First Friday - St Mark Catholic Church


First Friday - St Mark Catholic Church
Décimo Domingo Ordinario – Junio 5, 2016
St. Mark Catholic Church
(Parroquia de San Marcos)
643 St. Mark Place
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Fax: 561-735-3463
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00AM - 4:00PM
Closed Noon - 1:00PM (Lunch)
Daily Mass
8:00AM & 5:00PM
Morning Prayer (Laudes)
Evening Prayer (Vísperas)
Mass Schedule:
Saturday Vigil: 4:00PM
Sunday: 8:00AM, 10:00AM & 12:00PM
Misa en Español:
Domingo / Sunday: 4:00PM
8:30AM- 9:00AM &
3:00PM - 3:45PM
Tuesdays & Thursdays after the 8:00AM Mass
and by appointment
Friar Priests:
Basic Catholicism with
Father Dan
Fr. Dan G. Fink, OFM Conv. Pastor
Wednesdays after the
8:00AM Mass in the
St. Anthony Room.
Fr. Germain Kopaczynski, OFM Conv.
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Richard Florek, OFM Conv.
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Samuel Zebron, OFM Conv.
Priest in Residence
Mark Lizardi & Lee Levenson
Mrs. Janet Eleshewich
Mrs. Patty Schultz
Bereavement Ministry &
Ministry to the Sick:
Sr. Mary Joan Millecan, OSF,
Pastoral Minister
(561) 735-3530
Parish Catechetical Leader
& Family Ministry:
Mrs. Margaret Castor, PCL
Faith Formation for
Children & Teens:
Please contact Mrs. Margaret
Castor in the Parish Office
Baptism :
Contact Mrs. Margaret Castor
in the Parish Office to register.
Parents must be registered
parishioners and attend our
baptismal instruction. The
sooner you call the better, even
during your pregnancy. Please
do not make travel plans for
your family until your baptism
date is confirmed!
Novena to St.
Wednesday after
the 8:00AM Mass
Novena to St.
Every Tuesday
after the 8:00AM
First Friday
Every First Friday of the Month
After the 8:00AM Mass
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
& Quiet Time for Prayer
8:30AM - 7:00PM
7:00PM Holy Hour
Benediction at 8:00PM
Rite of Christian Initiation
Music Ministry:
Dr. Ronald F. Albano, Director for Adults:
of Music
Anyone who is interested in
becoming a Catholic or
completing his/her Christian
Initiation as a Catholic,
Contact the Parish Office at
least four months in advance. should call the Parish Office.
Are you a registered parishioner? Please do not
take for granted that you are registered in the parish just
because you attend mass and/or had your sacraments here
as a child. If we have no record of your parish
membership, it could be quite embarrassing to us or to
you or your family, when someone wishes to make
wedding plans, have a baby baptized, or if you have been
asked to act as a sponsor for baptism or confirmation.
Please fill out a census form, located in the narthex, in the
Parish office or online at
Once you have filled out the form please mail or bring it
to the Parish Office. THANK YOU!
We Will Say a Special Prayer for these men and women
serving our country - Especially: Courtney Johns, US Army; Pvt.
Trey Castor, Army Ranger; Joshua Cappello, US Marines;
Specialist Joshua Joseph Franklin, US Army; NDI (DSW) James
R. Duffey; Pvt. 1st Lt. Timothy R. Fitzgerald US Navy;
Christopher Gibb; Lt. Geoffrey Davis; Sgt. Jason N. Brown, U.S.
Army; Cpl. Toni Diesel; EMFR Michael D. Katte ENG/EE US
Navy; Lt. Kenneth Doyle, USN; Sr. Airman Michael Marshall,
USAF; AW/SW James Paino; Capt. David Liberti, USAF; Gy Sgt.
Charles F. Heck IV, USMC; US Navy Seal Michael Fink; Lt.
Thomas R. Weadon; Pvt. Chris Rodriguez; Capt. Christopher
Seamans, USAF; Captain John D. O’Connell USMC; Col. Dr.
