Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. Edward`s Catholic Church
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. Edward`s Catholic Church
“A great prophet has arisen in our midst,” and “God has visited his people.’ Luke 7:11-17 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Decimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Celebration of the Eucharist Celebración de la Eucaristía Sunday/Domingo Mass Times Saturday Vigil 4:30pm 6:00pm Sunday 8:00am 10:30am 12:30pm English Español English English Español Weekday Masses Misas entre Semana Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 6:00pm 12:00 noon 7:30pm 8:00am English English Español English Eucharistic Adoration Adoración Eucarística Tuesday 5:00-5:45pm English Wednesday 7:30-8:15pm Spanish “Un gran profeta ha surgido entre nosotros. “Dios a visitado a su pueblo.” Lucas 7:11-17 WELCOME TO ST. EDWARD’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Reconciliation/Confesiones 800 East Tyler Athens, Texas 75751 Office (903) 675-2509 Fax (903) 675-8805 www.stedwardsparish.org Fr. Nolan T. Lowry, STL Pastor [email protected] (903) 570-3139 Emergency Deacon David Finch Deacon Bear Gleason Seminarian Michael Ledesma Tuesday 5:00pm - 5:30pm Wednesday 5:00pm-5:45pm Thursday 5:00pm-5:45pm Friday 8:30am - 9:00am After business hours, call for critical situations requiring anointing of the sick. Después de horas de oficina, llame para situaciones críticas que requieran unción de los enfermos. Saturday 3:15pm - 4:15pm Jun 5, 2016 2 OUR PASTOR’S PAGE Open Letter to Bishop Strickland Your Excellency, It is hard to believe that it has been one year since you sent me as pastor to St. Edward's in my sixth year of priesthood. To be pastor of Christ's flock in Athens has been one of the greatest blessings of my life. The people of this parish and town are wonderful. This first year I spent myself in the pastoral endeavors I believed were most important: teaching the Catholic faith to adults and youth; celebrating the Mass with reverence and preaching with passion; preparing couples for the sacrament of matrimony; hearing confessions and making Eucharistic Adoration more available; and working with our separated brothers and sisters in a spirit of Christian unity for the common good of Henderson County. Some of my accomplishments this first year were the following: new liturgical vestments and vessels, and an embellishment of the altar reredos (all paid for by donors); an updating of the parish sound system; a minor renovation of the church hall; new church offices, hours and staff to serve the needs of parishioners; the establishment of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to assist with the needs of the poor; and an increase in weekly offerings by almost 45%. However, I feel that my greatest accomplishment has been a major step in bridging the gap between English and Spanish-speakers at St. Edward's. This can be seen in packed Masses especially on Sundays, with more and more Anglos and Hispanics attending Masses not necessarily in their own language. Of course, there are challenges currently and in the future. Going from two priests to one priest has been an adjustment for me and the parish. Also, Deacon Dave and Penny Finch's relocation to Gainesville has been a major loss, but the people of this parish are responding to the need. With close to 300 children in our Faith Formation program, we are outgrowing (and have outgrown!) our CCD building, which now also houses parish administrative offices. Thanks to the Diocesan Parish/Mission Assistance Program (PMAP), we were able to refinance our loan on the new property and somewhat pay on the principal. We currently owe $429,000, and we have $97,000 in savings. Obviously, we