December - Holy Family Catholic Church
December - Holy Family Catholic Church
H F C C Archdiocese of Galveston Houston Rev. Sunny Joseph, OSH, Pastor R e v . J o y J a m e s , O S H , P a r o c h i a l Vi c a r O b l a t es o f t h e S a c r e d H e a r t Growing Together in Christ Creciendo Unidos en Cristo S u n d a y M a ss e s Daily Masses Saturday Vigil.……5:30 pm M o n d a y … …… . . …. . 8 : 4 5 a m , 1 2 : 1 0 p m Sunday…7:30 am, 9:00 am, T u e s d a y … … … … … 8:45 am, 7:00 pm 1 0 : 4 5 a m , 1 2: 3 0 p m (Español), Wednesday………..6:30 am, 8:45 am 5:30 pm. T h u r s d a y … . . . … …. . 8 : 4 5 a m , Reconciliation 7 : 0 0 p m (Español) S a t u r d a y 4 : 0 0 p m - 5 : 0 0 p m . F r i d ay … … . . . . . . . . . . . . 6: 3 0 am , 8 : 4 5 a m O r a ny t i m e b y a p p o i n t m e n t - S a t u r d a y … . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 : 4 5 am Chapel Rosary after 8:45 am Daily Mass Baptism C a l l t h e C CE O f f i c e w e e k days, 9:00 am-4:00 pm. Anointing of the Sick (281) 499-4612 Call (281) 499-9688 Marriage Contact the Parish Office at least H e a l i n g M a ss 4 t h T u e s d a y of six (6) months prior to the wedding each month - 7:00 pm date. (281-499-9688). Please attend the information session every Adoration 1st Sunday of the month at 3:00 F i r s t F r i d ay , 8 : 4 5 a m M a s s u n p m i n t h e P ar i s h O f f i c e . til 8:00 pm Benediction, Chapel Other Services * * * * * 5th Sunday Rosary (November 30, 2015) leaders, (L to R) Roy Paul, Deacon Bill Seifert & Grand Knight Robert Guerrero Fr. Michael Biondi Library & Gift Shop open Wednesdays, 5:00-7:30 pm & Sundays after all Masses Quinceaños contact the CCE Office, (281) 499-4612 Non-Catholics who wish to join our faith community RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process to welcome you into our faith, contact the CCE Office, (281) 499-4612 Religious Education contact the CCE Office, (281) 499-4612 Society of St. Vincent de Paul (281) 499-6246 PPaarriisshh O Offffic icee Gail H u ttch c hi ns, d mimin n i s tistrator rator Gail Hu in s,AAd Reellig igio iouuss Ed Eduuccaattio ionn R Yolland a n d aa Pe ñ a,a,DR E Yo Peñ DRE Hiissppaanniicc M Miinniissttrryy H G eorg e o r g iin n aa RRo ome r oro G me Muussiicc M Min inis isttrryy M D r .. A n d r ee LLaCour aCour Dr Andr Vin incceenntt ddee PPaauull SSoocciieettyy ooff SStt.. V David Perez Mar ilyn O’Laugh lin Yoouutthh M Miinnis isttrryy Y Je a n e t te V el asq u e z Melissa F i n a n c eHagen Council FDianr raenl lc eG rCo voeusn, cCihl a i r m a n T( 2er 8 1r y ) 7Mo 7 8 -l0ik, 5 0 2Ch a i r ma n 713-899P a s t o r a l 4024 Council PJ oahsnt oLroauli sC, oCuh anicr m il an N ( 2o8r1a) P 4 9e 9r a- 3l ta 1 5,6Ch a ir w o ma n (281 ) 844-6087 Our Parish Vision Statement: O u r p a r ish vision is t o b u i l d u p o n , t o n u r t u r e a n d t o e x h i b i t t h e v i r t u es o f f a i t h , hope and charity to all in the spirit of unity through one fai th , o n e f a mily . D e c l a r a c i ó n d e la M is i ó n P a r r o q u i a l : L a m i s i ó n d e n u e s t r a p a r r o q u i a e s c o n s t r u ir e n n u e s t r a t r a d i c i ó n , a l i m e n t a r y l a s v i rt u d e s d e f e , e sp e ra n za y c a ri d a d c o n e l espíritu de unidad basado en una fe, una familia. [email protected] Sunday, December 6, 2015 Second Sunday of Advent Dear sisters and brothers of Holy Family, It's with a heavy heart I inform you that our beloved Fr. Ken Decker has gone to his eternal rest on Tuesday December 1st. May his soul rest in peace! He was residing at the Basilian's medical retire ment facility in Toronto, Canada. He served our parish family as the pastor from 1990 through 1997. Let us keep Fr. Ken, the Basilian order, and his family in our prayers. Hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving! I want to thank Mr. Raul Basurto and all our beloved stewards who worked so hard for making such a delicious Thanksgiving fried turkeys. May the good Lord continue to bless them for their great stewardship to Our parish family! As we start the Jubilee year of Mercy on December 8th I would like to bring your attention to the letter of our beloved Pope Francis about the Year of Mercy published in Vatican on September 1st. Here is the first half and the second half will be in the next bulletin. "To My Venerable Brother Archbishop Rino Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization. With the approach of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy I would like to focus on several points which I believe require attention to enable the celebration of the Holy Year to be for all believers a true moment of encounter with the mercy of God. It is indeed my wish that the Jubilee be a living experience of the closeness of the Father, whose tenderness is almost tangible, so that the faith of every believer may be strengthened and thus testimony to it be ever more effective. My thought first of all goes to all the faithful who, whether in individual Dioceses or as pilgrims to Rome, will experience the grace of the Jubilee. I wish that the Jubilee Indulgence may reach each one as a genuine experience of God’s mercy, which comes to meet each person in the Face of the Father who welcomes and forgives, forgetting completely the sin committed. To experience and obtain the Indulgence, the faithful are called to make a brief pilgrimage to the Holy Door, open in every Cathedral or in the churches designated by the Diocesan Bishop, and in the four Papal Basilicas in Rome, as a sign of the deep desire for true conversion. Likewise, I dispose that the Indulgence may be obtained in the Shrines in which the Door of Mercy is open and in the churches which traditionally are identified as Jubilee Churches. It is important that this moment be linked, first and foremost, to the Sacrament of Reconciliation and to the celebration of the Holy Eucharist with a reflection on mercy. It will be necessary to accompany these celebrations with the profession of faith and with prayer for me and for the intentions that I bear in my heart for the good of the Church and of the entire world. Additionally, I am thinking of those for whom, for various reasons, it will be impossible to enter the Holy Door, particularly the sick and people who are elderly and alone, often confined to the home. For them it will be of great help to live their sickness and suffering as an experience of closeness to the Lord who in the mystery of his Passion, death and Resurrection indicates the royal road which gives meaning to pain and loneliness. Living with faith and joyful hope this moment of trial, receiving communion or attending Holy Mass and community prayer, even through the various means of communication, will be for them the means of obtaining the Jubilee Indulgence. My thoughts also turn to those incarcerated, whose freedom is limited. The Jubilee Year has always constituted an opportunity for great amnesty, which is intended to include the many people who, despite deserving punishment, have become conscious of the injustice they worked and sincerely wish to re-enter society and make their honest contribution to it. May they all be touched in a tangible way by the mercy of the Father who wants to be close to those who have the greatest need of his forgiveness. They may obtain the Indulgence in the chapels of the prisons. May the gesture of directing their thought and prayer to the Father each time they cross the threshold of their cell signify for them their passage through the Holy Door, because the mercy of God is able to transform hearts, and is also able to transform bars into an experience of freedom". Have a blessed and joy filled Advent! Fr. Sunny. 6 de Deciembre de 2015 Segundo Domingo de Adviento Queridos Hermanos de Holy Family, Con dolor en el corazón les informo el querido Rev. Ken Decker ha pasado a su eterno descanso el martes 1 de diciembre. ¡Que su alma descanse en paz! Él era residente del centro médico de retiro de los Basilianos en Toronto, Canadá. Él estuvo en servicio pastoral para nuestra familia parroquial des de1990 hasta 199. Mantengamos al Rev. Ken, la Orden de Basilianos y a su familia en nuestras oraciones. ¡ Espero que todos ustedes hayan gozado de un maravillosos Día de Acción de Gracias! Quiero agradecer al gran Chef el Sr. Raúl Basurto y a todos nuestros queridos mayordomos que trabajaron duro para cocinar los deliciosos pavos fritos para la cena de Acción de Gracias, Que el Señor continúe bendiciéndolos por su gran servicio a nuestra Familia parroquial. Al dar comienzo al Año de Jubileo de Misericordia el día 8 de diciembre, quiero llamar su atención hacia la carta de nuestro amado Papa Francisco acerca del Jubileo del Año de la Misericordia publicada en el Vaticano el 1º de Septiembre. Esta es la primera mitad de la carta y la segunda mitad se presentará en el siguiente boletín. “A mi Venerable Hermano Arzobispo Rino Fisichella, Presidente del Concilio Pontifical para la promoción de la nueva Evangelización. Con la proximidad del Extraordinario Jubileo de la Misericordia, Me gustaría enfocarme en varios puntos, los cuales considero que requieren atención para permitir a todos los creyentes un verdadero encuentro con la Misericordia de Dios durante la celebración del Santo Año. Verdaderamente es mi deseo que el Jubileo sea una experiencia de acercamiento del Padre, de quien Su ternura es casi palpable, para que la fe de cada creyente sea reforzada y su testimonio más efectivo. Mi pensamiento primero que todo va dirigida a todos los fieles quienes en Diócesis individuales o en peregrinación a Roma, experimenten la gracia del Jubileo. Deseo que la Indulgencia del Jubileo alcance a cada uno como una experiencia genuina de la Misericordia de Dios, la cual llega a encontrarse con cada persona cara a cara con Él Padre quien da la bienvenida y perdona, perdonando por completo el pecado cometido. Para experimentar y obtener la Indulgencia, los fieles son llamados a hacer una corta peregrinación a la Santa Puerta, abierta en todas las Catedrales o en Templos designadas por el Obispo Diocesano y en las cuatro Basílicas Papales en Roma; como señal de un deseo profundo de una conversión verdadera. Igualmente, yo dispongo que las Indulgencias se pueden obtener en los Santuarios en los cuales la Puerta de la Misericordia está abierta y en los Templos que tradicionalmente son identificados como Templos del Jubileo. Importa que este momento sea intrínseco con el Sacramento de Reconciliación y con la celebración de la Santa Eucaristía con reflexión en la misericordia. Será necesario que se acompañen estas celebraciones con la profesión de la fe y con oraciones por mí y por las intenciones en mi corazón para beneficio de la Iglesia y el mundo entero. Adicionalmente, pienso en aquellos por quien, por motivos variados, va a ser imposible entrar por la Santa Puerta, particularmente los enfermos y los ancianos y solitarios, y a menudo confinados en sus hogares. Para ellos, sería de gran ayuda vivir su enfermedad y sufrimientos como una experiencia junto al Señor, quien en el misterio de Su Pasión, muerte y Resurrección indica el camino real el cual da significado a la enfermedad y al sufrimiento. Vivir con fe y alegría de la esperanza en tiempos de tribulaciones, recibir comunión o asistiendo a la Santa Misa y oración comunitaria, a través de varios métodos de comunicación, podría ser para ellos los medios para obtener la Indulgencia del Jubileo. También pienso en los encarcelados, por los que su libertad es limitada. El Año del Jubileo siempre ha constituido una oportunidad de amnistía, por medio de la cual se incluye a gente que aunque merece castigo, se dan cuenta de las injusticias que cometieron y que ahora sinceramente desean volver a entrar en la sociedad y hacer una honesta contribución a esta sociedad. Que todos ellos sean tocados tangiblemente por la misericordia del Padre quien desea estar junto a los que tienen las necesidades más grandes de su Perdón. Estos pueden recibir la Indulgencia en las Capillas de las prisiones. Que el gesto de dirigir sus pensamientos y oraciones al Padre cada vez que ellos crucen los límites de sus celdas signifique para ellos el paso por la Puerta Sagrada, porque la misericordia de Dios puede transformar corazones y también puede transformar las barra de la celda en una experiencia de libertad.” ¡Que tengan un bandito Adviento lleno de alegría! Rev. Sunny. In a special prayer he composed for the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis asks Jesus to “let the Church be your visible face in the world, its Lord risen and glorified.” The full text of the Pope’s prayer reads: Lord Jesus Christ, You have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly Father, and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him. Show us your face and we will be saved. Your loving gaze freed Zacchaeus and Matthew from being enslaved by money; the adulteress and Magdalene from seeking happiness only in created things; made Peter weep after his betrayal, and assured Paradise to the repentant thief. Let us hear, as if addressed to each one of us, the words that you spoke to the Samaritan woman: “If you knew the gift of God!” You are the visible face of the invisible Father, of the God who manifests his power above all by forgiveness and mercy: let the Church be your visible face in the world, its Lord risen and glorified. You willed that your ministers would also be clothed in weakness in order that they may feel compassion for those in ignorance and error: let everyone who approaches them feel sought after, loved, and forgiven by God. Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us with its anointing, so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace from the Lord, and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind. We ask this through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy, you who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen. TAMALES!!!! TODAY is the Holy Family Tamale Sale - after all Masses. Fir st come, fir st ser ve! Delicious, homemade TAMALES, pork & chicken, for $12.00 per dozen. These tamales were made right here by our parishioners - made with Love! All proceeds will benefit the Building Fund. Lector Workbooks…the new lector workbooks are available in the Rectory during the week or in the Gift Shop after Masses. The books are $11 each and are available in English & Spanish, all Lectors are encouraged to purchase one. Census Forms Update… all parishioners who HAVE NOT submitted their updated Census Form are invited to the Meeting Room A/B after all Masses this weekend. Volunteers will be available to help you update your census information! Plus we will have refreshments for you! Offices Closed...all Parish Offices will be closed on Tuesday, December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a holy day of obligation. The offices will reopen at their usual times on Wednesday, December 9th. The mass schedule for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception is: 8:45 am, 12:10 pm & 7:00 pm (Spanish). All masses will be celebrated in the Church. Mass Intentions December 7 - 13, 2015 December 7th, Monday, St. Ambrose, bishop & doctor of the Church; Lk 5:17-26 8:45 am Vicenta Morales (+) by Teresa Leal Thanksgiving by Abraham Family 12:10 pm Ivan Scheffler (+) by Jean & Charles Court Dana Pharr (+) by Jean & Charles Court 7:00 pm Fr Ken Decker, CSB (+) by Holy Family Friends December 8th, Tuesday, The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Lk 1:26-38 8:45 am Connie Govea (-) by Pete & Mary R. Guajardo Nora De Rodriguez (+) by Margarita Alonzo 12:10 pm Delfino, Sr & Francisca Ramirez (+) by Tony, Jr & Jay Guajardo Rudy Ramirez, Sr (+) by Tony, Jr & Jay Guajardo 7:00 pm Martin Guzman (+) b y Paul & Martha Rosales Osborn Thomas (+) by Verna Edwards December 9th, Wednesday, Advent Weekday; St. Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin; Mt 11:28-30 6:30 am Leonora Asibal (-) by Cuesta Family Varkey Joseph (+) by Mathew Family 8:45am Felix Longoria (+) by Joe & Olga Longoria George Toro (+) by Sonnia Toro December 10th, Thursday, Advent Weekday; Mt 11:11-15 8:45 am Roland Pascual (+) by Cennie Guevarra Oscar Guevarra (+) by Cennnie Guevarra 7:00 pm Rebecca Dela Rosa Breland (+) by Parents Fermin Coronado (+) bby Paula Coronado December 11th, Friday, Advent Weekday; St. Damasus I, pope; Mt 11:16-19 6:30 am Milania Victoria Trevino (+) by Ragasa Family Precious Blood New Officials (-) by Fausta Oparaji 8:45 am Kee Eng Tan (+) by Fred & Virginia Tan Achu Simon (+) by Mary Kutty December 12th Saturday, Our Lady of Guadalupe; Vigil, 3rd Sunday of Advent 8:45 am Juan (Bear) Mejorado (+) by Children Nze Family by Jovita Ogwuru 5:30 pm Linda Morales (+) by Husband, Joe Morales & Family Ana Maria Castillo (+) by Arturo Canales December 13th, Sunday, Third Sunday of Advent 7:30 am Tom Colley (+) by Wife, Terry Colley Nick Falsone (+) by Wife, Mary Falsone 9:00 am Solita Zamora (+) by Carlos & Fely Zamora Berman Toro (+) by Sonnia Toro 10:45am Delfino, Sr. & Francisca Ramirez (+) by Pete & Mary R. Guajardo Rudy Ramirez, Sr (+) by Jean & Charles Court 12:30 pm Miembros de Adoracion Nocturna, Vivos y Difuntos Miembros de Inmaculada Concepcion, Vivos y Difuntos 5:30 pm For All Our Parishioners, Living & Deceased Sanctuary Candle Intention December 7 - 13, 2015 Special Intention for Jeremy & Jolene By Jess & Didi Reyes Holy Family's celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe will take place on Saturday, December 12th beginning at 5:00 am in the chur ch with the mañanitas accompanied by Mariachis and followed by a reception of sweet bread and hot chocolate in the hall. The Mass will be at 12:00 Noon in the church followed by a reception in the hall. Also, please join us for the Tridium at 7:00 pm on the 9th, 10th, and 11th of December in the chapel. (Tridium on the10th at 7:30 pm after mass) Adult Faith Formation The parish provides free of charge the Symbolon on-line catechetical video. Please go to: https://, and enter parish registration code e78368, when prompted. Then select the topic you and your family would like to view. We hope you enjoy this opportunity to increase and/or refresh you and your family's knowledge of Church teaching. La Celebración de la Fiesta de Nuestra Sra. de Guadalupe aquí en Holy Family se llevara a cabo el sábado, 12 de diciembre comenzando con las mañanitas a las 5:00 am en la iglesia acompañadas por Mariachi, y seguidas con un pequeño convivio de pan dulce y chocolate en el salón. La Misa será a las 12:00 medio día y enseguida tendremos un convivio en el salón. Acompáñenos también para el Triduo a las 7:00 PM el 9, 10, y 11 de diciembre en la capilla. ( El Triduo del día 10 será a las 7:30 pm después de la misa. ) The Archdiocesan Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe will take place Sunday, December 13th at the George R. Brown Convention Center. The procession will begin at 12:00 noon from the Co Cathedral, 1700 San Jacinto to the GRB followed by the Rosary, Serenades, Danzas by Matachines, and Mass at 5:00 pm celebrated by His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo. Please make plans to attend this wonderful and free celebration. Holy Family needs EMHCs to the homebound. Stating that we will be judged on our corporal and spiritual works of mercy to those in need, Pope Francis described the jubilee year (begins December 8, 2015) as a “good opportunity for increasing the collaboration between pastors and the laity in the mission of affectionately and tenderly caring for the sick and dying.” La Fiesta de Nuestra Sra. de Guadalupe se llevara a cabo el domingo, 13 de Diciembre en el Centro de Convenciones George R. Brown. La procesión empezará a las 12:00 del mediodía desde la Co Catedral en 1700 San Jacinto hasta el GRB seguida por el Rosario, Serenatas, Danzas por Matachines, y la Santa Misa a las 5:00 PM celebrada por su Eminencia Daniel Cardenal DiNardo. Hagan sus planes para asistir a esta gran celebración gratuita If you wish to make an announcement, such as birthdays, anniversaries, sick, etc., submit a written note no later than Monday pm to the office. Please, no advertisements. Please pray for our U.S. Troops and civilian personnel overseas and here in the US; Major Blanca Reyes, US Army; Senior Master Sargent Carlos R. Villarreal, US Air Force; Senior Master Sargent Walisa Villarreal, US Air Force; Airman First Class Lisa Villarreal, US Air Force; Commander Greg Blyden, US Navy; Staff Sargent Guillermina Darino, US Army; Sargent Steve Garcia, US Army; Staff Sargent David A. Perez, US Army, Staff Sargent Leonardo Andrade, US Marine. Please pray for the sick of our Parish especially: Fr . Phi; Deacon Alfr ed Abr ams; J ohnnie Baiamonte; Sheila McCabe; Bertha Silva; Liana Mikulenka; Michael Oparaji, Sr.; Robert Miller; Ron Carter; Mary Lou Reumont; Betty Bath; Eddie Borrego; Ruben Velasquez; Veronica Lyon; Pete Guajardo; John Delome; Frances Castillo; Alice Boroski; Carl Anthony Cangelosi; Pat Trail; Enrico Fos; Israel R. Carranza; Charles Ferro; Deacon Jim Wright; Vince Mulle; Idalia Tenoria; Eva Guevara; Arthur Hauptman; Mary Nieto; Joseph LaCour; Sam Campbell; Julius Dumapit; Gilda Salazar Herrera; Joe Morales; Joey Salinas; Sandy Melchor; Lois Guillory; Isabelita Bernardo; Marcella Guzman; Marie Don LeVu; Perla Ferrer; Mamie Mercatante; Jose Guillermo Rodriguez; Lela Cantu; Araceli Escoto; Abel Abila; Josie Gonzales; Tomasa Herrera; Inez Graham; Christine Klatt; Josie Franklin; Mary Carmen dela Cruz; Movita Cavalier; Thomas Edward Hargis,Sr; Esperanza Melendez; Charles Clark; Natalie Anim-Kwapong; Haleigh E. Boutte; Martha Kocich; Mary Buri; Marsha & Allen Bustchek; Velma Packard; Mike Boutte; Gus Longoria, Jr; Fr Roy Oggero, CSB; Mary Bermea; Victor Rodriguez; Charlene Salvacion O’Campo; Cirilo E. Toledo; Maciela Solis; Jose Bustos; Mary Perez; Jesus Bravo, Pedro Jalomo, Elpidio Jalomo, Vicky Peralta; Jed Foronda; Augustine Martinez; Judy Torres; Greg Johnson; Jerry Escamilla; Alex Herrera; Joseph Michael Alejandro; Irene Basurto; Kay Hunnicutt; Jeanne Witt; Alicia Barron; Joe Larry Morales; Alejandra Mandujano. DECEASED: Ben Marinas; Linda King; Fr Ken Decker, CSB May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. CC ontinuing hristian E ducation Teach me Wisdom, Knowledge and Discipline 281 499-4612 CCE Activities… Sunday, December 6th 9:00 am English Rite of Welcoming at Mass - Group I & RCIA candidates 10:00 am English RCIA - Room #2 10:00 am Spanish RICA - Room #3 12:30 pm Spanish Rite of Welcoming at Mass - Group I & RCIA candidates 1:30 pm Spanish Baptism Preparation – Meeting Room A/B 2;00 pm Spanish Group Baptisms Monday, December 7th 6:00 pm English Sacramental Preparation Parish Hall Tuesday, December 8th Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary - all Parish Offices closed Wednesday, December 9th 6:00 pm Pre-K through 5th grade CCE - Rooms 4-10 Family Activity Night - Parents are asked to join the students. Sunday, December 13th 9:30 am English RCIA - Room #2 10:00 am Spanish RICA - Room #3 10:00 am English Family CCE & Groups I & II Centennial, Assembly, Meeting Room A/B & Rooms 4-11 12:30 pm Spanish Family CCE & Groups I & II Parish Hall, Centennial, Assembly, Meeting Room A/B & Rooms 4-11 2;30 pm English Group Baptisms Come join us as adult leaders in Holy Family Youth Ministry! Ther e ar e many ways adults can be involved. We need your gifts and talents to help lead our middle and high school teens closer to Christ. The following opportunities are available: Catechists - lead teachings and small groups. Catechists Aides - assists catechists with teaching and leading small groups. Prayer Team- provides prayer support for the youth ministry and coordinates prayer chain. Music Team - provides music support and praise and worship for youth events. Art and Environment Team - helps with setting the artistic environment for youth events, responsible for set up and clean up for youth events. Food Team – helps with food and drinks (juice, water, soda, etc.) for youth events. Entertainment Team – helps with games and icebreakers for youth events. The areas in which we have opportunities include middle school, high school, Confirmation I, and Confirmation II. All adults assisting Holy Family Youth Ministry must complete the Virtus course prior to serving, if they have not already done so. Also, if it has been over 5 years since taking Virtus, if you have not taken the refresher course, Keeping the Promise Alive, it should be taken. For more information about becoming involved with Holy Family Youth Ministry, please contact Melissa Hagen, Director of Youth Ministry, at (281) 499-4612, ext. 317. You may also e-mail her at [email protected]. Thank you so much for your support of Holy Family Youth Ministry! We look forward to hearing from you. Confirmation Students on Retreat...Please remember to pray for our Confirmation I students, chaperones, & facilitators who will be on retreat this weekend, December 4 6 at Christian Renewal Center in Dickinson, Texas. Volunteers for 2015-16 CCE Classes...Anyone interested in helping with the CCE Programs as catechists or aides, please call the CCE Office to sign up. (281-499-4612). Only requirement is taking the VIRTUS class on “Protecting God's Children”. Welcome to the Newly Baptized: Marley Richard Moses Williams: Par ents, Randon Dwight Williams & Angel Rose McClendon; Godparents, Xavier & Bianca Spears. A BUSY MOTHER Only after the Last Judgment will Mary get any rest; from now until then, she is much too busy with her children. —St. John Vianney (High School students need to take the “Jerimiah Course” to help in classrooms – call CCE Office for details, 281-499-4612) UNA MADRE OCUPADA María podrá descansar solamente después del juicio final; desde ahora y hasta ese momento, está muy ocupada con sus hijos. — San Juan Vianney ... and Treasure 5:30 pm Sat Bernice Chaloupka Jim Keenan Volunteer Volunteer Jessie Gibson Jacqueline Harleaux Anthony Thaliachary Volunteer Margie Villarrreal Sandy Laran Beverly Svoboda Volunteer Mary Guerrero Gloria Colunga Thresiamma George Cassie Levy Caroline Okpara George Thomas Carmen Tristan Gloria Almeida Petra Enriquez Julia Aguirre Dina Morales Roberto Maldonado Gwen Reinke Edna Kemavor Gretchen Pyle Volunteer Zen Badavi Marilyn O’Laughlin Volunteer 5:30 pm Sat 7:30 am Sun 9:00 am Sun 10:45 am Sun 12:30 pm Sun 5:30 pm Sun Joycelyn Barnes Reese Mattie Ford Kathleen Mitchell Inger Louis Alba Martinez Mariana Carretero Mike Mikulenka Gloria Batiste Roberts Judy Ikwuagwu Brian Tave Mingo Salas Helen Fadri 5:30 pm Sat William Barre Volunteer G’iona Collins Volunteer Anjolina Jimenez Devon Sanchez Munachi Akuechiama Julieta Nwanguma Samantha Romero Melanie Morales Brisa McCann Mary Ann Ogwuru Michael Stuckert Readers Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion 7:30 am Sun 9:00 am 10:45 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm Sun Altar Servers 7:30 am Sun 9:00 am Sun 10:45 am Sun 12:30 pm Sun Ushers 5:30 pm Sun Sat 5:30 pm Sun 7:30 am Sun 9:00 am Sun 10:45 am Sun 12:30 pm Sun 5:30 pm Henry Machala (Lead) Michael Barone John Ferro (Lead) Gilbert Colunga (Lead) Jose Ramirez Wen Guerra June Anderson Laurice Rochard Rani Thaliachary Lucio Avellaneda Rafaela Laran Sr Ancilla Uchendu Ijeoma Akuechiama Rose Garcia Catherine Inoma Karisue Nelson Doretta Rychlik Graciela Martinez Gloria Gutierrez Tomasa Lazo Florissa Castillo Vicky Melendez Emma Maldonado Gloria Espinosa Kathy Mroczkowski John Pyle Volunteer Nicholas Jimenez Chinwe Akuechiama Jade Morales Kenia Viera Isla McCann Carl Mouton Bob Mejia Joe Macias George Thomas Jimmy Williams Financial Support For Church Operations Total For November 2015 Need Monthly/Operations Income: Offertory Faith Direct (EFT) Other Donations Fall Festival Income Monthly Total Over/(Shortage) $119,900 $95,868 $14,448 $6,092 $1,580 $117,988 ($1,012) Cumulative Year to Date 11/15 $10,488 2nd Collections for: Building Fund $6,698 St Vincent DePaul $4,246 Campaign for Human Development $603 DSF $2,672 Last month’s Building Fund Pledge Payments/Donations $19,889 Current Parish Mortgage Balance $2,097,151 2015 DSF Goal Pledges Paid to Date $120,000 $99,583 $94,585 Have you signed up with Faith Direct yet? With Faith Direct, you can make your offertory contributions, as well as your Building Fund contributions, to Holy Family Parish using your credit/debit card or bank account. Please enroll in this program by picking up an enrollment form from the church office, or by visiting to enr oll secur ely on line. Our parish code is TX364. Growing Together in Christ Capital Campaign/Increased Sunday Offertory … it’s not too late to make a pledge. Pledge cards are in the pew racks and at the entrance to the church. Bulletin Advertisements: Patr onize the sponsor s who adver tise in our bulletin, thank them for their suppor t . To advertise on the back of the bulletin please contact J. S. Paluch Co. Inc. 1-800-833-5941. CHURCH NAME Holy Family Church #003462 1510 5th Street Missouri City, TX 77489 TELEPHONE 281 499-9688 CONTACT PERSON Gail Hutchins SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2013 Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Windows Vista Business PRINTER Hp Laserjet 2100 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday 12:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION December 6, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS If not received by Wednesday 3:00 pm, please call Parish Office, 281 499-9688. Or Gail’s cell phone, 281 851-6568 H F C C Archdiocese of Galveston Houston Rev. Sunny Joseph, OSH, Pastor R e v . J o y J a m e s , O S H , P a r o c h i a l Vi c a r O b l a t es o f t h e S a c r e d H e a r t Growing Together in Christ Creciendo Unidos en Cristo S u n d a y M a ss e s Daily Masses Saturday Vigil.