July 3.pub - St. Philomene Catholic Church
July 3.pub - St. Philomene Catholic Church
St. Philomene Church 2428BellStreet Sacramento,CA95825 www.stphilomene.com www.facebook.com/stphilomene Of%ice: (916) 481-6757 Fax: (916) 481-1603 July3,201614th SundayinOrdinaryTime OFFICE HOURS Tues – Fri - 10:00am — 5:00pm Closed 12:00pm – 1:00pm MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:30pm (English) Sunday: 7:30am & 9:00am (English), 12:00pm (Español) Tuesday – Friday: 8:00am (English) Tuesday, Wednesday and First Friday [in the Main Church if school in session] Thursdays and other Fridays [in the Chapel if school in session] CONFESSION / CONFESIONES Saturday: 4:00pm - 5:00pm, or by appt. BAPTISMS Call the Parish Office (even before the birth of the baby) for preparation times WEDDINGS AND QUINCEAÑERAS At least six months notice required PARISH STAFF Father Martin Ramat, Parochial Administrator Father John Hannan, Pastor Emeritus Father Gerald Ryle, Pastor Emeritus Charles Cheever, Deacon Alfredo Anguiano, Deacon David Leatherby Jr., Deacon Ann Marie Faires, School Principal José Luis Villagrán, Bookkeeper/Secretary Ofelia Balmes, Music Coordinator Nallely Reyes-García, Volunteer Rel. Ed. Coordinator Miluska Beltrán, Volunteer Rel. Ed. Coordinator Sylvia Miller, Janitor Jordan Vela, Maintenance StPhilomeneParishMissionStatement We,theparishionersofSt.PhilomeneParish,areacommunionofbrothers andsistersunitedbyourcommunionwithJesusChristwhogathersusand empowers us with His Holy Spirit to worship God in faith through the celebration of the Sacraments, prayers, evangelization and loving communion and service. We rejoice and embrace the diversity of all our membersasagiftfromGod. Mass Intentions Sat,July2—5:30pmChurch Sun,July3–7:30amChurch -9:00amChurch -12:00pmChurch Mon,July4–NoMass Tue,July5-8:00amChapel Wed,July6-8:00amChapel Thur,July7–8:00amChapel Fri,July8–8:00amChapel PhilomenaBadion(+) MartinaDivinaCelestial(+) RayReveles(S.I.) JulioSánchez(+) NoMass DieterHotz(+) OdiceWilliams(S.I.) ChelieApaliso JuliaKing(S.I.) Today’sReadings First Reading— I will send toward Jerusalem peace likeariver.(Is66,10-14) Psalm—zzLetalltheearthcryouttoGodwithjoy. SecondReading– The marks I carry on my body are thoseofJesusChrist.(Gal6,14-18) Gospel –Yourpeacewillrestuponhim(Lk10,1-12. 17-20) IfyouwouldliketoofferaMassforaspecial intention,pleasestopbytheParishOf%ice. ReadingsoftheWeek Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22 Ps 145:2-9 Mt 9:18-26 Hos 8:4-7,11-13 Ps 115:3-6,7ab-8,9-10 Mt 9:32-38 Hos 10:1-3,7-8,12 Ps 105:2-7 Mt 10:1-7 Hos 11:1-4,8c-9 Ps 80:2ac,3b,15-16 Mt 10:7-15 Hos 14:2-10 Ps 51:3-4,8-9,12,14,17 Mt 10:1623 Is 6-8 Ps93:1-2.5 Mt 10:24-33 JerrePalacca MariaGuadalupe Ascencio RayReveles LolitaLintingco JuliaKing JohnRetana JeanneBastion OdiceWilliams RobertaMartinez MarkKeeney HenriettaGomez KimGrif@in SallyMeyers JosephBardon CarlaMoore NildaMedina ShannonPeel BarbaraWilson AmeriaOhanisian PatriciaDeFries BettyDeFea WillieAKhalial RobMaxey Monday,July4—allday -7:00pm Tuesday,July5-6:00pm Wednesday,July6-6:30am 5:00pm 7:00pm Thursday,July7—8:30am Friday,July8-6:00pm 7:00pm TylerPolen TaliaKerry AlexQuiroz GloriaPlatina RayRehberg PatriciaBecker ElsieGentry BasilKazanchi IndependenceDayHoliday Oració nyAlabanza SharingGod’sBounty(GYM) ChristiansinCommerce Novena(Chapel) ChoirRehearsal(Church) RosarytoOurLady(Chapel) YouthGroupMeeting(GYM) EnsayodelCoro(Church) FatherMartin’sCorner REFLECTION: As a baptized community, Christifidelis Laici, apost-synodalexhortationofSt.PopeJohnPaulII remindsus:“The time for a re-evangelization has come, andthelayfaithfularetoplaytheirrightfulroleinit.” It is an urgent call for the lay faithful to play a great role in the call to evangelization. We are all active and proactive evangelizers and missionaries. We are all workers. “The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few” is an invitation and a challenge! On this Independence Day weekend, we celebrate the gift of freedom and independence. And we thank God for the gift of freedom especially religious liberty. On this cyber age, modern North