August 30, 2015: Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time


August 30, 2015: Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 6
8:00 am
St. Rose Community Mass
September 6
10:00 am
September 6
12:00 pm
Hector Perez
Allison Perez
Jayce Talamantes
Michael Kurzejke
Mark Kurzejke
Elizabeth Barajas
Cassandra Valtierra
Chris Garcia
Albert Valladares
Brenda Gonzales
Lectors/Lectores Sharon Pommier
Donna Ray
Jane Gerth
Silvia Esparza
Caitlyn Segura
Leonardo Lopez
de la
*John Lagacy
*Laura Shellie
Tatia Godin
Mary Herman
*Virginia Marsick
*Don Somerville
Cynthia Somerville
Roxanne Storke
Bertha Aviles
Jorge Juarez
Maria Trinidad Garcia
Mariana Parra
Alejandro Tellez
Celene Valtierra
Kathy Griffiths
Leslie Quezada
David Lystilla
Brenda Lystilla
Ted Bergeron
Phyllis Bergeron
Gloria Mendez
Angelica Hernandez
Anselmo Juarez
Jesus Saldivar
September 5
4:00 pm
Altar Servers/
Ashanti Quezada
Ian Quezada
Madonna Brosseau
Cookie Peak
Pat Posing
Cheryl Gerritson
Greeters/Ujieres Denny Brosseau
Gary Pommier
Ken Posing
Deborah Leach
Azzarelli Clinic:
Tuesday, Wednesday ,Thursday
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Martes, Miercoles, Jueves
 Registered Nurse
Clinic opens at 8:00am
Wednesday/Miercoles - September 2 Clinic opens at 8:00 am
 Certified Nurse Practitioner
 Doctor Day
1-3 pm
Friday/Viernes—September 4
9:00 am-12:00 noon
 St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
Wednesday, September 2 8-12 am
A Pharmacist will be available to check all
medications, Prescription and over the counter medications.
Religious Community Facts...Did You Know ?
For over 25 yrs., the Franciscan Sisters of the
Sacred Heart held their annual garage sale with the
proceeds going to their mission activity in Brazil.
4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
Aug. 31, 2015—No Mass
Sept. 1, 2015—No Mass
Sept. 2, 2015
† Barb Benoit (Barb Goselin)
Sept. 3, 2015
† Patty Littrell (Parish Family)
Sept. 4, 2015
† Mrs. Carla Conlon (Parish Family)
Bishop Conlon’s Mother
Sept. 5, 2015 Community Mass at St. Rose
For the wedding of Ellen Worth &
Michael Sinon (Donna Worth)
Sept. 6, 2015
† Barb Benoit (Sharon Wahl)
10:00 a.m.
† Mildred Deneau (Theresa & Ken Doehring)
12:00 p.m.
† Angel Gasca & Isabel Carmona
(Dolores Pizano)
4:00 p.m.
Please pray for the sick of our parish
Jackson Smith
Mary Warner
Rosa Toledo
Elsa Lindsey
Judi Buchholz
Peggy Oakes
Elena Acevedo
Mathew Raymond
Henry Pilarski
Jose Gaytan
Audrey Doehring
Aug. 29, 2015 Community Mass at St. Rose
For all the Parishioners of St. Teresa,
St. Martin, & St. Rose
Aug. 30, 2015
† Mrs. Carla Conlon (Parish Family)
Bishop Conlon’s Mother
Family of Mark Doehring
(Theresa & Ken Doehring)
† Maria Guerrero & Martin Medina
(Maricela Medina)
It’s back to school time again! This week, our children return to school for the new school year. It is
usually an exciting time, filled with hope as they start
fresh, to learn new things and grow in knowledge and
wisdom. So I want to begin this message with a
shout out to our children and their teachers and parents for a fruitful and blessed school year! May the
Lord keep your minds and hearts open to the many discoveries
that will happen this year, bearing in mind that God is really
what we seek, deep within our minds and hearts.
