The Bear Facts - Spring Branch ISD


The Bear Facts - Spring Branch ISD
The Bear Facts February 2012
Issue 4
Spring Branch Middle School ‐ PTA Leaping into 2012!
Calendar of Important Dates
February 2012 / Febrero de 2012
STAAR Testing (8th Grade Math) / la Prueba STAAR (Matemáticas de 8o grado)
STAAR Testing (6th, 7th, 8th Grade Reading) / la Prueba STAAR (Lectura de 6o , 7o , 8o grado)
UIL Clinic for Treble Choir—required for all members 3:45—5 pm/ Coro UIL Clinica del “Treble” 3:45—5:pm
Regional Choir Weekend/ Fin de Semana Coro Regional
Music Department Elementary Presentation for 5th Graders/Departamento de musica presentationario del elementario
para 5o grado
SBISD Founder’s Day (PTA) Event / SBISD Evento del Día del Fundador (PTA)
Choir Pre-UIL Contest @ SOMS after school/ Coro Pre-UILdespeus de la escuela
President’s Day (No School) / Día del Presidente (No hay clases)
STAAR Testing (8th grade Science) / la Prueba STAAR (Ciencias 8o grado)
STAAR Testing (8th grade Social Studies) / la Prueba STAAR (Estudios Sociales de 8o grado)
PTA Meeting 1pm MPR / Reunión de la PTA, a la 1 pm, en el MPR
March 2012/ Marzo de 2012
2 6 8-9
SBISD Crystal Awards 6:00pm (Hyatt Regency-Downtown)/ STAAR Testing (6th, 7th grade Math, Algebra & Geometry) / la Prueba STAAR (Matematicas, Algebra y Geometry, 6o y 7o grado ) Choir UIL Concert and Sight-reading Contest/ Coro UIL Concierto y
End Third Nine-Weeks Grading Period / Final del 3er periodo de calificaciones de nueve semanas Spring Break (No School) / Vacaciones de Primavera (No hay clases)
Choir Concert 6:30pm Auditorium / Concierto del Coro, a las 6:30 p.m., en el Auditorio
PTA Meeting 1pm MPR / Reunión de la PTA, a la 1 p.m., en el MPR
Spring Break
March 12—March 16
SBMS Office Phone: 713-251-4400
The Bear Facts Page 1
From the Principal Dr. Bryan Williams Happy New Year and Welcome Back!
We hope you and your family had a safe and enjoyable holiday season. We are now entering the testing
season at SBMS. Please be aware that Benchmark testing in all four core areas will begin in February.
The purpose of Benchmark testing is to identify strengths and weaknesses in our instructional program
in preparation for the upcoming STAAR testing. Benchmark testing will occur on the following dates:
8th Math (February 1)
6th, 7th, 8th Reading(February 2)
8th Science(February 23)
8th Social Studies(February 24)
6th, 7th Math, Algebra, & Geometry (March 6)
The State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) replaces the Texas Assessment of
Knowledge (TAKS), which is the criterion-referenced assessment program that has been in place since
2003. STAAR Math and Reading Testing for 8th graders and STAAR Reading Testing for 7th graders is
March 27 and 28. STAAR Testing for all grades will be April 24-27. End of Course Exams for Geometry
and Algebra begins May 7th. For more information on the STAAR assessment, please visit TEA’s website
In the last edition of the December Bear Facts, I mentioned I would provide specifics regarding our
new retesting practice which our CIT approved in November. Our revised retesting practice is aligned
with our Board policy which states, “A student shall be permitted a reasonable opportunity to retake a
test for which the student received a failing grade.” Listed below are specifics regarding our retesting
All students, including Pre-AP and GT students will have retest availability.
The retest will cover the same content of the original test.
The student may be required to attend a tutorial prior to retesting.
Only ONE retest opportunity will be allowed for each failed test.
If a student scores lower on the retest, the original test grade will stand.
The grade received for a retest will be no higher than 70.
All semester final exams are ineligible for retest.
Retest policies will be consistent among grade level teams and departments.