William Venanzi; Pvt. Joseph Neceda Jr.; Col. Andrew Torelli
USAF; Patrick R. Neenan US Navy; Pvt. 1st Class US Army
Christopher McCarty & Chief Warrant Officer 4 Douglas R.
Please let us know when your family members have returned home safely.
Joyce Durburow
Dorothea Anderson
Katelyn Daige
Howard Solomon
Irene Burgos
Maria Pagan
Lillian Grace
Patricia Hedges
Edward Flanagan
Bonnie Frazier
Ralph Barba
James Quigley
MaryAnn Hoffman
Virginia Roth
Christopher Josef
Tina Licini
Denise Pena
Catherine Kerrigan
Lillian Bell
Lucille Stack
Agnes Buhalo
Loretta McKenzie
William White
Kay Brolley
Dominick Ellis
Ahlam Askar
Bart Iannetta Sr.
Marie Harned
Tom Spatafora
Jack D.
Michael D.
Tom Cappello
Marylou McWilliams
Howard Woody
Theresa O’Connor
Barbara Ferguson
Lynette Harrsion
Ralph Diaz
Mary Bajana
Mastrofillipo Family
Danny Beecher
David G
Linda Baily
Susan Siu Chong
Betty Eisenberger
Ron Floyd
Lizzi Tyler
Ena Chang
Mary Anne McNulty
Susan Allen
Linda Falcone
Kathleen Mellett
Joel Garfield
Bill Rodgers
Saturday/Sabado: June 4th
Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
8:00 AM +Joseph Notaro by his Wife, Eileen
8:30 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation (following Mass)
3:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation
4:00 PM Intentions of Joan Kuhn
Sunday/Domingo: June 5th
8:00 AM +Antoinette Insinga by Bruce, Janet & Family
10:00 AM +Jack O’Hara by Mattie & Bridie Walsh
12:00 PM All Parishioners of St. Mark Parish Living & +Deceased
4:00 PM Misa en Español
Monday/Lunes : June 6th
Weekday; St. Norbert, Bishop
7:40 AM Morning Prayer / Laudes
8:00 AM +Michael Tagbo by The Ezeilo Family
5:00 PM Special Intentions for Frank Walsh by Eileen McCarthy
5:30 PM Evening Prayer / Visperas
Gloria Pimenta Fernandez
Al Corscadden
Dayton Self
William Archer Sr.
Sal Sangi
Tuesday/Martes : June 7th
7:40 AM Morning Prayer / Laudes
8:00 AM +Michael Tagbo by The Ezeilo Family
8:30 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation (following Mass)
5:00 PM +Hugh Nolan by Patricia Fitzgerald
5:30 PM Evening Prayer / Visperas
Names are on the prayer list for approximately one month.
Please call the Parish Office to add or delete a name from the list.
Recent Deaths
Wednesday/Miercoles: June 8th Weekday
7:40 AM Morning Prayer / Laudes
8:00 AM +Guy DiBattista by Antoinette Giardelli
5:00 PM +Fern Trepanier by Ileana Lolatte
5:30 PM Evening Prayer / Visperas
Our condolences are extended to the
families of those who recently passed
away. May the Lord bless them and
keep them. May he turn his face toward
them and give them peace.
