Buy your tickets now! Only $50 for admission to the auction and a
Buy your tickets now! Only $50 for admission to the auction and a
St. Mary’s Parish January 18, 2015 18 de enero 2015 Buy your tickets now! Only $50 for admission to the auction and a delicious Italian dinner. It will be a fun filled evening for all. THIS WEEK’S TOPIC IS THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS! Do you want to learn more about your faith? Join us once a week for ten weeks of “Catholicism”! It’s a excellent video/discussion series by Father Robert Baron. Join with other St. Mary’s Parishioners to discuss and learn together. It’s not too late! We began last week, but we welcome you for session 2! Monday’s at 1 led by Dr. Ursula Tabor in the Peace House ground level enter on 7th, or Tuesday’s at 7 PM led by Brian Morin in the Maximillan Kolbe Room, or Wednesday’s at 9:30 led by Charlene Dunten in the Peace House enter on Ellsworth or Thursday at 9:30 AM led by Diana Crumpton in the Maximillan Kolbe Room, or Saturday at 9:30 AM led by Kathy Reilly in the Maximillan Kolbe Room If you can’t come every week, come when you can! The Maximillian Kolbe Room is off parking lot / playground area. Use door that opens to playground. Vision Statement “We, the people of St. Mary’s, envision a Christ centered , welcoming community enriched by the gifts of a diverse heritage. We remember our past and are open to our future: living and sharing the Gospel with enthusiasm, joy and celebration under the guidance and protection of Mary, Our Lady of Perpetual Help.” Declaración de la Visión: "Nosotros, el pueblo de Santa María, imaginamos una comunidad acogedora centrada en Cristo enriquecida por los dones de un patrimonio diverso. Recordamos nuestro pasado y estamos abiertos a nuestro futuro: viviendo y compartiendo el Evangelio con entusiasmo, alegría y celebración, bajo la guía y la protección de María, Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro". The I Heart St. Mary’s Auction is fast approaching. As we look forward for a good and bright future for our parish, we also plant really good seeds today. I am enjoining you all good and faithful fellow journeyers to join me in planting these good seeds by participating and engaging in our Un Futuro Glorioso! This is our first major family activity for our 130th year of foundation. In order to see bright days coming, our seed planting must start from the “future” of our community, our children and the youth. This auction is meant to raise fund for the catechism, training and education of our young. There are various ways by which you can enjoy and engage and share in this year’s auction. Please check them out and choose your pick according to your interest. All of them are very important to the cause. So come one and all! o0o I also invite you to check out our ministry fair for the 130th foundation of our parish. This is one way of getting us one and united in our endeavor of building our community and building our faith. There are several activities throughout the year that you can choose to get involved. Please find time to check the opportunities for involvement in the gathering space after each Mass. o0o This weekend is a continuation of the story of the Baptism of the Lord. Many scholars say, this John the Evangelist Gospel is his baptism account of Jesus. John, however, is not obsessed with history, which makes his Gospel distinguished from the Synoptics (Matthew, Mark, Luke). Thus John’s baptism account is a significant reflection of the importance of Jesus’ baptism in the river Jordan. In John’s Gospel, John the Baptizer pointed to Jesus as the “Lamb of God”. The “Lamb of God” is the servant God is pleased with. The Son is the obedient servant who does the Father’s will. The “Lamb of God” is the servant who takes away the sins of the world. As a sacrifice, the “Lamb of God” pleased the Lord as he willed that the plan of salvation be fulfilled through him. The “Lamb of God” is our soul’s nourishment so that we are able to make ourselves worthy of the salvation wrought by Christ. o0o Finally, I am inviting you as much as the US Bishops call you to join all the Catholics in prayer to end abortion. Beginning January 17 to 25, we will do a nine-day prayer to promote a culture of life. Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life O God, throughout the ages you have called women and men to pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses of Faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to you. Continue to enrich your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure the Kingdom of Heaven above all things. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. La subasta de nuestra iglesia Santa María se acerca rápidamente. Al mirar hacia adelante para un futuro bueno y brillante para nuestra parroquia, necesitamos plantar muy buenas semillas hoy. Les estoy invitando mis queridos buenos y fieles compañeros de jornada a unirse a mí en la siembra de estas semillas buenas, al participar e involucrarse en Un Futuro Glorioso! Esta es nuestra primera gran actividad como familia para nuestro 130º aniversario de fundación. Para poder ver los días luminosos que viene, nuestra siembra de semillas debe partir del "futuro" de nuestra comunidad, nuestros niños y jóvenes. Esta subasta es para recaudar fondos para la catequesis, la formación y la educación de nuestros jóvenes. Hay varias maneras en que usted puede disfrutar y participar y compartir en la subasta de este año. Por favor, pueden elegir la manera de ayudar de acuerdo a su interés. Toda la ayuda es muy importante para la causa. Así que vengan todos y cada uno! o0o También te invito a que echa un vistazo a nuestra feria de ministerios la fundación de nuestra iglesia cumple 130años . Esta es una manera de conseguir que nos unamos y unidos juntos con esfuerzo de construir nuestra comunidad y la construcción de nuestra fe. Hay varias actividades durante todo este año en el que podemos participar. Por favor, tome un tiempo después de misa para revisar las diferentes oportunidades de participar en nuestra gran Celebración. O0o Este fin de semana seguimos recordando el Bautismo del Señor. Muchos eruditos dicen, que el Evangelista Juan en el relato del evangelio sobre el bautismo de Jesús. No está obsesionado con la historia, lo que hace que a su Evangelio distinguirse de los sinópticos (Mateo, Marcos, Lucas). Así la historia de Juan le da un importante reflejo a la importancia del bautismo de Jesús en el río Jordán. En el Evangelio de San Juan, Juan el Bautista señaló a Jesús como el "Cordero de Dios". El "Cordero de Dios" en quien Dios tiene Complacencia. El Hijo es el siervo obediente a la voluntad del Padre. El "Cordero de Dios" es el siervo que quita los pecados del mundo. Como un sacrificio, el "Cordero de Dios" agradó al Señor que quiso que el plan de salvación se cumplirá a través de él. El "Cordero de Dios" es el alimento de nuestra alma para que seamos capaces de hacernos dignos de la salvación realizada por Cristo. O0o Por último, los invito al llamado que hacen los Obispos de Estados Unidos a unirnos a todos los católicos en oración para terminar con el aborto. A partir del 17 al 25 de Enero vamos a hacer una oración de nueve días para promover una cultura por la vida. Padre Cit Mass Schedule and Intentions January 17 - 23 Saturday 5:00 PM ~ Intention for Pat Jackson Saturday 7:00 PM ~ Sunday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Elaine Dauphinais Sunday 11:00 AM ~ Memory of June Falk Sunday 1:00 PM ~ For the People of St. Mary’s Monday 8:30 PM ~ communion service Tuesday 8:30 AM ~ communion service Tuesday 5:30 PM ~ Memory of Jack Hellman Wednesday 8:30 AM ~ Wednesday 5:30 PM ~ Memory of Daphne Howells Thursday 8:30 AM ~ Friday 8:30 AM ~ January 24 - 25 Saturday 5:00 PM ~ Memory of David White Saturday 7:00 PM ~ For the People of St. Mary’s Sunday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Doug Wainwright Sunday 11:00 AM ~ Memory of June Falk Sunday 1:00 PM ~ Memory of Michael Howells Mass Intentions If you would like to have a Mass offered for a particular intention or for someone who has died, please call the parish office. The stipend for the Mass is $10. Our office staff will help you to find a date and time for the Mass. Collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign Next week, our parish will take up the Collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign. This collection communicates the Gospel through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through podcasts, television, radio, and print media. Half of all proceeds remain in our Archdiocese and support local needs, so please be generous in this collection. La próxima semana nuestra parroquia realizará la Colecta para la Campaña Católica de la Comunicación. Esta colecta comunica el Evangelio a través de actividades en los medios sociales católicos y enriquece nuestra fe a través de los podcasts, la televisión, la radio y la