September 2, 2012 Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time


September 2, 2012 Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
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September 2, 2012
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 8:30AM and 5:00PM
Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 10:30AM,
12 Noon (Español)
Reconciliation: Saturdays 9:00AM
until 9:30AM OR
Call the Parish House to make an
Appointment Anytime
Weekday Masses
Monday - Friday In the Chapel
6:30AM Liturgy of the Word
8:00AM Mass
Holy Days of Obligation
6:30AM, 8:00AM & 6:30PM
Parish House Office Hours
Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sat. 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday - Closed
3900 Meadow Drive, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
Parish House: 847-394-8100 Fax: 847-394-8102
Page Two
Mass Intentions for the week of
September 2nd—September 9th
-------------Intenciones del Domingo durante la semana
del 2 de septiembre - 9 de septiembre
Monday, September 3rd is
Labor Day!
There will be NO 8:00AM Mass.
Mass will be celebrated at
9:00AM instead.
Each Mass is offered for all the faithful, living and dead.
We hope to see everyone there!
The following specifically remembered this week:
Also: The Parish House will be closed on Monday!
SUNDAY - September 2nd, 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
The office will re-open on Tuesday.
7:30AM Sr. Jo-Ann Brdecka O.S.F., Joseph J. Brdecka,
Have a happy and safe holiday!
Jeanne E. Manz
9:00AM Joseph C. Jay, Gregg Miller, Danny Miller,
Rachel St. Amour
10:30AM Robert & Francis Mazzuca - 50th Wedding Anniversary,
Grace Mark, Robert Syoen, Richard Alt, Stephen Miller
12:00PM The People of St. Colette
If anyone knows of cause why these persons should not be
Wedding Banns
MONDAY - September 3rd, Labor Day &
St. Gregory the Great (Pope)
joined together in Holy Matrimony, they must contact the
9:00AM Vincent Rossillo
III. Mario Jimenez & Priscilla Guadarrama
III. Shawn Buening & Jennifer Dean
TUESDAY - September 4th
8:00AM Fr. Boguslaw Psujek
Si alguien conoce una causa por qué estas personas no deberían unirse en Santo Matrimonio,
deben comunicarse con el Pastor.
WEDNESDAY - September 5th
8:00AM Kazimiera Falat
THURSDAY - September 6th
8:00AM Frank Bugiel
Welcome through the
Waters of Baptism
FRIDAY - September 7th
8:00AM Grace Mark
SATURDAY - September 8th, The Nativity of the Blessed
Virgin Mary
8:30AM Paul Dziura
5:00PM Paul Chybicki, Michael Chybicki, Louise Chybicki,
Bogdan Okrojek, Henry Meler
The following children were
baptized through
water and the Holy Spirit into our
Community of Faith:
Arianna Guadalupe Caldera
Cesar Ramos
Marlene Hernandez
Sofia Isabel Jimenez
Ivan Emmanuel Ferral
SUNDAY - September 9th, 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30AM Sr. Jo-Ann Brdecka O.S.F., Joseph J. Brdecka
9:00AM Joseph C. Jay, Gregg Miller, Danny Miller,
Grace Mark, Peg Rosauer
10:30AM Daniel Moreno Sr., Robert Syoen, Stephen A. Miller
12:00PM The People of St. Colette
PRAYER LIST—Please remember the sick in our parish and keep them in your prayers.
Por favor recuerden los enfermos de nuestra parroquia y manténgalos en sus oraciones.
Brandt Apa
Kayla Domonico
Annie Joyce
Paul Launer
Mathilda McDonough
Rita Olinake
Vinny Sabella
June Stastny
Jeffrey Whitebread
Rosemary Bielarz
Anthony Faflik
Tom Joyce
Anne Lefevre
Tillie McDonough
Lizdania Ortiz
Audrey Semple
June Stinger
Connie Wilson
John Broderick
Bill Gerard
Judy Kramer
Fran Lindquist
Barbara McIntyre
Joyce Paweleck
Barbara Simek
Madeline Stinger
Peggy Wilson
Lawrence Buske
Allen Hollatz
Werner Kronau
Tim Locke
Bernie McKevett
Bob Placek
Emma St. Onge
John Sulek
Walter J. Zaremba
Jade Cali
Matt Horvath
Marilyn Krump
Emogene Lukawski
Kristi Miller
Rich Pummer
James Stastny
Charles Weihe
Louise Zimmer
To appear on our Prayers For the Sick list, please notify the Parish House at (847) 394-8100. We try to revise our list the every two weeks.
