September 13, 2015
September 13, 2015
Saint Charles Parish South San Diego/ Imperial Beach 990 Saturn Boulevard San Diego, CA 92154 Phone: (619) 423-0242 Fax: 423-1966 South San Diego/ Imperial Beach Office Hours: Monday - Thursday & 12:30-5:00PM 9908:30AM-12:00PM Saturn Boulevard Friday San Diego, CA 92154 8:30AM-12:00PM & 12:30-4:00PM Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 13, 2015 “The Lord God is my help, therefore I am not disgraced.” Phone: (619) 423-0242 Fax: 423-1966 Web Site: Office Hours: Monday - Thursday Bishop:8:30AM-12:00PM Most Rev.&Cirilo Flores 12:30-5:00PM Pastor: Fr. James Bahash Friday 8:30AM-12:00PM & 12:30-4:00PM Assoc. Pastor: Fr. Burt Boudoin Deacons: Web Site: — Isaiah 50:7 May 11, 2014 Saturday: Sunday: MASS SCHEDULE Fourth Sunday of Easter (A) 8:00 AM & 5:00 PM (Vigil Mass) 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AMSCHEDULE (Spanish), MASS 1:00 & 5:00 PM Saturday: 8:00 AM AM & & 5:30PM 5:00 PM (Vigil Mass) Weekdays: 7:30 Sunday: 7:00,PM 8:30, 10:00 AM, Holy Days: 5:30 11:30 AM (Spanish), 1:00 & 5:00 PM Weekdays: 7:30 AMDEVOTIONS & 5:30PM Monday-Friday: Liturgy of the Hours Holy Days: 5:30 PM (Morning Prayer 7:00AM; Seodello (Sam) Martinez 429-3580 Mick Dennison 429-0716 Pastor: Fr. James Bahash 575-1914 Assoc. Pastor: Ken Fr. Montoya Burt Boudoin Raul Hernandez 423-0242 Bob Barretto 423-0242 Deacons: SeodelloDavid (Sam)Lewis Martinez 429-3580 423-0242 Mick Dennison 429-0716 Ken Montoya 575-1914 Raul Hernandez 423-0242 David Lewis 423-0242 Saint Charles School: Steve Stutz, Principal 423-3701 Saint Charles Catholic School: Sylvia Benning, Principal 423-3701 SaintSaint Charles Catechetical 575-2240 Charles Catholic Center: Preschool: Oralia Puga, Director 423-0784 DEVOTIONS Evening Prayer 5:00PM) Alicia Policarpio, Director Tuesday: the Blessed Mother after 7:30 AM Mass. Monday-Friday: To Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer Reyna Sanchez, Administrative Assistant 1st Friday: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after 7:00AM; Evening Prayer 5:00PM) Saint Charles Catechetical Center: 575-2240 7:30 AM Mass until 5:00 PM Benediction. Marci Morrison, Youth and Young Adult Ministries Alicia Policarpio, Director Tuesday: To the Blessed Mother after Grupo de Oración at 7:30 7:00 AM PM.Mass. Reyna Sanchez, Administrative Assistant 1st Saturday: To Our Lady of Fatima after 8:00 AM Mass Friday: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after PARISH RELATED GROUPS & MINISTRIES Marci Morrison, Youth and Young Adult Ministries 7:30 AM Mass until 5:00 PM Benediction. Grupo de Oración at 7:00 PM. For more information please go to PARISH RELATED GROUPS RECONCILIATION (CONFESSIONS) 1st Saturday: To Our Lady of Fatima after 8:00 AM Mass & MINISTRIES Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 PM & other days by appointment RECONCILIATION (CONFESSIONS) For more information please go to Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 PM & other days by appointment BAPTISM OFFICE STAFF BAPTISM Contact the Parish Office. Pre-baptismal classes are required for OFFICE STAFF Lulu Corp Secretary Parents and Godparents. Contact the Parish Office. Pre-baptismal classes are Lulu Corp Secretary Fabiola Gonzalez Secretary & Bulletin Editor required for Parents and Godparents. Fabiola Gonzalez Secretary & Bulletin Editor Elvigia Habana Financial & Resource Analyst MARRIAGE MARRIAGE Elvigia Habana Financial & Resource Contact the Parish office. Nine-month notice required. Veronica Kuehn Office & Facilities ManagerAnalyst Contact the Parish office. Nine-month notice required. Veronica Kuehn Office