Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 5, 2016 You changed my
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 5, 2016 You changed my
CHRIST THE KING ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 624 NORTH ROSSMORE AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90004 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 5, 2016 You changed my mourning into dancing; O LORD, my God, forever will I give you thanks. — Psalm 30:12, 13 PARISH OFFICE Pastor: Msgr. Paul Montoya Priest in Residence: Fr. John-Paul Gonzalez 616 North Rossmore Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90004 Phone: 323.465.7605 Fax: 323.463.4895 Hours: Mon - Fri : 9:00AM to 5:00PM PASTORAL TEAM Deacon Ricardo & Elba Villacorta Deacon Felix & Alicia Rac Deacon Marco & Martina Garcia Business Manager: Eva Clarke Director of Rel. Ed.: Sr. Alicia Hernandez, CVD Confirmation Coordinator: Maria Elena Burgos Wedding /XVRA/Funeral Coordinator: Sr. Maria Teresa Diaz, CVD Maintenance: Marcos Cortes PARISH SCHOOL (Grades: Transitional K through 8th) School Principal: Ruth Anderson Receptionist: Gigi Rabo Maintenance: Francisco Resendiz 617 N. Arden Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90004 323.462.4753—Fax: 323.462.8475 www.cksla.org [email protected] Hours: Mon-Fri: 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM Mass Schedule /Horario de Misas Saturday Vigil (Eng): 5:30PM Sunday (Eng): 8:30AM, 10:30AM, 5:30PM Domingo (Esp): 12:30PM Daily Mass/Misa Diaria Monday - Friday: 7:30AM (Eng) 1st Fri. / 1er Viernes: 6:30PM (Eng) Holy Days of Obligation / Días de Precepto 7:30AM, 8:15AM, 12:15PM, 6:00PM (English) 7:15PM (Español) Sacrament of Reconciliation / Confesiones Saturday / Sábado: 4:00PM - 5:00PM Tuesday / Martes: 7:00PM - 9:00PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament / Exposición del Santísimo Tuesday / Martes: 7:00PM - 9:00PM 1st Fri. / 1er Viernes: 7:30AM - 9:00PM HOW CAN WE SERVE YOU? ¿COMO LE PODEMOS SERVIR? New to Christ the King? Welcome. Wherever you are in your faith journey, it is great to have you. Please visit us in the office. We’re here to serve you. ¿Nuevo en Christ the King? Bienvenido. Donde quiera que este su jornada de fe, es bienvenido. Por favor visítenos en la oficina. Estamos aquí para servirle. Have your child for baptism? Please stop by the office to register at least three (3) months prior. A baptismal preparation is offered to help parents and godparents understand more deeply the sacrament. ¿Tiene un niño para bautizar? Por favor pase a la oficina a registrarlo por lo menos tres (3) meses antes. Hay una clase pre-bautismal que se ofrece a los padres y padrinos para que entiendan mas el sacramento. Getting married by the Church? Please make arrangements at least six (6) months prior. Please call the office. ¿Casándose por la Iglesia o celebrando sus XV años? Haga preparativos por lo menos seis (6) meses antes. Por favor llame a la oficina. Sick and/or homebound? Would like to receive Communion? Or seriously ill or in danger of death? We have dedicated ministers who can visit and bring you communion. Feel free to approach or call our priest for the Holy Anointing of the Sick. Please call the office. ¿Enfermo en casa u hospital? Desea recibir la Comunión? Tenemos ministros dedicados que le pueden visitar y llevarle comunión o si desea que un sacerdote le de la Unción de los Enfermos. Por favor llame a la oficina. To Make a Gift The correct legal designation for gifts to Christ the King Parish or School is: “The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles, a corporation sole for the benefit of Christ the King Church or School”. Parish Financial Update May 28th & 29th, 2016 Envelopes: Plate: Total Income: Expenses: Difference: Retirement Fund for Priests $3,030.00 $951.50 $3,981.50 $9,418.18 ($5,436.68) $776.00 PARISH CALENDAR 2016 Date Time Event June 05 Sunday 9:45 AM Eng. Choir (Church) June 06 Monday 7:30 PM 7:30 PM Pre-Baptismal Class Sp. Sp. Choir (Church) 7:00 PM Blessed Sacrament Adoration (Church) Festival Appreciation Dinner (Hall) June 07 Tuesday June 08 Wednesday 6:30PM 8:00 PM English Choir (Church) June 09 Thursday 7:30 PM Sp. Lectors (Library) June 10 Friday 8:00 PM Sp. Group 1 Cor. XIII (Hall) All day June 11 Saturday Year of Mercy –Day for Handicapped (Church) 11:00 AM School Graduation (Church) 3:00 PM DM Core Meeting (Library) Pray for the Sick Angela Alvarez, Revoydia Davis, Eli Sanders, Msgr. Al George, Teresita (Baby) Go, AJ Espadidlla, Michelle Thompson, Jose Mendoza, Esperanza Calderon, Evelyn Mazza, Bernardette Mendoza, Rosendo Martinez, Daniel Price, George Phillips, Sr., Cesar Bahena, Susan Berberich, Dora Morales, Jose Torres, Erick Salomon, Claudia Garcia, Charles and LaJeania Moore, Eva Rivas, Kamran Karimi, Francesca Chung, Mr. Gladwin, Barnabas Barretto, Marianne Leon, Andrea Romero, Jacinto Hernandez, Ricky A., Sanna A., Angela Palacios, Colin and Mercedes Wilson & Keith V. Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to You in this time of illness. O dearest comforter of the troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with Your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden. Dear God, we place our worries in Your hands. We ask that You restore Your servant to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge Your holy will and know that, whatsoever You do, You do for the love of us. Amen. Masses for the Week SAT. 8:00 PM 5:30 PM June 04 CTK Parishioners Ellen Garrovillas (Thanksgiving) SUN. 8:30 AM June 05 Amparo Obieta 10:30 AM Liberato Medrano † 12:30 PM Feligreses de CTK 5:30 PM CTK Parishioners MON. 7:30 AM June 06 Judy Garcia † TUE. 7:30 AM June 07 Cynthia & Leslie Guardado (Thanksgiving) WED. 7:30 AM June 08 Judy Garcia † THU. 7:30 AM June 09 Jose Urrutia † FRI. 7:30 AM 8:10 AM June 10 Angie Lisella Nelson Pye III (Thanksgiving) SAT. 5:30 PM June 11 Rigther J. Sigueñas † H eavenly Father, we lift up into your loving embrace: Liberato (Levy) Medrano, Elly Dronkers, Isamara Arellano, Jose Luis Urrutia, Leonardo Guevara, Mario Linares, Nestor Pineda, Hilda Zuniga, Emperatriz Gomez, & all deceased Parishioners of Christ the King Please give us the grace we need to continue with our lives and hold the precious memories warmly in our hearts, knowing that we will one day be reunited in that glorious place you have prepared for us all. We ask this in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. FUTURE EVENTS AT CTK June 5th Church Maintenance Fund Second Collection Today June 11th Jubilee for the Sick June 12th Peter’s Pence—Collection for the Holy Father. June 15th Follow-up Liturgy Meeting for Msgr. Retirement Mass June 19th Father’s Day Novena Starts. June 26th Mass for Msgr. Paul’s Retirement July 17th Blood Drive—Red Cross Sep. 10th Divine Mercy Congress Our Archbishop Jose Gomez invites us to pray, especially from June 1st to the 9th, the following prayer to intercede for a culture of life in Los Angles. Prayer for the Sick, Elderly and Dying O God, source of all life and hope, look kindly on our brothers and sisters facing the end of their lives, fill them with the hope of your mercy and give them peace and comfort. We pray for our citizens to choose life and fight against assisted suicide. Lord, move our hearts to work for life and for the protection of the elderly, the sick and the disabled. Renew our commitment to building a community where every human life is welcomed and wanted, valued and defended, from conception to natural death. We ask this through the intercession of Saint John Paul. Amen. HOPE AND LIFE Today’s readings tell the story of two widows. The first reading relates the plight of the widow with whom the prophet Elijah stayed; the Gospel tells about the widow of Nain. In each story, the widow’s only son had died. For people who lived in those cultures, the son was the only support of a widow, and the carrying on of the family name by the son was equal to immortality. A widow whose only son has died could lose all hope. Elijah and Jesus are the restorers of hope; they bring the sons back to life. Saint Paul was metaphorically raised from the dead when he experienced the conversion and call from God that he describes in today’s second reading. What are Christians called to do today? We may not be able to raise the dead, but perhaps we can rekindle hope for a single parent. We may not be able to convert a persecutor like Paul, but if we speak the gospel openly and gently with our lives, we might touch a life with the Good News. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. SAVE THE DATE Retirement Mass for Msgr. Paul Montoya June 26, 2016, 11:00 AM School Patio (followed by Reception) For more information call the Parish Office 323-465-7605 Father’s Day Novena Give your dad (living or deceased) a spiritual bouquet as a gift this year, offer a novena of Masses for him. The novena will begin on June 19th. Our Father’s Day Novena Cards will be available starting next week at the exits of the church and at the Parish Office. Suggested donation $20.00 for the 9 mases. WE THANK The Hospitality Ministry for hosting and sponsoring the Hospitality Special Thanks to the Marasigan, Go and Monsod Families for providing the supplies for every week’s hospitality. We are very grateful for all your hard work, professionalism, and generosity to the parish and our fellow parishioners. If you would like to volunteer, please contact: Mariem Rigonan: (213) 793 - 1028 THE POPE'S PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR JUNE 2016 Universal: Human Solidarity That the aged, marginalized, and those who have no one may find–even within the huge cities of the world –opportunities for encounter and solidarity. Evangelization: Seminarians and Novices That seminarians and men and women entering religious life may have mentors who live the joy of the Gospel and prepare them wisely for their mission. Mass Intentions If you want to offer up a Mass for your intentions, please call the Parish Office, at least two weeks in advance to the date you wish to have the Mass. 323-465-7605 Si desea ofrecer una misa por sus intenciones, favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial por lo menos dos semanas antes de la fecha que usted desea la misa. Humor Corner Which skunk lives in a church? - Pepe Le Pew How is compliance with child abuse prevention efforts verified? While background checks and fingerprinting of all those who work with children in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles are important, they are used in conjunction with abuse awareness and prevention training programs to help ensure that we create the safest possible parish and school environments for our children. An archdiocesan background-tracking information system, Volunteer and Personnel Information Network (VPIN), tracks assignment histories and compliance by employees and volunteers of fingerprinting, background checks and mandatory VIRTUS sexual abuse prevention training. VPIN allows parishes and schools to adapt features of the system to fit their local needs and it assists the archdiocese to complete its audit reports. For particular help, you may call Assistance Ministry at 213 637 7650. Jubilee Year of Mercy June 5, 2016 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Half the liturgical year 2016 is completed after six months of extraordinary celebrations. The Incarnation mystery: Jesus’ advent, nativity, epiphany. The Paschal mystery: Jesus’ passion, death, resurrection, Pentecost’s Holy Spirit. The solemnities of Holy Trinity and Jesus’ Body and Blood. Today the Church resumes Sundays in Ordinary Time, but with a Gospel of extraordinary mercy: Jesus raises a dead man to life. Yet the one who benefits most from his extraordinary mercy is not the dead son but his widowed mother. With her husband and only son deceased, this woman’s material support, in that patriarchal society, had vanished. So had her emotional support, leaving her helpless, abandoned, on society’s “peripheries.” One of Pope Francis’ hopes in calling this Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy is to transform us into more extraordinary Christians, by making our caring outreach to just such vulnerable people, and our practical self-sacrificing love for them, our ordinary, daily, Christian way of life! —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sun: Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mon: St. Norbert Thu: St. Ephrem; Julian Calendar Ascension Sat: St. Barnabas; Shavuot (Jewish observance) begins at sundown Como se confirma el cumplimiento de la prevención de abuso de niños? A la vez que la investigación de antecedentes y toma de huellas de los que trabajan con niños en