Para que puedan ser anunciados en la lista de nuestras oraciones para los enfermos, por favor en llamar a la Casa Parroquial al 847 394 8100.
Nosotros tratamos de revisitar nuestra lista cada dos semanas.
Page Three
The Voice of St. Colette
As many of you read last week, St. Colette will be holding
a Rummage Sale on Friday, October 5th, and
Saturday, October 6th.
Below is a more detailed list of the items we are looking
for. If you see any of the items in your house, hold on to
them for the Rummage Sale!
Drop-Off before the sale—Thursday, October 4th 2:00PM to 7:00PM in the Parish Center
Set-Up & Sort—Friday, October 5th 9:00AM to 1:00PM in the Parish Center
Rummage Sale Open—Friday, October 5th at 5:00PM until 8:00PM
AND Saturday, October 6th at 9:00AM until 2:00PM
All items MUST be clean and serviceable and are subject to acceptance.
Acceptable Items:
Small kitchen appliances, housewares, servingware, vases, glassware, table linens
Lamps, mirrors, picture frames, clocks, baskets
Luggage, backpacks, purses and jewelry, scarves
Small furniture—end tables, plain wooden furniture - not stuffed or padded
Games, puzzles, kick-knacks, collectibles, CD’s, small electronics
Bicycles, Outdoor Garden Art
Holiday ornaments and decorations
***Please bring some type of receptacle to carry purchases (laundry basket, grocery bags, grocery cart,
TO BE HELD ON JULY 13, 2013.
Calling All Parishioners to share a favorite recipe for the Taste of St Colette Cookbook.
We are looking for Family Favorites, Ethnic Specials, Recipes to feed a family on a budget, easy to make "Dorm"
favorites, teaching your kid to cook recipes, creative ways to get the family to eat vegetables, Holiday Favs, etc.
Easy, complicated, or recipes utilizing partially prepared items, all are welcomed.
We are asking for all to become a part of this: seniors, moms, dads, teens, and in kids! Submit your favorites to share
with our neighbors. The proceeds from this part of the Taste of St Colette will benefit our sister parish, St. Basil.
Please submit all recipes typed or printed on an index card for ease of reproducing for the cook book.
You can submit them to the Parish House or into the appropriate box in the Vestibule of the Church from now until
December 1, 2012.
Thanks and happy hunting!
The Taste of St. Colette Planning Committee
Page Four
As many of you may or may not have heard, we will be hosting a Ministry Fair on the weekend of September 8th and 9th, after all Masses. This is a great opportunity for our parishioners and visitors to get to
learn a little bit more about our Parish, about our Ministries, and about what we do here at St. Colette.
Please spread the word and be sure to stop by in Halpin Hall after Mass on weekend of the Fair.
Here are a few examples of what types of ministries you can encounter there:
Hispanic Ministry of St. Colette
The Hispanic Ministry consists of 12 members. One of the main tasks we carry out is to prepare our community to receive
the various sacraments. The biggest challenge we have is to keep young people in the church and offer them a way to fill
a spiritual void. Our meetings are held once a month. We also sponsor several events each year to help the parish with
their financial needs.
Ministerio Hispano de Santa Colette
El Ministerio Hispano esta formado por 12 miembros en el cual una de las cosas principales es preparar a nuestra comunidad para recibir los sacramento. El reto mas grande que tenemos es mantener a los jóvenes en al iglesia y ofrecerles una opción para llenar un vacío espiritual. Nuestras reuniones son una vez al mes. También patrocinamos varios eventos al año para ayudar a la parroquia en sus necesidades económicas.
