABONA Esi+lDO MBA, DTLG4 EK'JA ©Fg2ANtI •1 '" AILSETO MICRA MBAR M & IA 7 Z';:G' VCt0, ILt0, 1-DOUG NGUMA JESUS 3'c !lid A31 O ."f fl2iC15L &O C7C to 013.W A, e . , ' ' .. conclusions prov&aionalea el:avafas a definitivaa peso an corxeia ,vq. cor;, el lu iaterio Fiscal , apreci ando las oircunstanciaa modifi . ostivaa~ • de responsabilidad criminal las ` atenuantes 7e :P' 9e deb artsculo 1f3C ce Cb, i go de Justiaia i'ilitar, pedlo para sus defendi.doa la rQducc! tiri de eu jam!» en au grado medic; y e) p:.,cccsado TNOCI TCIO 1 Gt. IO ONDO, fii.0 ppM -z-~,..; — _ - ,» rocesal..I I i ......... _-........ _ ,..--:, p EXHIBIT . « . ,',// Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 $•• *. I Filed 07/18/12 Page 40 of 57 Page ID #:591 "i7t :: t. t * : :•*z-. ' I *d44 we pvit$ y —00 = ** *tam. t:$ tzA 4W o W AW dW WW tLtt4 Lø $ 1 t C4LC* __ __ * 4W OW 4 i*ttvii 1t $. y CI t it*u A T-477 r - ; .i IAW M-4 tT J6- rz - (.) :to 'u, 4. WIP4 I _ tU4 cxU1, a t i 444Yr,4 :#t1 *, .s srvta r tt2* —.- a v - 4 - - — no Mb 1,s r .1 EXHIBIT 4 / Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 I . I er1 lrcirtc yqctM Filed 07/18/12 Page 41 of 57 Page ID #:592 , rrt rn - 1terto, tnto ai car., ricurt. ra el cvøuo 217 eol 1 rc !, m - - - riLi vo - r.1jtr 4w w - cizii rt4 & CL - -Ow Ow am 1ri 4"1 '1 7It V1A3 I3 rt.ioa L7, , 243 9k 2C ?27 2Y, 2?, i)1, to ew Juritioi i1 -1 ta 42 y 5iX ueI vijerite CA 7C7 e1 tTti XUL1 kflD$l B)tiCaQifl y twt 1os bUto3 do Ot nAr1O 7 aaj>awfs conar ' cn4m ) MXC, 1.Z53 'W3U cirtixG (a) pea COU4 COUtO2?ea iGi L!'4 AZICV , )Z d1 a-Lon y oai%do =- I.4O z=x ra*, C9 mxt= en au vt da tftut4tiY zI ctJ C21O 171=109 OnA wx1t41. Tozovq I'b13.4O, tat u &C CLr;O V 13A Ui e jhbt1jtaoi&i e ecLo3.. . Iva VOCC4* G64!J4 iLO P ZL4TO tA OvOflO Cs) MG teuta'i. te]ttO it* tA Vi t ttcoø toz'tatas .d *coo is - BIC4 VIA satiit*, otj'.toa awz-- crn S ennmon low pice.ste* ZJVA 7 y 'cyr,' DL" V!OMAI . (flM'G (ei) t'VA1, V!)O MMA O'!tUrQ, rrtT;L M3 7UM!!O !L' =V 9 Iq 14tTL &1311 " Mmo P7'AT* )!AIZA ITT I wi'i rxVj1A vzi r;crz&, ic r'rxc ct JOCS *1rC Pt uTt, r N (&);7=1 V 9 UT-070 crrc 1 * 1 Ptflad$ 4I, (• TZL 'AO Ot4O CU fl dcl t!& - - = = IM - - - - - — = 1w __ e 4erne -.. tei debuca c oncimery e dev11r5' e 1ct prcees2 tthz I$ tZL1 IT31 ___ ) Y2 '1A?!,t rTY CO Vf1T M)A PMC)1)TO !!T3A , z1 ao tYO, St C 2 . et 4- e ?1i 1t xi etc cc-t-Tic io, con W-2 no I t1PO t3 .11a e,tt ctwa- — PA 44 Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 '.13.. / r-~ Filed 07/18/12 Page 42 of 57 Page ID #:593 Que debem © a absolvor y absolvernoe librecnente a Ion proc e sados ANTONIO' NDO G C; D© 1 I'A'J;► TIM() LMA OBIANG 9 F1.CR1 CIO cNDO MENGtJ , DANIEL MB~i. ITCOCOf jum .1 UA la-lem,. !r'EI -S1,PO OVOTO'. Ci 'A (a) 011=0, ANGLI OB_'••MA E30 7-10 (*) 1"7I1 ,; r •T, Oi U 1J, CIvL'rtir' CR4;i++IG 2: OI' O ?4U, IG AOIC ! CiCGO •DONO* W n.c c 1aoo 3? ^r '8 .~ . • . p Tr;jA, ;B ( a ) W11 , C I I TIf 0 ~ e• , 1 • td .M •1 ,r i 7 ~r K ICCC + .« O at iJ WT ), 17Efl S NVOM i ; .) lw l lX T ! . , 'tZO t rA -Ei -,-_ .r.~... r r. .-ter T ~ -r ! .t.....i 1 tBA i . . ;~irT +gip D .1" ~.. ~ ►, -n .... J3Z<' AT 1103 ;ZG , ~ Y=4 1>ikr 3J~J 2~-Y +l c.~1q'C; y ,~~r g jy~ , r~ } ~ { s ! ''?A "^' Tnt~I ~r,.~.~1~9t~ iY . T 9:-u ~+ "I T " 7~? O WET t7 (~9 "\ '~ ti fr GL GL T'•• -~ 1 O1Yy mrj : r..l,' T O' .1...i.IV ..+~. -;LL; '1 L Viijw E:7.~1. .i. b'~.S U.NI (a) a + ► C,i' GIO 'rL/ ', "179 y 'M:.T xI© ECC ?;A aC1LE AIA, por de lc. :Ica ^hon nh4 eto de ester xtentencia.— ,,. •...... -- •* .• "ue dchco c rerar :' c A . .. ... - M .• rocesado CtO jGU1rY. on ceptc ee'1a r :U 7.i civic, la reatituci62l d — milita.,ea dde xA no',mir~a del. +r:es do ?$aviembre del pazado ac dosr. I tree .. C; TTAA 7 CThC0 IMIIII. w+ C GZw11'O ; por un valor d.e TiU•CII"i 1 T1! Y sI z' : E.''`A Y CIIi= 4-11L CCrreSpondlettes -r 13 p - tc c -j rtiner t€.l.— — ( ,$ 7.765 f w ) I OCS GPA , s ... .. Cmp- dohcmoz muor.den i y aandenrxmos al p-rocecdo AI!fOIQ CMURU OY :O f .:*'del dalito de- ZETAFAt cano cr r1<~.lrierite responsible en ccnoepto do a I Cd= , ccn abono del tiez *po de •la qr~, a l a- o na ds CCHO iIfl ,. .. •. — « --ibn pZ ientLvo £ r'idn •a ran de Seta causa. l As por ei to T211eatra e tancia,' la p mx dia O3, anos F & ii. I t smros; ► . Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 43 of 57 Page ID #:594 11 I I lilt juti t' flO PI vI r $• V 411 41 Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 44 of 57 Page ID #:595 TRANSPERFECT CERTIFICATE OFF ACCURACY 1, Robert Richardson, of TransPerfect, Inc. do hereby declare that the following are to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true and accurate translation, within the given parameters, of the document "German Pedro Tomo Conviction" translated from Spanish into English. A copy of the final translation is attached, I so declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States on this 13th day of July, 2012. Robert Richardson TransPerfect Translations, Inc. Sworn before me this 13th of July, 2012 Signature, Notary Public MARION CARVALHO NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No. 01CA6267005 Qualified In