I have to say that learning is not only for the kids as school. All
of us have to continue learning and discovering. When we stop
learning is when we start declining. When we become mentally
stagnant or idle, we start to occupy our minds with other unhealthy things that may cause its corruption. That is why I recommend that we become more proactive about keeping our
minds occupied with learning new things, or doing creative
things that will enhance the positive life of our souls. The joy of
discovery keeps our minds fresh, therefore renews our spirits to
its core. That is also true about our faith. We can never stop
learning more about our Catholicism, our tradition that goes
back to Jesus and the apostles. There is so much to learn from
the 2,000 years of Christianity, many stories, many developments in the faith, many struggles in the Church from which we
can learn about being the Church of our time, many precious
legacies of prayer and teachings about various doctrines of the
faith, many lives of saints through the centuries that can inspire
us to follow the Lord. Yes, there is more than enough to learn
to sustain our spiritual hunger for more than a lifetime. Just
over a week ago, I had a very spiritually intense conversation
with a young person who had some questions about why we still
need to go to church, when we already know about God. It just
really dawned on me that what Socrates once said is true, that
the greatest hindrance to true knowledge is our presumption
that we already know. In fact, we never fully know, and there is
so much more to know about God and the Church. it is when
we think that we already know god that we completely missed
the point, because we can never know God enough, for as long
as we walk this earth as we all do.
It is in this light that I want to encourage all of our churches to
unite to a common goal of being part of some faith-learning
program through our parishes. I really want us to build a team
of leaders who can animate the culture of learning and discovery in our parishes. I am looking for them, and I have found a
number of them already. Many of them are already working in
the life of our parishes, and it is just a matter of pulling their
efforts together in order to be more intentional and creative in
inviting people to participate. As far as I am concerned, it is an
expectation that all Catholics are continuing to learn about their
faith. In the coming months, I will be focusing on this part of
the life of our parishes, because I believe that by learning together and discovering what we believe more deeply, we also
become closer together as a family of faith – Saint Martin, Saint
Rose, Saint Teresa – all united together in understanding what
we believe, so that we can practice what we believe together,
and teach what we believe to the next generation of Catholics in
our community.
Hungry for more discoveries,
Fr. Sunny Castillo
¡És tiempo de regresar a la escuela! Ésta semana,
nuestros niños comenzaron el nuevo año escolar. Usualmente se sienten emocionados, llenos de esperanza y
listos para comenzar, para aprender cosas nuevas y
crecer en conocimiento y sabiduría. Así es que empiezp
éste mensaje deseándo a todos los niños, a sus profesores y a sus padres un año escolar fructífero y santo!
Que el Señor mantenga sus mentes y corazones abiertos a tantos
descubrimientos que están por delánte, teniendo en cuenta que
és Dios a quién buscámos, en la profundidad de nuestras mentes
y corazones.
Tengo que decir que el aprender no es solo para los niños escolares. Todos debémos continuar aprendiendo y descubriendo.
Cuando dejámos de aprender és cuando comenzámos a decaer.
Cuando mentalmente estamos estancados o inactivos, entonces
comenzamos a ocupar nuestras mentes en cosas no saludables
que pueden causar su corrupción. Por éso és bueno ser más proactivos en mantener nuestras mentes más ocupadas en aprender
cosas nuevas, o en hacer cosas creativas que acreciéntan la vida
positiva de nuestras almas. La alegría de descubrir mantiene
nuestras mentes frescas y renueva profundamente nuestro
espíritu. Éso mismo es aplicable a nuestra fe. Nunca podemos
dejar de aprender acerca de nuestro Católicismo, nuestra tradición desde Jesús y sus apóstoles. Hay mucho por aprender de
los 2,000 años de Cristiandad, muchas historias, muchas revelaciones en nuestra fe, muchas luchas en la Iglesia de las cuales
podemos aprender el cómo podemos ser Iglesia hoy día, muchas
herencias de oración y enseñanzas de varias doctrinas de la fe,
muchas vidas de los santos a través de los siglos que nos pueden
inspirar en el seguimento al Señor. Sí, hay mucho por aprender
para sostener nuestra hambre espiritual por toda la vida. Hace
unos días, tube una conversación espiritual, intensa con una persona jóven que tenía muchas preguntas acerca de porqué todavía
necesitamos ir a la iglesia, cuando yá tenemos conocimiento de
Dios. Y luego recordé qué lo que dijo Socrates una vez y és la verdad, que el más grande obstáculo al verdadero conocimiento és
nuestra presunción de que yá lo sabémos. En realidad, nunca
conocemos ampleamente, y hay mucho más por conocer acerca
de Dios y la Iglesia. És cuando pensamos que yá conocemos a
Dios que completamente fracasamos, porque nunca llegarémos a
conocer a Dios suficientemente mientras caminémos por ésta
És en vista de ésto, que quiero animar a todas nuestras iglesias a
unirse en una meta común y participar en un programa de fe. De
véras quiero que formémos un equipo de líderes que puedan animar la cultura de conocimiento y descubrimiento en nuestras parroquias. Yo los estoy buscando, y yá he encontrado algunos.