During the Winter Break, we said “Good-bye” to Kelly Kilgore, 6th grade math teacher. Kelly Kilgore was
recently married and made the decision to resign at the end of the first semester due to her husband
being relocated to Romania. I am pleased to announce the selection of Ms. Sarah Pullin as the new
addition to our math department. Ms. Pullin will serve as the new 6th grade math teacher and will
assume the duties and responsibilities of Mrs. Kilgore. Ms. Pullin is a graduate of Stratford High School
and Baylor University. Ms. Pullin comes to us highly recommended and will be a great addition to our
Finally, on behalf of the SBMS Faculty and Staff, we continue to wish you and your family health,
happiness and prosperity in the New Year!
The Bear Facts Page 2
Del Director Dr. Bryan Williams ¡Feliz Año Nuevo y Bienvenidos de Vuelta!
Esperamos que usted y su familia hayan tenido una temporada de días festivos segura y agradable. Estamos ahora
entrando a la temporada de exámenes en SBMS. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que los exámenes de Evaluación
Comparativa (Benchmark Test), en las cuatro áreas de contenido básico, comenzarán en febrero. El propósito de los
exámenes Benchmark (de Evaluación Comparativa) es identificar las fortalezas y debilidades en nuestro programa
instruccional, en preparación de nuestro próximo examen STAAR. Los exámenes Benchmark ocurrirán en las
siguientes fechas:
8o Matemáticas (1 de febrero)
6o, 7o, 8o Lectura (2 de febrero)
8o Ciencias (23 de febrero)
8o Estudios Sociales (24 de febrero)
6o, 7o Matemáticas, Álgebra y Geometría (6 de marzo)
La State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) reemplaza a la Texas Assessment of Knowledge
(TAKS), que es el programa de evaluación con referencia a un criterio que se ha establecido desde 2003. El examen
de Matemáticas y Lectura STAAR para los alumnos del 8o grado y el examen de Lectura STAAR para los alumnos
del 7o grado serán el 27 y 28 de marzo. El examen STAAR para todos los grados será el 24-27 de abril. Los exámenes
de fin de cursos para Geometría y Álgebra comienzan el 7 de mayo. Para más información sobre la evaluación
STAAR, visite por favor el sitio web de TEA, en
En la última edición Bear Facts de diciembre mencioné que daría detalles específicos relacionados con nuestra nueva
práctica de repetición de examen que aprobó el CIT en noviembre. Nuestra práctica de repetición de examen revisada
se alinea a nuestra política de la Junta Directiva que establece: "Un estudiante recibirá una oportunidad razonable de
repetir un examen que el estudiante haya reprobado". ” Abajo se encuentran enlistados los detalles específicos
relacionados con la práctica de repetición de examen:
Todos los estudiantes, incluyendo los estudiantes Pre-AP y GT tendrán disponibilidad de repetir exámenes.
La repetición de examen cubrirá el mismo contenido del examen original.
Es posible que se pida al estudiante que asista a una tutoría antes de repetir el examen.
Solamente se brindará UNA oportunidad para cada examen reprobado.
Si un estudiante obtiene una calificación más baja en la repetición de examen, se mantendrá la calificación
del examen original.
La calificación obtenida en la repetición del examen no será mayor que 70.
Todos los exámenes finales semestrales son inelegibles para repetición de examen.
Las políticas de repetición de examen serán consistentes entre los equipos y departamentos de nivel de grado.
Durante las vacaciones de invierno dijimos "Adiós" a Kelly Kilgore, maestra de matemáticas de 6o grado. Kelly Kilgore
se casó recientemente y tomó la decisión de renunciar al final del primer semestre, debido a que su esposo está siendo
reubicado en Rumania. Tengo el gusto de anunciar la selección de la Srita. Sarah Pullin como una nueva adición a
nuestro Departamento de Matemáticas. La Srita. Pullin servirá como la nueva maestra de Matemáticas del 6o grado y
asumirá los deberes y las responsabilidades de la Sra. Kilgore. La Srita. Pullin es graduada de la Escuela Secundaria
Stratford y de la Universidad de Baylor. La Srita. Pullin llega a nosotros altamente recomendada y será una gran
adición a nuestro plantel.
