The Baptism of the Lord - St Augustine Catholic Parish in Brighton
The Baptism of the Lord - St Augustine Catholic Parish in Brighton
178 South 6th Avenue • BRIGHTON, CO 80601 TELEPHONE (303) 659-1410 FAX: (303) 659-6449 WEBSITE: E-mail: [email protected] St. Augustine Catholic Church OFFICE HOURS: Monday– Friday 8:30 am—6:00 pm Pastor: Rev. Humberto Marquez Deacon: Bill Jordan Operations Manager: Francisco Perezcano Financial Assistant: Helen Trujillo Secretaries: Maria Sanchez AnaLee Alires Kathy Delgado [email protected] [email protected] Extension 104 [email protected] Extension 103 [email protected] Extension 101 [email protected] [email protected] Extension 105 [email protected] Confirmation & Youth Director: Extension 107 Noemi Nunez-Flores [email protected] RCIA Adult Ed.: Steve Kurz Systems: Ken Anderson Extension 108 [email protected] [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Anticipatory: Saturday English Spanish Sunday: English Spanish 8:00 am & 10:00 am 12:00 pm CONFESSIONS Saturday Monday 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm 9:45 am Daily Mass: Monday thru Friday: 9:00 am Holy Days and Holidays: Please call Parish Office 5:00 pm 7:00 pm EMERGENCIES For sacramental emergencies, please call the Parish Office BULLETIN NEWS DEADLINE Noon on Mondays Our Mission God has called St. Augustine Parish to be a community of followers of Jesus Christ, who form His Body, committed to living out and sharing the Good News of God’s faithful love. The Baptism of the Lord January 13, 2013 St. Augustine Catholic Church Masses of the Week SUNDAY THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD 8:00am Pro-Populo (For the People) 10:00am + Eloisa Trujillo 12:00pm + Jesus & + Francisco Villalobos, + Petra Palma MONDAY WEEKDAY 9:00am +Josephine Delemma TUESDAY WEEKDAY 9:00am + Elizabeth Susa WEDNESDAY WEEKDAY 9:00am Communion Services THURSDAY ST. ANTHONY 9:00am + Michael Stepanowsky FRIDAY WEEKDAY 9:00am + Ramona Gray SATURDAY WEEKDAY 5:00pm + Diane Morales 7:00pm + Benjamin & + Miguel Mercado SUNDAY 2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00am + Steven Delgado 10:00am Pro-Populo (For the People) 12:00pm + Josefina Balderas January 6, 2013 $20,747.00 We are tithing to charity $2,075.00 Building Fund $1,477.00 Christmas Offering $17,795.00 New Years Offering $4,104.00 The Baptism of the Lord Schedule of Events .. School News SUNDAY JANUARY 13 10:00am Catecismo (SCH) 10:00am Children’s Liturgy of the Word 2:00pm ENG Baptism (CH) 6:00pm Coro Carismatico (Audi.) MONDAY JANUARY 14 9:35am Parish Confessions (CH) 6:00pm Confirmation I (PLC/SCH) 6:00pm RCIT 6:30pm Liturgy Meet (PLC) TUESDAY JANUARY 15 6:00pm Coro - Marielos (Y Rm) 6:30pm Llama del Amor (SCH) 7:00pm Biblical School (PLC) WEDNESDAY JANUARY 16 9:35am Legion of Mary (PLC) 4:00pm R.E. English (SCH) 6:00pm R.E. English (SCH) 6:15pm RCIA (PLC) 6:30pm Choir-Proclaim (CH) 7:00pm Coro Carismático (Y RM) THURSDAY JANUARY 17 6:00pm Confirmation II (PLC/SCH) 6:00pm Coro - Manuel (Y Rm) 6:30pm Coro - Antonio (CH-B) 7:00pm Choir - Adult (CH) FRIDAY JANUARY 18 10:00am SPN Bible Study (SCH) 6:30pm Grupo de Oracion (Audi) 6:30pm Servidores (PLC) SATURDAY JANUARY 19 6:30am Mens Prayer Group (PLC) 9:00am Curso Fundamentos (PLC) 10:00am SPN Baptism (CH) 3:30pm Confessions (CH) 5:00pm Catecismo (SCH) With gratitude we acknowledge your support. Thank You “This Sacrament really contains You, O my God, You whom the Angels adore, in whose presence the Spirits and mighty Powers tremble. Oh! If we could only see You clearly as they do, with what reverence would we approach this Sacrament, with what humility would we receive You.” St. Angela of Foligno January 13, 2013 REMEMBER IN PRAYER Those who are sick: Donald Beckerman, Anne Schmidt, Don Suppes, Matthew Suppes, Felix Trinidad Jr., Siena Hernandez, Maud Sandoval, Terry & family, Katie Randa, Ana Manzanares, Susan Long, Ryan Padilla, Eric Martinez Children’s Liturgy of the Word every Sunday at the 10 am Mass. This program is designed to bring Sunday Gospel to preschool children at their own development level. There is no fee or registration to participate in this class. Religious Education & Confirmation