……5:30 pm M o n d a y … …… . . …. . 8 : 4 5 a m , 1 2 : 1 0 p m Sunday…7:30 am, 9:00 am, T u e s d a y … … … … … 8:45 am, 7:00 pm 1 0 : 4 5 a m , 1 2: 3 0 p m (Español), Wednesday………..6:30 am, 8:45 am 5:30 pm. T h u r s d a y … . . . … …. . 8 : 4 5 a m , Reconciliation 7 : 0 0 p m (Español) S a t u r d a y 4 : 0 0 p m - 5 : 0 0 p m . F r i d ay … … . . . . . . . . . . . . 6: 3 0 am , 8 : 4 5 a m O r a ny t i m e b y a p p o i n t m e n t - S a t u r d a y … . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 : 4 5 am Chapel Rosary after 8:45 am Daily Mass Baptism C a l l t h e C CE O f f i c e w e e k days, 9:00 am-4:00 pm. Anointing of the Sick (281) 499-4612 Call (281) 499-9688 Marriage Contact the Parish Office at least H e a l i n g M a ss 4 t h T u e s d a y of six (6) months prior to the wedding each month - 7:00 pm date. (281-499-9688). Please attend the information session every Adoration 1st Sunday of the month at 3:00 F i r s t F r i d ay , 8 : 4 5 a m M a s s u n p m i n t h e P ar i s h O f f i c e . til 8:00 pm Benediction, Chapel Other Services * * * * * Fr. Michael Biondi Library & Gift Shop open Wednesdays, 5:00-7:30 pm & Sundays after all Masses Quinceaños contact the CCE Office, (281) 499-4612 Non-Catholics who wish to join our faith community RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process to welcome you into our faith, contact the CCE Office, (281) 499-4612 Religious Education contact the CCE Office, (281) 499-4612 Society of St. Vincent de Paul (281) 499-6246 PPaarriisshh O Offffic icee Gail H u ttch c hi ns, d mimin n i s tistrator rator Gail Hu in s,AAd Reellig igio iouuss Ed Eduuccaattio ionn R Yolland a n d aa Pe ñ a,a,DR E Yo Peñ DRE Hiissppaanniicc M Miinniissttrryy H G eorg e o r g iin n aa RRo ome r oro G me Muussiicc M Min inis isttrryy M D r .. A n d r ee LLaCour aCour Dr Andr Vin incceenntt ddee PPaauull SSoocciieettyy ooff SStt.. V David Perez Mar ilyn O’Laugh lin Yoouutthh M Miinnis isttrryy Y Je a n e t te V el asq u e z Melissa F i n a n c eHagen Council FDianr raenl lc eG rCo voeusn, cCihl a i r m a n T( 2er 8 1r y ) 7Mo 7 8 -l0ik, 5 0 2Ch a i r ma n 713-899P a s t o r a l 4024 Council PJ oahsnt oLroauli sC, oCuh anicr m il an N ( 2o8r1a) P 4 9e 9r a- 3l ta 1 5,6Ch a ir w o ma n (281 ) 844-6087 Our Parish Vision Statement: O u r p a r ish vision is t o b u i l d u p o n , t o n u r t u r e a n d t o e x h i b i t t h e v i r t u es o f f a i t h , hope and charity to all in the spirit of unity through one fai th , o n e f a mily . D e c l a r a c i ó n d e la M is i ó n P a r r o q u i a l : L a m i s i ó n d e n u e s t r a p a r r o q u i a e s c o n s t r u ir e n n u e s t r a t r a d i c i ó n , a l i m e n t a r y Fr Sunny (center) and the Confirmation students and l a s v i rt u d eRetreat s d e f elast , e sp e ra n za y c a ri d a d c o n e l Team at the Confirmation weekend. espíritu de unidad basado en una fe, una familia. [email protected] Sunday, December 13, 2015 Third Sunday of Advent Dear sisters and brothers of Holy Family, Mrs. Yolanda Pena, our Director of Religious Education, is retiring this month after 22 years of fabulous service to Holy Family. She joined the staff in 1993 as the Youth Director and served for five years coordinating the Youth ministry and then she continued as the DRE until now. On behalf of our parish family I extend our heartfelt thanks to Yolanda Penja for her dedicated service in forming and guiding our children in faith and continuing the mission of evangelization bringing new members to the cath olic faith through our RCIA program. May the good Lord bless you for your great service! She told me that even though she got retired she would help us with some of our ministries. There will be a reception in the Parish Hall next Sunday the 20th after 9.00 am and 10.45 am masses. Please come to the hall and join me in thanking her for her 22 years of great service to Holy Family. As I promised last weekend here is the second and last part of Pope Francis' letter for the jubilee Year of Mercy, "I have asked the Church in this Jubilee Year to rediscover the richness encompassed by the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. The experience of mercy, indeed, becomes visible in the witness of concrete signs as Jesus himself taught us. Each time that one of the faithful personally performs one or more of these actions, he or she shall surely obtain the Jubilee Indulgence. Hence the commitment to live by mercy so as to obtain the grace of complete and exhaustive forgiveness by the power of the love of the Father who excludes no one. The Jubilee Indulgence is thus full, the fruit of the very event which is to be celebrated and experienced with faith, hope and charity. Furthermore, the Jubilee Indulgence can also be obtained for the deceased. We are bound to them by the witness of faith and charity that they have left us. Thus, as we remember them in the Eucharistic celebration, thus we can, in the great mystery of the Communion of Saints, pray for them, that the merciful Face of the Father free them of every remnant of fault and strongly embrace them in the unending beatitude. One of the serious problems of our time is clearly the changed relationship with respect to life. A widespread and insensitive mentality has led to the loss of the proper personal and social sensitivity to welcome new life. The tragedy of abortion is experienced by some with a superficial awareness, as if not realizing the extreme harm that such an act entails. Many others, on the other hand, although experiencing this moment as a defeat, believe they they have no other option. I think in particular of all the women who have resorted to abortion. I am well aware of the pressure that has led them to this decision. I know that it is an existential and moral ordeal. I have met so many women who bear in their heart the scar of this agonizing and painful decision. What has happened is profoundly unjust; yet only understanding the truth of it can enable one not to lose hope. The forgiveness of God cannot be denied to one who has repented, especially when that person approaches the Sacrament of Confession with a sincere heart in order to obtain reconciliation with the Father. For this reason too, I have decided, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, to concede to all priests for the Jubilee Year the discretion to absolve of the sin of abortion those who have procured it and who, with contrite heart, seek forgiveness for it. May priests fulfil this great task by expressing words of genuine welcome combined with a reflection that explains the gravity of the sin committed, besides indicating a path of authentic conversion by which to obtain the true and generous forgiveness of the Father who renews all with his presence. A final consideration concerns those faithful who for various reasons choose to attend churches officiated by priests of the Fraternity of St Pius X. This Jubilee Year of Mercy excludes no one. From various quarters, several Brother Bishops have told me of their good faith and sacramental practice, combined however with an uneasy situation from the pastoral standpoint. I trust that in the near future solutions may be found to recover full communion with the priests and superiors of the Fraternity. In the meantime, motivated by the need to respond to the good of these faithful, through my own disposition, I establish that those who during the Holy Year of Mercy approach these priests of the Fraternity of St Pius X to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation shall validly and licitly receive the absolution of their sins. Trusting in the intercession of the Mother of Mercy, I entrust the preparations for this Extraordinary Jubilee Year to her protection". Let us rediscover the Spiritual and corporate works of mercy and receive the special graces of this Jubilee year of Mercy. Fr. Sunny. 13 de Deciembre de 2015 Tercer Domingo de Adviento Queridos Hermanos de Holy Family, La señora Yolanda Peña, nuestra Directora de Educación Religiosa (DRE), se retirará de tal función efectivo el 22 de Diciembre después de su fabuloso servicio a Holy Family. Ella se unió al equipo de trabajo en 1933 como Directora de los Jóvenes y después se convirtió en la DRE función que cumple hasta la fecha. En nombre de la familia parroquial de Holy Family, yo extiendo mi agradecimiento de todo corazón a Yolanda Peña por su dedica ción y servicio al formar y guiar a nuestra juventud de fe y así continuar con la misión de evangelización trayendo nue vos miembros a la fe católica por medio del programa de RICA. ¡Que nuestro buen Señor la bendiga por su gran servicio! Ella me dice que aunque se retira, ella nos ayudará con algunos de nuestros ministerios. Habrá una recepción en el Centro Parroquial el próximo domingo 20 de diciembre después de la Misas de 9:00 AM y 10:45 AM. Por favor pasen por el Centro Parroquial para agradecerle por sus 22 años de un gran servicio a Holy Family. Como les prometí la semana pasada, aquí les presento la segunda mitad de la carta del Papa Francisco acerca del Jubileo del Año de la Misericordia, para redescubrir la riqueza encontrada en el trabajo espiritual y corporal de la misericordia. La experiencia de la misericordia, en realidad se convierte visible en el testimonio de los signos que nos enseñó el mismo Jesús. Cada vez que uno de los fieles personalmente hace una o varias de estas acciones, él o ella recibe la Indulgencia del Jubileo. He aquí el compromiso de vivir por la misericordia para obtener la gracia completa y exhausta del perdón por el poder del amor del Padre quien no excluye a nadie. La Indulgencia en el Jubileo es completa, la fruta de cada evento que se celebra y experimenta con fe, esperanza y caridad. Aún más, la Indulgencia del Jubileo, también se obtiene para los que ya murieron. Estamos unidos a ellos por el testimonio de la fe y la caridad que ellos nos dejaron. Por eso, al recordarlos en la celebración de la Eucaristía, podemos por el gran Misterios de la Comunión de los Santos, orar por ellos para que la Misericordiosa Cara del Padre, los libre de cualquier vestigio de culpa y los abrace fuertemente en beatitud eterna. Uno de los serios problemas de nuestro tiempo es claramente el cambio relacionado con respecto respeto por la vida. Una mentalidad insensata y extensa se ha dirigido a la perdida personal y social al respeto y bienvenida de la vida. La tragedia del aborto se experimenta por algunos de una manera superficial, como no reconociendo el extremo mal que tal acto causa. Muchos otros, enfrentándose con esta situación la consideran como un fracaso, pensando que no tienen otro recurso u opción. Yo pienso en particular en las mujeres que han recurrido al aborto. Reconozco la presión que las lleva a esa decisión. Yo sé que es una experiencia existencial y moral. Yo he conocido a muchas mujeres que llevan en su corazón la herida de esa decisión agonizante y dolorosa. Lo que ha pasado es profundamente injusto; pero solamente entendiendo la verdad, podrá dar entendimiento para no perder la esperanza. El perdón de Dios no podrá ser negado a alguien que se ha arrepentido, especialmente cuando una persona se refugia en el Sacramento de la Confesión con un corazón sincero para obtener reconciliación con el Padre. Por este motivo también, Yo he decidido, de todas maneras, conceder a todos los sacerdotes en este Año del Jubileo, la discreción de absolver del pecado del aborto a aquellos que los han obtenido y quien con un corazón arrepentido busque el perdón por esto. Que los sacerdotes cumplan esta gran tarea al expresar palabras de una bienvenida genuina combinada con una reflexión que explique la gravedad del pecado cometido, y aparte indicar un patrón de auténtica conversión por la cual obtener un verdadero y generoso perdón del Padre quien renueva a todos con su presencia. Una consideración final concierne a aquellos fieles quien por variadas razones escoge asistir a Iglesias oficiadas por la Fraternidad de St. Pio X. El Año del Jubileo de la Misericordia no excluye a nadie. Varios Hermanos Obispos me han comunicado de buena fe y practica