Muchos yá estan comprometidos en la vida de nuestras parroquias, y es simplemente el unir esfuerzos y creatividad para invitar a la gente a participar. Según lo véo yo, és una expectación
que todos los Católicos estan continuándo en aprender acerca de
su fe. En estos meses, estaré enfocándome sobre ésta parte de
la vida de nuestras parroquias, porque créo que aprendiendo y
descubriendo juntos nuestras creéncias más a fondo, nos proporciona la unidad cómo familia de fe – San Martin, Santa Rosa,
Santa Teresa – todos unidos en comprensión, para así practicar lo
que creémos, y enseñar a la próxima generación de Católicos en
nuestra comunidad.
Hambriento por más descubrimientos,
Padre Sunny Castillo
Welcome - Bienvenido
361 St. Joseph Ave • Kankakee IL 60901
Phone (815) 933-7683
Fax (815) 933-7692
EMERGENCY # (815) 216-6733
Parish Office Hours
Mon. - Thurs. 9am-3pm
Fri. 9-12noon
Horario de la Oficina Hispana
Martes a Jueves
Mass Schedule
Weekend Saturday Community Mass at St. Rose 4:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 & 10:00 am
Misa en Español
Domingo 12:00 pm
Wednesday-Friday 8:00 am
Parish Staff Directory
Fr. Santos “Sunny” Castillo
Associate Pastor /Pastor Asociadio
Fr. Roy Jacob
Ronald Whitman & David Marlowe
Financial Director
Lilia Belka ext 226
Ministry Coordinator
Donna Worth ext 227
RCIA (Convert Preparation)
ext 227
Ministerio Hispano
Silvia Barajas ext 229
Sr. Elsie Gamez
Kathy Dummer & Sylvia Lane ext 221
Bulletin Information Please e-mail articles by Mon. @ 11am to
[email protected]
Youth Ministry
Ken & Michelle Barrie 427-8130
Music Ministry
Jane Veers 933-6058
Música Español
Ema Segura 592-4175
St Vincent de Paul Society
ext 212
Prayer Line
Barb Jepson 937-9260
Rita Kanosky 939-0319
Facebook Saint Teresa Church in Kankakee, IL
[email protected]
Lisieux Pastoral Center
Kathy Wade
[email protected]
Azzarelli Outreach Clinic
Parish Nurse & Director
Helen Chigaros RN
[email protected]
Aquinas Catholic Academy/
Academia Católica de Aquino
366 E. Hickory, Kankakee
School Principal
Mrs. Dana Berg
St. Patrick & Teresa Religious Education/
Educacion Religiosa y Doctrina
366 E. Hickory, Kankakee
Coordinator of Religious Ed
Time, Talent & Treasure
Fostering Stewardship as a way of life
In gratitude of God’s gifts of time and talent to us we
gratefully acknowledge and salute
Enedina Domínguez
Weekly Collections
Sunday Offering for August 23, 2015
$ 5,254.86
Sunday Envelope Breakdown
$300 & higher (1) • $200-$299 (0)
$100-$199 (9) • $75-$99 (6) •$50-$74 (10)
$25-$49 (36) • $11-$24 (31) • $10 & under (44)
Second Collection $1,109.54
Our Goal each Week
to cover our expenses is $6, 650.00
Nuestra Meta por Semana
para cubrir los gastos es de $6, 650.00
Thank you for your kind generosity and your deep love of St. Teresa
¡Gracias por su Generosidad!
Do you have someone that you would like to
honor with a mass intention for a
birthday, anniversary,
or another special date ?