Queens County My Commission Expires March 05, 2016 Stamp, Notary Public THREE PARK AVENUE, 39TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10016 I T 212.689.5555 I F 212.689.1059 l WWW.TRANSPERFECT.COM OFFICES IN 75 CITIES WORLDWIDE Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 PRESIDENT: Brigade General SANTIAGO MAURO NGUEMA WRITING JUDGE: Ship's Captain VICENTE EYA OLOMO PANEL JUDGES: Ship's Captain ROBERTO MBA NDONG Colonel RAFAEL MBA ESENGUI Colonel BENITO ALOGO ASUMU Filed 07/18/12 Page 45 of 57 Page ID #:596 SENTENCE: In the City of Bata, on the twenty-third day of February two thousand four. The Military Court meeting to hear and decide on Summary Proceeding Number 1/2004, of the Temporary Military Court against defendants CIPRIANO NGUEMA MBA, former Lieutenant Colonel of the Land Army; GERMAN PEDRO TOMO (a) MAYO, Member of Parliament of the Chamber of Representatives of the People; MARCELINO MBA OVONO (a) DJUDJU; CELSO MBA ESONO, former Corporal of the National Police; LUIS NTUTUMU OBIANG (a) BERNY, forty six years of age, married, son of Luis Obiang Ntutumu and Susana Obono Osono, originally from Engong Oyek in the District of Akonibe and Province of Wele Nzas, a Businessman currently residing in the neighborhood of Mbangan in this City of Bata; SALVADOR ONDO NGUEMA, twenty five years of age, unmarried, son of Jose Nguema and Teresa Bela, originally from Esongosi Ncodjein, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas; former Second Lieutenant of the Land Army; JUAN NDONG MBA (a) TOHOTO, thirty two years of age, married, son of Ramon Mba Ndong and Gertrudis Ayene, originally from Esongosi Ncodjein, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former Lieutenant of the National Guard; DANIEL MBA ONDO, forty three years of age, married, son of Luis Ondo and Luisa Mibuy, originally from Aconekien Esaguong, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former Captain of the Land Army; GERMAN MBA MBA, twenty eight years of age, married, son of Ramon Mba and Gertrudis Ayene, originally from Esongesi Ncodjein, District of Mongomo, former Corporal of the National Police; DIOSDADO NCOGO ASUMU, thirty nine years of age, married, son of Juan Asumu Sima and Delfina Abaga, originally from Esongosi Ncodjein, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former Corporal of the National Police; DANIEL OBAMA OBIANG (a) OKAN, thirty seven years of age, married, son of Obiang Ngomo and Maria Abaga, originally from Akoacam Esengui, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former Second Lieutenant of the National Police; DIEGO ECUA OBIANG, twenty three years of age, married, son of Bonifacio Obiana Sima and Consuelo Nchama, originally from Esongosi Ncodjein, District of Montomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former Corporal of the Navy; FELICIANO MIKO BIBANG, fifty four years of age, married, originally from [Nebas] Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 46 of 57 Page ID #:597 dA Yevam, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, Second Lieutenant of the Land Army, Retired; ALFONSO MILAM NGUEMA, fifty one years of age, married, son of Antonio Mguema and Teodora Efua, originally from Byameyong Esawong, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former Second Lieutenant of the Land Army; FERNANDO OBAMA NSUE, thirty years of age, unmarried, son of Nicanol Nsue and Ededegue, originally from Ocas Esong, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former Private in the Land Army; MIGUEL ASU MESIE, twenty seven years of age, married, son of Miguel Mesie and Juanita Eyang Ndong, originally from Acamasi Obuk, District of Akonibe and Province of Wele Nzas, former Private in the Land Army; BENJAMIN MARIA MBA, thirty seven years of age, married, son of Acacio Nguema and Juanita Eyenga, originally from Bibas Ncodjein, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former Sergeant of the Land Army; MARCELINO ONA NTUTUMU OBONO, twenty five years of age, married, son of Alberto Ntutumu and Inmaculada Obono, originally from Esongosi Ncodjein, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former Private in the Land Army; FELIPE NDONG MIA, forty one years of age, married, son of Felipe Ndong and Anastasia Miaha, original form Ecuat Yefem, District of Kogo and Province of Litoral, former Brigade Commander of the Land Army; FRANCISCO EDU MICHA, thirty five years of age, married, son of Marcelino Micha and Filomena Efua, originally from Nsangayong Esengui, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, Driver, with residence in the neighborhood of Acacio Mene in this capital city of Litoral; REGINALDO ONDO NGUEMA, twenty two years of age, unmarried, son of Samuel Nguema and Purita Abang, originally from Esongosi Ncodjein, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, Second Mate of the Navy; JOSE ANTONIO MBA NGUEMA (a) PAPI, twenty years of age, married, son of Cipriano Nguema and Candida Oyana, originally from Esongosi Ncodjein, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former corporal of the Land Army; FELIX NSUE MBA (a) NENIN, twenty seven years of age, married, son of Felix Mba and Bibiana Obono, originally from Asokmedjen Yebivain, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former Corporal of the National Police; EMILIO NDONG NGUEMA OBONO, twenty four years of age, unmarried, son of Daniel Ondo and Gloria Obono, originally from Necak Obuk, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former Recruit of the Military Academy of Ekuku; EMILIO NDONG NGUEMA OYANA, nineteen years of age, unmarried, son of Emiliano Ndong and Candida Oyana, originally from Esongosi Ncodjein, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former Recruit of the Military Academy of Ekuku; JESUS TOMAS ABESO ANDEME, thirty four years of age, married, son of Jesus Maria Abeso and Veronica Andeme, originally from Oveng Okas, District of Mongomo and Province of ..//.. Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 47 of 57 Page ID #:598 -3Wele Nzas, former First Agent of the National Police; FELIX NTUTUMU ABESO EYANG, thirty seven years of age, married, son of Sixto Abeso and Monserrat Eyang, originally from Etom Onvang, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former Private of the Land Army; MARIA NIEVES AVOMO ABAGA, twenty six years of age, unmarried, daughter of Jesus Abaga Nsue and Maria Avomo, originally from Esongosi Ncodjein, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former Private of the Land Army; JUAN MBA NGUEMA, twenty four years of age, married, son of Samuel Nguema and Guadalupe Angue, originally from Esongosio Ncodjein, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former Recruit of the Military Academy of Ekuku; AFRODISIO MBA NDONG, forty one years of age, married, son of Agustin Mba and Pilar Oyema, originally from Ncum Oyek, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former Brigade Chief of the Land Army; ESTANISLAO MICHA NGUEMA, forty five years of age, married, son of Julian Nguema and Teresa Bilogo, originally from Engong Oyek, District of Aconibe and Province of Wele Nzas, a businessman currently residing in this city of Bata Litoral; ANTONIO OBAMA BIYOGO, thirty three years of age, married, son of Eugenio Biyogo and Casilia Nsang, originally from Engong, Esansop, District of Aconibe and Province of Wele Nzas, former Navy Ensign; ANTONIO NDONG ONDO, twenty three years of age, married, son of Acacio Ondo Abeso and Apolonia Bindang, originally from Mecak Obuk, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, Corporal of the Land Army; FAUSTINO ELA OBIANA (a) VAMPIRO, fifty years of age, married, son of Juan Obiang Miki and Francisca Oyana, originally from Engong Oyek, District of Aconibe and Province of Wele Nzas, government official in the capacity of Chief Inspector of Administration and Council of Carriers of the Port of Bata; FLORENCIO ONDO MENGUE, thirty eight years of age, married, son of Luis Ondo and Flora Mengue, originally from Aconekien Esaguong, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former soldier as well as First Agent of the National Police; DANIEL MBA NCOGO, twenty nine years of age, unmarried, son of Mariano Ncogo and Maria Andeme, originally from Olumten Okas, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former Private of the Land Army; JUAN NGUA ECORO, twenty years of age, unmarried, son of Alfonso Ecoro and Maria Carmen Oye, originally from Ecowong, Ansok, District of Bata and Province of Litoral, former Private of the Land Army; WENCESLAO OVONO OBAMA (a) CHACHA, thirty five years of age, married, son of Cristobal Obama Ncogo and Gloria Abeme Mefiana, originally from Ovengasi, Esangui, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, a Businessman by trade; ANGEL OBAMA ESONO (a) OBUN, thirty years of age, married, son of Bonifacio Esono and Anastasia Ifumu, originally from Esongosi Ncodjein, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, unemployed; Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 48 of 57 Page ID #:599 El ANDRES PEDRO EDU EDU, thirty eight years of age, married, son of Andres Edu and Delfina Nchama, originally from Engong Oyek, District of Aconibe and Province of Wele Nzas, former Brigade Chief of the National Police; FLORENCIO ESONO MBA, thirty eight years of age, married, son of Ramon Mba and Cristina Obono, originally from Esongosi Ncodjein, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former Air Force Private; IGNACIO MOTOGO NDONG, thirty one years of age, married, son of Pascual Ondo and Beatriz Ayetebe, originally from Esongosi Ncodjein, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former First Class Policeman; WENCESLAO MBA NDONG, twenty seven years of age, unmarried, son of Braulio Ndong and Regina Mengue, originally from Abam Yebecon, District of Anisok and Province of Wele Nzas, unemployed; ALBERTO MICHA MBA (a) ANDEKE, thirty years of age, married, son of Felipe Mba and Bibiana Obono, originally from Asokmedjim Yebivain, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, Forestry Inspector assigned to the Ecofak Project; POLICARPO MONSUY MBA, sixty years of age, married, son of Lucas Mba and Veronica, originally