Finalmente, de parte del Profesorado y Personal de SBMS, continuamos deseándole a usted y a su familia salud, f
elicidad y prosperidad en el Año Nuevo!
The Bear Facts Page 3
Welcome back to the second semester of school. I hope that everyone had a great break.
The PTA has been hard at work making sure that our students have the best learning environment
possible at SBMS. The Surfin’ Safari dinner and dance for SBMS was a big success and a lot of
fun. Special thanks go out to Kimberly Burleson and Tanna Myers and their committee for all of
their hard work. They did a great job planning this wonderful event. And a big thank you to all the
parents and staff who participated in this event. All monies raised will be carefully dispersed by the
PTA to benefit our campus and the quality of education at our school.
The committee chairs continue to work tirelessly at our school. Eighth grade activities are about
to get underway. If you are interested in helping with any of the 8th grade end of year events,
please contact Tracy Sarver at [email protected].
A big thank you to our Spelling Bee chair, Cynthia Gualy and Spelling Bee helper, Roberta Smiley.
Also, thank you to our Teacher Wish List chairmen, Stephanie Phillips and Sheri Beggins, for
ordering and delivering the teachers supplies and other wish list items!
We will be convening a Nominating Committee soon to compile a slate of officers for the
2012-2013 school year. If you are interested in serving on the nominating committee or would
like to serve on the PTA Executive Board next year, please let me know. Serving on PTA is a
great way to get involved atSBMS.
Spring will be here before we know it and there is so much happening with our PTA and school.
Please check the school website so that you don’t miss anything. Thanks again for your
continued support of the SBMS PTA.
The Bear Facts Page 4
Bienvenido de nuevo al segundo semestre segundo de la escuela. Espero que todos hayan
tenido unas excelentes vacaciones.
La PTA ha estado trabajando muy duro asegurándose para que nuestros estudiantes tengan el
mejor ambiente de aprendizaje posible en SBMS. La cena y baile de Surfin’ Safari para SBMS
tuvo un gran éxito y fue muy divertida. Un agradecimiento especial para Kimberly Burleson y
Tanna Myers y su comité, por todo el arduo trabajo que desempeñaron. Ellas hicieron un muy
buen trabajo en la planeación de este maravilloso evento. Y un inmenso agradecimiento a
ustedes, y a todos los padres y personal que participaron en el evento. Todo el dinero recaudado
será cuidadosamente repartido por la PTA para beneficiar a nuestro plantel y a la calidad de
educación de nuestra escuela.
Las presidencias de los comités continúan trabajando incansablemente en nuestra escuela. Las
actividades del octavo grado están a punto de iniciarse. Si usted está interesado en ayudar con
alguna de las actividades de fin de año del 8o grado, por favor contacten a Tracy Sarver en
[email protected].
Un agradecimiento a Cynthia Gualy, nuestra presidenta de Spelling Bee y a su ayudante,
Roberta Smiley. También, muchas gracias a nuestras presidentas de la Teacher Wish List
(Lista de Deseos del Maestro), Stephanie Phillips y Sheri Beggins por ordenar y entregar a los
maestros los útiles y otros artículos de la lista de deseos.
Muy pronto estaremos convocando a un Comité de Nominación para recopilar una lista de
oficiales del año escolar 2012-2013. Si está interesada en servir en el comité de nominación o
si gustaría servir en la Junta Ejecutiva de la PTA el año siguiente, por favor dígamelo. Servir en
la PTA es una buena manera de participar con SBMS.
La primavera estará aquí antes de que nos enteremos y hay mucho por suceder con nuestra
PTA y nuestra escuela. Por favor revise el sitio en la red de la escuela para que no se pierda
de nada. Gracias una vez más por su apoyo continuo a la PTA de SBMS.