prensa escrita. La mitad de lo recaudado permanece en nuestra Arquidiócesis y financia las necesidades locales así que, por favor, contribuyan generosamente a esta colecta. the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon and the Archdiocese of Seattle, regardless of when, or for which parish, school or other organization. The IP PIN number has been or will be sent by the IRS via US Mail by early January 2015. The IP-PIN must be included on your 2014 tax return. The IRS will not process returns that do not include this IP PIN number in an effort to protect people from having a fraudulent return filed in their name for the 2014 tax year. Please read important information posted about this IP-PIN mailing on the Archdiocesan website: Click on Action Alert on the first page. If you have questions, please contact the IRS Identity Protection Special Unit at 1-800-908-4490 or visit a Taxpayer Assistance Center. Please do not contact the Archdiocese. The Archdiocese has no information on the issuance of IPPINs. Alerta de acción referente a un comunicado del IRS por correo postal. El IRS le informo a la Arquidiócesis de Portland que The U.S. bishops annual novena 9 Days for Life takes place Sat- con el proposito de asistir a individuales posiblemente afectados urday, January 17 – Sunday, January 25. Pray for the respect and por fraude fiscal, está intentando expedir un numero PIN de Proprotection of all human life with new intentions, brief reflections, tección de Identidad (IP PIN) a cada individuo quien obtuvo una and more each day. Download the novena online, or participate verificación de antecedentes penales a través del antiguo through Facebook, email, text message or an app. Join at proveedor de verificación de antecedentes para la Arquidiócesis de! Portland en Oregon y la Arquidiócesis de Seattle, sin importar cuLa novena anual de los obispos de EE. UU., 9 Días por la Vida, ando o para que parroquia, escuela u organización fue realizado. tendrá lugar del 17 al 25 de enero. Recen por el respeto y la proEl numero IP PIN ha sido o será enviado por el IRS por correo tección de la vida humana con nuevas intenciones, breves reflex- postal (USPS Mail) a principios de este enero 2015. El numero IPiones y más cada día. Bajen la novena de Internet o participe en PIN debe ser incluido en su declaración de impuestos para el Facebook, mensaje electrónico de texto o una aplicación. ¡Únete a año 2014. El IRS no procesara aquellas declaraciones de! puesto que no incluyan este número IP PIN, con la intención de proteger a personas para que no se presente un declaración fraudAction alert re: IRS mailing. The IRS informed the Archdiocese of ulenta en su nombre para el año fiscal 2014. Portland that, in an effort to assist individuals potentially affected by Por favor lea la información importante que ha sido publicada sotax fraud, it is attempting to issue an Identity Protection PIN (IP bre este tema del numero IP-PIN en la página web de la ArPIN) number to every individual who had a criminal background quidiócesis: Haga clic en donde dice Action check processed through the former background check vendor for Alert en la primera página. Si tiene preguntas, por favor póngase Prayer Corner Please keep all those who are ill or suffering in your prayers. For those who are ill or homebound: Cliff, Gavin, Jennifer, Joshua, Fr. Pat, Wes, Sean Alpapara, Gretta Aker, Anita Anderson, Shirley Baley, Cecelia Bangelinan, Al & Karen Barrios, Tony Barbisan, Carl Beyer, Brianna Boyd, Joshua Brown, Robert Brown, Alizabeth Buchert, Kim Buckner, Bob & Linda Burroughs, Polly Calligan, Florencia Carrasco , Mel Chaput, Mark Dempsey, Bob Distifino, Paul Eldred, Steve Engberg, Florence Fitzgerald, Ashley Torgeson Fuller, Jack Gall, Morris Gerke, Kevin Greig, Magdalena Quitugua, Jesus Hagan, Family o f Tom Haller, Alice Hamilton, Beth Harrington, Andrew Hasler, Bruce Heilman, Vonnie Heilman, Rose Hellman, Connie Hoffman, Tyler Hoflich, Hank and Betty Horvath, Andrea Hughes, Regina Jones, Jayden Johnson, Terry Krom, Dale Lang, Marla Lawrence, William Lawrence, Randy Lloyd, Kathy Martin, Katerina Masvidal, Karen McCann, Marie McGough, JJ Mendoza –Torres, Jeff Mullen, Neal and Normalyn, Pat Norby, Lady Ortiz, Caleb Owen, Mary Paquin, Mike Peaslee, Cheryl Perri, Kiki Predmore, Luisa Quitugua, Carol Rambousek, Judy Reyes, Nathdaniel Rodriguez, Tim Rothengass, Roger Ross, Cathy Sargent, Tom Savage, Toni Steward, Dorona Sosa, Rose Sotter, Judy Stephen, Cliff Swanson, Judith