Please call the office (933-7683) to schedule.
Weekday and Weekend masses available
Suggested Donation: $10.00
** You will still be able to have a 4:00pm mass intention
at the St. Rose Community Mass
Parish Media Links
Marcia Brown-Medina
Sacrament Procedures
Confessions at St. Rose
Saturday 3:00-3:30 pm
Baptism Classes
Pre-baptism Class is required
before your date will be set.
Please register two to three
months in advance!
St. Teresa 1:15 pm
2nd Sunday of the month
St. Martin 7:00pm
2nd Monday of the month
Baptisms in English
2nd Sunday of Month 2:30 pm
Spiritual Preparation begins at
least SIX MONTHS in advance.
Please do not make your
reservations until you have met
with the pastor
Communion Visits
Call the Parish Office
Adoration at Night
9:30 pm - 5:00 am in Spanish
First Saturdays
Eucharist Adoration in English
1st Friday of month 8:30am
Procedimiento para
Confesiones en Santa Rosa
Sábados 3:00-3:30 pm
Platicas Pre-bautismales
Platicas son requeridas antes
de fijar su fecha. Favor de
inscribirse de 2 a 3 meses de
Sta. Teresa - 10 am-12 pm
3er Domingo del Mes
Sta. Rosa 4:00 pm
2 do Domingo de l Mes
Bautizos Espanol
1er Domingo del Mes 12:00
Preparación Espiritual empieza
mínimo SEIS MESES de
anticipo. No haga
preparaciones para su
celebración antes de reunirse
con el párroco.
Visitas de Comunión
Llame a la oficina.
Quince Años y Presentaciones
Llame a la oficina.
Adoración Nocturna
1er Sábado del mes 9:30 pm
Caring for an Older Family Member?
Caregiver Education Series
Wednesdays, Noon—1:15pm
Light Lunch provided
Sept. 2
Finding Help and Accessing Services
Amanda Foltz, Catholic Charities
Sept. 9
Learning To Connect With My Loved Ones
Melanie Adams, Alzheimer’s Association
Sept. 16
Avoid The Scam! How to prevent being
victimized by fraud
Sasha Grabenstetter, Univ. Of Ill. Extension
Sessions held at
Kankakee First Church of the Nazarene
1000 N. Entrance Ave. Room 107, Kankakee
To Register: 815-523-9918
Aquinas Catholic Academy
3rd Annual Golf Outing
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Oak Springs Golf Course
Men and Women are invited to a day of fun and golf.
Please call chairman Sharon Jackson, 815-937-1556, for
more information about golfing and sponsorship.
Good Shepherd Manor’s
24th Annual Fall Festival
Saturday, September 19, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
¼ mile north of Momence – 4129 N. State Rt. 1-17
Classic Car Show, Craft and Antique Market, Silent
Auction Tent, BINGO, Children's Games and Crafts,
Pony Rides, Petting Zoo, Bounce House, Live Music,
Great Food…
Fun for the Whole Family!
Proceeds will benefit the special men with developmental
disabilities Good Shepherd Manor is privileged to serve.
Questions? Call (815) 472-3700 ext. 1020
Annual St. Rose of Lima Card Party
Sunday, September 20
Prayers for Success
As our children return back to school and
go off to college, we ask You bless and
keep them; make your face shine upon
them and be gracious to them; and life
Your countenance upon them and give
them Your peace and Your prosperity.
(St. Teresa Educational Mentoring)
Sunday, August 30, 2015
5:15 pm @ St. Rose
Calling all St. Teresa, St. Rose, and St. Martin freshmen
through senior high school students and parents.
Do you have questions regarding getting your child through high
school and on to a solid start for college or career after graduation? We will begin a series of meetings to help students and
parents with the high school journey. Grades, scholarships, resume’ formation, interview techniques, and much more will be
STEM is open to all high school students/parents interested in
help planning for college, junior college, trade school, or employment. We hope you will join us as we present tips and tools to
help our children, parish, and community grow.
For more information contact Jeri Bollwitt at
[email protected]
5 Noviembre,
308 E. Marsile Ave., Bourbonnais
, 2015
Friday, September 4, 7:00
Taize Prayer is a simple prayer service that consists of
Abogados del Proyecto de Inmigración les ofrece consultas
with orchestral
sus preguntas
acerca destrings,
la inmigración.
