August 10, 2014 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 10, 2014 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
394 Tenney Avenue • Campbell, Ohio 44405 • (330)755-4141 • (330)755-1367 (fax) • (330)755-3633 (Español) A Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Youngstown The Mission of Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish is to celebrate the Sacraments, share our heritage and traditions, and support one another in living and sharing our faith in this community and throughout the world. August 10, 2014 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time PRESENCE It is difficult to be truly present to another. We speak of putting in an appearance or showing up. Even when we arrive, we are often distracted. We think ahead, or we review an unsettled past. Nonetheless, we are at our best when we truly show up. We are most fully ourselves when we are absorbed in something worthy of us: creative work, good conversation, prayer. In these instances we are wholly ourselves and wholly outside ourselves. Elijah knew this kind of engagement. He was one of God’s great prophets. In today’s first reading, he follows God’s command to journey to that most holy place, Mount Horeb. And there in great silence, Elijah encounters God. As for Peter and the apostles, they discover the presence of God after the storm at sea. They and the sea and the winds are stunned into silent reverence. Copyright c. J. S. Paluch Co. OUR PARISH’S CHURCHES St. John the Baptist Church 159 Reed Ave. Hall: (330)755-0036 St. Joseph the Provider Church 633 Porter Ave. Hall/Pierogi Sales: (330)755-1316 St. Lucy Church/Sta. Rosa de Lima 394 Tenney Ave. Palermo Hall: (330)755-4545 or (330)755-2245 All parish offices are located at 394 Tenney Ave., Campbell, OH 44405 330-755-4141 or 330-755-3633 Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00am - 3:00pm Email: [email protected] Website: MASS SCHEDULE: (check inside for details) at St. Joseph the Provider, July 1 - September 30 at St. Lucy/Sta. Rosa de Lima, Oct. 1 - December 31 at St. John the Baptist, January 1 - March 31 (2015) Rotation every 3 months Saturday (Vigil for Sunday): 4:00pm [with Confessions at 3:00pm] Sunday: 8:30am - 10:15am -12:00 Noon (Spanish) Weekdays [Monday - Friday] at 8:30am: Holy Days: (See inside) 2• CHRIST, THE GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH, CAMPBELL, OHIO I want to thank all of you for your kind words, gifts, and support on the occasion of my recent Anniversary and Birthday. Thank you!! This week, on Tuesday, I will be going to Kennywood with the servers. This is a great opportunity to thank them for their willingness to serve the Lord, to help the parish, and to grow in their practice of stewardship and discipleship. We pray that all of us continue to grow in this way. On August 15 is the Feast of the Assumption. We look forward to honoring Mary and continuing our parish traditions. There will still be the 8:30am morning Mass. (It is a Holy Day of Obligation.) And, our big celebration will be in the evening. The 5:30pm Mass followed by the procession and reception. I look forward to seeing you all there! And, soon there will be some transition in the rectory. August 17 is Dean Carson’s last day with us. He will have a short break and then return to the seminary in Columbus. We support him with our prayers. And, although the date is not known yet, Fr. Tobin is making steady progress and will be returning soon. We continue to pray for him, too. God bless you, Fr. Conoboy Quiero agradecerles a todos por sus amables palabras, regalos y apoyo conmigo por mi reciente Aniversario y cumpleaños. Gracias !!! El martes de esta semana, voy a ir a Kennywood con los monaguillos. Esta es una gran oportunidad para agradecerles por su voluntad de