from Ntoayop Esengui, District of Nsork, Province of Wele Nzas, Commander of the Land Army, Retired; INOCENCIO NGOMO ONDO, fifty one years of age, married, son of Domingo Ondo and Benita Obono, originally from Acockam Esengui, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, Rear Admiral of the Navy; JESUS NVONO NGOMO, forty six years of age, married, son of Valentin Nvono and Marta Ekua, originally from Acoacam Esengui, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, Lieutenant Colonel in the National Police; PANCRACIO NGUEMA EKUA, forty four years of age, married, son of Eusebio Ekua and Consuelo Efiri, originally from Alum Esawong, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, Colonel of the Land Army; FRANCISCO MBA MENDAMA (a) EFEPULE, forty seven years of age, married, son of Agustin Mendama and Teresa Mengue, originally from Ayene Esabok, District of Micomiseng, Lieutenant Colonel of the Air Force; ANTONIO FERNANDO NIE NGU, fifty six years of age, married, son of Fernando and Luisa, originally from Akonibe Obuk, same district and Province of Wele Nzas, State Minister of Education and Science; TADEO ABONA ONDO, twenty seven years of age, married, son of Guillermo Ondo and Cristina Eyenga, originally from Esongosi Ncodjein, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former Private of the Land Army; ELIAS OVONO NGUEMA, forty two years of age, married, son of Fernando and Adela Nfono, originally from Mesama Esabain, District of Ebebiyin and Province of Kie Ntem, Member of Parliament in the Chamber of Representatives of the People; ANGEL NDONG ANDEME, forty two years of age, married, son of Daniel Ndong and Maria Andeme, originally from Nquini Onvang, .///... Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 49 of 57 Page ID #:600 -5District of Ebebiyin and Province of Kie Ntem, Economist connected to the Banco BEAC in this capital of Litoral; LUCIANO ONDO BITEGUE (a) PUNTY, thirty two years of age, married, son of Luciano Bitegue and Sinforosa Bindang, originally from Abama Yebivain, District of Nsork and Province of Wele Nzas, member of the Presidential Security Force residing in this capital of Litoral; ANTONIO OKURU OVONO, twenty three years of age, unmarried, son of Marcelino Ovono and Guadalupe Bindang, originally from Melen Ncodjein, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former Private of the Land Army; SILVESTRE NDUMU EYA OCOMO, sixty four years of age, a widower, son of Senador Eya and Catalina Ocomo, originally from Esong Djimi, District of Aconibe and Province of Wele Nzas, a security guard; FLORENCIO ELA BIBANG, forty five years of age, married, son of Bernardo Bibagna and Carmen Nohama, originally from Ncoagan Esawong, District of Mongomo and Province of Wele Nzas, former Lieutenant Colonel of the Land Army; and DEMETRIO BOSEPA SOLEBAPA, thirty eight years of age, married, son of Mario Bosepa and Ana Solebapa, originally from Santiago de Baney, Province of Bioko Norte, Commander in the Navy, respectively; some of whom are free on probation and others of whom are held in prison pending trial, for the crimes of ATTACKS AGAINST NATIONAL SECURITY, FRAUD, NEGLIGENCE AND RESISTANCE TO THE ARMED FORCES; the Investigating Judge, having set forth the result thereof, the Prosecutor and Defense attorneys having been heard, and defendants CIPRIANO NGUEMA MBA, GERMAN PEDRO TOMO (a) MAYO, MARCELINO MBA OVONO (a) DJUDJU, CELSO MBA ESONO and ANTONIO FERNANDO NVE NGU being absent and the remaining defendants present.--------------------------------FIRST FINDING: Whereas the then Lieutenant Colonel of the Land Army and Paymaster General of the Armed Forces and Continental State Security CIPRIANO NGUEMA MBA, with his ambitious and diabolical aspirations attempted to change the current Government of Equatorial Guinea through a Coup d'Etat. For said purposes he sent various documentary requests through the then Inspector General of the Armed Forces, AGUSTIN NDONG ONA, through the Armory facilities to military personnel of the Senior Staff under the command of said individual as well as the arms and munitions staff. That allegation was dismissed by the General Director of Logistics of the Ministry of the Defense as he considered it incorrect, as noted from the documents filed under folios 201 and 202 of this proceeding. Whereas the above named CIPRIANO NGUEMA MBA, to carry out his ambitions of a coup d'etat made contact with politicians who were going to support him in .