The Bear Facts Page 5
8th Grade Distinguished Honor Roll
for the 2nd Nine Week Period, 2012
All As
Ackerson, Meredith Lee Kerby, Michael Charles Alarcon, David Lai, Rachel Anne Laughlin, Megan Kate Baek, Chang Yoon Bell, Jacob Lavaughn Leavell, Lucas Hunter Benavides, Arabella Ines Loggenberg, Aidan Alexander Be s, Sebas an Dolan Macicek, Grace Marie Bishara, Patrick Mufid Morris, Madeline Haley Bolt, Marie Louise Nebergall, Alissa Lynn Bretches, William Porter Nieto, Samantha Covarrubias, Jennifer Pappas, Maria Zoe Cumberland, Nicholas Antonio Patel, Khayla Jayesh Dahmer, Mitchell Thomas Perez, Ma hew Zachariah Daswani, Monica Vijay Perillo, Lauren Margaret Duncan, Sarah Lorena Pike, Hannah Mae Euceda, Olvan Alexis Pisters, Meghan K K Fields, Dominique Reid Read, Bryan Jeffrey Fisch, Abraham M Siroky, Claire Kathleen Furrow, Melissa Anne Sla ery, Courtney Renee Sla ery, Kelsey Marie Hadidi, Yusuf F Stephan, Erin Elizabeth Hall, Julia Nicole Toma, Kris na Noor Hill, Aniston Marie Uddin, Nabeel Rahman Hollis, Jessica Nicole Yang, Jerry Huang Jones, Jonathan Andrew Young, Patrick Robert Kelly, Parker William The Bear Facts Page 6
8th Grade Regular Honor Roll
for the 2nd Nine Week Period, 2012
As and One or Two Bs
Abreus, Andres Jose Adams, Joseph Christopher Alexander, Ann Walling Bhakta, Kareena Dharmesh Burri , Aus n Bernd Chastain, Merri Banning Cisarik, Kathleen Maria Cuervo, Luis Enrique Cuevas, Sarai Dautel, Abigail Chris na Davidson, Andrew Morgan Escamilla, Rene Enrique Ferazzi, Ellison Grace Fernandez, Carolina Gilbert, Hunter Jafari, Ali Keller, Emma Claire Koops, Nicole Rose Kreindler, Jordan Leigh Lack, Noah Zachary Luna, Karen M Marks, Brandon Stephen Metz, Canon Sheridan Morris, Mason James Nance, John Anthony Nguyen, Amy Cai Nguyen, Zacquelyn Le Noon, Elizabeth Dare Pacheco, Suhelin Gabriel Pedraza, Carlos Anthony Peterman, Kirby Alayne Rachel Ramirez, Alexandria Brooke Reger, Nicholas Christopher Reistroffer, Jacob William Rice, Ana Cierra Riggs, Ashley Nicoles Rouse, William Henry Salazar, Angelika Beatriz Samfield, Max Joseph Saqer, Noreen Rezik Schneider, Sara Elizabeth Shannon, Claire Nadine Shekari, Tina Stephenson, Ma hew Trippon, Alexis Chris ana Tyson, Blake Caroline Us ck, Carolina Ruth Vlahakos, Sofia Angela Wesco , Margaret McRae Zia, Eshan The Bear Facts Page 7
7th Grade Distinguished Honor Roll
for the 2nd Nine Week Period, 2012
All As
Azidhak, Neekon Bing, Lindsay Fitzgerald Black, Bailey Corinne Bremner, Normand Dugald Wynne Catalano, Ma hew Lawrence Caven, Amelia Grace Coerver, Lauren Marie Euceda, Jose Luis Evans, Blaire Wirth Hardy, Max Robertson Hughes, Benjamin Gerard Kellner, Carolyn Elizabeth Key, James David Koy, McKenna Caroline Kroger, Samuel Andrew Laderman, Jacob Samuel Le, Anh T Luna, Joseph Steven Miller, Claire Lynn Noon, Tanya Hayat Pferdehirt, Julie e Marie Picke , Kobi Prakash, Maya Hazel The Bear Facts Page 8
Rauch, Meredith Jane Ray, Rachel Michelle Reese, Katherine Sara Saha, Trace Edward Salim, Osamah Schuessler, Ashton Dreyer Schwanauer, August Julia Shaw‐Coronado, Melanie Ann Siller, Frances Carlisle Snasdell, Aiden Leigh Sparenberg, Kate Marie S nson, Samantha Leigh Trammell, McKenna Renee Tucker, John William Wallace, Sydney Bass Watkinson, Stephanie Alexis Wilhelm, Henry Arthur 7th Grade Regular Honor Roll
for the 2nd Nine Week Period, 2012
As and One or Two Bs