sacramental, combinada sin embargo con una situación difícil desde el punto de vista pastoral. Yo confío que en un futuro cercano la solución se encontrará para recobrar la plena comunión con los sacerdotes y superiores en esta Fraternidad. Mientras tanto, motivado por la necesidad de responder a bienestar de estos fieles, por medio de mi propia disposición, Yo establezco que esos durante el Sagrado Año de la Misericordia se acerquen a estos sacerdotes de la Fraternidad de San Pio X para celebrar el Sacramento de la Reconciliación pueda validar y lícitamente recibir la absolución por sus pecados. Confiando en la Intercesión de la Madre de la Misericordia, yo confío la preparación para este Extraordinario Año del Jubileo a su protección. Volvamos a redescubrir al Espíritu e incorporemos nuestra tarea de la misericordia y recibamos la gracia especial del Año del Jubileo de la Misericordia. Rev. Sunny. Holy Family’s Paver Project… Consider buying a PAVER in front of the Church or in our beautiful Courtyard as a Christmas Gift! This is an ongoing project for our Building Fund. You may have your paver personally engraved as a Christmas gift, birthday, wedding, anniversary, Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, graduation and /or in Loving Memory of a loved one. Please stop by the Paver Information table in the Courtyard today for more information or a brochure. Or during the week call the Parish Office, 28-499-9688. We will happily help you with your selection and wording. To everyone that already purchased a paver or bench We Thank You! TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION This week, our celebration of Advent makes a transition in ritual and texts. Beginning December 18, the countdown of nine days (a novena) to Christmas sees a heightened sense of expectation, and also a turning from the call of the Baptist in the wilderness to the events leading up to Jesus’ birth. In ancient Spain, December 18 was once celebrated as the “Feast of the Expectancy,” and customs grew up to heighten readiness in the homes. Some customs arise from monastic life and practice and spill over into our parish life. Beginning tonight, those who pray Vespers will sing in the opening phrase a beautiful title of Christ. These titles belong to a collection of opening phrases called the “O Antiphons” after the awe-inspired “O” sung on the first note. There’s a playful code in the titles: O Wisdom, O Lord, O Flower of Jesse, O Key of David, O Dawn, O Ruler, O Emmanuel. When you take their Latin names—Sapientia, Adonai, Radix, and so on—the titles form an acrostic when you read them backwards: “ERO CRAS.” In Latin, that is translated as “I will be there tomorrow!” It’s as if Christ were answering the prayers of the waiting people in the words of the prayers themselves. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Lector Workbooks…the new lector workbooks are available in the Rectory during the week or in the Gift Shop after Masses. The books are $11 each and are available in English & Spanish, all Lectors are encouraged to purchase one. Retirement Sunday, after the 9:00 & 10:45 am Masses in the Centennial Room to honor Yolanda Pena, our DRE. Yolanda will be retiring after 22 years of faithful service. Please drop by to Thank her & bid her good luck! Let's pray for persecuted Christians...Let us pr ay for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ that are being persecuted throughout the world, that they may have the strength and courage to love and stand firm in their faith in this violent time. Mass Intentions December 14 - 20, 2015 December 14th, Monday, St. John of the Cross, priests & doctor of the Church; Mt 21:23-27 8:45 am Donnell Phillips (+) by Family Anna Kutty Augustin (+) by Elsie & George Thottam 12:10 pm Feliberto Saez (+) by Gobencion Family Quincy, Ebeny, Julieta (-) by Mom, Juliet December 15th, Tuesday, Advent Weekday; Mt 21:28-32 8:45 am Alejandro & Inocenia Lopez (+) by Alexia Hinguillo Robert Lopez (+) by Alexia Hinguillo 7:00 pm NO MASS- Advent Penance Service - Church December 16th, Wednesday, Advent Weekday; Lk 7:18b-23 6:30 am Saly Kottoor (-) by Abraham Kottoor 8:45am Geraldine Gobencion (-) by Gobencion Family Rosa Pascual (+) by Becky Pascual December 17th, Thursday, Late Advent Weekday; Mt 1:1-17 8:45 am Oscar Pena (+) by Marta A. Pena & Family Manuel Hinguillo (+) by Alexia Hinguillo 7:00 pm Micaela Solis (-) by Eulalia Solis Alida Reyes (+) by Frank Reyes Family December 18th, Friday, Late Advent Weekday; Mt 1:18-25 6:30 am Maria Dolores Estrada (+) by Dolores Coward & Family Kevin Hinguillo (+) by Alexia Hinguillo 8:45 am Francisco Pena (+) by Parents Oscar Mejorado (+) by Parents December 19th Saturday, Late Advent Weekday; Vigil, 4th Sunday of Advent 8:45 am Jerome Sliva (+) by M/M John Janik Maria Dolores Estrada (+) by Dolores Coward & Family 5:30 pm For All Our Parishioners Living & Deceased December 20th, Sunday, Fourth Sunday of Advent 7:30 am Rodolfo & Olga Saucedo (+) by Debbie Cortez & Family Donato Cortez, Sr (+) by Debbie Cortez & Family 9:00 am Joey Longoria (+) by Parents, Joe & Olga Longoria Regina Agnello (+) by CDA Court #2060 10:45am Frank Rychlik (+) by Doretta Rychlik Delfino, Sr. & Francisca Ramirez (+) by Pete & Mary R. Guajardo 12:30 pm Miembros de Sociedad de Guadalupe, Vivos y Difuntos Oscar J. Pena (+) by M/M Marta A. Pena & Family 5:30 pm Mary & Frank Maiorka (+) by Family Lula & Joe M. Triolo (+) by Family Sanctuary Candle Intention December 14 - 20, 2015 In Loving Memory Frank Rychlik By Doretta Rychlik Holy Family needs EMHCs to the homebound. Stating that we will be judged on our corporal and spiritual works of mercy to those in need, Pope Francis described the jubilee year (begins December 8, 2015) as a “good opportunity for increasing the collaboration between pastors and the laity in the mission of affectionately and tenderly caring for the sick and dying.” The 2015 Wedding Anniversary Jubilee Masses honoring couples celebrating their Golden (50th) or silver (25th) Anniversaries of marriage in the Catholic Church will be held on: Golden -50 Years of Marriage- Sunday, December 20, 2015, at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart at 3:00 pm. Whether or not a couple attends the ceremony, they are eligible to receive a special recognition. Couples wishing to participate are asked to register on line by visiting Please fill out all the information requested and make sure that the name of each couple is typed exactly as they wish them to appear on their recognition. Deadline for registrations varies, we encourage you to read all the information attentively. Registration will not be processed if the information about the Catholic Wedding cannot be verified and/or if the fee of $25 dollars per couple is not received, financial help is available. Each couple will be able to bring a maximum of 6 family members or friends to the Mass. Adult Faith Formation The parish provides free of charge the Symbolon on-line catechetical video. Please go to: https://, and enter parish registration code e78368, when prompted. Then select the topic you and your family would like to view. We hope you enjoy this opportunity to increase and/or refresh you and your family's knowledge of Church teaching. Parish Communal Penance Service… Tuesday, December 15th at 7:00 pm in the Church. Several priests will be available to hear your individual confession. Please mark your calendars and make plans to attend. Spanish speaking priests will also be available. AN ADVENT PRAYER May the God of peace make us completely holy. May God keep us blameless in spirit, soul and body for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Forever faithful is the One who calls us—God our Father! Expectant, let us live in joyful hope for the revelation of the glory of our God and Savior, Christ Jesus! To him be glory forever! Come, Lord Jesus! Your grace be with us all. —From Come, Lord Jesus by Lucien Deiss, CSSp, copyright 1976, 1981, Lucien Deiss. Published by World Library Publications. p. 127 If you wish to make an announcement, such as birthdays, anniversaries, sick, etc., submit a written note no later than Monday pm to the office. Please, no advertisements. Please pray for our U.S. Troops and civilian personnel overseas and here in the US; Major Blanca Reyes, US Army; Senior Master Sargent Carlos R. Villarreal, US Air Force; Senior Master Sargent Walisa Villarreal, US Air Force; Airman First Class Lisa Villarreal, US Air Force; Commander Greg Blyden, US Navy; Staff Sargent Guillermina Darino, US Army; Sargent Steve Garcia, US Army; Staff Sargent David A. Perez, US Army, Staff Sargent Leonardo Andrade, US Marine. Please pray for the sick of our Parish especially: Fr . Phi; Deacon Alfr ed Abr ams; J ohnnie Baiamonte; Sheila McCabe; Bertha Silva; Liana Mikulenka; Michael Oparaji, Sr.; Robert Miller; Ron Carter; Mary Lou Reumont; Betty Bath; Eddie Borrego; Ruben Velasquez; Veronica Lyon; Pete Guajardo; John Delome; Frances Castillo; Alice Boroski; Carl Anthony Cangelosi; Pat Trail; Enrico Fos; Israel R. Carranza; Charles Ferro; Deacon Jim Wright; Vince Mulle; Idalia Tenoria; Eva Guevara; Arthur Hauptman; Mary Nieto; Joseph LaCour; Sam Campbell; Julius Dumapit; Gilda Salazar Herrera; Joe Morales; Joey Salinas; Sandy Melchor; Lois Guillory; Isabelita Bernardo; Marcella Guzman; Marie Don LeVu; Perla Ferrer; Mamie Mercatante; Jose Guillermo Rodriguez; Lela Cantu; Araceli Escoto; Abel Abila; Josie Gonzales; Tomasa Herrera; Inez Graham; Christine Klatt; Josie Franklin; Mary Carmen dela Cruz; Movita Cavalier; Thomas Edward Hargis,Sr; Esperanza Melendez; Charles Clark; Natalie Anim-Kwapong; Haleigh E. Boutte; Martha Kocich; Mary Buri; Marsha & Allen Bustchek; Velma Packard; Mike Boutte; Gus Longoria, Jr; Fr Roy Oggero, CSB; Mary Bermea; Victor Rodriguez; Charlene Salvacion O’Campo; Cirilo E. Toledo; Maciela Solis; Jose Bustos; Mary Perez; Jesus Bravo, Pedro Jalomo, Elpidio Jalomo, Vicky Peralta; Jed Foronda; Augustine Martinez; Judy Torres; Greg Johnson; Jerry Escamilla; Alex Herrera; Joseph Michael Alejandro; Irene Basurto; Kay Hunnicutt; Jeanne Witt; Alicia Barron; Joe Larry Morales; Alejandra Mandujano; Mattie Ford BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Connie Govea - December 8th CC ontinuing hristian E ducation Teach me Wisdom, Knowledge and Discipline 281 499-4612 CCE Activities… Sunday, December 13th 9:30 am English RCIA - Room #2 10:00 am Spanish RICA - Room #3 10:00 am English Family CCE & Groups I & II Centennial, Assembly, Meeting Room A/B & Rooms 4-11 12:30 pm Spanish Family CCE & Groups I & II Parish Hall, Centennial, Assembly, Meeting Room A/B & Rooms 4-11 2;30 pm English Group Baptisms Wednesday, December 16th 6:00 pm Pre-K through 5th grade CCE - Rooms 4-11 Sunday, December 20th 9:30 am English RCIA - Room #2 10:00 am Spanish RICA - Room #3 10:45 am English Children’s Liturgy of the Word (during Mass) Room #1 12:30 pm Spanish Children’s Liturgy of the Word (during Mass) Parish Hall 2:00 pm Spanish Sacramental Preparation Assembly Room 2:00 pm Spanish Group Baptisms - Church ORACIÓN PARA EL ADVIENTO Que el Dios de paz nos haga totalmente santos. Que conserve nuestro espíritu sin mancha, cuerpo y alma, hasta la llegada de nuestro Señor, Jesucristo. El que nos invita es siempre fiel —Dios nuestro Padre. Vivamos en esperanza gozosa de la revelación de la gloria de nuestro Dios y Salvador, Jesucristo. Que sea glorificado por siempre. Ven Señor Jesús. Que tu gracia esté en todos nosotros. —De Oraciones Biblicas, p. 11 por Lucien Deiss, CSSp, copyright 1979, Lucien Deiss. Publicado por World Library Publications. Come join us as adult leaders in Holy Family Youth Ministry! Ther e ar e many ways adults can be involved. We need your gifts and talents to help lead our middle and high school teens closer to Christ. The following opportunities are available: Catechists - lead teachings and small groups. Catechists Aides - assists catechists with teaching and leading small groups. Prayer Team- provides prayer support for the youth ministry and coordinates prayer chain. Music Team - provides music support and praise and worship for youth events. Art and Environment Team - helps with setting the artistic environment for youth events, responsible for set up and clean up for youth events. Food Team – helps with food and drinks (juice, water, soda, etc.) for youth events. Entertainment Team – helps with games and icebreakers for youth events. The areas in which we have opportunities include middle school, high school, Confirmation I, and Confirmation II. All adults assisting Holy Family Youth Ministry must complete the Virtus course prior to serving, if they have not already done so. Also, if it has been over 5 years since taking Virtus, if you have not taken the refresher course, Keeping the Promise Alive, it should be taken. For more information about becoming involved with Holy Family Youth Ministry, please contact Melissa Hagen, Director of Youth Ministry, at (281) 499-4612, ext. 317. You may also e-mail her at [email protected]. Thank you so much for your support of Holy Family Youth Ministry! We look forward to hearing from you. Volunteers for 2015-16 CCE Classes...Anyone interested in helping with the CCE Programs as catechists or aides, please call the CCE Office to sign up. (281-499-4612). Only requirement is taking the VIRTUS class on “Protecting God's Children”. (High School students need to take the “Jerimiah Course” to help in classrooms – call CCE Office for details, 281-499-4612) STRENGTH AND COURAGE Prayer infuses the weak with strength and the fainthearted with courage. —Anonymous ... and Treasure 5:30 pm Sat Elizabeth Gobencion Brenda Carlyon Volunteer Volunteer Maria Ramsey Mary Lemos Volunteer Volunteer Crescy Lobo Kathleen Mitchell James Thurmond Volunteer Cassie Levy Pat Duplechain John Kunnakat Franco Okonkwo Mona Washington Arnulfo Zamora Carmen Tristan Gloria Gutierrez Guadalupe Betancourt Florissa Castillo Gloria Gutierrez Santiago Romero Kevin Riley