Sullivan, Maureen Tobey, Anicia Tomokane ,Wendy Torgeson Sandy Truett, Zakery Williams, Betty Ward, Traci Warner, Steve Wichman , Bill White Jr. , Shaun and Travis Wigle, Katherine Wilson, Sharon Wise, a special intention, woman with a high risk pregnancy and her unborn child. We pray for peace throughout our entire world. We remember our family members and friends who are serving in the military: Brian Aker, Mike Andre, Michael Coker, Andy Borst, Michael Dooley, Scott Doss, Kim Fox, Lynn Nelson-Gall, Thomas Hellman, Phillip Pipinich Hernandez, Ryan Hulburt, Scott Krantz, Christopher Lambert, Gaige Lowden, Dan Lyon, Pedro Manibusan Jr, Ryan Mayton, Kevin McNulty, Mark Moll, Cormac Mullins, Jamie Munchel , Aaron Nguyen, Nathan Nofziger, Annie O;Connell, Ryan Ostermann, Mathew Paben, Brad Paben, Adam Paben, Michael Parker, Michael Pitzer, Alan Philips,, Brianna Ponder-Martinez Neil Reilly, David Richardson, Anthony Rhoden, Andrew Rhoden, Jorge L. Martinez-Salinas, Karl Schmidt, Jesse Schnablegger, Nick Schoenmann Michael J Scott, Michael P. St. Romain, Jeff Stephen, Steve Ungvarsky, Matthew Vanella, Nicole Woody. If you would like to add the name of someone who is serving in the military, please call the office. For the repose of the souls of all the faithful departed: en contacto con la Unidad Especializada en la Protección de la Identidad del IRS al siguiente número: 1-800-908-4490 o acuda a un Centro de Asistencia al Contribuyente. Por favor no contacte a la Arquidiócesis. La Arquidiócesis no tiene información sobre la emisión de los numero IP-Pin. Gracias por su cooperación con respecto a este asunto. **** NOTE this applies to people who had a background check. Offertory Update Actual 01/11/15 …………….. $16,740 Building & Maintenance: $805 Raise the Roof: $10 Family Crisis Fund: $250 Local Charities: $180 Education Fund: $390 Hispanic Masses: $994 Take Another Look If you or someone you know is interested in joining the Catholic Church or returning to the Church, please come to “Take Another Look” on Tuesday, January 27 at 6:30 PM in the chapel. This will be an informal session with lots of time for questions. There will also be time for a tour of the church. Principal Scott Coulter. Student ambassadors will lead campus tours, followed by an activity fair and opportunities to learn more about tuition assistance. For more information, call 503-769-2159, email [email protected], or go to website @ Alumni and members of the community are also welcome. Please join us! Thank you for your support of St. Mary’s Parish through your prayers, good wishes and gifts of time and money. If you would like to Catholic Charities Pregnancy Support & Adoption Services is use envelopes or EFT to make your donations, please contact the in need of loving, caring families interested in expanding their famiparish office. Thanks! ly through open adoption. We are experiencing a shortage of families and need couples who are willing to join us in ministry to womRoe v. Wade 42nd Anniversary Rally en facing an unexpected pregnancy. Our next Orientation Class is • Sunday, January 18, 2015 2:30 pm – 3:30 February 27 & 28. For more details or to schedule a free informa• Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland tional interview, contact Shawn Cass at 503-238-5196 or The Portland Praise Band begins playing at 2:15. [email protected]<mailto:scass@catholiccharities March for life begins immediately following rally.>." Do You Know Someone who wants to know more about the Catholic Church? Do you know an adult who would like to be baptized? Please invite them to come to Inquiry sessions beginning on Tuesday, Feb. 3 at 6:30 PM in Our Lady of Peace House. They will be held the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month following that. For more information please call Kathy at 541-926-1449. Thank you Saturday February 7 One mass only at 4:30 PM! Care for Creation Pay attention to the thermostat – a few degrees can make a big difference in your heating bill. The Catholic Daughters will be having a bake sale the weekend of January 24-25. Please help if you can with your support by purchasing some of our ladies best homemade goodies. All the profit will be divided to the Right to Life Education Fund and Fish Guest House. Thank you for your support to our community families now and in the past. Making Love Last. Queen of Peace Church, Salem Oregon, 7:00 - 8:30pm Monday, February 09, 2015, Working Through Our Problems Intentionally, In this workshop