Al Angari, Saud Sultan Andersen, Jeffrey Todd Bays, Bre Van Belcher, Kathryn Elizabeth Beyer, Audrey Celeste Borland, Simen Bre Bremner, Finnegan JosephCarroll Burleson, Madeline Lee Casteel, Emerson Reese Chahadeh, Deena Cho, Paul C Chong, Philip Songil Chris ne, Abigail Febe Coker, Rebecca Coll, Daniel Maston Dahmer, Madison Alexis Decker, Devin Michael Dietert, Caroline Elizabeth Dunn, Davis Burton Escobar, Jordan Finck, Audrey Grace Friedman, Emma Nicole Giammalva, Jack William Gilbert, Melissa Caroline Hall, Emma Danielle Hoepfl, Brooke Nichole Howard, Kendall Sheppard Hruzek, Chris na Renee Jones, Carli Elizabeth Kim, Jamie Hyungee Kim, Kristen Kroger, Rebecca Frances Kruse, Katherine Chase Lanclos, Amanda Lange, Richard William Leal, Lyne e Marie Lincecum, Grant Keith Maida, Vita Louise Mastren, Catherine Anne Mastren, Suzanne Marie Matheny, Marshall Ellis Ma na, Melinda Margaret McGowen, Sullivan Ross Nguyen, Rachel Vu Uyen Oldham, Mark Dudley Owens, Rebecca Ann Phillips, Ma hew Wynn Phillips, Ryan Andrew Reul, Rene Marie Ryu, Hyoung Joo Sanchez, Daniella Veronica Sims, Grace Cassidy Snider, Walter Herd Spreeman, Hailey Rae Sullivan, Zachary Thomas Talbert, William Christopher Tro er, Brianna Elizabeth Von Gonten, William Douglas White, Irina Alexandra The Bear Facts Page 9
6th Grade Distinguished Honor Roll
for the 2nd Nine Week Period, 2012
All As!
Arefeen, Fareena Baldwin, Hunter Joseph Berry, Bryan Tyler Be s, Jonathan Paul Bingamon, Claire Nicole Burch, Fraser Alexander Burns, Paolo Amicarella Burr, Dillon Ma hew Collins, Kelly Lauren Cowan, Sarah York Davis, Emily Morgan Diehl, Be e Josephine Espey, William James Esses, Andrew Stephen Fajkus, William Sco Feeney, Alexander Michael Freedman, Cathleen Cassin Gartner, Connor Makay Gentry, Allison Claire Go schalk, Cooper Thomas Hernandez, Jailene Hilder, Nikolaus Maitland Jinks, Suzanna Lee Johnston, Nicholas Patrick Kang, Ikjun Kirkpatrick, James Lowell Lai, Michael Sean Luis, William Macicek, Camille Claire The Bear Facts Page 10
Madden, John Cameron Mar n, Jade Zanndra Mar nez, April Moore, Charles Tillotson Mooring, Connally Helen Morris, Clayton William Mullins, Colby Jacob Norris, Anne Phi Olsson, Savannah Lilly Pham, Phuongnhi Binh Posana, Sherellin Gaa Read, Ashley Elizabeth Richards, Christopher Michael Spenc Row, Catalina Elizabeth Rowe, William Andrew Salazar Aguiar, San ago Rafael Salazar, Daniel Nicholas Tlamasico, Karina Toma, Nicholas Torres, Marisol Ungureanu, Patricia Maria Ungureanu, Ruxandra Anita Vaughan, Benne Massie Wagner, Holly Elizabeth Weber, Ronald Mar n Williams, Cory Michael Wright, Nicole Michele Zheng, Lan 6th Grade Regular Honor Roll
for the 2nd Nine Week Period, 2012
As and One or Two Bs
Bae, Michelle Suh‐Young Barbles, Adele Elizabeth Beavers, Preston Thomas Benavides, Aurelio Ismael Bissinger, Joseph Hywel Bliss, Nathan Daniel Carson, Calder Grant Casar Pardo, Sofia Cespedes, America Chamberlin, Tess Yan Chastain, Daniel Ferguson Corley, Emerson Kate Cox, Jennifer Nicole Darley‐Osborne, Shane Allen Daswani, Sesha Vijay Daughtry, Brandt McClean Davidson, Wya Charles de Marigny, George Edward Denny, Anneliese Nicole Desai, Jay Rahul Durso, Joseph Alger Elizondo, Estefani Espey, Meg Kelly Fisch, Desiree Shalom Free, Alexander Michael Gaetano, Addison Claire Garcia, Diego Gustavo Ghadiri, Nima Shayan Golden, Jack Rollins Goodling, Zoe Pearce Gowan, John Chris an