For all announcements and updates see the webpage at: under Faith Formation. We will post all important information there, if you do not have access to the web contact Kathy Delgado at 303-659-1410 ext. 105 for RE and Noemi at ext. 107 regarding Confirmation. Thank You! ADULT EDUCATION 6:15- 7:30 pm at the Parish Life Center. The lesson for Wednesday, January 16th, will be The Sacrament of Holy Orders presented by Steve Kurz. These lessons are open to everyone interested in learning more about the Catholic Church. ADULT EDUCATION will provide a six week course on The Fathers of the Church beginning Sat, Feb 9 from 8:30 - 10:00 AM in the PLC. This course is from the St. Paul Institute by Scott Hahn and Mike Aquilina and is presented similarly to the Genesis to Jesus course. There is a $10 charge for books. Please sign up early at the Parish office so we know how many books to order. Parroquia San Agustín Brighton, Colorado ft|Çà Tâzâáà|Çx Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv{ Reflexión sobre el Evangelio Cuando les he preguntado a padres de familia que tienen varios niños "¿a cuál de sus hijos quieren más?" ellos sin titubear me responden, "Yo los amo a todos por igual". Sin embargo, si preguntamos a cada niño escucharemos lo contrario. El hijo (o hija) mayor cree que es el preferido de su madre y el menor piensa que es la niña de los ojos del padre. Y por supuesto los de en medio se sienten especiales. ¿Cómo no va a ser el más amado? Si nos fijamos en la segunda lectura de hoy, San Pedro se comporta como un hijo mayor, al darse cuenta de que Dios no hace distinción de personas. Todos en el mundo somos amados por Dios. La escena de Hechos de los Apóstoles, capítulo 10, es la culminación de las dificultades de Pedro para entender que en el favor de Dios van incluidos todos los seres humanos. Qué si en la sociedad actual nos diéramos cuenta de que la generosidad de Dios va más allá de lo que nosotros experimentamos y alcanzamos a ver con nuestros ojos. El mundo, les aseguro, sería diferente. Actuaríamos responsablemente y con justicia. En el Evangelio, vemos otra revelación divina. Jesús es el Hijo Amado de Dios en quien se complace. Lucas agrega a toda la gente en la escena y de esta forma al ser bautizados nosotros quedamos limpios al nacer en Dios. ¡Vida nueva! La promesa de Dios es su constante presencia en nuestra vida por el bautismo. ¿Qué dones de Dios en mí, me mueven a trabajar por la justicia? ¿Dónde veo el amor de Dios en mi vida? Gospel Reflection By the end of next weekend we will know the two teams that will be playing in Super Bowl XLVII. When the NFL draft took place during the last weekend of April many fans watched in eager anticipation to see whom their favorite team would select. When the draft was over, some of those same fans began an analysis of their team's picks trying to predict whether the new players would help their team develop into a winning combination. While seasoned players are often the ones who lead the way, the newest members of the team can be called on at a moment's notice to perform at the highest level of the sport. Fans and coaches alike were filled with expectations for these new recruits. And at this point in the season, near the end of the playoffs, we know whether those expectations were fulfilled or whether they were misplaced. Early in his Gospel, St. Luke describes a similar situation in reference to John the Baptist. Of course, in first-century Palestine there was no "prophet draft" to see who could make the cut as best proclaimer of the word of God. We know that there was any number of people at the time of Jesus who exercised prophetic ministry. Some even claimed to be the Messiah who would throw off the yoke of a foreign oppressor, the Romans. John never claimed that. Today's feast honors the second of three mysteries that are celebrated as the manifestation of Christ. Last week it was the Magi who bore witness. This week it is John the Baptist and the Holy Spirit descending as a dove. Next week it will be the miracle at Cana that testifies that Jesus is the Christ, the anointed One of God. Unlike some of the rookie players who were drafted last