to our bulletin advertisers! - St Therese of the Infant Jesue Catholic


to our bulletin advertisers! - St Therese of the Infant Jesue Catholic
Jesus the Son of Man, is on the road which leads to
his passion. Although his message jars the disciples’ expectations, he nevertheless strives to draw
them after him. Unwittingly, and often unwillingly,
they are to become messengers of a suffering Messiah..
“What were you discussing on the way home?”
Jesus must have observed their lack of perception.
They are arguing about who will be the greatest in
that temporal kingdom which they anticipate. Accustomed to humiliation, they dream of advancement to positions of prestige and power.
“You want to be first?” says Jesus, “Become the
last! You want to be great? Become small! You
want to be masters? Become servants!” This
paradox is based not on theoretical considerations
but on the concrete example which the suffering
servant himself never ceases to give.
And what do we discuss on the way home? Perhaps we too would be embarrassed if Jesus were to
question us. In speaking about what is closest to
our hearts, we reveal the depths of ourselves. You
dream of authority, of power? Ask yourself how
you will best serve others, how you will best help
those in need. So must it be with every Christian
eager to conform with Jesus.
Today’s second reading is part of a letter from
James the Apostle to a community of Christians
who are living in conflict. James offers advice and
counsel by contrasting human wisdom and heavenly wisdom. Human wisdom is limited and intertwined with our tendency to sinfulness; hence we
fall into strife, jealousy, immorality, and worse, all
resulting from our self-centered desires. Heavenly
wisdom, on the other hand, originates with God, so
it is pure, peaceable, merciful, and expressed in
good deeds. Following heavenly wisdom can lead
to the perfect happiness God desires for all of us.
None of us—even Jesus’ own disciples—are immune to the temptations of this world, such as
status, wealth, and power. In today’s Gospel, Jesus
urgently tells them about his impending suffering
and death; yet they ignore him and continue squabbling about who is the greatest among them! We
are sometimes like the disciples and the early
Christians James is writing to when we indulge in
behavior that contradicts who we say we are. When
we reproach the pastor, complain about the parish
staff or ministries, bicker and gossip, or withhold
money or service from our parish, we harm the
community of faith.
Yet every person in a parish who freely gives their time to a ministry, who regularly prays for fellow parishioners, who brings help
and comfort in times of need, who welcomes the poor and forgotten, and who gives generously to the offertory collection, is responding to heavenly wisdom.
It is these continuing and cumulative acts of generosity and
goodness that build up faith and strengthen the community. To
follow Christ is hard work, requiring commitment, perseverance,
and courage. Success in the Christian life is achieved by becoming
not the greatest, but the servant of all. The prize is life eternal.
Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
La segunda lectura de hoy es parte de una carta de Santiago
Apóstol a una comunidad de cristianos que vive en conflicto. Santiago recomienda y ofrece consejo a la vez que contrasta la sabiduría humana con la sabiduría divina. La sabiduría humana es
limitada y se entrecruza con nuestra tendencia a la maldad; de
ahí que caigamos en contiendas, celos, inmoralidad y cosas peores como resultado de nuestros deseos egoístas. La sabiduría divina, por otro lado, tiene su origen en Dios; por eso es pura, apacible y misericordiosa, y se manifiesta en las buenas obras. La sabiduría divina nos puede llevar a la felicidad que Dios quiere para
todos nosotros. Ninguno de nosotros—ni siquiera los mismos
discípulos de Jesús—somos inmunes a las tentaciones de este
mundo, tales como la posición social, la riqueza y el poder. En el
Evangelio de hoy Jesús le advierte a sus discípulos sobre su inminente sufrimiento y muerte, y sin embargo ellos lo ignoran ¡y continúan riñendo acerca de quién es el primero entre ellos! Algunas
veces, cuando nos encaprichamos en comportarnos de una manera que contradice lo que decimos ser, somos como los discípulos y
los primeros cristianos sobre los cuales escribe Santiago. Cuando
reprochamos al párroco, nos quejamos del personal de la parroquia o de los ministerios; cuando discutimos y chismorreamos, o
cuando evitamos dar dinero o un servicio a nuestra parroquia le
hacemos daño a la comunidad de fe. Más sin embargo, toda persona que da gratuitamente su tiempo a un ministerio, que ora regularmente por sus compañeros parroquianos, que brinda ayuda
y consuelo en los momentos de necesidad, que acoge a los pobres
y desamparados, y que da generosamente en la colecta del ofertorio es una persona guiada por la sabiduría divina. Cuando estas
acciones generosas y dadivosas son también constantes y acumulativas tienen como resultado una fe más edificante y una comunidad fortalecida. Seguir a Cristo conlleva empeño, requiere compromiso, perseverancia y valor. En la vida cristiana el éxito no se
mide por la grandeza, sino por estar al servicio de todos. El premio es la vida eterna. Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
St. Therese School has been fostering faith, service and learning
since 1947. We offer academic
programs for Pre-school to 8th
grade. Please consider remembering Saint Therese
School for scholarships…Help the work of a great
school live on.