///I.... ~r ~ r Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 50 of 57 Page ID #:601 those operations, as well as military commanders such as Honorable Member of Parliament GERMAN PEDRO TOMO (a) MAYO, who told CIPRIANO NGUEMA MBA that he would provide the amount of FIFTY MILLION (50,000,000) CFA FRANCS for said operations, as well as satellite telephones that could be used as a means of communication during the operations, and an airplane; and that he contacted some Lebanese expatriates for said purpose. MARCELINO MBA OVNO (a) DJUDJU informed CIPRIANO NGUEMA MBA of his active participation in the planned coup; Retired Commander of the Land Army POLICARPO MONSUY MBA, in his meeting with CIPRIANO NGUEMA MBA, told him that His Excellency, the President of the Republic, in his last tour was interviewed by reporters from a channel from England. They asked him about the existence of poverty in Equatorial Guinea, and the Head of State responded that there was no poverty in Equatorial Guinea, but rather destitution, when really destitution is worse than poverty. The same POLICARPO MONSUY MBA delivered, to the dissatisfaction of the Troop, delivered the amount of ONE MILLION (1,000,000) CFA FRANCS to First Class Private of the Land Army IGNACIO ASEKO NGUEMA, who was then the Military Paymaster for this district of Bata, as a loan to the officers of the military—and the amounts loaned would later de credited at a 30 % discount to obtain benefits from same. Proof of said facts is contained in the files of this proceeding. ELIAS OVONO NGUEMA declared that the acts of Parliament are simply theatrical and ineffective. Another contact of the Minister of State for Education and Science, the Honorable ANTONIO FERNANDO NVE NGU, informed CIPRIANO NGUEMA MBA of his support due to the lack of decision on the part of the President of the Republic. He showed him the evidence that was published in the General State Budget for the year 2002; after it had been approved by all the Bodies of Government it was denied by the Prime Minister and Head of Government and the General Treasurer. He also was in contact with military commanders such as Rear Admiral INOCENCIO NGOMO ONDO, Colonel PANCRACIO NGUEMA EKUA, Lieutenant Colonels JESUS NVONO NGOMO, FLORENCIO ELA BIBANG, and FRANCISCO MBA MENDAMA (a) EFEPULE. During their conversation, this last individual named provided CIPRIANO with the information on the location of the greatest number of arms in the City of Mongomo.---------------------------------------------------SECOND FINDING. The above-named CIPRIANO NGUEMA MBA, in order to carry out the coup, was in contact with military officials, junior officials, classes and troops, as well as former military officers such as Land Army Captain DANIEL MBA ONDO, National Guard Lieutenant JUAN NDONG MBA (a) TOHOTO, Land Army Ensign SALVADOR ONDO NGUEMA, Navy Ensign ANTONIO OBAMA BIYOGO, Land Army Brigade Commander FELIPE NDONG MIA, .////.... Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 51 of 57 Page ID #:602 de Brigade Commander of the National Police, ANDRES PEDRO EDU EDU, Army Sergeant BENJAMIN MARIA MBA, Corporal of the National Police GERMAN MBA, FELIX NGUE MBA, DIOSDADO NCOGO ASUMU, ANTONIO NDONGO ONDO, CEISO MBA ESONO, JOSE ANTONIO MBA NGUEMA, Navy Corporal DIEGO EKUA OBIANG, Former Army Second Lieutenant ALFONSO MILAM NGUEMA, Privates of the same Force TADEO ABONA ONDO, JUAN NGUA EKORO, MARIA NIEVES AVOMO ABAGA, FELIX NTUTUMU ABESO, DANIEL MBA NCOGO, MARCELINO ONDO NTUTUMU, MIGUEL ASU MESIE, FERNANDO OBAMA NSUE, Agents of the National Police FLORENCIO ONA MENGUE, JESUS TOMAS ABESO ANDEME, Air Force Private FLORENCIA ESONO MBA, Navy Seaman Second Class REGINALDO ONDO NGUEMA, Policeman First Class IGNACIO MTOGO NDONG, former Chief of the National Police, DANIEL OBAMA OBIANO OKAN, former Army Brigade Commander AFRODISIO MBA NDONG, Army Second Lieutenant, retired, FELICIANO MIKO BIBANG and the Recruits from the Military Academy of Ekuku EMILIO NDONG NGUEMA OBNO, JUAN MBA MENGUE, EMILIO NDONG NGUEMA OYANA; none of whom informed their Chiefs of the attempted coup; CIPRIANO NGUEMA MBA likewise was in contact with LUIS NTUTUMU OBIANG BERNY, who was one of the other operators of the planned coup; FAUSTINO ELA OBIANG, ALBERTO MICHA MBA ANDEKE and WENCESLAO MBA NDONG, who even though they are civilians did not inform the competent Authorities. With respect to ESTANISLAO MICHA NGUEMA, he was informed of the situation that was to occur by his cousin LUIS NTUTUMU OBIANG BERNY, and also failed to inform the Authorities. During the investigations the former Army Lieutenant Colonel FLORENCIO ELA BIBANG threatened the Process Server with a weapon at the time of his requirement. THIRD FINDING: That in view of the failure of the plans of CIPRIANO NGUEMA MBA, after collecting the amount of THREE HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED SIXTY SEVEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE (355,867,765) CFA FRANCS from the Public Treasury for the work of the Military personnel of the Continental Region, he divided part of said sum to his followers and the rest he embezzled, delivering the amount of (30,630,900) CFR FRANCS to Spanish citizen Mr. CANU to be sent to his personal account in Spain. All of these facts are set forth in the statements of witnesses and have not been refuted in the above proceeding. That Navy Commander and Director of the Military Academy of Ekuku, DEMETRIO BOSEPA SOLEBAPA, having contacted the Academy Officers of the Change of Guard on December sixth two thousand three, which date was set as the date for the coup d'etat, did not take any measures against /////..... ;r r Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 52 of 57 Page ID #:603 -8- them