spring, we can acknowledge that Jesus has met every expectation and fulfilled all that we had hoped for. ©2012 Liturgical Publications Inc. ©2012 Liturgical Publications Inc. Readings for the Week of January 13 Is 42:1-4,6-7 or Is 40:1-5,9-11 Ps 29:1-4, 9b-10Acts 10:34-38 or Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7 Lk 3:15-16, 21-22 Monday: Heb 1:1-6 Ps Ps 97:1,2b,6,7c,9 Mk 1: 14-20 Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12 Ps 8:2a,5-9 Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18 Ps 105:1-4,6-9 Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14 Ps 95:6-11 Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5,11 Ps 78:3,4bc,6c-8 Mk 2: 1-12 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16 Ps 19:8-10,15 Mk 2:13-17 Next Sunday: Is 62:1-5 Ps 96:1-3,7-10 1 Cor 12:4-11 Jn 2:1-11 Sunday: Lecturas para la semana del 13 de enero Domingo: Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo siguiente: .. Is 42:1-4,6-7 o Is 40:1-5,9-11 Hch 10: 34-38 o Tit 2:11-14; 3: 4-7 Lc 3:1516,21-22 Heb 1:1-6 Mc 1:14-20 Heb 2:5-12 Mc 1:21-28 Heb 2:14-18 Mc 1:29-39 Heb 3:7-14 Mc 1:40-45 Heb 4:1-5,11 Mc 2:1-12 Heb 4:12-16 Mc 2:13-17 Is 62:1-5 1 Cor 12:4-11 Jn 2:1-11 . St. Augustine Catholic Church Parish News EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Adorers needed for following hours Sunday - 1am, 2am, 8am Monday - 2am, 3am Tuesday - 2am, 6am, 7am Wednesday - midnight, 2am, 3am Thursday - 1am, 3am, 6am, 8am Friday - midnight, 1am, 7am Saturday –2am, 3am Your willingness to choose a specific hour is a precious expression of your faith in Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. To spend one hour a week as a regular adorer or for more information on Eucharistic Adoration, call: Angela Gallagher (303) 916-6721 Christine Pearse (303) 949-9771 NEXT ENGLISH BAPTISM CLASS will be offered on Tuesday, February 5 at 6:00pm pm in the Parish Life Center. Requirements pre-register before Thursday, January 31, copy of a birth certificate of child to be baptized, parents and god -parents must attend the class. Fee for the baptism class is $10 per person paid at time of registration. Baptism dates are the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each the month, please call the parish office with questions. The Baptism of the Lord Attention This January marks the 40th anniversary of the tragic decision of Roe vs. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court, which made abortion legal in the US during all 9 months of pregnancy. Our parish will be participating in the Denver March for Life on Sun., Jan. 20th, to pray for an end to abortion and to make a peaceful, positive statement in support of life. There is a sign up table in the back of the church this weekend (Jan. 12th & 13th) for anyone planning to attend. Please see the pro-life representative in the back for more information on transportation, times, and activities or contact Diana Lyons at 303-655-0800 or Anna Vargas at 303-883-3274 for more information. St. Augustine Web Page Please check out our Website Everything we put in the bulletin is on the Web plus more. You’ll find ministries, mass schedules, announcements and links to events. RECYCLE your old ink cartridges, cell phones and aluminum cans. There are drop off sites here at the Parish Life Center. All proceeds from these sources go to help the poor. January 13, 2013 Noticias de la Parroquia CLASE PRE-BAUTISMO La clase se ofrece el lunes, 4 de febrero a las 7 pm en el sótano de la iglesia. Requisitos para bautizar: Se pide que padres y padrinos asistan a la clase pre-bautismal. Necesita presentar el acta de nacimiento del niño/a y registrase para la clase antes del 31 de enero. El costo de $10 por persona al momento de registrarse. Los bautizos se celebran el primer sábado o el tercer sábado de cada mes. En enero de este año se cumple el 40 aniversario de la trágica decisión de Roe vs Wade de la Corte Suprema de los EE.UU., que legalizó el aborto en los EE.UU. durante los 9 meses de embarazo. Nuestra parroquia participará en la Marcha por la Vida en Denver el domingo, 20 enero, para rogar para un extremo al aborto y hacer una declaración pacifica y positiva