Graff, Elizabeth Lindsay Greer, Robert Marcus Gregory, Caitlin Elizabeth Hamilton, Grace Elizabeth Harrison, David Alexander Healey, Emily Claire Hernandez, Patricia Layla Jun, Jin Han Klam, Grace Elizabeth Laird, Joshua Oncken Lanford, Leslie Blake Liles, Laura Elaine Margraves, Melissa Kay Mar nez, Daniel Alexander Mar nez, Emerson Abilio McElhoe, Alyssa Riane McNair, Stephen Celaya Miranda, Daisy Molina, Samantha Mouton, Zachary James Mullins, Cooper Daniel Ng Cheng, Catherine Nickelson, Ranzell Nunez, Elysse Yves Ochoa, Taylor Renee Parsons, Kelley Elise Phan‐Dong, Aimee Kimberly Polapragada, Sanjana Sainaga Pousman, Max Anthony Pressley, Minako Alexandra Price, Chandler Samuel Lee Purcell, Mitchell Strong Quinne , Raegann Nicole Richards, Jonathan Henry Spencer Robinson, Porsche Chris Rodriguez, Adriel Isai Rotan, Douglas McCall Rotan, Elizabeth Sterling Ryu, Yeun Joo Saqer, Ha m Rezik Saqer, Laila Rezik Sarver, Sarah Elizabeth Sims, Adliya Finn Stubbs, Benjamin Anthony Suarez, Emily Rosa Swan, Spencer Kyle Todd, Tyler Dean Villalta, Alicia Beatriz Voyles, Cole Quen n Wahab, Sumiya Williams, Alexandra Marie Wilson, Hunter Alexander Wu, Zhenghan Yochum, Grace Marie Yoon, Sang Won Zellers, Carson Thomas The Bear Facts Page 11
First, Communi es In Schools would like to thank everyone in our community who par cipated in the CIS‐PTA Coat Drive. The effort was an absolute success! Together, we collected approximately 500 jackets. The jackets were distributed throughout the Spring Branch community with the help of CIS staff throughout our elementary, middle, and high schools. A special thank you goes out to the Kirby Corpora on, The Upper Hand Salons, and Mrs. Jacqueline Wright, our PTA community service chair. This coat drive could not have been a success without your help. Secondly, CIS con nues pushing forward with its character educa on groups. Over the holiday break, one of the groups took a well deserved winter fishing trip at one of our local parks. Congratula ons to Alejandro Pereda for the catch of the day: a 13” small mouth bass. Also, CIS‐SBMS recently established a partnership with The Houston Food Bank and we look forward to what promises to be a “frui ul” collabora on. Lastly, CIS would like to take a moment to welcome the CIS Na onal Board to our campus. The board will pay us a visit later this month and CIS‐SBMS is honored to host our dis nguished guests. For any ques ons pertaining to the CIS program, feel free to contact me at (713) 251‐4544. Thank you. Emilio Herrera Project Manager ‐ Communi es In Schools of Houston Spring Branch Middle School The Bear Facts Page 12
Primeramente, Comunidades en las Escuelas quisiera darles las gracias a nuestra comunidad por par cipar en el esfuerzo de la recaudación de abrigos, cuyo esfuerzo fue dirigido por CIS y la PTA. ¡La recaudación fue todo un éxito! Juntos, recolectamos 500 abrigos, aproximadamente. Los abrigos fueron distribuidos a través de la comunidad de Spring Branch mediante el personal de CIS de las diversas primarias, y escuelas intermedias y secundarias en nuestra comunidad. Par cularmente quisiéramos darle un gracias muy especial a la Corporación Kirby, los salones de belleza The Upper Hand Salon, y a la Sra. Jacqueline Wright, personal del PTA encargada de esfuerzos comunitarios. Esta recaudación de abrigos no pudo haber sido un éxito sin su ayuda. Segundo, CIS con