with regards to this change in service without his consent, despite the fact that he had been informed Inspector General Air Force Colonel of the attention to be made by this Command in its Unit on that day. That former Army Private ANTONIO OKURU OVONO, who, knowing that the employee of the Banco BEAC, ANGEL NDONG ANDEME together with MARCELINO MBA OVONO were part of the planned coup led by CIPRIANO NGUEMA MBA, opted to demand that ANGEL NDONG ANDEME pay the amount of 1,000,000 CFA FRANCS, stating that in the event he did not make that payment he (Okuru Ovono) would denounce him (Ndong Andeme) of knowing of the planned coup. When he (Ndong Andeme) stated that he could not pay the full amount at that time, and delivered the amount of 500,000 CFA FRANCS, to keep him (Okuru Ovono) would not make that accusation. That LUCIANO ONDO BITEGUE PUNTY who is part of the Presidential Security guard, knowing of the planned coup d'etat planned by the oft mentioned CIPRIANO NGUEMA MBA did not inform his superiors of same, but simply drew the attention of his superiors to the detention of LUIS NTUTUMU OBIANG BERNY, which fact led to his decision to flee. The so-called WENCESLAO OVONO OBAMA CHACHO acted in a like manner, acting as the liaison with those planning the coup d'etat planned and discussed herein. FOURTH FINDING: That these facts have been proven by the Military Court. FIFTH FINDING: That the Public Prosecutor in its preliminary conclusions that were made permanent found that the facts set forth above constitute the crimes of ATTACKS AGAINST NATIONAL SECURITY in the form of ATTEMPTED REBELLION which is described and penalties set forth in Article 286 -1 s` and 2nd 287, 288, 289, 290 and 291 of the Code of Military Justice; MAJOR FRAUD which is typified and sanctioned in Article 403-2 nd RESISTANCE TO THE ARMED FORCES 309 and , , 310; and NEGLIGENCE pursuant to Article 391-1 5`, all of the Code of Military Justice; and requested that the defendant CIPRIANO NGUEMA MBA as guilty of the crimes of REBELLION and FRAUD be sentenced to SPECIAL IMPRISONMENT FOR LIFE as accordance with Articles 287 and 288 of the Code of Military Justice, and to pay the fine of FIVE HUNDRED MILLION (500,000,000) CFA FRANCS to be deposited to the Public Treasury. That the co-defendants guilty of Rebellion be sentenced to IMPRISONMENT FOR TWENTY YEARS with permanently discharged from military service in accordance with Article 290 of the Code of Military Justice; and the accomplices of the crime of Rebellion be sentenced to TEN YEARS OF MILITARY IMPRISONMENT and permanently discharged from service, in accordance with Article 290 of the same legal text; that those guilty of covering up the crime be sentenced to SIX YEARS OF IMPRISONMENT with the corresponding accessory legal consequences; and those guilty of the crime of FRAUD be condemned to THREE YEARS OF MILITARY PRISON; //////..... EXHIBIT PAGE ..~_ . 1______ Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 53 of 57 Page ID #:604 -9that those guilty of the crime of NEGLIGENCE be ordered to FOUR YEARS OF IMPRISONMENT, Article 391 of the Code of Military Justice; and those guilty of the crime of RESISTANCE TO THE ARMED FORCES be sentenced to FOUR YEARS OF IMPRISONMENT pursuant to Articles 309 and 310 of the Code of Military Justice, all with credit for the time served in preventive imprisonment. As civil liability the defendant CIPRIANO NGUEMA MBA shall restitute the amounts the amounts object of FRAUD to the Public Treasury, in the amount of THREE HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED SIXTY SEVEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE (355,867,765) CFA FRANCS. SIXTH FINDING: The Defender of defendants ELIAS OVONO NGUEMA, POLICARPO MONSUY MBA and ANGEL NDONG ANDEME in his provisional conclusions which were made permanent, stated his complete disagreement with the provisional conclusions entered by the Public Prosecutor, stating that they were completely unrelated to his defendants and further indicating that no liability of any kind should be found against his clients. He requested that his clients be completely absolved. The Defender of defendant FRANCISCO MBA MENDAMA EFEPULE in his provisional conclusions that were made permanent stated his disagreement with the Public Prosecutor and requested that his client be fully absolved. The Defender of defendants ESTANISLAO MICHA NGUEMA and DANIEL OBAMA OBIANG OKAN in his provisional conclusions that were made permanent stated his complete disagreement with the Public Prosecutor. He further demonstrated with respect to the defendant ESTANISLAO MICHA NGUEMA that his client had suffered a theft of EIGHT MILLION THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND (8,300,000) CFA FRANCS at the time of his arrest, plus SIX HUNDRED (600) EUROS and the case that held all of his documentation, which should be returned as they bear no relation of any kind with the alleged acts. He therefore requested that his client be completely absolved. The Defender of LUCIANO ONDO BITEGUE PUNTY in his provisional conclusions that were made permanent stated