servir al Señor, para ayudar a la parroquia y a crecer en su práctica del servicio y discipulado. Oramos para que todos nosotros podamos seguir creciendo de esta manera. El 15 de Agosto es la Fiesta de la Asunción. Esperamos honrar a María y continuar las tradiciones de nuestra parroquia. Tendremos la misa de las 8:30am. (Es un día de Precepto). Y nuestra gran celebración será en la noche. Comenzando con la misa a las 5:30pm seguido por la procesión y recepción. Estoy deseando el verlos a todos allí ! Y pronto habrá una transición en la rectoria. El 17 de agosto es el último día de Dean Carson con nosotros. El trendrá un breve descanso y luego regresará al seminario en Columbus. Lo apoyamos con nuestras oraciones. Y, aunque no se sabe la fecha todavía el Padre Tobin esta haciendo un buen progreso y regresara pronto. Continuamos con nuestras oraciones por el también. Que Dios te bendiga, P. Conoboy Guided Labyrinth Walk Thursday, August. 14 - 6:30pm Join us the guided labyninth walk “On the Path to Accepting” Ursuline Center, Shields Road, Canfield Walks generally take 20 minutes to 1/2 hour. They are free and open to all people of faith. The Ursuline Center Labyrinth is a ministry of the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown and open year-round from dawn to dusk. It is handicapped accessible with ample parking. . For more information on walking the labyrinth, visit. 19TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - AUGUST 10, 2014 • 3 Mass Intentions The Rosary is prayed 1/2 hour before Mass. All Masses at St. Joseph the Provider Saturday, August 9 : - Vigil for Sunday 4:00pm Tom Valeriani (Dellick & Cifalde Families) Carolyne Semer (Jayne Angelo) John Zuraw Sr. (Jane Begala) SUNDAY, August 10: 19th Ordinary Sunday 8:30am Joseph Domko (G. Bogatek) 10:15am Christ, the Good Shepherd Memorial Mass Noon Victor Suarez (mother, Elisa Suarez) Edwardo “Eddy” Rodriguez (Family Rodriguiz) Maria Vazquez (Mara Ostrowski) Monday, August 11: St. Clare 8:30am Helen Zuzik (Churk & Carol Zamary Tuesday, August 12: St. Jane Frances de Chantal 8:30am Friends & Family (Rose Scarfo) Wednesday, August 13: Sts. Pontian & Hippolytus 8:30am Paul Kotsal (nephew, Eddie Kotsal) Thursday, August 14: St. Maximilian Kolbe 8:30am Jim Stellmar (wife, Dorothy) Friday, August 15: Assumption of Mary 8:30am In Honor of Mary 5:30pm In Honor of Mary (St. Lucy) Memorial Flames at St. Joseph the Provider Holy Family - Pasqulina Pantana (daughter, Angie & John Santillo) St. Theresa - Margaret Kopnicky (daughter, Betty Kavinsky) Christ, the Good Shepherd - Mary Mazzocca (Liana & Mike Berardino) Divine Mercy - Rose Bowden (Family) St. Anne - George Ostrowski (Barbara Castro) St. Anthony - Regina Sliwinski (Family) St. Elizabeth - Anna Polkabla (Altar & Rosary Society) St. Jude - Geneva Gambatese (Marietta & Matt Carlozzi) St. Lucy’s Men’s Society is looking for some help to set-up tables for our Assumption Celebration Wednesday, August 13 at 6:00pm in the Palermo Center Saturday, August 16: - Vigil for Sunday 10:00am Memorial Mass for George Kindinis 4:00pm Stanley Melnik (Uncle Tom Kolat) John Biej Sr. (daughter, Janice & grandchildren, Alexis & Rachel) Robert Petruska (M/M Robert Dulovich) SUNDAY, 8:30am 10:15am Noon August 17: 20th Ordinary Sunday John Vanca Sr. (son, Jack & Marlene Vanca) Gabriella Tataseo (husband, Mario) Maria Vazquez (St. Rose of Lima Damas) Francisco Reyes (Mara Ostrowski) Maria Leal (daughter, Maria & Harold Meyer) Friday, August 15 Assumption Mass 5:30pm followed by Procession Benediction Reception following. St. John’s Men’s Club Picnic Sunday, August 17 3:00pm At St. John’s Hall Widows of previous members are cordially invited. Mahoning Valley Slovak Fest Sunday, August 10 TODAY Slovak Mass 11:00am Slovak Fest Noon - 