núa sus esfuerzos con sus grupos de educación de carácter. Uno de los grupos tomó un viaje de pesca muy merecido en un parque local durante las vacaciones invernales. Felicidades a Alejandro Pereda por la pesca del día: un pez perca de 13”. Además, CIS‐SBMS recientemente se ha asociado con The Houston Food Bank y esperamos desarrollar lo que seguramente será una asociación muy produc va. Por úl mo, quisiéramos darle la bienvenida a la Mesa Direc va Nacional de CIS a nuestra escuela. Nos visitarán este mes y CIS‐SBMS está honrado por patrocinar a nuestros dis nguidos huéspedes. Si acaso ene alguna pregunta referente al programa de CIS, no dude en llamarme al (713) 251‐4544. Gracias. Emilio Herrera Director – Comunidades en las Escuelas Escuela Intermedia Spring Branch The Bear Facts Page 13
Over 500 Coats and Jackets were Collected
What a difference we made in our community!
Spring Branch Middle School (SBMS) and
Communities in Schools Houston (CIS) collected
over 500 coats and jackets with their December coat drive.
Thank you to everyone who made posters, contributed coats, sorted and
organized coats, worked in our “coat store”, etc. A special thank you also
goes to Kirby Corporation and Upper Hand Salons who collected coats at
their businesses for our drive.
The CIS office at SBMS was converted into a “coat store” and various
CIS project managers from within SBISD visited to shop for students and
families. The coats will be very much appreciated during our cold
winter months!
Jacqueline Wright and Emilio Herrera
The Bear Facts Page 14
PTA Life Membership Award – 2011/2012
An Honorary Texas PTA Life Membership is one of the highest honors that can be presented to an individual for outstanding service to children and youth by the Texas PTA.
Additionally, the Extended Service Award may be awarded to individuals who already
received a Texas Life Membership and have been actively involved in the PTA for at
least 10 years. We encourage you to nominate anyone you know who is deserving of
either of these awards. The Life Membership Selection Committee will select the
2011/2012 recipients. Nominations may be emailed to Jacqueline Wright at
[email protected] or put in the box labeled “PTA Life Membership” in the
SBMS Mail room. If you have any questions, call or email Jacqueline (713-464-6708).
Nomination forms are due by March 21, 2012.
I recommend the following person for a Texas PTA Life Membership Award:
Reason for Nomination:
Please attach another sheet or use back of page, if necessary.
Name of Person Nominating:__________________________
The Bear Facts Page 15
A BIG THANKS to Renae Oswald for three years of working behind the scenes making copies for the teachers. She has spent many hours clearing jammed paper, trying to understand teacher’s instruc ons, and working hard to finish the day’s copies. Like all the many other volunteers at SBMS Renae’s dedica on is part of what makes our school great. The copy machine and all the other copy volunteers will miss her. JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT AT SBMS
Junior Achievement is back at Spring Branch Middle School. Volunteers have been tirelessly teaching AMERICA WORKS to the entire 7th grade class at SBMS. The students have been learning about examples of how business and entrepreneurship affected the economic development of the United
States during the 19th century.