American culture is becoming more secular every day. With this, we are invited and challenged to work harder and harder. And the time is now! We should not delay. But what is good about it as workers, evangelizers and missionaries, bearers of the Good News is that we bring peace to others. Jesus is the Prince of Peace! And peace should be made manifest in our way of relating, loving and forgiving. We bring peace to others especially in their homes as we say: Peace to your household! May peace be with you all the days of your life! THANKYOU!: I am really thankful to all your prayers, support and understanding, generosity and volunteerism! UPDATE: Please be generous to the Facilities Maintenance Fund (Second Collection)! Your generosity will @ix or replace a corroding 200’ water pipeline in the school inner lawn that burst as well as a leaking gas pipe. Parish Festival Raf@le Tickets will soon be available for mail in and sale. CCD Registrations are after the 9:00AM and 12NN Masses at the Twomey Room. We accept Cash, Check and Credit or Debit Cards Payments. The Parish Of@ice also accepts registrations during Of@ice hours. Do you love to sing? Have you ever thought about singing in the choir? Do you play any instrument? The English Mass Choir is looking for more people to join. If interested, please call the Parish Office. On July 9 and 10, Fr. Jojo Maripattu, Vincentian Missionary will be visiting our Parish to participate in an Annual Missionary Cooperation Plan. His congregation needs our help to carry out their many missionary, educational and charitable activities. They need our special financial support for the training of young men studying for priesthood. The Knights of Columbus ar e selling fireworks from 9:00am to 9:00pm for the Independence Day celebration at Tognotti’s parking lot, corners of El Camino and Fulton Ave. Please stop by and buy with them. St. Philomene School pr ovides a challenging, high-quality education with a focus on the Gospel values and the teachings of Christ. WCEA/WASC Accredited On-going Registrations! Best Value in Town! St. Philomene Catholic School 2320 El Camino Avenue Sacramento, CA 95821 www.StPhilomene.org Contact us for more information or to schedule a school tour call 916.489.1506 Let’s pray for our Pastor… O Jesus, our great High Priest, hear our humble prayers on behalf of your Priests. Give them a deep faith, a bright and firm hope and a burning love which will ever increase in the course of their priestly life. In their loneliness, comfort them. In their sorrows, strengthen them. In their frustrations, point out to them that it is through suffering that the soul is purified, and show them that they are needed by the Church; they are needed by souls; they are needed for the work of redemption. Amen. Our Parish is holding the Diocesan Pro-Life Gathering Saturday, A ugust 20th from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Featuring world famous pro-life speaker Stephanie Gray! Mass with the Bishop at 8:30am. Please RSVP at http://scddec.org/respect-life so we know how many lunches to prepare! For questions or to get involved in our parish Respect Life Committee, please contact Meghan Bardin at 916-588-2944. STEWARDSHIPCORNER WeekendCollections June19,2016 June26,2016 $3,487.74 $2,519.01 SecondCollection: Peter’sPence$234.00 Thank you for your unending support, generosity and love for our Parish. May our God abundantly blessyouandyourfamilies! FatherMartinRamat El boletín parroquial necesita de patrocinadores para mantener su costo. ¿Le gustaría ser uno de ellos o conoce usted a alguien que quisiera serlo? Imprimimos cerca de 500 ejemplares cada semana. Infórmese hablando a la oficina al 916-481-6757. EsquinadelPadreMartín Re%lexión: Como una comunidad de bautizados, Christi&idelis Laici, una exhortación post-sinodal del Papa, San John Paul II nos recuerda: “ha llegado el momento para una nueva evangelización, y los &ieles laicos deben desempeñar su papel legítimo en él”.Este es un llamado urgente para los @ieles laicos a que jueguen jugar un gran papel en la llamada a la evangelizació n. Todos somos evangelizadores y misioneros activos y proactivos. Todos somos trabajadores."Lamiesesmuchaperolosobrerosson pocos”.estaesunainvitaciónyunreto! Este @in de semana del dı́a de la independencia, celebramoseldondelalibertadylaindependencia.Y damos gracias a Dios por el don de la libertad especialmente la libertad religiosa. En esta era ciberné tica, la cultura norteamericana moderna es cadavezmá sseculartodoslosdı́as.Conesto,estamos invitados y se nos reta atrabajar má s y má s duro. ¡Y ahoraeselmomento!