Thursday/Jueves: June 9th Weekday; St. Ephrem, Deacon, Doctor
7:40 AM Morning Prayer / Laudes
8:00 AM +Deceased Members of the Braunlinger Family
by Richard & Peggy Caprio
8:30 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation (following Mass)
5:00 PM +Barbie Lawless by John & Karen Tringali
5:30 PM Evening Prayer / Visperas
Friday/Viernes: June 10th Weekday
7:40 AM Morning Prayer / Laudes
8:00 AM +Guy DiBattista by John & Marie Cash
5:00 PM +Hugh Nolan by Kathleen & Tim Brosnan
5:30 PM Evening Prayer / Visperas
The Altar Flowers
For the week of June 4th-June 10th
Are In Memory of +Joseph Notaro
His Wife, Eileen
Saturday/Sabado: June 11th Memorial of St. Barnabas, Apostle
8:00 AM +Aaron McLelland & +Bill Shortley by the
McLelland, Stine & Shortley Families
8:30 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation (following Mass)
3:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation
4:00 PM +Michael & +Bridget Nally by Kathleen Mellett
The Altar Bread & Wine
For the week of June 4th-June 10th
Are In Memory of +Joseph Notaro
His Wife, Eileen
Sunday/Domingo: June 12th
8:00 AM +Teresa Quinones by Maria Quinones
10:00 AM +Joe Rinaldi by Ann & Ron Albano
12:00 PM +Mary Rooney & +Ruth Farrell by the Gianantonios
4:00 PM Misa en Español All Parishioners of St. Mark Parish
Living & +Deceased
The Sanctuary Candle
For the week of June 4th-June 10th
Is For All Our Special Intentions
If you would like to offer the altar flowers, bread & wine or the sanctuary
candle for the week, please come to the Parish Office to make arrangements.
Knights of Columbus
Trinity Council No. 4839
Men of the Parish - If you are looking for a way to give back
for all the blessings Our Lord has given you, please consider
joining the Knights of Columbus. As a Catholic men’s
organization, Knights do God’s work by raising money for
Parish programs and reaching out to support the needs of the
parish and community. From our wheelchair drive to our
Christmas Card sale and so much more, the Knights make a
difference in people’s lives here and all over the world. Please
contact Grand Knight - Victor Coppola at 561-736-7812.
Meetings are Every First Thursday of the Month at 7:00PM in
the St. Francis Center.
The St. Mark Council of Catholic Women is
currently on Summer Break! They normally meet
the second Saturday of each month from September
to May. Meetings are held from 10:00 am to 12:00
noon in the cafeteria. Membership is open to all
women of the parish, and new members are always
welcome. For more information, call Marge LaViola
at 329-4667 or Robbin Holman at 436-4251.
Trinity 4839 Columbiettes are now
meeting at St. Mark’s in support of our
brother Knights. We meet the First
Thursday of the month at 6:30PM in
the Madonna Room. We are a charitable group of
Women serving God, Church and Community. New
Members are welcome. For further information call
Brenda Faulkner 561-495-6127
The Legion of Mary meets on Wednesday
mornings after the 8:00AM Mass in the Chapel
where we recite the Rosary and have a short
meeting. The Legion offers an opportunity for
both spiritual and active enrichment. We invite
our auxiliary members to join us and always
welcome new members.
Centering Prayer
(Christian Meditation)
A method of prayer which prepares us to
receive the gift of God’s presence,
traditionally called contemplative prayer.
It consists of responding to the Spirit of Christ by
consenting to God’s presence within.
St. Mark Young Adults!!
If you are interested please call Bob Heffernan at 561-737
-9127 or 561-909-5085 for days and times.
Ages 18 - 35
Come meet the
Young Adults in your parish
and share what you would like
to see in St. Mark Parish!
Saint Mark Orchestra meets Sundays at
1:30PM in the St. Francis Center. For
information call Suzanne Knox 561-2671884 or Ron Albano 561-274-9553. All
Ages Invited!!
Contact Sandi Howard at
Grief Support Group & Caregivers Group
During the summer months,
there will be no structured weekly meeting at St. Mark.
Sally is available by phone, and willing to meet privately at your convenience.
Phone number: 561-215-8732
Summer Mass Schedule
Weekend Mass Times
are currently:
Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am,
& 4:00pm Misa en Español
Daily Masses 8:00am & 5:00pm
(in the Chapel)
In June , July & August we will
NOT have a 5:45pm Vigil Mass
on Saturday.
In July & August we will NOT
have a daily 5:00PM Mass.
It is that time once again to register for the
2016-2017 Year of Faith Formation.
Forms are now available on-line and in the Parish Office.
If you have any questions please contact Margaret in the Parish Office.
Grades K - 6 meet on Wednesday evenings from September - April.
Grades 7 - 9 meet in the mornings on the second and fourth Sunday of
the month from September - April.
Registration is available until August 1st, 2016.