Edna Kemavor Martha Riley Volunteer Mandy Blanco Alberto Gobencion Volunteer 5:30 pm Sat 7:30 am Sun 9:00 am Sun 10:45 am Sun 12:30 pm Sun 5:30 pm Sun Elva Moore Gabriel Waturuocha Sheila Dubey Tony Andal Teo Vilches Lilian Ekwealor Joycelyn Barnes Reese Don dela Torre Raquel Shell Theresa Onyeagu Patty Molina Teena Watson 5:30 pm Sat William Barre Volunteer Anna Marie Manakkil Volunteer Mya Frame Justine Udeh Michael Saenz Daryl Tenio Tatiana Barron Arlene Taveras Malcolm Bailey Rizzy Reyes Trinity Guzman Readers Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion 7:30 am Sun 9:00 am 10:45 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm Sun Altar Servers 7:30 am Sun 9:00 am Sun 10:45 am Sun 12:30 pm Sun Ushers 5:30 pm Sun Sat 5:30 pm Sun 7:30 am Sun 9:00 am Sun 10:45 am Sun 12:30 pm Sun 5:30 pm Henry Machala (Lead) Michael Barone John Ferro (Lead) Gilbert Colunga (Lead) Jose Ramirez Wen Guerra Guillermo Garza Angie Perez Volunteer Regina Flores Beverly Svoboda Margie Villarreal Marina Beltran Mary Guerrero Karisue Nelson Chinwe Osondu Carmen Zamora Benito Salazar Elvia Condon Mario Ponce Edgar Gonzales Ana Cortez Dina Morales Mary Jo Barta Ugo Nweke Volunteer Thresa Manakkil Joseph Udeh Darian Tenio Isaiah Castillo Oswaldo Gonzales Jheripye Reyes Carl Mouton Bob Mejia Joe Macias George Thomas Jimmy Williams Financial Support For Church Operations Total For November 2015 Need Monthly/Operations Income: Offertory Faith Direct (EFT) Other Donations Fall Festival Income Monthly Total Over/(Shortage) $119,900 $95,868 $14,448 $6,092 $1,580 $117,988 ($1,012) Cumulative Year to Date 11/15 $10,488 2nd Collections for: Building Fund $6,698 St Vincent DePaul $4,246 Campaign for Human Development $603 DSF $2,672 Last month’s Building Fund Pledge Payments/Donations $19,889 Current Parish Mortgage Balance $2,097,151 2015 DSF Goal Pledges Paid to Date $120,000 $99,583 $94,585 Have you signed up with Faith Direct yet? With Faith Direct, you can make your offertory contributions, as well as your Building Fund contributions, to Holy Family Parish using your credit/debit card or bank account. Please enroll in this program by picking up an enrollment form from the church office, or by visiting to enr oll secur ely on line. Our parish code is TX364. Growing Together in Christ Capital Campaign/Increased Sunday Offertory … it’s not too late to make a pledge. Pledge cards are in the pew racks and at the entrance to the church. Bulletin Advertisements: Patr onize the sponsor s who adver tise in our bulletin, thank them for their suppor t . To advertise on the back of the bulletin please contact J. S. Paluch Co. Inc. 1-800-833-5941. CHURCH NAME Holy Family Church #003462 1510 5th Street Missouri City, TX 77489 TELEPHONE 281 499-9688 CONTACT PERSON Gail Hutchins SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2013 Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Windows Vista Business PRINTER Hp Laserjet 2100 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday 12:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION December 13, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS If not received by Wednesday 3:00 pm, please call Parish Office, 281 499-9688. Or Gail’s cell phone, 281 851-6568 H F C C Archdiocese of Galveston Houston Rev. Sunny Joseph, OSH, Pastor R e v . J o y J a m e s , O S H , P a r o c h i a l Vi c a r O b l a t es o f t h e S a c r e d H e a r t S u n d a y M a ss e s Daily Masses Saturday Vigil.……5:30 pm M o n d a y … …… . . …. . 8 : 4 5 a m , 1 2 : 1 0 p m Sunday…7:30 am, 9:00 am, T u e s d a y … … … … … 8:45 am, 7:00 pm 1 0 : 4 5 a m , 1 2: 3 0 p m (Español), Wednesday………..6:30 am, 8:45 am 5:30 pm. T h u r s d a y … . . . … …. . 8 : 4 5 a m , Reconciliation 7 : 0 0 p m (Español) S a t u r d a y 4 : 0 0 p m - 5 : 0 0 p m . F r i d ay … … . . . . . . . . . . . . 6: 3 0 am , 8 : 4 5 a m O r a ny t i m e b y a p p o i n t m e n t - C hSaapt u e lr d a y … . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 : 4 5 am Baptism Rosary after 8:45 am Daily Mass C a l l t h e C CE O f f i c e w e e k d a y s , 9 : 0 0 a m - 4 : 0 0 p m . (281) 499-4612 Marriage Anointing of the Sick Contact the Parish Office at least Call (281) 499-9688 six (6) months prior to the wedding date. (281-499-9688). Please attend the information session every 1st Sunday of the month at 3:00 H e a l i n g M a ss 4 t h T u e s d a y of p m i n t h e P ar i s h O f f i c e . each month - 7:00 pm Adoration F i r s t F r i d ay , 8 : 4 5 a m M a s s u n til 8:00 pm Benediction, Chapel Growing Together in Christ Creciendo Unidos en Cristo Other Services * * * * * Fr. Michael Biondi Library & Gift Shop open Wednesdays, 5:00-7:30 pm & Sundays after all Masses Quinceaños contact the CCE Office, (281) 499-4612 Non-Catholics who wish to join our faith community RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process to welcome you into our faith, contact the CCE Office, (281) 499-4612 Religious Education contact the CCE Office, (281) 499-4612 Society of St. Vincent de Paul (281) 499-6246 PPaarriisshh O Offffic icee Gail H u ttch c hi ns, d mimin n i s tistrator rator Gail Hu in s,AAd Reellig igio iouuss Ed Eduuccaattio ionn R Yolland a n d aa Pe ñ a,a,DR E Yo Peñ DRE Hiissppaanniicc M Miinniissttrryy H G eorg e o r g iin n aa RRo ome r oro G me Muussiicc M Min inis isttrryy M D r .. A n d r ee LLaCour aCour Dr Andr Vin incceenntt ddee PPaauull SSoocciieettyy ooff SStt.. V David Perez Mar ilyn O’Laugh lin Yoouutthh M Miinnis isttrryy Y Je a n e t te V el asq u e z Melissa F i n a n c eHagen Council FDianr raenl lc eG rCo voeusn, cCihl a i r m a n T( 2er 8 1r y ) 7Mo 7 8 -l0ik, 5 0 2Ch a i r ma n 713-899P a s t o r a l 4024 Council PJ oahsnt oLroauli sC, oCuh anicr m il an N ( 2o8r1a) P 4 9e 9r a- 3l ta 1 5,6Ch a ir w o ma n (281 ) 844-6087 Our Parish Vision Statement: O u r p a r ish vision is t o b u i l d u p o n , t o n u r t u r e a n d t o e x h i b i t t h e v i r t u es o f f a i t h , hope and charity to all in the spirit of unity through one fai th , o n e f a mily . D e c l a r a c i ó n d e la M is i ó n P a r r o q u i a l : L a m i s i ó n d e n u e s t r a p a r r o q u i a e s c o n s t r u ir e n n u e s t r a t r a d i c i ó n , a l i m e n t a r y l a s v i rt u d e s d e f e , e sp e ra n za y c a ri d a d c o n e l espíritu de unidad basado en una fe, una familia. [email protected] Sunday, December 20, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Advent Dear sisters and brothers of Holy Family, "Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift" (2 Corinthians 9, 15). This Friday we will be cele brating our loving God's precious and indescribable gift, the birth of His divine son our Lord Jesus Christ. We were preparing for the last three weeks for this most joyful feast of the year. St. Iraneus summarizes beautifully in one sentence such a great mystery of incarnation. " He became man so that we might become God". St. Leo the great, one of the early Church Fathers, was Pope in the middle of the 5th Century is especially renowned for his preaching on the mystery of incarnation. He talks beautifully and eloquently about our saviors birth in his sermons. Here is one excerpt from one of his most famous Christmas sermons: "Dearly beloved, today our Savior is born; let us rejoice. Sadness should have no place on the birthday of life. The fear of death has been swallowed up; life brings us joy with the promise of eternal happiness. No one is shut out from this joy; all share the same reason for rejoicing. Our Lord, victor over sin and death, finding no man free from sin, came to free us all. Let the saint rejoice as he sees the palm of victory at hand. Let the sinner be glad as he receives the offer of forgiveness. Let the pagan take courage as he is summoned to life. In the fullness of time, chosen in the unfathomable depths of God’s wisdom, the Son of God took for himself our common humanity in order to reconcile it with its creator. He came to overthrow the devil, the origin of death, in that very nature by which he had overthrown mankind. And so at the birth of our Lord the angels sing in joy: Glory to God in the highest, and they proclaim peace to men of good will as they see the heavenly Jerusalem being built from all the nations of the world. When the angels on high are so exultant at this marvelous work of God’s goodness, what joy should it not bring to the lowly hearts of men? Beloved, let us give thanks to God the Father, through his Son, in the Holy Spirit, because in his great love for us he took pity on us, and when we were dead in our sins he brought us to life with Christ, so that in him we might be a new creation. Let us throw off our old nature and all its ways and, as we have come to birth in Christ, let us renounce the works of the flesh. Christian, remember your dignity, and now that you share in God’s own nature, do not return by sin to your former base condition. Bear in mind who is your head and of whose body you are a member. Do not forget that you have been rescued from the power of darkness and brought into the light of God’s kingdom. Through the sacrament of baptism you have become a temple of the Holy Spirit. Do not drive away so great a guest by evil conduct and become again a slave to the devil, for your liberty was bought by the blood of Christ"(Sermo 1, in Nativitste Domini, 1-3; PL 54, 190-193) Let us 'throw off our old nature and all its ways as we have come to birth in Christ' and start the new life in Jesus as we start this New Year 2016. Wishing you the joy and peace of Christmas and Happy New Year! Fr. Sunny. 20 de Deciembre de 2015 Cuarto Domingo de Adviento Queridos Hermanos de Holy Family, “Gracias a Dios por su inestimable regalo” (2 Corintios 9: 15). Este Viernes estaremos cele brando el regalo inestimable de nuestro Dios, el nacimiento de Su Divino Hijo, nuestro Señor Cristo Jesús. Hemos estado preparándonos las últimas tres semanas para éste tan jovial fiesta del año. San Ireneo lo resume maravillosamente en una sola frase como el gran misterio de la encarna ción. “Él se hizo hombre para que fuésemos Dios”. San Leo el grande, uno de los Padres de la Iglesia, fue Papa a mediados del 5º Siglo, especialmente conocido por su predicar sobre el misterio de la encarnación en sus sermones. Aquí él habla maravillosamente y elocuentemente acerca del nacimiento de nuestro Salvador. Aquí está un extracto de uno de sus más famosos sermones: "Amados míos, hoy nuestro Salvador ha nacido; regocijémonos. La tristeza no tiene lugar en el nacimiento de la vida. El temor a la muerte se ha diluido; la vida nos trae alegría con la promesa de una eternidad feliz. Nadie ha quedado sin esta alegría; todos comparten la misma razón para regocijarse. Nuestro Señor, victorioso sobre el pecado y la muerte, sabe que nadie es libre de pecado, y vino a librarnos a todos. Él permite que el santo se regocije al encontrar la palma de la victoria a la mano. Que el pecador esté gozoso mientras recibe la oferta del perdón. Que el pagano tenga el valor al recibir la vida. En la plenitud del tiempo, escogidos de las profundidades de la sabiduría de Dios, el Hijo de Dios, personalmente tomó nuestra humanidad común para reconciliarla con el creador. El venció a satanás, el origen de la muerte, en la misma naturaleza por la cual él había vencido a la humanidad. Y al nacimiento de nuestro Señor, los ángeles cantan alegremente: Gloria a Dios en las Alturas, y así proclaman paz a los hombres de fe al ser testigos de la edificación de la Jerusalén celestial por todas las naciones del mundo. Cuando los ángeles en lo alto están jubilosos de este maravilloso trabajo y de la bondad de Dios, ¿qué alegría traerá al corazón de los hombres? Queridos, demos gracias a Dios Padre, a través de Su Hijo en el Espíritu Santo, por su gran amor por nosotros, Él tuvo compasión de nosotros, y cuando estuvimos muertos por nuestros pecados, Él nos devolvió la vida en Cristo. Para que en Él fuésemos una nueva creación. Despojémonos de nuestra vieja naturaleza y todas sus formas y al llegar a la vida en Cristo, renunciemos al trabajo de la carne. Cristiano, recuerda tu dignidad y ahora que compartes la Buena naturaleza propia de Dios, no regreses por el pecado a tu condición de origen. Recuerda quien es tu cabeza y de quien eres parte del cuerpo. No se te olvide que has sido rescatado del poder de la oscuridad y llevado a la luz del reino de Dios. A través del sacramento del bautizo, tú te has convertidos en el templo del Espíritu Santo. No despidas a tan gran compañero por la conducta diabólica y te conviertas en esclavo del demonio, porque tu libertad llegó a ti por la Sangre de Cristo” (Sermón 1, en Nativitste Domini, 1-3; PL 54, 190-193) ‘ Despojemos nuestra vieja naturaleza y todas sus maneras por haber nacido en Cristo’ y demos comienzo a una nueva vida en Jesús al dar comienzo el nuevo año 2016. ¡Deseo a todos ustedes la paz y alegría de la Navidad y un Feliz Año Nuevo! Rev. Sunny. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Many of our most treasured traditions link the liturgy of the church with the hearth of the home. The food on the table at certain feasts and fasts helps to extend the mystery into everyday life. Tonight, for example, many families of Italian heritage, especially those with links to the south of Italy, will settle down to the “Feast of the Seven Fishes,” or La Vigilia. It is a command performance for the whole family, as the saying goes: Natale con I tuui, Pasqua conchi vuoi, or “Christmas with your family, Easter with whomever you wish.” Seven different fish, some say one for each day of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem, others say one for each sacrament, or one for each day of creation, are served. Eel and shrimp, lobster and crab, calamari, pasta with clam sauce, flounder and hake all abound, but most especially baccala, dried salted cod. Why? Many say that it is a way to pay homage to the beasts of the stable who witnessed the holy birth and relinquished their manger to make way for God. Tonight, if someone asks you to “pass the shrimp,” you’ll be able to shed a little light on a menu that is a delicious treasure in our tradition! —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Esta semana recordamos a los niños judíos que fueron asesinados por orden del Rey Herodes en Belén. Esa tragedia que ocurrió cuando el viejo y celoso rey se enteró del nacimiento de un nuevo rey de los judíos. Él mandó a matar a todo niño que tuviera menos de dos años. El llanto de las familias que perdieron sus pobres inocentes se ha convertido en risas en varios países latinoamericanos. El 28 de diciembre en muchas partes es conmemorado como el día de los inocentes que viene siendo el April Fools Day de Latinoamérica. En ese día se hacen bromas para burlarse de los amigos. Si la broma funciona al pobre que fue engañado se le llama “inocente”. La inocencia normalmente se atribuye a los niños o a los ingenuos, pero en si la inocencia es una virtud cristiana, de los que hemos sido perdonados por Cristo. Esta inocencia no es ingenuidad mas bien es la candidez, simplicidad y generosidad de una persona que conoce bien lo duro que es la vida y aún así mantiene la esperanza. Mass Intentions December 21 - 27, 2015 December 21st, Monday, St. Peter Canisius, priest & doctor of the Church; Lk 1:39-45 8:45 am Lillian Poncik (+) by Family Beatrice Jackson (+) by Sharon & Roy Koster 12:10 pm Alfonso Cerda (+ ) by Rosie Velasquez & Mary Presley Joannes Edwards (+) by Wife, Verna Edwards December 22nd, Tuesday, Late Advent Weekday; Mt 21:28-32 8:45 am K.V. Varkey (+) by Gracy Sebastian James Ohamuo (+) by Julilan Ohamuo 7:00 pm Maria Nsonwu (-) by Bon & Judy Ikwuagwu Rose Mary Perez (-) by Family December 23rd, Wednesday, Late Advent Weekday; St. John of Kanty, priest; Lk 1:57-66 6:30 am Carmen Fernandes (+) by Family Iain Bickerstaff (+) by Victoria C. Su 8:45am Delfino, Sr & Francisca Ramirez (+) by Pete & Mary R. Guajardo Louis Fernandes (+) by Family December 24th, Thursday, Late Advent Weekday; Lk 1:67-79 8:45 am NO Mor ning Mass 4:00 pm Celebrant’s Intention 6:00 pm Celebrant’s Intention 11:15 pm Christmas Caroling 12:00 am Celebrant’s Intention December 25th, Friday, The Nativity of the Lord, Christmas; Jn 1:1-18 9:00 am Celebrant’s Intention 10:45 am Celebrant’s Intention 12;30 pm Celebrant’s Intention December 26th Saturday, St. Stephen, The First Martyr: Mt 10:17-22; Vigil, The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph 8:45 am Connie Govea (-) by Gobencion Family Kevin Nsosu (+) by Holy Family Nigerian Women 5:30 pm Tony Leal (+) by Wife, Theresa Leal, Tony & Michael Dave Filip (+) by Family —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Parish Offices Closed… all Parish Offices will be closed Thursday, December 24 and Friday, December 25th in observance of the Christmas holiday. The offices will reopen on Monday, December 28th at their usual times. Merry Christmas to All! Sanctuary Candle Intention December 21 - 27, 2015 In Loving Memory Delfino, Sr. & Francisca Ramirez by Pete & Mary R. Guajardo December 27th, Sunday, The Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph 7:30 am For All Our Parishioners, Living & Deceased 9:00 am Ralph Hernandez (+) by Delfino, Jr & Carmen Ramirez Esperanza & Eulalio Hernandez (+) by Delfino, Jr & Carmen Ramirez 10:45am Greg Alquiza (+) by Nora Peralta Rose Mary Perez (-) by Perez Family 12:30 pm Miembros de Moviemento Familiar, Vivos y Difuntos Laura Elena Rojas (+) by Familia 5:30 pm Juventino Ponce (+) by Family Louis Torres (+) by Frances Torres & Children Holy Family needs EMHCs to the homebound. Stating that we will be judged on our corporal and spiritual works of mercy to those in need, Pope Francis described the jubilee year (begins December 8, 2015) as a “good opportunity for increasing the collaboration between pastors and the laity in the mission of affectionately and tenderly caring for the sick and dying.” Come and Celebrate Jesus the Black Nazarene!...All parishioners are invited to celebrate the Feast of Our Lord, Jesus the Black Nazarene on Saturday, January 6, 2016. The festivities will begin at 9:30 am with the Rosary and Novena prayers; 10:30 am, procession of the Sacred Statue of Jesus the Black Nazarene; 11:00 am Holy Mass followed be fellowship and social gathering in the Parish Hall. Retirement Reception… TODAY, Sunday, after the 9:00 & 10:45 am Masses in the Centennial Room to honor Yolanda Pena, our DRE. Yolanda will be retiring after 26 years of faithful service. Please drop by to Thank her & bid her good luck! Adult Faith Formation The parish provides free of charge the Symbolon on-line catechetical video. Please go to: https://, and enter parish registration code e78368, when prompted. Then select the topic you and your family would like to view. We hope you enjoy this opportunity to increase and/or refresh you and your family's knowledge of Church teaching. *****CHRISTMAS GIFTS TO HOLY FAMILY**** Remember your loved ones this Christmas with a gift to Holy Family Church. Specially marked envelopes are available at the main Church Entrance for your gift to be placed in the collection basket. Gift cards are also there for you to take to give the person telling them of your gift to Holy Family in their honor. Names of those honored or remembered will appear in the bulletin. MANY THANKS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS TO HOLY FAMILY! ________________________ Stewardship Thought “JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!” May the gifts you give this Christmas reflect the true love that Jesus brought into the world by His birth. If you wish to make an announcement, such as birthdays, anniversaries, sick, etc., submit a written note no later than Monday pm to the office. Please, no advertisements. Please pray for our U.S. Troops and civilian personnel overseas and here in the US; Major Blanca Reyes, US Army; Senior Master Sargent Carlos R. Villarreal, US Air Force; Senior Master Sargent Walisa Villarreal, US Air Force; Airman First Class Lisa Villarreal, US Air Force; Commander Greg Blyden, US Navy; Staff Sargent Guillermina Darino, US Army; Sargent Steve Garcia, US Army; Staff Sargent David A. Perez, US Army, Staff Sargent Leonardo Andrade, US Marine; Tech Sgt. Devon Simmons, US Air Force; Master Sgt. Erica Williams Simmons, US Air Force. Please pray for the sick of our Parish especially: Fr . Phi; Deacon Alfr ed Abr ams; J ohnnie Baiamonte; Sheila McCabe; Bertha Silva; Liana Mikulenka; Michael Oparaji, Sr.; Robert Miller; Ron Carter; Mary Lou Reumont; Betty Bath; Eddie Borrego; Ruben Velasquez; Veronica Lyon; Pete Guajardo; John Delome; Frances Castillo; Alice Boroski; Carl Anthony Cangelosi; Pat Trail; Enrico Fos; Israel R. Carranza; Charles Ferro; Deacon Jim Wright; Vince Mulle; Idalia Tenoria; Eva Guevara; Arthur Hauptman; Mary Nieto; Joseph LaCour; Sam Campbell; Julius Dumapit; Gilda Salazar Herrera; Joe Morales; Joey Salinas; Sandy Melchor; Lois Guillory; Isabelita Bernardo; Marcella Guzman; Marie Don LeVu; Perla Ferrer; Mamie Mercatante; Jose Guillermo Rodriguez; Lela Cantu; Araceli Escoto; Abel Abila; Josie Gonzales; Tomasa Herrera; Inez Graham; Christine Klatt; Josie Franklin; Mary Carmen dela Cruz; Movita Cavalier; Thomas Edward Hargis,Sr; Esperanza Melendez; Charles Clark; Natalie Anim-Kwapong; Haleigh E. Boutte; Martha Kocich; Mary Buri; Marsha & Allen Bustchek; Velma Packard; Mike Boutte; Gus Longoria, Jr; Fr Roy Oggero, CSB; Mary Bermea; Victor Rodriguez; Charlene Salvacion O’Campo; Cirilo E. Toledo; Maciela Solis; Jose Bustos; Mary Perez; Jesus Bravo, Pedro Jalomo, Elpidio Jalomo, Vicky Peralta; Jed Foronda; Augustine Martinez; Judy Torres; Greg Johnson; Jerry Escamilla; Alex Herrera; Joseph Michael Alejandro; Irene Basurto; Kay Hunnicutt; Jeanne Witt; Alicia Barron; Joe Larry Morales; Alejandra Mandujano; Mattie Ford; Bill Bates, Jr. DECEASED: Lucy Atine Ugheghele May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. CC ontinuing hristian E ducation Teach me Wisdom, Knowledge and Discipline 281 499-4612 CCE Activities… Sunday, December 20th 9:30 am English RCIA - Room #2 10:00 am Spanish RICA - Room #3 10:45 am English Children’s Liturgy of the Word (during Mass) Room #1 12:30 pm Spanish Children’s Liturgy of the Word (during Mass) Parish Hall 2:00 pm Spanish Sacramental Preparation Assembly Room 2:00 pm Spanish Group Baptisms - Church Tuesday, December 22nd 6:00 pm Spanish Sacramental Preparation - Room #1 & Assembly Room Wednesday, December 23rd NO Wednesday CCE Classes Sunday, December 27th No Sunday Classes or Baptisms Christmas Nativity Prayer O sweet Child of Bethlehem, Grant that we may share with all our hearts in this profound mystery of Christmas. Put into the hearts of men and women this peace for which they sometimes seek so desperately and which you alone can give to them. Help them to know one another better, and to live as brothers and sisters, children of the same Father. Reveal to them also your beauty, holiness and purity. Awaken in their hearts love and gratitude for your infinite goodness. Join them all together in your love. And give us your heavenly peace. Amen. Come join us as adult leaders in Holy Family Youth Ministry! Ther e ar e many ways adults can be involved. We need your gifts and talents to help lead our middle and high school teens closer to Christ. The following opportunities are available: Catechists - lead teachings and small groups. Catechists Aides - assists catechists with teaching and leading small groups. Prayer Team- provides prayer support for the youth ministry and coordinates prayer chain. Music Team - provides music support and praise and worship for youth events. Art and Environment Team - helps with setting the artistic environment for youth events, responsible for set up and clean up for youth events. Food Team – helps with food and drinks (juice, water, soda, etc.) for youth events. Entertainment Team – helps with games and icebreakers for youth events. The areas in which we have opportunities include middle school, high school, Confirmation I, and Confirmation II. All adults assisting Holy Family Youth Ministry must complete the Virtus course prior to serving, if they have not already done so. Also, if it has been over 5 years since taking Virtus, if you have not taken the refresher course, Keeping the Promise Alive, it should be taken. For more information about becoming involved with Holy Family Youth Ministry, please contact Melissa Hagen, Director of Youth Ministry, at (281) 499-4612, ext. 317. You may also e-mail her at [email protected]. Thank you so much for your support of Holy Family Youth Ministry! We look forward to hearing from you. Volunteers for 2015-16 CCE Classes...Anyone interested in helping with the CCE Programs as catechists or aides, please call the CCE Office to sign up. (281-499-4612). Only requirement is taking the VIRTUS class on “Protecting God's Children”. (High School students need to take the “Jerimiah Course” to help in classrooms – call CCE Office for details, 281-499-4612) ... and Treasure 5:30 pm Sat Zen Badavi Jum Keenan Volunteer Volunteer Connie Govea David Perez Rani Thaliachary Volunteer Delores Uhyrek Lucio Avelaneda Sr Ancilla Uchendu Volunteer Mary Paul Wilton Broussard Rose Garcia Hope Groves Adelaida Reyes George Thomas Carmen Tristan Gloria Almeida Santiago Romero Edgar Gonzales Graciela Martinez Roberto Maldonado Mary Jo Barta Mike Mikulenka Philominia Waturoucha Volunteer Dave Gallagher Marilyn O’Laughlin Volunteer 5:30 pm Sat 7:30 am Sun 9:00 am Sun 10:45 am Sun 12:30 pm Sun 5:30 pm Sun Nancy Isla June Anderson Bill Long Verna Edwards Gloria Gutierrez John Pyle Joy Ugboajah Nora Peralta Judi Bourque Frances Jalomo Orlando Gutierrez Gwen Reinke 5:30 pm Sat Albert Gomez Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Eric Anumnu Kyle Olivier Nirmal Joseph Gerrard Tyler Pedro Calzada Luna Ramos Nicholas Jimenez Chismidi Okpara Michael Stuckert Readers Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion 7:30 am Sun 9:00 am 10:45 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm Sun Altar Servers 7:30 am Sun 9:00 am Sun 10:45 am Sun 12:30 pm Sun Ushers 5:30 pm Sun Sat 5:30 pm Sun 7:30 am Sun 9:00 am Sun 10:45 am Sun 12:30 pm Sun 5:30 pm Henry Machala (Lead) Michael Barone John Ferro (Lead) Gilbert Colunga (Lead) Jose Ramirez Wen Guerra Jacqueline Harleaux Anthony Thaliachary Volunteer Ledie Amon-Leavings Barbara Janda Volunteer Alfreda Broussard Walburga Bullock Thresiamma Geroge Catherine Inoma Doretta Rychlik Rosie Rodriguez Jeanette Velasquez Gloria Almeida Ana Cortez Alba Martinez Tomasa Lazo Helen Fadri Gretchen Pyle Volunteer Volunteer Shawn Loyola Jenna Llamas Omar Aguirre Alejandra Romero Anjolina Jimenez Carl Mouton Bob Mejia Joe Macias George Thomas Jimmy Williams Financial Support For Church Operations Total For November 2015 Need Monthly/Operations Income: Offertory Faith Direct (EFT) Other Donations Fall Festival Income Monthly Total Over/(Shortage) $119,900 $95,868 $14,448 $6,092 $1,580 $117,988 ($1,012) Cumulative Year to Date 11/15 $10,488 2nd Collections for: Building Fund $6,698 St Vincent DePaul $4,246 Campaign for Human Development $603 DSF $2,672 Last month’s Building Fund Pledge Payments/Donations $19,889 Current Parish Mortgage Balance $2,097,151 2015 DSF Goal Pledges Paid to Date $120,000 $99,583 $94,585 Have you signed up with Faith Direct yet? With Faith Direct, you can make your offertory contributions, as well as your Building Fund contributions, to Holy Family Parish using your credit/debit card or bank account. Please enroll in this program by picking up an enrollment form from the church office, or by visiting to enr oll secur ely on line. Our parish code is TX364. Growing Together in Christ Capital Campaign/Increased Sunday Offertory … it’s not too late to make a pledge. Pledge cards are in the pew racks and at the entrance to the church. Bulletin Advertisements: Patr onize the sponsor s who adver tise in our bulletin, thank them for their suppor t . To advertise on the back of the bulletin please contact J. S. Paluch Co. Inc. 1-800-833-5941. CHURCH NAME Holy Family Church #003462 1510 5th Street Missouri City, TX 77489 TELEPHONE 281 499-9688 CONTACT PERSON Gail Hutchins SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2013 Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Windows Vista Business PRINTER Hp Laserjet 2100 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday 12:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION December 20, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS If not received by Wednesday 3:00 pm, please call Parish Office, 281 499-9688. Or Gail’s cell phone, 281 851-6568 H F C C Archdiocese of Galveston Houston Rev. Sunny Joseph, OSH, Pastor R e v . J o y J a m e s , O S H , P a r o c h i a l Vi c a r O b l a t es o f t h e S a c r e d H e a r t Growing Together in Christ Creciendo Unidos en Cristo S u n d a y M a ss e s Daily Masses Saturday Vigil.