la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles son importantes, se utilizan en conjunto con programas de concientización y prevención de abuso para tener las parroquias y escuelas más seguras y estables para nuestros niños. Un sistema arquidiocesano para la investigación de antecedentes, con el nombre de Redes de Información de Voluntarios y Personal (siglas en inglés: VPIN: Volunteer and Personnel Information Network), mantiene historia y cumplimiento de reglas de empleados y voluntarios, enfocando en el asunto de huellas, investigación de antecedentes y el entrenamiento obligatorio de la prevención de abuso sexual (VIRTUS). VPIN permite a las parroquias y escuelas adaptar varios elementos del sistema a sus necesidades locales y le ayuda a la arquidiócesis a cumplir los reportes de sus auditorias. Para obtener ayuda, llame a la Oficina del Ministerio de Ayuda al 213 637 7650. Año Jubilar de la Misericordia 5 de junio de 2016 Décimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Ya llegamos a la mitad del Año Litúrgico 2016 llenos de celebraciones extraordinarias. El misterio de la Encarnación: el Adviento, la Navidad y la Epifanía de Jesús. El misterio Pascual: la Pasión, Muerte y Resurrección de Jesús, el Pentecostés del Espíritu Santo. Las Solemnidades de la Santísima Trinidad y del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo. Hoy la Iglesia regresa a lo que se llama Domingos del Tiempo Ordinario, pero con un Evangelio de extraordinaria misericordia: Jesús revive a un hombre que estaba muerto; sin embargo, quien más se beneficia de su extraordinaria misericordia no es el hombre muerto sino su madre viuda. Con su esposo muerto y su único hijo fallecido y en una sociedad patriarcal no hay quien se encargue de la manutención de esta mujer. Así que su apoyo emocional, la deja indefensa, abandonada en la “periferia” de la sociedad. Una de las esperanzas del Papa Francisco al convocar este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia es transformarnos en cristianos extraordinarios, haciendo que nuestra atención llegue a las personas más vulnerables con nuestro amor generoso por ellos, ¡nuestra forma de vida cristiana ordinaria, diaria! —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc LA PRESENCIA DE DIOS Date cuenta que por encima de todo estás en la presencia de Dios... vacíate por completo y siéntate a esperar, contento con la gracia de Dios, como un polluelo que no prueba ni come nada sino de lo que su madre le da. —San Romualdo Décimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 5 de junio de 2016 Convertiste mi duelo en alégrate alabaré por eso eternamente — Salmo 30 (29):12, 13 CALENDARIO 2016 Fecha Hora Evento Junio 05 Domingo 9:45 AM Coro Ingles (Iglesia) Junio 06 Lunes 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 6:30 PM Adoración del Santísimo y Confesiones (Iglesia) Cena de Apreciación (Salón) Junio 08 Miércoles 8:00 PM Coro Ingles (Iglesia) Junio 09 Jueves 7:30 PM Lectores Esp. (Biblioteca) 8:00 PM Grupo 1a. Cor. 13— (Salón) Evangelización Todo el día Día para los deshabilitados—Año de la Misericordia Graduación de 8o grado (Iglesia) DM Reunión (Biblioteca_ Junio 07 Martes Junio 10 Viernes Junio 11 Sábado 7:00 PM Coro en Español (Iglesia)’ Clases Pre-bautismales (Biblioteca) 11:00 AM 3:00 PM NOVENARIO DEL DIA DEL PADRE Este año dele a su papá (vivo o difunto) un ramillete spiritual con un novenario de Misas que comenzaran el domingo 19 de Junio. Las tarjetas del Día del Padre estarán disponibles a partir del próximo fin de semana en las salidas de la iglesia, o en la Oficina Parroquial. Donación sugerida $20.00 Esquina del Humor… -Pepito, ¿Qué vas a ser cuando seas grande? -Yo, maestra, cuando sea grande seré Pepe o José. RESERVE LA FECHA Junio 26, 2016 a las 11:00AM Misa de Jubilación de Msgr. Paul Montoya En el Patio de la escuela (seguida por recepción) Para cualquier información llame a la oficina parroquial al 323-465-7605 Nuestro Arzobispo José Gómez nos ha pedido rezar la siguiente oración especialmente los días Junio 1o al 9th para interceder por una cultura de la vida en Los Ángeles. Oración por los enfermos ancianos y moribundos. Oh Dios, Fuente de vida y esperanza, mira con bondad a nuestros hermanos y hermanas