a favor de la vida. Hay un cartel en la mesa de atrás de la iglesia hoy para cualquiera que este planeando asistir. Por favor vea el representante pro-vida en la parte trasera para mayor información sobre el transporte, tiempos y actividades o contacte Anna Vargas al 303-883-3274. Un curso para todos los servidores de la Iglesia “ Fundamentos de Vida Cristiana” Inicia el 19 de enero a las 9 am en la escuelita. El costo es $100. Llamar a Víctor o Beti Chaparro al 303 -506-7266 para más información. “WHY WE MARCH FOR LIFE: Though abortion might be legal, not every American supports this travesty of justice. In January of every year, hundreds of thousands of Americans gather in our nation’s capital to protest the Supreme Court’s decision, denounce legalized abortion, and stand in defense of defenseless unborn human life. The crowds at the annual March for Life are largely made up of young people who are positively exploding with optimism, energy, and enthusiasm. These kids inspire me. They carry signs: “It’s a child, not a choice.” They wear t-shirts: “Social justice begins in the womb.” They challenge us all: “Mother and child. Love them both.” Our faith might affirm our belief in the dignity and value of all human life, but it is not the source of it. Our humanity is. When a woman decides that her best “choice” is the destruction of innocent human life growing within her, we have failed her. The government, the community, the church, and we – her friends, neighbors, coworkers, brothers, and sisters – have failed her.” Join St. Augustine parishioners, including our youth, in Denver’s first MARCH FOR LIFE, SUNDAY January 20, 2013. Details are in the bulletin. Young pro-lifers are determined not to fail women! Danielle Bean: editor-in-chief of Catholic Digest and Faith & Family. gIQAwYgqKQ_blog.html LA ADORACION EUCARISTICA PERPETUA Se necesitan Adoradores para los siguientes días y horas: *domingo - 1am, 2am, 8am *lunes - 2am, 3am *martes - 2am, 6am, 7am *miércoles - medianoche, 2am, 3am *jueves - 1am, 3am, 6am, 8am *viernes - medianoche, 1am, 7am *sábado - 2am, 3am Su consentimiento para escoger una asignada hora es una expresión preciosa de su fe que Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento es bienvenido, es amado y es adorado por Usted. Por favor llame a Jose y Maria Fontes al 720-227-4773 o Martha Vázquez al 303-219-7571 .. BALABAN, LEVINSON & COSTIGAN, P.C. 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You have a car! tDFMM Buy Here - Pay Here Phone: 303.654.0112 720 Main Street in Brighton Se Habla Español Infants, Children & Teens Lee Lewis 812 Baseline Pl Unit 5 Brighton, CO 80603 970.590.9394 [email protected] Appointment Only Parishioner STEPHEN F. CARDOS, M.D., F.A.A.P. DAWN M. DYCUS, M.D. RICHARD W. MARTIN, M.D., F.A.A.P. BRANKA MILOS, M.D., F.A.A.P. MARIAN M. AMARANTO, C.P.N.P. 183 South 18th Ave. Brighton, CO 80601 P: (303) 659-4248 Fx: (303) 659-4283 OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT JOHN ERGER CHURCH GOODS Statues Bibles Rosaries Medals Crucifixes Chains 4IFSJEBO#MWEr ¡Ponga un anuncio hoy! Llame a Al Youngdahl a la extensión DOES YOUR BUSINESS TAKE CREDIT CARDS? Would you like to SAVE 10-20% on your fees? Ask me about our “Save you money or pay you $500.00* guarantee” *Terms & conditions apply 1-800-950-9952 ext. 2444 Correo electrónico: [email protected] Call Al Youngdahl at 800-950-9952 ext 2444 or E-mail: [email protected] Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages. YOUR BUSINESS SHOULD BE HERE! For information on advertising, please call our parish representative Boutiques at Brighton !"#$%&'"()*"+,(%&'" !"-./$0$12'"3&.4'" !"3)&.,5$.6$)0"7.6"8.)*1,' Brian Margolis (303) 835-4526 Bring in this ad for 10% OFF 9:"71,&;"<($)"=&,..&" 303~659~2860 We Sell a Home Every 3.5 Days! AL YOUNGDAHL at Buy or Sell with us and use this truck for the move FREE! 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2444 Email: [email protected] ©2013 FOR AD INFO CALL AL YOUNGDAHL AT 1-800-950-9952rWWW.4LPi.COM The Margolis Team Will Donate Up To $500.00 to St. Augustine Church For Every Referred Closing ST. AUGUSTINE – BRIGHTON, CO A 4C 05-0340 08-18-2010 15:44:54