Food Pantry
The Food Pantry Ministry typically only collect 3 times a year...for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.
We need any non-perishable items. If people wish to donate they can leave everything in Halpin Hall by the
pantry door. We service anywhere from 15 to 23 local families. Any extra supplies are picked up by our
sister church St Basil Visitation Church on Garfield in Chicago. We distribute the Sunday before each holiday. Volunteers can call Marilee at 8947.370.5229
Bereavement Ministry
The Bereavement Ministry provides support and assistance to bereaved families of St. Colette Parish. Duties
includes offering assistance in planning funeral Masses or Memorial Liturgies. For
more information on how to become a part of
this wonderful ministry, please contact Marge
Loesch at (847) 259-2048
Funeral Luncheon
We currently have 12-15 luncheons a
year. A contact person calls the volunteer and asks if the volunteer can prepare a dessert, jello mold or salad,
usually for about 10 people. We also need set-up people to
help the coordinators to set up the luncheon and clean up
afterwards. We are always looking for volunteers in this
ministry It is a good ministry for those looking to get involved with a caring group of men and women. Please join
us! If you can help or need more information, please call:
Nicolette O’Connor at (847) 381-1217
Check out our next Parish Bulletin
for more Ministries!!!
The Produce Mobile
The Produce Mobile comes to St. Colette once every 5 or 6
months. We as a community of Catholics provide fresh
produce and bread stuff to the less fortunate through the
kindness of the Chicago Food Depository. For example, in
August, we were able to assist 235 families and over 700
people came through our parking lot. Volunteers are always needed for this worthy
cause. Please contact me for more info.
Mark Stastny 847-632-1630.
Lector Ministry
The Lector Ministry is an essential part
of our Catholic Liturgy. Lectors, or
Ministers of the Word, read from Scriptures at Mass, preceding the Gospel.
Belonging to the Lector Ministry is a
great privilege, however, it requires dedication and a desire
to perform service. Commitment to this Ministry means
attending a Tuesday night practice meeting and volunteering to read at Mass at least once a month. Lectors also may
be asked to participant in other Liturgies, especially for
Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter. Full participation in the
Lector Ministry will bring with it many spiritual rewards.
Page Five
Oktoberfest is coming back to St. Colette!
When: October 20, 2012
Where: Parish Center
Time: 11:00AM—10:00PM
This will be an all day, family fun-filled
event, so save the date!!
For all questions and information, please contact Keven
Vinezeano at (847) 767-3303 or email:
[email protected]
Thank you and we hope to see you there!
"For Greater Glory: The True Story of
Cristiada" tells the largely unknown history of the persecution of the Catholic
Church in Mexico during the 1920's . Many
innocent people died as martyrs in defense
of their faith. This movie, starring Andy
Garcia, Eva Longoria, Eduardo Verastegui
and Peter O'Toole, tells the story of this sad episode in
Mexican history. By special arrangement, "For Greater
Glory" will be shown at the Patio Theater on Saturday,
September 8 and Sunday, September 9 at 1 PM both days.
Because of the brutal nature of martyrdom, the movie is
rated R, so discretion is advised.
The Patio Theater is located at 6008 W. Irving Park Road in
Chicago, 773-685-4291.
Bishop Michael J. Sheridan of Colorado Springs, said,
"This deeply moving account of the Cristeros' fight for
the freedom of religion in Mexico is very much a story for
our own times. The faith and courage of the Mexican
martyrs — clergy and laity — makes us proud to be
Life Line Screening
Protect your health by finding out your
risk of PAD by registering for an ankle
brachial index test. St. Colette Church
will be hosting a Life Line Screening preventive health
event on Wednesday, September 5, 2012.