We also have a Family Ministry with both Teen, Youth and Family
events throughout the year.
Welcome to Our Visitors!!
We would like you to know how much we appreciate and depend on your added support during your visit. For your
convenience, envelopes are available in the Narthex.
Thank you for your generosity.
Remember God can not be outdone in generosity.
The Collection for May 29th was
This weekend’s second collection
is for The Poor Clare Nuns.
FYI: 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time/X Domingo Ordinario – June/Junio 5, 2016
In today’s Readings for Mass the theme of life/death seems to permeate the Readings. I would like to talk
about the four realities: Life, Death, Heaven or Hell.
The first two are mandatory for every human being. As human beings created in the image and likeness of
God, we have a finite time on this earth. Our life begins when we are conceived in our mother’s womb. It is
part of our Catholic belief that at the moment of conception, that is when the ovum unites with one sperm, the
immortal soul is engendered in that person. The Old and New Testament bear witness to this belief in such
statements as “Before you were created in your mother’s womb, I knew you” or as such in today’s Reading,
“But God who from my mother’s womb had set me apart. . .” This means that every single human being is
created, has a purpose and is precious in the eyes of God! We as human beings have a beginning on this earth,
and we will have an end on this earth.
I once was counseling a woman who said to me, “Father, If I die, I want this done.” I told her, “Darling, it’s
not a question of if, the question is when!” Each human being will die. Our society today tends to shy away
from that reality. We come up with words or phrases like, “He passed away.” Or “I lost my wife.” When I
was growing up there was a woman in my home parish who always stated that she had lost her husband. She
wasn’t the nicest woman and was very critical of everyone. After one difficult encounter with her, I made the
remark to a friend, that her husband wasn’t lost, he escaped. The truth is that physically the body has died.
Now, we come to the second half of the realities. As Catholics, we believe that death is defined as The
moment when the soul leaves the body. Medical experts will sometimes tell us that physical death takes place
when the brain ceases to function. In the past, it was believed that when the heart stopped functioning, death
occurred. Needless to say, physical life is extinguished. What lives on for us is the soul! As Christians, we
believe that Jesus rose from the dead. We believe also that we will rise again.
Where do we go? We go ultimately either to heaven or hell. As human beings we have a tremendous gift
from God called free-will. This is the ability to choose good or evil. This choice is called the fundamental
The choice to do good is an important one, a serious one, as is the choice to do evil. Our future depends on the
choice each one makes. If one wants to go to heaven, one must be in love with God. One must turn away
from sin. One must conform one’s life so that one becomes a living prayer. This process takes a lifetime.
This process can have its ups and downs. The ingredients are centered in faith, hope and love. These are
aided by humility and patience.
If one wants to go to hell, just do the opposite. Hate or distance self from God. Embrace sin. Ignore or be
apathetic to virtue, holiness and justice. Tell self, that “I am the center of the universe.” Take no
responsibility for one’s actions and the results of one’s actions. Become filled with pride and arrogance.
Foster indifference. Tell oneself that “I have no rules or I am the exception to the rule.”
Condone and permit all attempts to dehumanize humanity.
In the Readings today, the young boy that Elijah restored to life eventually died. So did St. Paul as did the
widow’s son. So will we. The question that each must answer: will I go the resurrection of the just or meet
the fate of the condemned?
Brothers and sisters, while we have time, let us do good. – Fr. Dan.
Décimo Domingo Ordinario – Junio 5, 2016
El tema de vida /muerte parecen permear las lecturas de la misa de hoy. Me gustaría hablar sobre las cuatro
realidades: Vida, Muerte, Cielo o Infierno.
Las dos primeras son obligatorias para todo ser humano. Como seres humanos creados en la imagen y
semejanza de Dios, tenemos un tiempo limitado en esta tierra. Nuestra vida empieza cuando somos
concebidos en el seno de nuestras madres. Es parte de la fe católica que en el momento de la concepción, eso
es, cuando el óvulo se une con un espermatozoide, el alma inmortal es engendrada en esa persona. El Antiguo
y el Nuevo Testamento dan testimonio de esa creencia con afirmaciones como las siguientes “Antes de
formarte en el vientre te conocí” o, como aparece en la lectura de hoy, “Pero cuando Dios, quien me apartó
desde el seno materno…” Esto significa que ¡cada ser humano es creado, tiene un propósito y es especial en
la mirada preciosa de Dios! Nosotros, como seres humanos tenemos un comienzo en esta tierra y tendremos
un final en esta tierra.