need to continue to pay down our debt through generous donations and fundraisers which will be a priority for me my second year as pastor of St. Edward's. I hope to assemble a building committee this year which will collaborate with the pastoral and finance councils to work on a master plan for the 4.25-acre plot. We will need to prioritize what our current and future needs are as well as maintain the property until it is ready to be developed. Once again, Your Excellency, thank you for sending me to St. Edward's. I am a better priest for the love and prayerful support of the faithful here in Athens. With filial affection and prayers for your most important Office as shepherd of the Diocese of Tyler. I am Respectfully yours in Christ, Fr. Nolan Lowry 3 PÁGINA DE NUESTRO PASTOR Carta abierta al Obispo Strickland Su Excelencia, Es difícil creer que ha pasado un año desde que usted me ha enviado como pastor de St. Eduardo en mi sexto año de sacerdocio. A ser pastor del rebaño de Cristo en Athens, ha sido una de las mayores bendiciones de mi vida. La gente de esta parroquia y pueblo son una maravilla. Este primer año yo lo dedique a las tareas pastorales que yo creí que eran las más importantes: la enseñanza de la fe Católica para adultos y jóvenes; celebrar la misa con reverencia y predicando con pasión; la preparación de las parejas para el sacramento del matrimonio; oír confesiones y hacer la adoración Eucarística más disponibles; y trabajar con nuestros hermanos separados en un espíritu de unidad Cristiana para el bien común del Condado Henderson. Algunos de mis logros de este primer año fueron las siguientes: nuevas ropas litúrgicas y vasijas, y un embellecimiento del retablo del altar (todo pagado por los donadores); una actualización del sistema de sonido de la parroquia; una pequeña renovación del salon de la iglesia; nueva oficina de la iglesia , horas y personal para atender a las necesidades de los feligreses; el establecimiento de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl para ayudar con las necesidades de los pobres; y un aumento de ofrendas semanales por casi el 45%. Sin embargo, siento que mi mayor logro ha sido un paso importante en unir la brecha entre los hablantes de inglés y español en St. Eduardo. Esto se puede ver en las Misas llenas especialmente los Domingos, con más y más Anglos e hispanos que asisten a las Misas no necesariamente en su propio idioma. Por supuesto, existen retos en la actualidad y en el futuro. Pasar de dos sacerdotes a un sacerdote ha sido un ajuste para mí y la parroquia. También, con el Diácono Dave y Penny Finch mudandose a Gainesville he sufrido una pérdida importante, pero la gente de esta parroquia están respondiendo a las necesidades. Con cerca de 300 niños en nuestro programa de Formación de Fe, estamos creciendo (y han rebasado!) Nuestro edificio de CCD que ahora también son las oficinas administrativas de parroquia . Gracias al Programa de Asistencia de la Parroquia Diocesana/Misión (PMAP), hemos sido capaces de refinanciar nuestro préstamo sobre la nueva propiedad y pagar algo al principal. Actualmente se deve 429.000 dólares, y tenemos 97.000 dólares en ahorros. Obviamente, necesitamos continuar pagando nuestra deuda a través de generosas donaciones y recaudación de fondos que será una prioridad para en mi segundo año como pastor de St. Eduardo. Espero formar un comité de construcción este año, que colaborará con el consejo pastoral y finanzas para trabajar en un plan maestro para las 4.25 hectáreas. Tendremos que priorizar cuáles son nuestras necesidades actuales y futuras, así como mantener la propiedad hasta que esté lista para ser desarrollada. Una vez más, Su Excelencia, gracias por mandarme a St. Eduardo. Yo soy un mejor sacerdote por el amor