Ten Prayers for Schools:
Pray for teachers and students who are unbelievers.
Pray for protection from alcohol, sex and violence.
Pray for the protection from hate, envy, jealousy,
greed and selfishness.
Pray for the teachers to experience God’s leadership
as they teach.
Pray for the school bus drivers and their riders.
Pray for the students to be able to withstand peerpressure.
Pray for the parents of the children who attend our
Pray that the students will have respect for
Pray for the student’s homes, that God will remove
violence and replace it with love.
Pray for the protection on the playgrounds and
during extra-curricular activities.
Have you ever wished that someone would listen
while you speak about your spiritual journey? Spiritual direction is the place for that to happen. It helps
set a direction in life so one is focused on God and
make choices that will help to “choose life”.
Sr. Geneal Kramer, OP, will be available to St.
Therese parishioners on alternate Thursday mornings and Friday afternoons to listen and accompany
you on your journey beginning on Sept. 10. To make
an appointment phone 505-615-3637 or e-mail at
[email protected].
St. Therese Parish Fiestas
October 2 - 4, 2015
Join us for weekly Fiesta Meeting. Our next one is
Wednesday, September 23rd, 6:00 PM in
Rectory Office
“Thank You” to our bulletin advertisers!
The advertisements pay for our bulletins.
Absolute Skylight & Construction 710-5634
Collections from September 13, 2015
Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,
& put your trust in the LORD.
Regular Sunday Collection
St. Vincent de Paul
School Support
$ 159.00
$ 123.00
Building Fund
$ 66.00
Church Boiler
Prayer Garden
$ 000.00
The Catholic Foundation
Second Collections: 1st. Sunday of the Month St. Therese
School, 2nd Sunday, St. Vincent de Paul, 3rd Sunday Building
Fund, 4th Sunday Utilities, 5th Sunday Misc. U.S. Catholic
Conference of Bishops Second Collections
Please Pray for the sick in Our Parish
Orlando Rodriguez, Daniel Vallejos, The Cortez Family, Theresa Hernandez, Rex Wilson, Gabriel Shooter Delgado, Joe Baca, Philip C ’de
Baca, Ermalinda Baca, Lois Wells, Abigail Delgado, Annette Vigil,
Vangie Jett, Nicholas Montoya, Candice de Mar, Albert Montano, Frank
Cortez, Ernest Sierra, Nasario Gutierrez, Walter Montoya, Amalia Castillo, Virginia Sena, Aaron Armijo, Joe Herrera, Renee Sandoval and for
those in hospitals and in their home who can’t attend
I Am:
My parish is composed of people like me.
I help make it what it is.
It will be friendly, if I am.
It will be holy, If I am.
Its pews will be filled, if I help fill them.
It will do great work, if I work.
It will be prayerful, if I pray.
It will make generous gifts to many causes,
if I am a generous giver.
It will bring others into worship,
if I invite and bring them.
It will be a parish of loyalty and love,
of fearlessness and faith, of compassion,
charity and mercy,
if I, who make it what it is,
am filled with these same things.
Therefore, with the help of God,
I now dedicate myself to the task of being
all things that I want my parish to be.
catholic communicator
Shrine of the Little Flower St. Therese of the Infant Jesus Parish • Albuquerque, NM
Sunday • September 20, 2015
Back to the Future Date Night • For married couples of
mixed Christian traditions • A dinner followed by a back-to-thefuture excursion of faith led by Msgr. Bennett J. Voorhies and
other inter-church couples • October
Recall and celebrate 6 • 6:30pm • The Catholic Center,
our unity in faith
4000 St. Joseph Place, NW, Albuquerque • To register, call Rose Garcia at 505-831-8243 or email Rose at [email protected].