8:00pm Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Cornell Street Taste of Slovakia Dinner Served from Noon - 3:00pm Music by Eddie Vallus & Del Sinchak ($5.00 admission fee for polka bands only) Living Traditions Folk Ensemble Dancers 3:00 - 4:00pm 4 • CHRIST, THE GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH, CAMPBELL, OHIO THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH: Sunday, August 10: 10:15 & Noon Masses Damas Food Sale St. John’s Men Club meeting 4:30 - 5:00pm Wednesday, August 13 : 10am - 12noon Crochet Club Thursday, August 14 : 5:00pm Prayer Group Friday, August 15 : 9:30am Rosary 10:00am Mass Diocesan Infant Guild at St. Stanislaus ESTA SEMANA EN NUESTRA PARROQUIA Domingo, 10 de Agosto: Venta de Comida por las Damas después de las misas 10:15am y 12:00pm 4:30-5:00pm Reunión Club de Hombres St. John Miércoles, 13 de Agosto: 10am-12pm Club de Crochet en St. John Jueves, 14 de Agosto: 5:00pm Grupo de Oración Viernes, 15 de Agosto: 9:30am Rosario 10:00am Misa Diocesan Infant Guild en St. Stanislaus Friday, August 15 Assumption Mass 5:30pm followed by Procession Benediction Reception following. Saturday, August 16 : 10:00am Legion of Mary Sunday, August 17: 3:00pm St. John’s Men’s Club Picnic St. John Hall Viernes, 15 de Agosto Misa de Asunción 5:30pm Seguido por Procesión y Benedicción Habrá recepción. Sábado, 16 de Agosto: 10:00am Legión de María Domingo, 17 de Agosto: 3:00pm Picnic Club de Hombres St. John CHRIST, THE GOOD SHEPHERD 300 CLUB Dear Parishioners, At our 2013 dinner, the $2,500 Grand Prize was split between the last three members in the drawing (they each received $834). The first number drawn and the fourth number from the end each received $100 in gas cards. All others received a $10 gift card to Bob Evans and all had a great meal prepared by Chris Lilak Catering. Currently, we have eleven memberships available for purchase for the 2014 drawing. Paid memberships are eligible for the two $125 drawings if paid to date and you will receive notice if not (one in August and one in early October), your dinner at the drawing in November and a chance at the $2,500 grand prize. Our procedure is to reserve your number for the next year unless you inform us otherwise. If you have never belonged or have belonged and are not currently a member, we would like to take this opportunity to invite you to become a member and we hope to see you on Saturday, November 8, 2014. You will receive a letter in early October with all the details for the dinner. If you are interested, the cost is only $50 and you may make a reservation (dinner only) for a friend for only $15. You can purchase a membership by calling Chuck Zamary at 330 755-9453, or drop a note with your name and address on it in the collection basket and we will mail you a booklet. It is very important that we sell all 300 memberships to make the raffle successful. The dinner will be held at The Palermo Center at St. Lucy’s campus, 394 Tenney Ave., Campbell, Oh. ( corner of 12th St. and Tenney Ave. ) Thank you so much for your consideration. 300 Club Committee 19TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - AUGUST 10, 2014 • 5 STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE The story of Peter and Jesus on the water reminds us that when focused on God’s presence, we can accomplish great things. But when we take our eyes off of the Lord and place the focus on ourselves, then we sink. May our stewardship always stay focused on Christ in our midst. PARISH SACRIFICAL GIVING FOR 8/3: WEEKEND COLLECTION $9,119.00 TOTAL MONTHLY COLLECTION $28,500.00 TOTAL MONTHLY EXPENSE: $37,971.00 ADDITIONAL: Children: $42.00 Main/Utilities: $423.00 MASS ATTENDANCE FOR 8/3: 510 Thank you for your faithful offerings to your parish. ++ PRAY WITH THE SCRIPTURES ++ Readings for the week of