we'll learn how to resolve conflict constructively. Other workshops in this series: March 9, Connecting Through Intimacy, April 13, Trusting Again This workshop is for couples or individuals, unmarried, engaged, married, or remarried any number of years; and individuals separated, or divorced; who would like to invest an evening in learning how to sustain and strengthen their relationships. Presented by Martin Gay, marriage and family therapist. More Information and Register online at <>. or by leaving a message (name and number) at 503-375-6362. No fee for this workshop series. Don't settle for a "good enough" marriage... make it an exceptional marriage! Eucharistic Adoration: St Francis de Sales, Priest, Bishop… France (1567-1622)- Jan 24 "Keep yourself always near Jesus Christ crucified, both spiritually by meditation and really by Holy Communion….when you lay down your heart to rest upon Our Lord, who is true, chaste, and immaculate lamb, you shall see that Regis High School Information Day – “Success is where faith your soul and your heart shall soon be cleansed from all defilement and knowledge meet” - January 25, 2015 @ 1:00 PM in the Stuand lewdness." (St Francis de Sales). Please join us in dent Center, 550 W. Regis Street, Stayton. If you are a 7th or 8th the chapel for Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament this grader (or parent) and are making plans for high school, or a high Friday following the 8:30 mass and going until 8:00 pm. Everyone school-aged student, this is for you. Meet the teachers, students, is welcome. Spend as much or as little time as you can. Contact parents, administrators and learn about academics, athletics, fine Jackie at 917-0458 or Theresa at 926-3114 or Caroline at 924and performing arts, service and leadership, faith-based learning, 9952 evenings, or just stop by. Thank You for offering our Lord and financial aid. Enjoy refreshments and learn how to enroll at this special hour. Expect God's blessing, and give Him thanks. Regis now. A program will begin at 1:00 p.m. with a welcome from “Dynamic Deacon” Harold Burke-Sivers Presents “My Flesh for the Life of the World: The Eucharist and Evangelization" Sunday, January 18, 3:00 pm St. Mary’s Church, Albany Freewill offering will be taken. Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, known around the world as the “Dynamic Deacon,” is one of the most sought-after speakers in the Church today. He is a powerful, passionate evangelist and preacher whose no-nonsense approach to living and proclaiming the Catholic faith is sure to challenge and inspire those who hear him. Deacon Harold travels across the United States and around the world speaking to people of all ages and from all walks of life who desire to know Jesus intimately and enjoy a deeper personal relationship with Him. Please plan to join us on Sunday, January 18th as Deacon Harold examines how Reconciliation and the Eucharist are the fruits of our Heavenly Father’s divine mercy, and the source of our interior transformation and conversion from sin. Deacon Harold will also show how the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Reconciliation brings us closer to Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist. For additional information, please contact the parish office at 541-926-1449 or [email protected] or visit: An Event for Women Tuesday, January 20 6:30 PM in Gathering Space A chance for women to get to know other women in our parish, to talk, have fun and share their faith. Please call or email to rsvp your space. 541-926-1449 or [email protected] Women are invited to bring cookies to share. PS—the marsh mellows for our hot chocolate will be homemade! They will be peppermint and regular Adult Confirmation If you are an adult Catholic (12th grade or older) who has made their first communion but not been confirmed, consider joining us this year for adult confirmation sessions. Adult Confirmation begins January 22 @ 6:30 PM in the Maximillan Kolbe room. Please bring your baptismal certificate. Other class dates: 1/29, 2/12, 2/26, 3/19, 3/26 and 4/16 all at 6:30 PM. Additional dates are: 3/1 at noon; and 3 / 4 at 7 PM. The next children’s choir practice is Wednesday, January 21 @ 6 PM. Confirmation will be Sunday afternoon April 26 at 5 PM. The children will sing at the 11 AM Mass on January 25. Practice will be earlier that afternoon. For more information call Kathy Reilly @ 541-9261449. Un Futuro Gloriso Auction & Dinner February 7, 2014 