Manager Saint Charles Parish San Diego / Imperial Beach Page Two From the Pastor Early in his pontificate, Pope Francis likened the Church to a field hospital. He said, “I can clearly see that what the Church needs today is the ability to heal wounds and warm the hearts of faithful, it needs to be by their side. I see the Church as a field hospital after a battle. It’s pointless to ask a seriously injured patient whether his cholesterol or blood sugar levels are high! It’s his wounds that need to be healed. The rest we can talk about later. Now we must think about treating those wounds.” If I might be so bold, I would also add that the Church is not just a field hospital but also a school, a boot camp, a weight loss center, a sanitarium, a bridal chamber, a fine restaurant, and at times, even a psych ward. In short, the Church, like St. Paul, is “all things to all people”. This is why the Church is known as “Catholic”. It’s a Greek word that means “Universal”. It is everywhere in this world where a Christian lives and all are invited to be part of it. When you come to Mass and look around at the other congregants you’ll not find two who are alike. Everybody comes with his or her own gifts, talents, and flaws. And when it comes to flaws, everybody has something. The person next to you might be struggling with an addiction, cancer, self-hatred, pride, habitual sin, etc. Everybody has something with which they struggle at times. It’s part of our fallen human nature. And as glorious as the Church will be in Heaven, on earth it is full of broken people in need of help, support, and above all, love. As bleak as weaknesses of the members of the Church may seem there is great hope in these struggles and crosses. Jesus himself says in the gospel reading today, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it.” Carrying our crosses affords us a tremendous opportunity to grow in holiness and sanctity. When we consciously unite them to the cross of Jesus which brought us salvation they can become life-giving. I’ll leave you with this. When coming across a flawed (sometimes broken) brother or sister in Christ don’t give him or her the cold shoulder because they are troublesome or irritating. The sin we can judge but not the sinner. It’s time we heed Jesus’ rebuke of St. Peter and begin to think with the mind of Christ, “Get behind me, Satan. You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” God loves each of us perfectly, intensely, and infinitely. Our task is to do our best to imitate His love. If you know the faults of your neighbor don’t judge, rather be that Simon of Cyrene and help him carry that cross. Tell him of the reason for our hope and help him or her in the work of conversion. Once the eternal life threatening wounds are addressed and start to heal we can work on the little things. Together. Brothers and sisters as God means for us to be. Page Three Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS INTENTIONS SEPTEMBER 13-19 SUN 13 7:00AM For the living and deceased members of the Holy Name Society 7:00AM Souls in purgatory of the Javier, Day & Lasquete Families 8:30AM +Telesforo Coronel Jr 8:30AM +Amado Almanza 10:00AM Happy Birthday Frida Dimalanta 10:00AM +Santiago C. Pegollo 11:30AM Asociacion de Guadalupanas 11:30AM Happy Birthday Larissa Vanessa Sevilla 1:00PM For the Intentions of Our Parishioners 1:00PM +Veridiana F. Tomada 5:00PM +Cezar D. & Rosa Gavino 5:00PM +Marcelino T. Malixi MON 14 7:30AM +Jim Gates 7:30AM +Angel & Francisca Hernais 5:30PM Happy Birthday Abigail D. Gloria 5:30PM +Rudolf & Isabel Ramac TUE 15 7:30AM +Telesforo Coronel Jr. 7:30AM +Carolino, Patria, & Lauro Bada 5:30PM +Percy Marshall 5:30PM All Souls in purgatory WED 16 7:30AM +Martin Kosmicki 7:30AM Happy Birthday Ana Dilan 5:30PM +Paula S. Javier 5:30PM +Eloisa Carlos THU 17 7:30AM Thanksgiving Nemesia Saje 7:30AM +Rosalina Abaya and Frederico Tan 5:30PM Happy 1st. Birthday Aidan Diosa 5:30PM +Regina Delacruz FRI 18 7:30AM +Esperanza Arceo 7:30AM +Cirilo Romero 5:30PM Happy Birthday John Dompor 5:30PM Happy Birthday Mandy Dilan SAT 19 8:00AM St. Charles Rosary Makers 8:00AM +Sally Almanza 5:00PM +Bessie Mozo 5:00PM Happy Birthday Christine Dimalanta READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Nm 21:4b-9; Ps 78:1bc-2, 34-38; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 Tuesday: 1 Tm 3:1-13; Ps 101:1b-3ab, 5-6; Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35 Wednesday: 1 Tm 3:14-16; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 7:31-35 Thursday: 1 Tm 4:12-16; Ps 111:7-10; Lk 7:36-50 Friday: 1 Tm 6:2c-12; Ps 49:6-10, 17-20; Lk 8:1-3 Saturday: 1 Tm 6:13-16; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 8:4-15 Sunday: Wis 2:12, 17-20; Ps 54:3-8; Jas 3:16 — 4:3; Mk 9:30-37 September 13, 2015 Our Parishioners in Poor Health; Peggy & Victor Stewart, Ken Blinsnan, Jeff Brown, Luis Enrique Luna, Mary Crist, Jennifer Slater, Debbie Warner, Gloria Rincon, Silvia Ritualo-Peregrino, Liberata Dela Cruz, Fred Hines, Angelo Tirado, Jennifer Alvarez, Francisco Gonzalez, Emma McGurk, Adrian dela Rea, Armaan Dhillon, Lynn May, Roger Agaton, William Blake, Maria Gallaga, Kristal Wood, Matteo Delgado, Conchita Legaspi, Ladislao Toledo, Emiliano Ritua, Nazareth Suarez, Elaine & Bill Stoke, Paul Odermatt, Francis Dompor, Edna Diamante, Leigh Ann Bernardino, Lily Miranda, Virginia Sapida, Luz Garcia, Albert & Maria Rodriguez, Ann (Punkie) Lever, Ana Louise Sanchez, Lenny Barrios, Gwen Kosmicki, Julito Dompor, Salvador Valencia, Milo Mayor, Mark Tumbaga, Rosellie McCarthy, Rebecca McCarthy, Theresa Hackett, Lita Jotie, Amparo Mangampat, Annie B. Loyola, Sarah R. Fant, Stephanie Colter, Honoria Taladiar, Linda Aunzo, and Tim Sandidge. A Prayer for Priests +Lord Jesus, we your people pray to You for our priests. You have given them to us for OUR needs. We pray for them in THEIR needs. We know that You have made them priests in the likeness of your own priesthood. You have consecrated them, set them aside, anointed them, filled them with the Holy Spirit, appointed them to teach, to preach, to minister, to console, to forgive, and to feed us with Your Body and Blood. Yet we know, too, that they are one with us and share our human weaknesses. We know too that they are tempted to sin and discouragement as are we, needing to be ministered to, as do we, to be consoled and forgiven, as do we. Indeed, we thank You for choosing them from among us, so that they understand us as we understand them, suffer with us and rejoice with us, worry with us and trust with us, share our beings, our lives, our faith. We ask that You give them this day the gift You gave Your chosen ones on the way to Emmaus: Your presence in their hearts, Your holiness in their souls, Your joy in their spirits. And let them see You face to face in the breaking of the Eucharistic bread. We pray to You, O Lord, through Mary the mother of all priests, for Your priests and for ours. Amen. Saint Charles Parish San Diego / Imperial Beach St. Charles Catholic School Please mark your calendars! September 20th is a BIG day for our Parish and School community. On this very special Catechetical Sunday we invite your to join our school community for a free BBQ picnic on school campus. We