Register today for the Stroke, Vascular & Heart Rhythm
package. Packages range from only $129.00 - $159.00,
which includes four screenings: carotid artery, abdominal
aortic aneurysm, peripheral arterial disease and atrial fibrillation. Call 1-888-653-6441 or visit to schedule your appointment. Join in the fight against vascular
Last week I ended the segment with the statement: After the gift of life, this may be the greatest gift
God has given us: difference. St. Paul in his letters to
the Romans, First Corinthians, Ephesians and Colossians discusses the idea and even the need for differences in gifts for the sake of the Body of Christ, the
Church, God’s Kingdom on earth. He uses the analogy
of the human body to illustrate how important it is in
God’s plan of salvation that we all be contributing
members and workers in the Kingdom of God. He
talks about prophecy and apostleship, which we expect inasmuch as these have spiritual or religious
meaning, but he goes beyond the expected. He speaks
of teaching and healing and even administration –
how can that be considered only “religious”? Many of
us are up to our proverbial necks in “administrivia” as
part of our regular jobs. Could this be a gift of the
Spirit, a talent even? Absolutely!
We could also run through the “usual” list of
talents or gifts, namely in the realm of sports, music,
or the other arts. But what about math, science, or
philosophy? What about some more mundane things
that we take for granted, like health, physical, mental
and spiritual? How about the gift of patience, understanding, organization or punctuality? They may not
sound like gifts, but as I recall understanding is one of
the gifts of the Spirit that goes with Confirmation.
So, what are your gifts? Don’t confine yourself
to the “standard” or “spiritual language”. The questions include: what can I do? What do I do well?
What do I enjoy doing? At what have I been successful? Some people enjoy cleaning house (?) and some
don’t. Some people can see more than one side to a
point in a discussion and some have difficulty. Whatever you think fits use – all of them. Then we move on
to the next step.
-Rev. Brian Simpson
All Ministers of Care are encouraged to attend the
meeting planned for Wednesday, Sept. 5th, at
6:45PM. This will be a planning session for our
October 25th Cluster Meet.
Everyone's input and help is needed to
make this event a success.
Thank you!
Page Six
Thank you to the FOCUS teens
who donated school supplies to
the Hispanic community, we
really appreciate it!
May God Bless You All!
- Saint Colette Hispanic Ministry
Audrey-Marie Semple
was called home to heaven.
Please remember her and her family in
your prayers.
Plan to join us on September 16th when the 9:00AM
Hospitality returns.
Be sure to meet us in the
Parish Center on the 9th
for the Ministry Fair.
Then we'll be back in Halpin Hall on the
16th of September for refreshments and
good conversation!
We are grateful to all who give regularly of their
treasure, time and talent. May God Bless you!
Collection for the Weekend of August 25/26, 2012
Colecta del fin de semana de 25/26 de agosto, 2012
Total Collection: $10,024.26
Share Faith September Schedule:
Wednesday's (5-6:30pm) (6-7:30pm)...
September 5 (start in church), 12th, 19th
Saturday's (10-11:30am)....
September 8, 15, 22
Sunday's (6-8:00pm)…
September 9th (start in church),
30th (at St. Viator, 2-6pm)
Special Events/Mass
September 16, Catechetical Sunday at 9am Mass
St. Viator Youth Rally on 9/20-2-6pm
No events scheduled for tonight
7:00PM Catholicism Series/HH
7:00PM Religious Ed Board/RE OFC
Wednesday 8:00AM Lifeline Screening/HH
4:30PM Religious Ed/HH
6:45PM Ministry of Care Mtg/PHLR
7:00PM Adult Choir Rehearsal/CH
5:00PM Bingo
7:00AM Hispanic Ministry Student
6:00PM Ministry Fair/HH
Ministry Fair/HH—After all Masses
