St. Mary of the Assumption Church
St. Mary of the Assumption Church
St. Mary of the Assumption Church 414 East Church St, Santa Maria, CA 93454 - (www. Rectory/Business Office 414 E. Church St. Tel. 922-5826; Fax 922-1986 Email: [email protected] Parochial Administrator Rev. Rolando Clarin Associate Pastor Rev. Joachim Lepcha Pastor Emeritus Rev. Msgr. James Colberg Permanent Deacons Zenon Nawrocik, Dennis Pearson Business Manager Ruth Lundbeck Office Assistant Romeo Mabansag Jr. Parish Financial Liaison Rosalie Marquez Safeguard the Children Ann Mendez/Virginia Domingues Office of Sacramental Formation 302 S. Miller St. Tel. 925-2007 Director/Confirmation Melinda Pursley First Communion Gisela Rendon RCIA Coordinator Terry Pardo St. Mary’s School 424 E. Cypress St. Tel. 925-6713 Principal Michelle Cox Pre-School Director Mary Rowell Parish Mission Statement: St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church strives to be a growing, living Eucharistic Community of Christian Charity, where all can find a home to live out our Faith and spread the good news of God’s love. Misión de la Parroquia: La Iglesia Católica de Santa María de la Asunción se esfuerza por ser una comunidad de crecimiento y comunión viva en caridad cristiana, en donde todos pueden encontrar un lugar para vivir su fe y difundir la buena nueva del amor de Dios. Reflecting on God’s Word As a nation, we are a mobile people. Not only do we travel around during vacations, for special events, and for visiting family and friends, but we readily move from one place to another for college, work, health reasons, and finally retirement. While previous generations usually stayed with one job and in MASS SCHEDULE Saturday– 5:00 p.m., Vigil for Sunday Sunday – 7:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 12 noon (Español) Weekdays – Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m. & 12 noon CONFESSIONS Saturday: 3:00-4:30pm & 7:30-8:30pm; Eve of Holy Day & Thursday before First Friday: 4 -5:00pm BAPTISM English: every 3rd Saturday; Spanish: every 2nd Saturday one house for practically all of their lives, today it is common to move from one place to another, to a different state or even to a different country. This mobility carries over into our relationships. We can find that our lives take us from one set of friends to another, from one close relationship to another. So Jesus’ admonition to remain in his love can sound quite challenging to people whose lives are characterized by change and impermanence. The word “remain” is sometimes translated as “abide.” The meaning of this invitation is to “take up permanent residence.” Last week Jesus called us to “remain” in his word; this week, to “remain in my love” (John 15:9). Jesus tells us how to do this (by keeping his commandments), why we should do this (so that his joy might be in us and our joy complete), what specifically we should do (love one another as I have loved you, that is, by laying down my life for you), and what is to be gained by doing this (an ongoing friendship with him that bears fruit and gains whatever we ask the Father in his name). Not a bad exchange for settling down . . . in his love. —James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. This Week at a Glance Monday , May 2nd _______________ _ 8:00AM Mass Church Mass Church 12:00PM Spanish Prayer Group Church 6:30PM Tuesday, May 3rd_______________ _______________ 8:00AM Mass Church Mass Church 12:00PM Live Christ Share Christ Parish H 7:00PM EEM Meeting (Spanish) MusicRm 7:00PM Wednesday, May 4th___ ___________________________ 8:00AM Mass Church Legion of Mary Rectory 10:00AM Mass Church 12:00PM RCIA English MusicRm 7:00PM Thursday, May 5th________________________________ 8:00AM Mass Church Mass Church 12:00PM Confession Church 4:00PM RCIA Spanish MusicRm 7:00PM Friday, May 6th_______________________ ________ 8:00AM Mass Church Funeral Mass (Juan Castillo) Church 9:30AM Mass Church 12:00PM K of C Fish Fry Parish H 4:00PM Divine Mercy Novena Church 7:00PM Saturday, May 7th______ ________ 8:00AM Mass Church