August 10: TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The LORD said to Elijah: “Stand on the mountain; the LORD will be passing by” (1 Kings 19:9a, 11-13a). Psalm — Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation (Psalm 85). Second Reading — To the Israelites belong the covenants, the law, and the patriarchs; and from them comes the Christ (Romans 9:1-5). Gospel — As Jesus walked on the sea, the disciples were terrified (Matthew 14:22-33). . READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Ezekiel 1:2-5, 24-28c; Psalm 148; Matthew 17:22-27 Tuesday: Ezekiel 2:8 — 3:4; Psalm 119; Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Wednesday: Ezekiel 9:1-7; 10:18-22; Psalm 113; Matthew 18:15-20 Thursday: Ezekiel 12:1-12; Psalm 78; Matthew 18:21 — 19:1 Friday: Revelation 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Psalm 45; 1 Corinthians 15:20-27; Luke 1:39-56 Saturday: Ezekiel 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Psalm 51; Matthew 19:13-15 Sunday: Isaiah 56:1, 6-7; Psalm 67; Romans 11:13-15, 29-32; Matthew 15:21-28 Your prayers are requested for the health and well-being of the following parishioners: Scott Anderson Mary Bartholomew Nadine Bednarik Julia Beltz Mike Berardino Jim Bigley Lori Bodnar Pat Bozichovich Ted Braccolino Dorothy Buccieri Mary Bukofchan Kenneth Bukowski Danny Bullen Lefty Butchko Hannah Carnahan Melissa Carnahan Domenic Carrocce Joseph & Ellen Cassata Patti Centofanti Nilda Cruz Frances DelRae Ana Diaz Mary Dirienzo Mary Lou Dubaj Bernie Flowers William Galluppi Bob Gatti John Gerlick James Gotch Frances Gregor Iraklis Grillis Rosa Gonzalez Crispin Gonzalez Lucy Hames John Hames John Hamley Anne Hornak Ann Hudak Marcella Innocenzi Helen Janecko Elizabeth Jean Kana Mary Kominak Angelina Koval Kevina Koval Donny Kusky Joan Larriccia Dr. James Lazor Vern Libby John Lissi Joe Makosky Rose Makosky Hannah Marsh Kay & Joe Marshall Mary Mazzocca Joe Mazzocca, Sr. Jackie & Bruce McMillin Leo Miranda Josephine Misko Joe Montella Barbara Montella Darren Patterson Morgan Marge Mraz Ann Novacich John Orlo Tom Orlo Dave Parsons Brian Pascarella Antionette Pennel Walter Perez Fr. Steve Popovich Andy Rauzan Thomas Repasky Dolly Rich Ann Rivalsky Lois Rivalsky Carmen Rivera Tootsie Rivera Bibiano Rodriguez Paul Romeo Sylvia Rossodivita John Rozum Chester Rufh Andrea Ruscitti Gina Sacco Linda Schulte Freddie Seitz Helen Seman Marina Serrano Betty Serroka David Shaffer Denise Sharshan Jon Shabella Mike Simboli Diane Stamos Steve Stamos Betty Ann Glass Smith Shirley Szilagy Dave Tabor Jim Tabor Chip Taylor John Tessner Fr. Paul Tobin Mary Ann Trimboli Natalia Trimboli Priscilla Turscak Mary Uhrain Ed Uhrain Blanche Vanca Diane Varady Crissi Vallus Suzanne Morales Vetter Helen Wacht Edward Wacht Paul White, Sr. Patty Zbell Fr. Howard Ziemba Rudy Zura Also, please pray for our parishioners in nursing homes. 6• CHRIST, THE GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH, CAMPBELL, OHIO Religious Education Educación Religiosa All adults interested in learning about the Catholic faith or in need of receiving the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and/or Eucharist are encouraged to find out more about the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. An information session will be held in early September. Please call Marge O’Malley at the parish office 330.755.4141 for more information. Todo adulto interesado en aprender más acerca de la fe Católica o en necesidad de recibir los sacramentos del Bautismo, Confirmación y/o Eucaristía esta invitado a averiguar más sobre el Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos. Tendremos una sesión informativa a principios de Septiembre. Favor de llamar Marge O’Malley a la oficina de la parroquia 330.755.4141 para más