Reservations on a first-come, first-serve basis.
and the fundamental teachings of Sacred Scripture to reveal
the most rewarding of human achievements - being a friend.
He takes the thoughts of the great philosopher Aristotle, the
Angelic Doctor St. Thomas Aquinas, and the sublime teachings of Jesus Christ to illustrate the nature and requirements of
true friendship. Great course for singles, marrieds and young
adults. Starts September 28 at 7pm ¶ Prince of Peace Catholic
Church, Albuquerque • No charge. This is a video course. Call
Kathy, 505-907-7255.
Listening Here! Introduction to the basic understanding of
hearing and listening. The levels of listening in various situations: silence, noise, community, difficult times, listening with
heart/soul/and obedience/attentiveness/devotion. Wednesdays,
Sept. 23-Oct. 7 from 6-pm at Lourdes Hall in Albuquerque.
Megan McKenna, Instructor. $10 course fee plus a book fee.
To register, call Rosalie 831-8179 or [email protected].
This weekend, through Sunday • Our
Lady of Sorrows in Bernalillo • Loretto
Park, 243 S. Camino del Pueblo. Free parking at the church.
Call 867-5252.
• For the following classes, register online at: or call Rosalie at
505-831-8179, or [email protected]. $10 fee.
Introduction to Scripture Saturdays, October 3, 10 & 17.
9am to 2pm. St. John’s, Santa Fe. Sr. Paula Gallagher
Introduction to Scripture Tuesdays, October 6-November 3 6:30-8:30pm. Lourdes Hall, ABQ. Dcn. Mike Wesley,
MTS, Instructor.
Thresholds Mentors Needed - Fall Training • The
Thresholds program assists men and women who are coming
out of prison and really want to make a positive change in their
lives. We need volunteers who can work together on teams
of 2-4 people to offer encouragement, advice, and practical
assistance to returning citizens. The only experience necessary is a caring heart, a generous spirit, and the belief that each
person has a God-given purpose to fulfill. The next mentor
training class will be held at Immaculate Conception Church
in Albuquerque on October 16 (5:30-8:30pm) and October 17,
(8:30am-6:00pm). For more information, or to register for this
class, contact Jean Bussemeier at the ASF: 505-831-8174.
46th Annual Rosary Rally • October 4 • Isotopes Park •
2pm • Celebrant and Homilist Most Rev. Archbishop John C.
Wester • Theme: Be Merciful, Just as your Father is Merciful. For more information, call Deacon Manuel, 344-3791.
“True Friendship: Where Virtue Becomes Happiness” •
Have you ever felt lonely, even when surrounded by people?
Do you feel like you are missing something important in your
friendships? You probably are. Professor John Cuddeback
deftly weaves together the age-old wisdom of the Greeks
*A privately owned working in conjunction with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe
St. Francis Xavier Fiesta, 820 Broadway SE, Albuquerque, September 25 from
4-7pm; Sept. 26 from 12 noon-7pm; Sept 27
from 12 noon-7pm. Join us for music, fun, games and great food.
Call 505-243-5201.
Please join us for our Disabilities Mass with Archbishop
John Wester on October 7, Sacred Heart Parish, Albuquerque, at 6pm. Please contact Josephine at 831-8174 or jwar@
Listening with the Heart is a retreat for Clergy and faith lead-
ers dealing with veterans, spouses and families and is sponsored
by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Office of Pastoral Outreach.
Presenters for this workshop/retreat include former combat veterans who are now clergy and Faith Leaders in our community.
The retreat will be held on Monday, November 2, at Sangre De
Cristo Bible Church located at 2076 Galisteo St. in Santa Fe
(87505), from 9am-4pm.. Contact Josephine, Pastoral Outreach
Office at (505) 831-8174 or [email protected].
Prison Reform Class at ICC (ABQ) •
You are invited to join Immaculate Conception Church’s Prison
Reform Ministry this fall by participating in a Prison Reform
class on Thursday evenings in the Guadalupe Rm at 619 Copper Ave NW, downtown ABQ. Classes will start on September
24 and will meet weekly through November 12. Call or email
Joy Dinaro, (505)247-4271 ext. 3034 / [email protected].