……5:30 pm M o n d a y … …… . . …. . 8 : 4 5 a m , 1 2 : 1 0 p m Sunday…7:30 am, 9:00 am, T u e s d a y … … … … … 8:45 am, 7:00 pm 1 0 : 4 5 a m , 1 2: 3 0 p m (Español), Wednesday………..6:30 am, 8:45 am 5:30 pm. T h u r s d a y … . . . … …. . 8 : 4 5 a m , Reconciliation 7 : 0 0 p m (Español) S a t u r d a y 4 : 0 0 p m - 5 : 0 0 p m . F r i d ay … … . . . . . . . . . . . . 6: 3 0 am , 8 : 4 5 a m O r a ny t i m e b y a p p o i n t m e n t - S a t u r d a y … . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 : 4 5 am Chapel Rosary after 8:45 am Daily Mass Baptism C a l l t h e C CE O f f i c e w e e k days, 9:00 am-4:00 pm. Anointing of the Sick (281) 499-4612 Call (281) 499-9688 Marriage Contact the Parish Office at least H e a l i n g M a ss 4 t h T u e s d a y of six (6) months prior to the wedding each month - 7:00 pm date. (281-499-9688). Please attend the information session every Adoration 1st Sunday of the month at 3:00 F i r s t F r i d ay , 8 : 4 5 a m M a s s u n p m i n t h e P ar i s h O f f i c e . til 8:00 pm Benediction, Chapel Other Services * * * * * Fr. Michael Biondi Library & Gift Shop open Wednesdays, 5:00-7:30 pm & Sundays after all Masses Quinceaños contact the CCE Office, (281) 499-4612 Non-Catholics who wish to join our faith community RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process to welcome you into our faith, contact the CCE Office, (281) 499-4612 Religious Education contact the CCE Office, (281) 499-4612 Society of St. Vincent de Paul (281) 499-6246 PPaarriisshh O Offffic icee Gail H u ttch c hi ns, d mimin n i s tistrator rator Gail Hu in s,AAd Reellig igio iouuss Ed Eduuccaattio ionn R Yolland a n d aa Pe ñ a,a,DR E Yo Peñ DRE Hiissppaanniicc M Miinniissttrryy H G eorg e o r g iin n aa RRo ome r oro G me Muussiicc M Min inis isttrryy M D r .. A n d r ee LLaCour aCour Dr Andr Vin incceenntt ddee PPaauull SSoocciieettyy ooff SStt.. V David Perez Mar ilyn O’Laugh lin Yoouutthh M Miinnis isttrryy Y Je a n e t te V el asq u e z Melissa F i n a n c eHagen Council FDianr raenl lc eG rCo voeusn, cCihl a i r m a n T( 2er 8 1r y ) 7Mo 7 8 -l0ik, 5 0 2Ch a i r ma n 713-899P a s t o r a l 4024 Council PJ oahsnt oLroauli sC, oCuh anicr m il an N ( 2o8r1a) P 4 9e 9r a- 3l ta 1 5,6Ch a ir w o ma n (281 ) 844-6087 Our Parish Vision Statement: O u r p a r ish vision is t o b u i l d u p o n , t o n u r t u r e a n d t o e x h i b i t t h e v i r t u es o f f a i t h , hope and charity to all in the spirit of unity through one fai th , o n e f a mily . Catholic Daughters Court #2060 sent 7 Care Packages to our Holy Family parishioners serving in Afghanistan. Pictured above are Regent, Olga Longoria & CDA member Carmen Zamora D e c l a r a c i ó n d e la M is i ó n P a r r o q u i a l : L a m i s i ó n d e n u e s t r a p a r r o q u i a e s c o n s t r u ir e n n u e s t r a t r a d i c i ó n , a l i m e n t a r y l a s v i rt u d e s d e f e , e sp e ra n za y c a ri d a d c o n e l espíritu de unidad basado en una fe, una familia. [email protected] Sunday, December 27, 2015 The Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Dear sisters and brothers of Holy Family, In today' second reading we hear the great advice of St. Paul " And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him" (Colossians 3:17). As we come to the close of the year 2015 our hearts rise in gratitude for all the blessings our loving Father has showered on us. We have grown a lot together in Christ as one family of God; welcomed a lot of new parishioners to our parish family; started the new ACTS retreat to renew our lives and grow closer to God; educated our children and adults in faith through our Religious Education and CCE program; helped the poor and needy through our SVDP program; energized our confirmation students and youth in faith through our Youth ministry; expanded our library and gift shop; reduced our Church remodeling and Religious Education building debt to 2.1 million; made a great progress in building our new parking lot (just waiting for the permit from Missouri City to start construction). Let us thank God for these and all those amazing blessings God showered on us in this year. I also thank all our parish leadership, councils, committees and ministries who work hard together as one family of God to serve God and His church. Also we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family our heavenly patrons feast. We model our lives according to the model of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. They model for us a family life not beyond our reach, but one that is very real and built on caring for and loving each other, built upon openness to God's will, built on a reliance of God for guidance and assurance. I would like to invite your attention to Pope Francis' discourse at the conclusion of the Bishops Synod on the family in Rome this year. The Pope said the synod was "about urging everyone to appreciate the importance of the institution of the family and of marriage between a man and a woman, based on unity and indissolubility, and valuing it as the fundamental basis of society and human life.---It was about trying to view and interpret realities, today’s realities, through God’s eyes, so as to kindle the flame of faith and enlighten people’s hearts in times marked by discouragement, social, economic and moral crisis, and growing pessimism.---We have seen, also by the richness of our diversity, that the same challenge is ever before us: that of proclaiming the Gospel to the men and women of today, and defending the family from all ideological and individualistic assaults. ----The Church’s first duty is not to hand down condemnations or anathemas, but to proclaim God’s mercy, to call to conversion, and to lead all men and women to salvation in the Lord (cf. Jn 12:44-50). We face lot of challenges today in our family life but we need to remember always the words of our loving Lord; "I am with you always, until the end of the age" (Mathew 28, 20) Our Lord is with us to strengthen us and guide us in all the challenges we face. Let us trust Him and look forward to this new Year 2016 with faith and courage. Wishing you all the blessings of the Holy Family and a Happy and Blessed New Year! Fr. Sunny. 27 de Deciembre de 2015 La Sagrada Familia de Jesus, Maria y Jose Queridos Hermanos de Holy Family, En las lecturas de hoy, escuchamos el gran consejo de San Pablo: “Todo lo que puedan de cir o hacer, háganlo en nombre del Señor Jesús, dando gracias a Dios Padre por medio de Él” (Colosenses 3: 17). Al aproximarnos al fin del año 2015, nuestro corazón se eleva en gratitud por todas las bendiciones que nuestro amado Padre nos ha regalado. Hemos crecido mucho unidos en Cristo como una familia de Dios, hemos dado la bienvenida a muchos nuevos parroquianos a nuestra iglesia, empezamos los retiros de ACTS para renovar nuestras vidas y crecer más cercanos a Dios, hemos ofrecido educación en la fe a nuestros niños y adultos a través de nuestra Educación Religiosa y Clases de Catecismo (CCE), hemos ofrecido ayuda a los pobres y los necesitados por medio del programa de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl (SVDP); hemos energizado nuestros jóvenes por medio de la Confirmación y programas de Ministerio Juvenil, hemos extendido nuestra biblioteca y tienda de regalos, hemos reducido nuestra deuda de remodelación de edificios a 2.1 Millones y hemos progresado en el proceso de la construcción de nuevos estacionamientos (Estamos esperando la aprobación de los permisos de parte de Missouri City para empezar la construcción). Demos gracias a Dios por todos esos regalos recibidos este año. Yo también agradezco a los líderes parroquiales, concilios, comités y ministerios que trabajaron unidos arduamente como una familia de Dios para servir a Dios y su Iglesia. También celebremos la Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia, la fiesta de nuestra patrona. Hemos modelado nuestra vida de acuerdo al modelo de la Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José. Ellos modelaron una vida familiar al alcance nuestro. Una familia muy real edificada en el cuidado y el amor por cada uno de sus miembros, construida en la aceptación de la voluntad de Dios y confianza de la guía de Dios y su amor. Yo quiero llamar su atención al discurso del Papa Francisco al concluir la Asamblea del Concilio de Obispos sobre la familia en Roma este año. El Papa dijo que la asamblea era para urgir a todos a apreciar la importancia de la institución de la familia y el matrimonio entre un hombre y una mujer, basada en la unidad, la insolubilidad y valor como bases fundamentales de la sociedad y vida humana. Ésta es acerca de tratar de ver e interpretar las realidades de la actualidad, a través de los ojos de Dios, para estimular la flama de la fe e iluminar el corazón de las personas en ocasiones difíciles marcadas por desilusiones sociales, económicas, morales y crecimiento de pensamientos pesimistas. También hemos visto las riquezas de nuestra diversificación y como este reto está ante nosotros. Que al proclamar el Evangelio a los hombres y mujeres de la actualidad, y defender la familia de todos los asaltos individualistas e ideológicos; la primera tarea de la Iglesia no es la de pasar condenas o anatemas, sino proclamar la misericordia de Dios, el llamado a la conversión y guiar a todos los hombres y mujeres a la salvación del Señor (cf. Juan 12:44-50). Hoy en día, nos enfrentamos a muchos retos en nuestra vida familiar, pero debemos recordar siempre las palabras de nuestro amoroso Señor. “Yo estoy con ustedes todos los días hasta el fin de la historia” (Mateo 28: 20). Confiemos en Él, y veamos al futuro de este nuevo año 2016 con fe y valor. ! Deseándoles todas las bendiciones de Holy Family y un Feliz y bendecido Año Nuevo. Rev. Sunny. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION This New Year’s Eve, at the turning of the year, you may catch a glimpse of the old year, a cartoon figure of a hunched old man with a sickle, Father Time. Where else but in this column could you learn that this is in fact a pope? December 31 was in the old calendar the feast of St. Sylvester. Legend says that Sylvester healed the Emperor Constantine of leprosy, and presided at the liturgy of baptism for the grateful emperor. In 314, he was chosen pope, and it fell to him to organize the peacetime church, free at last from persecution. He founded the Lateran Basilica, the cathedral of the Diocese of Rome. In northern Europe “Sylvester Night” is a time of great parties with eating, dancing, and singing—recalling perhaps the joy of the church in the fresh air of Sylvester’s papacy. In Poland, there was great fear as the year 1000 approached that an immense dragon would devour the earth and set fire to the heavens. The people prayed earnestly to St. Sylvester, trusting that the saint would not permit such suffering on his feast day. They’ve been celebrating ever since! Many New Year’s customs have pagan roots, like the British “First Footer” tradition. The idea is that the first person setting foot into your house in the new year determines the luck for the year ahead. The ideal first footer was not a bit like old Pope Sylvester, but rather a tall, dark-haired man carrying the right gift. A handsome first footer meant the year ahead would be pleasant, and if he carried bread or a shovel of coal there would be food and warmth in the future. Who will be your household’s first footer? —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE El primer domingo después de la Navidad celebramos la fiesta de la Sagrada Familia. Los latinos somos un pueblo muy unido en familia. Para nosotros es más que un pequeño grupo compuesto de padre, madre, hijos e hijas. La familia para nosotros los latinos es un conjunto grande de abuelos, abuelas, tíos, tías, primos, primas, compadres, comadres, suegros, suegras y otros más además del padre, la madre y los hijos. Para los latinos una fiesta que celebra la familia de Jesús es la cosa más natural del mundo. Extrañamente esta fiesta no es muy antigua. En realidad es una celebración que data de comienzos de la época moderna en el siglo XVII. Antes de estas fechas la familia de Jesús casi siempre era entendida como compuesta por Jesús, María y Ana (la madre de María). Se daba por hecho que José estaba por allí. Pero en el siglo XVII muchos perdieron sus padres pues tenían que ir a las fábricas a trabajar. Por eso el magisterio instituyó la conmemoración de la Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José para recordar a los padres cristianos su deber ante sus hijos y su esposa.