información C.C.D. C.C.D Preparations are underway for another exciting religious education year. Kindergarten through grade 8 students will meet on Monday evenings, beginning September 15 from 6:00 - 7:30pm in the Faith Formation Center at St. Joseph the Provider. All children from Christ, the Good Shepherd entering grades kindergarten through grade 8 are welcome Los preparativos están en marcha para otro emocionante año de Educación Religiosa. Kindergarden hasta el grado 8 se reuniran los lunes por la noche, de 6:00pm - 7:30pm, comenzando el 15 de Septiembre en el Centro de Formación de Fe en St. Joseph. Todos los niños de Cristo, el Buen Pastor entrando en los grados Kindergarden a grado 8 son bienvenidos. Registration forms are available at St. Joseph the Provider, and at the Parish office. Only students new to the CCD program need to register. For more info call Marge O’Malley. Registraciones disponibles en St. Joseph y en la oficina Parroquial. Solo estudiantes nuevos para el programa de CCD necesitan registrarse. Para más información favor de llamar a Marge O’Malley. Please remember that two years of religious education are needed for the reception of First Eucharist, and ongoing education needed for Confirmation in grade 8. Favor recordar que 2 años de educación religiosa es necesario para recibir la Primera Comunión, y continúa educación es necesario para recibir Confirmación en el grado 8. We can always use additional adults and young adults in our classrooms as aides or co-teachers. Please consider sharing your time and faith with the young people of our Parish Podemos usar ayuda adicional de adultos y jóvenes adultos en nuestros salones. Por favor considere compartir su tiempo y fe con los niños de nuestra Parroquia. Assumption Flowers In Honor of Mary Dr. Lynn Ross DiMarzio Carmel & Al Gerlick Rose Scarfo Jean Paris Mary Ann Trimboli Sally Falasca Loretta “Lolly” Wityshyn M/M John Mesaros Anne Hornak M/M Candido Melendez Helen Shirilla Barbara Macejko Mary DiRienzo Thomas Orlo Elizabeth Kana Martha Stein Margaret Polkabla M/M Rey Esparra Karen Phillips Mary Kominak M/M Anthony Zinghini Patti Mikolay James Mikolay Cornelia & Dominic Pacella Atty John & Susy Almasy Mark Domanich Carl & Rose Snitzer John Snitzer Family Henry & Helen Grondolsky Jean Zuraw Angela Carano Mary Malys M/M Stephen Soltis Paul Zuzik Ann Rivalsky Frank & Christina Rossi Sandra Heri Norma Leach Pat & Patti DelSignore Jerry & Mary Ann Jurcisin Harold & Maria Meyer Anibal Burgos Pauline Ciccolelli Emily Terek M/M Ernest Janecko Diane Janeco Irene Wallace M/M George Gulu Jr. 19TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - AUGUST 10, 2014 • 7 CHRIST THE GOOD SHEPHERD MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION SUNDAY, AUGUST 10 10:15AM Donna Antal & Michelle Weichert Agnesi & Kovach Family Andy & Lottie Bezek Jan Bogatek Irene Bogatek John & Eleanor Biej Boleslaw & John Biej, Jr. Remo Carano & Mike Falasca Family Cantanzritti/Repko & Lanzo Centofani, Sliwinski, Bowden & Rivera Families Joseph & Helen Chuey Ben J. & Robert J. Ciccolelli Gregg Dimoff Davolio & Pezell Family DelGreco & Zetts Families Lou DelRae Dzurnak & Democko Family John & Anna Domanich Tillie Domanich Celeste & John Cyril Duda,III Dulocich & Bunofsky Fam. Furgan & Ornelas Family Ruth Garchar Jackie Gawron Gawron & Rubino Family Godoy & Perez Family Paul & Mary Gendron & Julian Lokiec Family Zoltan Gocala Henry J. & Helen Grondolsky Chuck Hanlon Robert Hames Hamley & Siva Families Hamrock & Krajnak Families Huzicka & Makatura Family Jurcisin & Bartos Families Michael C. Jenoff John & Sarah Knapick Krompegel & Wrobleswski John Kana & Kovach Family Peter & Fay Kocanyar Mike & Stella Loboy Kotsol & Magdziarz Family John & Catherine Kott Marciano & Falasca Family Masi & Shipka Families