Tickets $50 each Auction Information ♥ This year our super silent and live auction and dinner will be Saturday, February 7 at 5:30 PM. Our silent auction will be Saturday and Sunday, May 16 & 17. Items which have been donated may be sold at either auction. As a general rule, items on the super silent auction will be valued at $100 or more; items on the live auction will be valued at $250 or more. Items in the silent auction will range in value from $10- $200 or more. ♥ The auction on February 7 is by ticket only. Tickets are on sale now for $50 each. That includes dinner. ♥ Wine Pull Would you be willing to donate a bottle of wine or two for this year’s auction? The wine must be valued at at least $15—but the sky’s the limit! For the wine pull all bottles are bagged individually in a brown paper sack. Then an auction guest pays $20 and gets to pick the wine bottle of their choice. They may get a bottle worth $15 or they may get a bottle worth $50. It’s a fun, easy way to support our auction. You can bring your donations to the office or to church by Feb. 2. ♥ 50 / 50 During this year’s auction we will bring back the popular 50/50 game. Participants buy a ticket for $10 each and are then entered into a drawing for 50% of the proceeds of the 50 / 50 ticket sales. For example, if we sell 50 tickets at $10 each the proceeds would be $500 and the winning ticket would receive $250! ♥ Last year’s auction was too long! We heard that from many of you and this year we are working to make the length more comfortable for everyone. We hope that you will give us another look this year! ♥ Auction “Giving Tree” there is a “tree” with tags in the vestibule which have suggestions for auction items. It’s similar to our Christmas Giving Tree. You take a tag and bring back you gift by January 25. ♥ Auction seating—usually there are 8 people at each table. You can invite your friends and sit with them or we will seat you at a table with some wonderful St. Mary’s folks. ♥ All proceeds from our auction go to support the programs for children and youth of our parish. The money is used for scholarships, to buy books or supplies and to allow us to do things that we might not otherwise be able to do. Your support of our auction is essential to the future for the children and youth of our parish. ♥ Sadie Craig and Cynthia De La Torre are this year’s auction co-chairs. They hope to see you at this year’s auction and dinner! ♥ Saturday, February 7, 2015 ♥ Super Silent Auction Live Auction & Dinner 4:00—4:30 pm—early bird check in only Early bird check ins will be entered into a special drawing. Doors open at 5:30 PM 5:30 pm – Auction check in & Super Silent Auction Italian Themed Dinner Live Auction. ♥ Auction Helpers Needed! ♥ It takes many of us working together to help build a successful auction for programs for the children and youth of our parish. Here are a few opportunities for you to consider: Name: ___________________________________________________ Phone/email: ______________________________________ Ticket Pre Sales Jan 24 & 25 After the ___ 5 PM Mass; ___ 7 PM Mass; ___ 8:30 AM Mass; ___ 11:00 AM Mass; ___ 7:00 PM Mass Set Up Super Silent & Live Auction Items ____ Saturday, February 7, 9:30 AM—noon Help Where Needed ___ Friday, February 6, 1—3 PM ___ Saturday, February 7, 10– noon Super Silent Auction Hosts/ Hostesses ___ Saturday, February 7, 5:15—7:15 PM Auction Check Out Helpers ___ Saturday, February 7, 7:00 PM—9:30 PM Wine Pull ___ I will bring ___ bottles of wine for the wine pull. Each bottle will be valued at $15 or more. ___ I will help organize the wine pull. Contact me for more information Please turn this form into the office or in the collection. Thank you for your support of the children and youth of St. Mary’s! God bless Here are just a few of some of the great auction items that will be available at our auction on February 7! ♥ Two night stay at a Nye Beach house. ♥ One week stay at the Carriage House in Las Vegas. ♥ One week stay at the Hawaiian Princess on Oahu Hawaii. ♥ Three month family membership and joining fee from the YMCA. ♥ A cord of hard wood stacked and delivered. ♥ $100 gift card to Walmart. ♥ 7 night stay at Depoe Bay ♥ 7 night stay at Eagle Crest ♥ An original artwork by Fr. Cit ♥ Stump grinding from Buena Vista Arbor Care ♥ Delicious desserts ♥ And more! You can buy your tickets after Mass or by coming into the office or mailing in your ticket form (elsewhere in the bulletin). Invite your friends to sit with you to enjoy