Throughout January, February and March, 15 volunteers are teaching 68 hours to 345 students. Thank you
to our fabulous volunteers for bringing this great program to our school.
Join the Junior Achievement volunteers and make a difference in our kids' lives. We are always looking for
new volunteers. No special skills required. All materials will be provided to you. Commitment is for one 45
minute class each week for 6 weeks.
Interested? Contact Michelle Kelly at 713-465-4241 or [email protected] for more info.
Richard Golden Amber Bretches Cynthia Gualy
Cherie Hoepfl Shern-Min Hardy Elizabeth Kroger
Jennifer Kruse Josef Klam Jim McKinney
Bernadette Prakash Marquita Neumann Rob Rossy
Keri Ann Reardon Charles West Scott Spencer
The Bear Facts 2012 Newsle er Deadlines: 2012 PTA mee ngs: February 28 March 26 April 23 May 22 March 12 May 14 Please email your ar cles/pictures to: [email protected]
The Bear Facts Page 16
Happy New Year from the SBMS Choir! We have already begun learning new music for our
next performances in February and March Before detailing this semester’s events however,
I’d like to thank everyone who attended our Winter Concert on December 8. It was a beautiful
performance and the students had a wonderful time singing for you!
We have quite a number of Region events coming up for our 7th and 8th graders and an
elementary feeder presentation in which all Choir members will participate. The first event
this semester is the Region 27 Honor Choir Auditions. These were held on Friday and Saturday,
January 13 and 14 and involved 7th and 8th graders only. Seventh graders Jasmine
Norton, Kathy Sauseda and Brianna Trotter will be auditioning on Friday evening and 8th graders Zachary Ocanas, Paul Chi and Elena Frederick will be auditioning on Saturday. We know
that these students will represent their Choir and school with pride. Good luck,
Next is our Elementary Music Presentation and Concert where we have a chance to perform and
talk to the 5th graders at our seven feeder elementary schools. This performance will take place
during the day and all students are required to attend. Two parent helpers will be
needed so if you are able to help, please send a note with your child or you may email me at: [email protected].
We look forward to seeing you at our concert in March!
February 2
February 3-4
February 7
February 16
March 8—9
March 22
UIL Clinic for Treble Choir
Region Choir Weekend
Music Department Elementary Presentation for 5th graders
(in auditorium during 2nd and 3rd periods)
Pre-UIL Contest @ SOMS after school
UIL Concert and Sightreading Contest
UIL Concert @ 6:30 pm in SBMS Auditorium
If you should have any questions about details of these events, please do not hesitate to
contact me at: [email protected]
Christine Price
SBMS Choir Director
[email protected]
The Bear Facts Page 17
Make sure you stay connected with a Community Network/Email Tree for your child’s grade level! To be included, please send your name and email address to the appropriate grade level contact below . SBMS ~ 20011—2012 6th Grade: Melissa Lanford……[email protected] 7th Grade: Laura Dye…………….. [email protected] 8th Grade: Lisa Taylor……………[email protected] For 7th and 8th Grade, if you were on the email tree last year you do NOT need to resend your informa on.
Asegúrese de permanecer conectado con una Red Comunitaria/Árbol de Correos Electrónicos (Community Network/Email Tree), para el nivel de grado de su hijo. Para ser incluido, por favor envíe un correo electrónico con su nombre y dirección electrónica al contacto apropiado de abajo. SBMS ~ 2011‐2012 6˚ Grado: Melissa Lanford……[email protected] 7˚ Grado: Laura Dye……….……. [email protected] 8˚ Grado: Lisa Taylor…………….. [email protected] Para los Grados 7˚y 8˚: Si estuvieron en el árbol de correos electrónicos el año pasado, NO necesitan reenviar su información. The Bear Facts Page 18