y apoyo con las oraciónes de los fieles aquí en Athens. Con filial afecto y oraciones para su más importante cargo como pastor de la Diócesis de Tyler. Yo soy Muy atentamente en Cristo, Fr. Nolan Lowry 4 Daily Readings/Lecturas del Día Please keep in your hearts and MONDAY • 1 Kgs 17:1-6,; Ps 121:1bc-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8; Mt 5:1-12 TUESDAY • 1 Kgs 17:7-16; Ps 4:2-3, 4-5, 7b-8; Mt 5:13-16 WEDNESDAY • 1 Kgs 18:20-39; Ps 16:1b-2ab, 4, 5ab and 8, 11; Mt 5:17-19 THURSDAY • 1 Kgs 18:41-46; Ps 65:10, 11, 12-13; Mt 5:20-26 FRIDAY • 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16; Ps 27:7-8a, 8b-9abc, 13-14; Mt 5:27-32 SATURDAY • Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4, 5-6;Mt 5:33-37 MINISTRY SCHEDULE for the weekend of MINISTRY SCHEDULE for the weekend of Saturday Jun 4 4:30 pm Acolyte: Ron Williams Altar Server: EMHCs: Kathi M-B Mary Forester Reader: Tiare McGee Usher: Mary Cothern Mary Waddell 6:00 pm Monaguillos: Jaime & Santiago García MESC: Raquel Cleto Lector: Raquel Cleto Acomodador: Jaime García & Antonio Saturday Sunday Jun 5 8:00 am Acolyte: Ron Williams Altar Servers: Andrew & Brendan Carney EMHC: Jaime Chairez Al Chandanais Reader: Joyce Williams Usher: Gary Molt 10:30 am Altar Servers: Nathan & Tucker Hall EMHC: Yvonne Sparks & Danny Sparks Reader: CJ Brinlee Usher: Mel & Maria Hebert Sunday Jun12 8:00 am Acolyte: Ron Williams Altar Servers: John-James-Samuel Vogt EMHC: Jaime Chairez Al Chandanais Reader: Juan Alfaro Usher: Gary Molt 12:30 pm Monaguillos:Erick Garcia & Gerardo R. MESC: Nahum Rincon & Celia Reyes Lector: Veronica Garcia Acomodador: Adrian & Casey Garcia MASS INTENTIONS/INTENCIONES DE LAS MISAS Saturday 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m.† Rick Hirsch 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m.† Teresa Gonzales Monday 6:00 p.m. Tuesday 6:00 p.m. † Jack & Ursula Netherland Wednesday 6:00 p.m. † Jack & Ursula Netherland Thursday 6:00 p.m. † Jack & Ursula Netherland Friday 6:00 p.m. † Jack & Ursula Netherland Jun11 4:30 pm Acolyte: Ron Williams Altar Serve: EMHCs: Nancy Pitts Mary Forester Reader: Gail St Clair Usher: Jerry & Virginia Gandy 6:00 pm Monaguillos: Luis Miguel & Giomar MESC: Aurora & Alfonso Miranda Lector: Celia Reyes Acomodador: Lino & María Garcia 10:30 am Altar Servers: Nahum Rincon EMHC: CJ Brinlee Reader: Jennie Mahmoud Usher: Wally & Walt Mahmoud 12:30 pm Monaguillos: Gerardo Reyes & Erick G. Lector: Florentino Guerrero MESC: Celia Reyes & Veronica Garcia Acomodador: Eva & Miguel Reyes Second Collection/Segunda Colecta June 5, 2016 - Monastery of the Infant Jesus June 12, 2016 - Building Fund June 19, 2016 - Retired Priests June 26, 2016 -Peter’s Pence prayers the following people for the challenges they are facing with ill health or other special needs. Por favor tenga en sus corazones y oraciones a las siguientes personas por los retos que enfrentan con problemas de salud u otras necesidades especiales: Becky Bass Bell Family Efrain Beltran Estella Carranza Frizzell Family Alex Garner Debbie Gordon Hess Family James & Shirley Guilhas Drucella Hess Barbara A. Houlett Gwynne Houlett Clifton Tom Hudson Gay LaStrapes Christopher Mathews Liz Mathews Tim Mathews Janet McKenzie Mr. & Mrs. Fancher Melton Charlie & Ann Meyers Elizabeth Moulton Cipraino Munoz Richbourg Family Dana Marie Scott Elaine Schaller Stephanie Siegrist Evelyn Tindle Shirley & CR Juan De Los Santos Juanita Hudgins Flora Lynd Margarita Pinedo Candy Walz Carmen & Don Lozano Adan & Edna Lozano Names will remain for 30 days unless otherwise requested. Los nombres permanecerán durante 30 días a menos que se solicite lo contrario. 