que están enfrentando el fin de su vida, llénalos de esperanza en tu Misericordia y dales paz y Consuelo. Te pedimos por nuestros ciudadanos para que opten por la vida y luchen contra el suicidio asistido. Señor mueve nuestros corazones para trabajar por la vida y por la protección de los ancianos, los enfermos y los discapacitados. Renueva nuestro compromiso con la construcción de una comunidad donde toda vida humana sea bienvenida y querida, valorada y defendida, desde su concepción hasta su muerte natural. Todo esto te pedimos por la intercesión de San Juan Pablo II. Amen. INTENCIONES DE ORACION DEL SANTO PADRE PARA JUNIO 2016 Universal Solidaridad en las ciudades. Para que los ancianos, marginados y las personas solitarias encuentren, incluso en las grandes ciudades, oportunidades de encuentro y solidaridad. Por la Evangelización Formadores de seminaristas y novicios. Que los seminaristas y los novicios y novicias tengan formadores que vivan la alegría del Evangelio y les preparen con sabiduría para su misión. P A R I S H D I R E C T O R Y RELIGIOUS EDUCATION LITURGICAL MINISTRY Director of Religious Education Sr.AliciaHernandez,323.217.3661(cell) GradesK-8: SaturdaysfromSept.toMay 9:00amto11:00am Altar Servers: Scholastica Lee 323.216.0380 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Mila Agpaoa 323.313.7262 Lectors: Susan Sayar ot 323.559.1737 SacramentalPreparation SaturdaysJanuary-April Sacristans: Mar ie Moor e 323.463.0652 Ushers: J oe Silva 323.572.0996 Music / Choir Director: Br ad Fuller Contact Par ish Office CatequesisFamiliar:Sá bados, 11:00amto12:00pm 9:00am-11:00am Conϐirmation Coordinator MariaElenaBurgos,323-465-7605ext.103 Con irmation Classes:Saturdays(Sept.-May) 3:00pm-6:30pm Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA / RICA) RosalindDiego,Coordinator(English) 323.463.3306 Classes:Wednesdays7:30pm Dn.FelixRac,Coordinator(Españ ol) Clases:Viernes7:30pm 323.732.2782 SOCIAL / FRATERNAL Hospitality Ministry: MariemRigonan 213.793.1028 SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Chair :LelisCruzata 323.393.4144 MINISTERIO DE LITURGIA Coordinador: Dn. Ricar do Villacor ta 323.225.1009 Ministros de Eucaristía: René Bur gos 213.382.3633 Lectores: René Her nandez 818-502-0976 Director de Música: Dn. Mar co Gar cía 818.239.9699 Sacristán: Mar tha Pazmino 213.241.1272 Ujieres: Delfina Salas Obra de la Pasión: Rolando Bur gos Filipino Community: GaniRomana AnnualSimbangGabi 323.578.3258 Knights of Columbus: GrandKnight:JessieContreras DeputyGrandKnight:DariusCadorna The Serra Club: Doyouwanttobeapriest? Fr.SamWard Fr.SteveDavoren PARISH COUNCIL Finance Council Chair AlexBañ ez 323.270.3563 323.715.1048 323.461.7265 213-637.7514 Prayer Community / Comunidad de Oración Divine Mercy: LelisCruzata 323.393.4144 ·Formation“Faustinum”:every2ndSat.,3pm-5pm ·CoreMembersMeeting:every2ndSat.,5pm-6pm 626.457.6138 OUTREACH Homebound Ministers / Ministerio para los Enfermos: Bring the Blessed Sacrament to CTK shut-in parishioners Llevar la Eucaristía a los feligreses que no pueden venir. Respect Life / Respeto a la Vida NFP / Planificación Natural Familiar Maria Elena Burgos 213.382.3633 https://www. canfp.org Bereavement Ministry / Ministerio de Duelo: Dn. Marco Garcia 818.239.9699 St. Mary’s Center: 213.251.3591 Emergency food, utility assistance, & community resources. Alimento y asistencia de emergencia y recursos comunitarios. 4665 Willow Brook Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90029 Fax: 323-666-2708 One Heart One Mind: RosalindDiego Meet2nd&4thSun.,3pm-7pm,Hall 323.463.3306 Be sure to Corinthians XIII: Dn.MarcoAntonioGarcia 818.239.9699 EstudioBı́blico,Viernes,8:00pm,saló nparroquial Couples for Christ: FelipeGalanida Singles for Christ: AllanGonda KEEP IN TOUCH, KEEP INFORMED 323.387.8141 323.205.6068 and Follow us on Christ the King Roman Catholic Church Website: www.ctkla.org, http://twitter.com/ctkla ctk1917 Email: [email protected] Phone 323.465.7605
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Christ the King Roman Catholic Church, Hollywood
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Director of Religious Education Sr. Alicia Hernandez, 323.217.3661 (cell)
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