invite you to join us on September 20th from 11:00am to 1:30pm. Please see the enclosed bulletin insert for details Also on Sunday, September 20, FIAT (Faith, Innovation, Academics, Team) representatives will have an information table set up outside on the west patio of the church. This is a very exciting time for catholic schools. Please look for a letter and brochures explaining the importance of this FIAT consortium which is a collaboration of eleven parishes, five great elementary catholic schools and a local prestigious catholic high school. Their goal is to make it possible for more students to attend Catholic School. Please feel free to stop by the tables for pick up information or ask questions. Please join us for the annual Sr. Elizabeth Spaghetti Fiesta that will be held this Saturday, October 3rd. Proceeds will help offset costs for this year’s Sixth Grade Camp as well as future Sixth Grade Camps. Come and enjoy a scrumptious Spaghetti Dinner prepared by our Knights of Columbus. Join us at our Parish Hall for Social Hour from 5pm to 6pm followed by dinner 6pm to 8pm. Bring your dancing shoes because the dance starts at 8pm and ends at 11pm. Adults $12.00 each Children $6.00. Tickets are available in the Parish Office. The DMI will host the bake sale today at the West Patio. Bond with fellow parishioners over a cup of coffee, delicious baked goods and other delicious foods. The Visitadores por Cristo will host the Bake Sale, Sunday, September 20, 2015 at the West Patio. Saint Charles Caritas will be on Sept. 19 & 20 . 100% of your donations will be used to buy basic food, basic necessities for 9 charities. Please see the nuns on Sunday at all exit doors and volunteers on two 5pm masses. We would like to ask for toiletries such as bars of soap, shampoos, razors and t-shirts. Thank you so much for your generosity. SAVE the DATE!!! Our 2015 Parish Mission is scheduled on October 17-20, 2015. Our theme is, “The Joy of God’s Mercy“, in line with the Jubilee of Mercy announced by Pope Francis. The presenter will be Fr. John Hurley, a leader in evangelization for over 35 years. Everyone is invited to attend this parish-sponsored event. Bring the whole family, relatives and friends. Page Four CATECHETICAL CENTER School Year 2014-2015 619-575-2240 REGISTRATION & OFFICE HOURS Registration for children, and youth is now CLOSED. We are still accepting applications for the RCIA and the Adult Confirmation sessions. Our office hours are on Mondays thru Thursdays from 9:00am to 5:00pm, and on Fridays from 9:00am to 4:00pm. For questions, please contact the Catechetical Ministry Center at 619-575-2240 or check the Parish website at www/ Center. HEAVEN Series #2 of classic talks by Mother Angelica, founder of EWTN TV & radio via video, Sundays from 2pm - 4pm at the parish hall presented by WWSG & Friends. You are all invited at No costs. • • Sept. 27 — Series #3 Oct. 11 — Series #4 Mother Angelica can share with us the answers to some of our questions. The Monday morning bible study group meets weekly in the chapel of the St. Charles Retreat Center. On September 21, 2015, we will begin our journey through the “Acts of the Apostles”. Each session commences at 9:00 A.M. and lasts between 60 and 90 minutes. We invite you to join us. For additional information please contact Deacon Ken Montoya at (619) 575-1914. Capital Campaign update! Thanks to the generosity of 652 families, we have received pledges totaling $1,279,130 - that's an average pledge of $49/month over 40 months. We are 79.9% of the way to our $1.6 million goal, so keep those pledge envelopes coming! To schedule online