5 PARISH NEWS/NOTICIAS DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA Saturday Evening Mass Change Effective You Are Invited! July In an effort to unite our community, the 4:30pm and 6:00pm Masses on Saturday evenings will be combined into one bilingual 5:00pm Mass effective July 2. The pastoral council was in favor of this change and the Bishop approved it last week. Change can be difficult, but this will bring us together more as the Catholic community of Athens and express more meaningfully our universality. Thank you for your kind patience as we continue to adapt to our steady growth. WHO: Ladies of St. Edward Catholic Church WHAT: First meeting of our new ladies group WHEN: Thursday, June 9 at 6 pm WHERE: Parish Hall WHY: The main purpose of the group is for fellowship with our parish sisters. Planning Committee Nominations Fr. Lowry in consultation with the pastoral council is proposing a strategic planning committee for the future needs of St. Edward’s. This will include but not limited to facilities management and a master plan. If you would like to nominate someone, please email or call Fr. Lowry. And to share what’s happening in our family. Mark your calendars to come see your friends, and to make new friends. Snacks will be served ~ If you would like additional information, please call Carlita Morris 903.275.5392 Estas invitada! QUIÉN: Entrenamiento para lectores nuevos Si te gustaría ser lector te invitamos a que asistas al entrenamiento, el martes 7 de Junio a las 6:00pm Para mas informacion llamar a la oficina al 903-675-2509 Comparta sus dones con los feligreses de San Eduardo Tendremos un entrenamiento para los nuevos Ministros Extraudinarios de la Sagrada Comunion. el martes 14 de Junio a las 7:00p.m. Por favor llamar a Aurora Miranda al 903-288-7015 Señoras de la Iglesia Católica de San Eduardo QUE: Primera reunión de nuestro nuevo grupo de señoras CUANDO: el jueves, 9 de junio a las 6:00pm DONDE: Salon de la Iglesia POR QUÉ: El objetivo principal del grupo es para el compañerismo con nuestras hermanas de la parroquia. Y compartir lo que pasa en nuestra familia. Marque sus calendarios para venir a ver a sus amigas, y hacer nuevos amigas. ~ Bocadillos será servidos~ Si le gustara información adicional, por favor llame a Carlita Morris 903.275.5392 DIOCESAN NEWS/NOTICIAS DE NUESTRA DIOCESIS DDH Monthly Clergy Mass: June 13 Join the Daughters of Divine Hope in prayer and support of our Clergy and in celebration of a monthly Mass offered for the priests who have ordination anniversaries and birthdays, for the deacons who have ordination anniversaries and for the deceased clergy. The celebration of the Mass for June will be on Monday, June 13 at 11:30 AM at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. This celebration is followed by lunch in the Cathedral Center. Catholic counseling services are now available in the Diocese of Tyler. Simone Key, MA, LPC-I, is on staff at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception to provide faith-based family, marriage, individual and group counseling. Initial phone consultations are free, and services are provided on a sliding fee scale. For information, call 214-640-0651. 6 FAITH FORMATION NEWS/NOTICIAS DE FORMACION DE FE WE WILL CONTINUE PRE-REGISTRATION FOR THE YEAR OF 2016-2017 FAITH FORMATION SCHOOL YEAR-4:00 P.M. TO 6:00 P.M. IN THE CCD BUILDING. EMPEZAREMOS LA PRE-REGISTARCION DEL 2016-2017 DEL ANO ESCOLAR DE FORMACION DE FE. DE 4:00 PM A 6:00 PM EN EL CCD. ZOILA HUNT FAITH FORMATION DIRECTOR Church Garden Work Day On Saturday, June 11, there will be a work day 9:00am1:00pm to pull weeds and other unwanted plants from the church gardens. This can be used for community service hours. We need to do this now before it gets too hot. For more info, please contact Yvonne Sparks (281851-2717) or Cecilia Bowles (903-681-4414). Preparacion