10:00AM Hispanic Ministry Picnic
6:00PM FOCUS & Religious Ed/PC/CH
September 8th
& 9th
Fr. Robert Borre
Fr. Jim Murphy
Ryzner & O’Brien
Fr. Brian
Fr. Sergio Arroyo
Fr. Matthias
Berry & Shirmer
T. Gray,
M. Chybicki,
R. Pelc,
J. Monahan,
M. Lund,
L. Lota,
K. Koyos
E. Wiley,
L. Koehler,
A. Oraha,
N. Szczepkowski
M & T Loesch,
C. Truskowski,
J. Simeon,
I. Vardon,
C. Swichtenberg,
J. Healy
D. Kuforiji,
S. Kirmse,
E. Reading,
J. Santos,
M. Benson,
J. Leschman,
L. Schoenfeld
C. Stastny,
I. Nehf,
V. Dickerson
S. Bohac,
J & J Velasquez,
C & G Andres,
L. Kuivinen,
A. Reza
R. Trejo,
R. Pasillas,
A. Reyes,
P. Herrera,
I. Rodriguez,
J. Martin
A. Caldera,
S. Feikes
M. de la Torre,
M. de la Torre,
J. de la Torre
Altar Servers
J. Bolanos,
M. Toenjes
DiBenedetto &
Leyva & Guillen
Page Seven
- Actualización El pasado viernes, el Padre Peter y yo asistimos a una reunión sobre un programa que tendrá un gran significado para nosotros aquí en Santa Colette. En pocas palabras, el Programa de Transformación Parroquial tiene como objetivo ayudar a los feligreses a analizar nuestra parroquia, su misión, sus actividades, incluyendo la
escuela parroquial y programas de extensión y de su culto. Usaremos un proceso que incluye la oración, la reflexión, el estudio y discusión para evaluar los puntos fuertes de la parroquia y determinar su dirección futura.
¿Cómo exactamente va a pasar esto? Va a pasar a través de pasos en un curso de aproximadamente trece
semanas. Paso 1 fue la reunión que Fr. Peter y yo asistimos. Esto fue para explicar a los pastores lo que el programa es, cómo ya se ha aplicado en 40 otras parroquias y cómo se procederá con nosotros y las 20 o más parroquias de este grupo.
El segundo pasó y pieza fundamental del programa es la contratación de los feligreses por tres comités.
El primero, y más importante, es el Comité de Misión. Ya que el objetivo del Programa de Transformación Parroquial es que todas las parroquias sean impulsadas por la misión, que es un Evangelio bien fundado es la clave
para el éxito del programa. El segundo es el Comité de Finanzas, cuya tarea es evaluar los recursos y planificar
para emplearlos en apoyo de la Misión. El Comité Escolar es el tercero, y esto es sólo para las parroquias como
la nuestra con una escuela. Este Comité seguirá trabajando con la oficina de las Escuelas de la Arquidiócesis en
el programa FAST, y trabajara en otros aspectos de la parte de la escuela de la misión parroquial.
Una parte importante de la etapa dos es una sala de reuniones parroquiales para que todos los feligreses,
sean de tiempo completo, tiempo parcial, activos o inactivos están invitados a asistir. El proceso será explicado,
las preguntas contestadas en la medida de la capacidad del presentador, y reclutar voluntarios.
Esto no es una actividad de vida corta. Esto implicará reuniones semanales de aproximadamente trece
semanas, abierta y honesta discusión, la oración, apertura mental, la voluntad de pensar de manera audaz y creer
en el poder del Espíritu Santo, la oración, hablar con sus amigos y vecinos, la oración, y ya mencione la oración? Se trata también de un compromiso con la reflexión en curso, la evaluación y el cambio para mejor vivir
el Evangelio y ser la expresión del Reino de Dios aquí en Rolling Meadows.
-Rev. Msgr. Peter Galek & Rev. Brian Simpson
Page Eight
Existen dos formas en las que la Comunión se recibe en la Iglesia Latín:
Recibimos ya sea en la lengua o en la mano. El sacerdote o el ministro
de comunión les levanta la hostia y dice: "El Cuerpo de Cristo "y el comulgante responde: "Amen". Es una palabra que significa uno de estos
cuatro ejemplos: "Que así sea"," Estoy de acuerdo "," Yo creo ", o" Es el
cuerpo de Cristo". Eso es lo que el "Amen" significa: "Sinceramente,
creo que lo que recibo es Cristo y por eso digo Amen".