—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Parish Offices Closed… all Parish Offices will be closed Thursday, December 31 at noon and Friday, January 1st in observance of the New Year holiday. The offices will reopen on Monday, January 4th at their usual times. Happy New Year to All! Mass Intentions December 28, 2015 - January 3, 2016 December 28th, Monday, Holy Innocents, martyrs; Mt 2:13-28 8:45 am Esperance Phillips (+) by Family Theresa Pereira (+) by Family 12:10 pm Thanksgiving by Nicholas & Crescy Lobo Jaclyn Aguirre (+) by Jason & Alicia Cole December 29th, Tuesday, Fifth Day within the Octave of Christmas; Lk 2:22-35 8:45 am Quincy Nwanguma (-) by Mom, Juliete Juliet Nwanguma (-) by Mom, Juliete 7:00 pm Santan Gois (+) by Family Salvador Gobencion (+) by Gobencion Family December 30th, Wednesday, Sixth Day within the Octave of Christmas; Lk 2:36-40 6:30 am Jason Anthony Guajardo (-) by Mom, Dad & Tony, Jr Sergio Nunez (-) by Graciela Martinez 8:45am Kevin Hunguillo (+) by Alexia Hinguillo Juliete Nwanguma (-) by Mom, Juliete December 31st, Thursday, Seventh Day within the Octave of Christmas; Jn 1:1-18 8:45 am Bede Emuka (-) by Rosita Emuka Quincy, Ebeny & Julieta (-) by Mom, Juliet 5:30 pm Fausto Montes (+) by Montes Family Elina Gutierrez (+) by Santiago & Georgina Romero January 1, 2016, Friday, Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God; Lk 2:16-21 10:00 am For All Souls in Purgatory by Rosa Gonzales & Family Altar Society Members, Living & Deceased January 2nd, Saturday, Sts. Basil the Great & Gregory Naziazen, bishops & doctors; Jn 1:19-28 Vigil: The Epiphany of the Lord 8:45 am Lucia Sherrill (+) by M/M J. Patriarca James Ohamuo (+) by Juliana Ohamuo 5:30 pm Craig & Ronnie Renz (+) by Arturo Canales Juan & Adela Solis (+) by Arturo Canales January 3rd, Sunday, The Epiphany of the Lord 7:30 am Nathan Mathew (-) by Mathew Family Jaclyn Aguirre (+) by Irma & Jesse Salinas 9:00 am For All Our Parishioners, Living & Deceased 10:45am Rudy Ramirez, Sr (+) by Wife, Children, Brothers & Sisters For Our Parish Families by Delgo Family 12:30 pm Miembros de Adoracion Nocturna, Vivos y Difuntos Rose Mary Perez & Family (-) by Family 5:30 pm Mary & Frank Maiorka (+) by Family Joe N. Failla (+) by Don & Vita Stern Sanctuary Candle Intention December 27, 2015 - January 3, 2016 In Loving Memory Rudy Ramirez, Sr by Pete & Mary R. Guajardo Come and Celebrate Jesus the Black Nazarene!...All parishioners are invited to celebrate the Feast of Our Lord, Jesus the Black Nazarene on Saturday, January 6, 2016. The festivities will begin at 9:30 am with the Rosary and Novena prayers; 10:30 am, procession of the Sacred Statue of Jesus the Black Nazarene; 11:00 am Holy Mass followed be fellowship and social gathering in the Parish Hall. Excerpt from Pope Francis' new law on annulment proceedings… "The laws that now come into effect are intended precisely to show the Church's closeness to wounded families, desiring that the many who experience matrimonial failure are reached by Christ's healing work through ecclesiastical structures, in the hope that they may again discover themselves to be God's missionaries to their brethren, for the good of the institution of the family." If you need information on the annulment process please call the Parish Office, 281-499-9688. A Special Thank You! To all our wonder ful “Elves” who worked so hard to make our Church beautiful for our Christmas celebrations! Especially to Marietta Cruise, Castro Landscaping, Georgina Romero & our “Martha Ministry”- a HUGE Thank You! To all the volunteers who work all through the year, all of you are amazing! Adult Faith Formation The parish provides free of charge the Symbolon on-line catechetical video. Please go to: https://, and enter parish registration code e78368, when prompted. Then select the topic you and your family would like to view. We hope you enjoy this opportunity to increase and/or refresh you and your family's knowledge of Church teaching. *****CHRISTMAS GIFTS TO HOLY FAMILY**** Remember your loved ones this Christmas with a gift to Holy Family Church. Specially marked envelopes are available at the main Church Entrance for your gift to be placed in the collection basket. Gift cards are also there for you to take to give the person telling them of your gift to Holy Family in their honor. Names of those honored or remembered will appear in the bulletin. MANY THANKS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS TO HOLY FAMILY! ________________________ Stewardship Thought “JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!” May the gifts you give this Christmas reflect the true love that Jesus brought into the world by His birth. If you wish to make an announcement, such as birthdays, anniversaries, sick, etc., submit a written note no later than Monday pm to the office. Please, no advertisements. Please pray for our U.S. Troops and civilian personnel overseas and here in the US; Major Blanca Reyes, US Army; Senior Master Sargent Carlos R. Villarreal, US Air Force; Senior Master Sargent Walisa Villarreal, US Air Force; Airman First Class Lisa Villarreal, US Air Force; Commander Greg Blyden, US Navy; Staff Sargent Guillermina Darino, US Army; Sargent Steve Garcia, US Army; Staff Sargent David A. Perez, US Army, Staff Sargent Leonardo Andrade, US Marine; Tech Sgt. Devon Simmons, US Air Force; Master Sgt. Erica Williams Simmons, US Air Force. Please pray for the sick of our Parish especially: Fr . Phi; Deacon Alfr ed Abr ams; J ohnnie Baiamonte; Sheila McCabe; Bertha Silva; Liana Mikulenka; Michael Oparaji, Sr.; Robert Miller; Ron Carter; Mary Lou Reumont; Betty Bath; Eddie Borrego; Ruben Velasquez; Veronica Lyon; Pete Guajardo; John Delome; Frances Castillo; Alice Boroski; Carl Anthony Cangelosi; Pat Trail; Enrico Fos; Israel R. Carranza; Charles Ferro; Deacon Jim Wright; Vince Mulle; Idalia Tenoria; Eva Guevara; Arthur Hauptman; Mary Nieto; Joseph LaCour; Sam Campbell; Julius Dumapit; Gilda Salazar Herrera; Joe Morales; Joey Salinas; Sandy Melchor; Lois Guillory; Isabelita Bernardo; Marcella Guzman; Marie Don LeVu; Perla Ferrer; Mamie Mercatante; Jose Guillermo Rodriguez; Lela Cantu; Araceli Escoto; Abel Abila; Josie Gonzales; Tomasa Herrera; Inez Graham; Christine Klatt; Josie Franklin; Mary Carmen dela Cruz; Movita Cavalier; Thomas Edward Hargis,Sr; Esperanza Melendez; Charles Clark; Natalie Anim-Kwapong; Haleigh E. Boutte; Martha Kocich; Mary Buri; Marsha & Allen Bustchek; Velma Packard; Mike Boutte; Gus Longoria, Jr; Fr Roy Oggero, CSB; Mary Bermea; Victor Rodriguez; Charlene Salvacion O’Campo; Cirilo E. Toledo; Maciela Solis; Jose Bustos; Mary Perez; Jesus Bravo, Pedro Jalomo, Elpidio Jalomo, Vicky Peralta; Jed Foronda; Augustine Martinez; Judy Torres; Greg Johnson; Jerry Escamilla; Alex Herrera; Joseph Michael Alejandro; Irene Basurto; Kay Hunnicutt; Jeanne Witt; Alicia Barron; Joe Larry Morales; Alejandra Mandujano; Mattie Ford; Bill Bates, Jr. HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Dr Andre LaCour - December 30th; Jay Guajardo - December 31st BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Pete Guajardo - December 3rd; Barbara Ramirez - December 13th CC ontinuing hristian E ducation Teach me Wisdom, Knowledge and Discipline 281 499-4612 CCE Activities… Sunday, December 27th No Sunday Classes or Baptisms Have a Blessed & Prosperous New Year! Sunday, January 3rd 9:00 am English RCIA - Mass & Class, Room #2 10:00 am Spanish RICA - Room #3 2:00 pm Spanish Group Baptisms CCE Parents: Classes for January, 2016, will resume on Wednesday, January 6th for the Pr e-K thru Elementary CCE, and on January 10th for the Sunday English & Spanish CCE Programs. 2nd graders for English CCE …will have their next Sacramental Preparation Class, Monday, January 11th at 6:00 pm. Please meet in the Parish Hall. Welcome to the newly baptized: LUCIA MERCEDES LANDIN: Par ents: Er iber to Landin & Mayr a A. Solorzano, Godparents: Alejandro & Griselda Martinez ANGEL EMILIANO CALDERON: Par ents: Alber to Calderon & Jhoana Rodriguez, Godparents: Joaquin & Isela Zamudio ANAYA ELYSE MURRAY: Par ents: Mar cus Mur ray & Anabel M. Canell, Godparent: Erica Villarreal CCE Parents...Please r emember to pay or continue to pay on your CCE fees for the 2015-16 sessions. Please contact the CCE office for info on your CCE account. (Barbara, 281-499-4612, ext. 333). Come join us as adult leaders in Holy Family Youth Ministry! Ther e ar e many ways adults can be involved. We need your gifts and talents to help lead our middle and high school teens closer to Christ. The following opportunities are available: Catechists - lead teachings and small groups. Catechists Aides - assists catechists with teaching and leading small groups. Prayer Team- provides prayer support for the youth ministry and coordinates prayer chain. Music Team - provides music support and praise and worship for youth events. Art and Environment Team - helps with setting the artistic environment for youth events, responsible for set up and clean up for youth events. Food Team – helps with food and drinks (juice, water, soda, etc.) for youth events. Entertainment Team – helps with games and icebreakers for youth events. The areas in which we have opportunities include middle school, high school, Confirmation I, and Confirmation II. All adults assisting Holy Family Youth Ministry must complete the Virtus course prior to serving, if they have not already done so. Also, if it has been over 5 years since taking Virtus, if you have not taken the refresher course, Keeping the Promise Alive, it should be taken. For more information about becoming involved with Holy Family Youth Ministry, please contact Melissa Hagen, Director of Youth Ministry, at (281) 499-4612, ext. 317. You may also e-mail her at [email protected]. Thank you so much for your support of Holy Family Youth Ministry! We look forward to hearing from you. Volunteers for 2015-16 CCE Classes...Anyone interested in helping with the CCE Programs as catechists or aides, please call the CCE Office to sign up. (281-499-4612). Only requirement is taking the VIRTUS class on “Protecting God's Children”. (High School students need to take the “Jerimiah Course” to help in classrooms – call CCE Office for details, 281-499-4612) St. Laurence Catholic School is now hiring Before and After School Community (BASC) Program Staff. We are looking for dependable, mature, and energetic college students (must be at least 18 years old) or adults who enjoy working with children. The position includes supervising children, preparing snacks, and completing paper work as needed. VIRTUS training is required. Hours are 6:30-7:45am and 2:00-6:30pm, Monday- Friday. Schedules will vary. Interested candidates for part-time job opportunities should send resumes to Lindsey Vainstein at [email protected]. ... and Treasure 5:30 pm Sat Bernice Chaloupka Dave Gallagher Volunteer Volunteer Maria Ramsey Jacqueline Harleaux Laurice Rochard Volunteer Margie Villarreal Lucio Avelaneda Crescy Lobo Sr Ancilla Uchendu Mary Guerrero Walburga Bullock Rose Garcia John Kunnakat Mary Paul Doretta Rychlik Roberto Maldonado Graciela Martinez Guadalupe Betancourt Julia Aguirre Rosie Rodriguez Ana Cortez Gwen Reinke Edna Kemavor Ugo Nweke Volunteer Rudy Cruz Marilyn O’Laughlin Volunteer 5:30 pm Sat 7:30 am Sun 9:00 am Sun 10:45 am Sun 12:30 pm Sun 5:30 pm Sun Inger Louis Don dela Torre Peter Udeh Cassie Levy Martina Torres Teana Watson Joycelyn Barnes Reese Jeanette Dansereau Nicky Watson Franca Okonkwo Leticia Vasques Gloria Batiste Roberts 5:30 pm Sat William Barre Volunteer Anna Maria Manakkil Volunteer Homero Flores Justine Udeh Julieta Nwanguma Daryl Tenio NA Malcolm Bailey Chismidi Okpara Albert Gomez Readers Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion 7:30 am Sun 9:00 am 10:45 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm Sun Ushers Altar Servers 7:30 am Sun 9:00 am Sun 10:45 am Sun 12:30 pm Sun 5:30 pm Sun Sat 5:30 pm Sun 7:30 am Sun 9:00 am Sun 10:45 am Sun 12:30 pm Sun 5:30 pm Henry Machala (Lead) Michael Barone John Ferro (Lead) Gilbert Colunga (Lead) Jose Ramirez Wen Guerra Jessie Gibson Angie Perez Volunteer Ledie Amon-Leavings Barbara Janda James Thurmond Marina Beltran Pat Duplechain Catherine Inoma Chinwe Osondu Adelaida Reyes Emma Maldonado Gloria Gutierrez Dina Morales Cecilia Flores Edgar Gonzales Gloria Almeida Gloria Espinosa Kathy Mroczkowski Volunteer Thresa Manakkil Joshua Udeh Darian Tenio Mary Ann Ogwuru Carl Mouton Bob Mejia Joe Macias George Thomas Jimmy Williams Financial Support For Church Operations Total For November 2015 Need Monthly/Operations Income: Offertory Faith Direct (EFT) Other Donations Fall Festival Income Monthly Total Over/(Shortage) $119,900 $95,868 $14,448 $6,092 $1,580 $117,988 ($1,012) Cumulative Year to Date 11/15 $10,488 2nd Collections for: Building Fund $6,698 St Vincent DePaul $4,246 Campaign for Human Development $603 DSF $2,672 Last month’s Building Fund Pledge Payments/Donations $19,889 Current Parish Mortgage Balance $2,097,151 2015 DSF Goal Pledges Paid to Date $120,000 $99,583 $94,585 Have you signed up with Faith Direct yet? With Faith Direct, you can make your offertory contributions, as well as your Building Fund contributions, to Holy Family Parish using your credit/debit card or bank account. Please enroll in this program by picking up an enrollment form from the church office, or by visiting to enr oll secur ely on line. Our parish code is TX364. Growing Together in Christ Capital Campaign/Increased Sunday Offertory … it’s not too late to make a pledge. Pledge cards are in the pew racks and at the entrance to the church. Bulletin Advertisements: Patr onize the sponsor s who adver tise in our bulletin, thank them for their suppor t . To advertise on the back of the bulletin please contact J. S. Paluch Co. Inc. 1-800-833-5941. CHURCH NAME Holy Family Church #003462 1510 5th Street Missouri City, TX 77489 TELEPHONE 281 499-9688 CONTACT PERSON Gail Hutchins SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2013 Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Windows Vista Business PRINTER Hp Laserjet 2100 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday 12:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION December 27, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS If not received by Wednesday 3:00 pm, please call Parish Office, 281 499-9688. Or Gail’s cell phone, 281 851-6568