¡Nonosdebemosretrasar! Lo bueno de ser trabajadores, evangelizadores y misioneros, portadores de la buena noticia es que llevamoslapazaotros.¡Jesú s es el prı́ncipe de la paz! Y la paz se mani@iesta en nuestra manera de relacionarnos,amaryperdonar.Traemoslapazalos demá s, especialmente los hogares, como se dice: ¡la pazensuhogar!¡Quelapazseaconvosotrostodoslos dı́asdesuvida! Gracias!:¡estoymuyagradecidoporsusoraciones, apoyoycomprensió n,generosidadyvoluntariado! Actualización:¡Porfavorseangenerososconelfondo del mantenimiento de los edi@icios parroquiales (segundacolecta)!Sugenerosidadayudará arreglaro reemplazar una tuberı́a corrosiva 200' agua en el jardı́n interior de la escuela estalló como una tuberı́a degasqueseescapa.LosboletosdelarifadelFestival Parroquial pronto estará n disponibles para ser enviados por correo y estar en venta. Las inscripcionesdelcatecismo(CCD)sondespué sdelas Misas de 9:00am y 12mediodia en el saló n Twomey. Aceptamos pagos en efectivo, cheque y tarjetas de cré dito o pagos con tarjetas de dé bito. La o@icina tambié naceptainscripcionesenhorariodeo@icina. Los Caballeros de Colón están vendiendo fuegos pirotécnicos de 9:00am a 9:00pm en el estacionamiento de Tognotti’s situado las esquinas de El Camino y Fulton. Visítelos y compre con ellos. El Padre Misionero Vicentino, Jojo Maripattu estará con nosotros el 9 y 10 de julio, par a par ticipar en el Plan de Cooperación Anual Misionero. Su congregación necesita de nuestra ayuda para llevar a cabo sus varias actividades misioneras, educativas y de caridad. Ellos necesitan de nuestra ayuda financiera para continuar educando a los jóvenes que estudian para el sacerdocio. Si usted tiene alguna intención especial para la Misa, acuda por favor a la Oficina Parroquial. Clases de Catecismo: Primer día de clases en inglés el miércoles 31 de Agosto a las 6:00 pm y en español el 1 de septiembre a las 6:00 pm. Pray for Vocations & Eat Ice Cream CaliforniaLicense FD#:1023 All in one beautiful setting Ask Philomene prearrangement discount and our Garden of Our Lady of Guadalupe 4701MarysvilleBlvd Sacramento,CA95838 916-922-5833 KSMN AM 1620 Catholic Radio 3555ElCaminoAv Sacramento,CA 95821 916.482.1900 EWTN Buy Any Sandwich Get One FREE — Up to $7.00 Value — Your New Neighborhood Dentist is Here! El Camino Family Dental Practice Breakfast— Breakfast—Lunch 6:00amto3:00pm ElCamino@Fulton Ask about our Grand Opening Special! (916) 515-9363 916.452.7341 Providing complete care of the foot, ankle and lower leg Edwin P. Torres, D.M.D. 3021 El Camino Avenue (Between Watt and Fulton) ALEX ENGARDT ROOFING Since 1923 LIC. #241602 Ownedby Frank&GinoTofanelli Parishioner Dr.AnnalisaCo 916.244.7630 5931StanleyAve, #4, Carmichael,CA 95608 www.olympicfootandankle.com FD2059 ColinBardin, REALTOR St. Philomene Parishioner, 916.667.4306 BRE # 01501732 Waterman Real [email protected] 2417ManningSt.Sacramento,CA95815 916.534.8070 pregunteporDianaCaballero www.lowestcostcremation.com Advertise in our weekly bulletin Call the Parish Office for more information 916.481.6757 Welcome! Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us, whether longtime residents or newly arrivedinourParish.WethankGodforyou.IfyouarenotregisteredwithSt.Philomene,please&illout thisformandplaceitintheCollectionbasketormailitintotheParishOf&ice. ThankyouandGodblessyou!RequestforRegistrationFormorChangeofAddressUpdate Name:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:__________________________________________________Email:________________________________________________
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