Nadie puede mandar como se debe recibir la Sagrada Comunión. El comulgante decide por si mismo como recibir la Comunión. Si usted va a
recibir en la lengua, usted debe tener ciertas cosas en mente. En primer
lugar, la cabeza debe estar ligeramente doblada hacia atrás, y la cabeza
debe mantenerse erguida, pero un poco inclinada hacia atrás. La lengua debe salir ligeramente para
que el sacerdote tenga lugar para poner la hostia. A veces la gente viene con los dientes apretados,
por lo cual es difícil colocar la hostia en la lengua.
Si usted va a recibir en la mano, la mejor manera es poner una mano con la palma hacia arriba y
poner la otra mano en la parte superior de la misma y hacer una especie de trono para el Señor.
Cuando el sacerdote o ministro de comunión pone la hostia en la mano, usted dice: "Amen". NUNCA tomar la hostia de la mano del sacerdote o ministro de la Eucaristía. Deje que ellos la pongan
en su mano. Dar un paso o dos para el lado para dar paso a la siguiente comulgante, y luego recibir
al Señor tomando la hostia y colocar la hostia en la boca, sin dejar de pie junto al ministro de la Eucaristía, sacerdote o diacono. La comunión no debe ser recibida cuando Ud. esta caminando de nuevo a su lugar, sino que debe ser consumido antes de salir del área debajo del altar.
Al recibir la comunión, las personas deben regresar a sus bancas simplemente en silencio. No regresen a su banca por el pasillo central ya que disturba gravemente el flujo de los comulgantes. Cuando regrese a su lugar, arrodíllese o siéntese para su oración personal de la Comunión y después
únanse al canto de la Comunión. Después que la Comunión se distribuye a todo el pueblo, y cuando
el sacerdote esta sentado, habrá un periodo de silencio o un canto de refección para toda la comunidad. Este periodo de silencio total es un poderoso signo de respeto y reverencia por la presencia de
Cristo en cada uno de nosotros. El Rito de la Comunión concluirá cuando el sacerdote dice:
"Oremos" y luego precede a rezar la oración de la Comunión. No hace falta decir que no se debe
dejar a la Iglesia hasta el final de la oración y el canto.
Salir de la Iglesia antes de la Comunión o durante la Comunión es contraproducente para la fe
que profesamos en la Presencia de Cristo en la comunión, y es un mal ejemplo para los mas
jóvenes. Puede haber ocasiones cuando la necesidad significa salir antes de que
se termine la Misa. Desde luego, no debe ser parte de nuestra rutina o una cuestión de habito.
Mas información sobre la recepción de la Sagrada Comunión será proporcionada
en el boletín de la próxima semana.
Page Nine
Below, we have printed three pictures of how we have seen parishioners and guests
receive the Holy Eucharist. These three pictures are examples of HOW NOT TO
RECEIVE THE HOLY EUCHARIST. Please study these pictures and if you are in
the habit of approaching this Holy Sacrament in such a manner, we ask that you
change to one of the two methods shown at the bottom of this page.
Here, we see people who
receive the Holy Eucharist with
their hands placed in a V-shape.
In this manner, the Holy
Eucharist is likely to fall on the
In this middle picture,
people receive the Holy
Eucharist between
their thumb and forefinger. Using this
method, we disrespectfully TAKE the Eucharist, where we should
receive it with respect.
If you receive the Holy Eucharist by mouth, please make
sure to open your mouth wide enough to allow the priest
or minister to safely place the Eucharist in your mouth.
Here, we approach the sacrament with
one palm outstretched. This, once
again, is a method that is likely to make
the Holy Eucharist fall on the floor.
If you receive the Holy Eucharist in your
hands, place one palm flat above the other.
This is the safest, most respectful way to receive Communion by hand.
Procedure for all
Fundraisers at
St. Colette Parish/School
St. Colette
Held in Halpin Hall
Doors open at 5:00 PM
BINGO begins at 7:00 PM
Snacks & Refreshments Available
Pull Tabs too!