Matrimonial Zero Tolerance Policy on Abuse Para todas las parejas que se van a casar es mandatorio Concerns about the conduct of Church personnel asistir. Y se invita a todas las parejas que estan pensando casarse. can be directed confidentially to Rev. Gavin Vaverek, Los Sabados de Junio 4-Junio 11-Junio-18-Junio 25 JCL, Promoter of Justice, 1015 ESE Loop 323, Tyler, De 10:00am a 12:00 del medio dia TX 75701; Phone 903-266-2159; Email <[email protected]>. F Y I - MARK YOUR CALENDAR - ALL CURRENT FAITH FORMATION TEACHERS AND ANYONE INTERESTED AND WILLING TO TEACH NEXT YEAR, WHO DO NOT HAVE ENDORSEMENT, NEED TO ATTEND ENDORSEMENT CLASSES TO BE GIVEN BY FR LOWRY ON THE SECOND & FOURTH WEDNESDAY BEGINNING JUNE 2016. FIRST CLASS WILL BE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2016, IN THE PARISH HALL, 6:00 P.M. - 7:15 P.M. PLEASE GIVE PRAYERFUL CONSIDERATION TO JOINING FAITH FORMATION AS A TEACHER OR AN ASSISTANT - WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! h t u o Y NOW EVERY OTHER TUESDAY IN THE HALL! Mass –6PM celebrations begin at 6:45! TO SETUP A REMINDER: text @youth2121 to 81010 We have partnered up with the Malakoff Youth Group. Contact us at [email protected]. Cualquiera que necesite La certificación básica o recertificación En español Por favor marquen sus calendarios! Diácono Rubén NATERA ESTARÁ AQUÍ EL Sábado, 9 de julio de 2016 La certificación básica comenzará a las 9:00am RE-certificación COMENZARÁ A LAS 12.00pm Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion ----- EMHC Training ---For those interested in becoming EMHCs (formerly called “Eucharistic Ministers”) a training session is scheduled for Wednesday, Jun 8, at 6:30. Please pre-register by calling the church office at 903.675.2509 or Yvonne Sparks at 281.851.2717. St. Edward Parishioners need you. Our Stewardship of God’s Gifts Attendance/Reunidos______________ General Offertory/Ofrenda SPONSOR OF THE MONTH 533 DANNY’S $ 8603 Confirmation $787 Building Fund __$200 7 SMOKEHOUSE BAR-B-QUE We Specialize in Catering 903-675-5238 903-286-0627 Cell Misc.: Candles, bibles/gift store, etc_____$251 850 E Corsicana Athens Danny & Greg Thank you! ¡Gracias! Commissions, Councils & Ministries Comisiones, Consejo & Ministerios Altar Servers Dcn. David Finch 903-675-2509 Acomodadores Antonio Miranda 903-292-1441 Bereavement Penny Finch 903-675-3749 Bautismo Dir. of Religious Ed. Zoila Hunt 903-677-1922 Carmen Vásquez Gabriel García 903-681-2018 903-489-3531 Ethics & Integrity Nancy Pitts 903-681-3040 Cursillistas Carlos Ceballos 903-275-8428 Finance Council Nancy Pitts 903-681-3040 Knights of Columbus Bob Garrett 903-675-3515 Landscape Committee Yvonne Sparks 281-851-2717 Lectors Kathi Murphy-Boley 972-467-5092 Music Pat Hudson 903-338-2664 RCIA Dcn. David Finch 903-675-3749 Ushers Mel Hebert 903-677-6618 Youth Group Fr. Nolan Lowry 903-675-2509 Gabriel Project Virginia Gandy Tracy Phelps 903-451-3401 903-286-4364 SOCIETY OF ST. V. DE PAUL Linda Kindel Duelo de Familias Esperanza Campa Olga Torres 903-681-5578 903-675-0526 Grupo de Oración Alberto & Angélica Salazar 903-477-1608 Guadalupanos Guille Rosas 903-675-6750 Lectores Florentino Guerrero 903-767-5544 Monaguillos Laura García 903-670-3258 Música Rogelio Escobedo Benny Martínez 903-288-2187 903-681-3190 Quinceañeras Olga Torres 903-675-0526 RICA Aurora Miranda903-288-7015 972-454-9524 ST. EDWARD’S PASTORAL COUNCIL 2016—2018 Carmen Delgado Florentino Guerrero Laurie Hannan Danny Sparks Carletta Morris Harvey Osio Celia Reyes Jim Streifel If you would like to share an event or any information please submit information online to www.stedwardsparish.org-> News/Events or send news to [email protected] or [email protected]. Si usted tiene un evento que quiera compartir o