First Holy Communion (English) Church 10:00AM First Holy Communion (Spanish) Church 1:00PM Confession Church 3:00PM 5:00PM Vigil Mass Church Confession Church 7:30PM Sunday, May 8th _______ ________ 7:00AM Mass Church Mass Church 9:30AM Respect Life Library 10:30AM Spanish Mass Church 12:00PM 2 Mass Intentions Parish Announcements MONDAY, May 2nd - St. Athanasius 12:00PM James Mole † TUESDAY, May 3rd - St. Philip & St. James 12:00PM Weekend of April 24, 2016 Romeo Joshua A. Mabansag III Loose Collection Envelope Collection Total WEDNESDAY, May 4th 12:00PM Felix & Juana Castro † Weekly Target Amount Under Goal THURSDAY, May 5th ♦ 12:00PM Rey & Carmelita Sibug (special intention) FRIDAY, May 6th - 1st Friday ♦ 12:00PM A Greater Respect for Life $ 3,551.50 $ 4,969.00 $ 8,520.50 $ 10,000.00 1,479.50 Only registered parishioners receive envelopes. Information printed on your envelopes helps track your donations. To register, go online or pick up form at the Rectory. We thank you for your generous support to our parish! SATURDAY, May 7th - 1st Saturday 5:00PM Rosario Sepulveda †; James Mole † Readings for the Week SUNDAY, May 8th – Sixth Sunday of Easter 7:00AM 9:30AM 12:00PM Monday: Teresa Weber †; Eva Perez † Beatrice & Clifford Tanore † Hayven Rae Marquez †; Donald Quaresma † Clarita & Benjamin Sagisi, Sr. † Maria Dolores Villapando † Meliton Villapando † Guadalupe Cortez-Hernandez † Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Pray for the Sick Friday: Saturday: David Hunsicker, Leti Gonzales, Sylvia Herrera, Mary Ann Torres, Rachel Baez, Jack Lawson, Sunday: Renee Castro, Lee Valencia, Ben Torres, Barbara, Urbanke, Emerenciana Valencia, Dave Karrel, Keren Karrel, Kristy Karrel Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Jn 15:26 — 16:4a 1 Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:2-5; Jn 14:6-14 Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Jn 16:12-15 Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17-23 or Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23; Lk 24:46-53 (for Ascension); otherwise Acts 18:1-8; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 16:16-20 Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23 Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10; Jn 16:23b28 Acts 7:55-60; Ps 97:1-2, 6-7, 9; Rv 22:12-14, 16-17, 20; Jn 17:20-26 or (for Ascension) Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17- 23 or Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23; Lk 24:46-53 WEEKLY & MONTHLY PARISH ACTIVITIES Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Sundays, 2:00pm to 9:00pm; Monday through Friday, 5:00am - 9:00pm and Saturdays, 5:00am - 9:00am. Recitation of Rosary for Vocations – Sunday at 9:00a.m. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Wednesday, Rosary at 6:00p.m. / Novena at 6:30p.m. First Friday Holy Hour of the Divine Mercy: 7:00p.m. 3 Last Friday Novena to Santo Niño: 6:00p.m. Respect Life Committee The need for Hippocratic revival in Medicine! In Hippocrates’ day, medicine was corrupt. Doctors got away with murder. Hippocrates established a new genre of physician who would not commit abortions or euthanize. In time, patients preferred pro-life physicians. How desperately we need that today! Unless a doctor respects the right to life, how can we trust him/her on: * ectopic pregnancy care when they are so quick to abort; * mandatory vaccinations when some are made with aborted fetal tissue; * end of life care when he/she thinks it is acceptable sometimes to kill and innocent person intentionally. With the advent of gov’t–controlled healthcare, never has it been more necessary to identify and prefer pro-life physicians. The Assoc of Pro-Life Physicians founded in 2004 has the vision to identify and promote physicians who adopt the pro-life plank of the original Hippocratic Oath. Go to Search also these sites:;; and ~~~~~~~ Until all are welcomed in life and protected in law. Join us in the Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy & song. Many voices will end abortion & euthanasia. 