his complete disagreement with all the sections presented by the Public Prosecutor, stating that his client could not have been guilty of a cover up in accordance with the terms of Article 8 paragraph 11 of the Criminal Code with regard to Article 186-11th of the Code of Military Justice, and requested that his client be fully absolved. The Defender of JESUS NVONO NGOMO, DANIEL MBA ONDO, ESTANISLAO MICHA NGUEMA, ANTONIO [illegible], DIOSDADO NCOGO ASUMU, SILVESTRE NDUMU [illegible] in his provisional conclusions which were made permanent stated his partial agreement with the four sections of the Public Prosecutor, and requested that his clients [illegible] MBA ONDO, DIOSDADO NCOGO ASUMU, JESUS [illegible] and ANTONIO OBAMA be reduced to 1/3 of the sentence, and that with regard to his client ESTANISLAO MICHA NGUEMA that the Court 1 / Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 54 of 57 Page ID #:605 -10in considering the content of Article 200 of the current Code of Military Justice; He likewise requested that SILVESTRE NDUMU EYA OKOMO be fully absolved. The Defendant of DEMETRIO BOSEPA SOLEBAPA, BENJAMIN MARIA MBA, FLORENCIO ONDO NGUEMA, ANDRES PEDRO EDU EDU, REGINALDO ONDO NGUEMA, MIGUEL ASU MESIE, SALVADOR ONDO NGUEMA, and ANTONIO OKURU OVONO in his provisional conclusions that were made permanent stated his agreement with the first, second and third sections of the Public Prosecutor, appreciating the circumstances that change of the original liability, paragraphs 5 th and 7th of Article 186 of the Code of Military Justice, and requested that his client DEMETRIO BOSEPA SOLEBAPA be completely absolved and once again incorporated in his position of service; that the sentence entered against his clients BENJAMIN MARIA MBA, SALVADOR ONDO NGUEMA be reduced to FOUR YEARS OF IMPRISONMENT and the rest to ONE YEAR OF IMPRISONMENT. The Defender of PANCRACIO NGUEMA EKUA, FIORENCIO ELA BIBANG, JUAN NDONG MBA TOHOTO, LUIS NTUTUMU OBIANG BERNY, GERMAN MBA MBA, WENCESLAO MBA NDONG, ANGEL OBAMA ESONO, AFRODISIO MBA NDONG, LORENZO ESONO MBA, EMILIO NDONG NGUEMA, ALFONSO MILAM NGUEMA, FELICIANO MIKO BIBANG, FAUSTINO ELA OBIANG, ANTONIO NDONG ONDO, IGNACIO MOTOGO NDONG, DANIEL MBA NCOGO, FELIX NTUTUMU ABESO and FERNANDO OBAMA N[S]UE, in his provisional conclusions that were made permanent stated his partial agreement with the Public Prosecutor, considering paragraphs 7 th and 9th of Article 186 of the Code of Military Justice as modifying circumstances of the criminal liability; and he requested that his clients PANCRACIO NGUEMA EKUA, FAUSTINO ELA OBIANG AND WENCESLAO MBA NDONG be completely absolved; that FAUSTINO ELA OBIANG be held in Military Arrest for THREE MONTHS for irregularities with the Instruction; that the sentence entered against GERMAN MBA MBA, ANGEL OBAMA ESONO, FELICIANO MIKO BIBANG, ALFONSO MILAM NGUEMA, ANTONIO NDONG ONDO, FELIX NTUTUMU ABESO, DANIEL MBA NCOGO, IGNACIO MOTOGO NDONG, EMILIO NDONG NGUEMA, FERNANDO OBAMA NSUE AND AFRODISIO MBA NDONG be reduced by 70%; that the sentence entered against LUIS NTUTUMU OBIANG BERNY and JUAN NDONG MBA TOHOTO be reduced by 50%. The Defender of MARCELINO ONA NTUTUMU, FELIPE NDONG MIA, TADEO ABONA ONDO, FRANCISCO EDU MICHA, JOSE MARIA MBA NGUEMA, FELIX NSUE MBA, DIEGO EKUA OBIANG, ALBERTO MICHA MBA, MARIA NIEVES AVOMO, EMILIO NDONG NGUEMA, JESUS TOMAS ABESO and WENCESLAO OVONO OBAMA in his provisional conclusions which were made permanent agreed with the Public Prosecutor, considering the modifying circumstances for criminal liability in paragraphs 7 th and 9th of Article 186 of the Code of Military Justice, and request that the sentences entered against his clients be reduced by half, and that defendant INOCENCIO NGOMO ONDO, without procedural request. EXH1BITL. PAGE E2 Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 55 of 57 Page ID #:606 -11WHEREAS the facts set forth in the foregoing Results of this Sentence, and according to the opinion of the sentencing Court which after carefully examining the facts during the oral hearing found that the facts set forth above constitute the crimes of ATTACKS ON NATIONAL SECURITY in its form of an attempted REBELLION which is described with the penalties for same in Articles 286-1 st and 2nd , 287, 288, 289, 290 and 291 of the Code of Military Justice; FRAUD which is set forth with the respective penalties in Article 403-2" d of the same Legal Text, in concordance with Article 402 of the Criminal Code currently in effect which textually states as follows: The Public Official who directly or indirectly demands greater rights than those that are stated by reason of his title shall be punished, without prejudice to the repayments which he may be required to make for any other concept, with a file of four times the amount demanded; and FRAUD as set forth with the penalties for same in Article 528 of the Criminal Code. WHEREAS those responsible for said crimes are the following: those who commit the crimes of attempted REBELLION and FRAUD, the defendant CIPRIANO NGUEMA MBA; as likewise guilty of the crime of REBELLION defendants GERMAN PEDRO TOMO