Non-Smoking Facility
Open to the Public
Must be 18 yrs of age or older to play
Don’t forget your boxed and canned good items:
2 items equals a $1 off card pack
4 items equals a $2 off card pack
Thank you for your support!
General Dentistry
Advertise In This Bulletin!
1919 Algonquin Rd.
Rolling Meadows
1. Obtain an application for the fundraiser and submit the
completed form to the finance council. The form can
be downloaded off the website or obtained at the parish
2. After approval or denial the form will be forwarded on
to the scheduling sub-committee of the PPC. Turn
around from the time this committee receives the application should be within 2 weeks.
3. To schedule any selling activities in the back of the
church, please contact Nicolette O’Connor at (847) 381
-1217. For scheduling on the Parish calendar or any
bulletin announcements, please contact Michelle Adamowski at the Parish House (847) 394-8100 ext. 102
Upon completion of the Fundraiser
1. Within 2 days after the Fundraiser all funds must be
deposited into a St. Colette Account.
2. One week after the fundraiser the report with the
to the finance council.
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Rolling Meadows
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Rolling Meadows
Web Site:
Monday-Saturday 8am-6pm • Sunday 8am-4pm
For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
Page Twelve
The St. Colette Catholic Church Community
Our Mission Statement
We, the family of St. Colette, led by the Holy Spirit are dedicated to celebrating the Good News of Jesus
Christ through worship, education, fellowship, and service to others.
Nosotros la familia de Santa Colette guiados por el Espiritu Santo estamos dedicados a celebrar las Buenas Noticias de
Cristo Jesus con adoracion, educacion, y servicio a otros.
Sacraments / Sacramentos
Rev. Msgr. Peter Galek
Rev. Brian Simpson
Associate Pastor
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Peter Galek ext. #105
Associate Pastor: Rev. Brian Simpson ext. #104
Weekend Assistants: Fr. Bob Borre and Fr. James
Deacons: Mr. John Connor (retired) ext. #140 &
Mr. Antero Santos ext. #142
Music Director: Michael Myers ext. #107
Financial Operations Manager: Mrs. Darlene A.
Bulak ext. #103
Secretary & Sacramental Records: Miss Michelle
Adamowski ext. #102
St. Colette School
3900 Pheasant Drive
(847) 392-4098
Principal: Mrs. Valerie Zemko ext. #125
Religious Education: Teri Toenjes ext. #122
[email protected]
Youth Minister-Focus: Lori Brandt ext. #121
Would like an easy way to access the most current bulletin??? Just copy the link below and you will have access to
the current bulletin anytime.
English - The 1st and 3rd Sunday of the Month at
2:00PM .Spanish - The 2nd and 4th Sunday of the
Month at 1:30PM
For registration and more information contact the
Parish House.
Segundo y Cuarto Domingo del mes a la 1:30PM.
Preparación Pre-Bautismal: Padres y Padrinos el
Segundo Sábado del Mes 6:00p.m.: Por favor NO
Traer Niños Comunicarse con el Dc. Antero Santos.
Contact the Parish House at least 6 months before the
wedding date or call the Parish House at 847-394-8100
for more information.
Toda pareja que desea asesorarse para el matrimonio
por favor de comunicarse con el Dc. Antero Santos ;
los arreglos matrimoniales deben de hacerse con seis
meses de anticipación. Dc. Antero Santos 773-3915370
Entrevista inicial: Quinceañera y sus Padres; 30 horas
servicio en la Iglesia y la Comunidad : Necesita tener lo
siguiente Bautismo, Comunión
Confirmación: Comunicarse con el Dc. Antero Santos 773-391-5370 and Estela Paz 847-358-9038
Tercer Domingo de todos los meses: NO HAY
Presentaciones en Adviento o Cuaresma
Por favor de comunicarse con el Dc. Antero Santos
Sacramentos y Bendiciones :
Para los siguiente Sacramentos: Presentaciones, Bautismos, Quinceañeras, Catecismo, Bodas, o el programa
del Rito de Iniciación Cristiana (RICA) por favor de
comunicarse con el Dc. Antero Santos 773-391-5370.