Una vez aconsejé a una mujer que me dijo, “Padre, si muero, quiero que se haga esto.” Yo le dije, “Querida,
¡no se trata de si, se trata de cuándo!” Todo ser humano morirá. Nuestra sociedad trata de evadir esa realidad.
Decimos, por ejemplo, “He perdido a mi esposa.” Cuando yo era joven había una mujer en mi parroquia que
siempre decía que había perdido a su esposo. No era una mujer muy agradable y criticaba a todo el mundo.
Después de tener un momento difícil con ella le comenté a un amigo que esta mujer no había perdido a su
esposo sino más bien él se había escapado de ella. La verdad es que físicamente el cuerpo ha muerto.
Ahora llegamos a la segunda mitad de las realidades. Como católicos, creemos que la muerte se define
cuando el alma deja al cuerpo. Los expertos médicos a veces dicen que la muerte física tiene lugar cuando el
cerebro deja de funcionar. En el pasado se pensaba que la muerte ocurría cuando el corazón deja de funcionar.
La vida física se extingue. ¡Lo que sobrevive es el alma! Como cristianos, creemos que Jesús resucitó de entre
los muertos. Nuestra fe nos dice que nosotros también resucitaremos.
¿A dónde vamos? En definitiva iremos al cielo o al infierno. Como seres humanos tenemos un gran don de
Dios llamado libre albedrío. Esta es la capacidad de escoger el bien o el mal. Esta decisión se llama opción
La elección del bien es importante, seria, al igual que la elección del mal. Nuestro futuro depende de la
elección que cada uno hace. Si uno quiere ir al cielo, uno debe de amar a Dios. Uno debe de alejarse del
pecado. Nuestra vida se debe de convertir en una oración viviente. Este proceso se lleva toda una vida. Este
proceso puede tener sus altas y bajas. Los ingredientes se centran en la fe, la esperanza y el amor. La
humildad y la paciencia sirven de ayuda.
Si uno quiere ir al infierno, simplemente haga lo opuesto. Odie o aléjese de Dios. Abrace el pecado. Ignore la
virtud, la santidad y la justicia. Dígase a sí mismo, “Yo soy el centro del universo.” No tome responsabilidad
de sus acciones ni de los resultados de sus acciones. Llénese de orgullo y arrogancia. Cultive la indiferencia.
Dígase, “No tengo que seguir ninguna regla” o “yo soy una excepción a las reglas”. Condone y permita todos
los intentos de deshumanizar a la humanidad.
En las lecturas de hoy, el niño a quien Elías le devolvió la vida eventualmente murió. También murió San
Pablo y el hijo de la viuda. Igualmente moriremos nosotros. La pregunta que cada uno debe hacerse es, estaré
en la resurrección de los justos o de los condenados.
Hermanos y hermanas, mientras tengamos tiempo, hagamos el bien – Padre Dan
On May 21st Deacon Jonathan Stephanz
was ordained to the Priesthood in
The Diocese of St. Petersburg.
Father Jonathan will be coming back to St.
Mark for one day to have a Mass of Celebration
on June 12th at 12:00Noon.
Won’t you please join us to congratulate him?
There will be a reception in the Parish Center
following the Mass.
All are invited to attend!!
Continuing pastoral need:
Yes, we still have a need for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to serve the
patients at Bethesda Hospital. Would you please prayerfully consider serving the Church in
this privileged capacity?
Consider: This involves about two/three hours of ministry once or twice a month.
Father Germain is having another special class on Wednesday, June 8th at 11 AM in the
Pastoral office. Please contact Sister Mary Joan immediately at 561-735-3530 so that
preparations can be made.