Maro Family Maro & Delucia Families Joseph Mraz Robert Nicalek Sr. & Elko Families Oles, Sinistro & Pila Families Orlowski & Swartz Family Dr. Richard Osman Attn. Daniel Osman Dennis Cheeks Osman Tom Patterson & Family Polkabla & Kollar Families Julia & Louis R. Palusak Peppino, Mary & Joseph Mangiarelli Joseph & Florence Peltz Juan & Eulalia Perez Pidock & Dorris Families Rose Richards Roger Salvatore Joseph M. Sebest Jr. Joseph & Elizabeth Sebest Sr. John Schultz & Bartos Family Sierzega & Kielb Families Ann Sikora Danielle & Rita Scott Carl F. & Rose Snitzer Alex Stellmar Family Jim Stellmar Rudy Simchick Ann Maro Slanina Dr. Stefan Slanina Slanina Family Svagerko & Scrocco Family Steven Tarajack Jr. Tesner & Krajnack Families John P. Vanca Ernest Varady Anthony Valerio & Linda Price Applewick Lisa Valerio Verba & Stefko Families Volovar & Pope Families Margaret Wayda Wielbruda Family Wydick & Fata Families Frank Yanek Zuzik & Gerlick Family When that sad moment touches your door Cuando ese momento triste toque sus puertas (330) 921-5014 Cell (330) 750-1721 Res. (330) 750-1724 Fax The Wasko Family 330-757-8855 - Office La Familia Wasko JOSEPH M. BARAK Specializing in: Diabetic, Geriatric, Pediatric Foot Care, Trauma and Wound Care, Foot and Ankle Surgery Doctor of Podiatric Medicine CWS, FACCWS We will be there with you in your pain. 87 W. McKinley Way-Rt.224 Poland, Ohio 44514 Estaremos para acompañarlos en su dolor ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 330/747-5257 ........... Windsor House at Omni 330-286-0462 LONG TERM CARE in a Home-Like Surrounding Phillip Panno, LNHA Terri Guidici, DON Commercial – Residential 400 Sexton St. State #45677 Habla Español Struthers, OH Bonded & Insured Email: [email protected] Ph. (330) 755-1466 FAX (330) 755-1463 Mark L. Rosa, Inc. 330-518-0289 Robert J. Wasko Jacquelyn Wasko-Shaw PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK 24/7 HELP 216 Coitsville Rd., Campbell, Ohio Se Habla Español - Nancy Crespo Laboy Casa: 330/755-9516 819 McCartney Rd., Ste 3 Campbell, OH 44405 CARMEN L. GARCIA Marketing Specialist ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB Skilled Nursing Care — Rehabilitation — Assisted Living Conveniently located off I-680 & Meridian Rd. TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 330-793-5648 *First Three Months MARK J. KOLMACIC A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. ATTORNEY AT LAW Wills, Estates, Trusts, Family Law, Bankruptcy 26 Market Street, Suite 610 • Youngstown, Ohio 44053 330-746-6591 ID No. 12329 Gary Gulu - Owner, Parishioner Kirila Funeral Home, Inc. Dedicated to Caring Since 1952 J. Kirila, Jr. Anthony J. Quahliero, Jr. 1295 Crescent Street, Youngstown, OH 44502 Michael Owner / Funeral Director Manager / Funeral Director 258 Poland Avenue Ph. 330 743 6510 Fax 330 743 6478 24-Hour Service (After Hours Call) 330 506 6043 RULLI BROS. MARKETS Quality Since 1917 Struthers, Ohio 44471 (330) 750-1321 • Kirk & Raccoon Rds., Austintown (330) 799.3477 South Ave. & Maple (330) 726.0777 phone 330-782-8035 State I.D. #11658 fax 330-782-8098 1144 E. Midlothian Blvd. (COMPLETE Youngstown, Ohio 44502-2839 PRESCRIPTION SERVICES) Campbell Pharmacy 135 Twelfth Street Campbell, OH 44405 Phone: (330) 755-5221 Two Locations in the U.S. Northeast Ohio’s BEST Diamond Value 3649 Canfield Rd. Coal Creek Plaza (Cornersburg) Canfield, Ohio 44406 330.793.9048 5200 E Market St., Suite 4 The Market Place Howland, Ohio 44484 330.609.5211 “AN ADVENTURE IN SHOPPING” FOR • HOME • FARM • SHOP • RECREATION 875 Mahoning Ave., Exit 5 on 680 Flea Market Bargains Without the Fleas CLOSEOUT BARGAINS . Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. 510115 Christ the Good Shepherd Parish 330-746-2969 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629