contributions using your checking, savings or credit card, visit If you have any questions, please contact Veronica at the Parish Office (619) 423-0242. Collection Report for September 6, 2015 $ 19,657.68 May God bless you more for your sacrificial gift and ever generous support of St. Charles Parish. Page Five Vigésimo Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 13 de Septiembre de 2015 Del Pastor Al principio de su pontificado, el Papa Francisco comparó la Iglesia a un hospital de campo. El dijo, "Puedo ver claramente que lo que la Iglesia necesita hoy es la capacidad de sanar las heridas y calentar el corazón de los fieles, necesita estar a su lado. Veo a la Iglesia como un hospital de campo después de una batalla. Es inútil preguntarle a un paciente seriamente herido si su colesterol o los niveles de azúcar en la sangre están altos. Son sus heridas las que necesitan ser sanadas. Del resto podemos hablar más adelante. Ahora debemos pensar en el hecho de tratar las heridas." Si pudiera ser un poco atrevido, yo quisiera añadir, además, que la Iglesia no es sólo un hospital de campo también una escuela, un boot camp, un centro de adelgazamiento, un sanatorio, una cámara nupcial, un excelente restaurante y, a veces, incluso un manicomio. En resumen, la Iglesia, como San Pablo, es "todo para todos". Este es el motivo por el cual la Iglesia es conocida como "Católica". Es una palabra griega que significa "Universal". Está en todas partes en este mundo donde vive un cristiano y todos están invitados a ser parte de ella. Cuando usted venga a la Misa y mire a su alrededor a los demás creyentes, no encontrará dos que son iguales. Todos vienen con sus propios dones, talentos y defectos. Y cuando se trata de fallas, todo el mundo tiene algo. La persona que está a su lado podría estar luchando con una adicción, cáncer, odio, orgullo, pecado habitual, etc. Todos tiene algo con que a veces luchan. Es parte de nuestra naturaleza humana caída. Y tan gloriosa como la Iglesia será en el cielo, en la tierra está llena de personas que necesitan ayuda, apoyo y sobre todo, amor. Tan sombrío como las debilidades de los miembros de la Iglesia pueden parecer, hay una gran esperanza en estas luchas y cruces. Jesús mismo nos dice en el evangelio de hoy, "El que quiera venir conmigo, que renuncie a sí mismo, que cargue con su cruz y que me siga. Pues el que quiera salvar su vida, la perderá, pero el que pierda su vida por mí y por el Evangelio, la salvará." Cargar con nuestras cruces nos brinda una gran oportunidad para crecer en la santidad y santificación. Cuando conscientemente la unimos a la cruz de Jesús, la cual nos trajo salvación pueden convertirse en vida. Los dejo con esto. Cuando se encuentra con un deficiente (a veces quebrado) hermano o hermana en Cristo no le den la espalda porque son problemáticos o irritantes. El pecado lo podemos juzgar pero no al pecador. Es hora de que escuchen la reprensión de Jesús a San Pedro y comienzen a pensar con la mente de Cristo, "Vete de mí, Satanás. Usted está pensando no como Dios, sino como seres humanos." Dios ama a cada uno de nosotros perfectamente, intensamente, infinitamente. Nuestra tarea es hacer nuestro mejor esfuerzo para imitar Su amor. Si usted conoce las faltas de tu vecino no lo juzgue, más bien sea Simón de Cirene y ayúdele a cargar esa cruz. Díganle la razón de nuestra esperanza, y ayúdele a que él o ella en su obra a la conversión. Una vez que las heridas que amenazan la vida eterna son tratadas y empiezan a sanar, podemos trabajar en las cosas pequeñas. Juntos. Hermanos y hermanas, como Dios desea ser para nosotros. Saint Charles Parish San Diego / Imperial Beach “ El Señor me ayuda, Por eso no quedare confundido.” — Isaías 50:7 El Grupo de DMI tendrán venta de Pastelitos y comida HOY en el Patio. Los Visitadores por Cristo tendrán venta el próximo domingo 20 de Septiembre del 2015, en el Patio. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Nm 21:4b-9; Sal 78 (77):1bc-2, 34-38; Fil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 Martes: 1 Tm 3:1-13; Sal 101 (100):1b-3ab, 5-6; Jn 19:25-27 o Lc 2:33-35 Miércoles: 1 Tm 3:14-16; Sal 111 (110):1-6; Lc 7:31-35 Jueves: 1 Tm 4:12-16; Sal 111 (110):7-10; Lc 7:36-50 Viernes: 1 Tm 6:2c-12; Sal 49 (48):6-10, 17-20; Lc 8:1-3 Sábado: 1 Tm 6:13-16; Sal 100 (99):1b-5; Lc 8:4-15 Domingo: Sab 2:12, 17-20; Sal 54 (53):3-8; Stgo 3:16 — 4:3; Mc 9:30-37 CLASES GRATUITAS: Inglés como Segundo Idioma (ESL) Page Six CENTRO CATEQUETICO Año Escolar 2014-2015 619-575-2240 HORARIO DE INSCRIPCIÓN y DE OFICINA La inscripción para niños, y jóvenes ya está cerrado. Todavía estamos aceptando aplicaciones para el RICA y de clases de Confirmación para adulto. Nuestro horario de oficina es de Lunes a Jueves de 9:00am a 5:00pm, y los viernes de 9:00am a 4:00pm. En caso de preguntas, por favor, póngase en contacto con el Centro de Ministerio Catequético 619-575-2240 o visite el sitio web Parroquial en www/ Centro. El próximo fin de Semana será Día de Caritas de San Carlos 19 y 20 de Septiembre. 100% De sus donaciones se utilizarán para comprar alimentos básicos y necesidades básicas. Las Hermanas estarán en las puertas de salida el domingo y los voluntarios en las dos Misas de las 5:00pm. Necesitamos, barras de jabón, champú, desodorante, rastrillos para rasurarse y camisetas nuevas de colores. Gracias, Señor Jesucristo por todos los donantes y voluntarios. La Parroquia de San Carlos les ofrece una clase de inglés en colaboración con la Academia Mater Dei Juan Diego. Se llevara acabo en el Centro de Pastoral Catequético en el salón de la biblioteca, todos los lunes y miércoles de 6:15 a 8:15PM a partir del 14 de septiembre, 2015, al 30 de junio, 2016. Para obtener más información, por favor llame al 619622-5711 o 619-575-2240. ESCUELA DE SAN CARLOS Nos gustaría invitarlo a acompañarnos al BBQ picnic de la Parroquia/Escuela, el 20 septiembre de 11:00am a 1:00pm. Habrá deliciosas hamburguesas, perros calientes y divertidos juegos para los niños. Nos vemos allí! Acompañe son para la Fiesta Anual de Espagueti de la Hermana Elizabeth, que se llevará a cabo el sábado, 3 octubre. El monto recaudado se destinará a sufragar los gastos para el Campamento de sexto grado de este año, así como para los futuros campos de sexto grado. Venga y disfrute de una deliciosa cena de espagueti preparado por nuestros Caballeros de Colón. Únase a nosotros en el salón parroquial para el Happy Hour de 5:00-6:00pm seguido de una cena 6:008:00pm. Traiga sus zapatos de baile porque el baile comienza a las 8:00pm y se termina a las 11 de la noche. Adultos $12.00 niños $6.00 cada uno. ¡Actualización de la Campaña Capital! Gracias a la generosidad de 652 familias, hemos recibido compromisos que totalizan $1,279,130 que es un compromiso promedio de $49/mes por 40 meses. ¡Estamos al 79.9% de la meta de $1.6 millones del objetivo. Para programar contribuciones en línea utilizando su cuenta de cheques, de ahorro o tarjeta de crédito, visite Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor contacte a Verónica Kuehn en la Oficina Parroquial (619) 423-0242. Colecta del 6 de Septiembre, 2015 $ 19,657.68 Que Dios los bendiga por sus generosas ofrendas y su eterna generosidad para la Parroquia de San Carlos.