MAYO, LUIS NTUTUMU OBIANG BERNY, MARCELINO MBA OVONO DJUDJU, and CELSO MBA ESONO. As accomplices defendants SALVADOR ONDO NGUEMA, JUAN NDONG MBA TOHOTO, DANIEL MBA ONDO, GERMAN MBA MBA, DIOSDADO NCOGO ASUMU, DANIEL OBAMA OBIANG OKAN, DIEGO EKUA OBIANG, FELICIANO MIKO BIBANG, ALFONSO MILAM NGUEMA, FERNANDO OBAMA NSUE, MIGUEL ABU MESIE, BENJAMIN MARIA MBA, MARCELINO ONA NTUTUMU, FELIPE NDONG MIA, FRANCISCO EDU MICHA, REGINALDO ONDO NGUEMA, JOSE ANTONIO MBA NGUEMA and FELIX NSUE MBA NENIN; and for the cover up the defendants EMILIO NDONG NGUEMA OBONO, EMILIO NDONG NGUEMA OTANA, JESUS TOMAS ABESO ANDENE, FELIX NTUTUMU ABESO, MARIA NIEVES AVOMO ABAGA, JUAN MBA NGUEMA, AFRODISIO MBA NDONG, ESTANISLAO MICHA NGUEMA and ANTONIO OBAMA BIYOGO; as guilty of the crime of FRAUD defendant ANTONIO OKURU OVONO. WHEREAS, sections 5th, 8th and 9th of Article 187 of the Code of Military Justice must be considered in appreciating certain circumstances that modify criminal liability, as well as the special aggravating circumstance of 194/4 th of the same Body of Law. WHEREAS, any person who is criminally responsible for a crime or omission is also civilly criminal under the terms of Article 202 of the Code of Military Justice. WHEREAS, the time served in preventive arrest by the criminal during the course of this proceeding shall be fully credited against the sentences of imprisonment, Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 56 of 57 Page ID #:607 ... N ... -12as if it had been fully served in accordance with the provisions of Article 217 of the above cited Legal Text. WHEREAS, the Military Court will consider the proofs provided in accordance with their rational criteria, under the provisions of Article 787 of the Code of Military Justice. WHEREAS Articles 187, 194-4`h, 202, 217, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 405-2 nd , 787 of the Code of Military Justice; 402 and 528 of the current Criminal Code and other concordant general provisions, this Court ORDER: That we must and we do hereby order the defendant CIPRIANO NGUEMA MBA, guilty of the crimes of attempted REBELLION and FRAUD, to THIRTY YEARS OF SPECIAL IMPRISONMENT IN ITS MAXIMUM FORM, with a fine of 1,423,466,850 CFA FRANCS to be deposited to the Public Treasury, as well as confiscation of his real properties and vehicles and special properties. That we must and we do hereby order the defendants GERMAN PEDRO TOMO MAYO, LUIS NTUTUMU OBIANG BERNY, MARCELINO MBA OVONO DJUDJU AND CELSO MBA ESONO as also guilty of the crime of attempted REBELLION to TWENTY YEARS AND ONE DAY OF SPECIAL IMPRISONMENT as well as order the confiscation of the airplane and portable satellite telephones which were provided by the defendant GERMAN PEDRO TOMO MAYO. That we must and we do hereby find defendants SALVADOR ONDO NGUEMA, JUAN NBONG MBA TOHOTO, DANIEL MBA ONDO, DIOSDADO NCOGO ASUMU, DANIEL OBAMA OBIANG OKAN, DIEGO EKUA OBIANG, FELICIANO MIKO BIBANG, ALFONSO MILAM NGUEMA, FERNANDO OBAMA NGUE, MIGUEL ASU MESIE, BENJAMIN MARIA MBA, MARCELINO ONA MTUTUMU, FELIPE NDONG MIA, FRANCISCO EDU MICHA, REGINALDO ONDO NGUEMA, JOSE ANTONIO MBA NGUEMA, AND FELIX NGUE MBA NENIN as accomplices to the crime of REBELLION, to TEN YEARS OF SPECIAL IMPRISONMENT. That we must and we do hereby find the defendants [illegible] ABESO, MARTA NIEVES AVOMO ABAGA, JUAN MBA [illegible], AFRODISIO MBA NDONG, ESTANISLAO MIORA NGUEMA and ANTONIO OBAMA BIYOGO who are guilty of covering up said crimes, to SIX YEARS OF IMPRISONMENT with the corresponding accessory legal requirements of permanent discharge from service, all credited with the time served in preventive arrest because of this proceeding. .11/... EXHIBIT PAGE ___-S--_ Case 2:11-cv-03582-GW-SS Document 56 Filed 07/18/12 Page 57 of 57 Page ID #:608 -13That we must and we do hereby absolve and find the defendants ANTONIO NDONG ONDO, FAUSTINO ELA OBIANG, FLORENCIO ONDO MENGUE, DANIEL MBA NCOGO, JUAN NGUA EKORO, WENCESLAO OVONO OBAMA CHACHO, ANGEL OBAMA ESONO OBUNU, ANDRES PEDRO [illegible], FIORENCIO ESONO MBA, IGNACIO MOTOGO NDONG, WENCESLAO MBA NDONG, ALBERTO MICHA MBA ANDEKE, POLICARPO MONSUY MBA, INOCENCIO NGOMO ONDO, JESUS NVONO NGOMO, PANCRACIO NGUEMA EKUA, FRANCISCO MBA MENDAMA EPEPULE, ANTONIO FERNANDO NVE NGU, ELIAS OVONO NGUEMA, ANGEL NDONG ANDEME, LUCIANO ONDO BITEGUE PUNTY, SILVESTRE NDUMU EYA, FLORENCIO ELA BIBANG AND DEMETRIO BOSEPA SOLEBAPA, not guilty of the acts claimed against them in this Sentence. We must and we do hereby order the defendant CIPRIANO NGUEMA MBA, as civil liability, to make restitution of the military payroll for the month of November of two thousand three in the amount of THREE HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED SIXTY SEVEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE (355,867,765) CFA FRANCS, corresponding to the Continental part. That we must and we do hereby order the defendant ANTONIO OKURU OVONO as criminally responsible for FRAUD, to EIGHT MONTHS OF IMPRISONMENT with credit given for time served in preventive arrest by reason of this proceeding. We declare, order and sign this Sentence. [five signatures] lM