cualquier información envíelo al sitio www.stedwardsparish.org-> News/Events o mande un correo electrónico a secretarystedward@gmail o a [email protected]. SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Help and referrals for needy Ayuda y recomendación para necesitados. Weekdays: (903) 681-8043 Week-ends: (972)454-9524 CHURCH OFFICE HOURS HORAS DE OFICINA Monday/Lunes thru Friday/Viernes 10:0am-6:00pm Lunch 12:00pm-1:00pm Saturday/Sabado & Sunday/Domingo Closed-Cerrado Webb’s HOLIDAY CLEANERS 409 S Palestine, Athens 903-675-7022 903-489-0969 Athens Malakoff Omar Salazar (903)675-5200 State License TACLB29884R (903) 670-3351 Committed to Helping Seniors Remain in Their Homes Serving East Texas communities since 2001 Experienced non-medical care- givers with excellent references. An affordable alternative to Help with daily living tasks. Long –term care insurance. Veterans program. Licensed, insured, and bonded. 903.677.3007 www.caringcompanionsathome.com Cedar Creek Glass & Mirror Residential & Commercial Replacement Glass & Solar Screens Framed & Frameless Showers Jay Kohlmeier El Arroyo 416 S Palestine Ste C Athens 903.292.5279 Dine In Carry Out Mon-Fri 11am-9pm 416 S Palestine Suite F -Athens (903) 681-5632 [email protected] Danny & Greg Modern Mex-Kitchen Tailor Shop 500 S Palestine Athens 903-675-5238 903-286-0627 Cell Kathy Martin (903)880-7388 1302 S 3rd #103 Mabank TX [email protected] ww.rmluxe.com Sookies Italian Cuisine We Specialize in Catering Re/Max Luxe 903-203-0467 903-675-6739 Roma DANNY’S nursing homes. Carpentry, Remodeling, Painting Decks, Metal Roofs Servicing All Makes & Models Residential & Commercial SMOKEHOUSE BAR-B-QUE 850 E Corsicana Athens Cleto Concrete & Construction Comfortville Air Conditioning & Heating 903.498.8739 BRINSONFORD.COM 2970 E Hwy 31 Athens 877.367.3530 1951 E Hwy 31 Corsicana JALISCO’S RESTAURANT & TAQUERIA AUTHENTIC MEXICAN FOOD 877.367.3802 505 W CORSICANA ATHENS Work or Play… Find it at Hernandez Concrete Construction 903-677-6169 Driveways Sidewalks Fences Slabs Patios BRINSON SE HABLA ESPANOL Residential & Commercial Over 20 Years Experience Gus & Bernardo Free Estimates (903) 477-0658 (903) 286-8546 Carroll-Lehr Funeral Home 1 9 1 0 E T y l e r At h e n s 903 -675-2211 Robert J. Nettune, M.D. Ophthalmologist Parishioner Gregory F Mondini, Medicare Accepted Se Habla Espanol M.D., P.A. Obstetrics / Gynecology / Fertility 903.675.5300 607 E Clinton Athens (903) 675-7700 1123 S Palestine St Athens TX 75751 Se Habla Español Mark R. Walker Attorney and Counselor Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into Hell, Satan and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world, seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. Parishioner 214-395-3542 [email protected] San Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en la batalla. Sé nuestro amparo contra las perversidad y asechanzas del demonio. Reprímale Dios, pedimos suplicantes, y tu príncipe de la milicia celestial arroja al infierno con el divino poder a Satanás y a los otros espíritus malignos que andan dispersos por el mundo para la perdición de las almas. Amén. Henderson County GUTTER Steve Wasinger 903-368-1081 • 903-292-1188 Charity Unity Patriotism Fraternity Knights of Columbus St Edward Council 10524 Ask a Knight Silver Line Roofing All Types of Roofing Richard Gallo 903.747.7450 [email protected] Please Patronize Our Advertisers To thank them for their support of our parish bulletin Por favor Frequente a Nuestros Anunciantes Para darles las gracias por su apoyo a nuestro boletín parroquial St. Edward’s Catholic Gifts in the parish hall. Sundays 9:30am-12:30pm Althea Schmidt 903.489.2512 Office 903.675.2509 weekdays Advertise Here! Call Kathi 972-467-5092 ¡Publique Aquí!