1) Near Planned Parenthood – Pro-Life counseling & prayer 5 days a week, call Max at 349-0083 for schedule. 2) St Mary’s Church – Holy Hour - Saturday, 6:15 pm 3) St Mary’s Church – Mass @ noon, 1st Friday of each month DidYouKnow Stress can affect your child Publication date: 5/2/2016 Everyone has stress, whether it’s a bad day at work, car trouble, or simply too many things to do. It is important to learn how to manage your stress—for your own sake and for the children around you. Too much stress can make it hard to parent effectively. After a while, your children may show signs of being stressed out, too. For a fact sheet on managing stress please email: [email protected] or call (213) 6377227. 2016-2017 Registration: Sunday, June 5th 9:00AM-12:00PM Parish Hall _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ El estrés puede afectar a su hijo/a El estrés puede afectar a su hijo/a Toda persona se estresa en algún momento, ya sea por un mal día en el trabajo, un problema con el automóvil, o simplemente muchas cosas que hacer. Es importante aprender cómo manejar su estrés, para su propio bien y para el bien de los niños a su alrededor. Mucho estrés puede hacer difícil que eduque a sus hijos con efectividad. Después de un tiempo, sus hijos también pueden mostrar signos de estar estresados. Para recibir información sobre cómo manejar el estrés envíe un correo electrónico a jvienna@la o llame al (213) 6377227. ● Requirements: First Holy Communion ● Baptism Certificate Being in 1st grade or higher as of August 2016 ● $60 per year Confirmation Baptism and Communion certificate Being in 9th or 10th grade as of August 2016 ● $200 per year ● ● We will no register any one without their proper certificates. Note - Space is limited. Register parishioners and those who live with in our boundaries will be given priority. 4 Ministries and Organizations FIRST FRIDAY - DIVINE MERCY HOLY HOUR DEVOTION Society of Saint Vincent de Paul St. Mary of the Assumption Conference Sixth Sunday of Easter In the Gospel today, Jesus says to us: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. ”By your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul you also say to those who are poor: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.” Have you considered answering the call to “help the poor recognize the Lord in their life” by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? Are you being called to serve others specially the poor? We are looking for members. COME & SEE! We pray, share our faith & serve others. Please contact the Rectory at (805) 922 – 5826 Ext.16. * No work of charity is foreign to the society * MINISTERS FOR THE SICK MEETING Fr. Joachim Lepcha is inviting all Ministers for the Sick (English) to a meeting on May 14th, 2016, 10:00am to 12:00pm in the Parish Hall May 6th, 2016; at 7 pm in our Church Everyone is invited!!! Come and join us in singing & praising our Divine Lord, Jesus Christ! Message from Pope Frances: “How much I desire that the year to come will be STEEPED IN MERCY, so that we can go out to every man and woman, bringing the goodness and tenderness of God.” Silent Retreat Invitation Mark your summer calendar for a riveting retreat experience with Dominican retreat master Fr. Serge Propst, O.P. from St. Albert’s Priory in Oakland! Come to beautiful St. Clare’s Retreat Center in Soquel (majestic Santa Cruz Mountains) for a silent retreat weekend on either July 15-17 or July 22-24 as Fr. Serge teaches and explores the exciting theme of... “The Christian Toolbox: 5 Essential Virtues for Holiness” Enjoy this rich spiritual food for the soul deepening your interior life with Christ in this Jubilee Year of Mercy in addition to delicious meals by Chef Sondra. Contact Person: Julia Hopkins 922-2566 Contact person: Donna Marie Snead at 805.439.1985 Retreat Donation: $150 May 2016 Altar Servers Schedule Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 7:00am Important: Check days & dates carefully. You are responsible to ensure you serve the Masses you are scheduled for. Sunday 9:30am Altar Server Coordinator: Dn. Dennis K. Pearson (347-8407) Mon-Fri, Noon 7-May 14-May 21-May 28-May Madeline Skou Madeline Skou Chris Chavez Lizeth Guzman AnneMarie Skou AnneMarie Skou Matt Chavez Sara Swenson Gloria Skou Jazlyn Figueroa Steve Curiel Jazlyn Figueroa 1-May 8-May 15-May 22-May 29-May Luc Licoscos Luc Licoscos Luc Licoscos Luc Licoscos Katy Rucker C. Licoscos C. Licoscos C. Licoscos C. Licoscos Michael Rucker Helena Rimes Helena Rimes Lizeth Guzman Helena Rimes Helena Rimes Crystal Cabanas Jace Reiss Naijan Sanchez Czarlyn Camba Cyril Cabanas Jet Reiss Alowi Sanchez Maria Dumadara Aidan Lange M. Thompson Nat Sanchez Joan Mabansag Briana Munoz Chanel Corpuz Chanel Corpuz Special Mass & Procession Corpus Christi School/Adult Volunteers 5 Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios 1 de Mayo del 2016 Página 6 Noticias del Programa de Como nación somos un pueblo en movimiento. No es que sólo viajemos durante las vacaciones y para visitar a familiares y amistades, sino que estamos dispuestos a mudarnos de un lugar a otro para ir a la universidad, para trabajar, por razones de Inscripciones para 2016-2017: Domingo, 5 de Junio 9:00AM-12:00PM Salón Parroquial salud y finalmente para nuestra jubilación. Mientras que generaciones anteriores normalmente permanecían en un solo trabajo y en una misma casa prácticamente por toda su vida, hoy es común mudarse de un lugar a otro, a un estado diferente y aun a otro país. Esta movilidad afecta nuestras relaciones llevándonos de un grupo de amigos hacia otro, de una relación íntima hacia ● otra. Es por eso que la amonestación de Jesús para que permanezca- Requisitos: Primera Comunión ● Fe de Bautismo Estar en el primer grado o adelante en Agosto del 2016 ● $60 por el año (no inscribiremos a nadie sin sus certificados) mos en su amor puede parecer como un gran reto para aquellas personas cuya vida se distingue por el cambio y la transitorie- Confirmación Fe de Bautismo y Certificado de Comunión Estar en el noveno o decimo grado en Agosto del 2016 ● $200 por el año ● dad. La palabra “permanecer” a veces se traduce como algo ● “duradero”. El significado de esta invitación es “quedarnos en una residencia duradera”. La semana pasada Jesús nos exhortó Nota-El cupo es limitado. Se le dará prioridad a los feligreses registrados en la parroquial y personas que viven dentro de sus linderos. a “permanecer” unidos en sus palabras; esta semana nos dice “permanezcan en mi amor” (Juan 15:9). Jesús nos dice cómo hacer eso (cumpliendo sus mandamientos), por qué hacerlo (para participar en su alegría y que nuestra alegría sea completa), qué es lo que debemos hacer específicamente (amarnos los unos a los otros como él nos ha amado, esto es, que entregó su vida por mí y por ti) y qué ganamos por hacer esto (una amistad continua con él, la cual produce frutos Dave Delletier, Isidro Trejo, Sergio Cabrera, Frank Miranda, Sylvia Gonzales, Benjamin Villicana, Richard Galvan, Kristy Karrel, Karen Karrel, Dave Karrel and Emerenciana Valencia, Pablo Rendon y nos concede todo lo que pidamos al Padre en su nombre). Un intercambio bastante bueno por permanecer . . . en su amor. —James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Grupo de Oración María Reina de la Paz Le invitamos cordialmente a la asamblea de alabanza y adoración, los lunes a las 7:00pm. ¡Ven a experimentar el poder de Dios! Para más información, llame a Lety al 922-8352. Domingo: 6 Hch 16:11-15; Sal 149:1b-6a, 9b; Jn 15:26 -- 16:4a 1 Cor 15:1-8; Sal 19 (18):2-5; Jn 14:6-14 Hch 17:15, 22 -- 18:1; Sal 148:1-2, 11-14; Jn 16:12-15 Hch 1:1-11; Sal 47 (46):2-3, 6-9; Ef 1:17- 23 o Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23; Lc 24:46-53 (para la Ascensión); o Hch 18:1-8; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Jn 16:16-20 Hch 18:9-18; Sal 47 (46):2-7; Jn 16:20-23 Hch 18:23-28; Sal 47 (46):2-3, 8-10; Jn 16:23 b-28 Hch 7:55-60; Sal 97 (96):1-2, 6-7, 9; Ap 22:12-14, 16-17, 20; Jn 17:20-26 o (para la Ascensión) Hch 1:1-11; Sal 47 (46):2-3, 6-9; Ef 1:17- 23 o Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23; Lc 24:46-53