The Catholic Committee on Scouting for ASF (CCOS)
is pleased to announce the Annual Retreat for Scouting.
Albuquerque’s retreat is October 3, at Our Lady of Annunciation Parish. For information and to register visit: http:// or contact JoAnn Brennan - 505-473-2281.
Published by JCPress • [email protected] • 505-856-0333
Mass Intentions
Twenty– Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Matthew
September 21
Grant, O Lord, we may be
aided by the prayers of
blessed Matthew, the apostle
and evangelist: that what we
cannot obtain by our own
weakness, may be granted us
by his intercession.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
1 Tm 6: 13-16; Lk 8: 4-15
8:00 AM
4:00 PM
Special intentions of
Linda & Manuel Varela
By: Lydia Jaramillo
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Wis 2: 12, 17-20; Jas 3: 16—4:3; Mk 9: 30-37
8:00 AM
†Benedito Lopez By: Doris & family
†Paulino Acosta (Birthday)
By: Morales family
†Socorro y Juan Castillo
By: Familia Ramos Castillo
10:00 AM †Dominic Bellino By: Ona Bellino
†Albert Vallejos By: Wife Dolores & family
In Thanksgiving (favor received)
By: Ida Chavez
†Elvidio V. Diniz By: Family
12:00 PM †Fermin Sena & Albert Armijo
By: Graciel Armijo
†Joe & Chris Gabaldon By: Patricia Lucero
†Andres & Lucia Vigil By: Neyda Casaus
Special Intentions of Life Teen
Monday, September 21, 2015
Eph 4: 1-7, 11-13; Mt 9: 9-13
8:00 AM
Communion Service
All are invited to attend and Celebrate
Fiesta ‘s of St. Francis Xavier, 820 Broadway SE
Friday September 25th 4:00—7:00 PM, Saturday 26th 12:00—
7:00 PM and Sunday, September 27, 12:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.
There will be entertainment, food, and games. We hope to see
you there!
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Ezr 6: 7-8, 12b, 14-20; Lk 8: 19-21
8:00 AM
†Antonette Perea
By: Myrlin Perea
†Elena Dominguez (Birthday)
By: Camila Molina
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Ezr 9: 5-9; Lk 9: 1-6
8:00 AM Special intention & for the health
of Angela Cortez By: Family
†Stella Sedillo (4th Anniversary)
By: Gloria Martinez
Special intention of Tony Trujillo
(85th Birthday) By: Margaret Brasuel
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Hg 1: 1-8; Lk 9: 7-9
8:00 AM
†Marty Allen Duran (Birthday)
By: Mom & Dad
†Art, Audrey, & Stephen Brown
By: Marcia Brown
Friday, September 25, 2015
Hg 1: 1-8; Lk 9: 7-9
8:00 AM
†Valerie A. Cordova (2nd Anniversary)
By: Mom & Dad
Special intention of Carl By: Mom
For the health of Olga Varoz
By: Patricia Weathermen
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Zec 2: 5-9, 14-15a; Lk 9: 43b-45
8:00 AM
4:00 PM
†Andrew Esquibel (10th Anniversary)
& Greg Esquibel By: Val & Priscilla
†Trinie Sanchez (Birthday)
By: Erlinda Sanchez & Family
†Frank Concini By: Family
†Max Garcia (2nd Anniversary)
By: Sister Annie Acosta
†Maida Sandoval By: Eloy & Marie
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Nm11: 25-29; Jas5: 1-6; Mk 9: 38-43,45,47-48
8:00 AM
10:00 AM †Nicolas A. Baca By: Flora Baca & family
†Special intention of Isaiah Ortiz
By: Ortiz & Salazar families
†Isabelle Mora
By: Mr. & Mrs. Felipe Archuleta
†Betty Duran (1st Anniversary)
By: Mr. & Mrs. Felipe Archuleta
12:00 PM †Ernest Santistevan By: Family
†Charles M. Jenkins By: Cecilia Gutierrez
†Josephine Dominguez
By: Lorenzo & Paulie Perez
Special Intentions of Life Teen

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