Las a
consultas cuestan $25.00 y están disponibles SOLO POR for
meditation, concluding with prayers for the world.
12:00 noon Lower church hall
$7.00 per person
Tickets may be purchased at the door
El Centro Pastoral Lisieux
371 N. St. Joseph Ave.
Kankakee, Il 60901
Chicken dinner served
Para fijar una cita:
Llame al 309-829-8703
los Lunes o Miércoles de 10 a.m .a 4 p.m.
Get a group together
and enjoy a fun
afternoon of cards
or games!
“ Keeping the spirit of the Gospel means that
St. Teresa Parish Festival
5:00-9:30 pm
Dinner/Silent Auction/Dance
$25.00 per person
Follow us and Like us
on Facebook
St. Teresa Parish Festival
instituciones católicas deben ser tetigos en el amor de
toda la verdad sobre la persona humana brindando
servicios socials, caritativos y educativos de una manera
que refleje plenamentela dignidad dada por Dios de la
persona humana.”
12:00 noon-8 pm
11:00 am
Outdoor Bilingual Mass
under the tent
Potluck Meal
Arzobispo William E. Lori, “Libertad de testimoniar”
Please do your best to sell
all of the tickets and return
money and ticket stubs as
soon as possible.
If you need more tickets
call the parish office.
Thank You
Raffle Prize Drawing
The St. Teresa
Silent Auction
is seeking donations for our
Celebration of Friends
Dinner and Auction
Por favor tartan de vender
los boletos de rifa y
revolver el dinero los mas
pronto que possible.
Si necesitan mas boletos
llaman a la oficina.
Friday, Oct. 2, 2015
Items such as gift certificates,
Donations Needed!!
themed baskets, concert or
2 Liter bottles of pop for
sports tickets, and sports merthe Ring Toss Game.
chandise are popular.
Donations can be dropped off Bottles can be dropped off at
the parish office.
at the parish office
Please contact
Donna Worth
(815) 933-7683 or by e-mail
[email protected]
with questions.
Archbishop William E. Lori, “Freedom to Bear Witness”
“Mantener el espíritu del Evangelio significa que las
Rose of Spirit & Rose of
Service Awards Presented
2 Mile Family Fun Walk
Children’s Games
Craft Show
Minute To Win It Contest
Food Vendors and more!!
Catholic institutions are to bear witness in love
to the full truth about the human person providing
social, charitable, and educational services in a manner
that fully reflects the God-given dignity of the human
By Father Ronald Rolheiser
WHEN: Mondays, Sept. 14, 21, 28 from 6-8 pm
WHERE: Maternity BVM, St. Viater Hall, Bourbonnais
SPONSORED BY: Inter-Parish Women’s Committee
Each session will discuss 2 chapters of the book, in succession. Free study guide: www.Franciscan
Book is available at Love Christian Book Store, Kankakee
Register: Call or email Alicia Parkinson 815-932-9423
22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Aug. 29/30, 2015
Today’s Scripture passages express a common theme: God,
through His commandments, guides us to live good and holy
lives. Moses makes clear how blessed the ancient Israelites
are to be called close to God as His people. In St. Mark’s
Gospel, Jesus explains that following strict rituals may actually lead to disregarding the spirit of the commandments
themselves. St. James expresses two important stewardship
principles: First, all good gifts come from God and second,
good Christians welcome and are doers of His Word. Christian stewards acknowledge God’s abundant gifts and strive
to embrace Christian stewardship as a way of life. We witness this through gratefully giving back to God the first
fruits of our time, talent, and treasure to feeding and clothing those in need, sheltering the homeless, and visiting the
sick, the elderly, and the incarcerated. These Corporal
Works of Mercy put our faith into action for Christ.
Nurse Notes: SPIRITUAL HEALTH August 29/30
#3 Take a time out– Feeling like you’re drained eve
n though it’s just the start of the day is a sure-fire
sign that your spiritual health is in decline. Take a
break at one point in a day, say an hour, to just relax, walk around or sit in a park. This gives you the
chance to refresh and refocus while bringing you
closer to your spiritual inclinations.