a great evening and support the children and youth of our parish. Major Auction Sponsor Support Opportunities Give a gift in memory of a loved one Auction Angel Donation Choirs of Heavenly Hosts Guardian Angels: $50 Archangels:$75 Cherubim:$100 Seraphim: $200 “Auction Angel” gift in memory of: Name: _________________________________ Sponsorships Onyx $250- $500 Promotional signage at auction Ruby $501– $1000 Promotional signage at auction Crimson $1001—$2500* Promotional signage at auction Dinner event seating for two 6months ad in church bulletin ($137.50 value, as available) Sapphire $2500—and greater* Promotional signage at auction Dinner event seating for four 12 months ad in church bulletin ($275 value, as available) Name: _________________________________ Please find enclosed $_______________ ____ for an Auction Angel (loved one’s name given above) ____ for a sponsorship Auction Sponsors PP& L Deluxe Brewing St. Mary’s Appreciates our sponsors! *The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) states that the portion of contribution exceeding any value of any benefits received by you may be eligible for a charitable contribution. Our estimate of the fair market value of benefits received is $50 per auction ticket ; 6 month bulletin ad $137.50; 12 month bulletin ad $275.00. I St. Mary’s Auction Date: Procurement Form St. Mary’s Parish 706 Ellsworth SW Albany, OR (541-926-1449) Tax ID # 93-0415218 Donor Information (As it will be listed in the auction catalogue) Name________________________________________________ Business ___________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ City ________________________ Zip_____________ Telephone ( ) _______________ Fax ( ) _______________ email: _____________________________________________ Donation Information Cash Donor Check attached Item Name: _______________________________________ Certificate: Attached St. Mary’s will make certificate Detailed Description (Include all facts for catalogue description and publicity i.e. color, size, dates, limitations, number of persons, time of year, insurance required, etc.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fair market value: $_____________________________________ Quantity of items: _________________________ (required for taxes) This donation becomes the sole property of St. Mary’s Parish and is to be offered for sale at an auction, the proceeds of which will go to St. Mary’s programming for children and youth. The Auction Committee reserves the right to combine, split, or hold items at their discretion, if they feel it would make the item more marketable for auction purposes. This committee also reserves the right to select which section of the auction(s) in which it will appear. Donation Status Item to be picked up by: _______________________Date: ______/______/______ Will be delivered to Parish on: ______/______/______ Procurer Information Part of a Basket? Basket Name: ______________________________ We would like to express our gratitude for your tax deductible gift. St. Mary’s Parish is a non-profit organization and we appreciate your contribution to our important endeavor. Please give a copy of this form to the donor and return a copy with the donation to the office or on the weekend or email: [email protected]. Thank you! Important Note: If possible please enclose a snapshot, business logo, brochure, pamphlets, etc. for inclusion in catalogue and display at St. Mary’s Auction. Thank you! MIDDLE and HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP Next Sunday, Jan. 25th! YG begins at 6:32 pm All middle and high school youth WELCOME! Youth Lock-in at Safari Sam’s, Feb. 15th MS & HS Parent Drivers & Chaperones are needed BEFORE we accept youth registrations for this event (7:30 pm - 9:15 am). Confirmation Retreat Please pray for our Confirmation youth who are on retreat this weekend. May their eyes be opened and their hearts set ablaze! In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen For information on these or any other youth activities, please contact the Youth Ministry Office at 541-905-3491 or [email protected]. Please contact the Youth Ministry Office as soon as possible if you will help (541-905-3491, [email protected]). Thank you so much! National Catholic Youth Conference November 18-22, 2015 For HS Youth, Thursday evenings, 7:00-8:30 pm Open Gym: 6:40-7:00 pm (Enter on 9th St.) Meets on Jan. 29, Feb. 5, March 5 & 19, April 16 & 30 and May 7. Youth Ministry Happenings 1/17-18 Confirmation Retreat, FBYC, Mt. Angel 1/22 NCYC and Steubenville NW Info Meeting for Parents and Youth, 7:00 pm 1/24 Confirmation (Spanish), 5:00-6:45 pm 1/25 Middle School Youth Group, 6:32-8:30 pm High School Youth Group, 6:32-8:30 pm 1/29 High School “Into the Deep” 7:00-8:30 pm INFORMATION MEETINGS Thursday, January 22, 2015 7:00-8:10 pm, Maximilian Kolbe Rm. Sunday, January 25, 2015 9:40-10:50 am, Youth Loft These are the final 2 information meetings (of 4 total). Interested youth who will be in 10th-12th grades next Sept. AND their parents are asked to attend 1 of these remaining meetings. th Open gym at 6:40 pm. Enter on 9 St. 2/01 2/07 Whole Community Catechesis, 9:40-10:50 am Middle School Youth Group, 6:32-8:30 pm High School Youth Group, 6:32-8:30 pm St. Mary’s Auction, Futuro Glorioso! Youth Service Opportunity! All proceeds benefit Children and Youth Ministries of our parish. 2/08 2/14 Confirmation (English), 6:30-8:30 pm Confirmation (Spanish), 5:00-6:45 pm We will also have information about Steubenville Northwest July 30-Aug 2, 2015 Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA I St. Mary’s Live auction & dinner February 7, 2015 Catholic Daughters of the Americas #1461 Regent: Geri Martin, 541-971-8187 1st Monday each month @ 7 PM All lady parishioners welcome! Find us on Facebook St. Mary’s, Albany St. Mary’s Appreciates our Bulletin advertisers! This space is available. Call Joni @ 541-926-1449 For information. Albany Helping Hands Thrift Store 705 First Ave E Changing Lives Open 10 AM— 6 PM Monday– Saturday Donate a Vehicle Help a Neighbor St. Vincent de Paul’s Car Program 1-800-227-8223 Free towing This space is available. Call Joni @ 541-926-1449 For information. ABIQUA CREEK CONSTRUCTION, INC New Construction * Remodel Steve Boragine General Building Contractor Phone/Fax 541-327-7991 CCB#168948 Cell 503-991-6538 Welcome to St. Mary’s Parish January 18, 2015 Second Sunday of Ordinary Time 706 Ellsworth SW, Albany, OR 97321 Father Aniceto Guiriba, Administrator, ext 301 Pastoral Associate: Kathy Reilly ext 301 Music Director: Nancy Higgins, ext 304 Parish Office: Marty Kloeck and Teresa Middlemiss Youth Coordinator: Cherrie Barnes ext 315 Business Office: Joni Siewell ext 305 Parish Office: 541-926-1449 Emergency Phone: 541-990-5552 Fax: 541-926-2191 Email: [email protected] web site: Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday at 5 PM; Sunday at 8:30 & 11:00 AM Reconciliation Saturday 3:30 PM—4:30 PM ; Tuesday 4:30—5:20 or by appointment Mass in Spanish Saturday’s at 7 PM and Sunday’s at 1 PM Office hours Tuesday- Friday ~ 9 to noon & 1 to 4 In Times of Need PRAYER CHAIN: Fran Pace, [email protected] PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: if you would like a prayer shawl for someone who is ill or experiencing a loss, please Carol Hawke at 541-926-2106 or [email protected]. RETROUVAILLE / REDISCOVERY OF OREGON: for couples whose marriages are experiencing pain or communication breakdown. 1-800-470-2230 or BEGINNING EXPERIENCE: weekly support meetings and weekend retreats to aid in healing and beginning again for the widowed, divorced and separated or anyone experiencing the death or loss of a friend or relative. 503-393-2361. Asistentes para la Pastoral en el Ministerio Hispano Marciano y Honorina Lopez Sacramentos Para información sobre los sacramentos, por favor póngase en contacto con las siguiente personas: Bautismo: Marcos y Aracelli Rodríguez 541-979-5140 Primera Comunión: Laura Rodríguez 541-791-9305 Boda: Humberto y Susana Martínez 541-971-2698 Quinceañera: María Chavez 541-220-5044 Confirmación: Marciano y Honorina López 541-971-6064 Para los adultos que no han hecho su Bautismo / Primera Comunión / o Confirmación pónganse en contacto con: Sergio Rodríguez 541-730-7295 Representante del Consejo Pastoral: Lizeth Cervantes 541-974-6096 Sábado:19:00 Misa en español: Domingo 13:00 Oficina: Teresa Middlemiss 541-926-1449 Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes de 13:00 - 16:00 confesión Aqui en la Parroquia: Sábados : tres treinta a cuatro treinta pm Martes : cuatro treinta a cinco treinta pm Miércoles : cuatro treinta a cinco treinta pm Hay un acuerdo especial para aquellas personas que no puedan hablar o entender ingles / pueden asistir a la Iglesia Santa Maria en Corvallis / en los siguientes horarios. Sábados : de tres a cinco pm Domingo : de doce treinta a una pm Miércoles: de cinco a seis pm Colecta de la misa—10 & 11 de enero $994 gracias por su donación